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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 265 KB, 1280x960, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36218241 No.36218241 [Reply] [Original]

H-Games General #1178

brown edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of 2D/3D H-Games/ Eroge/ Nukige/ Hentai RPG/ Hentai Action Games.


Use web OCR to get kanji of error messages:

Please pay your respects to our matron saint, Julie d'Aubigny.

>If you have to ask, it's not translated.

>Please REPORT and IGNORE blatant shitposting

>NEWCOMERS GUIDE (READ BEFORE POSTING) (Pastebins currently nuked and are under reconstruction)

>Machine Translation Guide:

>Recommended Games:

>/hgg/ Nukige Catalog:

>/hgg/ Gotw Catalog:

Previous Thread:

>> No.36218244

Games pending release:

>[アトリエかぐや BARE&BUNNY] ねぇねぇ姉 - 2021/08/27

>[BISHOP] 屈辱3 - 2021/09/24

>[ANIM] メスつまみ2 ~いじっぱり強気妻と清楚な気弱妻とのラブエロ性活~ - 2021/09/24

>[アトリエかぐや Honky-Tonk Pumpkin] - 2021/09/24

>[CLOCKUP] 澱 - 2021

>[裸足少女] ゲーム(=エロゲー)みたいな、ステキな恋がしたいっ!- 2021

Games recently released:

>[エウシュリー] 天結いラビリンスマイスター - 2021/07/21

>[WAFFLE] 奴隷姫騎士と奴隷侍女とのスローライフ - 2021/07/30

>> No.36218320

Wait what? Welcome back I suppose.

>> No.36218826

Fuck off, we're full. If your thread is so slow it can't survive on neo-/vg/, then it's time to merge back into /hgg2d/ and /vn/.

24 fucking days. You won't live on /jp/ either anyway.

>> No.36219024

Botamochi on /jp/!

>> No.36222389

Hah jp.

>> No.36226436
File: 142 KB, 745x600, E6dcPepVUAAb4Al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy board.
We would be on page 10 by now.
Anyways on September Winkel will tell us the fate of the gacha content patch.
Hope a new coder emerges to save the project.

>> No.36229137


>> No.36229602
File: 73 KB, 281x542, 1629760853542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello darkness my old friend...

>> No.36231309

I blame the creatively bankrupt industry, nothing but vanilla shit

>> No.36231460

Plenty of fetish heavy games have released this year and nobody talked about them.
Fact is there's not a lot to talk about regarding porn games, especially when most of the people in the thread don't even speak the language the games release on.

>> No.36231641
File: 1.36 MB, 1024x1861, ran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't help it, bros. In every single era game I always inevitably end up impregnating and becoming lovers with Ran. I don't even particularly like her in anything else, but I just keep gravitating back towards her. It's making it impossible to do wholesome runs with the other girls.


>> No.36231683

I fail to see the problem. You can just continue being nice to Ran while making the rest of Gensokyo live in fear of your dick.

>> No.36231730
File: 2.92 MB, 450x640, ran gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no, anon. You misunderstand.

I'm trying to fall in love with girls like Reimu, Reisen, Seija, and so on, but I always inevitably end up breeding a dozen children into Ran instead. She is effortlessly cuckqueaning the other girls in my game by keeping me for herself and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

I need an intervention to keep me away from fox pussy.

>> No.36231742

Why would you want to be kept away? Embrace it.

>> No.36233217


>> No.36233291

fucking autists screech at the mention of NTR even though it's hugely popular

>> No.36235027

What was that hgame that had 2d art but with really fluid animations that gave it a bit of depth? it was kind of goo-like the way they animated it.

>> No.36238268

The Bishoujo Magekyou series and recently Role Player.

>> No.36240403

Rondo Duo

>> No.36245661

You fags better get down to discuss something or you gonna get killed by the holoniggers.

>> No.36247445

Another thing that bothers me a lot is how everyone just assume everything that's not vanilla is NTR.
I hope none of you actually believe this. It's a pretty damn recent development, I think only zoomers think like this.

>> No.36248284
File: 67 KB, 800x600, image-800 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute heroine.
Really hope Mikocon doesnt get jewish on the game and it gets uploaded fast.
The cast is amazing.

>> No.36248325

Akira's been putting out great designs for his girls for a while now. I honestly love the fantasy settings for games he does, because it allows him to be creative with his girls in their clothing design. It's a breath of fresh air from school uniforms. If only Bishop would do a game with a fantasy setting as well. I'll probably die before Bishop makes a game that isn't another school setting, though.

>> No.36248394

Can you fuck the left one?

>> No.36248810

You in fact fuck both of them so hard that they end up having, like, 5+ kids each.

>> No.36249620

Which Miel/Norn heroine ends up getting pregnant the most times?

>> No.36250730


During the game, or including what probably happens after? Because Tomoe from Inugami says she wants to fill the family dojo with your children.

>> No.36255428


>> No.36256788

I mean I wouldnt mind some teacher harem game, or another netori game with married women but their fantasy binge has been great.
Though wish they released their Soramochi game already.

>> No.36258958

During the course of the game.

>> No.36259367
File: 2.27 MB, 340x233, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so happy with rondo duo. I love the fluid wobble animations. It's such a pleasure to look at.

>> No.36260386

too bad it's all faggot shit

>> No.36261548

Hello newfriends.
As long as you are willing to adapt you are welcome here, pardon >>36218826. I have a bunch of questions though. For starters what's the difference between this general and hgg2d? Is it only that you also accept 3D games? Also, judging by the few images it seems most are into 2D stuff, so why the split?
I hope we can get along, but be careful, currently we have a big influx of twitter faggots and vteens shitting up the board, be aware of their cancer, it spreads quickly.

>> No.36261620

>Hello newfriends.
They aren't new, you are new. They were here before with their dead thread before /vg/ was upgraded with more space, and now they still can't keep their thread alive on /vg/ even with 9-12 hours before threads get bumped off in slow times. They need to just let go already. There's a multitude of similar, yet more active threads here and in /vg/ they can go to, and pretend they don't already browse.

>> No.36261691

As for why they originally split, I used to know myself but I've forgotten why. I Think it's because /hgg2d/ is more about action games whereas this is more about VNs but somehow too good to go to /vn/ or /VNTS/ or the untranslated VN thread. As I said though VNs have many, many threads, 3D games mostly get their own threads if they're worth anything, and action games and RPGs are the domain of /hgg2d/, thus this thread is redundant and double dead.

>> No.36261774

>They aren't new, you are new.
I remember a hentai thread before the situation got really bad with the holofaggots. I am not sure if I am misremembering the DMM one or if it was this one.
I have been on the jay for years, but I honestly dont pay attention to the generals, hell if you asked me I dont think I can name all of them by memory, I only come for funposts and 2hu daily (the photography one was nice though, no idea of what happened to it.)
I was just giving a welcome to the newfags, I honestly do not believe that after such a long time no one is new in this general.

>> No.36261962
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, ss006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda new. I started hanging around with the previous thread.

I didn't have much luck last time but I guess I'll ask again. Do you have any cute Riccas? Please... all I have are permanently surprised Riccas and nasty perverted slut Riccas.

>> No.36261973

>I Think it's because /hgg2d/ is more about action games whereas this is more about VNs but somehow too good to go to /vn/ or /VNTS/ or the untranslated VN thread.
>VNs have many, many threads.
Sucks that they cant condense it into a single or at least less generals for whatever reason, if it is as dead as you say then I dont see a reason as to why they should fuck off other than crossie-speak leaking here. We already have our own issues here though, I believe one general can help reduce the kusoge threads in the catalog + its a slow general. So again no reason to kick them or fucking murder the general right away.

>> No.36263994
File: 526 KB, 1280x1440, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the japanese really have this shit taste?
The main heroines are usually worse design wise than the side heroines.
Sure you can say is the companies/developers doing this but usually these decisions are made with the consumers in mind, not to mention fan polls also show their shit taste.

>> No.36264868


>> No.36265643
File: 45 KB, 580x325, image-580-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Knight Ricca demo

>> No.36267409

Recommend me a good blowjob focused game

>> No.36267945

Artificial Academy 2. It took over the thread by a storm when it was released. Faggots got mad, made /hgg2d/ to explicitly deny 3d games (we accept everything here). Even after AA2 crowd made their own general, faggots refused to come back.

>> No.36268081


/hgg2d/ is usually action games or RPG makes games; 2d sprite based games with actual gameplay as part of the experience. This usually excludes visual novel focused games which /hgg/ tends to read.

/VNTS/ is of course for the translation status of ongoing or upcoming VN projects, which is its main purpose, but /hgg/ is about new and old games, translated and untranslated, so a lot talk that hgg does would be off topic for /VNTS/.

Untranslated VN general is of course for untranslated VNs, but again, /hgg/ talk isn't limited to that, and I feel like people might not want to see nukige talk there.

That leaves /vn/, but /vn/ is too full of trolls, shitposting, and straight up flaming for any sort of useful discussion to be had

>> No.36268133

Its not focused or even advertised but Dogeza Saimin has plenty of blowjobs.
Orcsoft's Chi-chan game too.

>> No.36268183

>and I feel like people might not want to see nukige talk there.
They almost exclusively talk about nukige or moege.
>That leaves /vn/, but /vn/ is too full of trolls, shitposting, and straight up flaming
Does this thread have meaningful discussion or just a circlejerk of memes and requests?

In any case, you better do like the other guy said and get a topic going or you're going to get pushed off the next time some spinoff goes down for an hour.

>> No.36268415

seems redundant calling anime faggot shit

>> No.36271333
File: 35 KB, 640x480, C-gGjrsWAAA1ZLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is EVER going to top Rondo Duo. Feels awful.

>> No.36271531

Aren't Tinklebell still working on Taiyou no Orgel? Their twitter isn't completely dead and their Bio still says so.

>> No.36271550

It will not be released within my lifetime

>> No.36276402

If only MC wasnt a fat dude with a pot belly...

>> No.36276697

It's Orcman's self insert, don't be mean.

>> No.36281791
File: 12 KB, 240x240, okomemantwitterpfp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh is he actually responsible for game creation? i figured he was just the PR twitter guy

>> No.36282060


>> No.36283048

>11am in Japan
>Still nothing on nyaa

>> No.36283487

No one said that.

>> No.36284881

new tsurumiku soon
chads unite

>> No.36284997
File: 212 KB, 800x264, har_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end, they truly were bare & bunny.

>> No.36285003

We finally have the cover art.
Strange, thought >>36248284 was a main heroine but she isnt in the cover.
Heck the kemonomimi didnt even get her profile posted while the shinigami did.
Please let all heroines have a threesome scene.

>> No.36285011

So is left a virgin or used goods?

>> No.36285017

On the topic of rondo duo, which other VNs have full animation like that?

>> No.36285192

Used goods, only Yoshika and Rito are virgins. I guess Imari sort of takes the older woman role in this game.

>> No.36285211

Roleplayer has some nice animations, but it's not all animated.

>> No.36285274

Wow been a while since they made a non mon non virgin heroine.
Kinda funny that HTP next game is only virgin heroines.

>> No.36285290

I thought they'd have at least 1 non-virgin too with the American girl?

>> No.36285425

Like that? No, that style is unique. But the Days series (School Days, Summer Days, etc.) is fully animated for example. And very, very buggy.

>> No.36286701

that's unfortunate! thanks though.

>> No.36287335


>> No.36291257

Is there an actual backstory behind it or is it just a few lines where they say she's used goods and that's it?

>> No.36291336

Did you never play an AK game? It's always just a line or 2 about it and that's it.

>> No.36291609

Does anyone have a complete save file for dohna dohna?
Finished the game and I'm lacking some scenes.

>> No.36291734

I only played the 2 baku ane games and now I'm on love x holic so I haven't played namaiki(which was the only one with a non-mom non-virgin from what I've seen)
I did assume its just a line or two because there's never even sprites of other male characters in their games. But I do wonder what's the point of making them non-virgins then when I doubt that people into used goods/sluts would be satisfied with just that and purityfags obviously won't like it.

>> No.36291736

Why is everyone itt so fucking annoying?

>> No.36291821


>> No.36291835

Maybe they want a reason for the girls to be good a sex instead of just ignoring it like every other game.

>> No.36292021


Dohna Dohna was fun but it was really tiresome to need to lose in some dungeons to obtain GoR scenes. Often you were much stronger than enemies so them slowly taking your HP to 0 took ages.

>> No.36292056


>> No.36292227

>I doubt that people into used goods/sluts would be satisfied with just that
No, I prefer it this way.

>> No.36293364

Nigga she bit yo dick off and used her kitsune magic to make you think its still there.

You will never be a real woman tranny.

>> No.36294241


Yeah really my team was extremely overleveled at some point. But the fighting system was pretty solid. Mainly played it because I really loved the artstyle.

>> No.36295647

Ne Ne Ne already up.
So a bunch of games like that elf one.

>> No.36299379

In Namaiki it's actually more than two lines, plus her backstory explains why she is all over the protag.

>> No.36299492

What was her backstory?

>> No.36301404

I think the whole cast of Elf breeding farm and demon lord Carla from their fantasy game with the loli.
Because they give birth once and then MC using magic to get them pregnant again.

>> No.36304347

It's the best nukige i've played and i've finished over 80 by now.

>> No.36304778

I want to try getting into the Era games but I'm not sure where to start anons. Is the strategy game the only comprehensively-translated one? I'm not sure a non-GUI strategy game is where I'd want to start getting to grips with the series unless I have to.

>> No.36308922

>nothing but vanilla shit
Dude, I fucking wish. Unless the generic moege and cheap art cheating/ntrge are vanilla to you.

>> No.36309022

I assume the blame here is for this thread being dead?
Most westerners (the 4ch audience) don't give a shit about nukige and settle for viewing the CGs on panda (hell, on a booru even). Most of the ones that have an interest would never learn nip/use MTL/play censored (non-localized) versions. On top of that, the industry way past its golden age, with major companies dead, dying or turning to gacha. That being said, this thread would fit right in with other semi-dead generals on /h/ or /e/.

>> No.36309053

>/vn/ or /VNTS/ or the untranslated VN thread
not exactly porn focused

>> No.36309340


It's interesting how doujin eroge are at the same time going through a renaissance as more and more artists are turning to producing their own games

>> No.36310546

So you've never been there.

>> No.36311399

I like that they have an output fitting of Miel games.

>> No.36314280

It's vanilla to me to me unironically. As far as the sex and fetishes involved goes there no difference between vanilla and NTR, literally the same sort of sex most of the time except the male on the screen has blonde hairs or maybe the guy is fat, or tanned.

>> No.36317420

I mean whatever the fatbugly dude does contribute to the degradation detish which is not vanilla.

>> No.36323166

>Can name the MC in the elf game by North Box.

>> No.36323215

What the fuck was this month. Literally nothing interesting got released.

>> No.36323322

There are new Lune and Tsurumiku, but jews hold them hostage.

>> No.36323538

The chinks are holding onto it hard. My balls are aching.

>> No.36323558

Fuck. I thought someone would release it by now. I kept thinking I'd wait since it's so close, but it's like three days later.

>> No.36323714

Bro, you missed the best game of the month

>> No.36325740

When I see Sweet Home in the name of something all I can think of is Sweet Home Shin Nippori.

>> No.36326772

>released in half a dozen languages
>their recruitment page says they communicate in Japanese, but mother tongue doesn't matter
>about page has no info on their nationalities
Yeah, I'm not playing a potential chink game.

>> No.36330340

Not thats one of their c list brands.

>> No.36332043

Fuck racism

>> No.36332204

What's with the clash in artstyle? It looks hideous.

>> No.36332240


>> No.36332264
File: 38 KB, 401x430, 1355703224873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanna talk about and post porn take it to /h/. Why the fuck is everyone dumping their fucking general threads on this board.

>> No.36332343

Seed of the Dead devs are taiwanese. Taiwan is a country.

>> No.36332346

Played the first one back when it was still called Rape of the Dead. Pretty janky, barely passable as a game, and the only memorable scenes involved the girls getting their heads crushed. This doesn't look much better. Why's the filesize so bloated now?

>> No.36332385

>monster FPS game
>the girls don't get brutally gangraped

>> No.36332470

Apparently there are a lot more scenes than the first game, an additional girl, base buidling elements and such

>> No.36332520

why the fuck is it taking so long to upload? Is there really only 1 uploader that does us all in?

>> No.36333210

>delicious brown
>slutty miko

>> No.36333247

I started playing Oppai Academy last night after finding out it was translated.
Barely past the prologue, but it seems fun, really light hearted.
So far my favorites are the hair-over-one-eye girl and the pink haired dragon girl.

>> No.36334034

It's a nice little romcom title. Though I feel the best way to experience it is through avoiding pigeon holing a girl's scenes then going to the next one. You want to experience the game like an actual light-hearted comedy sex-romp harem story where it's a new girl after every scene instead.

>> No.36334081

Right, I'm going day by day fucking all of them as the opportunity arises, not one at a time like I'm stuck on a certain route.
Though if it's set up the way I think, there might be an Oyakodon extravaganza in the future.

>> No.36334220

Fuck racism.

Also fuck censorship; does China even allow pornographic games to be made?

>> No.36334336

No. Videogames bad. Actual porn and slavery good.

>> No.36334541 [DELETED] 

Saying "fuck racism" like a retard doesn't actually change anything, you lazy nigger.

>> No.36334666 [DELETED] 

Especially when you get mad and can't stop virtue signaling just because someone said a bad word against slavers and genociders.
No idea why this kind of cuck is doing on an eroge thread.

>> No.36334680
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, ss011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

October feels so far away.

>> No.36335083

Before we had Velka who despite uploading shit with a missing file it at least put pressure on other uploaders to upload stuff but since he left uploaders have paywalled games as they see fit.
This is more apparent on Miel games which got uploaded in a few days but now gets delayed for a month or so.

>> No.36335169

There are. Extra scenes unlock based on what scenes you view of the main heroines, which also kind of makes every playthrough even more of a unique experience.

>> No.36335197

This blows hard. It's really unreasonable to have to pay to pirate - I can't believe I actually wrote that. I would be down to get physical copies to directly support, but obviously I'm not in Japan to do so.

>> No.36335325

>It's really unreasonable to have to pay to pirate.
You could... you could just... buy the games yourself?

>> No.36335416 [DELETED] 

Let me make it clear since your reading comprehension skills seem a bit sparse. I would be very happy to buy it under the the condition that I would obtain a packaged edition. However, due to the pandemic, (which you might have forgotten with low IQ) I am unable to travel to Japan due to the closed borders. I never have said I was interested in paying the chinks, I am just laughing at the absurdity of the situation. And now I'm laughing at your faggotry you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.36335442

What even happened to him anyways? Just up and left? I remember getting his stuff, he was at least around and frequent.

>> No.36335479

To me the retard is the one who cares about who the nationality of the porn game devs. And fuck racism, faggot. Fuck racism, fuck racism. Get triggered, faggot.

>> No.36335486
File: 2.98 MB, 2880x1929, Yuzuriha no Uta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the character designs.

>> No.36335561

Pretty weird to see them coming from that company though, and I don't think it's going to be a nukige.

>> No.36335958

Looks like the cast of a cheap nukige

>> No.36335970

Probably Corona'd.
Far too prolific for him to just dissapear like that.

I dont mind if its a week or so wait for those not paying but more than that its fucked up.

>> No.36338871

Explain yourself.

>> No.36338915
File: 274 KB, 1280x960, ムチムチデカパイマラ喰いお狐様&お狸様と濃厚交尾しまくりハメパコ田舎暮らし。お狐様&お狸様 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's right in the OP.

>> No.36343849
File: 91 KB, 577x1000, E9eXuWhVUAUrWQH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does breasts sag too much for you?

>> No.36344103
File: 204 KB, 1282x752, imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back /hgg/

I just finished Ero Imo Hurricane. I bought it on DMM a few months back for $5 during their summer sale. It was okay. Little sister is an idol, wants big brother dick, gets big brother dick, begs for sex before going on stage every day saying it calms her before a big show.

The girls were pretty cute. Not a lot of content though.

>> No.36344206

Oh, the one good thing I can comment on is their parents aren't absent and twice they almost get caught fucking. Honestly, it's only a matter of time

>> No.36344514

It only gets good when the cousin enters the fray.
Game needed huge ole titties.

>> No.36345607

>Machine Translation Guide:
lol shit thread

>> No.36345620

Isn't there already one on /h/?

>> No.36345743

Pay your respects to our matron saint, Julie d'Aubigny, you filthy heathen.

>> No.36345759
File: 139 KB, 1285x411, milking flaty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0 results, goddamn it.

>> No.36346556

/h/ is to dump images, not discussion.

>> No.36347080

That's a cute Azuki.

>> No.36349012

I think INO took it a bit too far here.

>> No.36350276
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, ss018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dev says it'd be difficult to release on schedule with all the feedback from the demo
Oh no... it begins.

>> No.36352631

Try this one out: https://vndb.org/c34787
This game is a neat little, light-hearted scenario where the protagonist's youngest daughter has a condition where milk builds up in her breasts until they expand from A cup to, like, D or E cup (not sure on the exact size, but they get pretty nice and big). The protagonist needs to help his daughter relieve herself of her milk through all sorts of means, usually sexually, but the option is entirely on the player's choice. And the game also kind of plays out in many ways, where the player can optionally choose to keep her flat/big tittied, make her bratty, make her sadistic, make her masochistic. And there are even side heroines, like the younger daughter's older sister--who also is sexually attracted to her father like the younger daughter--and the younger daughter's schoolfriend--who also lactates, but her breasts stay flat.


I consider it a great game if you like the following:
Father-Daughter Blood-related Incest
Fucking your daughter's equally flattie friend

>> No.36354132
File: 63 KB, 600x1036, image-web (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gyaru harem for October.
After this I think they have no other pending games (I already gave up on Soramochi and Rio games).

>> No.36354278

She looks like she fucks shotas.

>> No.36354625

Miel rarely do non virgins so I imagine the cast will be unless theyre really going for the professional gyaru angle (Though would be hard to do the magic cock angle in that case).

>> No.36355455

Delicious looking titties.

>> No.36356552

I cum buckets on Mai but Rito's voice doesn't do it for me despite Ayane Manko uses the same range for her it's weird

>> No.36359246
File: 259 KB, 1152x2382, 1630418840954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamest shit ever released by Clockup. What the fuck were they thinking? If you are going to do a gaiden version do a Maggot Baits one or use your best girl for more than a scene. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.36361077

i'm sad there aren't a lot of games where a 肝っ魂 mother gets taken by someone smaller or some charai boi

>> No.36362109

Seed of the Dead Sweet Home is pretty good.

>> No.36362137

yeah? what's so good about it?
I remember playing the first bit a long time ago, but the gameplay seemed really janky. Is it worth now? I'm usually into that kind of stuff, but the general gameplay presentation turned me off. I'm willing to bet there's a lot more scenes that make it worth it now.

>> No.36362233

I've been putting off clearing space for it because I'm afraid it'll run like crap on my potato toaster.

>> No.36362317

It has a lot more gameplay elements compared to the first SoD, there are even optional NTR scenes for those that like that stufff.

You will never know how it runs until you try it and play around with the settings.

>> No.36364447 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, b01def.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ojisan is Isekai'd in North Box.
>Gets de-aged.
>Ojisan is Isekai'd in OrcSoft.
>Still fat and old.
Based North Box.

>> No.36365682

Isn't fat and old peak sexual performance?

>> No.36365689

I'm counting on it, otherwise there's no hope for my future.

>> No.36365710

It only works if you are a an ugly bald manlet too though.

>> No.36365714

Oh, I've already got those bases covered, don't worry.

>> No.36365973

I hope when i grow up I can be like you, senpai.

>> No.36368127
File: 126 KB, 900x450, E6tsBRbVcAAwJ3v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad that Winkel confirmed he will continue the port.
Hopefully wolfmoren will return at some point.

>> No.36369529
File: 339 KB, 640x274, Untitled48_20210831204031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt know that Milk Factory did collaborations with gachas.

>> No.36370680

I actually prefer the orcsoft setting much more.

>> No.36371092

Call me when they make another futa elf game.

>> No.36371514

ok the new bare bunny game is by far the most disappointing one for me, the character design is great, but the lack of preggo scenes compared to all previous ones is astonishing. You'd think they would stick to the same formula

>> No.36372222

playing Summer Memories for the first time right now, I just found the strange video. What room do I need to be in alone to watch it at night?

>> No.36376154
File: 82 KB, 215x225, 1630505543984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maggot baits was already a mini futa game but those girl were more furries I guess.

>> No.36376816

What do you mean?
The Ne Ne formula is a classic.
Usually only one girl gets pregnant, one has a marriage CG and the other some dating CG.
Only Mama Holic, Mamagoto, Harami Tama and Neechan Musume had all girls pregnant CGs (Barring some side heroines).

>> No.36379562

Call me when they make Erewhon 2

>> No.36381401

real shit, I think that was the last release that I enjoyed. But I guess clockup isn't fond of sequels really.

>> No.36382086

Where can I get the demo?

>> No.36382192

It's part of the paid plan on the Ci-en, but there's links floating around out there. Dunno if all the ones on f95 and ulmf are dead yet. Maybe hentai-sharing.

>> No.36382269

Alright, I'll give f95 a try. Thanks!

>> No.36382896
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, ss016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun, and post cute Riccas.

>> No.36385552

This is a blue board, buddy. You can't post nipples here.

>> No.36385665

Shhh, just be quiet and the mods won't notice.

>> No.36385673

No, fuck off back to /vg/ if you're going to ignore the rules.

>> No.36387213

they made a maggot baits gaiden?

>> No.36388455

Brown nipples aren't sexy so it's SFW

>> No.36389306

There is no hope...

>> No.36394004


>> No.36396841
File: 636 KB, 1280x456, Untitled47_20210810223347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sukebe Elf 2 when....

>> No.36396990

Dicks haha
I need futa eroges so badly.

>> No.36397236

But why disgustingly huge?

>> No.36397470

Smaller futa looks gay, way too close to male penises, imho

>> No.36402200
File: 95 KB, 1205x731, 1605626026799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pity bump

>> No.36402274

as opposed to non-male penises?

>> No.36402293

Specifically, in anon's opinion, once a penis becomes sufficiently large enough, it ceases to be a male penis and becomes a futa penis.

>> No.36402787

it better have a harem route

>> No.36403070

it better have preggo endings, I haven't got my share of big bellies

>> No.36403594

Its a plotge so likely none of those.

>> No.36405259
File: 3.03 MB, 1280x960, 20210903_084348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36407978

Do they want to fuck their dad?
That fat man getting NTRd.

>> No.36408645

What room in the house has a TV?

>> No.36408884

what's a good first-time vn?

>> No.36409929

Imouto Paradise.
Quick and to the point with decent lenght.

>> No.36410060

Katawa shoujo

>> No.36411122

Miel still hasn't put up a site the the new fantasy harem? I thought it was coming out this month.

>> No.36412931

>Waffle is making a futa game
Also some anon made an Eden's ritter grenze viewer.

>> No.36412961

Holy crap!

>> No.36413345

Not a game but https://nhentai.net/g/247269/

>> No.36414018

And Aku No Onna doesnt get shit.

>> No.36416506

>Also some anon made an Eden's ritter grenze viewer.

>> No.36418027

check /h/

>> No.36418373

Straight up fapping game?
I'll recommend Ochiru Hitozuma.
Completely non-porn?
I started with Umineko, but Higurashi is probably the better place to start, especially with Rei and Sotsu.
Somewhere in the middle?
Katawa Shoujo, or Fate Stay/Night if you're inclined to the franchise.

>> No.36423140

It is but they usually launch the site of new games on Tuesdays.
I dont think they usually delay stuff.

>> No.36425981
File: 518 KB, 2326x4029, 1613113238134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games where you're in a position of power over the girl? Something like boss, father, teacher or something like that

>> No.36427078

BISHOP games where you are a teacher.
Special mention to Kuro no Kyoushitsu where you are not only a teacher but the principal is your slave so she uses her power to your advantage.

>> No.36433312

how come there are so many wegs like this and no jap games

>> No.36434076
File: 81 KB, 809x1750, oji10300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characters that are literally you

>> No.36435867

What happened to your eyes anon?

>> No.36436230

Too much masturbation

>> No.36438663

What are the chances we'll get another Lune game this year? I don't remember when they usually get announced.
Also, how come nobody told me this thread was back on /jp/?

>> No.36438718

It was a desperate measure

>> No.36440319

Source for the game in the OP and an English patch for it please thank you.

>> No.36440536

Okay working on the English patch now! Give me two days.

>> No.36440598

Thanks! But what's it called?

>> No.36440651

I would enjoy this character type if they actually gave him eyes (and also made said eyes look friendly, in a non-rapist way). Then again, I'm pretty sure THIS specific oji-san is a 種付おじさん, so him looking shady would make sense. To be honest, I rather enjoy the nice guy oji-san character types, though. The sort like from a Tamagoro story, or Orkman's oji-san from the first Saint Yariman nukige.

>> No.36440682

It's an Orcsoft title.

>> No.36440729

next aisai nikki pls

>> No.36443623

On it!

>> No.36444117

Would be surprised and worried if there isnt a Saimin game on December.
Man I miss when Lune used to do at least 2 releases a year.
Maybe Marine will get a new game.

>> No.36446206

They seem quite hard hit by covid - like a lot of studios - so I think this'll be a one game year.

>> No.36456926


>> No.36459129

Nice. Gyaru game coming along well.
Strange we don't have the fantasy harem game page out yet.

>> No.36462979

Bishop's newest demo is out.

>> No.36463374

Heroine Looks similar to the Space one they released some time ago.

>> No.36466616
File: 346 KB, 1200x1200, E-q__6eVUAIzehx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are ripping off Kangoku Senkan again.

>> No.36467767

What's the problem with boys?

>> No.36467846

Dont mind that, just hoping they give us an alien sidekick.

>> No.36468748
File: 73 KB, 515x1653, ry11208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally took the milfpill

>> No.36468872


>> No.36469462

Honky Tonk released the trial for Homestay.

>> No.36470653

Too fat.

>> No.36470739


>> No.36471081

See: >>36440682

>> No.36471228

Back when the game came out, we discussed how the game left a few things hanging so maybe they continue although Lune isn't much for sequels.

>> No.36471961

Shame it wasnt Elf Oyako Saimin.
Wanna shag the dark elf queen with Narrus Help.

>> No.36472071

Orcsoft to do a simul-release for this remake of Saint Slut Academy.

>> No.36473001

fuck yeah, that's fantastic! I'll buy it for sure.

>> No.36480103
File: 321 KB, 1280x960, 124327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown bump

>> No.36482074

Honestly the art looks great, be fun to see them do a remake of one of their best games.

>> No.36483799

>Drawn by Sian
Holy shit I'm hyped as fuck, praying for pregnancy scenes, although the original saint slut didn't have any, but seeing Sian girls with big bellies is a huge turn on for me

>> No.36485425

It would be nice if the remake had a happier ending for the oji-san and his harem of gyaru sluts.

>> No.36485902

Whats the ending of the original?

>> No.36486296

They fuck a lot, the end.

>> No.36488785
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x700, nenenefront.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swimsuits on main image/cover
>no swimsuits in-game
im seething over this. this was one of AKB&B's weakest current releases, too, not only because of this. or maybe i missed thie swimsuits somehow i dont know

>> No.36488877

Does Mu Soft still exists? I want moar from them but its been years!

>> No.36494241

Miel's new harem got a page.
The synopsis mentions eight women (mare, ogre, elf, beastwoman, dragon, reaper, knight and demon lord), but there has been only seven designs. The demon lord is missing.

>> No.36494319

Wait, the wolf IS the demon lord.

>> No.36495110

Whats sad about that?


Really? Red head looks like the DL.

>> No.36496026

Whats with the japs bad view of doctors?
Almost every game taking place on an hospital or mostly playing as a doctor, they are either raping assholes or they train female nurses to become the patients/staff cumdumps.
Best games where you are a doctor but arent any of the above?

>> No.36496216

New images.
Looks great.

>> No.36496463

I mean, you're playing porn games, anon. Obviously they're going to be porn doctors. It's like asking why American housewives just never have any money to pay for the extra large sausage pizza, are they poor?

>> No.36496465
File: 23 KB, 290x369, cirno_asks_you_to_consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hospitals don't improve health. There is evidence to show that during doctor and nurse strikes, mortality rates decrease, and go back up to their median levels when the strike ends.

As it turns out, the cold, sterile setting of a hospital and the inclusion of doctors and nurses that are otherwise complete strangers is antithetical to health, compared to the therapeutic recovery that is offered by merely keeping a window open on a scene of lush greenery. Florence Nightingale wrote about it on her 'Notes on Nursing', and was a staunch advocate for fresh ventilation in hospital wards and for hospitals to cultivate gardens and flowers for use with patients.

>> No.36496483

I can't believe those retarded doctors tried to cure my grandma's cancer with chemotherapy when they could've just had her look at a tree for half an hour. Thanks, Cirno.

>> No.36496691

Less emphasis on the tree staring, and more emphasis on patients being taken care of by familial doctors rather than 'hospital-head' strangers. Even in cases of palliative care, it is still preferable.

>> No.36498879

Getchu says release is the 22nd but oficial says 24th.
Which should I believe?

>> No.36499588

September 24th is the DL version. Package is October22nd.

>> No.36499771

How did I missed that?
Anyways recently Miel games have been uploaded day of release so crossing my fingers it happens here.

>> No.36501133


>> No.36501204

not based

>> No.36503045

Never feels like the fetishes I have

I prefer playing the games than just looking at a gallery. The story and context make the scenes better. I’ve even considered learning nip and have used MTL where needed (though it sucks) because the scarcity of some of these good games.
About this thread being dead though, why are there so many variant hgg type threads? Hgg2d on /vg/ has similar content and fills up every 24 hours. Most people who want to talk or meme about eroge seem to go there

>> No.36503100

>On top of that, the industry way past its golden age, with major companies dead, dying or turning to gacha.

Which companies? Feels like there’s a decent number of h-games coming out but from individuals or small circles nowadays

>> No.36503307

Yeah, I would've bet an arm and a leg that the tall one would be the demon lord, but I guess not.
Nice. Looking forward to it already.

>> No.36503323

Hope it's better than the last one.

>> No.36503737

It's about abuse of authority. Doctors are viewed pretty highly in Japan. If they weren't respected and obeyed in normal life, they wouldn't have much power to coerce people in the hentai world.

>> No.36503908

New mom Anim game announced.
Sequel of the blonde mom game.

>> No.36503978

I don't think there were any mom games at all since the last Anim title, so this is great news for me. I still don't get why they're callnig this a new series though.

>> No.36504117

Different writers.

>> No.36504184

Can you fuck their kids?

>> No.36505338

dunno guys at some point i don't wanna read just another 催眠 game...

>> No.36505779

I do

>> No.36507757

No. The oji-san is faithful to his mesugaki kitsune and tanuki wives.

>> No.36508187

How much I wish for Aku No Onna 3 or Sukebe Elf 2...

>> No.36509213
File: 1.98 MB, 1960x732, Humilliaton 3 protag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played the Trial of BISHOP'S new game.
So the MC is a guy who goes to art class where he likes to draw women since its the only thing he is good at.
He is apparently very unremarkable so almost no one notices him.
Except the teacher who is creeped by his fixation on drawing women, kohai (Blueish hair) who thinks he is tainting the medium, some popular girls who knows everyone's name (You know the one who is considered the school idol) and main heroine who is the one he sits alongside with.
Then main heroine finds MC alone in the art room (Because the teacher forgot to tell him there wouldnt be activities that day because he is forgettable) and she sees a drawing of a woman and decides to pose for him.
So as he draws he starts to wish he could ask the girl to make erotic poses or get naked so he starts wishing hard and suddenly the power awakens.
After he practices a little with it off screen he decides to use his power on main heroine and make her masturbate in class (Forgot to mention that the game starts with said H scene).
MC thens plans to rape her.
So for this one MC changes his look.
So his design with hair covering his eyes its actually his in-story look.
Apparently by just moving his back, standing straight and looking confident he is unrecognizable to the girls that know him.
And then the game ends with her classic 3 part scenes.
Will be interesting to see if the game make use of this by making MC act like a confident afte he is done raping the girls. Could probably set up for a nice reveal where the heroines are finally broken.
Luckily mindbreak is confirmed so finally we will get some nice post corruption scenes.

Also the girls advertising the game is a fun addition usually but this time they went the envelope and its extra fun.

I thought T-28 would feel weird but other than some familar expressions his girl feels like a BISHOP girl.

>> No.36509339

I'm tired of generic Bishop shit.
Any other corruption games to recommend?

>> No.36510373

>Your pic
Clearly the power is Bishop's version of Anchor Arms.

>> No.36511071

>Apparently by just moving his back, standing straight and looking confident he is unrecognizable to the girls that know him.
Ah, the clark kent effect.

>> No.36511598

>Apparently by just moving his back, standing straight and looking confident he is unrecognizable to the girls that know him.
Fun fact: you have this superpower too, but decide not to use it.

>> No.36512739
File: 22 KB, 400x187, header (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New CK is out, but is uploaded anywhere?
I can't find it in the usual places at least.

>> No.36512825

Not yet.
Elf bros, its our time over....?

>> No.36512844

Lel posted like 5 minutes ago.

>> No.36517956

>orcsoft oji san with 24 cm dick fucks everybody that moves
>lune crazy bitches that suck your dick after one drink
>pin-pin soft dark skinned man that fucks your gf while injecting heroin
>bishop corruption with generic art
its all so tiresome... the last fun game was sukebei elf

>> No.36525846

Role Player was fun

>> No.36526761
File: 163 KB, 886x1400, MGGW0239_chara03_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate chick was missing in the previous game (Main, but fuck the mechanic tomboy should had been a main heroine) so im glad.
I think the brunette is the only shitty girl.

>> No.36530335

PHL was great.

>> No.36534102

>so many variant hgg type threads
Heck, I got bookmarks to 4 other hggs on other chans. Haven't followed them in years though.

>> No.36535823

>why are there so many variant hgg type threads?
The /vg/ /hgg/ split is a result of balkanization from the release of AA2 years ago. /hgg2d/ was originally violated heroine general, which was basically all but dead back then too.

>> No.36540577

>the captain is an a married used unvirgin
That's it, I've lost my faith in huracan, this time for good.

>> No.36540934

why is lessons in love so slow
i want to be spooked

>> No.36543029

>violated heroine general
Why'd interest in that game ever move from here to /vg/ anyway?

>> No.36543715

Recommend some good preggo vn
Preferably when all the girls get impregnated.

>> No.36545841
File: 392 KB, 648x510, 1631552314776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Tsukihime a Hentai game. There is a full rape scene with Arcueid.

>> No.36547893

It's an eroge, yeah.

>> No.36549278
File: 974 KB, 3150x2797, 89DSUsZ - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in English:






Oyako Ninjutsu Kunoichi PonPon

Kozukuri Onsen (sequel to Oyako Ninjutsu)

Ninchi Shinasai!

Hara Marriage

Nin Shimai (maybe?)

Nuru Puri

Ane Hara mix

Ane Hara mix 2

Yu no Mura Harem

Ringetsu (kinda)

Shin Ringetsu (kinda)

Tsuma Mix (Shion's route only; fandisc to Ringetsu)

Sex Open World e Youkoso

Tsun x Bote (Norn game)

Elf Tsuma to Love Icha Omedeta Seikatsu (Norn game)

Ringetsu Onsen

Large Pon Pon

Overflow Pleasure Box (Fandisc with sequel to Large Pon Pon)

Snow Radish Vacation

Summer Radish Vacation

Summer Radish Vacation 2

In english:


HaraMiko Shimai

HaraKano (kinda dull in my opinion)

HaraKano Joke patch (included with the Harakano patch)


Junketsu Megami-sama (translation not yet complete)

HaraPara (translation not yet complete)

>> No.36549308
File: 3.61 MB, 2090x2090, 2f4109be-ec06-4689-c6bd-46b7cdeccbfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot to quote

>> No.36550087

If I can remember right, Violated Heroine always had its own general. At least it had one around when /vg/ was just created. /hgg/ was actually the transformation of the Artificial Academy General of the time, before interest in that game waned and the general took to encompassing a broad spectrum of hentai games.

>> No.36554941
File: 1.98 MB, 1894x2022, nenenee mizugi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Choco Chip's uncensored slits.


>> No.36555014

>this was one of AKB&B's weakest current releases
Coming after mamaxholic certainly didn't help its case.

>> No.36558145
File: 1.12 MB, 1453x817, 1626897580515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord that game was so good but shame that we didn't get any oyakodon

>> No.36558372

>shame that we didn't get any oyakodon
Literally the only downside of the game.

>> No.36558389

>At least it had one around when /vg/ was just created.
From some reason about half of /jp/s topics ran off and became generals on /vg/ when it was created. People used to normally talk about eroge, mmos, even monstergirls here, but for some reason instead of having individual threads about, say, Illusions shitty games, they migrated to /vg/ and became these festering piles of shits called generals, and lately started migrating back to /jp/ when they couldn't cut it in /vg/ anymore. '

I think the last thread to go to /vg/ was the mahjong thread, which will probably be back next year and full to the brim with cancer.

>> No.36561367

This game was probably rushed.

>> No.36565780


>> No.36566371
File: 1.66 MB, 1279x720, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36567414

Long time no see

>> No.36567535

Yeah, we need less bump, just once in awhile when some necrobumpers run amok.

>> No.36567915

2hupedo newfag spotted

>> No.36570290

>start game
>play a couple of scenes
>don't feel like playing it any more
>don't want to start any new games, while I'm still playing that one
Why do I keep doing this?

>> No.36575486

I was like that, but than i got a 30 days no-fap. My libido was so high that i played all the Atelier kaguya games in 1 week

>> No.36576873

Games pending release:

>[BISHOP] 屈辱3 - 2021/09/24

>[ANIM] メスつまみ2 ~いじっぱり強気妻と清楚な気弱妻とのラブエロ性活~ - 2021/09/24

>[アトリエかぐや Honky-Tonk Pumpkin] HOMESTAY a la mode - 2021/09/24

>[propeller] ユズリハの詩 ~異能力組織犯罪対策部 特殊機動隊 第二課~ - 2021/11/26

[ANIM Mother&Wife] いつまでも息子のママじゃいられない!2~愛情たっぷり香夏子母さんのむっちりボディに射精管理されていっぱい射精したい!~ - 2021/12/17

>[ルネ] 巨乳軍人支配催眠「私の任務は貴方にご奉仕する事です。色んな穴をご自由にお使い下さい」- 2021/12/24

>[CLOCKUP] 澱 - 2021

>[裸足少女] ゲーム(=エロゲー)みたいな、ステキな恋がしたいっ!- 2021

Games recently released:

>[アトリエかぐや BARE&BUNNY] ねぇねぇ姉 - 2021/08/27
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3446692
