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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 451 KB, 1382x2000, KaorinLesbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3675385 No.3675385 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious about Japanese, mostly because I like languages and am sick of waiting for translations for things.

I'm assuming a few people here have learned Japanese, and I'm curious how you went about that. I know there are some tools you can get for free to help you out, but it seems those are always very poorly organised and somewhat confusing and ineffective.

If basically the only way to actually learn japanese without taking ages through an actual person to teacher course?

And how about those Rosetta Stone type things? They any good?

The few above questions and if you know japanese, how did you learn it.

>> No.3675393

I learned it by playing a lot of untranslated eroge.

>> No.3675414
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Sir, this sounds unlikely, as I imagine it would be difficult to assertain context from still fames that accompany VNs, which would be the only plausible method of deriving meaning from the moon runes.

>> No.3675423


I'm not 3675393, but I'd have to agree. My knowledge of Japanese mainly comes from playing Eroge with text hooker and a dictionary.

>> No.3675428
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Oh pardon me, but I have just noticed a typo in my previous post, which I fear may have implied inability to spell. I shall now fix it with a star symbol to indicate correction.


As well, I will now dump so images, feel free to respond to my earlier questions. Also, we somebody does, I will cease to use this style of writing.

>> No.3675430

See a new word -> look it up, see a new word -> look it up, until the number of words I could understand without looking up was more than the number of words I had to look up.

>> No.3675432

They quickest and fastest way is motivated self study.

Not just looking at shit every other day, but fucking drilling it into your head. If you don't have the kind of motivation it takes, a class is probably your best bet, but you're just going to forget it once class is over.

The best way is to WANT it and not be a lazy faggot.

BTW, if you really wanted to learn japanese, you'd be learning the kanas right now.

>> No.3675438

>Also, we somebody
>we somebody

>> No.3675439

>Rosetta Stone

Regardless of what method you choose to take about learning, you better deeply immerse yourself into the culture so that everything can stick better. Deep like cervix sex.

>> No.3675447
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Oh, really? Thought he was being sarcastic.

This actual sounds like a very logical way to go about things. I not sure why I didn't think of that. I feel stupid now.


You're probably right. Thanks for the input.

Anybody tried the rosetta stone stuff?

>> No.3675448

anyone else ever try that in the pic but end up just watching weird ass japanese porno and laughing for hours?

>> No.3675451
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I can't even handle English I guess.

Should kill myself.

>> No.3675465
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No, but I did end up laughing when I thought I would fap when I found the source of this.

So, basically, buy a dictionary and go at japanese websites, books, VN, and etc like my life depended on it.

Any other tips? Anything anybody did to help stay motivated?

>> No.3675463


My motivation is blunted the moment I try to learn Kanji.

Hating myself for not having MASSIVE PASSION at anything.

>> No.3675481

Kanji isn't difficult, just start with easy shit.
Numbers first, then dates and time, then shit like nani and watashi, and then from there, it's just building up your vocabulary.

Vocabulary is most important because once you know the words, it won't be like "REMEMBER THIS KANJI AND ALL POSSIBLE READINGS AND COMBINATIONS" but instead like "Oh, so THAT's the kanji for this word I already knew. cool."

>> No.3675494


Now that you mention it...

BRB, taking that book for ANOTHER SPIN AND ENDING IT!

>> No.3675500


I hope you plan on giving us the source.

inb4 I don't know or I don't have it.

Don't wanna hear that.

>> No.3675504
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Just gonna post some stuff every now and then to keep the thread alive.

Hopefully will get some good tips.

>> No.3675508

Start by memorizing hiragana and understanding the phonetics. Katakana should come next, because it's basically the same.

For kanji, do as >>3675481 said.
Also, learn them by grade level, like the Japanese kids do. You'd be surprised at how simple this makes it.

Furthermore, get yourself a kanji dictionary. Digital or hardcopy, doesn't matter; you'll need it.

That's the start; ask further questions here once you feel you've gone as far as you can with these.

>> No.3675512
File: 292 KB, 709x585, star_trek_voyager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not hot at all. It's not even porn. You just see a couple nipples.

It's just funny. This is the only panel that is remotely arousing, everything else is boring.

If it was hot, I would've remembered the sauce, but it wasn't and I didn't. Sorry, bro.

>> No.3675517

You should get the RAWs and try reading through it some time.

>> No.3675523

currently using Rosetta Stone , not sure if I'm really getting anywhere

>> No.3675535

sauce for pic

>> No.3675536
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Sounds like a good idea.

Gonna go out tomorrow or maybe the next day to buy a dictionary.

Just getting over the flu.

>> No.3675543

1 - Learn basic grammar
2 - Play eroges
3 - Look up unknown words to broaden your vocabulary.
4 - goto(2);

Oh and don't try to red those complex and DEEP at first. Grab some nukige or generic moemoe shit. For example, my first raw eroge was DCII.

>> No.3675551

Validation/a reason for reading eroge?
I love you Anon~

>> No.3675557

You should write down all the unfamiliar kanji was well, obviously. It will be easier to look them up too since they have furigana with it iirc. Well using an online dictionary anyways, since then you can type it out.

And if you don't already have it, get Rikaichan extension.

You should really take a look at the archives there's PLENTY of online material to aid you.

>> No.3675558
File: 368 KB, 555x800, decantering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The road to fluency is a painful one indeed,

>> No.3675580

Wow... That guy in the picture is so manly. ;_;

I wish I could decanter like him

>> No.3675582

Just when the moment arises to use pictures from my decantering folder, and that computer is off. Damnation.

>> No.3675587
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Holy crap, Rikaichan seems awesome. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.3675591
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>> No.3675598
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I actually find myself somewhat aroused as well, which is why I saved it.

>> No.3675597 [DELETED] 


in b4

>> No.3675600
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>> No.3675614
File: 169 KB, 1000x500, L.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you gentlemen, it was a pleasure.

Going to sleep now.

>> No.3675662


I've been following an immersion system since January of 2009. Before that, I took 3 years of Japanese in college, and had been studying off and on for about 10 years.

All of my work up until the immersion system was really just prep-work. I didn't begin making gains until college, and I didn't begin making RIDICULOUS gains until the immersion system.

If you don't even know the basics, my advice isn't going to be very useful. But, at any rate, I suggest you do the following

1. Read this website

If you're serious about Japanese (like I am), you should be able to get between 10 to 18 hours of "japanese" a day, whether it is actually studying, just listening to music, watching anime, reading manga, talking to friends, or playing video games.

Do this for about 2-3 years. やる気か?

>> No.3675720
File: 15 KB, 400x400, FOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a slightly different note
can I have the name of the mange wich is depicted in >>3675428
I know it's a hentai manga about an onlie game, but I don't remember the name

>> No.3675743

Lived in Japan for a couple years and went to a private tutor once a week. Expensive but worth every yen.

That got me to pass JLPT level 3 and halfway to level 2. So now I'm self-studying back in the states for level 2. Using some good text books for vocabulary and grammar, read a lot of blogs and Twitter. Occasional manga and DS game as well.

Also, I can't recommend stuff like Smart.FM and Anki enough for your vocabulary. I don't know what I'd do without it. Makes it so much easier, but you have to use it everyday.

>> No.3675769

The only way to learn Japanese without classes is to be completely self-motivated to learn. This is MUCH rarer than people here are making it sound because of the fact that Japanese gets much harder to learn once you start dealing with kanji. It's like slamming face first into a brick wall at 70 miles per hour, and I've never met anyone, not even myself, who can get up after that without external drives like thinking "Damn it, I already paid for this class, so I might as well go."
In the end, classes will be your best bet if you're really serious about learning the language. It took 2 years of classes in Tokyo, but now I know enough Japanese to be able to pass Japanese college entrance exams.

>> No.3675777

>Japanese gets much harder to learn once you start dealing with kanji
I don't know if I'm some sort of genius, or I'm just better at recognizing patterns but, no it fucking doesn't. If anything, it makes learning the language much, much easier.

>> No.3675793

Learning kanji certainly makes it easier to understand, but it takes a lot of time and work.

I think most people never really break out of that beginner phase. Although what I see on here a lot is people who don't actually care about communicating in Japanese, they just use stuff like RTK so they can understand eroge and hentai.

>> No.3675810

You should start learning kanji pretty much as soon as you start learning the language, and it's not that hard. It just takes time because there are so many characters.

>> No.3676122

I want more of these.
