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36465482 No.36465482 [Reply] [Original]

As the subject suggests, I live with my mom. Lately our relationship hasn't been the best, we barely talk and don't share many interests.
But when I saw my favorite streamer bond with his gf over gaming I realized that maybe that's the key. I don't really play any games besides 2hu so my options are very limited, but this might the only way to improve our relationship and put a stop to silent dinners and car rides.
Anyone here with similar experiences?

>> No.36465722

nice fantasy faggot

>> No.36465793

Fumos. As secondary as that sounds, fumos have broad appeal. I showed my mom the fumos I got, and explained the basics of the characters to her. She already has a few she likes, or finds cute.

I've been wondering what can be used to go further, but the games are obviously a no go. I think one of the comics could work well, either Inaba of Moon and Earth for a light read, or Forbidden Scrollery. Though in either case you'd want to read sections of it before and incase you need to add some supplementary explanations (such as some japanese folklore, customs, or events from the games or how Gensokyo works)

In hindsight I wish my grandfather was still alive, I think he would've at least been open to looking at Touhou, he liked sci-fi sort of stuff.

>> No.36465996
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Sounding secondary is not a problem, my mom would literally be a secondary after all.
But I'd still like to play the games with her, or at least watch her trying to clear them. I'm not so much into the mangas and novels myself so fumos would probably be a better start.
The main problem would be to bring the topic up in the first place as our relationship has been rather strained for a couple of months now.

>> No.36466056

That depends on both your social skills, your relationship with your mother, and what your mother is like, which unfortunately is all stuff only you know. I'll say what I did was just a simple phone call where I told my mom about how I got a windfall from work, so I'd be spending it on some dolls I wanted, and then sent her pics via texts of them. I'd then occasionally show her funny fumo pics (by which I mean not shitty twitter memes, but stuff like "here's a fumo at an iconic landmark" or "here's a fumo doing something cute" simple stuff).

>> No.36466173

Compare the games to Galaga or Space Invaders.
Alternatively, if she likes arts&crafts ask her for help to make a doll like the guys at >>36059189 or grab a pdf from /po/ and start making paperhus until she gets curious and asks what's all that about.

>> No.36466177

What is it about Koishi that attracts literal autists?

>> No.36466190

It's not that they're literal autists, it's that you find them autistic based on your own judgement.

>> No.36466240
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Koishi is autistic

>> No.36466267

Koishi is a symbol of hope for many people, a bright ray of light in a dark world.

>> No.36466269
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I'm glad if that worked out for you (could you post a fumo pic of yours?), but unfortunately I don't really text with my mom. We live in the same house so if there's something to talk about she usually just comes to my room. I could amke some photographs with my camera, don't know where to take good pictures in my town though.
I don't think she played many games in her youth so that comparison probably wouldn't help much.

>> No.36466472

Lol she ain't real dude

>> No.36466529

If you really care about your mom and want to get closer to her don't try to force her into it. At best she might try to play along and pretend to understand but she won't understand at all. The generational gap is too real.

Buy her some potted flowers, some gloves or a scarf and ask her out to a restaurant or a play. She likely hasn't been to any of those in a while.

>> No.36466623

Are you autistic?

>> No.36466891
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Are you?

>> No.36466936

I live with my sister and we still send funny pictures to each other instead of coming into the other's room just for a meme.

>> No.36467689

have you considered finding out what she's interested in and trying that out instead? there's a 90% chance she ends up thinking you're a pedophile if you introduce her to touhou.

>> No.36467889

Want to be my friend?

>> No.36468228
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Good night.

>> No.36468295

I think you'd have more luck by trying to convice her to play some cooperative game rather than a singleplayer one. Nonetheless I'd say that videogames are a bit harder to get older folk into, maybe some kind of passive media like movies or series might be a better way, godspeed anon.

>> No.36468903

We can play with my nendos and fumos

>> No.36472258

Send pics.

>> No.36472295
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We're both autists. Why can't this work?

>> No.36472534
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I am not autistic.

>> No.36473451

Well then you should have said so from the start you larping impostor. You don't belong on /jp/. Go back to Facebook or /v/ or wherever normalfag shithole you came from.

>> No.36473659
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Wow rude. I don't have to prove anything to strangers on jaypee.

>> No.36481543

>She already has a few she likes, or finds cute
My mom considers fumos to be toys for small children (like all plushies) so she'd be weirded out if I started collecting them. My dad is actually more accepting in this regard, he just doesn't give a shit.

>> No.36484081

OK guys my mother is a 64 year old immigrant from Guatemala. She dislikes video games. How can I introduce her to Touhou without coming off as weird?

>> No.36484191

Why is your mom driving you around? Maybe you should do something with yourself instead.

>> No.36484763

Don't do it, anon. Let's say your moms likes it and gets too into 2hu to the point of searching fanmade stuff by herself. Sooner or later she will find the porn and then it will get weird.

>> No.36485106

Start a garden and name individual plants after 2hus. If she asks why you named them something, just show them a picture of the girl. Make sure they're associated due to colors so she can make the connection.

>> No.36485805

This. Make sure to grow patchouli flowers.

>> No.36489459

>Koishi is a symbol of hope for many people
Literally how?

>> No.36489483

She was judged by society, has a severe disability, and has come out stronger for it. And she's very cute and lovable!

>> No.36496785


>> No.36498125

I think anon's mom would be grossed out by her son wearing frilly dresses and kneesocks.

>> No.36498148

Come on man think of better ideas than that

>> No.36498540

He could cosplay Rinnosuke

>> No.36508596

This. She's probably silent around you because she's actually disappointed in you to the point of disgust but doesn't have the heart to say it.

>> No.36521099

2hu will certainly fix that.

>> No.36521177

Shit dude. OP could work for maybe 2 weeks and buy himself a moped and have money left over for gas. If he works the whole month, he won't have to worry about gas for the year.
Obviously that's not going to help much on it's own, but it's a step in the right direction.

>> No.36521195

It all depends where OP lives

>> No.36521220

Mopeds get good gas milage, and they'll get you where you want to go quicker than a bike, cheaper than anything else.
They suck ass, but it's a choice.

>> No.36524591
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~Ara Ara Anon-kun ~Do you want to be my son? ~I'm already "into" 2hu, so we can play as much as you want...

>> No.36525381


>> No.36525529

Did you try complaining about guetemala and why all her foreign stuff offends your American way of life and . . .

. . . I'm sorry what were we talking about?

Oh yeah Tel her that she needs to play Japanese games about little girls or she might as well go home because that's just how America works.

>> No.36530391


>> No.36532817

this. trying to bond over one of her interests is far more likely to succeed in improving your relationship (even if you yourself don't actually enjoy her interest).

>> No.36534974

You may noy be autistic but you sure act like one lol

>> No.36544574

>there's a 90% chance she ends up thinking you're a pedophile if you introduce her to touhou.
This is what happened with my father he thought I was a pedophile faggot because all the characters in my Touhou games were little girls :(

>> No.36545162

Drawn like little girls more like. Kanako, Yukari, Yuyuko, Yuuka, Komachi, etc are fully grown women.

>> No.36545453

Honestly kill yourself retard, America wasn't even mentioned once in this thread but you still can't help but talk about America. Fucking /int/ brain rot.

>> No.36545890
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>live with my mom
>bond with his gf
Interesting implications, child.

>> No.36550038

Chris-Chan 2 the electric boogaloo

>> No.36552487

OK but Touhou does have plenty of little girls as well

>> No.36555701

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.36563237

how old is u
how old r ur mom

>> No.36572614

And, it's not particularly focused on that feature so if you maneuver yourself well, you'll be fine.

>> No.36573343

for me it's the way ZUN drew her hair. I shit you not, one day I decided to draw Koishi with ZUN style hair because I was disappointed with how little art of her depicts her with the kind of hair she has in SA and from that point on Koishi became my favorite Touhou

>> No.36574821

Are you implying hw was wrong?

>> No.36578746

Post drawing.

>> No.36578855
File: 2.27 MB, 864x1296, Koishi and Kokoro hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think her hair quite looks like her ZUN art hair. At some point I stopped using the art as a reference and started doing it from memory and then it turned into a style of it's own rather than ZUN style. I can't complain though because I'm honestly happy with the results most of the time. I also don't have any colored penciled that match her hair color

>> No.36578872


>> No.36579146

That's a nice Koishi. No-chin Kokoro looks a bit weird, but the drawing's fine otherwise.

>> No.36579303

Cute Koishi.

>> No.36581095
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>> No.36590607

koishi gaming.

>> No.36591108

You seem pretty upset. Are you an American by any chance?

>> No.36591120

kill yourself

>> No.36591264

what does she game?

>> No.36591294

>when I saw my favorite streamer bond with his gf over gaming
A little concerning of a comparison there.

I'd use animations, comics, basically the secondary work as a gateway. The actual appeal of Touhou is quite weird and thus hard to sell

>> No.36595266

can i play with your tits mama-sama?

>> No.36597233

Heh, cool

>> No.36597511

kuso thread award

>> No.36597584

Get your mom into STGs.
Then show her Touhou. If she has taste, she will like it.

>> No.36597651

Yes, I am American. Now take your autistic anti-America crusade to >>>/int/ where it belongs.

>> No.36602832
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~ええと。。。 ええと。。。 ~I-if that's what you want Anon-son...

>> No.36604980

How is this thread still alive?
Its simple
>2hu is primarily liked by sad virgins
>so you need to fix things so your mom is like a virgin a nd maybe a little bit sad
>how du?
>as a virgin your mom would never have had you
>So, as always, the answer to your problem is:
>then your mom is like she was a virgin again, and maybe a little bit sad
>and then maybe while she's cleaning out your room, she'll start looking at that 2hu stuff you have and start to like 2hu
Go on, you know it makes sense.

>> No.36618452

Who are you quoting?

>> No.36621860

Himself, most likely.

>> No.36622661

I want a Junko mom to make her happy and show her everything I like with enthusiasm & optimism!
