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File: 346 KB, 1000x538, 1184768528773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3645390 No.3645390 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth selling figs you don't want anymore? I'm not sure what sort of prices people would pay.

>> No.3645395

You're 20 years too early, son.

>> No.3645393

Depends on how noticeable the glue stains are.

>> No.3645404

And if there are none? I have no glue on any.

>> No.3645406

It depends on the figure and the condition and if they have the original box. No shit.

>> No.3645412

>I have no glue on any.
What a waste of good figurines.

>> No.3645413

Yeah, I suppose so. Oh well, I have all the original boxes and stuff.

Know where I could sell some?

>> No.3645415

From looking at those, it doesn't look like you'll be getting much from any of them.

>> No.3645419

I wish people would be willing to 
buy my broken figurines...

>> No.3645426

That's a random picture. They're not mine. I have some rare ones I think, like the Feito with the giant cape.

>> No.3645429

Post your figures here. If you have more like alter fate burst ver than that is a good start. Ebay is the only place to sell.

>> No.3645431

>Know where I could sell some?

>> No.3645432

I sold / gave away every figure I had a little over a year ago. It's "worth" it if you don't really like them / wouldn't mind having some extra money around.

>> No.3645438
File: 782 KB, 1536x1152, PICT0294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some.

>> No.3645440

Ebay, or sell them in the classifieds section on your favourite forum.

>> No.3645445

Didn't you post this same question before? You're only going to get the same answers. Ebay and hobby forums.

>> No.3645451

Yeah, I was just wondering if anyone had any specific forums. Plus that was a while ago.

I remember one was mentioned, but I forget.

>> No.3645452


Nice mirror.

>> No.3645453

clayz saber swimsuit, clayz saber "casual", clayz rin "casual", alter fate burst ver, gsc fate, 1/8 queens gate alice, max factory kokonoe rin, pachira and louise at the bottom. These figures are sellable for half to original price.

>> No.3645463

I think I answered you before and it's not very active but you can try gkjapan. They have a buy/sell section of their forums.

>> No.3645466

Actually, it's just glass.
That's not bad, but I'll be keeping some. Rin, Fate and F/SN can go... maybe. Depends on prices.

>> No.3645469

Thanks, I'll look.

>> No.3645473

Dunno why you dont use Ebay. Its just fine.

>> No.3645486

I'm UK. I'm not sure many people look on UK ebay for figs.

>> No.3645498

I do. I am also pretty sure that ebay has the same base for everyone. At least in my experience.

>> No.3645507

myfigurecollection.net gets a good amount of traffic, I think. Try there.

>> No.3645508

Hm, maybe I'll use ebay then.

>> No.3645521

I'm seen a few people make posts on
selling their goods, it's more direct than ebay and there's no transaction fees by eBay.
People usually put up suggested post in the image description, and then leave their contact details in the post.

>> No.3645533

price not post sorry.
Also an example of a post:
