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36937423 No.36937423 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss happenings related to the real-life members of the iDOLM@STER franchise, whether it's live events, personal updates, or other things that may not necessarily be related to their games.

Radio/Stream Schedule: http://imas-db.jp/bangumi/
A&G Radio Player: http://www.uniqueradio.jp/agplayerf/player3.php

iM@S VA Database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C-DamOHRSZQvhhAow458luQ43ohnHs6kETyP7dMTBbA/htmlview#
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/224631 (Girls)
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/230058 (Boys)

Imas Calendar/Birthdays: https://twitter.com/imas_calendar
Imas DB Updates: https://twitter.com/imas_DB
Imas Girls News Bot: https://twitter.com/imas_girls

Previous Thread: >>36899286

>> No.36937445

I was gonna wait until the last one expires but that's fine too lol

ahem, Mingosu good.

>> No.36937492

Second for I love mingosu

>> No.36937538
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>> No.36937587

I want to make Mingosu a mother

>> No.36937674


>> No.36937712

mmm koroazu

>> No.36937877

Is there any other reports of Mingosu being a bully

>> No.36938307

I think just Yukiho's old VA. She spoke out against the Kokoro Connect bullying incident and the CCP beating that shit out of that one guy in the 765 shirt.

>> No.36938460

Isn't her face kind of washed up looking?

>> No.36938565

She looks alright for a 44 year old

>> No.36939174
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Local VA somehow managing to be less clothed than the idol she voices.

>> No.36939299

Everybody seems to forget all the other. menhera bullshit she pulled after the scandal too. Like when she pretended a taxi driver kidnapper her, or the fake terminal illness, she was the gift that kept on giving and that gave her main scandal more staying power, that and screech at everyone online.
You're definitely right.

>> No.36939712

Have they really not reacted to the NTR situation yet?
Just going to ignore it and hope it goes away?

>> No.36939761

My guess is that Stardust VA is waiting for the situation to cool off and then release a statement. It did somewhat calm down already.

>> No.36939870

People here have lost interest but I still see lots of shitposting on Twitter. I think the chances she doesn't get shit canned hard are roughly 0, but time will tell.

>> No.36940040

>I think the chances she doesn't get shit canned hard are roughly 0, but time will tell.
Strong agree here. I'd be genuinely shocked if she can somehow come out of this unscathed. Just because the tourism has blown over a good amount here doesn't mean things are back to how they used to be.

>> No.36940060

I only see 2-3 threads on futaba. Compared to the shitfest that was last friday I say it decreased.
I honestly can't tell if the agency strategy is to keep quiet or they have no fucking idea what to do.

>> No.36940105

If they haven’t done anything yet might as well wait it out to see if people let it go since any statement they make will bring attention back to the situation.
Interesting to see that both Runa and Honoka are still seemingly barred from Twitter but considering SC’s half anniversary festivities are close surely they’ll have to start posting soon to help promote it?

>> No.36940123

I know people will shit on her for being a cheater. But i hope she doesn’t end her life over this.

>> No.36940154

If korekore has any new info on it the next time he streams, that will light the fire again

>> No.36940232

I don't read Futaba these days, but just because less people are talking about it doesn't mean it's actually blown over. Also I'd expect even if they're firing her that it would take a few days with HR and lawyers to get shit taken care of.
It would be pretty crazy if she actually pulled through this. Having your career end because of things you did in your personal life is honestly kind of strange, but also she probably signed a contract regarding that too.
I really doubt she'll kill herself over this. Honestly I think her behavior was pretty vile, but I hope it doesn't come to that either. I'm expecting her career to end but others have lost their career for less.

>> No.36940238

SC half anniversary is tame compared to the Soundorion live at the end of this month.

>> No.36940244

I still want to fuck Ami.

>> No.36940257


>> No.36940276

You heard me.

>> No.36940279

>Having your career end because of things you did in your personal life is honestly kind of strange
That's just part of being a famous person, even if she is small time famous

>> No.36940284

Yeah but how many times will you nut?

>> No.36940300

Yeah, I'm not saying it's wrong, she makes her employers look bad. It's just kind of weird when you think about it as a nobody and compare it.

>> No.36940319


>> No.36940609

This is a powder keg waiting to explode again. One wrong tweet or comment and it could blow back up at a moments notice.

>> No.36940612

It's fine, she'll be fired tomorrow.

>> No.36940618

Not him but I could easily nut 4 times in my favorite im@s seiyuu, all that pent up lust would keep me going

>> No.36940777

Looks like shutting up until it blows over is the SOP when it comes to burning. Love Live had a similar controversy over this Chinese newcomer character that was written too evil that every trailer about her story gets disliked bombed, which is very unusual for a Love Live video. Now that the story is over and she got officially added to the roster, everyone is calling her the best character the franchise has ever seen. Runa will be reinstated in a similar manner.

>> No.36940797

Wait what?

>> No.36940847

Stop bring up Love Live in the iM@S thread no one cares dude

>> No.36940866

I'm just saying Runa will keep her job because shutting up until it blows over is a tried-and-tested method in avoiding controversies and i'm just citing that as an example that it works.

>> No.36941185

That's in game character isn't it.
Different from this one where we have a real person being a horrible person.

Actually, the proof is not that concrete and they can cover the story with claiming that it's only screenshot with her boyfriend, and the Line message is fabricated.
So yeah, I think they need to give official statement before doing any live or public appearance.

>> No.36941564

How does one nut inside narumi. I want to do it too

>> No.36943097

What are these gestures trying to tell me?

>> No.36943128

They all suck 10 dicks
Except Machico, she sucks 100

>> No.36943223

They didn't like the story, but they aren't cool enough to yell at the seiyuu, which is pretty surprising for love live fans.

>> No.36943264

4 times

>> No.36943770


>> No.36943873

What's the current HoriPro power ranking?

>> No.36946124

liyuu > everyone

>> No.36946302

the seiyuu was very nice and minus the horrible story the character was well regarded. Everyone's waiting to see her live and in the anime

>> No.36946394

Pretty sure she's shutting up because she got kicked out of her bf's home and looking for a place to stay.

>> No.36946464


>> No.36946744
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>> No.36946780
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chink chads, i kneel

>> No.36946847

>the proof is not that concrete
Except the part where they admitted to it to korekore off-stream

>> No.36946867

bitch be ruining her 2D wannabe

>> No.36946992

That's not concrete proof.

>> No.36947029

It's enough since korekore has no reason to lie about it

>> No.36947055

Enough for creating content, yes. Not enough to prove anything. Main news channel are not reporting on this for that reason.

>> No.36947071

Main news channel won't report on a literal who anyways.

>> No.36947081


>> No.36947094

It's enough for people to believe it. Main news channels not reporting about it just means they are afraid of the company behind the idol so they need definitive proof this happened

>> No.36947126

That's true. I'm just arguing that since there's no definitive proof they can go with the 'play dumb' strategy. In the end the only thing that is certain is that she knew mokou and that girls bar owner because of the photos.

>> No.36947187

We also have proof that the bar owner paid his girlfriend 420000 yen and didn't deny any of this happened

So either it happened or these two made it all up and for some reason the idol side has been completely silent about this

>> No.36947228

If you ask me I think she did it. Even if she didn't and it was all a set up with truths mixed with lies, I think she should quit for all the trouble she caused.

>> No.36950449

She probably made Ami sad, so fuck her, I hope she never works again.

>> No.36952184

>> No.36953284

So, how fucked is the idolmaster franchise after the NTR scandal? Or will they pull a kim kardashian and come back stronger?

>> No.36953401

My girls looking so grown up in this pic

>> No.36953407

The franchise itself isn't going to be impacted it all. It's way too big to get hurt by one out of hundreds of its seiyuu doing some dumb shit.

>> No.36953697

I hope she ends her life, tbdesu.

>> No.36953726

Runa whore, get roped

>> No.36953862

Cumming inside runa~~

>> No.36954381

How many times?

>> No.36954754

More than 4 times

>> No.36954775

Idolm@ster almost died way back then when they introduced Idolm@ster 2 and went through that stronger than ever. Runa's scandal is a nothingburger to them.

>> No.36955075

stay away from thirsty whore

>> No.36955082
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>> No.36959805

Today im@s is a multi-game franchise, so this kind of thing won't affect the branches other than its own. But I think even Shiny Colors, which is still kind of small, isn't going to suddenly go down in fames from any single incident, even one like this.

>> No.36959850

Runa should make her AV debut... servicing the homeless. Unsensored on carribeancom or whatever.

>> No.36960109

Agreed. Some people are overblowing the situation because of the popularity of the memes that came from it but it actually only affects one group and mostly one character only.

>> No.36961551

i thought she'd do something amateury first like FC2 or fantia

>> No.36961590

seething incels bullying poor girl just because she needed to express herself
and that mostly coming from japanese otaku cringe overlords
no wonder japan is so problematic today as a whole country and needs to be regulated or this incel curse spreads even more

>> No.36961984

Needed to express herself by cheating on her boyfriend for 3 years?

>> No.36962004

yeah i get it, chud
you hate women

>> No.36962040

Stop replying to bait, retard

>> No.36962074

That's irrelevant though.

>> No.36962090


>> No.36963772

I miss runa lads..

>> No.36964009

I miss cumming inside her 4 times for 9800 yen.

>> No.36966808

Runa Narumi (role of Yuka Mitsumine), who was originally scheduled to appear on Saturday, October 23, has been postponed from
appearing at this event due to her poor physical condition.

>> No.36966978

Pathetic, being so exhausted after only four times...

>> No.36967858

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support.

Runa Narumi, who belongs to our company, has decided to suspend her entertainment activities for the time being due to poor physical condition.
We sincerely apologize for the great concern and inconvenience caused to our fans and all concerned.

We kindly ask for your understanding in refraining from making inquiries to related parties.

>> No.36968499

"Poor physical condition" is a pretty clear stand-in for "we're not allowing this bitch to show up at anything until we figure out what the fuck to do with her".

>> No.36968521

She got dicked too hard (kinky shit)
Her physical condition is no good anymore.

>> No.36968535

She'll most likely graduate from Soundorion. I don't know what will happen to her other roles but hey EMTN got to keep her role.

>> No.36969029

They will allow her to resign by herself.
So at least she can still left with some dignity.
Probably with some bullshit reason like medical issues or something like that.
Then in the next six month she will debut her JAV video with some pseudonym.

>> No.36969258

Hopefully she will shave her head in shame, we haven't had one of those in a while

>> No.36969298

Pretty sure her agency also want nothing to do with her anymore.
Better just cut her immediately before she can do any further damage.

>> No.36969498

>poor physical condition
Literally lying and it's obvious. Is anyone going to trust anything they say anymore?

>> No.36969563

Namco and Stardust are never going to admit to the allegations themselves. Even if they do let her go eventually, they're not going to come out and say "she's a cheating bitch".

>> No.36969613

They could say it's due to private matters instead of lying

>> No.36969631

It's Japanese culture thing, they won't outright admit that she were fired because of the scandal,
and they even would not acknowledge that
the scandal is actually happened.
However the general public is expected to already understand what actually happened,
and just accepted the official PR.

>> No.36970429

is people wanting to make hego ahegao still a thing

>> No.36971199

I'm thinking, what if they ignore everything, and she keeps her job? What would be the fans reactions?

>> No.36971807
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>> No.36971869

If she keeps her role as Yuika, she must prepare herself whenever she goes back to a live that's for sure, Bamco doesn't really like to leave their talents go, at best she will just end as freelance if Stardust wants nothing to do with her.

>> No.36971877

They'll grumble and accept it, a small minority might move to other franchises. General public will continue with the 4凸9800円 jokes and it'll remain as a stain in im@s history. After a long hiatus she'll show up at a live and people will forgive her.
Or Bamco is waiting for the next anniversary event to wrap up to announce she's not coming back due to "health reasons".

>> No.36971885

>people will forgive her.
If L'antica content suffers as a result, I doubt that very much. Other L'anticaPs will hold a grudge against her.

>> No.36972200

Peaked in like 2016/2017.

>> No.36973554

She makes my dick hard when I see her without make up.

>> No.36974133

I like when artists that did im@s create their own original story with characters that are basically im@s characters with slight modifications

>> No.36974981

so, puchimas?

>> No.36975199
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>> No.36977442

I wish she was my wife.

>> No.36979175

Molesting Koroazu...

>> No.36980144

>without make up
Do such pictures even exist?

>> No.36980767

Thankfully yes. She occasionally posts pics after she gets her hair done. I'm jealous if her hairdresser he probably pops wood the entire time he's working on her hair.

>> No.36981191
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>> No.36981594
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The Flyers outfit is pretty nostalgic. They kind of skipped over the Glow Map one, so hopefully there will be an actual opportunity to show it glowing.

>> No.36981729
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>> No.36981745
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>> No.36981771
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>> No.36981786 [DELETED] 


>> No.36981845


Order Hanasakuya sensu.

>> No.36981860
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When asked about the possibility of her being in a kimono onstage, she said she was too big for it.

>> No.36981923


>> No.36981980

I hate her and her big ugly tits. Wish she had the scandal, she'd be prime for AV anyway.

>> No.36982000

I want to cum on her bare face then have her put on make up over it.

>> No.36982008

She wears that outfit really high up. I know her legs are her charm point but that skirt feels super short in that bottom right picture. Good, good.

>> No.36982314

You sound like a bad man.

>> No.36982427

We know, Azusachan.

>> No.36983087

I just hate fat girls like her.

>> No.36983096
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>due to her poor physical condition
literally who are they trying to fool?

>> No.36983119

Maybe she tried to kill herself...

>> No.36984281

So when are they letting Honoka Kuroki back on Twitter? Think of all the feet pics she might have been forbidden from posting this past week…

>> No.36984387


>> No.36984429

It would be funny if she immediately flooded her Twitter with like 20 pics of her feet as soon as she slept back on.

>> No.36984471

Yeah haha, how terrible.

>> No.36984497

You don't like her feet?

>> No.36985540

I don't know why, but I just find this hot.

>> No.36985581

nakadashi is 9800yen.

>> No.36987295

Narumi-chan iku iku IKU kimochi

>> No.36987968
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>> No.36989262

I hate them so much. I hope I never get to have them all over my face and inside my mouth.

>> No.36990922

I should watch S2 eventually.

>> No.36992311

She's in poor physical condition cause she got fucked hard by mister ex-bf, obviously.

>> No.36993670

I hope you don't either. They're probably dirty and smelly.

>> No.36996965

She's very cute

>> No.36997976

Notice regarding affiliated members

Thank you for always supporting SoundOrion.

This time, member Runa Narumi has been suspended due to poor physical condition, but since it became difficult for her to act as SoundOrion, she will be withdrawn.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our fans, and thank you for your understanding.

>> No.36998107

give us a non-google translate version

>> No.36998113

We kicked out that slut.

>> No.36998574

She got kicked from that group and the album thatt was supposed to go on sale this month is delayed and all her events are cancelled

>> No.36998839

Now either new VA for yuika, or we don't have new Yuika content for ~1 year or more

>> No.36999219

This and last Friday's notice are a week too late.
What took Stardust so long to act? Shouldn't they as good salarymen spend 12 hours every day in the office to figure this out like last Monday?
Also what a shitshow Takayama. Three incidents in four months must be a record of some sort. Clearly he has no eyes for picking the right people, nor the will to act with any sense of urgency. He's too inexperience and unqualified to stay at his current position.

>> No.36999301

>What took Stardust so long to act?
Waiting for everyone except dedicated fan to forget about it

>> No.36999430
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LoL niconico. Pornhub

>> No.36999542

You think acting asap will solve issues? It'll just add fuel to the fire.

Also >putting the blame on TakayamaP for the runa incident


>> No.36999610

There was no scenario where she wouldn't be withdrawn from that unit.
I imagine Bamco doesn't want to replace her, that would require extra work and Bamco hates that. It's all up to Stardust VA and the person herself, she won't be getting any new roles any time soon so her career is dead. Might as well give up and go home with her family.

>> No.37000517

Three incidents?

>> No.37000553

>You think acting asap will solve issues? It'll just add fuel to the fire.
Acting sooner would at the very least make it much easier to contain the damage to Narumi, instead of the uncontrolled and prolonged spilling to the character and other VAs that has and is happening.

>Also >putting the blame on TakayamaP for the runa incident
I don't blame Takayama for one VA's private life. However I think he is at least partially responsible for his current predicament in the sense that he picked two unprofessional VAs and none the wiser. I'm definitely blaming him for poor crisis management, this time as well as with the swimsuit.
If you want to smudge it up the blame can be extended to Hentai for letting Takayama bite off more than he can chew.

>> No.37000676

>I think he is at least partially responsible for his current predicament in the sense that he picked two unprofessional VAs and none the wiser.
If anyone's responsible it's Stardust VA for selling a ticking bomb. You can't expect the game producer to do background checks on talents.

>> No.37000809

She did this stuff after she was hired and cast.

Honestly, I don't see why firing her immediately would have helped anything. If nothing else waiting a week before shitcanning her slutty ass made it look like they took it serious and investigated it rather than just cutting her loose immediately.

The only person I blame for this is her.

>> No.37000977

What's the swimsuit incident?

>> No.37001250

Thy put out swimsuits for players to buy and 2 sets of them were copied from some fashion designer and had to be changed.

>> No.37002164
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Bringing attention to her fat thighs.

>> No.37002175


>> No.37002187


>> No.37002234


>> No.37002243

Ishihara had a good eye for choosing and filtering out talent, but Imas generally did a good job at picking out good eggs even after he left.

>> No.37002265

When did he leave?

>> No.37002324

Should be around early 2016.

Of course, it's not like Imas management can control or see into the private lives of the VA they call on a few times a year for recordings/lives, but her production really should have drilled it into her not to go full retard, especially when she's in an actual VA unit promoting their image.

>> No.37002388

Honestly I can't even blame the management. She did this shit after she had these jobs so no matter how hard they grilled her on hire they wouldn't have been able to get anything from her. I'm sure her agency made it clear that if she did stupid shit that went public she'd be shitcanned too.

It's her fault, she's the only one that can be blamed for it and honestly she probably would have gotten away without it going public if she hadn't been a bitch to the other girl. Did the streamer even out her?

>> No.37003215

Which Imas VA has the nicest ass?

>> No.37003223


>> No.37003232

I don't know if it's the nicest overall but Mingosu has a nice dumper

>> No.37003291

Don't say that. I heard she's sensitive about the size of her butt.

>> No.37003746

this didn't age well

>> No.37003860

She hasn't been fired from Shiny Colors so it hasn't aged poorly.

Give it a few days and repost it though.

>> No.37003873

I mean, she still is Yuika for the time being. But being put on indefinite hiatus in her agency and being removed from her idol group don't exactly spell good things to come.

>> No.37003898

Yuika is a trash tier idol so I think they should keep her, since she's a trash tier human being.

>> No.37004036

Yuika is a great idol. Her VA being a cock hungry two timing whore should not reflect poorly on the character herself.

>> No.37004246

so much bait

>> No.37004516

How do we know if Yuika's VA is even alive?

Her fellow former SoundOrion members didn't even post messages hoping she gets better after that poor health announcement. And Amana's VA is in that group.

>> No.37004547

>Her fellow former SoundOrion members didn't even post messages hoping she gets better after that poor health announcement
Because they're not stupid. Even if poor health is the excuse they're going with for the time being, it's pretty obvious that there's something more dire behind the scenes and it's all public information so there's no real reason for them to try to play into it.

>> No.37004611

I don't like her at all. Honestly I kind of feel bad for her Ps though. It's pretty bullshit that this went down.

>> No.37004646

There's also the fact that if any of the seiyuu tweeted out about it, it'd be equivalent to them putting a giant target on their head saying "HARASS ME ABOUT HER!" And if Wakasama is any indication, no one wants that.

>> No.37005144

Recalling CDs that were already printed and sent to retail stores is pretty costly. They're also having to redo the disk itself, that's quite serious. The production must be livid.

>> No.37005903

Their social media is likely run by Stardust and I doubt their team is allowed to say anything beyond that announcement.

>> No.37006626

Also they probably had to pay off the venue cancellation penalty. And all the ad costs too. It would have been waaaay cheaper to just pay off the ex-gf to keep her quiet.

>> No.37006876

I don't get why they just didn't do the event without Runa. I can understand recalling the CDs, but they said the slut was sick, they have their bases covered.

>> No.37007129

Scared of crazy fans/ex-fans suddenly appearing and burn the venue

>> No.37007862

> It would have been waaaay cheaper to just pay off the ex-gf to keep her quiet.
At this point it must be done by force, doubt she getting quiet about this.

>> No.37007987
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How do we make Nansu popular?

>> No.37008058

I was momentarily confused.

>> No.37009058

She dont want to suck Sony cock.

>> No.37010911
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>> No.37015694


>> No.37017974


>> No.37019523
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>> No.37020929
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This aged well.

>> No.37021403
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>> No.37021418
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>> No.37021710

Machico is cute and I'm tired of pretending she's not

>> No.37021873

She's bog'd.

>> No.37022143

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M5bdpV31Xk hmm comments section disabled

>> No.37022826

I'm more interested at what the Live Chat looked like on this stream. Likes and Dislikes were also disabled. compare it to the Cinderella Girls video that happened between the two streams.

>> No.37022933

We live in a Machicociety

>> No.37022942

they turn off the chat replay.

>> No.37023237

too bad so sad

>> No.37023587
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>I'm more interested at what the Live Chat looked like on this stream.

>> No.37023675
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Literally the Joker.

>> No.37023681

kek what a shitshow!

>> No.37024092

first they censored 感謝 & (⌒,_ゝ⌒), then later on they gated the comment section to those who joined the channel for 2 hours

>> No.37025215

It was a shitshow but they enabled sub only chat and it was fine. Like to dislike was 1.3K/300 at the end of the stream. It's gonna be like this until they cut the seiyuu off.

>> No.37026021
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Just watch the Nico stream, that has comments and the people are nice.

>> No.37026228

I want to cum inside narumi bros.

>> No.37026487

Hope you got 9800 yen.

>> No.37026625

posting the same thing over and over again really doesn't do much, does it

>> No.37026767

The anons that usually used the threads should start posting again. They shouldn't feel that they have to stop to make way for the scandal anymore.

>> No.37026950

I wish she was my wife.

>> No.37026958

I don't think they ever stopped. There's enough thread for whore scandal and normal discussion.

>> No.37027181
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happy birthday chizuru

>> No.37027234


most viewed

>> No.37027615
File: 324 KB, 1108x1478, 1633105370660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake up babe new mingosu post dropped

>> No.37027743

Depiction of Mingosu creating the universe

>> No.37027994

Thanks for the read. I got a good laugh when that guy talked about getting traumatized by the Cinnamoroll icon.

>> No.37028337

Did Yuika’s VA ever go on that webshow where they dress up as brides and talk about their perfect wedding?

>> No.37028408


>> No.37031040
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you're welcomed.

>> No.37034013


easy to digest

>> No.37034203
File: 24 KB, 717x151, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'We go to great lengths to deliver a new kind of attraction different from the existing series' idols'
Highlighted at source.

>> No.37034313
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>what exactly differentiates shiny colors from other entries?
>our idols look unsoiled

>> No.37034962
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>> No.37034979

They probably wrote that before this came out.

>> No.37034993

Would have been awkward when she talked about fucking some other guy right before the ceremony.

>> No.37035170

yeah, the idols, you idiot

>> No.37035325

Looks like someone is parsing through all the nokuo blog posts

>> No.37037682
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>> No.37039001

Good to have this cutie back. Hope she’s smarter than her former unit mate when it comes to covering her sexscapades.

>> No.37039050

Honoka is pure.

>> No.37039476

Heh. She sure is, buddy. She sure is.

>> No.37041066
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Pumpkin patch

>> No.37042604



>> No.37045446


Wanna see how Machico became the Joker? OF COURSE YOU DO

>> No.37047242

Les make-up is scarier.

>> No.37047344

Is it wrong im the only person hoping she gets into bbm ugly bastard porn as her debut as a AV actress?

Anywho bbm pron of a certain character seems to have risen, anons

>> No.37047384
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>> No.37048306

I actually am really into BBM JAV but she's really not that attractive IMO.

>> No.37048564

>she's really not that attractive IMO
This. Thought I still think she’d be well suited for those meat urinal JAVs.

>> No.37049497

You are a bit late

>> No.37049536
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>> No.37049547

Id still enjoy it

>> No.37049552


>> No.37049555


>> No.37049767
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>> No.37050375


>> No.37050626
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>> No.37050900
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>> No.37050925

An impressive amount of effort went into that.

>> No.37052187
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>> No.37052290

unexpectedly very cute

>> No.37052721


I guess everyone's posting their pamphlet outfits.

>> No.37052765

I'd still watch it, but it would be more for novelty rather than actually being hot for her.

>> No.37052769

She stuffs for sure.

>> No.37052943


Get your tin foil hat and tell me what this means.

>> No.37053297


>> No.37055124
File: 177 KB, 1125x844, FCYzMwMVEAMv4Vw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost endearing how unphotogenic Yuina is. Not that she's pretty otherwise but it seems like whenever someone points a camera at her she gets a -30 Vi debuff.

>> No.37055288
File: 55 KB, 514x540, gnODvPc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chisa tho, so cool.

>> No.37057751


>> No.37058051

I still like her, she seems like a sweetheart. Not the prettiest girl by a longshot though.

>> No.37060397

she is a sweetheart. others look up to her as a senpai as well

>> No.37062210
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>> No.37064840
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I'm worried

Worried about Mingosu's hairline

>> No.37065410
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Who're the ladies in white/yellow?

>> No.37065663

"Rio" & "konomi"

>> No.37066487

Early stage male pattern baldness.

>> No.37067236

Was the twitter page that leaked all that Runa stuff still there or was finally taken down?

>> No.37067610
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It's for the best.

>> No.37069670
File: 57 KB, 600x337, FCeI8QqXMAUyDkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yukiyo has finally chosen the life of a nun.

>> No.37070106

Guess I have to stop fapping to her.

>> No.37070200

Kinda strange that she mentioned Runa, what with all the shitfest and such, but I guess since she's officially still part of Shynimas it's not like she can leave her out.

>> No.37070450

>she's officially still part of Shynimas
I wonder how much longer.

>> No.37070612

Chisa doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.37070949

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised now if they're just trying to play the waiting game. The fact that Chisa mentioned Runa explicitly by name on an explicitly iM@S-related post kind of leads me to believe they aren't planning on getting rid of her ASAP.
Obviously if they do keep her, she'll likely be a no-show at all events for years, but I think they might honestly just be trying to let things dry out.

>> No.37071410

It's not like they can leave her out of a post mentioning the missing members, it would look really out of place.

>> No.37072777

There's already many who have already retired from Shanimas silently, though the actual number is unknown.

>> No.37072947

She got shitcanned from her unit and they announced it because they can just continue on without her. When they announce Yuika's VA is gone it will be at the same time as an announcement of her replacement.

If they were keeping her they would have kept her on the event or at least voiced her part like everyone else who wasn't there Day 1. Chisa probably just mentioned her because she's a bro like that. If Runa was as loyal as Chisa is there wouldn't have been a scandal to begin with. Watch them replace Chisa now too.

>> No.37072960

For example?

>> No.37073130

I think he means people quitting the game over the scandal. I'm sure some people have, probably mostly MitsumineP and probably a small group of other Ps. I wonder how much it will end up hurting the game, I don't think it will be a big hit in the long run but I'd imagine Mitsumine will never recover entirely.

>> No.37073162

>Mitsumine will never recover entirely

It's true.

>> No.37073290

They were waiting for 283fes to end to announce anything most likely.
If Bamco announces they are keeping the seiyuu people will definitely leave. If they change her people will move on, it's not like it's an issue with the character. It'll end up like Yukiho that dropped from fan favorite to so-so popularity.

>> No.37073714

I'm sure some people left out of general disgust, but it's probably not a ton, probably more YuikaPs than anything else though. Yukiho is probably a good comparison, it seemed like she never fully recovered either.

>> No.37074343
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Feels like a scam.

>> No.37074366
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>> No.37074466

I want to fuck Machico.

>> No.37074558

Harami looks like she's in pain lmao

>> No.37074575

perhaps chiaking has a deathgrip on her buttcheek

>> No.37074599

"Why do I have to work with these old hags?"

>> No.37074741
File: 124 KB, 1080x1474, FCdredoVgAAbHbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37074853

She had a child last year

>> No.37074996

Whatever happens from all this, I'm quite sure Scamco will get more strict about recruiting their future talents and possibly also do background checks properly... I can only hope.

>> No.37075179

How would you background check something like this? I feel like the best they can do is like blacklist any talent that is found to be getting involved in stuff like that to make an example of them.

>> No.37075194

you get a time travel machine to go into the future to see if hiring a recruit would lead to a scandal

>> No.37075214

Maybe they will not use too much Stardust VAs in future. Amuse has girls who are in LL and Bushi that can sing and dance too, so they should go for them.

>> No.37075296

She wasn't doing this shit until after she was hired so unless the recruiter drove a fucking Delorean they weren't going to find out about this.

It's going to be an example for everyone else, that's about it.

>> No.37075947

Probably just going to add some clause to the contract about what to do in case the talent got into scandal, like maybe if she got into one and she's in the wrong they can get her or her agency to pay fine or something
I doubt bamco care before this whole fiasco

>> No.37077220

Make them pinky swear on a bible that they won’t fuck around after getting hired. Japanese honor will ensure that they uphold their end of the bargain.

>> No.37077886

I like how King looks to have a firm grip on both of their asses

>> No.37078146

It's probably already there. It's not like this is a new concept, she just managed to make herself look like a complete piece of shit with this.

>> No.37078645

Mingosu is definitely into it

>> No.37078786

If I could get away with it, I'd do the same.

>> No.37082108

Chihaya sexualize

>> No.37083961

A sucker is born every minute.

>> No.37085886

Are we even at bump limit

>> No.37085914

we are now

>> No.37086254

I predict Runa will be replaced by the time the next thread dies.

>> No.37086389

Yeah what about the next scandal

>> No.37086517

Miku is seen with a male VA. She confirms they are dating and marries 3 years later. They have 2 kids.

>> No.37086609


Uhh, is she okay?

>> No.37086615
File: 266 KB, 800x1067, FCeQikWUYAEqOh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so pure
too pure, she needs to settle down and meet someone

>> No.37086705

Obviously this could just be reading in between the lines a bit too much but these back to back tweets from Hazuki and especially Amana's seiyuu that consist of very vague messages of despair feel like they could easily be about the Runa situation
My near baseless speculation is that she was finally let go behind the scenes, hence these tweets, but it'll still be a minute before we actually see it crop up

>> No.37086748

>Miku being a slut
We need a scandal, not something anyone with a functioning pair of eyes is already aware of.
