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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3699804 No.3699804 [Reply] [Original]

Why is life so shitty?

>> No.3699809

Because life isn't 2d.

>> No.3699814


>> No.3699815

Because you lack direction

>> No.3699816

If you hate it so much, why not end it all?

>> No.3699818

Money solves everything... really...

>> No.3699821

have patience, it'll all be over some day

>> No.3699822


And why would it be better in 2d? The same issues'd exist, the same things would happen, even if your waifu did exist, she'd never love anyone who loved her back.


Trust me, if I didn't have anybody left I would, but I'm trying not to be selfish.

>> No.3699842


Money isn't everything.

>> No.3699848

True but it sure made my life easier...

>> No.3699856

Oh yes it is. The reason why you're able to sit at your computer posting about how shitty life is? Somebody's paying for it.

>> No.3699858

You need a goal, and to work for it. I notice those without a dream are the most dissatisfied with life.

>> No.3699859

>but I'm trying not to be selfish.

You still care, it's not about the matter of being selfish or not. If you were going to kill yourself, then something like that wouldn't matter.

>> No.3699863

Look at what happened to Martin Luther King.

>> No.3699864

Oh god I love freckles.

>> No.3699866


I'm just saying from experience that having money doesn't make you happy.


I can't find anything sharp.

>> No.3699871

ι(´Д`υ) ハァァァハァ

>> No.3699872

>I'm just saying from experience that having money doesn't make you happy.
Try going without it for a while.

>> No.3699880


I never said not having it is better, just that its incapable of purchasing any lasting human emotions.

>> No.3699884

Then what exactly is your goal in life? If there is none, may I suggest one... to earn 2 Million Dollars before you reach the age of 40... it's not an easy goal... there were several nights I coudn't sleep very well. But it's a very rewarding path... you'll make mistakes, enemies, headaches, health problems due to stress but you'll learn to enjoy it once you harvest the fruits of your labor.

>> No.3699891


>> No.3699892
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;; ~~

>> No.3699894

Let me do a follow up on this one...

Why not try and loan some capital... say $10,000.00 initial. Then focus on consumables... specifically high demand high profit consumables... like printer inks...

>> No.3699896

Mugen, give me some money fucker

>> No.3699897

What the fuck ever, guys.

No comment posted in this thread will change anyone's life.

So might I suggest freckle girl dump?

>> No.3699898


I'm supposed to die two years after that point.

>> No.3699900

Start doing retails first. Do your research and find a decent supplier who could give you the lowest price but don't compromise quality. Try ask for a chemical analysis on his inks and compare it with others...

>> No.3699903
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>> No.3699911
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This is a good idea, friend.

>> No.3699914

Let me finish... hear me out...

Then, see who could ship reliably and fast. I suggest you find a supplier who has money return/replace if shipment is damaged.

Start small and hand out proposals to companies saying you'll give them a better deal on inks and printers. Ask them if someone else is supplying them. If there is, try and lower your price but not much.

>> No.3699917

Is /jp/ your blog or something?

>> No.3699918
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>> No.3699923

Once you got regular clients, take good care of them. I suggest divert 75% of your income to expansion (better equipment, better place, research)

Once money is flowing inwards comfortably. You may want to slowly expand and try incorporating other businesses.

>> No.3699925

Mugen, shut up and draw freckled girls.

>> No.3699926

>say $10,000.00 initial


Any lender that would give $10,000 to anyone posting in this thread is a lender that it would a Bad Idea to borrow from.

>> No.3699928

/jp/ - Printer Ink Salesman Training

>> No.3699932

No... I'm just telling /jp/ how I earned my first Million dollars.

Try importing printers directly from the manufacturers then do research on CIS. I suggest you go to China since most CIS suppliers not only sell them at a low price but also provide training and excelent after service.

>> No.3699934
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(*´Д`) (*´Д`) (*´Д`) (*´Д`) (*´Д`) (*´Д`) (*´Д`)

>> No.3699940

You don't have a million dollars. You also post on /jp/. You're also one of the shittiest tripfags on /jp/.

>> No.3699941

None of the money you have is your own mugenjohncel. Being born to rich fuck parents doesn't count.

>> No.3699942
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>> No.3699944

Mugen buy me this please

>> No.3699945

Judging from his previous photos of his house and offices, he does.

>> No.3699952

Sure but let me finish...

Word of caution, make sure your printer supplier doesn't know you're dealing with CIS kits. They'll blacklist you (which is exactly what Epson Philippines did to me).

Anyway, give it a year and a half for the whole business to stabilize. Also, make sure you DON'T teach everything to your technician. Technicians are high demand personel and is succeptible to being pirated by other competitors.

Assign and teach one or two technician solely to CIS and the rest for printer troubleshooting.

>> No.3699953
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>> No.3699968

What?... you still think /jp/ is exclusively composed of teenagers, neets and hikikomoris? Seriously, the quality of the posts made in this board suggests otherwise.

>> No.3699971

No it consists of retards like yourself and whiney 17 year olds like the OP.

>> No.3699976

Let's continue...

Now here's the tricky part. Once you decided to expand, you won't have time to man each and every single store you had. Time to consider hiring store managers.

I can suggest two options for this. Either you hire a business management graduate with 4 years but not over than 10 years experience in retailing or you could personally train one of your technicians/store clerk in the art of management.

>> No.3699978

>the quality of the posts

yeah, shitty quality

>> No.3699980

Nope, not interested anymore.

>> No.3699984

no u this, no u that hurr your a fag

no u

No really, Mugen is quite the successful man. He is married and owns a company. Although he is attention whoring now.

>> No.3699991

>Although he is attention whoring now.
When does he not do this?

>> No.3699994

Why would I care about success? He sucks at posting.

>> No.3700000

You know, I was planning this coming Christmas to give away $500 to random tripcode users if I reach my target quota this year.

Now... each options does have it's certain advantages and disadvantages.

Management graduates does have the edge when it comes to handling business matters but will still be dependent on the rest of the staff. Just because he/she is a magna cum laude doesn't mean he/she will become a good manager. Instead, try and ask a potential candidate what are her plans/strategies to make a business successful, efficient...

>> No.3700003

He always attention whores.

>> No.3700009

>He is married and owns a company.

Haha, you actually believe that shit?

>> No.3700012

Stop giving useless advice. If you really are a "successful man" you should know that it's a waste of time here.

>> No.3700014

This is a good idea, it'll encourage more tripcode use.

>> No.3700021

Here's some useful advice. If you have a problem with reloading too often to get anything done, get reloadevery and stick to it.

>> No.3700034
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>> No.3700035

The other option on the other hand is more proficient in the actual product/service of the business but doesn't really understand the rules of running a business.

You have a technician servicing a printer. And this particular technician is very good except he's taking way too long to repair a printer. Let's say you pay this technician $10 a day. Apologies for Bad English but most technicians, their mindset is aimed at doing their job as best as they could. Nothing wrong with that except time is wasted. They really didn't care how long it takes as long as they finish their job which is harmful in the long run. You only make say $200 when you could have the potential to make $500 upwards.

>> No.3700042
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>> No.3700045

Stress reliever...

>> No.3700059

>this coming Christmas to give away $500 to random tripcode users if I reach my target quota this year
I am now a tripcode user

I wouldn't believe it without some proof. He posted a few pictures back then but I didn't save any of them.

>> No.3700070

Let me clarify this...

There are only 24 hours in a day, no more, no less, and as a business, your agenda is to earn as much money during operation hours.

>> No.3700087
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>> No.3700097

Printer Ink salesman get. Who would of thought...

>> No.3700098

I have a lot of money in the bank to start with, I'm far too lazy/smart to start a business though.

>> No.3700103

Let me repeat it... to give away $500 to random tripcode users "IF" I reach my target quota this year... anyway, slightly behind schedule but I think I still can manage.

...oh and no use proving something to a group of people whose mindset is fixated. I already have posted more than enough hints anyway so I'll let them be.

>> No.3700104



>> No.3700109


I'm planning on spending my savings on a Dollfie Dream, and to start myself up in Canada (  ̄ー ̄)

>> No.3700112

>Let's say you pay this technician $10 a day

in what country did you get away with this

>> No.3700114

Importer... I now more focused on imports by the bulk.

Don't let that money sleep in the bank. Sure you'll earn interest maybe 5% 6% but with a bit of risk you can earn more than that!...

>> No.3700117

She still looks like Mariya to me.

>> No.3700122

Are you guys really willing to give mugen your personal info? Even if he gave you $500 you would be on his leash for the rest of your tripfag career and there's still the chance he'll leak that info out of boredom.

>> No.3700123


$10 for veteran technicians
$8 for newer ones
$6 Store clerks and warehouse man

>> No.3700128

I know that. I have been trying to get myself to learn about investment so it's doing fucking something. But new things frighten me and I'm lazy.

>> No.3700132

He's not a bad person.

>> No.3700136

C'mon, I may be acting like a manchild trapped in my fading youth most of the time but I'm not that low.

>> No.3700139

So what you're saying is that I should move to a third world nation?

>> No.3700142

Oh, I thought you were American, or atleast European. Being a millionaire in the Philippines is a lot less impressive when you consider the shitty currency they use.

What's the Filipino currency anyways? Peso? RMB? Or some other overinflated piece of shit coinage?

>> No.3700144

Hearing that from you is like being hit with a bag of sand.

>> No.3700145

Tell me more.

>> No.3700149

It feels like a burlap sack being raked against your penis.

>> No.3700150

I not only suggest it... I encourage it... making money here is easy as long as you know your trade, dedicate yourself and a decent amount of capital.

Philippine Peso...

>> No.3700153

He's using American dollars to list his wages, pretty sure he means American dollar millionaire. A million Philippine peso isn't even worth mentioning when he said you need half a million as starter capital.

>> No.3700158
File: 196 KB, 500x500, mugen736784975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, listen to Mugen-kun. I basically quadrupled my income by following his advice.

I sell anime figures on the side instead of printer ink, though.

>> No.3700159

Is the "FaG" intentional cause nice touch.

>> No.3700160

I still don't get it.

>> No.3700161

>know your trade, dedicate yourself and a decent amount of capital.
Well, I have 1 out of 3.

>> No.3700164

Ah... no friend...

I listed it in dollars since the Dollar is the universal currency and the one most recognised by most people here. Though that amount I pay is quite low by American standards, here in the Philippines, it's more than enough to feed a family of 4.

>> No.3700169

It's like viciously eradicating the dermal and epidermic layer of the skin of your reproduction organ using a coarse, woven fabric filled with indeterminate objects.

>> No.3700171

Wait?... How did you get it?... I only awarded it once to a game called "A GAME" and only on lemmasoft?

>> No.3700172

So is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.3700174

Depends on how much of a masochist you are.

>> No.3700176

Do you have 50 million peso?

>> No.3700179

Feels good, man.

>> No.3700188

Well... it's nice to talk to you /jp/ once in a while but I must go now...

And remember, being born poor is no excuse not to be successful. Have a pleasant day /jp/

Oh my... I forgot to use ellipses there...

>> No.3700190

So are you a millionaire by American standards or not? Do you even understand english? Because I've had loads of filipino maids as a child and their english were usually shit off the walls.

>> No.3700193

I saved it from here! Someone probably reposted it.

>> No.3700196

A few hours ago, I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. Not enjoying life right now, no job, no friends, no family, running out of money. Need employment.

>> No.3700197

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

>> No.3700199

so i've been away from /jp/ for the past three weeks
and the first thread I see when I get back is a thread with normalfags lecturing people to "get their lives in order" and "find a goal and dedicate yourself to it"
WHAT THE FUCK happened to you while I was gone /jp/? Am I in bizarro land?

>> No.3700201

Oh god, it's a libertarian!

>> No.3700202

Other than that go back to your circle-jerk den along with mugencwel.

>> No.3700205

Apparently the fact that we're discussing how good it would feel to rub off all the skin of your cock seems normalfag to you.

>> No.3700206

According to the archive he posted it himself.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.3700208

>1 Philippine peso = 0.021327 U.S. dollars


>> No.3700212

I don't believe you were really away from /jp/ for three weeks. Enjoy your f5ing. Alone.

>> No.3700213
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ITT faggots looking for gratification from fellow fags

>> No.3700218

I don't think you've read anything. This thread is lecturing people on how to abuse workers and get easy money in order to hire maids that you can then abuse.

>> No.3700220

and yet you're one of the people that sucks Tatari's cock the most Sion

>> No.3700221

You are now realizing 1 million Philippine peso is still more than you'll ever have. ;_;

>> No.3700225

He's is a Millionaire by definition but barely. Despite all his money, he's still probably working off his ass everyday just to maintain his company.

>> No.3700226

Nice sage and post delete, homebro.

lol, Sion.

>> No.3700229
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If anything Tatari is gay for me but not the other way around

>> No.3700230


What?! /jp/ is evolving!

Press "B" to cancel.

>> No.3700232
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>>faggots looking for gratification from fellow fags

Isn't that the whole point of the internet?

>> No.3700234

Thanks, I do what I can. Intended to repost but got lazy.

>> No.3700235
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Typical /a/ user, note how they are incapable of correctly using something as simple as the sage function.

>> No.3700238

I've tried to investing money, but I get burned, I end up trusting the wrong people.

In a lot of debt currently, might have to declare bankruptcy soon. I'm not very good at reading people.

>> No.3700240

Good. Those that do not work deserve no money.

>> No.3700241


>> No.3700242

That's why you live a simple life, where you make your own money and spend it only on yourself.

>> No.3700244


You're such a cute couple.

>> No.3700247
File: 103 KB, 302x372, mugenjohncel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, mugenjohncel himself

>> No.3700249

That's what you get for investing in people, invest in commodities.

>> No.3700252

Lol, he actually looks sort of like the guy in his drawings.

Oh, and nice lens flare.

>> No.3700256


>> No.3700261


>> No.3700262

That's mugen!? He look so FABULOUS!

>> No.3700266

With that face and those millions, he could run for president of the Philippines!

>> No.3700270


There's an ad here where a guy yells "BUYING GOLD JEWELERY", but I hear it as "BUYING ALL STRAWBERRIES".

>> No.3700271 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3700526

Its ok CINERIA I'll treat you right
