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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 416x776, anti8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3655472 No.3655472 [Reply] [Original]

If you read hentai you're not a real Touhou fan.

>> No.3655477

Frankly, I don't want to be any kind of fan.

>> No.3655480

That post is a pretty weak troll but in actuality I prefer non-sexualizing Touhous / other series.

>> No.3655485
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 1252431566311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a real touhou fan?

>> No.3655490

Cirno is Sixty years old.

She is not a child.

>> No.3655495

Fuck Touhou, original works like anything by Cuvie, Naruko Hanaharu, Naoshi Onizuka, Kisaragi Gunma is the way to go.

>> No.3655501

Did you make that or are there actual touhou fans out there that are against pornography?

>> No.3655511
File: 20 KB, 450x450, marisa monocle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious troll, but

>implying touhou characters are kids

>> No.3655512

According to the archive, old /a/ troll.

>> No.3655526
File: 188 KB, 132x152, 1256622545263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>support hentai artists


>> No.3655531


>> No.3655539

How old are Touhou and Marisa, then?

They're kids.
Stop sexualizing them.

>> No.3655544


>> No.3655550

Aren't they 16 or something? Thats legal where i live.

>> No.3655552
File: 5 KB, 123x115, haha no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there is only two characters in touhou
no seriously, except them ?

>> No.3655564

None of them are kids.
Cirno over 60years old, SDM and Eientai are older than the pyramid and some of them are probably even older than Earth.

>> No.3655568
File: 184 KB, 450x443, Reimu Marisa Hats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Marisa and her friend Touhou.

>> No.3655578

Medicine is a few years old at most, and a few others (say, Rumia, Wriggle or Mystia) could conceivably be in their teens.

>> No.3655600
File: 220 KB, 1100x1664, kyonsis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't really care if they're children or not.

>> No.3655601


Their age has never been officially stated. If they *were* 16, they'd be in their 20s by now.

>> No.3655603

the youngest touhous are Alice and Medicine

>> No.3655605

I'm pretty sure Remilia and Flandre are only around 600 years old. Now I'm not an expert on history but I think the pyramids are older than that.

>> No.3655610

I feel the same. I like the Touhou characters for their designs, but I HATE that I would in some way be considered a "fan" of a game that has the shittiest fanbase in the world just for that. I try to not get too involved, remain a secondaryfag, etc. but there's still always this part of me thinking "do people consider me part of THESE people if I say I like a Touhou character?"

>> No.3655613

I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be under 18, which makes porn of them illegal ^_^

>> No.3655617

I hate this artist. He always draws skin way too smooth and shiny; they look like they're made of rubber.

>> No.3655625


Sorry, 4chan is an American website, not a Canadian one. Go back to making maple syrup and sucking Britain's cock

>> No.3655626

>shittiest fanbase in the world
>I try to not get too involved, remain a secondaryfag
You do realize that most of the shitty portion of the fanbase is secondaries, right?

>> No.3655627

The Touhou wiki (and other material) suggests that each main game is about a season apart, making the difference between ESoD and UFO about six years. Unless Reimu and Marisa were <13 in ESoD, they are probably 20-25 years old by now.

>> No.3655632

This must be a troll.

>> No.3655633

>>3655627 each main game is about a season apart
How long is "a season"? Three months?

So wouldn't the time between EoSD and UFO only be about a year and a half?

>> No.3655634

Actually, no, it's the pretentious, meme-spewing "primaries"

Secondaries take it easy

>> No.3655641

>>3655634 meme-spewing "primaries"
Okay, now I know you're trolling.

>> No.3655644

>We're youma who eat humans and crops endlessly and cause chaos with no sense of direction, purpose, or reason.

Yup. Those are kids.

>> No.3655652

Ok, now I know you're from shrinemaiden.

>> No.3655653


He probably means "year", not "season".

Here's a timeline, but don't ask where it came from (other than the BAiJR dates).

>> No.3655665

There are obvious gaps, which is why I say "about," and I personally don't agree with a direct 1:1 Gensokyo time:real time sorting like this, though that system is probably based on Aya's near-constant stream of interviews and the in-universe release of PMiSS (Gensokyo Chronicles). However, I do agree that Gensokyo probably isn't like Metropolis and there's an incident every month or so.

>> No.3655669

OP is being ironic--it's not as if anyone on this board 'buys' things to support hentai artists anyway.

>> No.3655670

Primaries and secondaries are equally shit.

And whoever came up with that division is doubly so. Elitist faggots are the last thing we need here.

>> No.3655679

Someone post the other division for this guy.

The japanese one with the nicodouga and doujin circles flowcart.

>> No.3655681

>>3655644 We're youma
What is this, Sailor Moon? Don't you mean youkai?

And Marisa isn't a youkai. She's a human.

>> No.3655693

No, you're the only shit here. Elitism is what is curing the cancer and stopping new-wave faggots like you from flocking in. So kindly un-fuck yourself before conversing your opinion again.

>> No.3655713

Don't think, feel. Baka baka.

>> No.3655716

>Elitism is what is curing the cancer and stopping new-wave faggots like you from flocking in.

Not just any elitism. The special kind of elitism that is based on proper posting conduct - shunning trolls, using proper grammar, respect for facts and knowledge, etc.

Primary/secondary division, for example, is a troll, and therefore justly despised by any actual elitist.

>> No.3655717

People read hentai?

>> No.3655733

Yeah. There are quite a few fetishes that you have to read to be able to fap to.

>> No.3655745

I read you like a book.

>> No.3655750


>The special kind of elitism that is based on proper posting conduct - shunning trolls, using proper grammar, respect for facts and knowledge, etc.
>on 4chan

Haha, you can't be serious. On a board that's merely one click away from /b/? On the worst BBS on all of the Internet?

I'm all for these things, but this is a losing battle you're pitching here, my friend. You are horribly outnumbered and at a tactical disadvantage, besides.

>> No.3655752

I'll read your face in a minute.

>> No.3655774

>curing the cancer
>fake anger
Oh ho ho, you almost got me.

>> No.3655789

oh the secondaries are mad I can smell their blood boiling

>> No.3655819

I don't think respect is the right response to someone who amassed a lot of touhou facts and knowleddge.

>> No.3655837


The very sentence "Touhou Facts and Knowledge" happens to be an Oxymoron in itself, since ZUN The GOD makes stuff up right off the bat, himself, but I thought I would try being kind instead of critical.

Thank you for your insight, all the same. It is absolutely factual.

>> No.3655856

This is all ZUN's fault.
He should have made a standard shooter series, with robots, spaceships and all that shit.

Then nobody would have played them.

>> No.3655866


I would play it.

>> No.3655868
File: 14 KB, 192x217, kicked out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3655876

I don't read it, I masturbate to it.

>> No.3655920

>implied I was angry

Because it's impossible to just be rude to someone, right?

Cannot tell if sarcastic, but Secondary/Primary fans really do exist. It's quite objective. Primary being the people who enjoy everything, even the games. Secondaryfags being the ones who just enjoy the ZUNIVERSE.

>> No.3655929

I thought primaryfags were the guys who just play the games and completely ignore everything else.

>> No.3655951

actually primary fans are the ones who learned about touhou because of the games and the secondaries are the ones who learned about touhou thanks to the fanstuff

>> No.3655973

If that's the case, I doubt there's a single true primaryfag on /jp/ or many in Japan for that matter.

>> No.3655989

According to that definition I'm a primaryfag, I don't see how that would be rare, I haven't played one of the games in fucking ages though.

>> No.3656000


Yukari, Eirin, Kanako

Not lolis
Fucking hot

>> No.3656043

I guess I'm a secondary then. I learned about Touhou in general from /b/, so make of that what you will.

>>supporting artists

>> No.3656089

Proud secondary here. Never played the games, never will, hate the fandom, only like the pretty pictures. And that makes me a better person than you sad primaries.

>> No.3656093

>I'm a secondary then.
>The Strongest !v9.ofCirno
We could tell.

>> No.3656097

If you don't play the games your not a touhou fan.

>> No.3656099

Some of us don't want to be a "fan" like you.
See why?

>> No.3656100

Hi KoGs.

>> No.3656122

If you can't 1cc Subterranean Animism on Lunatic you are a secondary fan.

>> No.3656130

No it just means you have a life.

>> No.3656132

Ok guys, let's stop pretending that anyone on this board actuall plays the games. 90% of touhou fans are secondary fans that can't even beat easy mode, and as >>3656089 stated, only like the pretty pictures, alongside other fan-related content.

It's like saying you're a "geek" without ever having built your own computer, or a "music lover" that gets their music from pitchfork.com, or a "litfag" that reads summaries on wikipedia.

>> No.3656139


That's silly and you're silly.

>> No.3656142

Don't generalize it too much, too. Judging by the somewhat rare danmaku threads, a fair number of /jp/sies do play the games.

In fact, just take it easy and don't worry too much about it.

>> No.3656151

back to pooshlmer

>> No.3656176

what if the only game you've been able to 1cc is mountain of faith using the marisa lazor glitch?

>> No.3656177

no u mister tripfag

>> No.3656183

Well, at least you're trying.

>> No.3656184

If you can't 1cc Subterranean Animism on Lunatic while wearing boxing gloves and with a turned off monitor you are a secondary fan.

>> No.3656188

>no u
yeah, go back to pooshlmer

>> No.3656190

I think I'll stick to being a secondary fan then.

>> No.3656199


>> No.3656210

I'm a secondary fan of /jp/

>> No.3656219

The only thing I hate is that people insist on calling me a secondaryfan, when I don't even WANT to be called that, since I don't want to be considered a "fan" in the way primaries are anyway. Sucking ZUN's cock, thinking the Western fanbase is shit and wishing they could be part of the Japanese one, getting pissed off at "fanon"... I never want to be associated with these losers and frankly, considering me not being a "true" fan like THESE people is only a compliment to me!

What I'm saying is, I only like some of the pictures and manga. I'm not a primary, secondary or anything fan, I just like those things and THAT'S IT.

>> No.3656269

You're a fan whether you want to be called one or not. Get over it faggot.

>> No.3656299

Hurr durr
Fuck you

>> No.3656308

So if I like a single song some band's made, I'm immediately a "fan" of that band?

>> No.3656318

I think all you have to do to be considered "primary" is play the games. No ZUN-cocksucking or any of that other stuff is required.

The whole distinction is silly anyway. Watch or play what you want and don't worry about what other people think of it.

>> No.3656402

You like that bands music, ergo you are a fan of it.

>> No.3656408

I don't think so, as you can think they are complete shit aside from one single song. The most you could be in that case is a fan of that specific song, not of the band.

>> No.3656433

When that happens, I just delete that song because fuck that band I don't want a single thing by them tainting my harddrive.

>> No.3656445

But sexualizing kids is what we do best!

>> No.3656457

I'm a true fan, I play the games, fap to/read the hentai, and don't care about what anyone else does.

>> No.3656459

I want the rest of these, I feel like trolling /a/

>> No.3656569
File: 149 KB, 716x479, 1247538876187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does that image remind me of something I would expect on Crunchyroll, posted by some stupid 13 year old girl?

>> No.3656714

I discovered Touhou years ago while reading a webcomic by a Japanese foreign exchange student studying at CMU. The comic had nothing to do with Touhou, but the artist liked to ramble about various topics in his comments; one of these was about Perfect Cherry Blossom. I was at least a bit interested.
Later, the PCB translation patch (this was before I learned to read moon) came out, and I gave it a shot.

I got into the rest of the fandom after that, when people started spamming IOSYS vids on /f/. Found out quick that IOSYS is low-tier in terms of music.

I think the games are crap, with the exception of PCB, SA, SWR, and UNL. The music tends to be the only saving grace of the others.

I honestly wonder how the hell Touhou got so popular in the first place, but I don't really mind.

And all you faggots need to step back and chill, because you're fucking up a good thing.

>> No.3656881

It's from a Flash game, Marippy (Mappy with Alice and Marisa).

>> No.3656919

>Touhou got so popular in the first place
It didn't.
I know that it looks like there are many touhou fans and that it's almost "mainstream" but that's not true. It just looks that way because there is lots of fan-made content.

>> No.3656924

I'd wonder who read this shit but I did and I want my fucking 15 seconds back.

>> No.3656936

Thou enraged?

>> No.3656949
File: 319 KB, 634x741, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, proportionately, a lot of content-creating fans there to MAKE said fan works, and throngs of fans that don't make works.

Touhou has gotten to the point in Japan where it is as popular or more-so than Rozen Maiden was in it's heyday. In other words, not everybody is a fan, but everyone is at least aware of it.

In America, let's face it, the fanbase has become a Naruto clone, insofar as the fanbase now consists mostly of teenagers and college students who care for nothing more than the oh-so-witty memes they like to spew out of their mouths and keyboards. Let's face it, as far as the anime/manga/VN crowd in the United States goes, Touhou is FAR from "under the radar" and fans are mostly concerned with the latest SUPERCUTE IOSYS VIDEO or the still-apparently-humorous nineball joke.

>> No.3656966
File: 135 KB, 397x331, mikumikumiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when people held interests in things without having to spout this primary and secondary bullshit?
I think I'm forgetting those times. ( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.3656983

It's less about distinctions between how fans got into touhou or what aspects of the fandom they're interested in

And more a matter of how fans conduct themselves.

>> No.3657016


>> No.3657052

touhou more like gbs

>> No.3657094

much like your posting

>> No.3657687

I don't see anyone conducting themselves badly on /jp/ so you people should keep your "primary/secondary" distinctions out of here.

>> No.3657707
File: 410 KB, 650x812, 2311760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignores the constant LOOK AT THIS BAKA threads
>ignores the memes
>is generally a selective reader


>> No.3657709


You don't seem like a reliable witness, sir.

>> No.3657714

Oh wow, a single daily post concerning Touhou. We've got "why is /jp/ so shitty", Japanese bird and many more of such threads, but only the Touhou one is bad, huh?

Why don't you fuck off back to /a/ or something?

>> No.3657731
File: 13 KB, 700x200, much like your posting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3657734
File: 26 KB, 253x327, 1151055326706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has been proven wrong that many Touhou fan's cant conduct themselves, tries to change the subject by segueing into "WELL ITS NOT THAT BAD GUYS LOOK AT ALL THIS OTHER STUFF"

>> No.3657741
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1137, 1245082768125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3657757

>has been proven wrong
Yeah, okay, making false claims certainly means you're on your way to victory in any debate.

Do I see a strawman, too? My, you've got class.

>> No.3657771

>Yeah, okay, making false claims
But I've already mentioned BAKA threads, memes, and lets not forget Bad Apple threads.

Nice selective reading there.

>> No.3657785

Why are you fruits responding to a thread that this faggot probably started himself?

>> No.3657793

Like what? The only thing that gets spammed is Cirno, and that's just because of KoG on /a/.

>> No.3657805



>The only thing that gets spammed is Cirno,


>> No.3657820

>Look at that _____, WATCH MIKO REIMU
Those are the ONLY TWO that have something to do with Touhou. I was talking about what kind of Touhou stuff gets spammed. All your other stuff is irrelevant.

>> No.3657827


Oh, yeah. One of the newer memes;


Wait, that's not right.




>> No.3657831


See no evil, hear no evil, amirite?

>> No.3657839

Haven't even seen that one. Maybe I've learned a super-special technique called IGNORING crap threads during my time here? I hear only very few people can develop this skill.

>> No.3657844


Don't forget


>> No.3657857


Therefore, his claims are not false, and you're just either really fucking stupid or delusional. Good day sir.

>> No.3657859

Those are memes, but they do not get spammed. Hardly Cirno-level, anyway. Try again.

>> No.3657861
File: 281 KB, 1023x816, 6966574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that guy. I'm going to tell him to cut it out every time until he stops.


>> No.3657866

His claim is that there's a huge amount of Touhou meme spamming, which is a lie.

Sage for dumbfucks.

>> No.3657871


>His claim is that there's a huge amount of Touhou meme spamming, which is a lie.

What colour is the sky in your world?

>> No.3657875

Reimu's armpits aren't a meme, they're a fundamental part of her character just like Aya being a slut or Sanae a good girl are a fundamental part of theirs.

>> No.3657877

Have you even FOLLOWED the discussion, and didn't just jump in when you saw a chance to troll? I answered my own question.

>> No.3657889
File: 187 KB, 805x1165, Character Material_29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"The sky, it's red"

>> No.3657902


>Have you even FOLLOWED the discussion,

I followed it right to where you proved yourself to be full of shit.

>> No.3657906
File: 96 KB, 420x602, unrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread, so much anger.

>> No.3657910

Please stop responding to him seriously.

>> No.3657918


I agree. He's becoming overly emotional

>> No.3657922
File: 312 KB, 800x800, 1239593652699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I'd have atari dumbledore defending me on /jp/

Well then, I'll leave it to you.

>> No.3657942
File: 55 KB, 169x149, arc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Sir, I ask of you. Are you my master?

>> No.3657953
File: 851 KB, 644x1024, 2313607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My love for you is like a truck

>> No.3657954

So, if I were to hypothetically make a touhou scorched earth clone, what would be the best way to fit dodging danmaku in? I'm thinking a defend option that lets you move around to dodge shots in a limited radius.

>> No.3657955

I hope that made you realize the futility of your argument, if you need Arc to defend it.

>> No.3657956


Accuracy in print, and all that.

>> No.3657959
File: 6 KB, 119x153, 1218766889749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi arc

>> No.3657972


Greetings, !CIEL.

I give you dis butthurt.


>> No.3657986
File: 5 KB, 102x147, 1218766992701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see you making anon butthurt today, my allergies are acting up so I have no energy for it myself ;_;

>> No.3657987

Ah, the "butthurt" retort. Looks like you're up to your same old antics again.

>> No.3657998


Well, I admit it was a lot easier than usual, and I didn't have to derail a whole thread. I merely spoke the truth, and upon shattering his delusions he's devolved into an incoherent mess of tears and rage.

>> No.3658004
File: 24 KB, 240x324, 2313747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon here, no, I don't need Arc to defend me, but the fact of the matter is that it's me, several other anonymous, and arc that think you're full of shit.

Which isn't to say numerical superiority makes us right. No, we're right for other reasons, mainly that we've already proven that there are many Touhou fans on /jp/ that conduct themselves in a way not becoming of gentlemen.

>> No.3658007

You're such a drama queen, except you're also bad at it.

>> No.3658012

The entire thread is drama kingdom.

>> No.3658013

There isn't a single person on all of 4chan who conduct themselves in a manner becoming a gentleman.

>> No.3658015


Dude, seriously.

If he wasn't DELUSIONAL, he would understand the words you are typing here. I understand them because I haven't taken complete leave of my senses, nor am I in denial and unable to cope with the facts.

His coping mechanism is to deny and pretend it doesn't exist. I merely find it amusing how far he'll go to uphold his delusions.

>> No.3658022

And Arc wants to be King Fairy of Drama Land.

>> No.3658024



yes, that would be result of trolling.

/jp/ - easily trolled.

Never change, dudes.

>> No.3658025

>me, several other anonymous, and arc that think you're full of shit.
Funny bro, I'm getting the impression it's just you and Arc out there. And you still haven't proved anything, but I'm beyond hoping you will provide any real examples to back your argument. It's clear you just want to troll anyway.

>> No.3658026
File: 488 KB, 818x1200, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3658031

Oberon is the king of the fairies though?

>> No.3658042

All threads reek of shit once Arcuid has posted in them.

>> No.3658045

Yes, now go back to your congratulatory jerk session and leave us all alone.

>> No.3658046
File: 98 KB, 411x650, 2313757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it seems you are beyond any kind of helping, and as Arc said, just collapse into a delusional pile of tears and anger when frustrated
Just in case there's a singular hope of you seeing that we've ALREADY GIVEN YOU EVIDENCE AND EXAMPLES.
And with that, good day.

>> No.3658061


OP is successful troll....go back to crunchyroll.

>> No.3658079
File: 89 KB, 431x600, 6933547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the Suwako shit, I didn't realize the faggots would make a shitty meme out of it.

>> No.3658088

Not of anything that is spammed often, apart from LOOK AT THAT BAKA threads. On the whole, Touhou fans behave well in /jp/ when compared to other boards or Youtube or wherever. You're just a moron who complains and whines and cries about the "state of the fandom" all day.

>> No.3658095

Anyone who thinks a touhou fandom would exist without memes is delusional.

>> No.3658102

Real trolls never reveal that they're trolling.

>> No.3658104


I'll have some of what he's smoking, guys.

>> No.3658115

I liked Touhou before the true onset of memes. In fact, I remember having conversations about that, in which we all dreaded the day when young children would discover Touhou.

And then the young children posted in this thread and proved our fears accurate.

>> No.3658158

Memes get annoying, but I refuse to stop liking something just because a lot of really fucking stupid people like it too. That would be weak.

>> No.3658364

Most /jp/ers are followers, they can't do anything on their own. They have to be part of what they perceive as a group. If one person says "I hate that" they join that group of one or two. Fuck most of them don't even really play Touhou they just say they do.

Fuck /jp/ haters

>> No.3658406

Fuck /jp/ haters is now a meme.

>> No.3658411

This thread is full of bullshit. Touhou characters don't age. It's the same as the King of Fighters Franchise where despite 16 years the characters' age remains the same despite the moving timeline.

Don't try to apply realism to a friggin' videogame, especially not to a game where people get messed up hair after getting hit by a subway train at full speed.

>> No.3658427


Dude, this thing has been nothing but a troll thread and butthurt troll-victims from start to end.

Why aren't you saging, reporting, and hiding? This is a genuinely shitty thread. You and I are stupider for having posted in it.

>> No.3658444
File: 829 KB, 1100x727, 6945931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no subway trains in Gensokyo!

>> No.3658482
File: 695 KB, 1600x800, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play the games (poorly, but I play them!)

I like the music, both in-game and a lot of the fanmade stuff. Hell, I've even started writing some of my own.

I've enjoyed a lot of the fan art and fanmade stories. I like to see more of my favorite characters like Mystia and Yuka, and I enjoy reading about them in different situations even if the author's view on what they'd do is different from my own.

I see a lot of memes and a lot of idiocy. A number of 'fanon' interpretations of characters seem really odd to me. I can't stand half the remixes I've heard, and I've seen a lot of poor quality pictures and stories. I can ignore that, because it makes other people happy and it doesn't affect me (unless ZUN decides to make the next game Alice searching for the missing thing). I am not mindless; I do not need to follow the crowd and shout memes along with them, or run away from them out of fear. I like touhou because I like touhou. Any other reason is unnecessary.

I am a touhou fan.

>> No.3658497

Fuck you, no one cares.

>> No.3658502

It's like you defused a troll so that you could troll yourselves on your own terms.

>> No.3658508

fk u i care

>> No.3658509


/jp/ - easily trolled

>> No.3658523

A thread about hentai, but lay with only 2 to 3 erotic images.
Good job /jp/ i can say i actually have respect for a 4chan board now.

>> No.3658524

I've just been going through some hard times and I needed to reaffirm that no one cares about me. Thank you, anonymous, for pulling through.

>> No.3658536

>>Fuck /jp/ haters

>> No.3658538

Why would you respect a board for that. Dumbest person in the thread, right there.

>> No.3658551

Compare to all the shit around 4chan, and how i lurk /a/ commonly and frequently disgusted by them, it amuses me to see to see a slightly non shitty thread.
But i respect your opinion and that is why /jp/ deserves respect.

>> No.3658552

How can you say you love the Touhous if you can't fap to them?

>> No.3658558

I don't think there is a single Touhou whose poop I would not eat.

>> No.3658559

You do not fap to and defile pure girls.

>> No.3658563

There's nothing disgusting on 4chan, kid. You'll understand when you get older.

>> No.3658576

I question your sanity.

Why would you lurk a board where you get disgusted constantly? Are you a sadist?

>> No.3658581

I don't fap to pure girls. Good thing there isn't a single pure touhou.

>> No.3658588
File: 707 KB, 2133x1600, 2537720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canonically pure

>> No.3658589
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Rule 43 faggot

>> No.3658610

I've never seen a fan work that had her pure, though.

>> No.3658621

With that mirror of hers? She's seen more perversity than any one of us.

>> No.3658622

That's because you're only into Touhou for the porn

not that that's bad, you understand.

>> No.3658626

I do not read doujins that defile and depict them as sluts.

I only read pure fanworks for pure gentleman as myself.

>> No.3658629
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There's plenty where she's a virgin until Komachi seduces her with her lewdness, but she's usually a futanari so yeah.

>> No.3658648
File: 128 KB, 720x540, 859645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure Shiki is the best kind.

>> No.3658657

Jesus, you're the reason those drawings of touhous eating shit exist.

>> No.3658909
File: 173 KB, 950x1338, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou yuri is lovely and fappable. If you don't like it you shouldn't even consider yourself to be a sane man.

>> No.3660150

Touhous are kids?

>> No.3660161

A few of them, yes. Most aren't.

>> No.3660172

Faceless man rape is more fappable.

>> No.3660178

I thought kids are the ones most actively thinking about sex?

>> No.3660189

Depends on the definition of "kid" you use. 14-17 year old, sure. Pre-puberty? Not really.

>> No.3660200

Guys, guys. Remember that Gensokyo is a care-free world where parents, goverments and laws do not exist. The citizens are free to take drugs, drink sake, shoplift and kill each other. So the kids are far from pure - they are as dirty as they can ever possibly be.

Bah, they might have even violated themselves on Yuka's sunflower stalks.

>> No.3660204

It's not totally uncommon for preteens to be sexually active.

>> No.3660205

You speak like an idiot.

>> No.3660207

Reimu is the Law in Gensokyo.

>> No.3660210
File: 68 KB, 1920x1200, 1257030176775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3660221

With magic people do no have to worry about the damages brought upon by immoralities.

>> No.3660251

May I have the sources for these?

>> No.3660337

You must know and love all aspects of Touhou,
only then can you claim to be a Touhou fan.

>> No.3660412

Like mind control.

>> No.3660413
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>> No.3660418
File: 80 KB, 360x363, angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knock it off.

>> No.3660426


Wait, wasn't that your god was defeated by SNAKE?

>> No.3660450

That's just what history says. Kanako and Suwako aren't confirming or denying shit.

>> No.3660451
File: 150 KB, 575x1250, 1245679767228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly its to troll underaged Suwako threads. These days. Occasionally its the joy of such a joyful god.

Just as planned / Retirement / Maternity leave.

>> No.3660497
File: 537 KB, 841x600, 5455979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could think of new ways to troll those threads instead, that'd be great. And express your joy quietly.

>> No.3660503

Oh man, I'm not the only one sick of Suwako threads these days?

>> No.3660507

>Compare to all the shit around 4chan, and how i lurk /a/ commonly and frequently disgusted by them
Underage faggot detected. I bet you also cry whenever you see a racist or misogynist thread. Why don't you fuck off back to Gaia already?

>I can ignore that, because it makes other people happy and it doesn't affect me
Here, this is what makes you a non-obnoxious fan. You like what you like, and if you don't like it, you just ignore it and don't whine and complain about it. Sadly this seems to be an alien concept to most people.

>> No.3660534

The answer is always "No, you are not." Quit asking.

>> No.3660544

First one is here. Use the "DDL"


The other one I don't know.

>> No.3661226


This may be the only funny post in the whole thread
