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3685471 No.3685471 [Reply] [Original]

One of us.

>> No.3685479

ITT: Bad games

>> No.3685482

Is wearing a pushup bra!

>> No.3685486

It's not bad. Just kinda average.

>> No.3685491

FUCKING MAGE CIRCLE SLOTH DEAMON LEVEL!! Why were the elven woods and that ash of "jesus" so much easier.

>> No.3685495


Is this dragon rage?

>> No.3685497
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>> No.3685528


I like how three of those responses could get him slapped by that woman over there.

>> No.3685547


learn2 stance dance

>> No.3685557

Easily the best WRPG released since Baldur's Gate 2.

>> No.3687619
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>> No.3687664
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I really want source.

>> No.3687670

Still very fun to play.

>> No.3687671
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>> No.3687681
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>> No.3687682
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You wish.

>> No.3687691
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>> No.3687701
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>> No.3687724 [DELETED] 

Why is your character male?

>> No.3687739

I think you're better off with choice 1, OP. Choice 3 looks like it would send you straight down route GAY.

>> No.3687754

>implying WRPGs are any good

Real deal gaemans like myself play since weeks the FINAL DESTINATION route known as blood-related fucking DEMON'S SOULS

>> No.3687762

Spoken like a true feminist.

>> No.3687771
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Morrigan route is the way to go.

>> No.3687783

Is this that Dragon game that came out on the 3rd?

>> No.3687785

You are not fooling anyone son.

>> No.3687931

I've been playing this.
Combat is so fucking bad. But the story is interesting. I've been playing a death mage (is this game even possible to enjoy without Death Syphon as a mage?) and the best part is how people rattle on about how evil mages are and turning people into toads yet I could murder and reanimate their best friend and they won't say a word about the skeleton.
Is there any point at all to having rogues? The shit that comes out of chests is awful. But it gives experience.

>> No.3687942

Opening chests.
Stealing from everyone (many carry potions)

>> No.3687943


Nope, it's Battletoads: the redemption.

>> No.3687969

Mages are the most powerful class in the game.

Arcane Warrior + Blood Mage = solo everything

>> No.3687976

Putting them in melee requires way too much maintenance, including drinking all the potions they'd steal.
Opening chests has netted me 2-3 gold max over the entire game. I was more wondering if opening doors/chests ever leads to quests/storyline/interesting stuff or if it is all just "here's some bonus gold to help make up for carrying such a shitty teammate."

>> No.3687978

I'm a warrior dwarf that uses two hand weapons and I don't know how to find shit to get a subclass. I would restart but that would be a pain in the ass.

>> No.3687983

ilania does pretty good damage with a bow. I have been using her she does pretty good.

>> No.3687987

you buy books and talk to people. for warrior to get berserker you gotta buy the book or have the dwarf warrior that joins your party teach you. champion you get after you cure the earl of red cliff reaver you get if you put blood into the urn of sacred ashes and Templar Alister can teach you.

>> No.3687988

That's what I have her doing. But she can't compare at all to a mage. One fireball does more damage than Leiliana can do in 20-30 arrows.

>> No.3687992

Where do I unlock Arcane Warrior?
And/Or Spirit Healer?

>> No.3687991

shes so cute when shes in denial about how she loves you :3

>> No.3688001

In the elven ruins there is a phylactery you open up and the soul teaches you how to be an arcane warrior

>> No.3688019

Fucking mainstream normalfags.

>> No.3688031
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>> No.3688032


Hey look, another pathetic weeaboo who thinks anything not Japanese is lame.

>> No.3688040

You actually believe this is better than Persona 3, don't you?

>> No.3688056

Who said anything about P3?

>> No.3688068

Persona is worse than this shit.

At least this won't spawn a ton of low-level /jp/ers

>> No.3688101
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Yeah, fucking weeaboos.

Also, Q3 for life.

>> No.3688116

Surely is /v/ around here.
I wish they put more cute girls in western games, not those independent unattractive grown women. if someone around here can name a game like that i'd play it gladly. (Except for FPS games. I got bored of those when i was 15, and that was when Quake 2 was released.)

>> No.3688123


Been so long since I played that. Carebears Railgun 1v1 server was where I spent most of my time.

>> No.3688127

>More loli and teens in western games.
I agree.

>> No.3688129
File: 55 KB, 819x614, Witchtreadmill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L4D-player here. I the Witch is pretty moe.

>> No.3688130

This is what normalfags actually believe.

>> No.3688131

I would like to stress out the CUTE word.
Most of the lolis and teens in western games are still independent and unattractive.

>> No.3688133

Not possible, they even brand you as a pedophile for liking girls under 18.
I mean seriously, you're a pedo for liking 17 years old girl?

>> No.3688135

I think so too

>> No.3688140
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Seconded. Me on the left.

>> No.3688145

Stay away from Bioware.
The primary female love interest is always:
1. Sass-talking/Bitchy.
2. Severely mentally damaged in some way.
3. Frequently an outcast from her own race.
4. Oftem comes with shapeshifting powers to turn into something furry. (Jaheira in BG2, Elaina in NWN2, Morrigan in DAO, etc.)

>> No.3688149

Japan turned around it by making the younger girls all over 18. I dunno, i think the western developers are still too worried on catering to both genres. Or just scared of the soccer moms and feminazis.

>> No.3688152


That's why I always found it surprising that in America, that Leon movie is rated in the top 10. Or is it 50?

Either way, it features love between some 30 year old dude and a 14 year old Natalie Portman. Maybe it's because the movie is rather old. If they produced that now it would probably be banned.

>> No.3688165

>it features love
I don't remember that. It really depends on how you interpret it. I thought it was more of a father-daughter thing.

>> No.3688168


Really? Maybe you're right then, I might have just been misunderstanding.

>> No.3688169

I don't know if it's rated that highly here, but I know I've seen it on TV and it has some serious undertones. Maybe it's because the dude is played by Jean Reno and he's awesome enough to get away with a lot in a movie.

>> No.3688178

I just want to add that completing Elaina's route in NWN2 is worth it just so you can hear about how she's stalked you since you were a little shota and to see her go massively yandere if you get anywhere near a decent relationship with another female. Only time I have ever seen a western yandere.
She also follows you around for the first 2 hours of the game carrying a cleaver/sickle thing.

>> No.3688186

...getting it NOW.

>> No.3688198

It's a good game. Much much better than DAO has been. The second expansion is really too easy though due to epic levels, and the third is god awful. Don't even download Storm of Zehir.

>> No.3688226

I dont remember a NPC in NWN2 called Elaina...

>> No.3688240

Elanee, my bad.
The female wood elf druid.

>> No.3688253

Character mods when?

I expect at least a Saber mod at some point

>> No.3688254

NWN was actually pretty damn fun, I always wanted to play through the entire game with someone or multiple people. I can never find anyone who wants to though.

>> No.3688268

I dont remember the yandere part either. And the romances were pretty much fail. The BG2 romance mod did it better.

>> No.3688291

You had to have a ton of affection/influence with her when you get to that circle of druids she used to be a part of. She gets ragged on by the corrupted circle leader about being a bad druid. You convince her that she doesn't have to obey the circle master (why you need the influence.) After the fight she breaks down and admits that she neglected her duties so she could sneak to the edge of the village and watch you for days at a time, and would sit and watch you through your window as you went to sleep, and that she has done this since you were a small child. Presumably she did this while shapeshifted, or while masturbating furiously. The stalking with the sickle/cleaver at the start and the constant way she knows all about you are the tipoffs though.

>> No.3688342

I don't remember NWN2 being made by Bioware.
