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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 103 KB, 800x600, 1238091898366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3654363 No.3654363 [Reply] [Original]

You are now the little girl, you are going to be loved tenderly tonight by your beloved oniichan. He is a legs man and has asked you to wear something sexy for the occasion, what do you wear for leg wear?

[ ] regular school socks
[ ] floppy socks
[ ] sheer stocking
[ ] opaque stocking
[ ] sheer pantyhose
[ ] opaque pantyhose
[ ] fishnet pantyhose
[ ] pants
[ ] barefoot

You can only choose one

>> No.3654366

my pantyhose fetish says sheer pantyhose

>> No.3654365

>beloved oniichan

Bullshit, why can't I just be a little girl by myself?

>> No.3654369


>> No.3654368

I don't have an Oniichan though.

>> No.3654371

aren't they just
>[ ] regular school socks

>> No.3654378

whichever one qualifies as thigh highs

>> No.3654382

normal socks stop below the knee, like halfway up the shin.

Striped thigh high socks

>> No.3654385

thigh highs are just stockings with elastic bands to hold them up so they that don't require garter belts

>> No.3654389

Oh those, in that case I absolutely loathe knee socks, it's just a shitty length if you ask me, too short to do the stocking thigh thing and too long to be normal socks.

>> No.3654392

[x] spread dark chocolate on my legs and things

>> No.3654432

Why can't I be the little girl and be loved tenderly by another girl like any cute yuri overtoned anime? Boooo.

Also, sauce on OP image?

>> No.3654440

You are now the little girl, you are going to be loved tenderly tonight by your beloved oneesama. She is a legs woman and has asked you to wear something sexy for the occasion, what do you wear for leg wear?

>> No.3654442

[X] regular school socks

>> No.3654444

Much better.

>> No.3654445

I like this shit now

>> No.3654449

[x] regular school socks
He's obviously a pedo, so he'll enjoy the schoolgirl look.

>> No.3654456
File: 81 KB, 400x700, 1256371949146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't talk shit about onii-chan or I will slash you

>> No.3654461

I have a big brother, but he isn't a pedo. Unlike me, I suppose.

>> No.3654465

Who said anything about pedo being bad ?
Sounds like someone has doubts here~

>> No.3654472

I-it's not like i'm concious of our forbidden love! I know he loves me even when I return home covered in other's blood, but... our parents are giving us strange look... What can I do?

>> No.3654477

Your parents aren't bad, it's their evil eyes.
You should do something about those nasty things.

>> No.3654506


I heard that killing someone with an Evil Eye, cutting them into various pieces, and hiding those pieces under the floor boards is quite an effective measure against the Evil Eye.

>> No.3654520

That's because your big brother should only rape you because he loves you personally, and not just because he likes girls with your body type or in your age group.

>> No.3654554

Wtf! Where am I! This is not /b/ DDDD:
What are lolis doing here? :3

>> No.3654550

I would rather be the Oniisan.~ >-<

>> No.3654561

It's done, they were screaming too much, so I've shut them up. Oniichan was resisting a bit, so I put him to sleep, now he's only mine, mine mine mine....

>> No.3654567

Woah, where the fuck am I o.O

>> No.3654568

You are now the big brother and you are going to love tenderly tonight your beloved little sister. You are a legs man and have asked her to wear something sexy for the occasion, what do you hope she will wear?

[ ] regular school socks
[ ] floppy socks
[ ] sheer stocking
[ ] opaque stocking
[ ] sheer pantyhose
[ ] opaque pantyhose
[ ] fishnet pantyhose
[ ] pants
[ ] barefoot

>> No.3654571


>> No.3654574

i am 12 years old and where am i

>> No.3654584

I would have saved the OP picture if the guy wasn't drawn so lazily without eyes and didn't looks so goddamn CREEPY.

>> No.3654589
File: 3 KB, 400x400, failguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since its not /b/.. Guess I'll be going now. :3
Bye Guyz-

>> No.3654588

You are now the tentacle monster and you are going to love tenderly tonight your beloved hunt of the day. You are a legs monster and have asked her to wear something sexy for the occasion, what do you hope she will wear?

[ ] regular school socks
[ ] floppy socks
[ ] sheer stocking
[ ] opaque stocking
[ ] sheer pantyhose
[ ] opaque pantyhose
[ ] fishnet pantyhose
[ ] pants
[ ] barefoot

>> No.3654581

[X] sheer pantyhose

>> No.3654579

[ ] barefoot

If I was a little girl, I'd take good care of my feeties.

>> No.3654593

have a nice day, anon

>> No.3654598


>> No.3654602

See you later, alligator

>> No.3654604

Oh, thank you. You too anon :3

>> No.3654607

I wouldn't fuck the creep in OP picture if I was the little girl. I'd go for more fabulous guys.

>> No.3654611
File: 49 KB, 459x480, 1257077275177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opaque pantyhose.

>> No.3654614

I kinda, don't want to leave now.. x.x
The people here are really nice,..
What are /b/ros doing here in /jp/? :3
Also got lost here,.. because of that picture, like me? :<

>> No.3654616

Medium-length skirt with no panties.

>> No.3654624
File: 109 KB, 800x600, 071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now the little girl and you are going to love tenderly tonight your beloved oniichan. You are a legs girl and have asked him to wear something sexy for the occasion, what do you hope he will wear?

[ ] regular school socks
[ ] floppy socks
[ ] sheer stocking
[ ] opaque stocking
[ ] sheer pantyhose
[ ] opaque pantyhose
[ ] fishnet pantyhose
[ ] pants
[ ] barefoot

>> No.3654627

Sauce on OP image?

>> No.3654631

You are now Guy Fawkes, except genderswapped. As the clumsy little girl who messed up the Gunpowder Plot horribly, you are going to be executed for your treason. How do you want to die?

[ ] Burnt alive
[ ] Hang drawn and quartered
[ ] Boiled to death
[ ] Sawing
[ ] Guillotine
[ ] Impalement
[ ] Buried alive
[ ] Drowning
[ ] Disembowelment
[ ] Flaying

You can choose as many as you like, the audience is into that sort of thing.

>> No.3654632


>> No.3654649
File: 674 KB, 1024x768, 1236112201423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now the little girl and you are going to love tenderly tonight your beloved tentacle monster. You are a legs girl and have asked it to wear something sexy for the occasion, what do you hope it will wear?

[ ] Scales
[ ] Mucus
[ ] sheer stocking
[ ] opaque stocking
[ ] sheer pantyhose
[ ] opaque pantyhose
[ ] fishnet pantyhose
[ ] pants
[ ] baretentacled

>> No.3654653
File: 83 KB, 900x666, 1231597380962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saya likes either baretentacles or sheer pantyhose

>> No.3654658
File: 139 KB, 710x999, moe14647sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saya is not so picky about clothes, but she is woman of only one man.
A pity I'd like to be loved by her ;_;

>> No.3654681
File: 145 KB, 396x500, 421949167_a2b2301595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now the little girl's disembodied brain in a vat. You are remotely in control of an empty runaway trolley. Ahead of the trolly on the track are five people tied there by your evil onii-chan. They will die if the trolley is not stopped. However, you can flip a switch which will send the trolley down a side track. This side track merges back with the main track, so flipping the switch in and of itself will not save anyone, but a car is stalled on the side track which will stop the trolley before it reaches the five people. The trolley is empty, and your brain is not in it, so there is no one inside to be hurt in the collision. Unfortunately, the stalled car contains a man in the passenger seat who is too fat to get out in time to save himself, and he will definitely die if you flip the switch. The fat passenger is also a legs man.

[ ] flip the switch
[ ] don't flip the switch
[ ] floppy socks

>> No.3654698
File: 21 KB, 704x396, 04de6cc9092aa171d0cbe1f30d9739e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] opaque pantyhose

>> No.3654705

[X] Poseess a body and do tender loving with onii-chan

>> No.3654723
File: 37 KB, 301x293, PEDOBEAR_by_Vonki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now the pedo bear and you are going to love tenderly tonight your beloved custom loli. You are a legs bear and have asked her to wear something sexy for the occasion, what do you hope she will wear?

[ ] regular school socks
[ ] floppy socks
[ ] sheer stocking
[ ] opaque stocking
[ ] sheer pantyhose
[ ] opaque pantyhose
[ ] fishnet pantyhose
[ ] pants
[ ] barefoot
[ ] A cat if fine too
[ ] Gimme the chocolate, Hisao

>> No.3654727

if he's a cute trap, anything that goes good with garter belts. otherwise i'll kill him in his sleep.

>> No.3654731
File: 305 KB, 636x700, 3924210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now the yandere little girl, you are going to protect your beloved from harm. He is a loser but has started making new friends, what do you do to make sure you're the only girl he loves?

[ ] Let him feel the pleasure of cumming inside
[ ] Threaten his friends and family to stay away
[ ] Kill his friends without him finding out
[ ] Keep him restrained in an isolated location so no one can contact the two of you
[ ] Create an elaborate plot to make him hate everyone except you
[ ] Kill yourself, but not before killing him
[ ] Kill him, fap to his severed head
[ ] ____________________

>> No.3654738
File: 92 KB, 450x1395, 1256918165549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3654740

☑ Kill him, fap to his severed head

>> No.3654741

You are now the little anon, you are going to protejt your beloved /jp/ from shit threads.

[ ] sage
[ ] sage
[ ] sage
[ ] sage
[ ] sage
[ ] sage
[ ] sage
[ ] sage

>> No.3654746
File: 474 KB, 625x561, sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3654748

Seriously this, if I'm going to be a little girl, it's only going to be for myself.

>> No.3654750

I want to scum inside the little girl.

>> No.3654752

sage doesn't work like that, dumbass, go back to /a/

>> No.3654754
File: 70 KB, 500x405, c0059745_49309d769c812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? If I ever became a little girl being pure would be the last thing on my mind.

>> No.3654756

love doesn't work that way dumbass go back to /jp/

>> No.3654757

Yeah, seriously, I'm not a slut now, and I wouldn't be then.
It's weird how /jp/ likes to complain about bitches and whores, but given the possibility, would act exactly the same way as said bitches and whores.

>> No.3654759


Bump just to show you that sage doesn't work that way.

Also loli giving footjobs with striped thighhighs.

>> No.3654761

I'd definitely be a slut.

>> No.3654764

[x] Let him feel the pleasure of cumming inside

>> No.3654769

it's envy, of course

>> No.3654813

in EVERY game I'd played as a girl i've been a complete slut.

Then you have things like NWN's module "A dance with rogues" where you can be directly a slut...

>> No.3654818

Obviously sheer stockings are the sexiest. So that's what I wear. And maybe some matching opera gloves.

>> No.3654825

not bad at all.
But I prefer some onee-sama bullshit, with leather boots and a whip

>> No.3655077

You are now hired by a little girl to find some magical book you couldn't care less about. You find some bookshop with sufficient artifacts, but the librarian is Nyarlathotep so you only have time to take one book and get the fuck out before you take Crawling Chaos full force up your virgin ass. Which do you pick?

[ ] SICP
[ ] Lolita
[ ] Bible
[ ] On the Origin of Species
[ ] Communist Manifesto
[ ] Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica
[ ] Illiad
[ ] War and Peace
[ ] Critique of Pure Reason
[ ] Thus Spake Zarathustra
[ ] Leave immediately, get Necronomicon

>> No.3655144

I recently saw a girl wearing these stocking things that were shiny and light-reflective.

Those are now my new fetish.

>> No.3655151

Waah~ I want them too~

>> No.3655322
File: 1.93 MB, 3660x2570, Al &amp; Kurou 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Leave immediately, get Necronomicon

"Screw you, granny, I'm a lolicon!"

This. Then with my new Necronomicon and soon to follow giant robot, prepare to kick Nya's ass.

>> No.3655325

>you take Crawling Chaos full force up your virgin ass
I'm okay with that

>> No.3655335


>> No.3655397

[X] Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

She will thank me later when she acquires knowledge, so you know, she won't have to whore herself out to eat.

>> No.3655405 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur board on www.anòntálk.com plox were tired of ur constant fuckin spam plus stop lying about at ok

>> No.3655433

