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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 143 KB, 850x613, __himmel_beatmania_and_1_more_drawn_by_mutsutake__sample-d1b1cb7fa3460f8b2fc5cd0439a07212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.36648146 [Reply] [Original]

do not play etterna edition

Previous thread: >>36402122

beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER (LDJ-2021083000): https://nyaa.si/view/1428169
SOUND VOLTEX 6 EXCEED GEAR (KFC-2021061600): https://nyaa.si/view/1397956
pop'n music 26 Kaimei Riddles (M39-2021042600): https://nyaa.si/view/1393887
nostalgia Op.3 (PAN-2020111600): https://nyaa.si/view/1412527
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (MDX-2021080400): https://nyaa.si/view/1428459

beatmania IIDX 27 Heroic Verse (LDJ-2020092900): https://nyaa.si/view/1300227
SOUND VOLTEX V VIVID WAVE (KFC-2020122200): https://nyaa.si/view/1411122

>> No.36648275

play bms

>> No.36648522

op and torrents by opm

>> No.36648975

how has this thread been up for just about an hour and a half and it's already time to abandon thread

>> No.36649024

sb circlejerk moment

>> No.36649068
File: 64 KB, 398x480, opm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love OPM!

>> No.36649083

play ddr you fat fucks

>> No.36649252

im gonna play piu doubles

>> No.36649831

>playing bemani in 2021

>> No.36649947

play etterna

>> No.36650118

this girl is the finest creation by goli the master

>> No.36651031

i just dled pop'n, how do i insert a coin? i press f1 and it makes a sound but no coin is inserted.

>> No.36651127

Did you follow the instructions on https://nyaa.si/view/1393887 ?

>> No.36651407
File: 281 KB, 2048x1536, E4_3TD3X0AMb-wX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 seeds

>> No.36652445
File: 178 KB, 900x400, lt_iidx28_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.36652453


>> No.36652804

>do not play etterna edition

>> No.36652810

i replied to the wrong post
meant to reply to >>36649947

>> No.36652905

play etterna

>> No.36653315

ill play a few songs

>> No.36653717

Nothing, all styles from the same era have the same shitty music, you just got bored from it

>> No.36654112
File: 672 KB, 1536x2048, 242006818_3071121933210018_991348748690974404_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you fail a skill analyzer course

>> No.36654145


>> No.36654213

unfinished event reminiscent of gekisou makes the style feel super underwhelming, especially after Rootage/HV were very solid styles that felt complete. (even with shadow rebellion final song getting axed)

>> No.36654252

I'm gonna assume that for the DDR data in OP, it's not possible to set eamuse options (darkest filter, fast/slow, etc)

Is this a correct assumption?

>> No.36654586
File: 275 KB, 1323x1953, 1626060954047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, i have a friend who took part in a rhythm game song
but they never told me the game that had the song, she only gave me the first few seconds of the song

anybody know or recognize this song intro?

>> No.36654728

It's offline only right now.

>> No.36655663

not casino themed

>> No.36655798

now thats a throwback

>> No.36657287

bemani needs to add all of the infamous dj sharpnel songs from the 00s that would be the shit

>> No.36659569

theres a lot of obscure or tiny or mobile rhythm games kinda hard to guess

>> No.36661018
File: 200 KB, 862x796, _Feels_Seasickness...__ADV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play kanade's game

>> No.36661310

konami cannot handle dj sharpnel

>> No.36661432
File: 55 KB, 668x298, TAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tag died for our sins, get fucked transphobes!

>> No.36661908

there have been sharpnel tracks in iidx but they were original
holy fucking based I love TAG now what discord was this

>> No.36661925


>> No.36661968

iidx is fun, cool, and stylish

>> No.36662470

confirmation bias

>> No.36662579

thats not real is it?
i know he left benami but theres no way...

>> No.36662860


>> No.36663330


>> No.36663391


>> No.36663403

Kors K is on pigsite so it's possible

>> No.36663717

Is he actually

>> No.36663741

just the ui really
i don't care about jewtubers but casthour at least looks cool again

>> No.36663919

Yes, I believe he's korsk on the site. It shows that he's banned but that may just be due to inactivity

>> No.36663986
File: 150 KB, 250x199, Mad_rat_goal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count

>> No.36664035

come on that's obviously someone pretending to be TAG

>> No.36664062

kors k is a confirmed homophobe though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmOogzSFAsc

>> No.36664120
File: 6 KB, 247x54, unknown-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you overdose on narcotics? He even sent me his email address.

>> No.36664185

this is so funny
what a weird thing to sample, how did they even find this and think it was a good sample

>> No.36664289

lmfao I remember freaking out when I heard this on Battle Royale. while I do believe they probably just didn't realize what the sample was saying, I do have to wonder why weebs seem to constantly forget that Japan has a well known reputation of being homophobic(so naturally transphobic), misogynistic, and racist. shaming is part of their culture and always has been. kids need to open their eyes to reality lol

>> No.36664337

Lol isn't Derpta one of the tranny freaks encouraging a barely legal teen (Emmi aka Emily) to post their nudes as soon as they turned 18?

>> No.36664378

>entire friend group tells me to stay away from sows, say it's filled with groomers
>they're right

>> No.36664400

clean sample:

>> No.36664418

shit my bad

>> No.36664462

love how you're just chosing to ignore the fact that <1% of japan can even understand things like "gunshots to all you faggots" and immediately assuming kors k (who likely does not fall under that <1%) is homophobic. he's also sampled completely random shit in the past (see: icarus)
go outside instead of bitching about samples in songs

>> No.36664475

why are you mad lol, no one said that he was actually homophobic

>> No.36664484

reread the last sentence

>> No.36664487

no, derpta barely shows up on the server

>> No.36664504

It wasn't in that server tho.

>> No.36664512

idk just seeing a lot of misguided anger and projection
no one is upset here except you

>> No.36664523


>> No.36664584

only shows up to groom kids and ban anyone with a different opinion

>> No.36664611

tag probably got banned on the site too just like the other guy who got banned for talking about niggers and crime rate

>> No.36664618

lmao I clearly said they probably didn't understand the sample, and common sense should tell you I was giving a general commentary. use your brain mr. hyper insecure

>> No.36664653
File: 19 KB, 577x572, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36664655

I searched his Discord ID on the forum and I couldn't find it, god knows what he was called when he joined the server.

>> No.36664695

imagine being the type of psycho who has images like this saved and ready to go

>> No.36664710

Y'all need Jesus

>> No.36665155

not the heckin valkyrie cabberino

>> No.36665438

First the islamic chanting in the shadow, then the album version of bad maniacs and now this. Someone cancel this man already

>> No.36665447

Doesn't kors k speak english

>> No.36665684

gonna play some piu doubles at dnb tonight
hope no one is there

>> No.36665768

it's half price night kek

>> No.36665848

yeah but its also a school night so maybe ill get lucky
not many people play the pump machine at my dnb
ive gotten a few free credits from people walking away after their first song

>> No.36665898
File: 165 KB, 200x200, b13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yes fuck paying for dance games

>> No.36666119

fuck dave and bastards in general man
none of these techs know a single fucking thing about machine maintenance
i had to show the arcade tech how to turn up the fucking piu cab

>> No.36666204

one day someone will sample a song that says nigger
and they will loop the part that says nigger without knowing what it means

>> No.36666228

wasn't there a beatmania song that said nigga

>> No.36666231

i mean there was that boom the niggas in green sample

>> No.36666552

he also rightfully hates k-gooks

>> No.36666587

How do I fix sticky buttons on my pwan?

>> No.36666621

Lick them

>> No.36666915

Clean the sides and lube the insides

>> No.36667052
File: 5 KB, 233x216, Df7QOfWV4AAggLb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36667246
File: 44 KB, 1430x535, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so what did I fuck up? Why won't the game start? There is no "spice.exe" in the folder. Yes I have my sound device set to 16 bit 44100hz.

>> No.36667478

busted out some s14s and d13s today
failed cross over d15 horribly but it reminds me that i still have a long way to go

>> No.36667503

Secrets, it's been in IIDX since EMPRESS. Good song, unfortunate sample but who cares

(besides a lot of you probably)

>> No.36669896
File: 14 KB, 640x667, bigtoot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job anon

>> No.36671081
File: 125 KB, 720x382, 20190620_105146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the "boom the niggas in green" sample and it's been used a million times in both pic related songs and just a bunch of 00s shit in general. nobody cared about the sample at the time, but now here we are in modern times and it's like y'all "suddenly" noticed this. you people are the biggest fucking babies I swear to god.

>unfortunate sample
it's a sample from a fucking rap song with a black vocalist and rap still says nigga all the damn time because it's fucking normal. if anything you dumbasses are racist.

>> No.36671137

It's not from a rap song anon it's from an old sample pack

>> No.36672255

I really hate you maggots

>> No.36672663

All I really need is

More pum pum for this penis

>> No.36672988

>if anything you dumbasses are racist.
Don't think anyone was arguing otherwise

>> No.36673057

RGC is full of guilty white people so it's hard to say lol

>> No.36673129
File: 2 KB, 120x120, 19961638_726382620904873_8956484466319769804_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36674919

shit you not i was coming here to post these lyrics

After the faggot rap, there's a vocal sample of a woman shushing. it then goes into some radfem lyrics. I think it's a progressive song about overcoming the folly of gender.

>> No.36676495

pretty fresh take! never thought about it like that

>> No.36676857

are y'all okay? play osu

>> No.36676947

Please help I am retarded

>> No.36677080

play FNF

>> No.36677246

play rock band

>> No.36677369

gitadora tho....

>> No.36677713


>> No.36677997

The technical explanation is that you have a binary that's compiled in 64 bit, and it requires 64 libraries. Your libraries are 32bit, and "spice.exe" is probably the expected name for the 32bit build.
As for the mistmatch, I have no idea.

>> No.36678475
File: 219 KB, 600x600, K28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thingy worth it or just a gimmick?

>> No.36678813

Worth it for what? It’s a pretty good keyboard controller that’s compatible out of the box with consoles. It depends on what you want it for.

>> No.36679617

I didn't know you could use it with consoles that's fucking awesome

>> No.36679704

its shit

>> No.36679731

It's good but it being worth it is something that only you can answer.

>> No.36679871

Here's a review, but the choice to buy it is ultimately yours.


>> No.36679986

someone said she was bmo and I almost believed it

>> No.36680059

who hurt you

>> No.36680563

gitadora guitar sucks
drums are fun tho

>> No.36680568

has shit polling rate and cheap switches, would not get it based of that fact alone

>> No.36681678

Got it to run, but I can't seem to enable offline mode. It's greyed out. Is there some kind of workaround that I'm missing?

>> No.36683023
File: 340 KB, 800x807, 1615933501949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw feet too small to bracket comfortably

>> No.36683458
File: 478 KB, 674x470, PhotoScapeX_m4o3jgoWE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my sdvx EG look like pic related when the arcade looks right? Does it also look like that for you guys?

>> No.36683477

you have small feet? are you a girl ahaha? can i see them ahaha ?

>> No.36684701

It's just revenge for people calling him gay

>> No.36684799


>> No.36686683

how can the guy making the gayest bemani music be this oblivious

>> No.36687324

#shitpost-containment btw lmao
dude could have even been sarcastic and this benzo popping freak would still have banned

>> No.36688100

most doujin artists are completely unaware of how the west interprets them and their music. kinda like how noma had no idea that brainpower was popular in the west.

>> No.36689185

transphobia isn't based

>> No.36689225

they only do this to piss you off, you know that right? Only the most corey wedge type people actually are phobic

>> No.36689516

Preach it. Some of us still enjoy shitposting, as shocking as that may sound.

>> No.36689699
File: 578 KB, 1280x1819, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36689973

who said anything about transphobia? mid-20s kaitlyn jenner wannabes shouldnt be telling kids "yes kitten just take these pills and you'll become a girl, don't worry about your body in 10 years just do it now"
imagine being the type of psycho who has images like this saved and ready to go

>> No.36690490

Worth it for it's quality, I like the idea of the controller but idk if it's quality is actually worth the price, seeing >>36680568 said the switches are cheap and the polling rate is garbage I think it's not worth it.

>> No.36691249

Are you comparing the same songs? The camera moves all over the place in sdvx

>> No.36691280
File: 383 KB, 1536x2048, Huw3688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, i somehow unlocked ディスコルディア on iidx even with any valkryie cab to play

>> No.36691443

Why did Konami go through the effort of making vtubers and then never use them

>> No.36691897

you wouldn't get it

>> No.36692183
File: 363 KB, 388x413, 337e37e548e1d9a05613fbe4c786bbd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36695419

What is the best way to mask covid symptoms so i can go to the arcade to play iidx versions i already have at home?

>> No.36695431

cum in your lungs to make you coughs sticky and wet

>> No.36695543
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, 3152A182-C9F8-4271-8970-7A9E8029A04B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is buying a MIDI keyboard worth it just to play Nostalgia?

>> No.36695674

you'd have a midi keyboard to mess around with when you get bored of the game at least

>> No.36695728

>haven't played iidx since ballerz
>get heroic verse
>pull my hair out trying to fix the audio driver crash on launch
>manage to get in game but it just feels bad with the occasional sound/video stutter compared to before because asio is gayer than directsound i guess
>have to assume an extremely retarded and painful power stance to play thanks to everything in the setup being at medium height
man arcade rhythm games are tough shit

>> No.36696578

There's not a single moment during gameplay where it's aligned properly so that's not it.

>> No.36698418

nostalgia is comfy but feels kind of awkward in practice. i didnt spend much time with it though

>> No.36702348

I continue to play rhythm games knowing full well that they will most likely have a negative impact on my physical health as I age!

>> No.36702635

Same with me and my weekend handle of vodka 8)

>> No.36702892
File: 219 KB, 640x360, 20190127_150700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's hot but try pic related instead anon

>> No.36703312

Can I play jubeat with the midi output of my mpc 2000xl

>> No.36704701

afaik there's only touchscreen hooks for jubeat data

>> No.36706734

it makes sense to get like 2x SLOW vs 1x FAST on harder to time stuff right? I can hit 8ths and it feels right, but maybe I'm just mashlord at 16ths

>> No.36707609

remake your offset if you can't find anything else that helps, changing monitors is for fools

>> No.36707615

also stims

>> No.36708349

i did stimmy, idk, feel like it's a skill issue™ since my hits and fast/slow spread are a lot cleaner on 9s. Might play offset game if it continues though. I might just be having an off day.

>> No.36708592

probably literally time to hit the gym

cardio + touch of leg muscle for balance and back/arms are important. other than that grind out aaas and folder/clear lamps on ur comfort range

>> No.36709837

you need to consider the BPM

>> No.36710017
File: 377 KB, 850x1164, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone start posting goli goddesses

>> No.36710029
File: 2.55 MB, 1440x2048, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need them

>> No.36710044
File: 928 KB, 905x1512, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please god

>> No.36710191
File: 771 KB, 1274x1920, mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36710215

Best goli grill

>> No.36711139

sows poster bad do not qrt me reeeeee

>> No.36711156

in what way? more GN for slow songs?

>> No.36711165

yes I'm really feeling like a grizzled ancient and I get bored/worn out after just a couple hours. Getting a gym soon, I'm sure the fatty doesn't help

>> No.36711386
File: 45 KB, 240x646, ihavegivenup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone hates me that's okay though

>> No.36711551
File: 103 KB, 500x640, imdying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36711685
File: 179 KB, 738x1024, scrublife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex drugs and rhythm games

>> No.36711750

take your zoloft and hrt

>> No.36711770

0 japanese top rankers do this, just play the game retards

>> No.36712001

How can I enjoy SDVX more? I just got the controller and played for a few days but I've gotten to the point where it just feels unsatisfying and meaningless. Coming from IIDX, the scoring system and the timing just feels so casual so I don't feel motivation to play and improve. The best comparison I can make is that playing SDVX feels like playing casual TDM on counter strike and IIDX is like playing ranked counter strike.

>> No.36712026

play a fun game like ddr or popn music instead

>> No.36712130

upper levels will start to feel like 12s

>> No.36712374

My issue isn't that the chart isn't difficult enough. I just got a problem with the scoring/timing. It's like mobile rhythm games. The reward just isn't satisfying and it's like playing for the sake of it being fun instead but I want more then that.

>> No.36713460
File: 436 KB, 510x774, e0f6aaad42de6c7a58e05b1b02ee55d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the blunder of the century

>> No.36713480

exercise? lmfao dude in japan the people are literally almost all healthier because they can just like go to businesses that are for exercising and they're clean and nice and the public transit works

>> No.36716918

nobody is forcing you to play. sounds like you just don't like it

>> No.36718737

Just curious, why do you anons dislike osu? Is it because its not Japanese, or is it just shit?

>> No.36719691
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I get DDR A20 PLUS running? I got it to boot but I can't actually play the game. I tried to turn on offline mode in the options, but it's greyed out and doesn't let me do anything. Is there something I need to do in spicetools to get things working?

>> No.36719692

the community

>> No.36719819

Why would you continue to play something you don't enjoy? Are you an idiot?

>> No.36721112


try Bop It!

>> No.36721173

Yeah dude, Wellow is definitely hitting the weights every week bro

>> No.36721180

no originals

>> No.36721191

throw your sdvx controller away and play pop'n, the chad's rhythm game

>> No.36721365
File: 738 KB, 850x1198, kumiko jallu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you name a single thing pump it up does better than ddr because i feel like it is like a poor mans version in almost every way and especially in song variety

also i feel like the ddr layout is better for these kinds of games because the diagonal pads feel somewhat unintuitive

>> No.36721664

there are 0 good fat iidx players. if you think this game has nothing to do with stamina (which is not lifting weights) you are being a retard. just shedding some LBs makes a big difference in how long and how well you can play. im guessing you're already some spoiled skinny gook or something

>> No.36721678

korean things are always inferior to the japanese things they are ripping off

>> No.36721763


>> No.36721827

pls help bros I just wanna play DDR data at home

>> No.36721873

The panel layout greatly increases the amount of pad transition options for double play. SP gets a lot more twisting options as well. It's more fun than DDR if you're bad at timing. Patterns "resolve" unambiguously slightly more often in PIU compared to DDR, but this point is always overblown by the "I don't want to double step ever or play at less than 700 BPM scroll speed in order to make correct foot placement decisions" ITG kids.

>> No.36722119

i dont play ddr so i dont know but maybe you need to enable the -ea option?

>> No.36722145

This worked, thanks.

>> No.36722984

Does the 120 hz patch for IIDX 28 affect the timing in any way? My timing is so bad but I can't tell if it's the 120 hz patch or if I'm just genuinely bad at the game.

>> No.36723053


>> No.36723363

Doubles patterns
Song selection

>> No.36724412

will a bad bitch PLEASE leak LDJ-2021091500 already

>> No.36725364
File: 2.71 MB, 200x150, 1624728202554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Song selection
>I'll Give You All My Love and Don't Bother Me removed in XX
Yes I like Fly High and Dignity being the only good kpop licenses

>> No.36725523

How long did it take for gamo2 to notify your faucetwo shipped, and how long after that did it take to arrive at your door

>> No.36725551

It has Monolith by Affinity

>> No.36725559

It's both

>> No.36725570

Took like a week for gamo2 to notify? and then a whole month for it to arrive to my door.

>> No.36725629

120hz patch drops frames for me and possibly drifts a tiny bit in most songs. might be worth the effort to get TDJ working.

>> No.36726124

Is it normal that I can only S clear 11-13s on my first month with SDVX? Can play 16s but score ranges from B-AA on that level. Also, how do I get good with lasers? I 15 is still too much for my eyes.
About two months, and a month for it to get here.

>> No.36728706

yes it's normal sdvx is easy to pick up. it's why you see a lot of normies playing it

>> No.36728807

>how do I get good with lasers
play more

>> No.36729246
File: 70 KB, 600x574, 1624688890145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's why I picked it up but after actually playing it, seems like it's a lie that mostly experienced players say. Still getting my ass kicked even at 13s and can only AA+ some 11s. It's fucking fun though, at least compared to rhythm mobage or OSU.
Just learnt that I can adjust the trigger distance level with Faucetwo so I'm still getting used to it, now that 1 is too error prone on later levels. Which offset should I adjust if I'm getting mostly early compared to late? There's sound timing and draw timing. Also, negatives for early and vice versa for the other?

>> No.36729501

It's not a lie in the sense that you can play sdvx low level songs the first time you ever play and probably not fail. It's not unforgiving like iidx is. Even if you aren't getting amazing scores yet, the point is that you aren't just failing everything. As far as offset stuff goes, that's all preference/personal choice.

>> No.36733610

Took me almost two months to have it shipped. Its been stuck in transit for a month.

>> No.36734333

just play for full combos/all perfects. Isn't there a new pgreat in sdvx anyways? I doubt you can fc a 20, anon

>> No.36734337

sdvx is shit and it undid 5 years of progress

>> No.36735300

t. coping iidxboomer

your game is dead. deal with it

>> No.36736732

post 猫叉Master

>> No.36737015

play etterna

>> No.36737084

does anyone have any links to download BMS converts of IIDX songs? i've found conversions for a couple of the games but i was wondering if someone had all of them converted somewhere

>> No.36737293

latest i know of it spada bms on sows

>> No.36737328

according to this Z-I-V post theres a "certain community" that has files past spada. No clue what theyre referring to tho https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/thread?threadid=10574

>> No.36737396

oh I guess they're talking about sows because they have the bms terminal, but idk where the bms up to rootage are on there

>> No.36737603


there was a thread on there that had all the bms files including for copula and pendual, with the exception of rootage, but it looks like the autists on that cringe site went in and deleted it because why bother helping new people out when you can just be an asshole. if you search on warosu i already uploaded the cannonballers and heroic verse ones in a previous rhythm game thread if you want those right now. i will try to reupload all of them again later this week maybe. but some of the dp charts are missing

>> No.36738389

yeah i dont really need em now, i'll just stalk these threads until i see you reupload them. i dont really care about the missing charts since i dont play dp. do you only have up to heroic verse or do you have bistrover as well?

>> No.36750227

i for one tried searching for the heroic verse bms you mentioned but did not know which fucking keywords to use. could you be more specific

>> No.36752386
File: 521 KB, 2048x1302, FAcJOMHVcAUzQsV.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play Muse Dash

>> No.36752927

literally just search "iidx bms" in the torrents section of the website and everything will be there holy shit y'all are fucking retarded

everything up to Rootage is there. due to keysound limitations, HV bms will probably never happen. seriously though do none of you have a brain I don't even play bms and I find the files in less than a minute

>> No.36758829

What's the best way to avoid leg tightness/pain when I do an 8 hour DDR session

>> No.36758865

for starters don't play for 8 hours

>> No.36758926

Typical leg stretches you would do for any standard workout session. If you're playing for eight hours you're going to have pain that's just common sense.

>> No.36758992

but I only get one day a week to didder
Yeah I stretch my legs before and after a session. Guess I'll just have to deal with it.

>> No.36759108

>due to keysound limitations, HV bms will probably never happen.
What does this mean. The chart and audio formats haven't changed since Cannon Ballers.

>> No.36759650

bms format limitations

>> No.36760058

Is this to do with the sheer number of unique keysounds. I didn't think that number ramped up too much recently, but I wouldn't be too surprised, given some of the funny keysounding decisions made during the conversions when porting Nostalgia music to IIDX.

Existing tools might not be able to do the job, but there are probably easy solutions to this, e.g. baking all of keysounds that are never assigned to notes into the BGM. Simulators could also just support IIDX chart formats natively and it wouldn't even be difficult to implement.

>> No.36760069

I'm trying to play pop'n but it's not recognizing when I put in coins, I hear the noise and the tool detects it too but the game doesn't. Anyone mind telling me what to do? Thanks in advance.

>> No.36760916

>HV bms will probably never happen

yeah dude. i know about this. that's why when >>36737603 claimed to have uploaded them already i was very curious as to where they were. but now i that think about it they could have just meant non-keysounded BMS.

>> No.36761090

Does anyone know any ways to disable the anti-piracy feature in beatoraja? Theres some dumb shit that makes your game crash when you input an iidx pack, and continues to crash it even when you remove the pirated files. I have no idea how it detects copyrighted files, but ive heard people have modded the client to bypass these restrictions. Anyone have any knowledge on how to go about it/where to download a modded version?

>> No.36761093

>Is this to do with the sheer number of unique keysounds

>> No.36761107

play data
>muh timing!
get over it

>> No.36761176

Which site are you talking about exactly? If youre talking about nyaasi, i can only find up to empress by putting that in (sorry for the dumb question im retarded)

>> No.36761352

Nevermind I'm fucking retarded, enabling Free Play did the trick.

>> No.36761648

This is when we use a problem solving technique known as Process Of Elimination. If it's not on nyaa, think to yourself, what other small number of websites have been mentioned? You can do this anon, I believe in you!

>> No.36761931

alright so i assume you're talking about sows then, which i dont have access to. Isnt it invite-only? am i just expected to have access to it? am i missing some ancient hidden secret to getting an account for it? I havent gone too far into the bemani pirating world and just wanted to see if the files are freely available somewhere so i dont have any connections to get into it

>> No.36761992

meet people through discords

>> No.36763331

Any divafags here? Should I get the zhousensor or the divaller?

>> No.36763375

>lol just meet people bro
If talking to strangers doesn’t trigger your crippling social anxiety then you need to get out of /jp/.

>> No.36763500

Personally I've found that good shoes with a comforting insole helps the most.
Tried playing barefoot for a bit when I got my home pads but the leg/shin tightness I got was legit unbearable

>> No.36763549

how old is everyone

>> No.36763646


>> No.36763704

fuck off, fed

>> No.36763746

im just getting into rhythm games late and sort of curious how old most people who play are

>> No.36763837

depends on the community
the range is huge though

>> No.36763864

i play stepmania at home with an L-tek and I started that last year.
Just started going to Round1 near my work and am trying to learn Sound Voltex and Wacca. Theyre very fun and I'd like to meet people but hopefully my age
I'm 28

>> No.36764501

I play iidx and I'm 43

>> No.36764523

25 but been playing different rhythm games since i was around 12

>> No.36765791

30, I play DDR at a high level.

Gotta get a few 18 PFCs before it's too late and my body gives out

>> No.36766584

I didn't know that CHRS4LFE (5140-9674), STRETCH (5148-9149), SYN (5145-8068), and MATIAS (5141-4043) all fly out to Indonesia regularly just to play DDR! Explains why they show up on their area records so much!

>> No.36768608

got an S on this chart last night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekOLRLL8iz4
wish dave and busters would turn their fucking machines up so i could at least hear the music

>> No.36769128


Yes, just use TDJ mode

>> No.36769157


just out him on twitter already, nobody in this thread cares

>> No.36769456

who are you quoting

>> No.36769735

hardcore downloading relies on networking these days. either deal with it and have all the access to anything you want, or continue being an antisocial faggot and begging anonymous strangers to upload shit for you "just because"

>> No.36769807

So tell me, how often do you cry yourself to sleep wishing you were as good as Chris? Data is publicly available and Konami clearly doesn't care, so why would anyone else? Like the other anon said, go blast this on twitter if you want attention

>> No.36769914


The only thing networking in these social groups gets you is access to n-1 data, unless you wanna do coke with depressed thirty something con kids who are a physical embodiment of apathy.

>> No.36769989
File: 38 KB, 256x285, Mimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well considering this kid has spent half the thread begging for iidx bms charts I think it's safe to say there is more being offered than just n-1 don't ya think?

>> No.36770005

yeah you also get to read the posts about the guy getting sent to jail for child porn

>> No.36770022

Oh like how I can't look at this thread without predators being talked about? Just get invited to the site, ignore the forums, and download shit. How hard is that?

>> No.36771468

lol what a reply to someone who has social anxiety
peace of shit

>> No.36772525

lol imagine being too big of a pussy to simply create an online persona and play along until you get what you need. it's no different than being active in this thread. are you trying to tell me you have too much anxiety to hide behind an anime avatar? really dude?

>> No.36773848

you will never get over social anxiety by posting on 4chan. discord won't help either but if even that is too much for you then you are a pathetic loser who needs to do something about it.

>> No.36774007 [DELETED] 

who are these cringe normies and why are they life coaching on 4chan

>> No.36774034

do what exactly? doesnt really help just calling me a loser. good for you, youre socially unaware enough to have friends and larp in society. good job man, really proud of you.

if you aren't the samefag, you are sounding like a ddr normie and i dont give a fuck what you have to say, kinda creepy that you think its cool to masquerade as someone you aren't. rapist detected?

>> No.36774076

Just don't reply. It's that easy.

>> No.36774238

i'm 25 this year :3c

>> No.36774251

guys just join our e-cult, we have:

kiddie diddlers
heroic verse bms (Exclusive to our site, do not reupload or else we will stalk your sister on facebook)

and much more!

>> No.36774261

>do what
talk to people. socialize. make friends. you would have understood what I meant if you weren't autistic btw. real shame.

>> No.36774304

btw dont sell tylenol on bemaniso.ws but u can harass tranny teens

>> No.36774404

no one cares nythil

>> No.36774450

keep minimizing social anxiety and thinking your solution is universal :) this is why i dont interact with any of you, asshole banter bro bullshit is worse than being friendless

>> No.36774612

you've been namedropping random people on the bms server for the last few threads. who's next?

>> No.36774742

why would finger gamers care about ddr

>> No.36774792

nigga do you want iidx bms or not

>> No.36774805

there is no other solution. if you want to get over social anxiety, then socialize. if there was another way, someone would have already figured it out. you just don't like the idea of being uncomfortable. I can empathize with that, but at the end of the day, you're just being a pussy.

>> No.36774877

ok so you're just retarded, got it. enjoy life on easy retard mode. being uncomfortable has nothing to do with it.

>> No.36775133

You're interacting with us rn
We're not asking you to be the queen of England buddy. Have fun desperately relying on public leaks for the rest of your life.

>> No.36775352

of course its a UK shit head

>> No.36775549

kiss me I'm irish

>> No.36775806

What does that even mean and how do you get it to work?

>> No.36776667

anyone who unironically calls someone else a loser is a shit person and not worth engaging in any capacity

>> No.36776725
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>> No.36776737
File: 30 KB, 717x675, 242299810_10159715704959581_3195116790501708303_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like the other anon said, go blast this on twitter if you want attention

>> No.36776752 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 640x737, FAaVsILWQAImUjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you wanna do coke with depressed thirty something con kids who are a physical embodiment of apathy.

>> No.36776760
File: 1.16 MB, 400x286, a20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah you also get to read the posts about the guy getting sent to jail for child porn

>> No.36776767
File: 48 KB, 799x357, mockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol imagine being too big of a pussy to simply create an online persona and play along until you get what you need. it's no different than being active in this thread. are you trying to tell me you have too much anxiety to hide behind an anime avatar? really dude?

>> No.36776785
File: 74 KB, 452x640, s-l640 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heroic verse bms (Exclusive to our site, do not reupload or else we will stalk your sister on facebook)

>> No.36776794
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that was some shit

>> No.36776806
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25 fucking years of dedication

>> No.36776824
File: 855 KB, 1024x1005, z0bvxbp6h9p61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it probably just means you managed to age and miraculously become poor and dislikable permanently by failing to notice any of your shortcomings :3c

>> No.36777293


TDJ mode is the environment the games runs in when using a lightning cab. It just has native 120hz support and doesn't try to hack it into the 60hz client with shit results.

>> No.36777306

how can nyanur be so fucking based

>> No.36777349

I get my wizard robes in 7 months

>> No.36777350

lol i guess someone linked this thread to the sows circlejerk or UK retards, 9 posts in 9 minutes

>> No.36777580

no it's just some samefag

>> No.36777658

ive never been super deep in rhythm game communities. Can someone explain to me what the fuck was happening earlier in the thread? There are beatmania charts that are only shared among other expert players in specific exclusive communities? Why?

>> No.36777732

bms is a iidx simulator. bms forbids playing official iidx charts, so you have to obtain them in secret

>> No.36777748

ah that makes a lot more sense. That makes me wonder, i play official ddr charts on stepmania all the time. And i think sdvx simulators do the same thing. Why doesnt konami ever crack down on that kind of thing? Is it even illegal?

>> No.36777867

konami has always seemed to turn a blind eye to stepmania but they did sue in the groove out of existence, which technically used stepmania. iidx is way more popular in asian countries and more regulated

>> No.36777892

>Is it even illegal?
BMS is normally used to play songs that were created specifically for BMS. There are more BMS original songs than there are Konami arcade songs.
Not blocking someone from playing converts in the program you created is completely legal, the dev doesn't care and all burden is on the user. Thing is:
1. The larger community only wants you to play original songs. BMS players are for BMS songs.
2. The vast majority of people who can pirate IIDX songs can just play data, which is a better experience
3. Japs are really autistic and bend over backwards to do what they think would please big corporations, despite of what actually is or isn't legal, even if they're completely anonymous.
People mostly don't care about DDR/Voltex/Taiko/other converts because those charts can be recreated fully without having access to arcade data, while making a keysounded IIDX BMS convert without the original file is impossible.

>> No.36777915
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MAX 300

>> No.36777930

Forgot to say: the Japanese BMS community dislikes any kind of non-original and non-keysounded charts. More mainstream communities like the Japanese TJA/Taiko and Osu communities don't care about doing what many people would consider piracy. In Osu's case it's encouraged by the official website, though. For Taiko, the people who play recreated charts on their PCs are the same people who buy Taiko console games

>> No.36777956

what does keysounding mean? Im sort of a rhythm game scrub. Also im curious how are IIDX song data procured? Do people with access to arcade machines rip the data from the hardware? Is that something random arcade customers can do or is it something owner operators do? Why is recreating IIDX songs so difficult?

>> No.36778069

it means that a part of the song plays when you press the key
usually there's a master background track and the keysounds just fill in parts

>> No.36778136

Keysounded = when every note makes its own sound, and it doesn't play if you don't hit it. If you hit it late, it will sound late, like if you were actually playing an instrument.
>Do people with access to arcade machines rip the data from the hardware?
The people who do it have figured out how to extract the game data from the machine's HDD or SSD and decrypt it, or download the game data from the network (which is how machines install automatic updates) and decrypt it. It may be one person or a team, few people have the tools and/or knowledge + access to arcade hardware needed.
>Why is recreating IIDX songs so difficult?
Non-keysounded: it would be like Sound Voltex or DDR, you look at how the notes are placed and copy that, or write a script that converts a chart on the textage IIDX chart view website into a playable BMS chart.
"NO FX" song audio for Sound Voltex on YouTube is always ripped from arcade data, and the same goes for "viewable" charts on websites like sdvx.in and textage, but people like to pretend they don't know that.
Keysounded: It is impossible to do without arcade data rips unless you have the song stems (separated tracks which typically have only one instrument of the song or the videos). If you do (extremely rare), you have to manually slice the stems and map the right sounds to the right notes to make it sound right. Almost nobody will go though the trouble of doing that.

>> No.36778475

keep caring about your social status and living the larp, while i enjoy peaceful solitude away from the bullshit meager iq banter

>> No.36778516
File: 203 KB, 330x504, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

music game players who care about shit like "fitting in" all look like this

>> No.36778529

actually i look like jesus

>> No.36778609

loser cope lol

>> No.36778712

socializing is the real cope
soloing life is actually better for you

>> No.36778847

I bet I could kick your ass

>> No.36779515

Bet i could suck yours

>> No.36779794

lololol get a load of this loser who doesn't want to associate with druggy troon scum, better call him a loser on 4chan XD thatll get him

>> No.36779853
File: 103 KB, 640x480, 20070902_387_img5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rehythm rgeames

>> No.36779858
File: 69 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mw15awh8VB1saxnfeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rhythrm gaemes

>> No.36779873
File: 225 KB, 1024x569, 760575729_cea603ee9c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rhghythnm. GAMES!!!!

>> No.36780031

Man Chad Warden really hit rock bottom

>> No.36780040

that looks nothing like chaddy daddy

>> No.36780065
File: 472 KB, 637x480, Still_Ballin&#039;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longer hair and different lighting and I think there's more than a passing semblance.

>> No.36780101

What do you mean

>> No.36780270

I got banned for saying all trannies are ugly.
I don't see how that is ban worthy. I seed.

>> No.36780434
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>> No.36780805

How would I get TDJ? I have the latest iidx data downloaded from Nyaa.

>> No.36781274
File: 19 KB, 1199x117, LET&#039;S GOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36781285
File: 23 KB, 1165x93, and there we go baybay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's go let's go let's go

>> No.36781734
File: 2.48 MB, 1767x1024, Darling_Staring....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call this song "angry heartbroken lesbians"


>> No.36782627


It's a little cryptic, in the naa folder there is another folder called "patcher" I believe. Open the HTML file there, drag in your bm2dx.dll from the previous folder an click "enable lightning shim" or something like that. Then in Spicetools, enable LDJ mode in the options tab, enable force touch input, and you should be good to go.

Check the archives if you're still having trouble, there is usually somebody every thread or two who needs help setting up TDJ mode.

>> No.36782971


I wrote this up for some other anon a while back, but yeah; Do this, then make sure TDJ mode is enabled in spice tools. You'll may also need to download https://www.asio4all.org/ in order to get it to boot as well, but that might be outdated information. I'm not sure if it's the same for bistro as it was for HV.

>> No.36783919


>> No.36784965


>> No.36787860

Determination is the worst 14 in DDR change my mind

>> No.36788368

?? ok?

>> No.36789868

BMS is a sissy game for girls

DDR is the ultimate chad game

>> No.36791033
File: 365 KB, 567x713, djmaxrespectv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth it? I don't play many rhythm games and would like a good one to spend some time with.

>> No.36791152

spending money on a keyboard vsrg is never worth it when the best one is free

>> No.36791318

get muse dash instead

>> No.36791396

it's definitely not worth full price
also most of the dlc sucks but the v extension pack is good

>> No.36791794

play etterna
