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File: 196 KB, 852x961, hobo-and-dog59776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3704689 No.3704689 [Reply] [Original]

You have the option of becoming homeless or getting a job and no longer being a NEET, which do you do /jp?

>> No.3704701


>> No.3704700

Depends on whether I'd have a laptop and a way to recharge the battery if I was homeless.

>> No.3704704

Well if you're actually going to hand me a job I'll take it. Figs don't pay for themselves.

>> No.3704718

You'd have to look for it yourself.

>> No.3704726

Getting a job and no longer being a NEET, duh.
You're not going to get very good Internet under a bridge.

>> No.3704729

I just got hired today so, guess I chose the latter.

>> No.3704735

I'm sure at least a fair amount of us aren't jobless because we want to be. It's not easy finding work, especially with the economy right now.

>> No.3704736

Homeless people have no electricity. They're homeless.

>> No.3704741

Security Guard job here I come.

>> No.3704755

Homes aren't the only places with electricity, you know.

>> No.3704757

That homeless person in the OP looks like he's camping. That seems pretty fun.

>> No.3704761

You mean all this time I could be a homeless?!!? imagine roaming the wide wild world with nothing but you and your loyal animal companion never knowing what tomorrow will bring, adventuring thru all of the land, FUCK YEAHR!

>> No.3704765

Can I install VN's at a public library?

>> No.3704767

You can use a public library.

Anyway, you would have to be insane not to choose having a job. They're really not all that bad.

>> No.3704775

Imagine all the digging through trashcans you get to do to feed yourself every day, FUCK YEAHR!

>> No.3704779

Gonna find out in about three months here :-(

>> No.3704780

Or you could go forage for food in the forest. Lazy city folk.

>> No.3704785


>> No.3704786

You mean I could get a guaranteed job in this unemployment climate with no previous experience or references? Sign me up.

>> No.3704790

Gonna eat some berries covered in bear shit and then sleep under a few leaves while keeping an ear out for wolves, kickass.

>> No.3704801

Find a better berry bush and sleep in a tree, faggot.

>> No.3704833

Or I could get a job and eat real food, and sleep in a real bed, in my real house with central heating/air.

>> No.3704853

Finding one is a huge pain in the ass, though.

>> No.3704857

And then your city is nuked and you die a terrible death from radiation while my location deep in the wilderness ensures my survival for the time being.

>> No.3704870
File: 78 KB, 449x700, 7382138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we have not read this book.

>> No.3704881
File: 56 KB, 550x550, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3704884

I read that book. Three times.

The sequel sucked ass and disappointed me greatly when I was a child.

>> No.3704896


The sequel was written 40 years later by a cash-strapped author. It does not exist.

>> No.3704899

i read that book. he lives inside a tree or something for awhile.

>> No.3704905

I had to read it for grade 7 I believe.

>> No.3704910

This does not erase my childhood's pain.

>> No.3704912



>> No.3704915

I hated the end when his family showed up to live in the wild with him, fuck that, self sufficient woodland hobo forever

>> No.3704926


In the sequel, they pussied out and he got to live alone until his loli imouto showed up.

>> No.3704942 [DELETED] 

Most of them are kicked out in the sequel.
The shitty part is when they start to modernize it and [spoilers]he releases Frightful. ;_;[/spoilers]

>> No.3704947

I don't have any references. No friends, family, nothing. It's impossible to get a job without one. Volunteering doesn't get me food on my plate.

>> No.3704963

Although I've never done it, I'm certain there's some church group or volunteer group somewhere that will feed you for volunteering if you ask them.

>> No.3704973

I got a job at the public library without any references or experience.

>> No.3704974

It's not impossible. Pretty sure McDonald's and such will hire you.

>> No.3704990

How the hell do NEET's support themselves? living with there parents?

>> No.3705002

Bingo, in most cases. Myself included.

>> No.3705004

Living with where parents?

Living with here parents?

>> No.3705021

Not all NEETs have parents. Some are on their own.

>> No.3705027

There parents = parents from a particular place.

>> No.3705044

And how do they support themselves?

>> No.3705047

I remember I was in this same position three months ago. Stay NEET with my 3d girlfriend who cheated on me countless time, or move out of town and start a new life/job but also give up all of my hobbies and interest at the same time. I chose to move, and I haven't regretted it since.

>> No.3705049

Yeah, typo.

>> No.3705068

Presumably they have money saved up.

>> No.3705081

Become homeless, live a pitiful life wishing for the day you could get back on the internet,

then you join the military, just to stop living a pathetic life crushed under the feet of society and end up turning into a muscled combat machine, who will have a adventurous life in the military until his contract is over.

Or you just enlist until you die in glorious battle, it is not suicide and a just cause

>> No.3705090

>just cause

>> No.3705116

killing lesser colored races for glorious white america is a just cause.

>> No.3705121

I think he meant enlist in the army and shoot up the place.

>> No.3705130

I don't think I could meet the physical requirements to enlist.

>> No.3705471

Join an organization of professional murderers.
Be chill as fuck.
