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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 174 KB, 375x500, 1256786969297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3629037 No.3629037 [Reply] [Original]


2 art compilations, 5 comics in this issue. Thanks to all the artists who made it possible. If you have any comments, feel free to share it in this thread.

>> No.3629045


>> No.3629051

Japanese nekomata turned into a vampire.

>> No.3629057
File: 341 KB, 1120x628, e1d5eec22c7db8b911b5bf7ce6108e79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another Dream

>> No.3629052

Oh god what

>> No.3629054


>> No.3629068
File: 38 KB, 383x263, darth_vader_nooo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another Dream

>> No.3629064

>Reimu and Marisa Make a Hentai
>a Hentai

>> No.3629080
File: 7 KB, 120x120, flcl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western Touhou Project fanbook

>> No.3629081

Wow, it's that time again already?

Hopefully Maullarmaullar made a triumphant return.

>> No.3629082
File: 136 KB, 410x385, AWESOME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another Dream

>> No.3629083

I think you missed pooshlmer, bro

>> No.3629091

i love the cirno stalker thingy

>> No.3629097
File: 18 KB, 360x363, 1203779847523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the people who are doing this thing have read that thread over in touhou-project.com. Another Dream could be decent, but needs past releases indicate it needed a facelift.

Commence reaction image thread.

>> No.3629116
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>> No.3629174
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>Another Dream
Not this shit again...

>> No.3629179
File: 434 KB, 750x1000, Another_Dream_Issue_6B_-_075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The writing all around remains weak and pitiful, nothing but the same fanon jokes.
A few attempts from some of the newcomers to tell something, including an adaptation of the prologue to SA. Not bad, but as usual the art needs to improve a lot.
I still believe that there's a potential for achieving something interesting, but as it is right now it's just a waste of time. Hopefully the practice will help them to do a worthy doujin in a few years time, as long as they don't get a big head about it. But knowing how they circlejerk over it, I doubt it.

>> No.3629222


>> No.3629229

I have to admit I love the fanfic releases, but the art ones are honestly bad. Don't feel bad if you miss a deadline because you don't have good artists! Go find some!

>> No.3629234

very much agree with you there. however i believe they did this just for the fun of it so we can't really criticize their work and they did this out of their free time. so it's not bad as an amateur in my opinion.

>> No.3629241


That's supposed to make me sad, right?

>> No.3629244

Holy fuck, what a self gratifying waste of 4 panels. Stop jerking off on a piece of art and actually make a doujin.

>> No.3629256

>they did this just for fun so we can't really criticize

are you retarded? Criticizing something improves it. We WANT this to improve. We honestly do. And the japanese doujins are amateur, too. BATTLE MOON WARS, was doujin. Touhou itself is doujin, in a way. Why shouldn't we hold it up to those standards?

>> No.3629263

>however i believe they did this just for the fun of it so we can't really criticize their work

Oh yes we can.

>> No.3629259

At least this time the front cover art is bearable.

>> No.3629258

It doesn't help that after every release a euphoria of WOW THIS RULES from the majority of the community is heard, making it seem a waste of time to improve.

>> No.3629260

I fail to see what everyone is getting so bent out of shape over.

They are creating shitty doujin work about a shitty little Shmup with shitty characters and shitty gameplay. ZUN is quite a shitty little man.

You get what you pay for it. In this case, they are making shit about shit.

>> No.3629267

Shit, right?

>> No.3629271

Is this a self-parody or something?

>> No.3629277


I fail to see why everyone sucks the cock of a Japanese Drunk.

Maybe if I go to Japan, fat, neckbearded shutins will suck the cock of a Pothead Foreigner.

Or maybe I'll just go find some miko and slurp on their tits.

>> No.3629285


Go to bed, Arc.

>> No.3629286

Did you make an addicting game? I don't think so.

>> No.3629289


It's not that hard to make a shitty little shmup with moeblob and music.

If I do that, will /jp/ blow me?

>> No.3629295

You will never find a miko. NEVER

>> No.3629302


Make sure there are lots of /jp/ references and use fla--oh wait

>> No.3629303
File: 84 KB, 534x800, 1253047640514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us would already, friend.

>> No.3629301

Yes, now shut up and do it.

>> No.3629304

Sure, if it's so easy, show us your game. I bet any free Gamemaker game you could find on the internet would be better than what you have to offer.

>> No.3629305

>Arc shitting up every touhou thread
>Zun shitting up every Type-Moon thread

>Similar typing
>Same sorts of arguments


>> No.3629312

It sure took you long enough to realize that they are the same individual.

>> No.3629316

Old news.

He's Jones too, by the way.

>> No.3629317

its not hard to use

>> No.3629320


Yay, Sacchin-chin.


My exclamation key is broken, so I must use periods for now. But I am glad to see you.

>> No.3629321

More than one trip.

>> No.3629335

Why are you so glad, friend?

>> No.3629359

It lets him take his mind off the fact he can't make a shmup to save his life.

>> No.3629371

the cover art is always the best of the whole thing

>> No.3629387


Because Sacchin-chin is arguably the BEST thing on /jp/ ever.

I am not trolling. I am as serious as a preacher-man right now. I look forward to the daily Sacchin-chin.

>> No.3629403


Dude, I will seriously make a shmup about big-eyed Japanese girls having lesbian sex and smoking weed. I have an electric keyboard and a guitar, I will compose the tracks myself and then insert them for maximum win.

Then you'll all be fucking sorry you said shit. (except for the nice anon who posts Satsuki cock, and the other anon who smokes weed.) Fuck you, pay me.

>> No.3629435

>Fuck you, pay me.
No, extortionist, first you make the winning game, then people pay you.

>> No.3629473

reimu + marisa makes a hentai - no originality man!

>> No.3630802
File: 129 KB, 512x479, 1256805281949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reimu + marisa makes a hentai - no originality man!

>> No.3630803

Fascinating responses as usual, before the thread was semi-derailed by Arcueid. What's with the hangup on art though? No one made a single mention of VIVI's coloring. Certainly Gen-Atto references many tired fanon jokes, but what about the timing of his jokes, or the expressions he draws? Cookie's piece wasn't inherently humorous, but his motif of starting each page with a close-up face made me smile. Lisu's newness to drawing a comic showed, but what was wrong with its concept? There's a lot of silver linings in this issue (especially when you look at the disastrous 5B), that I'm amazed no one seems to be acknowledging or purposefully ignoring.

You say people need to improve their art. Certainly artists always should, but how would that enhance their work?

Assumptions. Show me this "majority of the community" you're talking about.

>> No.3630807
File: 21 KB, 448x433, cat_yawning_canine_teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3630809


That is sarcasm right?

>> No.3630812

Vivi is overrated shit. Just wanted you to know.

>> No.3630820
File: 860 KB, 700x920, 1252824170280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so mad.
Just so freakin' mad.

>> No.3630858

The art sections were great. Shadow of Cirnobyl needs to be dropped. Like right now. The Reimu and Marisa make a Hentai comic was utter shit. I could barely pay attention to the rest of the issue after that.

>> No.3630862

The bad art is SO BAD that it kinda erases the rest of your memory, lemme re-check and I'll tell you who was good.
Lisu: Not so good, but it really makes you wonder how will his drawings look like in a couple of years.
Cookie: Oh, the story wants to go somewhere and the art can't keep up with it. Also has some potential for the future, probably.
Eclair: The best in the whole book. The story is kinda cute too.
Vivi: Interesting ideas, amazing backgrounds, very good coloring technique. But some details, like the eyes, somehow kill the joy out of them.

>> No.3630867

wow that's maybe the ugliest cover artwork I have ever seen, have fun with you're cancer

>> No.3630888

Can anybody upload issues 2&3? They disappeared from the internets.

>> No.3630889

I liked this one better when it was Marisa and Alice making a yaoi doujin. What was the name of that one, anyway?

>> No.3630893

Let's Do It With Marisa by Hot Dog Chuck

>> No.3630923

nevermind, found them

>> No.3630927
File: 375 KB, 750x1000, Another_Dream_Issue_6B_-_085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of enjoyed the humor of the story. The art is meh, but it has great potential to be improved upon. Shanghai's reaction face here is nice, almost reaction-image worthy.

>> No.3630937

>Western Touhou

Oh well. I guess it worth a look.

>> No.3630941


Thanks for the heads up

>> No.3630943

Oh look, shit

>> No.3630950
File: 32 KB, 350x282, 1231472180587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western Touhou project fanbook

>> No.3630960

What's with all the newfags in this thread

>> No.3630992

Western Touhou
Western 東方
Western Eastern

The cycle has been completed. ZUN’s idea of Shanghai Alice has come to be.

>> No.3631003

At least there is something from the Western community. I applaud.

>> No.3631008

The art is ... bad. Mediocre at best.

But tell me, what is this all about?

>Thanks to all the artists who made it possible.

It seem like /jp/ have a secret organization here.

>> No.3631011

They're obvious troll, since it's so obvious this is complete and utter shit, they know if you praise it people will be mad about it.
And I mean fuck, what a piece of shit, how can someone be proud about it, it's so irrational it hurts.

>> No.3631015

>Western Eastern

Greenwich meridian up on this shit!

>> No.3631020

I know most artists from that are kids from pooshlmer who think they are super awesome for being part of this pile of shit.

>> No.3631021


>> No.3631969

OP is just copypasted from Pooshlmer's thread. Probably a troll attempt.

Gen-Atto lurks /jp/ apparently, but I doubt the others do.

>> No.3631974

>Another Dream

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.3632237

Thanks, you're a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.3632510
File: 92 KB, 459x650, 2314568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got no problem with Another Dream (although, to be perfectly honest, I've never ever downloaded it and cracked it open, but I'm talking about the idea here) but frankly I would prefer that western doujin artists release their work individually.

If they were to release their doujins individually somewhere, it would have the dual effect of making newbie writers/artists (or those that are BOTH) strive to improve their work, since it will no longer be associated with Another Dream, so they can't "hide" behind their betters by being associated with them (in the pooshlmer community)

For the better artists/writers, it would serve to make their doujins more... palatable and accessible to the denizens of /jp/ who would sooner write Another Dream off as an awful abortion than pick and choose the artists that they like from it.

in any case, I partially support it as a motivation for aspiring artists to improve themselves

>> No.3632605
File: 33 KB, 706x530, notvidyagaems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3632634

Sounds like whenever /jp/ works on a collaborative project.

>> No.3632656
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20091028233639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another Dream

>> No.3632664

>any original content

haha, no

>> No.3632670 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty clone board on anowntawlk.com ok were tired of u now so kindly gtfo ( remove the w's )

>> No.3633424
File: 793 KB, 864x511, peter parker oh ho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Gen-Atto lurks /jp/ apparently
