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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3635601 No.3635601 [Reply] [Original]

probs should be posting this in /trv/, but no replies...

I'm going to Japan at the end of year with a couple of mates....

Wat is there to do?

>> No.3635608


>> No.3635607


>> No.3635613

Nothing. Why the fuck would you go there?

>> No.3635612

>Wat is there to do?
Why are you even going at all?

>> No.3635615

Get drunk and sex up some sluts.

>> No.3635617


>> No.3635620

You buy a guide book like you do for every other popular tourist destination

>> No.3635631

Cheap airfares...and skiing is meant to be good

>> No.3635634

cbf and way too cheap to buy guide books. I dont wanna spend my holis reading a travel book

>> No.3635636

Walk around blindfolded at the beach trying to hit watermelons with a stick.

>> No.3635640

...but i can do that anywhere

>> No.3635646



What language is this?

>> No.3635650

cbf = cant be fucked

>> No.3635651
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>> No.3635653
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Curry Butt-Fuck?

>> No.3635660

Visit Kyoto, go to Karaoke, drink Suntory Dekavita C, Visit Temples, Ask people who dont know english for directions and lol. Go to a public bath and bath together with 10 year olds.

>> No.3635662


Confederação Brasileira de Futebol

>> No.3635667

Go to Hokkaido and play with the wild foxes. They are disease free

>> No.3635677

also eat shitload of food cause its super delicious, if you sleep in a hostel except every morning to get up at 7, also public bath in hostels too.
seriously try to get sleep in the afternoons.

>> No.3635678


>Dekavita C

I think ive seen that in asian grocery stores...

shit looks toxic

>> No.3635684

oh and if you get a chance you must visit Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima, Nara, Kyoto and Fuji.

>> No.3635687


probs gonna be living cheap for the few weeks im there, so hostels are my best bet. Why get up at 7?

>> No.3635689

its like Acid. Drink too much and you start tripping.

>> No.3635696

how much is too much, out of interest...?

this is quite relevant

>> No.3635700

>Why get up at 7?
cause japs are crazy workaholics lol
Usually at some hostels they have breakfast and they always start at 7:30am, they even want you to move out of the room at max 8am but im not sure. And i think some hostels even have restrictions for the bath. Like in the morning you can use it from 6am-9am and at night from 8pm-10pm.

>> No.3635702

well around 6-8 and you start laughing uncontrollable.

>> No.3635707

If you stay with a family they get up at 6:30am for breakfast. They expect you to get up at this time too.

>> No.3635716

Expect to have a shitload of time to try to understand with Japs in English. Just use the most simple English you can. Sometimes you can find some Japs who speak English very good.

>> No.3635718

Another funny thing to do. Stick your chops stick in the rice with other Japanese people looking. Lulz ensues.

>> No.3635719

Worst thread on the front page, and there are a lot of bad threads there.

>> No.3635722

then stop complaining and fix it, faggot

>> No.3635724

Seriously dont do this lol. Japanese do this as offering for the dead.

>> No.3635725


I don't get this one, no matter how many times I see it. Just seems like a stupid thing to care about. If it's YOUR rice bowl were talking about, I don't see the big fucking deal.

>> No.3635727

Japan hates all foreigners because of Americans.
Don't bother going.

>> No.3635732


japanese come to aus all the time (ausfag here)...

we should get to return the compliment

>> No.3635734

Here is stuff you must try for food:
1. Tempura shrimps (Best shit in the world)
2. Anything battered or fried.
3. Miso Soup (tho they serve it with almost anything possible)
4. Ramen and Noodles. You must eat this with slurping sounds to be cool.
5. They serve Rice with everything so i dont have to write it here. But Jap Rice rules.
6. Sushi of course or just fresh uncooked fish.
7. Japs have this restaurants i forgot the name where the whole table is a grill. They make some awesome meat stuff. You should try this.
Oh and one more thing. Don't i mean NEVER buy a lunch box. The sushi ones are good but NEVER the ones with many stuff in it. That thing is disgusting.

>> No.3635736

Its Japanese, they get pissed anything cultural you dont do. :/

>> No.3635739

Not really but they expect you to follow their tradition. They really like foreigners.

>> No.3635741

At some hostels you may have to remove your shoes before you go in it. You have to walk everywhere with slippers.

>> No.3635743

anyways, everyone except americans hate americans...

>> No.3635748

Don't be surprised if you don't see many tourists. I could rarely see any tourists, unless you visit some well known landmark.

>> No.3635751

Bring a towel. A BIG towel. Japs are so small and they only have really small dick towels.

>> No.3635752
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Don't worry, /jp/ is small too.

>> No.3635760

Remember that a fucking huge plush toy may count as hand luggage, so you don't need to stuff it in a bag. I could've had a 50 cm tall Suiseiseki ;_;

>> No.3635765

yeh...tempted to buy a hell of a lot of this sort of stuff...

problem is, im flying jetstar, which is incredibly shit but at least its cheap

>> No.3635767

Whenever my bro goes, he usually ships anything he can't safely and easily fit into his carry-on home. It's not expensive and it's easier and safer. I'd try that if you buy anything big or that is important and you can't fit in carry-on so it won't get damaged.

>> No.3635768

I wish youtube didn't take down that video of drunk australian tourists throwing a dudes bike at a garbage truck and getting arrested for it

>> No.3635772
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>> No.3635778

Make sure you buy a shitload of porn while over there OP

>> No.3635784


wtf buys porn nowadays?

>> No.3635789


Just do it anyway and take it home and show your friends how wacky and zany japanese porn is.

Of course go for something extreme.

>> No.3635792

Buy pokemon candy.

>> No.3635791

They allowed you to take 2 pieces of carry-on when I went, but I found out at too late a stage.

>> No.3635796
File: 81 KB, 750x600, japan-no-further-description-required.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ive heard of such things...

>> No.3635799


More like show your friends how hairy them bitches are down there.

>> No.3635804

pokemon candy?

>> No.3635805

Don't worry about thieving. People almost dont steal stuff there. I could leave my phone to be charged outside my room in the hostel and nobody touch it.

>> No.3635809


Yeah! Lots of reasons to do it!

Just make sure you buy a lot, fill your suitcase with all the porn it can fit.

>> No.3635810

Yeah. Its disgusting but there's pokemon all over it.

>> No.3635811

I know that its forbidden to bring any pornographic magazines in Japan but not sure if you can take any in your luggage.

>> No.3635814


where is the logic behind that...?

>> No.3635816


Buying japanese is patriotic.

But yeah they don't care go hog wild!

>> No.3635818

Yeah its forbidden to bring pron magazines in Japan for some weird reason.

>> No.3635826

thx to everyone for ur tips

>> No.3635829

Tim Edwards is a fucking faggot..he does afraid of everything

>> No.3635831

and he's OP

>> No.3635832


omg gooo away... leave me alone.

>> No.3635836

...wow, wasnt that funny?...

>> No.3635837


told you OP's a faggot
