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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3628752 No.3628752 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /jp/ play Touhou?
I can understand VN's as it's just like reading an anime series, but honestly what is so appealing about Touhou?
Is it to latch on to this notion that liking some little niche "hardcore" difficult game makes you more like the Japanese counterparts of nerds who play the game for obscene amounts of idle time to get good at it?
Why do you feel the need to imitate the Japanese? Why do you try to emulate such a niche, tiny culture? Is this dated looking game that you have to play for months to get good at really worth it?

>> No.3628761

I don't play Touhou.

>> No.3628763

magical little girls with awesome powers? wait this isn't /a/...

>> No.3628765

Is it that hard to grasp that people might like doing something because it's... fun for them?

>> No.3628773

Cool assumptions, bro

>> No.3628778

No, not at all. However I just wonder how many people truly fall into that category, and how many people just play it because they're socially awkward basement dwellers with nothing else to do.

>> No.3628783

Because its a fun game.

>> No.3628784

Please then, by all means, tell me what draws you to Touhou. Humor me.

>> No.3628785

It has most things I look for in a single-player game. Amusing characters, good music, and gameplay relying on several abilities combined.

>> No.3628788

Because it's fun OP. I can see you've convinced yourself you don't like it, maybe it was frustrating for you. If you don't like shmups thats alright, just don't perpetuate that because you don't like them, they must be stupid/bad games. I personally like to the games (moved onto other shmups though) than to watch anime or play VN's in my "idle" time.

>> No.3628795

The games are fun, nice music, doujins and other fan related shit, and lolis.

That's it.

>> No.3628796

yall niggers responding to a troll thread

>> No.3628799
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>> No.3628806

It's fun, it has cute girls. Are those good enough reasons, or should write a detailed report?

>> No.3628811

I'm only half trolling, half tripping face. I'm really high right now and playing Touhou and started to wonder why I like it. And no I'm not butthurt because I suck or anything like that.

>> No.3628818


Dude seriously.

I'm the resident pothead here and I'm pretty good at Touhou, and I don't afraid of anything.

You're trolling.

>> No.3628822

You don't have to play for months to get good at it. If you've any concept of moving and dodging at all, you can beat Easy the same day you start playing. After beating easy on most of the games, you can probably start beating the games on normal. Once you beat every game on normal a couple of times, you can probably beat hard while using continues, and that's good enough for most people.

>> No.3628823

Catchy music, fairly simple game mechanics, and challenging.

Dated graphics aren't a problem since I'm a nostalgiafag who thinks SNES-era graphics are good enough. Likewise with the heavily synthesized musical instruments.

But I don't play Touhou for obscene amounts of idle time so maybe I'm not the kind of person whose opinion you were looking for.

>Why do you feel the need to imitate the Japanese? Why do you try to emulate such a niche, tiny culture?
Feels dangerously close to troll bait here.

>> No.3628829


NEET is the new Otaku.

>> No.3628840

>niche, tiny culture
Ok bro.

>> No.3628843

Because it's fun?

>> No.3628844


And dudes I'm not trolling, I do like touhou. Been playing since June and I can beat hard with continues, almost able to beat Normal 1cc on PCB. I know I'm not crazy at it or anything but I'm satisfied with my skill level cuz I can still improve and have more good moments with the game. But seriously man I'm toasted right now.

>> No.3628847

>Why do you feel the need to imitate the Japanese? Why do you try to emulate such a niche, tiny culture?
>Feels dangerously close to troll bait here.

Write an accusation.
Rewrite accusation as question.
Swear you're not trolling.

>> No.3628855

The first time you 1CC Touhou you will go FUCK YEAR and achieved satori. It is worth it to play and practice just for that feeling.

Happen to me when I 1CC PCB with Sakuya. I literally achieved satori.

>> No.3628856

Maybe I was overanalyzing and okay I admit I wrote that sentence as a troll to have some wwww's.

>> No.3628867


Except that it's not really an accusation, OP just sprinkled some truth into his trolling to look legit.

/jp/ and their whole NEET shtick, imitating hikkikomori and playing VNs and shareware shmups is nothing more than an advanced form of weeaboo faggotry, except it's done in one's own house instead of outside.

>> No.3628871

But I do those things because I enjoy them. If they were german or some shit, I'd still play them.

>> No.3628872

I do that whenever I 1CC any game for the first time. Feels good man.

>> No.3628873

That was basically what I realized while I was entranced in touhou, I had one of those high realizations. You're just able to phrase it better than me.

>> No.3628877

What if I play all kinds of obscure games from different cultures and can't get a job due to the economy?

>> No.3628882


Name some of these obscure games.


So basically you enjoy being a weeaboo. That's all right, man. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.3628885
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/r/ Shizuha

>> No.3628890

That said, never going out of you room is fucking retarded. If you have no social interaction at all, you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.3628896


Finally we dispense with this idiotic NEET bullshit.

It's merely a by-word for OTAKU, but of a different scale. I would not want to be a NEET because I am not a Japan-loving faggot.

>> No.3628898

I'm proud my thread was able to trigger a change in /jp/'s retarded clinging to that idea.

>> No.3628899

Like Cactus. He's Swedish and his shooters are about as well known as Touhou.

>> No.3628901


It was nonsensical all the time, but you couldn't say anything because Anon would get butthurt over it.


See how hypocritical it is?

>> No.3628904


One example?

You fail.

>> No.3628912

NEET =/= the new 'otaku' as you're putting it.

It is simply the definition of not being employed, in education or training, having absolutely nothing to do with ones interests.

But sure I guess you can play into the 'lol im so NEET xD' for the fags who think they're in a sooper secrit club, you can troll whoever thinks NEET is like that.

>> No.3628913

I never really got the whole otaku/weeaboo/whatever thing anyway. I watch and read stuff regardless of where it's from as long as it's interesting or entertaining.

>> No.3628915


>It is simply the definition of not being employed, in education or training, having absolutely nothing to do with ones interests.

We know that.

The weeaboos who think being NEET entails never leaving your room and floorpissing, etc - they don't know that.

I'm talking about NEET as used in the NEET IS LEEGUN sense.

>> No.3628918

Never heard of em'.

>> No.3628922

The problem with the OP tossing in those lines is that they aren't directly related to his question about "why do you play the Touhou games?", they are a different train of thought. But if he's high on drugs like he claims, I can see why that leap in logic would take place.

>> No.3628924

Yeah, funny shit how I have nothing better to do but sit down and analyze an imageboard on 4chan, but /jp/ has the ultra-weeaboo mentality and if someone less into Japans crazy little pocket interests comes in to talk about something considered "under them" they will proceed with weeaboo flaming.

>> No.3628933

Weed isn't a "drug" and it gives you an actual hope for your life, however brief, and grants you cool insight into stuff homie.

>> No.3628934


Yeah, the WE HATE JAPAN OMGOMG is just cover bullshit.

/jp/ has a huge fucking boner for niche Japanese culture. They're like Neo-Weeaboos. They are to weeaboos what Nazis are to right-wingers - an extremist splinter group.

>> No.3628938

How many developers do you want me to name? I'm currently waiting on High Strangeness to be completed. I'm still playing Iji. Then there's Adventure Game studio, people often make good games with that.

>> No.3628946


Don't bother defending weed.

/jp/ is full of underaged kids who actually believe what D.A.R.E. tells them, and virginal neckbearded manchildren who are angry at anyone who's having more fun than they are.

>> No.3628949

Only hippies care about weed, Arc.

>> No.3628952

Hey do you ever go on 420chan? Pretty good community and they have anime and vidya boards and shit.

>> No.3628956



Also, let me remind you that Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Indepenence, smoked weed. He even grew it wholesale.

Swing and a miss, buddy.

>> No.3628958

fun games are fun, video games are my favourite video games

>> No.3628962

I've tried it before, friend. It's certainly a very interesting experience, and I can understand why several of my friends became addicted to it (of course, they all claim they've got it under control). But ultimately I don't like the idea of having an altered perception through a foreign substance.

>> No.3628963



Yeah, I'm a regular at there. It's one hundred times better than FailChan.

>> No.3628967

That was back when snuff was popular. Drug use was more common back then.

>> No.3628972

"Hope" is a funny way of putting that feeling. I chose the words "disconnect" the one time I tried marijuana.

>> No.3628975

This thread has awesome trolling potential.
Touhou, NEET semantics and definition, weed, nazis being far-right.
All it needs is... Economics !
I'll do my part.
Thank god we have that keynesian spending plan, it's really helping the economy.
I wonder when Mundell Fleming will kick in

>> No.3628981


You got a point to this, buddy? So far you're claiming that pot makes you retarded and unproductive.

I am refuting this by showing evidence that the Founding Fathers of the United States had their shit together, and smoked weed.

You retaliate with some butthurt piffle about OH PEOPLE DID MORE DURGS THEN LOL.

I'm not getting you here. Doubtless you'll come up with some emotional retort about how I can't understand you because you're a druggie, and not because you're a retard.

>> No.3628988

If they're "addicted" then it's mentally. And once you're and every day stoner you get used to the effects, though weed can be disorienting and powerful you're first few times getting high.

Educate yourselves and see through the government bullshit lies. Watch "The Union" weed documentary.

>> No.3628997

OP, I like you, even though you're kinda shit at trolling.

Get a tripcode. Back me up. I could use someone like you.

You should choose Ren as your trip, then we'd match.

>> No.3628998

After it was criminalized, only hippies care about it anymore, that's all. Most people who want to smoke just get a cigarette.

>> No.3629004


Mmm, cancer.

>> No.3629006

Exactly, in a way. And I'm a "neet" as well. Don't leave my room, therefore effectively disconnecting myself from society. A society I feel alienated from and contempt towards, which I'm sure with most of /jp/ can relate. Weed just makes you into a happy disconnect, rather than a brooding one.

>> No.3629008

There's already a White Len, though.

>> No.3629012

All smoking causes cancer.

>> No.3629021

You can just masturbate. Cheaper.

>> No.3629022

Arcueid is fun in the sense that he says a lot but proves nothing.
He posts on /k/ without posting guns, posts on /jp/ without talking about /jp/ stuff and so on.
He just adapts to troll people efficiently.
I think he's a scrawny white male who doesn't actually care about weed.

>> No.3629023


Correction: Weed smoking -prevents- cancer.

Admittedly it prevents it in the same way that a poodle makes a good guard dog, but it has been scientifically proven that not a single person to date has contracted lung cancer, nor has there been a fatality, from weed smoking.

I have the studies and the letters on them, do you wish for a link?

>> No.3629024

I mostly lurk /jp/ because there's not much of a point to contribute to most threads.

I've got an email address though, if you want it.
br-420 at hotmail.com

>> No.3629028


>Inferring that I have to prove myself to you

cool story, bro

>> No.3629031

Wow you can really pick the people out who aren't down with the green. Try it sometime bro, enlighten yourself.

>> No.3629033


Thomas Jefferson had slaves too. What's your fucking point?

The world was different back then. Comparing the 1800s to 2009 going on 10 is fucking stupid.

>> No.3629035

It's also been scientifically proven that weed causes cancer.

>> No.3629039

I tried it. Didn't do much for me. Was rather boring,

>> No.3629042

lolis beating on lolis, with outrageous power levels... what's not to like?

>> No.3629043

Look what happens when slavery is abolished. Niggers ruin everything. Imagine your local big city sans minorities. Guaranteed things would be much better.

>> No.3629050


Which was later proven to be government propaganda and deliberate FUD spread to increase the already large amount of misinformation that's been spread about cannabis by the DEA.

Try again.

>> No.3629053

Slavery is what caused them to come here in the first place.

>> No.3629056

Maybe you need to try a different strain. It sounds like you probably got a dominantly indica bud, try sativa. It's more of a head high.

>> No.3629063
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Did you inhale properly?

Also, was it GOOD weed?

Signs of good weed:

-covered in crystals

>> No.3629067

Yeah, sure all those tests are government propaganda. Damn paranoid hippies.

>> No.3629076


It is when studies are released by those self-same laboratories proving that Cannabis is quite benign.

Also, your shit doesn't make sense already since cancer patients smoke it everyday.

>> No.3629077
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As an artist, I find the game visually appealing and the character designs interesting.
It's also fun, and the music is good.

>> No.3629079


>> No.3629084


dude I smoked like three weeds the other day

I got sooooooooo baked.

>> No.3629085

I think they use inhalers rather than 'smoking' it

>> No.3629088

oops i mean vaporizer

>> No.3629092

Weed isn't super great. It's decent, but I don't see why people are so trippy for it.

>> No.3629098


Vaporizers are expensive, bro.

Not everyone can afford them. I would buy one myself, but the prices are sky-high.

>> No.3629104

No they bake it into shit sometimes, some use vapes, or some toke in any way imaginable. It's the users preference, because cannabis smoke is harmless. Seriously, watch The Union, it will show you the other sides argument rather than the right wing CNN bullshit you Americans have to put up with. (Canadafag)

>> No.3629105


Depends on what you're smoking.

If you're smoking shitty weed, you'll fail to get high and you'll get a headache.

If you smoke GOOD weed, you'll be in space with just three hits and everything will be fantastic.

>> No.3629112

Those never fail to raise a light chuckle from me.

>> No.3629113


>> No.3629118


I think he meant Fox News.

AKA Faux News.

>> No.3629126

Because /jp/ plays it and I don't want to constantly see threads about something I don't know about or like.

>> No.3629130

CNN might be shit, but it doesn't really qualify as right-wing down here.

>> No.3629133

Do whatever drugs you want but the people who always talk about how high they were last night and how dank azz their fukn nugz were and have High Times posters on their walls are retarded.

>> No.3629141

Touhou is a mediocre SHMUP with good music and moe moe characters. This is why /jp/ plays it. That and the doujin scene continues to increase exponentially.

>> No.3629152

It has to be a 3D first person shooter, or I won't play it!

>> No.3629153

That's at least as bad as guys who drink a couple of beers and suddenly get all huggy and emotional with everyone.

>> No.3629157

I would have preferred a comparison to people who always talk about how drunk they were last night, but close enough.

>> No.3629162

They're just pretending to be drunk so they can hold people without having their sexuality questioned.

>> No.3629172

Yea I know how to smoke it, and my friends seemed pretty high, but for me, I just like, get really hot, but don't particularly feel good or anything.

>> No.3629206


>> No.3629236


I think you smoked shitty weed bro

>> No.3629248

/jp/ pot smoking meet up.
who's in?

>> No.3629249

I like that Arc makes fun of people calling themselves NEET but takes every opportunity to tell everyone how much weed he smokes, as if people care.

>> No.3629250

I've had good, bad, and really shitty.

A bottle of rum does more for me than weed. Weed just makes my head buzz. Happiness doesn't particularly follow.

In fact, I usually feel the opposite: complete apathy. And not the good apathy. More like "everything, including this, is pointless" apathy.

At least until someone gets hurt.

>> No.3629262

You don't find getting fucking smashed off a bottle of rum a little shitty? At least weed is good for your mind, body, and it's intellectually stimulating. Alcohol just fucks with people.

>> No.3629268


I'm down


Weed can't make you intellectual if you don't have an intellect, bro. Weed enhances what you already have.

If you are a shitty little person, weed magnifies that.

>> No.3629279


Last time I got drunk I forgot where the floor was and tripped over a single stair. I was freaking out about gravity the entire time, it was a terrible experience.

>> No.3629282

Oh, boy, Arc is pretending to be an intellectual.

>> No.3629284


>inferring that I believe myself to be intellectual

yeah ok bro

whatever you say

>> No.3629504

whoa getting a little off topic here...stop talking about weed!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3629507

You wouldn't play a Touhou.

>> No.3629513


too late bro, I already got high

>> No.3629651

So let me get this straight... Arc is a pot-smoking nigger, and he considers himself an intellectual?

>> No.3629662


>pot smoking



haha, no.

I'm decidedly unintellectual.

>> No.3629667

He's also ZUN, so he plays Sega Saturn games while naked and eating pizza.

>> No.3629687

Livin' the dream, man.
