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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 391 KB, 1920x1080, 123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36953045 No.36953045 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>36903483

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.36953056

I'm playing that exact route.

>> No.36953223

>those conversations from the last thread

Damn I didn't know these threads were filled with occultist programmers.

>> No.36953269

Considering a good amount of anon here probably had to learn japanese through unconventional means, I'd say programming and other DIY activities that end up being valuable in playing VNs end up being easier to pick up.

>> No.36953280

Both programming and occultism are very popular on this board, on this website, and as topics for VNs.

>> No.36953282

I started learning Japanese because I was learning how to extract stuff from VNs as a hobby and I looked at some scripts and went 'hey, I can read most of these, the rest can't be that hard'.

>> No.36953555
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, Guild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you upgrade facilities in this? Got enough materials to upgrade but the message pop up says to raise the Guild level but is already 2, so upgrading the Training room to level 2 should be possible

>> No.36953605

what's the best way to force an old VN fullscreen? i'm trying to play 君が望む永遠 but alt+enter doesn't work

>> No.36954304


>> No.36954379
File: 43 KB, 790x698, 1634110124069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you looking forward to?
Is there a VN with non-promiscuous traditional female?

>> No.36954391

You probably just need to read the manual or look at the settings screen and find the actual way to enter fullscreen. Also you should be playing the Latest Edition.

>> No.36954393

Anon you should know that lack of answer is an answer in itself by now.

>> No.36954432

Talking about programming. Anyone knows a vn with realistic depictions of a programmer instead of the “...tap tap tap, I’m in!” kind of trope? Might be fun to read. (for nerds)

>> No.36954703

>Promiscuity is the practice of engaging in sexual activity frequently with different partners or being indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.
Explains what you want anon. Virtually ang main heroine in most moeges only engage in sexual activity with the protagonist, hence non-promiscuous, or maybe my English is so shitty that I understand it wrong somehow.

>> No.36954728
File: 17 KB, 425x447, 2021-10-14_13-38-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you make it work? i tried some different settings with a few old vns I have here and all give the same error, which tls as
Rendering error: wicBmpClipper initialization failed (HRESULT=0x80070057)

>> No.36954879
File: 1.83 MB, 1600x900, jVhRMGG7RK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debugging software can make you feel like you're communing with otherworldly alien spirits.

>> No.36954920
File: 5 KB, 344x233, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno, works for me like this
maybe try enabling logging and contacting developer on github
only works on win10, also doesn't work with 4k display iirc

>> No.36955125

oh shit you're right, works now when I changed the resolution to 1080p
man looking and fhd after 2k is really -eyes but I guess sacrifice must be made

>> No.36955142

you can try using last version https://github.com/Blinue/Magpie/releases/tag/v0.7.0_preview1 only one upscale method but iirc it works with 4k

>> No.36955185
File: 3.65 MB, 2560x1440, 2021-10-14_14-32-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh this one seems kinda bugged, graphic capture and gdi don't work but getting this weird scaling with dwm and dxgi

>> No.36955206


>> No.36955968

The latest edition should definitely work fine on fullscreen. If I remember correctly there were actually two different fullscreen settings in there. I never figured out what the difference was but only one of them actually worked.

>> No.36957194

are there any vns that give you the true 冒険 feeling?
not like all of those shitty isekais that uses it for stupid comedy or as an excuse to get cute girls, but actually something more serious

>> No.36957222

Rance series

>> No.36957278

well i guess rance is the only thing that felt like a bouken but it's still rather a comedy about fucking girls for the most part

>> No.36957325

Celenaria, Seven Bridge

>> No.36957400

Got two images that I'd like translated: not much dialogue. Anyone willing to help?

>> No.36957475

No. Ask in /r/ or /int/.

>> No.36957509


>> No.36958145

kamome route in summer pockets

>> No.36958699

Kira Kira

>> No.36958826

There's not much adventure stuff when it comes to VNs.
I'd recommend games if you want actual bouken feel.
Elona is great, EO series too is incredibly good.
Or watch/read MiA if you haven't yet, or read OP if you can stomach shounen.
Also read Grimgar LN (do not watch the shit anime adaptation) if you want low level party getting dabbed on by everything and always managing to survive by the skin of their teeth.

>> No.36958843

Have anyone read trial of https://vndb.org/v32021?

>> No.36958852

Is Haruhiro still a whiny fag?

>> No.36958949
File: 520 KB, 1920x1080, cmvs64_2021-08-26_18-56-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36958967

>There's not much adventure stuff when it comes to VNs.
Too many CGs would be required. It's too hard.

>> No.36958981
File: 3.61 MB, 1500x2114, e4xfyxrwtvq71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's grown a lot, that's for sure, especially considering all the shit that's been raining on him in the latest volumes.

>> No.36958985

How it was? Is action good? Is main heroine good?

>> No.36959004

Oh, she finally got her fucking dog. Btw did Ranta fucked her yet?

>> No.36959015
File: 691 KB, 1252x544, cmvs64_2021-08-27_14-09-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really couldn't care less about action, but the girls are all good.

>> No.36959039

It will suck if action will be bad and there is a lot of it though.

>> No.36959054

I'm not sure since I'm like 3 volumes behind, but I'm pretty sure he won't anyway cause he's a wimp faggot as always.
Also vol.18 isn't out yet (release date 25/10).

>> No.36959095

Well in Bara no Maria, ln author wrote before Grimgar, characters had sex so maybe something will happen in Grimgar too.

>> No.36959398

Speaking of trials, how was https://vndb.org/v31136?

>> No.36959472
File: 308 KB, 1920x1080, 創作彼女_2021-08-02_19-23-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It felt like something from the early 2010s or late 2000s.
I'll probably end up buying the dl version when it comes out.

>> No.36959571

What game from that era is it most similar to?

>> No.36959606

Pretty much any of the akabeisoft + sub brand charages I've played from that time.

>> No.36960507
File: 1.70 MB, 1919x1078, 1630631674518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am playing latest edition. VNDB says it's resolution is 1024x600 and when i click fullscreen on my 1920x1080 monitor it doesn't work.

>> No.36960745
File: 514 KB, 3840x2160, kiminozo_menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the option in pic related. That should work.

>> No.36960785

Don't ever trust âge programming. When I played it I used this this called WindowWatcher, because my laptop is 1366x768 and the non-integer scaling for this game is so terrible it makes the game unplayable. http://www.airesoft.co.uk/windowwatcher

It sucks in various different ways, but it works. Kind of. The magpie thing people were talking about earlier is probably better but I don't think it would run very well on my toaster.

>> No.36960896

it runs fine on my 10 yo laptop with intel graphic
there are some lags when open menu etc but this doesn't matter for a vn

>> No.36961271

Thanks, this seemed to solve my problem

yeah the scaling for this game is shit. i had an easier time getting kanon to work.

>> No.36961293

This is some option in your GPU settings, scaling or something.

>> No.36961346

kanon was the easiest game to make work because it works perfectly with borderless gaming

>> No.36961435

MATLAB often gave me the impression that there really was such a thing as a Machine Spirit.

And I didn't how to please it.

>> No.36961946

Reverse engineering debugging without source code often feels like that. Debugging with source code, nah.

>> No.36962025
File: 34 KB, 70x233, one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one I should replay first .....

>> No.36962043
File: 108 KB, 748x465, django.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This installer looks like a shitpost

>> No.36962048

Why would you replay any of those?

>> No.36962077

A wave of nostalgia hit me like a truck, I just love games with big ass harems where heroines have interesting and unusual traits.

R.U.R.U.R tho has my favourite hard sci-fi setting.

And all "modern" VNs are complete generic garbage with generic heroines that lack any sort of interesting traits. I used to play at least one new monthly VN, not anymore.

>> No.36962621

Why is the Tokyo Necro sequel a DMM gacha game?

>> No.36962666

Bumping this, I've also wanted to know

>> No.36962679

Because that's the age we live in.

>> No.36962699

Fate/Grand Order was a massive success so everyone else wanted to capitalize on the same market

>> No.36962730

I'm extremely ignorant of the gatcha world but has any other VN company actually even created a successful gatcha game? It seems like they usually just flop.

>> No.36962818

Is it really the same market? These DMM games seem to be targeting people that would have enjoyed eroge if the industry wasn't dead, they have porn after all.
Hard to call successful when compared to something like FGO but August, Nexton, Waffle, Alicesoft games on DMM seem to be doing fine and some have been running for years. Ninetail just released a VenusBlood one but it's pretty bad, can't imagine it lasting long.

>> No.36962896

Did anyone here play the Aokana gacha? I keep reading all over 4chan that it was cuckshit where you were some self insert protag that could still fuck all the main girls because it was a different timeline where they never met the VN protag.

>> No.36962907

Who the fuck isn't a programmer these days?

>> No.36962931

It's one of the few middle-class jobs left. Thank god zoomers and younger are all tech illiterate so it will take AI to replace us if it ever gets to that point in our lifetimes.

>> No.36963008

>Is it really the same market?
I don't really know to be honest, I've never played any of those games. I assumed so since they're all gacha games and I feel like the main boom of those types of games happened after Grand Order's success

>> No.36963110
File: 740 KB, 1920x1125, tomodachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so tsundere

>> No.36963464

No, anon...
That she is not a modern female. Moege girls is still very modern.

>> No.36963893


>> No.36963928
File: 410 KB, 1920x1080, ふゆから、くるる。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36963935

>no orgy
>no ntr
>no swapping
>not even seeing the student council sluts fucking other men
Nukitashi was a wasted potential.

>> No.36964033

My eyes hurt from looking at this textbox, why don't you put some transparency on that?

>> No.36964186


>> No.36964201

Anon, use vndb and look for 大和撫子 already like a human being.

>> No.36964299

>background H voice plays
>suddenly hear a slow male grunting every 10 seconds
lol wtf

>> No.36964354
File: 413 KB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (70).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is caught between wanting to be about sluts and say that you should love sluts, but also doesn't want to go too hard down that theme and risk alienating the majority of people who buy VNs, so the sluts aren't heroines in the first game and they give up being sluts to be with MC anyways. It feels like they wanted to take risks and push boundaries but were scared of going too far and risking hurting sales. So you get Rei describing her backstory verbally several times but only one flashback scene where she gets fucked as a loli by a robot.

>> No.36964380
File: 357 KB, 1600x900, YUqeCjhyFq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36964390
File: 1.66 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36964451

Do you really think the game would flop if they actually showed the SS girls fucking other guys? Since it actually does happen but you just don't see it.

>> No.36964478
File: 350 KB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you really think the game would flop if they actually showed the SS girls fucking other guys?
I have no idea whether it would've actually flopped if they threw in h-scenes of the SS girls getting fucked by other dudes, but I think Qruppo thought the possibility of that happening was high enough they didn't want to risk it.

>> No.36964498
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>> No.36964503

im bored as shit so i'll check out nukitashi before hentai prison releases
those two or so anons posting sold it to me

>> No.36964507

You should probably read nukitashi first anyways because if you don't like it you probably won't like henpri.

>> No.36964514
File: 481 KB, 596x440, BLtKZGMIfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun if you aren't a moebuta.

>> No.36964529

I'm sure that a certain group of vocal jp schizos would screech at the top of their lungs if Qruppo went for it.
Nukitashi being their first game under the Qruppo banner, they couldn't risk it even if they wanted.
Maybe they'll go crazy in a future game, which I'd love to see. We'll see.

>> No.36964555

Finished that scene and another. Here's the recording, 2 loops. The first time the weird voice plays after 15sec. It might actually be the chick just breathing deeply.

>> No.36964557
File: 85 KB, 562x679, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved it and I'm a moebuta though.

>> No.36964566
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>> No.36964573

>male grunting
Nope, not even close, that's her breathing.

>> No.36964680

But it's literally made for moebutas

>> No.36964694

Absolutely. Nips are pretty autistic about this. It's a culturally constituted instinct to brittle at actual sluts.

>> No.36964720

I don't think it would flop because the main heroines themselves are still virgins. It's just that the character poll rankings would suffer and people wouldn't be as interested in having routes for them in the sequel.
I'm a moebuta who doesn't mind used goods so long as I don't actually see them fucking others, out of sight out of mind and all that. I assume the nukitashi target audience is mostly people like me, so if they had a sequel in mind from the start then it was a smart move.

>> No.36964754

It really feels like they had Nukitashi 1&2 as a single game, but had to rethink their plans due to the sheer size and cost of doing that.
If I'm right about that, then after releasing the first game they saw how well-received it was and decided to rework the second part into a sequel.

>> No.36964765

What if any of the main heroines wasn't a virgin? She isn't a slut like other girls in the island but she lost her virginity in the past. Will you chimp out? Just trying to understand moebutas.

>> No.36964768
File: 1.76 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?NUKITASHI (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't they have an entire route about that?

>> No.36964772

I don't they are just used goods. They are turbo sluts.

>> No.36964774

She is a virgin.

>> No.36964793

What's up with an uptick in nukitashi posting for a past couple of threads? Half the threads are nothing but this garbage VN these days.

>> No.36964804

New faggot joined nukitashi circlejerk

>> No.36964810

>person reads VN
>person wants to talk about VN
>person posts VN
>other people who have read VN respond
truly it is a mystery why people want to discuss two of the most popular VNs of the past three years with a new one from the same company releasing imminently

>> No.36964812

Actually, at least two.
t. the other faggot who start playing nukitashi roughly at the same time

>> No.36964817

I wouldn't call them ""people"" desu
Just trend chasers. Obsessing over whatever is popular even if that shit is literal leftie propaganda.

>> No.36964830

I didn't think we had enough posters here for low-quality bait.

>> No.36964833

>anything I don't agree with is bait
Nice one, NPC. Keep it up. Go talk about how life-changing nukitashi's tranny antifa lgbt themes are.

>> No.36964838

This might be the single best moment in the entire first game. It was the perfect mix of Nukitashi humor and Shounen tropes.

>> No.36964839

It's just same shit every fucking time.

>> No.36964846

Usually people write a blogpost after completing a route or a VN. This nigga is just outright blogposting it like it's /vn/ or something, and asking insane questions.

>> No.36964857

He's shitposting about it on /vn/ too and they kicked him out.

>> No.36964926

I saw people talking a lot about it last month, so I finally decided to pick it up, read it, and now join any conversation possible because I probably won't get the chance again in the future. It's always a downer to finish a good VN from 5-10 years ago and have no one to discuss it with because people already moved on.

Though I assume the hentai prison trial might have also stirred it up a bit.

>> No.36964936
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?NUKITASHI (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This might be the single best moment in the entire first game
That's Otokodachi

>> No.36964942

Do you read VNs just to "discuss" with mentally ill brainlets who post here?

>> No.36964950

>it's a good VN bro
>haha yeah it's very good.
Nice discussion.

>> No.36964983

Nukitashi? More like no one cares tranny

>> No.36964994

>influx of people who post in /vn/
>massive decline in post quality

>> No.36965001

>I'm a moebuta who doesn't mind used goods
So you're not. You're a slutfag who should go back to 3DPD.

>> No.36965021

There was never any quality posting here to begin with.

>> No.36965023

True, but being at the top of the trash bin and at the bottom of it are two very different experiences.

>> No.36965027

No, but I like to get into drawn-out inflammatory arguments with people who like things I don't like. If I don't participate in any shitflinging about which heroine is the worst, it's like I didn't read the VN at all.

>> No.36965030

At that point you might as well take a dive and enjoy the madness

>> No.36965034

don't worry, as this thread regularly demonstrates, you don't have to have actually read a VN to think your opinion on it matters

>> No.36965039

>drawn-out inflammatory arguments with people who like things I don't like
But that stuff never happens here so I don't see your point. People here only reply to your post if they agree with you or else they won't reply because we have a tradition of labelling anyone who disagrees with us as trolls. Janny used to enforce this but he doesn't care anymore. Anons here are also pretty pacifist and avoid any confrontation.

>> No.36965043

You also regularly demonstrated that you are incapable of comprehending what a VN directly spells out to you.

>> No.36965051

that's because I can't read Japanese very well and rely on text hookers more than I should and my reading comprehension is quite low and I'm deeply ashamed of this and therefore I lash out and accuse everyone else of using text hookers every chance I get

>> No.36965172
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1556285953208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But that stuff never happens here so I don't see your point.

It was half a joke anon, sorry. I use other boards for my shitposting needs. I just like seeing other people posting screenshots and their reactions/impressions to scenes in VNs I read, dunno I can't explain it.
But it's not a two-way street, I don't pick up stuff *just* because people talk about it. After all these years I still haven't touched Subahibi since it doesn't click with me, even though at times it feels like everyone in the thread besides me has read it.

>> No.36965201

>I don't pick up stuff *just* because people talk about it
That's what you do
You picked up muramasa too just to discuss it with EOPs

>> No.36965208

Anon, what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.36965265

You're just a lonely fuck who finds social interaction in "discussing" VNs. That's why you care this about what VN is in vogue and then hop onto the bandwagon.

>> No.36965297

so what lol

>> No.36965311

Have sex

>> No.36965333

>eroge thread
>have sex

>> No.36965430

how's R.U.R.U.R?

>> No.36965457


>> No.36965715

love it, unusual setting and characters.

>> No.36967397

The deep breathing is kind of random but that's pretty good otherwise.

>> No.36967447

Who's that? Sounds like Aji Sanma

>> No.36968519
File: 755 KB, 800x600, 腐り姫.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's blind

>> No.36968717
File: 713 KB, 1280x720, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started half-blogposting my playthrough last month, posting 1 scene/moment I liked every 2-3 days (fuck wageslaving) and I'm glad it generated discussion and even got some anons into reading it despite the game being 5 years old.
Not sure what the problem is, since the threads are usually dead anyways, even when something new releases.

>> No.36968732

It's just some dumb retard. God forbid someone posts something about an eroge in the eroge thread.

>> No.36968790

Some sane people don't want the entire thread to be flooded with this lefty slut garbage, retard.

>> No.36968852
File: 1.46 MB, 2502x3336, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are lost and might want get out of /jp/ asap

>> No.36968890

>nooo don't use that forbidden word
Fuck off
Truth is truth

>> No.36968956

It's one thing if people are discussing a VN but this shit honestly feels forced and too much

>> No.36968966

Maybe it's just one fag samefagging to oblivion. No VN generated this much garbage shitposting here consuming entire threads for a month.

>> No.36968985

just ignore the schizoposters and keep posting, i like nukitashi so it's fun remembering it again with your screenshots

>> No.36968996

I suddenly feel like blogposting nukitashi

>> No.36968999

as the end of last thread showed it's just MTLing EOPs who probably couldn't get attention in /vn/

>> No.36969000

There are now more posts in this thread that spawned from bitching about Nukitashi posting than there are actual Nukitashi posts.
You are a waste of oxygen.

>> No.36969013

why dont u post about some other game then
just look what ur gay ass autism caused, now the last 30+ posts are meta

>> No.36969048

>just be silent
That never changes anything.

>> No.36969066

I did but people only reply to nukitashi and that's why I hate it

>> No.36969084

Make better posts.

>> No.36969094

Let me guess, you're the retard asking for a VN with a "non-promiscuous traditional female"

>> No.36969095

Doesn't matter. People here only read super popular trash these days and endless shitpost it.

>> No.36969105

what happened, snowflake?

>> No.36969112

Unpopular VNs are unpopular for a reason, Anon

>> No.36969115

I didn't ask for anything. I just a wrote a review and left it at that. But nukitashi fags just shitpost their VN all the time as if they are shills.

>> No.36969116

yeah for that u have my sympathy

>> No.36969124

Yeah, because they're fucking trash for the most part.

>> No.36969126

The awful truth is that no one will ever understand your superior tastes anon. You were born i the wrong generation.

>> No.36969190


>> No.36969269

There are two types of anons. One who only follows massive popular releases and don't dive into the medium beyond it and others who actually read VNs. The problem is the former one takes one popular VN and reads/shitposts it for six months because he has nothing else to read. This dude >>36968717 literally admitted to it.

>> No.36969335
File: 248 KB, 1600x900, WIfofRSSfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Nukitashi, and fuck the haters.

>> No.36969341

What the fuck is going on?
Did qruppo finally got kyonai'd?

>> No.36969357

Discuss the "beyond the medium VNs" then instead of metaposting.
>I love reading unknown shit and brag about it, God I'm so fucking hard right now

>> No.36969375

Reminder to always disregard any anon who complains without baring their own taste to public scorn. There is no benefit to engaging with cowards.

>> No.36969381

>he felt called out and is angry

>> No.36969399

>anything that isn't giga popular is unknown and obscure
Yep, typical nukitrannies.

>> No.36969405

I want /vn/ to leave

>> No.36969413

Where? You?

>> No.36969431

I want /vn/ to stay

>> No.36969439

Stop posting in our /vn/, JOPkeks.
This is war.

>> No.36969460

ah yes, i TOTALLY love my kamige with 10 votes and 6.00 vote as average
it's totally DEEP medium and not just SURFACE

>> No.36969493

>with 10 votes and 6.00 vote as average
Strawman more cause that's the only think you can do

>> No.36969513

the problem is when they came a few years ago they never left. the only remote chance of making them fuck off is to either add something like "this thread is for anons who already fully understand japanese without the aid of texthooking blah blah blah" or similar to the OP and then live in the irc channel to point out every shitpost to a mod there or become a janny yourself like the hero we used to have. none of this is going to happen though, we're fucked and i see no way out of this

the faggot who originally shit up /vn/ years ago who claimed to be from here wasn't in the first place, he was just some DJT reject who messed with you guys because this thread was too slow

>> No.36969514

Muramasa is such retarded trash lmao

>> No.36969555

Nukitranny sucks

>> No.36969560

Nukitashi/hag fag is constantly posting in /vn/.

>> No.36969561
File: 3.08 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36969588

>years ago
Dude, 4 posters who regularly post here shitpost over there with such ferocity that /vn/ is devastated. Nukitashi posting happens over there too.

>> No.36969637


>> No.36969641 [DELETED] 

thinking how nukitashi 2 said trans rights and how an eroge is willing to be more provocative and truth-telling than most media, goodbye
nukitashi 2 also taught me to make the sjw woke eroge i’ve always dreamed of making and tell anyone else who think it’s a bad decision to fuck the police
very inspiring eroge that gave us the joke “starfucks”

>> No.36969678
File: 3.16 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want brother like this ;__;

>> No.36969682

so what? am i supposed to be surprised that autism shitposting that started years ago has only gotten worse over time or something? i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the faggot that started all this is still around and super happy he now has 2 threads to shitpost in and found some friends to join him or inspired other retards to follow in his footsteps before fucking off

i don't go to /vn/ but last i recall the thread was so fast that you could barely notice shitposting though

>> No.36969684

No one cares

>> No.36969698 [DELETED] 

so i just read a scene in nukitashi 2 where someone validates a trans woman character for who she is without even realizing it because it’s normal to them
she smiled and said thank you
and i am like


i can’t believe this game is fucking real
it’s not even like a huge scene. it’s just there. but seeing her smile when she realized how she’s accepted she is makes me go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
holy shitttttttttttt nukitashi is a seriously blessing on eroge

>> No.36969712
File: 128 KB, 300x520, 1632088892655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One JOP post in /vn/, one EOP post in /jp/.
I know a lot of you love shitposting in /vn/ or make fun of EOPs in /v/.
. That's why we need the Law of Balance.

>> No.36969728

That was the worst scene in it

>> No.36969741

sounds like garbage

>> No.36969753

Is this true? I was planning to read it to discuss with you guys? Maybe I shouldn't

>> No.36969764

Anons here only talk about sex jokes aspect of it but it's unironic political manifesto

>> No.36969772

Yeah, there is a trans character in Nukitashi 2 and one of the end morals of the game is learning to accept everyone for who they want to represent themselves to be.

>> No.36969783

Yes lol

>> No.36969796

This is gayest thing I've read this week and I read several josou seme doujins. Consider suicide.

>> No.36969801

That's why I don't read. And I won't read Hentai Prison after it's release until someone here confirms it as tranny free.

>> No.36969814
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x720, P2J8XNveM5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsukino Kiiro's voice in her fuyukuru seme h-scene is hot as fuck.

>> No.36969832

finished the first route of the nukitashi. sure didn’t expect the game to dive deep into how the state could foster an ideology that normalizes misogyny and no-con sex before mentioning the infamous nazi criminal eichmann
that was a ride — heard it becomes even more political lmao
it’s cool to see a work from the eroge subculture be this critical of japanese sexual politics and the imperial efforts in ww2. I want to see how deep this rabbit hole is, very excited about it!

>> No.36969834

What do you guys do when you see line you don't get? I just move onto next line and get it from context.

>> No.36969877

Never happens to me

>> No.36969880

Glad you can't even post about VNs in this thread without people shitting their pants

>> No.36969884

Move on, maybe return to it after a few more lines. Seen enough cases where it's supposed to be vague and gets explained right after

>> No.36969897

>gets explained right after
Pretty much this. Just wondering what other people do.
This one is deep into self-denial tho >>36969877

>> No.36969916

Joke is on you, I don't ever wear pants

>> No.36970012

Just read the whole scene where Naoya and Rin talk about god and art and I didn't understand shit. I wish it was only a few lines I don't get.

Also I just noticed that most of the routes are incest lol.

>> No.36970038

That scene just literally explains sakuuta themes to you. But sca-ji is fag who wrote that dialogic interaction in a dry unappealing way because he can't write actual interactions.

>> No.36970098
File: 636 KB, 2048x1152, 8661959a84039cc2e0a4a325815fcc38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is possibly the only work in creation which is both based and cringe.

>> No.36970119

>talk about god
Since it is SCA-JI, you can just think they said the following insightful sentence - "God is like, relative, bro, and because truth is his eternal attribute, it is, like, also, relative bro. Koufuku ni ikiyo!!!".

>> No.36970134
File: 717 KB, 1024x1152, ev565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One JOP post in /vn/, one EOP post in /jp/.
based... i have ascended... i will now follow the Law of Balance and post in Japanese on /vn/ and then post in English on /jp/....

>> No.36970149

Rin believes that art and beauty is an objective thing that doesn't need an observer to justify itself. Naoya believes that it is something justified through people and what they experience from it. I think that's the main point you need to get from it.

>> No.36970171

>Rin believes that art and beauty is an objective thing that doesn't need an observer to justify itself.
Let me guess, she is probably "masterfully refuted" by SCA-JI in the story?

>> No.36970173

Don't call my Muramasa cringe. All genre parodies were kino.

>> No.36970174

>bro it's subjective
Wow very deep and insightful
Now I don't have to read sakuuta

>> No.36970185

Rin pretty much just disappears after V. I assume she's going to be more focus in Toki.

>> No.36970195

It is a true meta and anti-meta work which itself followed the Law of Balance in being cringe and based.
I unironically think some parts were pure cringe (like the konjin stuff, and rape, pure cringe transcending even parody), but then some parts were pure based (sorimachi and kageaki and hikaru's interactions). Narahara-先生 was possibly genuinely bound by law of balance while writing it.

>> No.36970202

>Wow very deep and insightful
My life is... changing,.... bros....

>> No.36970221

You mean those unnecessary random rape scenes that exist clearly only for H? Except of course Chacha golden scene.

>> No.36970229


>> No.36970231

Bro did you really just admit you haven't read The Decay of Lying?

>> No.36970275

It's almost like people don't care about this garbage medium beyond those 20 good VNs which is reasonable.

>> No.36970296

how come dostoevsky gets a pass to have a scene when two characters sit down to talk about the existence of God but sca-ji can't do it too?

>> No.36970301

Because he's dead.

>> No.36970306

Because one is based and the other cringe.

>> No.36970325

Well dostoevsky is pretty cringe I agree. He got so butthurt after fake execution lmao. Turgenev was right dabbing on him.

>> No.36970340

>wake up
>over 100 new posts
>already know it's all shitposting

>> No.36970347

I am talking about how that interaction unfolds in a mechanical way where characters just infodump at each other. There's garbage like a character mentions a concept and then the other character quotes wikipedia even though both parties know about this shit. It's pretty dry and lacking in personality. You could also like place that discussion in an interesting context instead of just randomly cutting to it.

>> No.36970363

Sca-ji just sucks as a writer. He should just write nonfiction. Sakutoki is an improvement.

>> No.36970377

Tbh it wouldn't have been a problem if this scene wasn't 40 minutes long

>> No.36970408

>Sakutoki is an improvement.
It's fucking unbelievable how decent sakutoki trail is compared to how terrible sakuuta was.

>> No.36970416

maybe you need to reread sakuuta because I can't fathom how someone would like sakutoki but not like uta

>> No.36970436

Because you seem to think I didn't like sakuuta because of its themes instead of its bullshit writing. Sakutoki is just good parts of sakuuta with relatively better writing. I didn't entirely hate sakuuta but it was 90% bad.

>> No.36970466

>rereading sakuuta
Just skip common route, first two routes, half of zypressen, half of shizuku route, and other garbage and you'll be left with 5 hours of content.

>> No.36970492

I honestly don't understand why you guys think one is better than the other when you're comparing a complete game with a trail version.

>> No.36970506
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, evb015a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you skip one of the best scenes in the game though?

>> No.36970519

We're just comparing difference in writing style/quality. Not judging overall VN.

>> No.36970539

That's not what's going on here. Besides we already knew that sakutoki will turn out like this because sca-ji has been repeatedly saying he's not gonna write it like an eroge.

>> No.36970585

mods have pretty much abandoned /jp/ at this point and the place has correspondingly turned into a shithole

>> No.36970615

Can't you fucks talk about anything other than sakuuta or muramasa or nukitashi
It's just same fucking talking points every fucking time

>> No.36970643

Here's an idea, how about instead of bitching about people talking about things you don't like, you read something and try to start a conversation about it? (I know the reason you won't is because it would require you to actually read instead of just complaining about other people reading things and the content of visual novels you haven't read.)

>> No.36970671

Here's an idea
Read more than 3 VNs

>> No.36970674

>here's an idea, how about you read something and discuss it yourself instead of complaining
>no, you read something for me and then start a discussion, I just want to complain

>> No.36970678
File: 772 KB, 670x847, x10PQ2gRbG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36970707

We're faster than /vn/ today
Good job, bros.

>> No.36970726 [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 734x470, 1617962369117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit the Illya is really cute.

>> No.36970735

wait, this isn't /vn/?

>> No.36970739

You can tell it's not because the janitors sometimes remember that /vn/ exists but nobody bothers to moderate here.

>> No.36970754
File: 271 KB, 2008x1129, 1616512338396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imouto who has the hots for her oniichan asks him to help her out by listening to her read the script lines of the little sister character she voices in what I'm guessing is an eroge that lets you fuck your imouto
>insists she practices in his room
Holy shit Konatsu, you're one sly fox.

>> No.36970775

finished the second route of nukitashi
let's just say i didn't expect the game to tackle on the objectification of women in the context of soshage gacha mechanics
and it seriously dismantles it hard in the name of Pure Rom-Com Love. this is the most ridiculous game ever lmao.
this game is so fucking ATSUI.
every line is either some crazy joke or a spicy hot take about capitalism holy shit
get yourself a bf who doesn't give a shit about your gacha rank is because he loves you too much. my heart goes kyun when the protag goes "who gives a shit about SSR, my wife is 1 star but she is my wife -- she's an ALL-STAR"

>> No.36970780 [SPOILER] 
File: 278 KB, 2008x1129, 1625170307180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment I've been waiting for since I started reading ninki seiyuu is finally here broskis... God I fucking live for this shit.

>> No.36970800
File: 1.42 MB, 384x293, 1609473032450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife yuki

>> No.36970826
File: 63 KB, 438x424, 1632343043283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discount Mitcher

>> No.36970861

>let's just say i didn't expect the game to tackle on the objectification of women in the context of soshage gacha mechanics
>every line is either some crazy joke or a spicy hot take about capitalism holy shit
I don't remember either the gacha part (outside of a few gacha jokes) or anything at all about capitalism.
Is he just saying this because the main villain of Rei's route is motivated significantly by wanting lots of money? That's not exactly a deep criticism of capitalism.

>> No.36970862
File: 119 KB, 224x250, shade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mitcher is a whore

>> No.36970872

No one cares

>> No.36971014

So, what do you wanna talk about?

>> No.36971021

Do I need to read Kuroinu 1 before I read Kuroinu 2?

>> No.36971047

I don't know, both look like shit so read something better.

>> No.36971176

they are both just nukiges. you loterally wont miss anything important even if you only read the sex scenes

>> No.36971403

looks like all of the djt/reddit/vn/ tards finally left so i can finally ask my bros
is there a difference in which order should you read the -What a beautiful- series? haven't read any liar soft so far so thought to finally get in
some says there is no difference some says it's better to read in release order

>> No.36971411

release order

>> No.36971452

In general, release order is the safest way to enjoy any series out there.

>> No.36971504

i just don't really feel like reading the Souten no Celenaria because it looks like furry shit, would rather skip if possible or maybe read one day just to finish the series

>> No.36971589

At the very least, H-scenes don't go past level 2 in the furry scale for females.
Also, the tone of this one is quite different from future ones.
I'd say it is somewhat safe to ignore it, but I wouldn't myself.

>> No.36971744

is the series sharing just the setting/world or there are also some themes that carry on to the further works?
also, are the previous works of that author any notable?

>> No.36973150
File: 880 KB, 1359x2047, Hoshina.Risa.full.3353779[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you play my game anon?

>> No.36973517

Isn't that all-ages?

>> No.36973561


>> No.36973574

Thankfully, only the console versions are censored.

>> No.36973676

I've never seen an eroge release get both porn and console versions at the same time before.

>> No.36973867


>> No.36973972

And I just confirmed that's true, so yes, it seems the 29th will be a fine day to be a PC VN player.

>> No.36973983

Anything special about or just another single heroine moenukige?

>> No.36974053

Looks like just another single heroine moenukige. I'll go for it, unless anything bigger than better gets released in the same day.

>> No.36975144

I listened to it again. At 16-17 seconds the breathing and her moaning can be heard at the same time. That's what throws me off.

>that's pretty good otherwise
The game sucks though and the HBGV is like 200% as loud as the normal voice with no separate settings.

Not her. She only has 5 roles and half of them are without porn.

>> No.36975328
File: 3.61 MB, 2371x1337, Tachibanaki Riho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys,

This is a bit off topic- there is an untranslated VN that I've played where I am absolutely in love with the main theme / OST.

Would any anon be interested in transcribing the lyrics for me into romanized Japanese? I'd like to be able to sing it.

https://vocaroo.com/1mm45JZTE3Zm is the link- thank you in advance!

For anyone curious- VN is Uchi no Imouto by Argonauts.

>> No.36975747

Here's a better link.
I transcribed it by ear and I'm 99% it's accurate, but here's the catch: it's in japanese.
The tax for this is that you find a way to get it into romaji by yourself. Enjoy.

>> No.36975835

>>36975747 (me)
And of course, I find errors in it after uploading it.
Here's the fixed one.

>> No.36975869
File: 46 KB, 671x561, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to help, but those links aren't working.
I'm sure you can just google 'romaji converter' and fine one on the internet, right?

>> No.36975875

Probably. That's your homework.
As for it showing stupid shit, change the page encoding to UTF-8 or save it directly to disk.

>> No.36975900

Hi, I'm the question asker, I believe >>36975869
was a good Samaritan trying to translate on my behalf.

I tried a few things such as changing my browser language to JP and looking at the source code, but while the vast majority of it is in characters, there are a few blank boxes / question marks etc. Just to confirm- those are errors correct? If so, I will try other ways of extracting the data so that I have the right transcription.

Thank you a TON for your help, and also for the better link (for some reason I didn't find anything on YT/other sources so I had to record it myself, whoops)

>> No.36975938

The link is a text file with japanese text, and the encoding is Unicode, or UTF-8.
And the errors were spelling ones, so everything should be showing as japanese characters.

>> No.36975949


今すぐに 始めよう
二人で ドア開いて

新しい町に 広がる未来
何気ない顔で 元気に見せたって
私は全部 分かっちゃうだもん

とうに尽きる 人の波に
たまに寄り添う 悲しさで


アクセスできる パスワードあげる
新しいエピソード いつでも見せてあげる

>> No.36975951

You should seriously stop spoonfeeding, I doubt that EOP knows how to download a text file and open it in a proper editor.

>> No.36975976

This would be spoonfeeding for you and me, but not for an EOP.
Plus, you have to start somewhere, and what better occasion than of something you like?

>> No.36975992

I think I'm probably incapable of a lot of things, but I would have figured it out I'd like to think. I've been on 4chan for just over 15 years now, and essentially these are some of the first posts I've made.

Sorry for being spoonfed and being an EOP, but at the same time, I am happy and grateful that kind anons were willing to assist. I'll get to work on learning the song and maybe learn some extra Japanese to boot, so everyone wins right?

Thanks to all three of you- truly.

>> No.36976125

And thank you for your hint as well- seems like I could just open it with my regular notepad as it has UTF-8 as a part of it's options.

>> No.36976265

https://hatebin.com/fvmzqslqam just put it in http://www.romajidesu.com/translator
im expecting a vocaroo of u singing it

>> No.36976275

Well, fuck me, I should made that the tax.

>> No.36976360

ナーバスな足音も is nābasu na ashioto mo instead of na ashioto mo, for some reason it fucked it up, but everything else should be fine

>> No.36976393

Here a random Japanese passing by.

>> No.36976488

I'm going to start Albatross. It better live up to the hype.
>interface is literally like an Ebook reader
Holy shit they aren't even trying to write an eroge

>> No.36976537

It's literally like a pre war literary novel and yeah that interface is lol

>> No.36976685


>> No.36976749

wake me up when they do proper 18+ releases for the full utawa series

>> No.36977096

Been doing nofap for two weeks just for this game. It better be good.

>> No.36977630
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x750, Angel_2021-10-16_13-52-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to start out my liar soft journey from this one, didn't know there were any other western-style vns outside of django, let's see how did they realize it here

>> No.36978308
File: 752 KB, 951x619, g30r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game sucked me dry jesus christ

>> No.36978348 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 879 KB, 1117x600, 3119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're all great but personally I like reika the most, she's so cute damn. However managing a harem seems like impossible practically speaking, one simply does not have enough cum to love all girls equally

>> No.36978399
File: 511 KB, 681x561, g30r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36979189

>HBGV is like 200% as loud as the normal voice with no separate settings
Damn, I hate that. H background volume ruining H is one of the shitty things ever. They should always make sure that is configurable.

>> No.36980241
File: 2.30 MB, 1433x1080, 2021-10-16_19-01-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this game turned out to be completely the opposite of what I expected
actually expected some kind of serious story but got 4th wall comedy instead about hentai priest-impotent-masochist that was traveling looking for someone who could arouse him and the girl that came to the west looking for her father but have no choice but to help him to get aroused because it's the only way to get the mana to be able to fight monsters that for some reason evaded the west
you have to choose one of like 10 different sexual plays of various difficulties and the way to convince her for that play and then roll the dice to get h scenes
the battle minigame is also pretty funny in the manga style with hilarious comments by protag along the way
actually having way more fun than expected so far

>> No.36981073


>> No.36981532

Define what kind of a woman you want. Do you even want sex scenes? If no, search for Yamato Nadeshiko Heroine and No Sexual Content (maybe also limit your search for VNs that are set in the past if you want more immersive experience of pre-degeneracy women). No sodomy (anal etc.)? That's most moege, thankfully. No slutty behaviour/talk during sex? That's pretty restrictive, but shouldn't be hard to find. Baby making? Based, there are tags for that. I like https://vndb.org/c54972.. Ignore the feminists, women should have kids when they're young, lest they give birth to autists like me. In fact, pre-third wave feminism is only partially wrong in saying that women can have both kids and a career. It's just that kids should come first.

>> No.36981603

no need to say more - https://vndb.org/v11009

>> No.36981635


>> No.36982630
File: 517 KB, 425x720, CfVXzZRF8Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36982832

Thank you so much for your assistance as well! I would thank you using Japanese but I don't want to look like an idiot.

For >>36975747, I used a couple of different websites to translate it before I relied on the translations provided by the other two anon, so I did my best to make sure I did some of the work.

I'll likely be spending a decent amount of time figuring out a piano arrangement to play this with and maybe decide if I want to produce or mix it as well, but once I'm feeling a bit better about the sound I'll post a Vocaroo. No promises, and also don't expect anything good. I'm more passionate about music than actually any good at it.

Thanks again to everyone who helped.

>> No.36983400
File: 1.32 MB, 1375x529, ふゆから、くるる。.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute pervert.

>> No.36983777 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.03 MB, 682x720, N4smmYMnJn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we all know who the real pervert is.

>> No.36983925
File: 268 KB, 1280x720, 1604838085095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think pervert describes literally every character in the game

>> No.36984118 [SPOILER] 
File: 274 KB, 1920x1080, ふゆから、くるる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

月角島 is my favorite character so far.

>> No.36984164
File: 843 KB, 622x720, jpOSDR6wZB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That scene is hot as fuck.

>> No.36984269
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, 1620540314343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is, it's actually one of my favourite H scenes in all of eroge. Watanabe is a genius.

>> No.36984340

Is fuyukuru good enough to be worth reading even though I'm not a fan of yurige?

>> No.36984348

I'm very much a yurifag and I couldn't stomach it.

>> No.36984355

So does that mean, since I don't like yurige, I'll like it?

>> No.36984366
File: 822 KB, 578x696, fJMdEF2809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The H-scenes aren't very 百合百合, even though they are girl-on-girl, if that makes any sense. Also, one of the girls is futa.

>> No.36984377

Well in your case I would just read harukuru and go from there

>> No.36985358

i don't know but i heard yurifags didnt like it
as for me, my autism about all girl casts prevents me from reading it

>> No.36985911

>> No.36986212

Depends if you're just not a fan of yuri or if you actually hate yuri and can't stomach it at all. I am not a yurifag, but i don't hate it either, so i did enjoy.

>> No.36987413

Did anyone here play Quartett?
I dl'd the standard edition that is supposed to be fully voiced but for some reason, there is no voice in it
Is there some kind of voice patch or maybe someone have the working version?

>> No.36987694

I've played Quartett.
I also hardly remember anything about it besides the nice art.

>> No.36987736

Try this one. It is in english, but it's confirmed as voiced.

>> No.36987947

i already even found some voice+tl patch but for some reason, the voice only works together with the tl file and doesn't work by itself
how do they even manage to make their shit so retarded

>> No.36988426

ok i guess the only way to play it now is to just watch the ps2 jikkyou on yt and then just scroll to the moment where there is supposed to be h scene since they aren't voiced anyway

>> No.36988639

Just use an emulator?

>> No.36988729

well the ps version isn't anywhere, including ab

>> No.36988810
File: 442 KB, 576x432, yosuga_no_sora_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36989117


>> No.36989362
File: 38 KB, 635x482, Quartett!_2021-10-17_16-29-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow thanks a lot
though I have trouble launching it on pcsx2 emulator, idk if it needs some specific bios or settings or better emulator

>> No.36989383

I'm pretty sure it's just the game saying it found no system data in the memory card.

>> No.36989457

yea but how i'm supposed to fix that, idk only emulated for ps1 before

>> No.36989475

Have you made sure there's a memory card in the emulated system and, if so, have you tried continue pressing buttons?
That's just a warning message, after all.

>> No.36989538
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, cs2_2021-10-17_15-41-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no

>> No.36989541
File: 33 KB, 640x480, pcsx2_2021-10-17_15-47-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that just means there's no save data yet, happens on first start
just press whatever the confirm button is
on my xbox controller it's B

>> No.36989626

Is the Switch version of Daitoshokan uploaded anywhere?

>> No.36989686

I think I saw it in a tinfoil shop.

>> No.36990337

In Alvro's collection.

>> No.36990628


>> No.36990655

Best girl let's gooo

>> No.36991417

There's no voiced Windows version
The English patch probably includes the patching in of voices from the console port, like what was done with YU-NO for Windows

>> No.36991860

At least the yuno guys weren't assholes and made a Japanese version
