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3682855 No.3682855 [Reply] [Original]

Is White Len's snowy field a reality marble?

>> No.3682856 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.CCDBtalk.com ( replace CCDB w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3682857

Part of her TATARI night.

>> No.3682860

might as well be.

>> No.3682865

It's a miracle of this universe.

>> No.3682868

Arc can't be supplied by za worldo if she's in it so it might as well be.

>> No.3682889

Technically, yes.

It's a mutation/bastardization of the Night of Wallachia Reality Marble belonging to Zepia Eltnam Oberon.

>> No.3682898

If it's a manifestation derived from the Night of Walachia, then I guess it is a reality marble.

>> No.3683674
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She says she only has a few minutes after bringing Arc in it, which makes sense if it's a reality marble.

>> No.3683676

Whats so White about White Len, anyway?

>> No.3683685
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She's white because of her "mischievous innocence", unlike normal Len who isn't innocent at all.

>> No.3683691

So normal Len is a slut, then.

>> No.3683697

She fucks Shiki twice and likes to give people erotic dreams, so draw you own conclusions.

>> No.3683708
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and White Len fucks Nanaya Shiki a thousand times a day.

...Though, that's not entirely her fault per say, since no creature can resist his charms.

>> No.3683714

The fact she's tsundere for him does not necessarily mean that she fucks her. Though Nananya is a confirmed pedo.

>> No.3683718

I wish she would give me an erotic dream.

>> No.3683719

He just likes how they get chopped up/

>> No.3683721

Succubus familiar for fuck's sake.
Innocence is moot, unless you play Plancescape Torment.

>> No.3683723

There's nothing stopping you having erotic dreams about Len.

>> No.3683725

It's just not the same if she's not actually giving it to me.

>> No.3683729

How do you know that she's not the one giving you an erotic dream?

>> No.3683731

Because she's not real

>> No.3683732

Surely you can convince yourself otherwise.

>> No.3683740

No matter how hard I try, I just can't do it.

>> No.3683745

Try using drugs.

>> No.3683748

>Is White Len's snowy field a reality marble?

The fuck?Does this mean anything?

>> No.3683750

have you even played Tsukihime

or Fate/Stay Night

>> No.3683753

That won't make her any more real.

>> No.3683755

A Reality Marble (固有結界 koyuu kekkai, innate bounded field) is the common sense of the spirit world that the demons possess, but now, it is possible to achieve one as an innate bounded field.

As a sub-category of Marble Phantasm, it is possible to reshape reality into the vision of the bearer through a bounded field. It is a magecraft that comes close to being real magic, and is a category that was banned by the Association of Magecraft.

Unlike Marble Phantasm, it isn't possible to make any transformation you want: its only purpose is to do the one thing that defines the practitioner. On the other hand, that thing can be something unnatural.

The Reality Marble allows the creation of a world that obeys a set pattern of rules. However, there are limitations in how it is a way to create a spiritual world. In principle, it is something that only belongs to demons and spirits, but it is possible for an individual with high magic abilities to realize one with time. The World will naturally try to crush such a bounded field if it isn't made by a spiritual entity. Also, in the end, only a limited number of people are capable of realizing a Reality Marble.

>> No.3683756

'Real' is all about perception.

>> No.3683761

But can you delude yourself enough to perceive yourself having sex with her? I think only in your dreams.

>> No.3683763

But Len appears in dreams anyway, so that would be completely realistic.

>> No.3683764

Why was it banned anyway?

Too over powered?

God, is the magic association made of a bunch of MMO nerds who want to nerf everything just because sometimes things are too strong or abuseable?

>> No.3683765

>Banned by the association of magecraft
does this mean Shirou's an outlaw

>> No.3683770

You don't think there might be a slight problem with overwriting reality?

They don't know about it.

>> No.3683773

Of course.

>> No.3683774

>An innate bounded field is possible to achieve as an innate bounded field.
>a sub-category of Marble Phantasm
>Unlike Marble Phantasm

>> No.3683778

a sub-category can be unlike the category it's a sub of in some ways

look at insects

>> No.3683781

Why is whaling banned?

>> No.3683783

It only has a FEW similar properties.
Dunno what you wonder about.

>> No.3683784

A reality marble is the user's inner world, right?

So if a whaler were to become a magus...

>> No.3683788

I imagine it's more like Magic The Gathering rules.

Like how some cards get banned from use because they can be used with exploits, so they get banned from tournaments and general play.

I'm sure if Rin had enough clout she could get Shirou sanctioned so that the association would allow him to use it.

Heh, perhaps a ruling on it could be that he'd be restricted to using it only 3 times a day, again like how MTG restricts some cards.

>> No.3683790
File: 17 KB, 352x240, whalers8kp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not banned on the MOON

>> No.3683793

The joke's on them there, Shirou could probably only use it once every other day.

Unless he jackhammered Rin in between uses.

>> No.3683795

I don't see how overwriting reality is the problem of the association.

>> No.3683797

UBW users were banned because they did not pay Kicker Cost?

>> No.3683801

She's his woman. He'd do it with her anyway.

>> No.3683803

Unlimited Moby-Dick Works?

>> No.3683805


>> No.3683809

Look it's just forbidden okay! SHUT UP AND EAT YOUR SANDWICH.

In seriousness though, I don't really know why they've banned it. I'm just taking a guess.

>> No.3683816

Pretty much. The Association doesn't want people to have abilities that might threaten them.

>> No.3683823

Shirous reality marble has to be one of the most aggressive ones in existance.

Being able to grab noble phantasms from any hero? Hoollly shiiiittt.

Also since they're fake anyway, could Shirou make weapons that never actually existed, but were fictional in origin?

Could Shirou make a +10 Vorpal Flaming Holy Avenger?

>> No.3683831

UBW has somehow to record the concept.
Unless you provide it somehow, no reproduction.

>> No.3683834

He needs to have seen the weapon and understood the reason for its creation for that to work.

For example, he can't replicate Ea.

>> No.3683850

Archer can trace Caladbolg II, which is pretty different from the original Caladbolg.

>> No.3683856

Shirou can trace Rin's vagina, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3683858

White Len? I liked her more when she was called Ilya.

>> No.3683860

>Seen the Weapon
>Understood the reason for it's creation

It's a good thing shirou's a bit of a mythology nerd then. (At least, I doubt the average japanese high school student could tell you who Cu Chulaim is)

Wait, does this mean if he saw the Lord of the rings movies, he could trace Aragorn's sword that I forget the name of?

>> No.3683862

The next step in Shirous growth would be the ability to actually create original products.

Perhaps to help with this, he could first learn to combine the abilitys of different weapons inside of UBW.

It's his world after all. So why shouldn't he be able to do whatever he wants with it?

Eventually he'd just be able to instantly create the most appropriate weapon from scratch for any situation without having to replicate anything else.

So he'd be evolving from a faker to a mixer to a maker.

>> No.3683867

Or perhaps Shirou later in his life changes his view so much, he makes only BLUNT weapons.

>> No.3683868

Ilya? I liked her better when she was called Irisviel.

>> No.3683872

Irisviel? I liked her better when she was called "That pile of things over there that we're going to use to make a Homunculus, oh shit we have some left over, quick make some maids"

>> No.3683875

What the fuck kind of noble phantasms exist that are blunt weapons?

Legendary weapons are always usually sword or spears or sometimes axes.

But morning stars, staves, clubs, and maces usually arn't going to end up becoming a weapon with a legend to it.

>> No.3683877

No, that's not quite how it works either.

He needs to either have the thing itself in front of his face so he can trace it, or have blueprints of it.

>> No.3683880


This thread is gonna last for a week.

>> No.3683882

I lol'd hard thinking about his.
What would be his new chant?

>> No.3683883
File: 53 KB, 767x510, rape face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both.

>> No.3683889

Shirou does not have the ability because Bladed NPs existed.
He has it regardless.
And next, he will regardless have Unlimited Blunt Works.

>> No.3683891

Fuck, they ARE the same.

>> No.3683894

Illya has a softer face.

>> No.3683896

'I am A bone'.

>> No.3683897

Unlimited blunt works suits him.
Saying he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer is an euphemism.

>> No.3683900
File: 49 KB, 600x450, blunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then Shirou never did anything worthwhile ever again.

>> No.3683902

Thor most likely used a hammer.

>> No.3683903

Sella and Leysritt?

I liked them better when they were called Hisui and Kohaku.

>> No.3683905

Most artists suffer from 'same face'(try giving most TM females same expression and colors).
Few artists are both good and diverse

>> No.3683908

He is very sharp.
When it comes to swords.

>> No.3683913

Unfortunately, Takeuchi is neither.

>> No.3683914
File: 208 KB, 640x512, 1252615443262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. White Len has pointy ears, unlike Ilya. Plus their hair color is different.

>> No.3683916

Yes, mediocre and only good choices concerning clothing (though some prototype designs make me wonder is somebody else decides on the clothes)

>> No.3684025

They look close enough to be sisters, at least.

>> No.3684034

Their measurements are very similar as well:

White Len: B63/W48/H61
Ilya: B61/W47/H62

>> No.3684035 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.EDEBtalk.com ( replace EDEB w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3684059

What about height?

>> No.3684065

White Len: 132 cm, 33 kg
Ilya: 133 cm, 34 kg

Ilya needs to go on a diet.

>> No.3684070

At least she isn't as fat as that maid of hers.

>> No.3684086

Where are my white ren doujins :(

>> No.3684089

What was that, faggot?
Illya is perfect as is.

>> No.3684114

Ilya is far from perfect.

>> No.3684143

>Ilya's mom is perfect

>> No.3684181
File: 237 KB, 950x1352, eroi_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how hot she is, it is a bit surprising there's so little porn of her.

Here's one doujinshi that features her briefly:

>> No.3684201

Illya is perfect.

>> No.3684329

Here's a few CG sets featuring her:



>> No.3684351

How do you expect us to download all three of these?

>> No.3684354

Be patient for half an hour or so?

>> No.3685321

/r/ re-upload that doesn't require premium to download

>> No.3685465


Think of it this way:

You are an organization full of bickering, backstabbing lunatics. Guys like Kotomine, Zouken, and Tokiomi are not only common, but their behavior is the accepted norm for pretty much all Magi.

Now, imagine that each and every being has the latent potential to deploy a bounded field inside of which is "their" world. Within this world they are functionally invincible, because it operates off of rules that revolve around what makes them themselves.

Would you *want* every single one of these assholes with Chronic Backstabbing Disorder to be actively trying to cultivate the ability to deploy their Reality Marble?

To be fair here, it's possible that they couldn't even if they tried - Shirou is an unusual case in that his entire ability set revolves around the application of his reality marble in some fashion, so he is at his most basic level capable of doing so to a degree only found in one of the 27.

>> No.3685489

Caladbolg is not conceptually or materially different from the original Caladbolg, he just applied his own modifications to make it a better "arrow".

To put it another way, the shape is all that's changed. The weapon can still cleave off the tops of hills.

>> No.3685540

I went through Toronoana's catalog and there were actually a number of White Len pornographic doujinshis there:


I guess White Len is reasonably popular after all.

Nanako on the other hand had only one pornographic doujinshi dedicated to her.

>> No.3685577

White Len sucks, much like the rest of the TM lolis

>> No.3685591

I really want to order all of these.

I wonder if I should set up an account.

>> No.3685620


It can also, apparently, fucking explode when he needs it to.

>> No.3685631

They're out of print. Besides, Toranoana won't ship to outside Japan.

>> No.3685632

There's only like two of these that I don't have.

I'm gonna buy em.

>> No.3685638

Damn about out of print, but on shipping you can always use a delivery service to pick it up and ship it out.

It'd be expensive...

>> No.3685684

DLsite has a few titles featuring White Len that can be bought and downloaded from anywhere in the world:


>> No.3685693

No, that's a normal feature of Broken Phantasms. They can give off one really powerful attack in exchange for being destroyed.

>> No.3685703

By the way, could you please upload any of these doujinshis that you have but that have yet to be posted on this thread? I'm pretty interested in them.

>> No.3685707


But do all of them explode?
How the hell would you Broken Phantasm, say, God Hand?
What benefit would Broken Gae Bolg do? Stab the heart then EXPLODE FOR GOOD MEASURE?

>> No.3685716

When Archer uses a Broken Phantasm, he is not actually invoking the Noble Phantasm to perform its intended purpose, such as killing whole armies or slicing the tops off of hills.

He is packing it with prana, and then firing it as an arrow. The resulting destruction of the weapon upgrades its rank from the rank-down it suffers from being a copy to the original rank.

Normal heroic spirits can't do this because they would permanently lose their weapon, but for Archer it's basically a cheap and easy way to get Excalibur-esque results for dirt cheap.

Although as demonstrated in Hollow Ataraxia with Hrunting, he can turn something into an arrow and use its abilities in that form.

>> No.3685730

It probably only works on weapon-type NPs. I would assume that BP Gae Bolg works just like Death Flight Gae Bolg, but more explode-y and less mana-draining.


>> No.3685734

This is just guesswork, but if he used Gae Bolg as an arrow and packed it with prana to make it explode, it would probably result in some sort of horrifying variation of the Thrown Gae Bolg, only the whole area is covered in explosions in addition to the spearhead spam.

Also, it would be very hard-pressed to miss its intended target.

>> No.3685745

They're in the TATARI doujin packs. Seriously.

>> No.3685746



>> No.3685758


I can't read moonrunes, so I guess I'll have to find them the hard way.

>> No.3687176

Here are a couple of additional doujinshi:

>> No.3687183

I <3 you.
