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3661760 No.3661760 [Reply] [Original]

I have a few things to share with you /jp/ , but first I apologize for making an offtopic thread.

I never was the social type, I used to get mocked a lot in grade/high-school until I learned to fight back. I was always hoping that going for a computer-science major (basically my computer was my best friend) would be the key to my happiness. But I feel miserable here. Everyone either is a jock or a complete dork (one had a laptop with a "Geek. Anything else?" wallpaper which I edited and swapped Geek with fag and when he saw it he started crying). I don't feel motivated at all, everyone doesn't care about anything. My parents keep putting pressure on me to study and study, maybe go for a scholarship or at least get good grades to apply for a master's degree. I'm now trying to do a homework, but I can only concentrate for a few minutes on the slides because they are so god-damned awful and boring. I'm usually easy-going and happy-go-lucky but I feel I hit the stone here. I am actually considering suicide, but I don't know if I should do it any time now or after I get my bachelor's degree...

Also to not be completely offtopic, what's the sauce on my pic?

>> No.3661771

I once had a dream where I was fighting with this blanket that was trying to cover Brooklyn. Fortunately for me, I had a torch.

>> No.3661769

Nice yuri pic, op!
Now sage!

>> No.3661773

Probably coffee mug stains rather than sauce.

>> No.3661781

Stop being a pussy and do your school work. You'll thank your parents for doing this when you have a steady income,a nice house and a nice car.

>> No.3661783

>bachelor's degree

Not only are you an emo and self-indulgent faggot, but even worse, you're also a normalfag. Get out and never come back.

>> No.3661789


Worst song ever for the Honkys out there!

Also, Worst meme ever in 4chan history!

>> No.3661791

I got a computer science degree last year. I claim job seeker's allowance. A girl gave me her number today. I just fapped for the first time this month. Sharing is fun!

>> No.3661792

>steady income,a nice house and a nice car

Lol'd. Go back to /r9k/ normalfaggot.

>> No.3661802

1. Change majors to computer engineering.
2. Hate your life more.
3. Kill yourself.
4. ?????

Saging to keep this off the front page.

>> No.3661812

this has to be a troll

>> No.3661820


You stupid faggot. His parents are forcing him to study for a reason.

Are you telling me that I'm wrong? They're forcing him to work hard now so he doesn't have to work hard later.

They don't want their child being a poorfag who mooches off the government. That doesn't mean he's gonna be one of those Roppongi hopping faggots who crash the Yamanote line and it doesn't mean he's gonna be chasing gold digging whores.

It just means he won't have to mop floors in McDonald's to make a living.

Call me when you get some real world experience you underage piece of shit.

Go back to school.

>> No.3661815

no OP you are the fag

>> No.3661831


>> No.3661844

I'm a college graduate and I don't have a job right now. It'll be even worse for you if you fail out. Trust me.

>> No.3661845

Well OP, I thought the same thing as you (when it comes to the computer science major), and had slight pressure from my mother about studying, but don't really feel motivated about it. I think suicide is a stupid option and an easy way out, making other's lives a pain because of a stupid decision like that. (Who knows, someone might actually like you but isn't willing to say anything!) I'm a happy-go-lucky easy going type too and if it wasn't for that among other things I'd have probably given up a long time ago. Right now I'm just sticking with it while in the mean time looking into a career or something that would interest me, but something like this isn't something you should kill yourself over.

>> No.3661894

This is now a ronery thread.

>> No.3661909

Kill yourself.
That way, someone hardworking will be able to get a job or benefit from government aid instead of your kind crowding every spot.

>> No.3661911

I've been losing my motivation lately too. This shitty major requires a lot of social skills that I simply don't have. Not to mention that I'll most likely end up unemployed.

If this wasn't my last year before graduation I would consider dropping out.

>> No.3661922

Finishing my accounting degree this year, and I am scared to actually start working.

So I am planning to purposely fail just one subject just so i get to stay another half a year + more free time.
Greatest plan ever?

>> No.3661926

Thread reported, go join the other schoolkids on /b/.

>> No.3661940

Hahaha, no. Who said I'm not hardworking? I just don't have the motivation for what I'm currently taking is all, odds are I'll finish and while doing that job just try and find something that I'll actually enjoy when it comes to having a job for.

>> No.3661942

Unmotivated people should just give up and die.

>> No.3661963

I'm a trainee (is that the right word?) working at a local ISP. I plan to study after I finish here and save up the money I earn until then.

Oh, I forgot:
>Implying there are less than 90% normalfags on /jp/
