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3633306 No.3633306 [Reply] [Original]

Help /jp/...How can i beat THIS fucking demon army?!

>> No.3633309

beat the mean guys

>> No.3633311

Just survive, something will happen that will drastically shift the map for you because you didn't conquer enough territory.

>> No.3633315

play the game again and get more countries

>> No.3633316

Wait till they take over the Mouri, then slowly conquer them.
Or attack the Mouri now and conquer them, then go after the demon army. You have 0 points anyway, so whatever you want to do would work.

>> No.3633318

This is pretty bad, even for a first playthrough. You should just keep defending and doing character events until the game automatically gives you most of the map.

>> No.3633319

capture the leftmost territory, then procede to cpature Cairo. Certain events cause the demon armay to be easier.

If you stall enough on your first run, you'll auto capture everything Demon Army related except for the bottom 4 territories.

>> No.3633322

But...the Mouri house looks really hard (HOLY SHIT CHINU)

>> No.3633327

Can you elaborate on this? I'm curious since I never allowed the demon army past the Shimazu house and hence never got said event.

>> No.3633328

it's not that bad, really

>> No.3633329

You get territory by doing character's events?

>> No.3633332


>> No.3633342

Why the fuck did you conquer Akashi and Iga? You can avoid going to war with them for a long time (Akashi, if you don't declare war, will declare war on you through pressure from Mouri but they're even easier to deal with than Tenshi. Iga you can avoid altogether by being at war with anyone else before the turn is over).

Restart, as you don't have much of a chance in hell with the shitty units you have of beating the demon army. After Hara and Ashikaga, battle Tanegashima and Tokugawa (your choice for the order, recruit at least Yuzuhara and capture as many of the Raccoon dogs as you can as they're all fairly decent units), then fight your way through Mouri until you can reach Takuga. Conquer Takuga, recruit their commanders, do the events to make Mouri uncursed, then conquer Mouri.

You'll have several houses under your control and only 4 gourds broken. From there, battle the Miko Institute (you can do them before fighting Mouri but there's a good chance Asai-Asakura and Uesegi will declare war on you while fighting Mouri. Still, Natori makes Mouri a cakewalk so your choice; neither house is all that difficult to defend against as Rance auto-wins against any battle with Kenshin and Asai-Asakura suffers an earthquake at some point)

>> No.3633348

How do you get rid of that Soul Binder thing? It's really annoying.

>> No.3633351 [DELETED] 

because he wasn't such a fagget to read hours until hours of fucking faqs .

Rance? Not so good. Have fun reading your fucking faqs

>> No.3633354

Because he wasn't such a fagget to read hours after hours of fucking faqs .

Rance? Not so good. Have fun reading your fucking faqs

>> No.3633355

Conquer the southernmost territory in Africa.

>> No.3633359


After Miko Institute, destroy Uesegi to get Kenshin and Ai. After that, you'll probably be forced to do the temple events, so if you want to get Souun, declare war on Takeda on the same turn as when you declare war on Uesegi to prevent them from auto-conquering Houjou. If you don't want Souun, ignore Takeda until after the temple event, then conquer them to get Sanada.

>> No.3633363

And it's really not that annoying. They only do permanent damage when they attack, and won't see enough of them in one army to be able to get a real attack off. They're as weak as shitty peasants.

>> No.3633367


Or you could just look at the status screen and realize that conquering gourd nations = bad since Xavier gets stronger each time you do so.

>> No.3633378

But Iga declared war on me after the Tenshi sect thing

>> No.3633379

I mainly meant the 'X unit can't take action this turn.', it's usually not so bad but I hate it when it's one of my good officers, like Shiro Hime.

>> No.3633380

Looks like my first playthrough. Actually, a couple more turns for Demon Army to take over Takeda and invade through the Oil Fields and it WILL be very much like my first playthrough.

Side Question: Is it possible to hit 3 fans by turn 13? 'cause this guide fails consistently on turn 3.

>> No.3633396


Yes, i suck completely at this game and even i was able to do it easily

>> No.3633399

So in 80 turns, you declared war on three people? What the hell were you doing the entire game?

>> No.3633403

Out of curiosity, what were you doing all those hundred or so turns before the demon army came?

>> No.3633407

It can be done, just be prepared to do alot of resets.

>> No.3633409

Uh. What's wrong with turn 3?

>> No.3633418

i did it on turn 18, only because I didn't have enough affection items

>> No.3633419

You need in essence to split your forces and win two battles.
It is not impossible.
Also, getting the 3d flag by turn 15 or so is good enough too (since there is the random element of getting affection items for Suzume).

>> No.3633422

Getting more troops for my characters.
Is that bad?

>> No.3633426

By the way, I hope you either dueled and beat the leader of Iga, or had Suzume with you on your last fight. Because if you didn't, he'll take his territory back.

>> No.3633437

He's probably getting the event where Ashikaga is pissed off about Hara being conquered instead of the extortion event. Just reload and you should get it. They're weighted the same so it's about a 50% chance of either.

The only save scrubbing you need to do for it is the above, and to get at least 6 points worth of affection items, which will be either 2 or 3 items depending on how often you defend against Ashikaga.

Neither will take more than 4-5 reloads max and it's definitely possible to do it with none.

>> No.3633443

You missed on recruiting units, getting the chance to find items, extra funds, and you scaled the opposing army.

>> No.3633444

Yup,Suzume was with me,suddenly dogs.

>> No.3633447

See how your nation power is below your cost? And how there was a "Cost exceeds National Power, Penalty" message every turn? No. That was not good.

>> No.3633457

Tried it about 6 times, kept getting the Yamanaka Kojika event.

>> No.3633492

You're not supposed to attack Iga right away because they have a gourd and they're a small fry anyway

>> No.3633494

I guess i will restart the game,is there a way to avoid the tenshi sect's war?

>> No.3633506

Also can you recommend me some good units?

>> No.3633507


>> No.3633518

Just keep killing countries and most of them will wield units you can use right away.
Exceptions are Iga, Imagawa, Akashi and somewhat Houjo

>> No.3633519

Not possible, but nice try.

>> No.3633524
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I'm not doing very good either. I hate myself for being on turn 92.

>> No.3633544


Do the 3 flags at turn 13 guide, Before the tenshi declare war on you conquer Tokugawa (try to capture as many of the raccoon dogs as you can), then defeat Tenshi. That should be a good start

>> No.3633550

iz aite dawg, i finished the first game on something like turn 159

>> No.3633551
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>> No.3633570
File: 116 KB, 800x600, FUCK TURN THREE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not possible you say?

>> No.3633581

>satisfaction 126
what the hell have you been doing

>> No.3633587

I was in a worse position in my first game. Just defend and stall until around turn 95 and suddenly you own all the map except Africa. I think you may need to take a single province owned by the Demon Army, since the event happened for me right after I took one of the Takeda provinces.

>> No.3633589
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>> No.3633600
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How the hell do I beat this damn, oh wait.

>> No.3633606

Could you use a bit more red? I'm not sure I understand.
I don't know. It was at like 140, then started going down. But I guess that's not much of a difference.

>> No.3633609


I'd say your biggest mistake in your game was not getting Uesegi, as Kenshin and Ai are two of the best characters you can get on a first run.

Unless you want to reload an older save to get them, just focus on pushing westward, as you'll eventually auto-conquer up to Demon Army's original territories (you'll keep any territories of theirs that you conquered before the auto-conquest).

>> No.3633610

What, was my description of the problem not anal retentive enough for you?

>> No.3633625

Well, I didn't really realise that when I attacked Houjou Uesugi would be destroyed. And I thought Ran was cute so I wanted to get her. But of course she died.

>> No.3633628

>Proof that it's turn 3
>Screenshot not showing the turn
>Herp a derp

>> No.3633633


Yeah, Takeda is annoying like that on a first run. If it's any consolation, they never do that again on future runs.

>> No.3633638
File: 122 KB, 816x658, ultrashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dumbed it down a little for you, i hope you understand

>> No.3633645

Thanks Suigin!
Though I have been conquering them and ignoring everything else.

>> No.3633647

Can anyone tell me how I know I'm on the Ranmaru route?

I've gotten her appreciation up to trust, anything more just resets it.
I don't know whether to now focus on attacking shit, or keep uping the appreciation
Help a brotha out...

>> No.3633650

Ranmaru doesn't have a route

>> No.3633654


There is no Ranmaru route. You are confusing Ran (diviner in Houjou that loves Souun) for Ranmaru (warrior in Owari who loves Shibata).

>> No.3633657

>Ranmaru route

Oh god I laughed.

>> No.3633659


There is no Ranmaru route, only disappointment.

>> No.3633661


Forgot to mention that entering any IF route puts Rance IF in the bottom right corner instead of Rance VII.

As for entering Ran's route, read the damn wiki.

>> No.3633662


Derp derp, that clears one thing up :|

>> No.3633671

Is Rance attack worth getting?

>> No.3633675

Considering that you have to get it in order to get his extra Action points, yes.

>> No.3633678


I loved how sweet her character clear is

>> No.3633681
File: 125 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that possible?

I assume you get some serious power-ups by clearing routes or something.
Pic is my current (yeah, first) game, and I feel sort of stuck.

- Attacking the guy with the light blue hair brought out some Nuhe killer lady and forced me to retreat like there was no tomorrow.
- Attack Shingen and Tokugawa jumps the train and there's no end to the rape.
- Tokugawa managed to beat me down pretty much on his own because those Asai guys to the north wanted a piece of me for some reason (no, I didn't touch her boobs).

So; apart from spending days on trying to take on the "edgy" guy with the guns or suiciding into Kenshin, is my only option to attack Asai and watch the fair maiden Yukihime get raped by that monk guy (there's no end to those panda's, right?)?

>> No.3633697

Sorry, I'd make a little video for you so you can see the event AND the turn number for the turn both before AND after, but that's way beyond a reasonable burden of proof for an internet argument.

>> No.3633709

>Attacking the guy with the light blue hair brought out some Nuhe killer lady and forced me to retreat like there was no tomorrow.

You only have to "lose" three times, then you can conquer him normally. Just send 1 unit three times in a row.

>> No.3633710

He runs out of nuhes pretty quick.

>> No.3633712

So what's the deal with those points and items I have been reading about in this thread?

>> No.3633725

>- Attacking the guy with the light blue hair brought out some Nuhe killer lady and forced me to retreat like there was no tomorrow.
don't attack him
wait until Mouri forces him to attack you
>attacking Takeda
don't do this either, and if you do, beat Tokugawa first

Beat Asai Asakura and then beat Kenshin, she's fairly easy if you put rance in the battle when you fight her

>> No.3633736


Two ways to do this:

1) system-> take snapshot
2) print screen, paste into paint, crop out everything but the Sengoku Rance window



>> No.3633739

Finish game, earn points, start new game, spend points. Have you been living under a rock or is this the first time you browse a Rance thread?

>> No.3633749

That's good to hear, I think.

I'll be back later when every single nation on my eastern front gangs up on me.
Or that HUEG fucker who lives just across the guy with the nuhes..

>> No.3633755



1) Functions as Commander Charge for army battles
2) Deals 2x damage in captain battles rather than the 1.5x damage of Strong Warrior Attack

>> No.3633770

>>3633681 How is that possible?

Either Kill the Monkey or Nanjo Ran route

>> No.3633777

>How is that possible?
Battle permits.

>> No.3633786

And the points you missed on the first run can be collected on the next run and so forth?

>> No.3633801

finish off asai-asakura, then attack uesugi house and declare war on tokugawa soon after. (rance can single-handledly handle the offense against uesugi, just make sure kenshin is there and send just him against her = instawin).
Capture the first territory of the Uesugi, wait for the scene where kenshin returns from training, then attack them once. They'll send a night raid immediately to retake the territory. After that try to get tokugawa down to two houses so you can try to capture a few of their youkai units to make the last fight easier and/or try to capture Ieyasu if you really want.

Then when they send a messenger, kill him. Most of the fights from there should be easy, so take out the house while you're weak. Kenshin and Naoe-chan GET.

... And then finish off Tokugawa, after which the hannys will eventually declare war. Hannys are the weakest of the nations but they have a lot of national power, so they're worth conquering. After that you should be able to handle most enemies.

>> No.3633812


>> No.3633814

And a series of screenshots (end turn three, event, start turn 4)shows nothing to someone who isn't willing to accept that I say the event happened between turns three and four since they can claim I just posted the event picture from any other turn since there is no indication of turn during the event sequences.

All I'm saying is if he can't accept that it's happening on the turn I claim it's happening on, he either needs to prove it's impossible, or shut the fuck up because he has nothing to add.

/Yes, someone DID piss in my cornflakes this morning

>> No.3633825

>Hannys are the weakest of the nations but they have a lot of national power, so they're worth conquering.

I'll look forward to this.
My only reason for stashing such a huge amount of gold is the "asset tech" which brings in 2k on top of the other stuff. It easily handles replenishing, but it's not enough if I try taking on Shingen (who has 3 times more people than me, derp - and those special commanders are hardcore).

>> No.3633828
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>How is that possible?

By not taking shit from nobody yo.

>> No.3633833

Do character clears carry over to a new game?

>> No.3633845

Not in any meaningful way.

>> No.3633869

Turn... 42?
46... THOUSAND?!

excuse me, I need to go back to the porch, I'm completely outclassed here.

>> No.3633892

Once you reach 5-star it's all about preventing damage, manipulating the BR, and the % damage attacks.

>> No.3633894


>> No.3633899

How do I get more fapping power so I can win at the Otohime game?

>> No.3633911

Talk to Suzume.

>> No.3633913


You do know that you can still see the turn count when an event pops up, correct?

>> No.3633922

Progress in Suzume's events until you get the cum flood H scene and then you'll have a new option for it.

>> No.3633928


Only in the sense you can see that you've cleared a character in the progress report.

>> No.3633947

So if I wanted to get points for cleared characters in a new game, I'd have to re-clear them? That's a bit annoying.

>> No.3633954

>2) print screen, paste into paint, crop out everything but the Sengoku Rance window

Why would you do this, when Alt-PrtScr does the cropping FOR you?

>> No.3633963


Yes, but since several characters that can be cleared also grant varying amounts of SAT, it's worth doing so.

>> No.3633969

You really only ever have to worry about points twice. Once in your second game to get a decent basis to start with (I got 121), and then in a later 5-point game for "max" points (315 is the max it is possible to use).

>> No.3633971


Never knew that. Thanks for teaching me something new today.

>> No.3633997

What's a 5-point / 5-star game?

>> No.3634023



First fucking paragraph.

>> No.3634053

Anyway to get battle permits if I'm on a Nanjou Ran IF route. Meaning no demon army. conquering Japan would take like 30 less turns for with that shit. God, it's taking me a while to get some char clears while defending from Takeda and the Shimazu brothers. So fucking close to my 4th command flag at turn 57

>> No.3634062


Why are you conquering JAPAN in Ran's route? You could have finished it 10 turns earlier with most characters cleared by now.

>> No.3634076

You do it for the points from the Treasures generally. And because you've got nothing better to do while being forced to sit through the 25 turns of mandatory Ran route events.

>> No.3634080

How do I kill the monkey?

>> No.3634087

Grip it firmly and rub rhythmically until climax.

>> No.3634088


>> No.3634117


That website is too confsuing. Someone explain it better to kill the monkey route.

>> No.3634131

Learn how to read.

Though admittedly that wiki is written by some kind of unEnglish machine.

>> No.3634137

If you cannot to be explained the monkey to kill route it then the fuck why are you game playing a strategy?

>> No.3634139

When selecting the second game bonuses, go to Family Bonuses, select Can Kill Toukichirou, then play.

There will be an event at Owari the turn Suzume joins you.

>> No.3634142


Unless you started with 100 or so points, 6 Great Treasures is not that great a bonus to go for.

>> No.3634146

You're an idiot.

>> No.3634179


What do you mean strategy? It's pretty much an rpg. The combat and resource management is easy, just the events are really weird to trigger without a full guide.

>> No.3634188


Takes 3-4 turns alone just to get the required Botan hunts. Add in the time spent waiting to clear Inukai and for Shimazu to reclaim a territory, it's not worth doing if you're trying to finish a Ran route quickly for points. You'll probably get a net gain of 1-2 points when you could have spent the time preparing for 6 Great Treasures on just clearing characters and getting end-game points.

>> No.3634200

Sengoku rance is more strategy than it is RPG. Sure you can level up and get items but it's no final fantasy.

>> No.3634203

>4 fans = 3-4 turns

I got as far as your first statement before the stupidity hit.

>> No.3634205

Why are some names translated in this?

>> No.3634221

It's strategy with units that have upgradeable stats. Warcraft III is more of an RPG than this.

>> No.3634256


Really? There's hardly any real strategy involved. It's mostly a game of rock-paper-scissors, unless you're playing on masochistic 5-star no-personal-life fanatic mode, but even then it's fairly easy once you understand how certain abilities and units work. It really is more of a turn-based RPG game.

>> No.3634262

So, same as Fire Emblem and Total War then?

>> No.3634287


What? Those are completely different games. That's not even my point to compare it. It's that the game is strategic only in the sense of standard rpgs. There's very little real strategy to it.

>> No.3634306

For all the times Rance rapes a captured woman or manipulates a girl into fucking him using cruel methods, it sure as hell makes the moments when Rance does the right thing shine.

I mean I really liked Yamanaka's (huge forehead girl) character clear at the end. Here is a comic relief character who endures some really stupid calls on her part trying to resurrect a house she once served destroyed by the Mouri family, she never gets a break and works hard to reach a goal that she simply hasn't thought through.

So all the way up past getting her from trust to love she finally breaks down and admits the only reason she keeps trying so hard is because her subordinates died for all her mistakes and she doesn't want to make their loss meaningless.

So after hearing her reason Rance stops taking the piss and reassures her he'll get around to helping her fix it once he's done winning Japan. No sex, no sweet love, just a sweet promise and a character clear.

For all the times I loved how Rance totally ignores the complexities of politics in the region, I must admit, some of the other serious characters have awesome moments.

>> No.3634353


You can't get more than 2 Botan hunts in a single turn (1 in Owari, 1 in Sado). Also, Botan Hunts don't pop up every turn as well.

Hence, 3-4 turns.

>> No.3634386

I can't seem to capture Nogiku and I have Kazemaru with the Hibachi passive. Do you have to take her out multiple times or do you actually have to use Kazemaru in the fight? The other youkai commanders automatically have their capture event on their first defeat.

>> No.3634395
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Should I listen to him?

>> No.3634405

I don't think it really matters, so yes

>> No.3634416


Does rance actually do anything other then give her a promise?

>> No.3634417

It does matter, you get a game over if you listen to him twice

>> No.3634421


Is there room in your dungeon? Also, it shouldn't matter if you field Kazemaru or not; he just needs Hibachi.

>> No.3634422
File: 116 KB, 800x600, ALCG0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must have liked this scene then.

>> No.3634429

He comes back again? I've never gotten that.

>> No.3634431

Very reason why I always get Kojika.

>> No.3634432


>> No.3634438

He also claimed to have no interest in her body, only to rape her while drunk and then go on to pretend it never happened, all the while insulting how she looks.

>> No.3634442

You'll most likely have to play this 3-4 times. Experiment.

>> No.3634446
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I prefer him as a mild asshole. Pic related.

>> No.3634466
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Especially scenes like this.

>> No.3634468

I can't get Kojika. I know there should be a purple event once you conquer Mouri, but it never happened.
Do I have to life Mouri's curse or something?

>> No.3634474

No, you have to see ALL of Kojika's wacky misadventures first.

>> No.3634480

Do not hire Shinsengumi girl until Mori is defeated. Kojika dies if you do.

>> No.3634481

I think you have to watch all her scenes until she arrives at mouri

>> No.3634482

Having bondage sex in public with the princess of one of the world's strongest countries.
Got to give Rance some credit for doing this shit.

>> No.3634491

Nozomi is really weak, the only good thing about her is that her cost is 0

>> No.3634493

If you bothered with the HCG, Rance thought he was fucking a grown up version of Kojika.

>> No.3634495

>Shinsengumi girl
You mean Okita? I'm surprised you remember the name of that hanny group and not her.

Anyway thanks, I'm sure that's the reason.

>> No.3634500

I thought it would be easier for you instead of the name.

>> No.3634504


She has decent stats and is one of the highest level captains in the game. Too bad she's gimped like Kenshin with only 3 actions.

>> No.3634528

Nozomi is only good for dungeons. Otherwise she sucks. Her only good purpose is to sabotage Takuga, but hell, they're so small you don't need that.

>> No.3634532

Given that the Shinsengumi were a real group and their name is rather well known, it's not at all unusual for someone to remember that name over "Nozomi Okita".

>> No.3634537


I enjoy Rance's usual self as well, it's just that some of the worst shit he pulls helps to put the rare times he seriously saves someone into perspective and make it special.

Though the stuff he pulls with Magic is nothing, she already loved him so it's not like it's rape.

Oddly I also kind of liked the Hara clear (Princess Aki's lame husband you always catch at the start). If only because Hara gets with a ugly woman and finds love, Aki realises what she's lost, Rance keeps fucking her the way she secretly likes.

Princess Aki's clear is pretty hot on it's own though, but Hara's put it in a different perspective.

Oh yeah, and shit sucks for Yukihime, though I've yet to get her go insane from fucking people forever to get revenge on me.

>> No.3634541 [DELETED] 

>Her only good purpose is to sabotage Takuga

Eh? You don't need her for the Hannys to sabotage Takeda. You just need to let them through to Kyo. You can even kill off their country and they'll still harass Takeda.

>> No.3634544

>Her only good purpose is to sabotage Takuga

Eh? You don't need her for the Hannys to sabotage Takuga. You just need to let them through to Kyo. You can even kill off their country and they'll still harass Takuga.

>> No.3634552

>Princess Aki's clear

I still haven't gotten this. She's so useless and requires yet another useless miko to be on your team that I've never bothered. Also starting with bonuses usually means you don't have the option to recruit her.

>> No.3634554
File: 855 KB, 799x597, Aburako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat the demon army? Did you bring enough oil?

>> No.3634565


Should have clear her on your second game. It's not like you really have a reason not to.

>> No.3634570


I only get her for her dying girl moe anyway. I mean lets be honest here, who really gets a 100% efficient commander list in most runs, I mean sure if I wanted to do some hardcore objective or 5star run I'd cut down on useless characters, but often I pick a third of my characters based on how much I like their scenes and then have the rest as strong characters to push me through.

Getting a bit tired of recruiting unique generic characters though. I got Scuba girl this round, shame she gets generic girl scenes, a good monk and amusing battle cries, but otherwise a waste of space on my list that could have been spent on a character I liked more.

>> No.3634591


I had a ton of useless Miko too when I cleared her, but what the hell, I'm mostly playing to clear characters and a 1 star Ran run is easy as hell.

>> No.3634619


Additionally I often find myself with like 5 ninja near the end of most runs as well and it gets on my nerves. I probably should sack them more, but this last run I picked up Chinu while clearing Kikku for a change (last run I didn't defeat them right so I couldn't clear her) and kept her for the foursome you eventually get (WORTH IT), I got the Takuga leader after that and kept her for clearing Gon, I started with Orime the youkai ninja, I keep Suzume for the sex and got the Takeda ninja for their house bonus that run.

Chinu died that run. ;_; still got to foursome with her though, but didn't clear.

>> No.3634623
File: 121 KB, 800x600, ALCG0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What really came as a surpirse for me is that it has EVERYTHING. I thought it was only going to be rape, but after seeing Kenshin, Kurohime, Kanami in bondage, the futa rape scene, and the drug/tentcale sex with Teru I can only say this game resulted in being vrery relevant to my interests.

>> No.3634630

Don't forget sword sex

>> No.3634653

Ok, who the fuck is this oily girl and how do I get her?

>> No.3634657

Recuit the Mino Three. She'll be available as a Sat bonus. Cry that you'll never get her H scene.

>> No.3634672

>Mino three
>No H
Screw her then.

>> No.3634699

If you're going to go for points, you should be planning that from the start, not suddenly devoting 5 turns at the end. And you're pulling this bullshit where you assume that you hunt botan a turn and that's all that you do. All of this shit is stuff you should be doing at the same time as you're working on other things, not random shit you throw in at the last second.

So don't play like a retarded braindead chimp if you want to maximize points. Not a hard concept.

>> No.3634702

Personally, out of it all, I enjoyed the best friend sex scene the most. The one you get when you beat Ashikaga (I think that's what they're called...Fishface)

>> No.3634703

Does Omachi have an H scene? Months ago before I even knew wtf Rance was, I SWEAR I saw a HCG of her on here.

>> No.3634719


>> No.3634720

>best friend sex scene

>> No.3634727

Eh, it's where Rance has sex with these two girls who happen to be best friends. Inciting lesbian feelings between two childhood friends is a major turn on for me, I think.

>> No.3634728

Sorry for being slowpoke, but you get a point every time you do a Botan hunt?

>> No.3634745

Oh, that scene. I don't remember anything about lesbian feelings sprouting in them. But you're free to fantasize whatever you want.

>> No.3634770

I preferred the scene when you take over Uesugi, with the two rivals.

>> No.3634784

Yeah, I loved that one.
I happened to capture the one who watched, Takugo or something. But didn't recruit cause of space. It wouldn't matter since she's just a generic.
Man, uniques who aren't in the story should still get a bit of a special interaction with Rance.
Himiko H scene where?

>> No.3634795


Lucky bastard. I can never get Torako, and she is one of 4 unique generics I need to clear the progress report (never got the 2 generic archers from Isoroku's route despite having more than enough NP and room in the commander list for them; fuck Honda Masando or whatever that raccoon dog in Tenshi is called.)

>> No.3634797

No. You get pig-points (1 in Owari, 2 in the Uesugi place, but they're hidden. When you hit 8, you get one of the secret treasures.

>> No.3634800


Himiko has a lot of action flags so I bet she can last a long time in the sack.

>> No.3634803

...Generics are on the list? Fuck...I wonder if I still have that save.

>> No.3634811

Oh ok. But what do you mean by hidden? I see them all the time, I just don't do them since I've thought they were pointless

>> No.3634819


At the very bottom. Will probably take 2 runs to get them all just because of how many there are. I'd recommend that your first run just consist of going for the generics that aren't easily recruited (the 3 in Owari, and the Kuge twins for example)

>> No.3634822

Isn't it only 6? Two of each is enough to get the treasure.

>> No.3634827


Hidden as in the game doesn't have a visible number tracking how many points you've accumulated from Botan Hunts. However, once you reach the required number of points, the game gives you 1 of the 6 Great Treasures.

>> No.3634837

Is there a time limit for Hara Shouji's character clear?

I can't seem to clear him always stuck at 7 normal.

I even had the Aki gets fucked twice in Rance's mansion.

>> No.3634850

Maybe, I don't really pay attention.

>> No.3635142

HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET HER?! Seriously! I'm almost done with the game and I can't find her!

>> No.3635184

How do I remove the mannequin cat?

>> No.3635186

You can't.

>> No.3635195


How do i get rid of the warrior that has the mannequin cat?

>> No.3635208
File: 1.01 MB, 816x658, ranceeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't ever seem to win this battle.

>> No.3635257

First off, 1.1 mb? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Bring a tactician and abuse the AI's hatred of you having boosts to prevent Isun from doing anything harmful. Third, get rid of useless Suzume and put a unit that doesn't suck in. Fourth, get rid of Ranmaru and put a unit that doesn't suck in.

>> No.3635265

I just alt print screened and saved, sorry about the size.
I used Suzume to assassinate the Time Killer which seemed useful to me.

>> No.3635268

You don't. But if you have a motivation paper, you can use it on him and then fire him.

>> No.3635276


Rance has an ingame screencap option.

>> No.3635277

Assassination is for eliminating dangerous units, it's shit for Battle Rating, which is what you need.

>> No.3635287

I'm actually stuck here too and I plan to restart. My army is even larger than yours but completely sucks.

Does insta-kill probabilities go down when you use them more than once per battle?

>> No.3635295

No, but the chance of getting more than one insta-kill in a single battle is pretty low unless your entire team is ninjas/Isoroku/Yuzu.

>> No.3635296

assassinate the shogun

>> No.3635318

Is that even possible? Some units I try to assassinate it just fails 100% of the time.
I'm sad to say I don't really have any decent units for the back row.

>> No.3635341

uruza, maria, 56 for back row

>> No.3635348

You should generally ignore the 'advice' of the guy who never capitalizes in the Rance threads. He's a moron.

But how the fuck do you not have a third ranged unit?

>> No.3635350

>just fails 100% of the time.

If you mean that they keep failing when you reload a save, that's because the chances for instant-kill attacks are set in advance before the battle so reloading won't change them.

>> No.3635358

It's entirely possible. I've never actually seen it fail.

You can savescum them, but you have to load a save before the end of turn, which can sometimes be very long.

>> No.3635363

I have a third, but no one better.
I figured as much. I guess it's predetermined per enemy unit though. I just assassinated him. I think I can win now.

>> No.3635387
File: 986 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might be too good.

>> No.3635444


How many people find the constant euphemisms they use to be genuinely funny?

>> No.3635478

I think that's just Rance being silly.
Lighthearted raep for everyone!

>> No.3635527
File: 138 KB, 800x600, ALCG0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following up on this.

Anyone have any idea why I can't capture Nogiku? I've reloaded and defeated her about 15 times, I've tried defeating her and waiting until she shows up again. Plenty of room in my prison, and there is room in my roster.

As far as I know, I meet all the requirements and I've already captured the rest of the youkai commanders. What the hell?

>> No.3635709


I thought you needed someone in particular to capture Nogiku, but I can't remember who.

>> No.3635738


Please leave until you can learn how to spell. You're giving Rance fans a bad name.

>> No.3635745

Kazemaru with Hibachi support, which is in the screenshot.

Apparently its just preset chances like assassinate. Doing other events first triggers the scene.

>> No.3635753

Could be a genuine typo.

>> No.3635786
File: 91 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it matter which I pick?

>> No.3635788


You mean you don't want to see her soaking wet with her little nipples showing through?

>> No.3635801

Liar. Now I feel like a jerk.

>> No.3635847

I really don't know the effect of the choices.
Anyone know?

>> No.3635880

>useless Suzume
If given proper love, Suzume is a very good unit. I always have her when there are musketeers or diviners. She can OHKO a musketeers unit before they even have a chance to shoot and her cancel attacks are good for stopping that nasty attack of the diviners.

>> No.3635896

Second playthrough, Kenshin route.

I am being sandwiched by Mouri and Takeda.
I can handle mouri fine, but takeda is beating the shit out of my second~third string commanders (first string being used to conquer mouri). Am I supposed to focus just on defense??

>> No.3635902

You should have Battle Permits to reclaim territories easily.
Just finish Mouri(which will net you good units too)

>> No.3635943
File: 88 KB, 800x600, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could change places with Rance.

>> No.3635962

Auto capture after depleting her units.
There's an H-scene, then she gets captured.
Capture blue box is not needed.
Also, make sure you have room in your prison.
I really don't get why defeating dokuganryuu earns you 10 points. They're pretty easy by the point you can fight them.

>> No.3635971

You need Battle Permits, esle is a pain.
Also, you need levels with Rance (and if you have list Sill, you need quite a few).
Plus, it just seems DAUNTING.
Finally, on later difficulties, they have quite the scaling.

>> No.3636009

Why kou so hot..
