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3670455 No.3670455 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/. I don't hang around here much but I know you guys have probably discussed type moon to death already. so please bear with me

my quick question is that when ever someone brings up the match up between Nanaya and Shiki Ryogi, the arguments always end up with 'Ryogi has the superior eyes, she is the victor!'

isn't that a completely moot point? both of them are just fragile pieces of flesh... it doesn't matter how/what they can cut as they could both be killed with a thrust from a knife either way. its like arguing who has the sharper knife which in this case is 'who has the superior eyes'

so tell me /jp/ who would actually win? I've been told that it would be Ryogi's third personality as that one has hax skills as well as the eyes

>> No.3670480

Because she can kill the universe around her to give her an advantage.

Oh, Nanaya's too far away? Kill the distance. Nanaya is too close for comfort? Kill the concept of him being near you. He's moving around too much? Kill the concept of him BEING ABLE TO DODGE.

>> No.3670497


Void Shiki, so plothax.

>> No.3670502

you sure you're not exaggerating?

>> No.3670509

I'm pretty sure she's never actually done those things.

>> No.3670513


Only partially. Dunno if she can actually kill the concept of a person's movement. Wouldn't put it past her.


She killed the distance between her and her enemy before.

>> No.3670532

>She killed the distance between her and her enemy before.

when was this again?

>> No.3670543

In the novel obviously.
Read your books kids.

>> No.3670549

no it wasn't, there's no mention about killing distance, she reachs Araya faster than he believed and that it's, no mention about distance killing.

>> No.3670553

it's more like, who is more suited for the instant kill attack? assasin or warrior?. It's pretty fucking obvious.

>> No.3670561

You don't happen to have more of Nanaya Shiki's Character sprites do you?

>> No.3670563

Assassin if and only if they manage to get an attack-from-behind bonus. Which likely won't happen when their opponent is aware of them, ergo the warrior actually has a better chance, given that a warrior is typically stronger, and has a bigger, more hurtful weapon with a larger critical threat range.

>> No.3670570

we are talking about the fucking MEoDP users, all that shit doesn't matter guy. Who is more likely to land a hit before the other and also evade the incoming hits.

>> No.3670577

In this regard I think Nanaya has the edge as an Assassin. Especially against None-void Ryougi.

>> No.3670578

you're one of those A KATANA BEATS A KNIFE people aren't you?

people only seem to take the range into consideration. what about that fact that a knife is quicker?

>> No.3670579


Ryougi Shiki. She has better stats than Nanaya, longer weapon reach, much faster than him and could erase him without touching him.

>> No.3670585

yeah, sure, too bad that the hax personality isn't going to come back after kara no kyoukai.

>> No.3670591


There was no need for her to come back, and she's still there for fuck's sake. She's just asleep within.


Ryougi Shiki has both knife and katana.

>> No.3670594


Then I think it depends on whether or not

1. Ryougi is armed with a knife or a sword
2. Which Nanaya Shiki, exactly

There's unfortunately 3 Nanaya Shikis so far.
1. Nightmare Nanaya of Kagetsu Tohya and MBAC [DOESN'T HAVE MYSTIC EYES OF DEATH PERCEPTION]
2. TATARI Nanaya of MB/R-A and MBAA (Kinda has it, not fully evolved though)
3. Tohno Shiki going bloodline mode

If Ryougi has a sword and we're saying Void Ryougi, it's instant loss for Nanaya in any situation.

>> No.3670616

ryougi shiki sucks with the knife (compared to "flash sheat" skills) and it's only taiga lv with katana. Only third personal+katana wins, and that's pretty much overdoing it.

>> No.3670638

>it's only taiga lv with katana

Under normal situations. When she fought Araya, she was out for blood. Besides, she's already superior to Nanaya in every stat that she can fight head on with monsters like Fujino and Araya.

>> No.3670645

>Besides, she's already superior to Nanaya in every stat

What about in awesome. I think we have a tie.

>> No.3670648

>it's only taiga lv with katana

Taiga was considered a prodigy. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.3670654

Nanaya is too one dimensional to be awesome.

>> No.3670661

seem's like you didn't read the katana+third personality wins. Also Akiha's instant kill eyes>Fujino's instant kill eyes, at least before the claivoyance shit

>> No.3670676

He's hardly one dimensional, if we're talking about Shiki.

>> No.3670678


Stop using second hand information and read the novels to know that her "Void Shiki" in Paradox Spiral is what Araya calls "Serious mode/Battle mode" that Shiki gains when she's using a katana.

>Also Akiha's instant kill eyes>Fujino's instant kill eyes

What, a body/neck being bended isnt instant kill?

>> No.3670691

it's still install kill but inferior in range to "All the fucking school it's covered by the origami" and also "I don't need to actually look at you, just knowing were you are it's enough to fill a room with origami"

>> No.3670693

I thought we were talking his Melty Blood clone.

>> No.3670701


Fujino can just twist the whole place to destroy her target. She doesnt need to know where they are.

>> No.3670711

twisting everything at random can fail, and that pretty much happened, its doesn't cover the whole area like water would fill a bottle.

>> No.3670719


It only failed because she was just lashing out instead of using it as a valid strategy.

>> No.3670729

also, isn't protecting the user the whole time.

>> No.3670750


She doesnt need defence with that kind of power. And she gets even stronger.

>> No.3670765

Shiki would win.


>> No.3670766

The different between their eyes is that nanaya is a knife, while ryougi is a gun.

>> No.3670783

and that's why ryogi defeted her, that shit wouldn't have worked in Akiha unless it's pretty hax ceiling jump which ryougi doesn't seem able to do

>> No.3670841

The difference between their eyes is that Nanaya sees the end of a concept's existence, and can't kill things with no concept of termination and has difficulty with things whose termination is so unlikely as to not occur at any time (Arcueid at night, particularly under a full moon). Ryougi sees the origin of that concept, and has difficulty killing things that are very old (Araya's arm). Nanaya sees points, Ryougi doesn't.

Otherwise, they function the same: any concept struck will fall apart.

>> No.3670871
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Technically they function exactly opposite.

>> No.3670881

They FUNCTION the same on the target, in that the target dies.

>> No.3670917


Function =/= effect!

It's just semantics though.

>> No.3670932

>pretty hax ceiling jump which ryougi doesn't seem able to do

Ryougi could just sonic boom into Akiha's face and slice her. Or just kill her Origami. She's vastly superior to Nanaya.

>> No.3670976


Not this "He sees the end and she sees the origin" fan bullshit idea again.

It's only stated that Ryougi Shiki can see colors while Tohno sees lines and dots. Their eyes see different things but not this bullshit "End and Origin".

Origin = Akasha if you still dont get it.

>> No.3670991

I know you're right, as I realized way before your response, but I still want to argue with you, because otherwise I have to admit that I'm wrong.

But that IS how their eyes work. They don't see exactly the same thing. If they did, Ryougi would have no trouble at all seeing and cutting Araya's lines.

>> No.3671022
File: 14 KB, 225x268, Satsujinki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Satsujinki

>> No.3671030


Stealthier, more skilled at instakilling, has more evolved eyes than normal Tohno Shiki.

Runs a deeper risk of head explodium.

Better assassin, probably no better in normal combat except with a wider concept of death.

>> No.3671033

Nobody knows enough about Satsujinki to give a fair grade. He's fairly stronger than most Church knights by the time he kills Einnasche that's for sure.

>> No.3671050

ryougi has like 14 different types of h4x

shiki has his eyes and his inbreeding thats it.

ryougi wins but honestly she'd get glanned.

Thats why none of the villains in tsukihime were chicks.

>> No.3671059


>> No.3671088

White Len is the closest thing to a female villain. And she gets glanded so hard she makes her own Shiki to get delicious mana from.

>> No.3671121

Ryogi can move faster than a bullet

or something

>> No.3671136

I'm loving it.

>> No.3673307


>> No.3673312

Type-Moon, Shoenen with porn.

>> No.3673333
File: 59 KB, 637x479, 9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3674689

So wait wait wait
Can Void Shiki kill distance or not?

>> No.3674707


SHounen with porn sounds like a winning recipe alright.

>> No.3674772


Is Satsujinki what they called Shikiller in the Ciel-sensei clips?
