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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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36559828 No.36559828 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous Thread: >>36418155

>> No.36560561

I will fast track into megane route and won't look back.
>literally giving a potential psychopath power over people's lives unless they do fucked up sex stuff

>> No.36560631

Even if Ooe is bad, at least the character designs and art will be good. The porn is almost guaranteed to be bad though (sorry Kurosawa)

And I don't think UruC was bad, I think it was disappointing. I think it was a failure at conveying whatever thoughts Kurosawa had swirling around in her brain. Whatever made it her favorite project so far is absolutely unclear. Even though I'll remember what a wild ride it was, I'll also remember it as disappointingly confusing presentation with good ideas. It felt like 3.0+1.0

>> No.36561190

The two guys with glasses in this look too similar it's throwing me off.

>> No.36561225

PERKY nipples

>> No.36561285

Is there a recent recommended language agnostic otome list? The one in the OP looks like it hasn't been updated in a while.

>> No.36561569

All otome are orthodox christian so no.

In honesty everyone is too lazy to do it + tastes differ too much to come to a consensus. there are some games I love that blog hates and at the same time I'm baffled at some of the garbage people fellate, an I'm sure its the same for everyone here.

>> No.36561725

Tell me your secret please, how can I play majo and cage and not cringe with the quasimodo art. Convince me somehow im shitting myself

>> No.36561760
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Step it up, anon. I bet you also use the Alchemist sprites for R07 games.

>> No.36561765

Just take the dive and you will grow an odd fondness for it sooner than you think.

>> No.36562770

Exposure therapy. Just get over it.

>> No.36564385

I feel lost without internet strangers to guide me though... Jk I guess I'll just work my way through the top rated otome on vndb.

>> No.36564494

The pain of finding a good scenario but not finding the voice appealing...

>> No.36565417

just turn the voices off and pretend it's a sound novel

>> No.36566339

Just start typing like a human being, retarded attention whore

>> No.36566526
File: 383 KB, 645x392, NII-SAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MC has to babysit the most boring character 80% of the time
I just want common route to be over.

>> No.36567485

take your meds

>> No.36567878

Ao is boring, nothing you can do about it.
His voice doesn't help.

>> No.36568024
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>> No.36568056

They all have the same face

>> No.36569183

Ao is a social commentary on weaboos and those who learn japanese for their 2d husband/wife

>> No.36570143

To the person who asked about emulating sweet clown, it should work on ryujinx now.

>> No.36572581

Thanks a lot, anon! It runs smoothly let's say 85%, but fucks up the text, making it unreadable.
But it's a good sign that it runs! I'm sure in the next builts it will be fixed.

>> No.36572687

Talking about switch emulators, any anon here that got hanayaka nari to run on ryujinx/yuzu?
It runs perfectly for me, but when it gets to the gameplay part, the screen turns black. Is it only my problem?

The new psp emulator version though, runs the game 100% now, without any sound problems, but the new switch graphics are very clear, not much worth the psp version.

>> No.36572755

I should have clarified that it was a situation CD.

>> No.36572914
File: 195 KB, 1282x797, sweet clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most recent build fixed the text, at least in my case. Make sure you are on build 7037, only the menus are slow now.
Now if the huge graphical glitch of himehibi could be fixed that makes the cgs look like SHIT and yuzu still crashes where ryujinx did before.

>> No.36573006

For some reason I managed to run it properly once, then crashed every single time I tried to play the minigame.
So luckily I just skipped every single instance after it, I can upload a complete save if you need it just so you can skip them and enjoy the game.

>> No.36573045

If you could post it anon, I would be extremely happy. I'm trying to run the game since 2020..

>> No.36573053

Tell me the number of the folder the saves are stored in, I don't have it anymore.

>> No.36573251

Yuzu right? 01008DE00C022000
bless anon thank you so much

>> No.36573300

I have a shitton of saves, see if there's one after the first minigame.
The settings should be automatically on skip at least or you need to select it, can't remember

>> No.36573443

Bless your kind soul anon, finally, I can play isami and tadashis mental breakdowns HD.
I would love to help and repay now or in the future, so if there's anything you need be it saves or whatever just ask.

>> No.36573468

>isami and tadashis mental breakdowns HD
Based taste, especially Isami
>spergs about german cinderella

>> No.36573626

>he was seething about it and was miserable at the half-assed 2 ep ova even
From my favourite characters, I hold a soft spot for him till this day.
I kinda liked everyone, the std with legs even, and I loved how rotten Susumu was.

I don't know what otomate did to Takagi Ayumis writing skills and yuuyas art.

>> No.36573658

The writing was kinda... eh in most routes and the true end was outright shit with a godawful romance.
There were like 2-3 ok routes where the drama didn't go fullretard and the romance was enjoyable, so it was par of the course.

>> No.36573712

Kurosawa's mind is so mysterious. I still don't understand what made Hanazawa her favourite in Hashihime. I still have hope though, sometimes she manages to catch lighting in a bottle and the Ooe premise sounds absolutely amazing.

>> No.36573751

The problem is the number of routes, I don't think there's a game in existence (that is not a nukige) with so many routes and is actually good.
It's spreading everything too thin unless the game is like 40 hours long.

>> No.36573789

I remember liking the writing for some reason, maybe bc my nip skills were shit back then and I had lower standards?
That's probably why I find her writing shit now.
Have you tried Tengai ni mau? I haven't yet, but I'm thinking of giving bara ni kakusareshi a try. I won't bother with Meiji.

>> No.36574134

According to Kurosawa it's supposed to be '0.6 fate/stay nights long'.
But I haven't played fsn so I have no idea how long that actually is.

>> No.36574158

That's around 30-35 hours if fully voiced.

>> No.36574370

IIRC there are only 4 full routes and the rest are "side endings" or something. I choose to habeeb it since it looks to be less hyper and all over the place than UruC, and she's actually pretty good at writing suspense.

>> No.36576179

The issue for me was that the "nicer" guys had the duller routes and the meaner guys had the better routes. Looking back it's probably easier to write a guy at rock bottom who redeems himself than a morally sound guy who still has to experience personal conflict. It's also hilariously cliched how Haru had to get stabbed or shot in almost every route to further a guy's character development. Great game but I think Takagi just lucked out with it. Even the second game felt like a rehash.

>> No.36576428

Thank you works fine for me now, with the 7038 built. Hopefully, himehibi will run soon in the next builds.

>> No.36577318

Hanazawa being her favourite might have been just an internet rumor. Unless she treats her favourites like shit but gifts them monster cocks.

>> No.36577325

Olympia Soiree was fun, I liked sexually bullying Riku

>> No.36578527

Those bad endings were really spicy. Especially Kuroba's.

>> No.36578532

His first one kind of surprised me, I thought it was a bit out of character but still pretty hot.

>> No.36578555

He was kind of possessive the whole time, but you're right, it certainly was a surprise. And pretty hot.

>> No.36578582

anime boy sweat uwu

>> No.36582283

>Implying anime boys sweat
I bet you also think they shit like the rest of us instead of laying little quail eggs

>> No.36582679 [SPOILER] 
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, 2021091213504700-94F55F928ECDDE5D157E79E9F65944A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute scene in Olympia Soiree

>> No.36584659

>Starry Sky came out in 1997

>> No.36591351

I still can’t over the fact that he was a cool and reliable character before we got to know how awfully stupid he was in his own route.

>> No.36591397

It's actually 1937

>> No.36595942 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 1064x591, sou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna play dystopia so badly after this.
Any anon that got it from otomechink or at least has access to the link?

>> No.36595989

goddamnit that art is shit but the content is hot enough

>> No.36596243
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I hope the head comes off

>> No.36596386

and then i hope he proceeds to fuck the head

>> No.36596948

> seiyuus Nojima Hirofumi and Nojima Kenji are brothers.
>they have done a lot of bl together, fucking each other
thats hot desu

>> No.36597286

Never reply to me again unless you learn how to type

>> No.36597339


>> No.36597500

What? That sounds insane

>> No.36597928

it was https://vndb.org/v3512
but i'm not sure they even fuck?

>> No.36598137

https://vndb.org/v3579 this too

They do he is also the okama

>> No.36601623
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Last game in the Josou series just released for those interested. I'm not quite sure if it qualifies for /blog/ though, while it is dudes fucking other dudes in the ass they look like women and are voiced by women and get pregnant like women.

>> No.36602888

>get pregnant like women

>> No.36603238

>protagonist doesn't even fuck

>> No.36604025

>get pregnant like women

>> No.36604072
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic. Like, explicitly magic, half the characters are gods or priests or whatever. Every game in the franchise (and there's like 10) ends with MC impregnating his wives(male) through their asspussies to make them boypregnant, then fucking them while they're boypregnant. It's the author's fetish. Which is why I'm really not sure if it qualifies as BL or not.

>> No.36604610

Any games that will make me cum in 5 seconds?

>> No.36605777

Azuma's game

>> No.36607052

It doesn't count as BL. It's the typical draw a boy, call it a girl shenanigans.

>> No.36607084

I like traps but then I read the mpreg part and that's a turnoff.

>> No.36607160

Are there any DLs up for 8bit lovers or did I completely miss them?

>> No.36607204

Room N°9, sometimes I literally just go in the recollection menu and play the moans for a fap

>> No.36607274
File: 128 KB, 691x565, 8E6C68A9-0B56-495E-9770-0726DCFC2285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signed up to kokoroten’s pixiv fanbox to look at the mamiya ddd progress. Hopefully the next game they make is BL because this CG is hot

>> No.36609337

I've heard something about Suicide Club English patch but it's not listed on vndb. Which team is working on it? My moon is too shit right now and I don't want to resort to MTL

>> No.36609572
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99% sure I haven't done this route yet all the font is in re-read font. This is the most uncomfortable feeling ever.

>> No.36609698

The only answer is that one of your roommates/family members has been going on your computer when you weren't looking and been playing your degenerate porn games.
But don't worry, they are never going to admit it. However they do think less of you every time they see you at the dinner table now.

>> No.36610004

Your parents known you jerk off to zoophilia and piss now

>> No.36610239

Anons said a plebbitor did ebas route and requires proof that you purchased the game.
Do you truly believe fantranslators and EOP companies don't MTL? 9/10 official translations suck.
Give up and learn Japanese anon.
It will take time, but you won't have to depend on and beg plebs and tumblrinas.

>> No.36611034

Is someone ever going to set up that discord server or should I just do it myself?

>> No.36611165

No and fuck off.

>> No.36611558

Did anyone read Gunneko? I'm guessing the fact I never see it mentioned here or in JP circles is not a good sign.

>> No.36611668

I've heard that it's boring.
Might check it out anyway now it's been uploaded to A-S since I played the trial a few years back and the concept seemed fun enough, but if it's 30 hours of oh no what could this obviously evil advisor be up to boring fake politics I'll probably end up dropping it.

>> No.36611771

Yeah seeing it on a-s recently is what got it to cross my mind again. Guess I'll give it a shot too, I'm interested enough to see what it's like.

>> No.36621490
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>favorite gets a noticeably worse route compared to the rest of the cast

>> No.36623756

>only do favorite
>can't complain
God bless plotless games.

>> No.36624038
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>Favorite feels like main boy

>> No.36624108

>game has a main boy
>instantly like him less even before the game starts because I know he'll get shoved down my throat all the fucking time until I hit a route

>> No.36628142
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>> No.36628924

who actually buys bl figs

>> No.36629073

>dmmd again
Where is my slutty Towa fig?

>> No.36629077

I would if they made that youji fig

>> No.36629207

I would buy this one if it was Clear instead of Kojack.

>> No.36629848

Younger me who was still obsessed with this game and bought figurines would absolutely love this.

>> No.36630128

Someone who isn't underaged like you, try again in 5 years

>> No.36630632

Weird ass fig choice and weird ass designs. Dmmd is at least 6 years overdue at this point.

>> No.36633384

Any anon that played this? Does it worth 7 bucks?
The omorashi looks hot.

>> No.36633836

defined muscles and smooth softer faces always look uncanny even on figs, truly 2d is the only way

>> No.36634064

>not liking him with his shitty route
You can't call him your favourite.

>> No.36635619
File: 121 KB, 744x800, image-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 days until sale. Anyone buying it?

>> No.36635672

I have a feeling it will be a lot more tame compared to HS.

>> No.36635686

Yeah, this sounds like a huge troll.

>> No.36635714

oh anon
that just means there will be a lot more ryona and edge than there was in hadaka shitsuji

>> No.36635757

I want to believe

>> No.36636711

How proficient in moon should one be for Tokimemo?

>> No.36636746

I grew out of figs. But how the fuck do I sell them?

>> No.36636959
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, uta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His game when? Any news?

>> No.36636992

figs are cringe unless they're mecha.

>> No.36637789

Utapri is dead since LiSA got cucked

>> No.36637835

Name of sculptor? Great job on the body.

>> No.36637976

>utapri is dead
>his character in TR just got killed
Japs are devoted to their public face, I tell you.

>> No.36638301

Fuck the lisa simps and yumejos, i want to crossdress with the tranny sensei and heal the boy's autism.
Just let furukawa or azumas seiyuu voice ranmaru.

>> No.36638364

You'd have a point if he hadn't gone and failed a suicide attempt. Attention whore.

>> No.36638411

that cunt single-handedly doomed a lot of good characters to never be relevant again

>> No.36638580

Does broccoli really give a fuck? When their other seiyuu bullied his kohais to the point of quitting, they just continued with their program normally.
Well, he didn't have sex, guess that's the problem.

>> No.36638665

It poisoned his romantic endings, because the voice is coming from a guy who cheated on his wife in a relatively short time with a younger girl.
So no "I'll love you forever".

>> No.36638676

Underage opinion is irrelevant. Anyway you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.36638747

That twat Masahiro Higashide who cheated on Anne (the mother of his 3 children; the woman who had to pay the fees for his contact breech because he started losing endorcements) has been steadily working. His mistress is making a comeback soon as well.
If anything his leaking the Free song is a bigger issue, because pissing off the industry people is never good for your career.

>> No.36640048

Does anyone care about the bpro switch game

>> No.36640285

When does reading get easier sisters? I finished my first moonrune vinnie and it only took me 100 hours. It’s supposed to be 15-30 hours….

>> No.36640366

If you actually learned anything and didn't crutch too hard on rikai or whatever the next one should be much easier, depending on the reading level of the first one.

>> No.36640985

What's rikai? I used textractor and yomichan, is that fine?

>> No.36641286

It's basically the same thing as yomichan.

>> No.36641781

I only know 1k words right now so I relied a lot on yomichan. I've read in a bunch of places to read asap and that its fine to rely on lookups early on. Is that wrong?

>> No.36641807

It's not wrong but make sure to actually attempt to learn what you're looking up.

>> No.36642261
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>> No.36643538

Can't wait to sexually hold hands with an old man while impregnating him

>> No.36643840


I've played around 50 games in Japanese over the past year (most of them having been doujin RPG maker eroge instead of long VNs, although those were included too). If I now replayed the first game I played a year ago that I back then struggled with I'd finish it in no time because my Japanese skills have significantly improved. There isn't a single moment where your ability spikes, it'll gradually improve instead and the only way to achieve this is to consume as much content in Japanese as you can.

>> No.36644401

Nothing particular, it's just basic everyday vocabulary and there are wikis if you get stuck on terms.

>> No.36645309

are there any places to torrent untranslated android blvns? i have no fucking clue if it's possible to even pirate phone games, let alone within such specific criteria

>> No.36645461

where's my otome game where you fuck your son

>> No.36645529

pirating and installing android games is easy but its also easy to slip in sketch phone viruses with them

>> No.36645771 [DELETED] 

You guys weren't kidding about the autism that goes on discord servers.

>> No.36646005

please post your figures so I can laugh at you

>> No.36646199 [DELETED] 

>Check BL discord
>Immediately asks me what my pronouns are
>Fuckton of she/they

>> No.36646296

it's still better than the elitists here, no one will be rude to you for typing in a "wrong way"
my posts are often ignored here for no reason other than that
and? it's 2021 already get used to it

>> No.36646383

I'd choose rude elitists over mentally ill moids any day

>> No.36646433

it's been so long since I played DMMD that I thought this was some Fate related shit at first glance

>> No.36646439

>and? it's 2021 already get used to it
Not everywhere in the world is america

>> No.36646532

Stacy keeps living her best life and you keep seething on the side lines. You’re not special or better than her because you’re edgy, you sad little pick me.

>> No.36646613


How do you find Japanese discord servers where you don't have to suffer from american autism?

>> No.36646670

You have to kill yourself first because the japs don’t want you either

>> No.36646697

this is why i keep saying we need to make our own instead of trying to join cancerous ones
japanese autism is almost as infuriating honestly

>> No.36646726

let's make a discord server so the elitists would fuck off, i can be a mod who'll check the level of japanese and if they bought the game

>> No.36646782

>if they bought the game
this is a trick question and you'll ban people who buy games, right?

>> No.36646797


what elitists? we don't gatekeep enough really

>> No.36646822


I'd rather lurk Japanese BL discords than participate in an english speaking western (american) server

>> No.36646865


I don’t want to actually talk with any of you on this general in any function outside of 4chan though. I instantly assume everyone on here is a socially comatose snowflake attention whore, now imagine all of these attention whores on a discord server. You will always have elitism, only the brand of elitism will be different, because girls who are actually nice and enjoyable with real personalities don’t visit mongolian cheese making boards

>> No.36646873

>it's talking to itself now
The fuck did we do to attract this schizo
Shitposting retards aside, how was Ishida's otome game?

>> No.36646894

Get a trip already or even better make a discord and fuck off

>> No.36646962

Is that free male nekopara game worth the time it takes to download it?

>> No.36646996

It's really boring, probably the blandest thing I've played in a long time. I got a ???? out of what little worldbuilding there was though which was worth a laugh but otherwise it's just a (visually pleasant) slog

>> No.36647009

lmao tomoko, tomokos like her is the reason why we should make a discord

>> No.36647362

The characters are likable, but it's way too short. Understandable since it's free. If you need edgy shit like >>36646996 to be entertained, skip it.

>> No.36647556

>If you find a free game that was simply expanded from an April Fools prank and nothing more boring you like edgy shit

/blog/, why are you like this?

>> No.36647747

I didn't say I didn't like the characters or that I need "edgy shit", it's just a very short april fools game with very little happening. It's silly and the boys are cute but the protagonist is silent and the experience just couldn't really hold my attention for the hour or so it took to play. It's pleasant but boring.

>> No.36647868

It should just be an otome game already. I don't know if I can still tolerate idols otherwise. Thrive still has the best music though

>> No.36647880

I marathon kodomo anime and I found it surprisingly tedious despite how short it is so maybe it's not just edgelords?

>> No.36647883

I'm ready for Salvation.

>> No.36648007

Yurops and ruskis cry about their own retarded shit. It’s almost like every race has retards or something….

>> No.36648043

Jannies choose to mod the weirdest posts. Why didn’t you delete all the blatant shitposting too or are you just throwing darts here?

>> No.36648083

the chances the janitor of the overwhelmingly male-dominated board /jp/ actually reads /blog/ and deletes posts he doesn't like instead of just looking at out-of-context shit in the report queue is very nearly zero

>> No.36648197

azuma or towa

>> No.36648232

now that's a tough choice
azuma to marry, towa to fuck

>> No.36648356

>japanese autism is almost as infuriating honestly
At least they don't invent a new gender and sexuality every day

>> No.36648466

I thought it was? Or does it just bait?

>> No.36648478

Towa, the healing is beautiful and he just acts like your slightly tsun wife.

>> No.36648602

>spergs about tsuda kenjiro having a wife and kids
>can't masturbate to kazama from now on
>feeling betrayed and praying for his demise
They are as autistic. The whole fanbase is kek

>> No.36648674

Doesn't mention any romance, but 2 endings total and individual epilogues for each boy. Gonna assume it's bait unless someone confirms otherwise.

>> No.36649395

I thought it was bland, but if you like cutesy, every day life stuff then it should be fine. Plus, the purple megane is very cute

>> No.36649416

You people need to go play era games already

>> No.36649465

Vndb link please?

>> No.36649538

to be fair even those games rarely add special dialog or anything that makes it thrilling

>> No.36649610


>> No.36649746

>being incapable of envisioning your own scenarios
That's most of the fun of text games, you get to make make up whatever you want and not have to deal with shitty writing or get landmined by someone's suddenly bad taste.

>> No.36649765

A myriad of jap text-only slave trainer eroge.
They tend to be for guys and/or Touhou games so there's rarely much of interest for girls but, there have been a few female variants.
About a decade ago it saw a brief surge popularity with the fandom so you had like, a version for Hetalia, a version for SnK, a version for TeniPuri, a version for InaIre etc, but they were very basic trainer stuff and rarely had much dialog or interesting features beyond what they ripped from the male-oriented variants.
The most notable one from that time is eraQueen, which is not based on any setting but has a pretty solid system and char customization so you can recreate your husbandos in it and get dialog generated for them based on your specifications.

More recent female-oriented ones are for Touken Ranbu (especially eraTohloveKH) plus eraAWT for a humanoid tentacle reverse harem, these are significant departures from the slave training concept, more SoL oriented.

>> No.36649785

Thank you for the explanation, anon.

>> No.36649805

If you're a turbomasochist slut a lot of guy-oriented games suddenly get super interesting by the way, since you can make a female PC and live out your mob rape fantasies.

>> No.36649895

For all the sisters who are bad at looking things up: https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Main_Page

>> No.36649901

Yeah, I've tried out degrees of lewdity after it being mentioned here, it was pretty interesting. But I think I only liked it versus other "female mc" type porn text games for male audiences because the love interests seemed to have personalities/traits outside of "random NPC rapist rapes you." which makes it more interesting for me personally in order to stay engaged and keep playing. I've since stopped playing that one however as it was getting a bit too copy paste at times making the sex scenes a bit boring/repetitive. If I got back to learning japanese again I think I would like to try out some of the games you mentioned.

>> No.36649941

Aside from Nie no Machi, era games are the only games I've seen male tentacle rape in, and even then the system is just modified from one made to be used on the Touhous. I've been playing AwT and GvT despite how difficult it is to keep male characters in the latter, but they're strangely interesting. I wish tentacles weren't so rare in joseimuke media.

>> No.36649957

I hope it actually ends up good and isn't wasted art and aesthetic.

>> No.36649969

>I've been playing AwT and GvT despite how difficult it is to keep male characters in the latter, but they're strangely interesting.
You can turn off sex change in GvT in the options.

>> No.36649979

Well, that's on me for not reading the options, I guess. Thanks, anon

>> No.36649984

the """english""" versions for AWT and tohloveKh are embryonal and out of date I'm afraid, you should basically just straight up play the JP versions.

>> No.36650061

I’m going to refer to myself as a turbomasochist slut from now on thank u

>> No.36650175

Yeah, there's not too many era games that will you give you interesting dialog for male characters, even if you're playing as a female. DoL is way better than 95% of era game for that still, I'm afraid.
Off the top of my head, there's the aforementioned AWT and tohloveKH and eraqueen (AWT's dialogs and scenes in particular are amazing)
eraMegaten has humans and demons from every single game from the SNES games to Persona to obscure spinoffs like DemiKids but females get 75% of the dialog of course, still it's pretty interesting. eraBemani is pretty omnipandering too (even has furries) but it's characters from Beatmania, Pop'n, Sound Voltex etc so it's very niche
If dialog isn't a concern, FGO-K is baaasically tohloveKH but for FGO characters (female PC recommended if you're going for the guys)
eraJK has you playing as a JK of course, getting assaulted in town or on the train. It doesn't work as well as you imagine sadly, a better incarnation of that is in eraImasPOFA (specifically "omake mode", by the way that game has SideM characters)
And finally there are "reverse" slave trainers where you get trained, but the AI is pretty crappy and it gets old fast (and again there's like zero dialog for guys even in the female-oriented variants)

GvT is uniquely interesting for being able to make mahou shounen squads. Too bad the customization basically doesn't matter.
For other tentacle-centric games there's the tentacle palace (触手宮) and reverse tentacle palace branches where you try to fight your way out of a tentacle dungeon, or control the tentacles for reverse, but you won't see male characters outside of the ones you make and male stuff is generally an afterthought.

>> No.36650312

Those who do not have Faith will not be Saved

>> No.36650488

And those who've even bothered to check the artist, company and writer know what to expect, SHIIIIIIIIIT.

>> No.36650840 [SPOILER] 
File: 168 KB, 939x921, eq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eraQueen sure is fun. Also, this is the first time I've even seen this event.

>> No.36651012

Have sex and run off with your sister, to take revenge on your mother for abandoning you.

>> No.36651070

It seems to only trigger if your character is small and the slave isn't (plus some obedience reqs), that's probably why.

>> No.36651403

That's CUTE

>> No.36651651

I have been deliberating this for hours and I've come to the conclusion that in this case azuma is the objectively correct choice.

>> No.36651761

Towa because he appeals to my fetish.

>> No.36652104

Is it me or toriumi sound hot at togainu?

>> No.36652244

Still the greatest otome love story ever told.

>> No.36652623

It was back when Toriumi still could do a nice young voice and didn't sound old. I also think sounded hot in dies irae

>> No.36653433

Toriumi always sounds the same, only good for voicing cheeky cunts like duck and Robin Hood etc. , why the fuck do they still make him voice tough guys and villains is something I'll never understand

>> No.36653549
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why nips love this again?

>> No.36653699
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>> No.36655686

His monologues in DI were great, he fit mercurious to a T.

>> No.36659136

One more week for Togo's kino.
Who's gonna be best boy? I bet on megane.

>> No.36661010

Megane is the one I want to turn into a cockslut the most. I have an inexplicable feeling that Fluffy's route is going to dive deep into some fetish that doesn't do it for me.

>> No.36662805

Can someone please share their 100% save data for luckydog1? Wanna fap to it today, but I forgot I deleted it.

>> No.36667870

I'm all in on the old man honestly

>> No.36669254

Megane, the rest look too nice while he makes you want to break him.

>> No.36670763

Which fucking Megane?

>> No.36670771

The hateful one, the other is the doctor.

>> No.36673818
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My pp

>> No.36674457
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Are you looking forward to a serious and wholesome story?

>> No.36674645

Honestly I am fine with anything as long as there is one ending where I can protect his smile.

>> No.36674853

I wanna destroy the bitchy and hirakawa megane, turn the shota into a cumdumpster but, but ojisan deserves pats and cuddles.

>> No.36674924

But what if ossan is secretly a masochistic slut who's been yearning for a young man to defile him and drown him in erotic pleasures before he goes to hell?

>> No.36675087

Then I will gladly abuse ojisan and his asshole.
I have this feeling tho that Togo won't go easy on him.

>> No.36675173

I want them to have sex outside with no asshole flowers involved

>> No.36675344

after the game is out someone please make a collage of this picture surrounded by CG cut outs

>> No.36675954

>includes sex with women
If it's mc's lil sis pegging them I'm in

>> No.36675983

He's not a flower autist so there's not much point decorating his dick and/or ass with them surely?
MC'll just fuck him on his wife's grave or something.

>> No.36676055

Don't you remember Sayaka? Togomito is into it. Maybe another one of the LIs will be gay and get raped by a woman.

>> No.36676744

Yeah, I remember Tomoaki forcing her to kinda rape the guys and taking their virginities. I hoped he would spare us this time.
Guess it's the nurse this time.
But it would be hilarious if it's his lil sis who rapes with a strapon or giving them enemas.

>> No.36678394

JackJeanne was on sale for its half anni so I picked it up and am a few hours in now. Very mixed feelings on it so far. The text somehow manages to read worse than the average lifeless kusoge with barely any descriptive text and characters expositioning badly at each other and at times feeling like conversations aren't aligning. It's gotten better over time(or maybe I'm just getting used to it)but it's still hard to feel much charm from the average conversation and is sometimes a drag to read.
On the other hand the plays are damn good. Seeing everyone practice pieces of it throughout the chapter and then getting to finally watch the full performance at the end, the whole thing interlaced with the cast's personal struggles and then working around unexpected events on the day all works great. It does a really good job of getting you to care about the plays themselves and making it fun to watch. The whole thing has strong sports manga vibes.
Also it's not fully voiced which I wasn't expecting.

>> No.36678432

Anyone played club suicide? Thoughts?

>> No.36680308

Very short, pretty good. Somewhat predictable and doesn't break any new ground but has the perk of not going too far and becoming retarded like many otoge (except that one meiyou ending). The creator seems like an adhd spaz that overworks so I'm hopeful the update gives us a lot of content.

>> No.36680325

Rune Factory 5 english version add gay, will be included in the jp version in an update, /v/ seething.

>> No.36680372

Kamige and don't listen to the other anon the Meiyou getting pounded by fat old men ending was the best ending.

>> No.36680497
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that is NOT yuri.

>> No.36680553
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We did it

>> No.36680704

No option for master? Wish they kept that from RF4.

>> No.36680724

Based. I need an after story for this in the update.

>> No.36680896

I recognize the posters having meltdowns over there. I'd be glad if those screeching /v/tards finally gave up on RF. It's a series for girls anyway.

>> No.36681070

Spoil me on the baggy eyed short one. Why does he want to commit sudoku?

>> No.36681107

Terminally low self-esteem and thinks he'll never achieve anything in life. His parents being so good and caring just makes him feel worse about it.

>> No.36681347

I can't stop replaying the MV, Iori and Rikai are too cute.

>> No.36681410

god you all have such shit taste oh well more professor oak for me

>> No.36681440

That's it? I was expecting worse from what I heard about this game. What are the others' reasons for wanting to die?

>> No.36681566

>existential crisis

>hates society for bullying him for being adhd/aspergers and being poor and having prostitute mom and being a y*mecringe

>last punishment of a spite filled bitch and FUCK YOU DAD

>> No.36681680

I bet Meiyos incubus ending was him becoming Towa.
But we won't see Meiyos slut healing.

>> No.36681820

did you feel like meiyou's true ending felt off? not sincere. his lil valedictorian speech was just the same shit he would have said in the endings where he goes stibbidy stabs. It gives off the feeling that he'll still kill himself eventually in his 20s.

>> No.36682049

It's not really an edgy game and the worst thing in it is some of the endings being bloody. Most of the boys have relatable issues that just spiraled badly for them.

>> No.36683320

anyone that can get dem wants to snatch new tokimemo soon?

>> No.36683506

Yeah kinda. I mean, it's normal, what could Ringo do in just 7 days? Cure his daddy issues and his alphabet struggles?
I really liked his route, but it needed to elaborate more. Don't know what Uesugi prepares for the DLC, but it better have afterstories. For both his endings.
Overall, he can't escape his fate, which is sucking old yakuza dick.

>> No.36683542

Kinda conflicted because/pol/ is mad but in other hand patching everyone into Bi meh.

>> No.36683555

Easiest way to make everyone happy, making you able to romance fucking everyone should be the default.

>> No.36684213

This. It's not like the straight romance is being patched out.

>> No.36684853

There is literally nothing lost by including more options, so why would it be meh?

>> No.36684930

I prefer character having a fixed sexuality and identity rather than everyone being the same.

>> No.36684998

In that Meiyou ending was there actually any inidcation Meiyou was whoring himself out or is it just one anon being weird?

>> No.36685127

Everyone is straight -> Everyone is bi, not that big of a difference.

>> No.36685155

Meiyou is definitely in some shady shit but other than that the anon was writing fanfiction.

>> No.36685261

It's not meant to be edge for the sake of it, it's something of a personal project that incorporates aspects of the creator's life.

>> No.36686207

I will now buy your game

>> No.36686281

Who cares? It's not like they're really straight or bi anyway, they're MCsexual.

>> No.36687307

I mean I don't hate it, I just prefer defined characters than everyone is available.

>> No.36687308

i treat my sexual orientation as my identity, if everyone is like this i no longer feel special

>> No.36687442
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Is cube parasite good? I'm a poor so I'd like to avoid buying shit. Western reviews cannot be trusted

>> No.36687704

No, also emulate.

>> No.36688116

Does the emulator run on toasters?

>> No.36688178

You can try it, at most you'll waste couple hours (videos running like shit doesn't mean the game runs like shit by the way).

>> No.36688306

Touken musou's coming west after all


>> No.36688403

It's great seeing all the cucks who bitch about gayness as a "personality trait" now losing their shit over characters suddenly being unrecognizable now that they say the exact same romantic lines with the pronouns swapped, as if being straight defined that character's every action and utterance.

>> No.36688492

fuck off /pol/ tourists

>> No.36688577

It wouldn't have had those reactions if they first fixed the performance and gameplay and then added the gay.
.t fujo

>> No.36688585

going to need a steam release to make me spend money on a game without my swordwife

>> No.36688627


>> No.36688882
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inevitable DLC

>> No.36688893

oh yeah he's 100% in as dlc, there's no fucking way

>> No.36688935

Kinda looks like shit, but I'll buy it.

>> No.36689206

A retarded attention whore who is typing like this has only recently started to frequent these threads, so tourist chan you should fuck off along with them

>> No.36689231
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S o o n

>> No.36689414

you're a complete schizo

>> No.36689646

sex sex sex

>> No.36689712

I need more of my bland wife Ichigo Hitofuri so unfortunately I am considering getting this

>> No.36689732
File: 372 KB, 2048x1448, Eq3MsSFVgAEVFzZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why must he be so unpopular

>> No.36689755

is KAKAKA getting in

>> No.36690111

Kakakas artist is so based ironically. Both her and her twincest taishou era stories.

>> No.36690390

Juzu and Onimaru dlcs fuck

>> No.36690406

yes why is she picking on us for something as typing? the entire internet talks like this >>36689206
say this on twitter and everyone will laugh at you lmao

>> No.36690458

I blame namikawa daisuke and his std tendencies for this. He is so cool.

>> No.36690834

Take your meds

>> No.36690886

make a discord already so we could ban those schizos

>> No.36691031

What has he done?

>> No.36691118

How about you go to shitcord and stay there yourself?

>> No.36691148

Cheat his wife with an underage staff/seiyuu member was it?

>> No.36691176

Shit as much as you want here, now is your chance, we need to keep the next /blog for kanja kino

>> No.36691216

I thought that was Okamoto/Tatsuhisa

>> No.36691221

Talking about Kanja S, who voices the fluffy haired shota? His voice sounds to me similar to Kuko Harai. Is it the same seiyuu?

>> No.36691254

Okamoto cheated pregnant wife with prostitutes, Tatsuhisa cheated famous singer wife with a Uta no prince yumejo and now threatens to sudoku.
I don't give a fuck for Okamoto, but Ranmaru is ded now thanks to Tatsuhisa whore.

>> No.36691550

It's not Ranmarus fault his seiyuu is an ass

>> No.36691585
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Namikawa also cheated on his wife with some under 20 host girl

>> No.36691591

i literally don't understand seiyuu otakus
just mute lol

>> No.36691632

Seiyuufags are just idolfags with less self-awareness

>> No.36691649

I want Mamoru to whisper sweet nothings to me

>> No.36692041

a certain 姫咲遙 who has done lewd joseimuke voice work before it seems

>> No.36692044

shut the fuck up, i'll keep typing like i want schizo

>> No.36692054

Sepparate the artist from the art.

>> No.36692083

The art is a husbando for husbandofags. If he is a cheating whore, he is not a husbando. Personally I give no shit about that but he fucked up by leaking the Free song to his mistress

>> No.36692130

The voice actor is not the character, although seiyuutards often feel that way.

>> No.36692206

Coping cucqueans love to say that but it's actually not possible. It's their work no matter what.

>> No.36692225

He is actually promoting 2d love by his existence.
Stick to 2d, not 3d and 2,5 if you don't want an STD

>> No.36692261
File: 773 KB, 1024x1020, 81097034_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love them

>> No.36692416

I hate the concepts of seiyuus period. I don’t want to know about the real person who voices a character I like. It takes me immediately out of the immersion of that character’s fantasy. Can’t wait for the day technology can replace seiyuus for true fictional experience.

>> No.36692427

*Leaks their song and bangs a faceless character (female)*
Nothing personal, musically illiterate hypnoslut

>> No.36692464

It wasn't like this in the past. That's why Suwabe, Ishida and Miki Shinichiro etc could become voice actors in the first place. Now it's all about being a semi idol: above average looks, singing, creating idol units, being invited on TV shows etc. In my days it was homosexuality and voicing proud yaoi chins.

>> No.36692477

I also don't give a fuck about Tatsuhisa, I'd bee than happy if Ranmaru got voiced by Furukawa Makoto or Irakusa Netoru instead.
Tatsuhisa won't appear at the upcoming Utapri event. You know how retarded nips are with voice actors drama. Ranmaru in Dolce Vita never.

>> No.36692491

*be more than happy

>> No.36692523

He cancelled his appearance at the December Tokyo revengers event as well.
They can write an arc about Ranmaru losing his voice and making a comeback with a different VA in a couple of years

>> No.36692529

Yeah and the ones who got in scandals are just the ones who got caught, they could all be cheating whores for all you know. bet a couple of them got away with murder back in the 90s. But their job is just to lend their voice to 2d best boys by pretending to have anal sex.

>> No.36692614

Or get hit by a truck and turned into a human-sized android singing dildo like Aoi. Thus explain the different voice.
The Taiwanese incest blvn anon might appreciate this.

>> No.36692689

I just ignore all of it. If a voice sounds good I'll listen to it if it sounds bad I'll mute it. Don't give a shit how many stds the 3dpd behind it has. Simple as.

>> No.36692860

Sometimes their ugly jap faces appear in my head during a scene and it kills immersion.

>> No.36692889

>bangs a faceless character (female)
Finally I can truly self insert

>> No.36693038

Murase ayumu is cute desu for 3dpd

>> No.36693281

His beady eyes look creepy but seems like a nice lad

>> No.36693452

that's why I hate idolshit that tries to mix cute 2d with ugly 3dpd, the worst trend ever, but nips eat it up

>> No.36693553

I compulsively avert my eyes or hold my hand up whenever I check up on seiyuu on anidb. Thank heavens jp Wikipedia rarely have pics up for them. I refuse to acknowledge that they are real people, so they remain disembodied voices to me. I think the gossip is fun to hear about, but the chance of seeing what they look like is too high so I will not google them ever. I learned my lesson as a 12-year old crushing on a radio host with a really nice voice, and subsequently having a bad time finding out it was just some grandpa.

>> No.36693739

Say anything you want but unlike others Ishida isn't a whore

>> No.36693757

all japs are whores

>> No.36694026

It sucks when you see one and then that picture of a middle aged asian man with an 00s era emo haircut drifts into your mind in the middle of an ero scene.

>> No.36694085

>I compulsively avert my eyes or hold my hand up whenever I check up on seiyuu on anidb
I'm very happy to hear I'm not the only one that does this.

>> No.36694264

I appreciate that vndb doesn't show the VA's faces when you check their pages, I feel much better not knowing what they look like too.

>> No.36695631

>earphone and VR technology where the voice and movements of a male 3dpd prostitute is converted into the voice and imagine of your husbando
How close are we to this?

>> No.36696024

Have you not seen Vtubers?
