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File: 121 KB, 800x600, ALCG0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3614020 No.3614020 [Reply] [Original]

No active Rance thread? Let's do something about that.

>> No.3614029


>> No.3614033

I need to finish it someday. I kept replaying the early parts since I felt like I was wasting too many turns on stupid stuff. I think my last save was like turn 25.

Awesome soundtrack, btw.

>> No.3614036

I'd love to know what she did to him.

>> No.3614038

And you have not even seen how the BGM change integrates in the game.

>> No.3614039


>> No.3614044

Currently going for my Ran 2 stars run, how much points should I expect out of it?

>> No.3614051

Anyone share a good save file?
I hate to lose and want to read and see moar...

>> No.3614056

Unless you completely suck, easily 100 points just by turncount.
Add character clears, End-Game points, and maybe Dokuganryou, and you have a solid score.

>> No.3614077

Wow, only around 40 turns to finish it? And I thought I did well with my 101 current points to spend, with a 1 star 56 route. I guess the Ran route was the one made for point runs.

>> No.3614085

50 turns actually.
And Yamamoto is not good for point runs since events stall quite a bit.

>> No.3614092

I got ~190 on mine when I was shooting to point whore, but you can get a few more than that if you try. I didn't bother raising generics or dumping Kenshin or the like.

>> No.3614098

Kill the Monkey is better for points on 5 star because of how early you get 1,000 troop units. You can capture 1,000 unit troops by literally turn 4 and don't have to do all the mandatory Ran events to finish it.

>> No.3614170
File: 70 KB, 425x566, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I have an action textbook 1 to use, and Rance's Love to equip. Any advice?

I was thinking to give the action textbook to Kiku or Teru. But I have no idea for Rance's love.

>> No.3614185

Kikku and Teru have enough actions(plus, will not work on Kikku).
One idea is if you plan to get Maeda the Kabuki bonus (+3 to Att/Def) to give him an extra action.
Or give both to Senhime.

>> No.3614193

I plan to fire him and Niwa as soon as I get a better footman/Ranged unit. Also, you're probably right about Senhime, thanks for reminding her to me.

>> No.3614287


Oh, I also have the Akashita dog and I have no idea who I should give it to. Probably Motonari, but I wanted to give him the emperor's ring, I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.3614492

Actually, it's the other way around.

I wish she had scenes.

>> No.3614519 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 124x317, 1254583885339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.3614525

Germans at Seven'o clock.

>> No.3614768

Shimazu brothers can't steal Ran in the Ran route right?

>> No.3614775

They cannot.
Suzume is immune too of course.

>> No.3614816
File: 116 KB, 800x600, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time this happens to me. What the hell? No way to prevent that, I presume. Shit sucks hard.

>> No.3614824


there's a chance they can steal sill though. the scenes are hilarious

>> No.3614844

Enemy armies scale with your army's size, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.3614852

I call bullshit.

>> No.3614854

It does matter, Kanami lost more than 100 units and I need her to reach 1000 for the battle permits.

>> No.3614856

Except they do not magically lose troops if you decide to fire everyone.

>> No.3614870

I've just started playing, but I haven't lost anything so far.

Do your commanders get raped when you lose a territory as well?

>> No.3614897



>> No.3614900 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 365x298, 1253704587368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.skcirb tihS .5

??? .4

.devas uoy elif eht nepO .3

dmc.nahc4 sa ti evaS .2

.egami siht nepO .1


>> No.3614948

Rance is the only rapist in all of JAPAN

>> No.3615099

Can someone clarify the Wiki please, this doesn't make any sense for me, more particularly the last two sentences:

>Some time after rescueing Hojo Soun, you will get an event where Suzume and Chaos discovers that Xavier is hiding in the temple, and after that you will get a choice to release Manmaru or keep her. If you release her and go to the temple, you will wound Xavier(While Kentarou kills Rengoku) then Xavier and the triplets walks in and seals him. If you keep Manmaru, the spell will fail, and its game over as everyone dies. Also if you start the Ran route before destroy the Tenshi sect the event for relase Manmaru dont happen before the fight with Xavier and is Game Over. An option is to keep alive the Tenshi sect until Xavier is sealed, then vasal or conquer them.

>> No.3615132

Right so, I am getting the option to go attack Honnouji, but keep losing at Byakko. What's the recommended level? Any tips?

>> No.3615129 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 349x302, 1251827748350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.3615180

Basically if you conquer the Tenshi sect you get Manmaru. In the Ran route if you don't release Manmaru before the temple event however, it's gameover.

>> No.3615218

Just do a couple of dungeons, recruit even generics if necessary for meatshields, and see if you can get a monk or diviner to enhance your more powerful units.

>> No.3615302

So that delicious loli in OP's pic is Shinobu right? And she just shows up if you get the additional character pack, but you can't recruit her - you only get Gekko and Shizuka.
Dammit. I. Want. Loli.

>> No.3615308
File: 95 KB, 800x600, rape is killing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to what she says.

>> No.3615319


>> No.3615322

Pretty much, yeah. Feels bad.

And the motherfuckers from Alicesoft thought it would be a good idea to arouse the player with a see-through outfit. Fuck them.

>> No.3615326

She's just being melodramatic.

>> No.3615331
File: 123 KB, 800x600, ALCG0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY ARE THERE SO MANY HOLES TO HELL? And yeah, I'm slow but whatever, I'm too lazy to start over now.

>> No.3615335


She had that outfit in Kichikuou.

>> No.3615347

Along with Kou and Keikoku, she really needs to get fucked by Rance.

>> No.3615357


>> No.3615358


Shouldn't take more than 4 turns to do them all. Quit crying about it.

>> No.3615372

According to some other thread, she is fucked by Rance in Kichikuou Rance, but at the cost of his life, as she's a Kunoichi.

>> No.3615383

Someone, be a bro and post the CG.

>> No.3615404


Don't believe there is one. Pity, involves femdom and mind control to some degree

>> No.3615407

So I assasinated Takeda Shingen, and I'm waiting for the other three generals to be recruited by other countries.

It's been 60 turns. Where the fuck are they.

>> No.3615416

Here, Grab the CG.
She does not look that good though.

>> No.3615425

Kill/capture enemy commanders from other provences. I found that with three houses attacking me all three of them were recuited in about 15 turns. Getting them to show up so that you can capture them once they're recuited is a completely different story.

>> No.3615427

Constantly battle remaining countries to force them to hire commanders.
They will turn up eventually.
Hopefully, to a not so annoying nation.

>> No.3615435 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 112x288, 1252950435024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.3615442

But I need to take out those Shimazu guys and this is delaying me!

Why you call me that? That's not nice at all.

>> No.3615454
File: 47 KB, 640x294, CG0133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, they improved her A LOT. She looked like a monster back then.

>> No.3615473


Why is green stuff seeping out of her? Poison?

>> No.3615474

>>3615442 But I need to take out those Shimazu guys and this is delaying me!

Are you trying to character clear them or something? If so, you won't be able to do the kidnap kurohime event until a commander is stolen as your start-of-turn event, regardless of how much territory of theirs you conquer.

If not, why the fuck are you fighting Shimazu? 6 Great Treasures is not worth the time spent getting to their territories and waiting for them to actually reclaim one of their original territories.

>> No.3615480
File: 117 KB, 800x600, ALCG0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Teru is a pretty cool gal. I'm glad I lost that single battle just to capture her.

>> No.3615486

I didn't notice, but yeah, for sure.

>> No.3615490
File: 1.33 MB, 1000x725, 1254415848558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gekkou is still badass.

>> No.3615512

Actually, I just wanted to take over everything. I have no particular reason.

>> No.3615514

Bleed all the countries to death (ITT: Kill or capture all it's commanders. I did this to armies like the Demon Army [Note: You don't really get anything from them] and the Shimazu House [In Ran Route]. It's just when bleeding all the countries to death you start suddenly finding like 3 or 4 non generics in one battle. Or a really strong generic like Souma (If you did not capture him from Miko) or something.

>> No.3615569

Welcome to Sengoku Rance's nightmare.

>> No.3615579 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 84x75, 1254921215414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.3615611

How do you get Ran to Trust before Keikoku and Souun leave? I thought I did it before but now that I rechecked I went down to Normal 0 again.

>> No.3615653


Can't do it until the aphrodisiac h-scene I believe.

>> No.3615721

Goddammit, I was sure I had her at Trust before I got to that scene. But yeah, Ran route is all about raping Ran, it's hilarious. Especially with those 'Again!?' things when she wakes up being fucked.

>> No.3615731 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 303x289, 1256411687853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.cmd
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.3615747

What is this 6 Great Treasures?

>> No.3615770


One of the 10 point objectives

>> No.3615816

I'm going to attempt the Takeda house bonus and I want a bit of clarification.
1. You have to beat them by force in any previous game
2. THEN survive the blitz.
My question is, will the Assassination event show up only in that file after I survive the blitz, or can I reload a previous game (before the blitz) and it will be there?

>> No.3615827

That's a strange question. Honestly I have no idea.

>> No.3615849

No matter what, the assassination will show up AFTER you defend the blitz once.
Just defending in one playthrough will not make the option appear in another.

>> No.3615907
File: 56 KB, 640x480, Rance vs Patton Hellman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gekkou, Rance, Rick, Patton, Hunty, and Gandhi are the most badass people in Ranceverse.

Image is Rance vs Patton.

>> No.3615909


You always have to defend successfully against the blitz if you want the assassination command to appear. Brute force conquest is the only condition that can be satisfied once out of all games.

>> No.3615912

The most important thing is that you destroy Takeda by force first. So destroy Takeda, reload before the blitz, survive it, then wait for the assassination event.

>> No.3615922

Actually not necessarily. I beat the blitz a while ago and have yet to see the even where the Takeda Generals are surprised. Though this might be mainly because the next 6 or so Turns were all story events.

>> No.3615924

Patton was a douche in his first appearance.
He is also the reason we seee no Hunty boning(though it took the redesign of VI for me to be desperate for that).

>> No.3615949

Hunty would look not as cool with a blue crystal. It's awesome with her current design. And I still don't really want a Hunty boning. Why? I can't imagine a female with such a design being fucked. It's- rather hard.

Seriously, those eyes, with that hair, and the red crystal all together look fucking awesome.

>> No.3616008
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 1255144231810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd still hit it like the fist of an angry god.

>> No.3616069

I laughed way too hard in a fight where I deployed Tanegashima and Maria.
Tanegashima: Maria-sama is watching!

>> No.3616081

Yeah, seriously, I thought they were gonna let me have the land like they do with Uesugi when I sent Maria out but I got them TALKING about Maria during the battle.

>> No.3616090

Well I sent them out as allies.
I just thought the reference was great. Too bad it is sort of lost in translation.
Maria-sama ga miteru would be the Japanese.

>> No.3616103

Is that slot near her pelvis where you insert your floppy?

>> No.3616108
File: 855 KB, 799x597, Aburako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just your friendly reminder that Aburako Dousan-chan's oiliness is a miracle of the Ranceverse.
Monk charge, fuck yeah, it will always remove attack boost off anyone she hits.
Youkai Ward, fuck yeah, it's like a single action cost side attack because she isn't counterattacked that does 3x to youkai.
Convert action, fuck yeah, more Commander/Rance Attacks, Accurate Shots, Volleys, Assassinates, etc.

>> No.3616138


I want to know what that scuba gear thing she's wearing is.

>> No.3616151

Diving into OIL of course.

>> No.3616157

Don't forget how she rubs her tiny bronze body all over Rance after that.

>> No.3616327

It's a bit silly that trying to get with Miki raises Kentarou's affection.

>> No.3616830
File: 96 KB, 800x600, ALCG0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for further use

>> No.3616864

I can't beat Gunagan.

Any advice? My Rance is at 71, and most of my commanders are maxed out.

>> No.3616866

Game mechanic question. What is more important to doing damage in commander battles? Level or attack?

>> No.3616877

Stats do not affect commander battles at all. The only things that affect them are:
Class-specific bonuses
Character specific bonuses

>> No.3616882

Just downloaded with the link from Fakku. I have all the files from the torrent, what do I do now?

It's been a while since I played a VN ;_;

>> No.3616884

Get better characters?

>> No.3616887

Thank you, anon.

>> No.3616895

Google motherfucker, do you know it?

>> No.3616900

Sure looks like the past 100 Rance threads in here.

>> No.3616904
File: 161 KB, 800x600, troopsKTM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nearly all of them are maxed out except for Rance, who's at 71.

>> No.3616931

Do a single floor of the dungeon each time, then escape.
Keep doing this till you fight Gunnagan right after you enter the dungeon.
If you lose like that, you suck.

>> No.3616959

How do I get Soun? It says to go to the bottom of the Oil Caves dungeon in Mamushi Oil Field, but I don't see any option for searching for dungeons or anything there.

>> No.3617010

Once you clear a character you have to keep them, or else you'll lose the points?

>> No.3617012


>> No.3617017


>> No.3617021

Well fuck me. Sigh, I'm an idiot.

>> No.3617026

If you use textbooks on Akashi, does he actually become good? Even after I get Hibachi he's total shit. I only keep him to get cyclops girl.

>> No.3617034

Get as many of his stats to 6 as possible.
Hibachi adds+2, so you get all 8 to stats.
Plus, she adds 50 kills per attack.
Add Affection bonus for warrior attack 2, and boom.
Getting the stats to 6 requires quite a few books though, but you only need lv1 textooks this way.

>> No.3617039


Get out, noob. Akashi is top tier.

>> No.3617040

Oh, I never noticed it was a +2 increase. All right then. He'll still suck for dungeons though, sadly.

What about Okita? She's the opposite. Awesome in dungeons, but shit on the field. Her only purpose for me is to use the hannies to sabotage Takuga.

>> No.3617042

He actually has a decent level cap at 40.
And he has the 'Hibachi CHarge', that can be used twice and does like 200HP to almost any opponent, even at level 11.
Raising him IS a pain though.

Okita's only good point is her 0 cost and slightly high cap.
Do not bother too much.

>> No.3617050

>He'll still suck for dungeons though
Hibachi's charge is pretty bitchin' in dungeons.

>> No.3617051

The issue is him dying by a Hanny sneeze.

>> No.3617062

What about Maeba? If you make him into Keiji. He gets +3 in everything.

>> No.3617065

>What about Okita? She's the opposite. Awesome in dungeons, but shit on the field. Her only purpose for me is to use the hannies to sabotage Takuga.
Uhh... If your rich or if you have that popularity staff then she becomes fucking awesome on both Dungeon and field.

>> No.3617067

Only on Attack/Defense.
And he lacks special skills(spear attack, enhanced guard etc) abd vital stats (Int), plus he is harder to raise affection at points.
Only do it if you really luck out on textbooks early.
If you are lucky, you get an awesome footsoldier.

>> No.3617070

Yeah, Maeda is excellent.

>> No.3617076

Okita isn't worth it, imo. PLUS, she has that annoying shit where you can't use Rance.

>> No.3617149


Followed your advice and won.

Looking at the CG, I feel as if my efforts were worth nothing.

>> No.3617190

Where can I get myself this scuba-loli? never even seen her

>> No.3617200

Conquer Mamushi Oil Fields.
Rumor of the Minos Three.
Recruit all 3 members and keep them for a brief time.
Satisfaction bonus.
Recruit Dousan Chan.
Dismiss the three soldiers you recruited to get her, but drain them of troops for cash first.

>> No.3617205

Recruit the Mino Three.
Then get her as a Sat. bonus.
Then fire the Mino Three.

>> No.3617209

You don't HAVE to get rid of the three commanders, but they aren't very good so you might as well.

>> No.3617214

So what routes can I get Souun in? He can't seem to be recruited in Ran route. Is there some kind of trigger or sequence of events to do it?

>> No.3617232

For the monster girls the wiki says that all of them need to be at trust before I defeat Masamune. Does that mean before I finish conquering the last territory or before some other event like a duel?

>> No.3617236

You automatically fight Masamune the moment you capture that last castle.

>> No.3617240

So I need to capture the monstergirls in army battles before taking the last castle then right?

>> No.3617254

question about stat, what does int affect?

>> No.3617277

No. You only need the yokai women if you want to prevent Masamune from using eyedrops. If you can beat him anyways, it doesn't matter.

>> No.3617288

Souun can be recruited in any route except Ran's. He cannot be cleared in Kill the Monkey, however, since the demon army does not show up. If you go through the Oil Dungeon in Kill the Monkey, Ran will still explode and die, but when the Shimazu house activates, she seems to be alive and well enough to discuss them with Rance and Suzume like she does in her own route. Which is somewhat amusing.

>> No.3617313

I think I heard someone say weeaboo

>> No.3617342

How do you get the Emperor ring from Choushin?

>> No.3617641

Enter a non-Kenshin route.

>> No.3617761
File: 240 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started playing this game and it's pretty good.
But is this text supposed to run off like this? It's pretty annoying sometimes.

Also, why are dungeons so fucking hard.

>> No.3617786

Just get a large army, and manage them well. Always use your weak and lowest level units first.
You can switch units in/out at your leisure, if strong unit is switched in early just switch again. Always save strong units like Kenshin and Rance for the last level.

>> No.3617836


Can you get it on first playthrough?

>> No.3618027
File: 327 KB, 802x601, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glory to the ninja reindeer.

...Is this CG a reference to earlier Rance games or something? Or is it just "lol so randum XD"?

>> No.3618030

It kind of reminded me of Nero.

>> No.3618153

Oh god, awful start is awful. Don't vassal. And do everything that can give you satisfaction until you get 60 to get your third action fan as soon as possible.

>> No.3618166

I suggest that you don't demand countries to surrender. It doesn't give any benefits at all.

>> No.3618180

Oh god. You need to restart the game and follow this guide: http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/Sengoku_Rance:First_Game_three_moves_in_thirteen_turns

Also, don't worry about the running off text and the 4th line runover, Yandere is still working on it.

>> No.3618200

Why so noob, anon? come on, start again and crush that ashikaga for good

>> No.3618221

>Oh god. You need to restart the game and follow this guide: http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/Sengoku_Rance:First_Game_three_moves_in_thirteen_turns

Here I don't agree with you, a first playthrough shouldn't be done according to some "perfect start" guide. Just be aware that you're getting a third action fan at 60 satisfaction, and try to get this satisfaction by your own, it doesn't matter if it's by turn 20 or so, it's a first playthrough. Just let him enjoy the game.

>> No.3618246

he's right, you shouldn't do the first playthrough thinking in doing your best, or you won't enjoy the game

>> No.3618253

Fair enough, as that guide is, after all, a guide.

You don't have to follow it to the dot turn-for-turn, but it is certainly a good model to follow for people playing their first games.

>> No.3618297

Does the Guard Break on Bushi units replace the Warrior Attack 2 or does it add a bonus against Foot Soldiers? I find them already underpowered enough and going from a 1.1 to a 0.8 damage just doesn't justify the sacrifice for bonus damage on guard.

And for the 2nd ability what are the recommendations? I usually prefer taking Side Charge simply for easing up on the troop loss.

>> No.3618347 [DELETED] 

Warrior Attack 2 is the better choice, in my opinion.

With Guard Break, sure it hits footsoldiers hard, but there are other things that can bypass them (Assassination, Whirlwind Shot, WDM, etc). With Warrior Attack 2, you will still do fair damage to footsoldiers, and you aren't gimped when fighting other units.

>> No.3618362

It replaces warrior attack 2.
Not Worth it.
Either Light attack for capturing or Shouting Charge for extra damage plus BT.
Though you should not rely too much on Bushi extra skills.
Few are worth it even in high difficulties, just get them Warrior Attack 2.

>> No.3618366

Warrior Attack 2 is the better choice, in my opinion.

With Guard Break, sure it hits footsoldiers hard, but there are other things that can bypass them (Assassination, Whirlwind Shot, WDB, etc). With Warrior Attack 2, you will still do fair damage to footsoldiers, and you aren't gimped when fighting other units.

>> No.3618544

Can you clear the maids if you take the Mouri family bonus?

If yes, do I just have to raise them to trust then defeat mouri?

>> No.3618592

Yes. You just need to get Kiku to Trust before you conquer the Mouri territory, and Chinu's only clearable in routes that don't have the demon army.

>> No.3618722
File: 123 KB, 800x600, ALCG0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Masamune's House was ridiculously easy to take over.

>> No.3618732

With Permits, their territories mean nothing (thoiugh before learning about permits, I said 'No fucking way I am messing with them').
The only somewhat hard battle is the final one before you fight masamune due to their numbers.

>> No.3618769

Actually, I just tried it, and you don't even need to defeat mouri to clear the maids if you took the Mouri bonus.

>> No.3619341

According to the walkthrough, I need Kazemaru+Hibachi in order to even capture Nogiku.... Is this even true?

>> No.3619351


>> No.3619416

Is there anything in particular that needs to be done to clear Chinu? I mean, I am doing Ran route, I upgraded her to trust, but there isn't any purple event now, and I have already done the temple event with Xavier. Does that mean that she needs to be at trust before you seal Xavier?

>> No.3619467

Try getting her to 7 Trust. The wiki has a few holes in some spots.

>> No.3619497

Running joke of the series, the same as the boss that the CG came from.

>> No.3619897
File: 129 KB, 800x600, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran 2 stars is giving me a headache. What the hell am I supposed to go against these monsters? Seriously.

>> No.3619907

Reload for better encounter (aka, No Agireda, battle is easy after that), Uruza instead of Aoi.
Also, battle preparation for BT rating.

>> No.3619925

How do you manage to keep up with the enemy's troop counts on non-normal difficulty? I'm always strapped for cash and my largest unit will be the size of their smallest for castle battles.

>> No.3619928

You can't.
Find other ways to win than sheer numbers.

>> No.3619933

Drop Ai. Put another guard in the back row. Maybe a monk too so you can use Miko Storm 2 twice. There. Easy victory. Hell, you should be able to win off one Miko Storm alone. Plus you should have Chinu too if you're on Ran route.

>> No.3619943

I'm at the last part of deamon army on my first run.
I don't know how to proccead, they outnumber me and even though I have decent unit i'm having a lot of problems winning.
should I add more units ?

>> No.3619945

Raise stats.

>> No.3619956


Why are you fighting Shimazu in a Ran route?

>> No.3619957
File: 160 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man up, suckah.

>> No.3619984

Who is that character in OP's screenshot? And how to get her?

>> No.3619996

She comes with Gekkou, but isn't an independent general. Select "Extra Characters" from the family bonuses at the start and if you have enough free NP before the 1st gourd breaks, you'll see an extra option in Owari about lightning or something.

>> No.3619998


Shinobu, Gekko's left arm. Not a fieldable captain, nor can you clear her.

>> No.3620006


You have to conquer Hara to get the option since it only appears in that territory.

>> No.3620014

What's the trigger for the "Rance becomes a lolicon" ending anyway? I've played through it a few times, and I haven't seen it, but I usually end up dropping Katsuie pretty quickly since I prefer the bonus footmen and Senhime.

>> No.3620023

Katsuie is perfect for Guarding and taking the Battle Permit position later if needed.
Just raise his affection.

>> No.3620038

>>3620014 What's the trigger for the "Rance becomes a lolicon" ending anyway?

What? The only lolicon thing related to Rance that I recall is the choice to listen to Katsuie's speech about loli.

>> No.3620050

I finished my first 5 point playthrough - what to do next? I guess FFA games don' let me earn points?

>> No.3620064

Any IF route.

>> No.3620069

i still don't know how to play this game

>> No.3620074
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Why shouldn't I? This is my current map. Ise just came back from death the turn before, I'll wait to crush them with battle permits.

>> No.3620090

So after avoiding all spoilersI finally cleared my first game on my own. Of course I only have 5 points, what should I get for my 2nd go?

>> No.3620115

I have a question for Ran route. Is it correct that I will have fewer hell holes to clear if I own fewer territories?

>> No.3620126

You should either choose between getting Elina (bonus character, Diviner), or getting the Battle Permits (so you have them on hand right from the start).

The popularity staff has its merits, but loses out when you don't have the Battle Permits to take full advantage of it.

>> No.3620133

He's really not. It's easy to pick up a generic with 1000 troops instead of raising him up, and he takes a buttload of speed scrolls for him to be passable while it just takes one affection upgrade to give Senhime Guard+ instead of All-Guard, at which point she's better than him in every single way. One affection bonus for him doesn't fix all of his problems.

>> No.3620144

>give Senhime Guard+ instead of All-Guard

Why would you do that?!

>> No.3620147

They appear in every owned territory. So yes.

>> No.3620149

Any idea's on conquering Takeda? I can't beat Yamagata he'
s annoying. Right now I'm currently trying to capture Masamune too and their annoying me with their blitz every four Turns. I've been ignoring the Shimazu Family for a while too (They haven't attacked in ages too for some reason). Right now I've caught all the monster girls and all I need to do now is beat Omachi. Though, the Ogres killed my NP (I didn't realize what they did until like 6 Turns after). I currently got Noir and Nogiku (I got Nogiku instead of Orime mainly because I needed a footmen now as one of my footmen died (ITT: it was the A-Kichi generic).

>> No.3620150

What >>3620126 said. I'd take Elina over battle permits, and go for the 3rd fan in 13 turns.

>> No.3620152

Well, I'll be. Takeda will take over the Hannys?

>> No.3620158

A picture is worth a thousand words, brother.

>> No.3620159

Ah that's a relief, thanks. I was thinking about optimising my next point run and was worried if I needed to conquer enemy territories to close hell holes there.

>> No.3620160

Happens from time to time, not exclusive to the Ran route.

>> No.3620161


[>>3620074] here.

Oh shi-

>> No.3620164

Patently untrue. They only appear in a handful of territories, and only the north-central-eastern ones. I have never seen a hole to hell further west than the Akashi-Tanegashima line.
I think the number of holes to hell caps out at either 10 or 13, as I seem to remember it being one more than I could finish in an even amount of turns (forget how many fans I had at the time though).

>> No.3620183
File: 2.08 MB, 800x1200, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't plan to capture Iga until I've either beaten Masamune or Takeda. Mainly 'cause I don't feel like fighting another country. I have the four actions thing as you can see.

>> No.3620187

Oh and I'm trying to stay under the 2k Troops mainly because when I get 2k troops everyone gets 4k Troops and shit. I'm fine with my low troop-high damage games.

>> No.3620207

I keep most of my Offensive units below 500 unites unless they're getting Battle Permits. Going above 499 just uses up way too much Nation Power unless I have most of the map conquered.

>> No.3620234

I would do that but when the generals do a regular attack they normally can easily kill off my footmen. That's why I like it when they start off battles using attacks like Commander's Charge or Assassination. Because then they can't attack.

>> No.3620243
File: 54 KB, 480x371, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my current master plan for a 2 star Ran, point run.
Starting bonus: Houjou, Takeda, Uesugi.

1. Quickly conquer Tokugawa and Imagawa.
2. Initiate Ran event when reaching Houjou.
3. Conquer oil field, enter Ran route.
4. Conquer Houjou
5. Conquer One Eye
6. maybe Conquer Hara is there's still time for them before the hell holes.
7. Quickly close the few hell holes that pops up.

All while ignoring hostile houses and keeping them at bay by battle permits. Also completely ignoring Southern JAPAN.

Any flaws in this plan? Or is it super effective?

>> No.3620257

I generally don't. But it's the most obvious way to point out how much better Senhime is than Katsuie. In one affection bonus, she can be better than him in every single measurable way.

>> No.3620260

Beat Orochi as well for extra points

>> No.3620271

Okay maybe there's a flaw in point 5. My Rance probably won't be enough to defeat One Eye...

In wich case I should probably forget about One Eyed.

I don't think a Rushed Rance can defeat Orochi either...
I'm thinking about a really fast rush here.

Maybe it's better to build up End Game points on my generics while waiting for the holes to pop up.

>> No.3620272

There are about 20 turns of mandatory Ran events to sit through. If you're quick about it and make sure to grab some permits, you should have enough enough time to make getting the six treasures worth it too. Uesugi's also a bad pick compared to Mouri since Chinu is invaluable, she and Kiku are double clearable, and Kenshin/Ai combined are only worth 2 points potentially, and Ai's a pain in the ass to clear.

>> No.3620281

Don't forget that since she won't be frozen, you'll have Sill too. It's not easy and may require a little save scrubbing, but you can definitely kill Orochi with just Rance and Sill with Rance around level 55. It just requires getting their turns in a row where you need them to be. It lets you skip the eyedrop stuff too.

>> No.3620288

If it'd take you more than 10 turns to clear One Eye, then you have bigger problems than that. Don't think about it in term of how long things take, just how many points you'd net. Even if you have to spend 8 turns clearing dungeons to level Rance up, that's still a net gain of a point.

>> No.3620296
File: 105 KB, 800x600, ALCG0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I just tried the game on my laptop, but I get some horrible stuff. Someone knows the reason? If it's the fonts, what font is needed?

>> No.3620333

The reason I took Takeda and Uesugi was because they are a pain to fight against while I stall time. I was planing on replacing them with generics with End game points in the end.
And Ai can help initially with her Asset Tech.

But yeah, the double clear sounds good. Maybe I'll get Mouri bonus as well, but then I might have to fire Kenshin / Takeda early dues to NP issues.

>> No.3620338

This happened to me in Cross Channel.

You go to My Computer > Your User > Windows > Fonts >To the font Rance translation plays in (ask someone else I don't know it sorry) > Play while the Open Type is up.

Either way for some reason the font the game plays in is not working with the game and to make it work you have to open the text up on notepad or what I just said.

>> No.3620345

Why do you need NP early?

Baba + -100 armor or Yamagata + -50 helm can solo any battle for about the first 20 turns. By then, you've got the NP you need to start filling in your roster.

>> No.3620356

Play in Japanese locale mode so it uses the Japanese default fonts which are sized right for the text boxes. Or use Applocale.

>> No.3620378

You're right about that. I'll just see how it all adds up.

>> No.3620439

What route usually yields the most amount of points?

>> No.3620447

0-2 star, generally Ran. 5 star, Kill the Monkey.

>> No.3620448

Ran or Monkey

>> No.3620454

2 star Ran and 5 Star monkey route. But if you have to ask, then you're probably better off with a 1 star Ran.

>> No.3620464

How does one make sure to fill the roster with female generics for mass clearing points? Keep some warriors with light attack on hand to grab every female footsoldier you see?

>> No.3620502

Just keep 5-10 waiting in your prison for mass recruiting as you near the end. Isoroku will also bring archers that start at Normal with her when she joins if you've got the free NP.

>> No.3620963

She won't always. But she often does. Not reliable enough that I would stake my line-up on the bonus archers, though.

>> No.3621162

Sekimei was such a pushover. The wiki made the battle sound hard when it really wasn't.

>> No.3621201
File: 112 KB, 798x644, xavier100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekimei is actually a problem since you have to go through the dungeon, and it only restores actions, not HP(dead characters get 1 hp). And he is the fastest Dungeon enemy. Since most people try to deal with Ran route fast, you will not have the most powerful characters, and combined with the trek, he can be annoying.

Boss Ranking:
Orochi: Orochi girls healing each other ,strongest dungeon attack and 9999 HP. Plus, his dungeons has lot's of floors(even if you get healed, it's a pain)

Gunnagan: 7777HP and all attack. He is possibly harder than Orochi if you account wasting actions in the dungeon, but you should not be on a rush to deal with him, so just clear a dungeon floor per visit till only he is left
Nobunaga(True): 485HP All attack, strong melee attack, in a route that is not that lax with levels amd he is the first boss you fight. And he is quite fast. If he decides to spam all attack constantly, you may be in trouble with almost every set-up(unless you really go the extra mile)
Xavier: lv 100, 2300 HP and no Kentarou, so you have only Rance. But he is TOO FUCKING SLOW. You can heal/protect easily even in this situation
Sekimei: Fast with big reach and HP carries over from the dungeon, but he is not that tough or strong. Just a couple of dungeons and strong characters are enough.
Nobunaka(Isorokou): Same attacks and still speedy, with a more annoying posse. But having Kentarou and him losing half his HP makes this battle hard to lose.

>> No.3621204

So, how should I go about playing as Akashi in Free-for-all?

>> No.3621220

plz stop spamming ur shitty clone board on anoxntalxk.com ok were tired of u now ( remove the x's )

>> No.3621224

Make peace with Mouri, move to the east and fight easy enemies to gain areas and resources.
DA,Shimazu and Mouri will fight for a while.

>> No.3621247

the Demon Army are completely hax.

>> No.3621250

Fight Tangeshima or the Tenshi Sect, make peace with the other and Mouri

Do Kazemaru's Growth to increase his stats up to 7 all round, after that he will just get 50 troops each time

>> No.3621256

They would be if the blitz happened more than once.

>> No.3621276

Is Shizuka clearable?

>> No.3621277


>> No.3621304

All the brothers have unit sizes in the 2500+ range and I can't afford or support more than the 4 or 5 1000 size units I have.

>> No.3621306

>>3621250 Do Kazemaru's Growth to increase his stats up to 7 all round

Are you unable to get the Hibachi bonus in FFA?

>> No.3621314

Are you not pleased with them?

>> No.3621316

After 2000, the modifiers drop drastically.
Your 1500 units would perform better. In later difficulties with over 5000 units, that's an issue.
Plus, with Yoshihisa defending, Toshihisa who should be having one clear shot(Kenshin or Uruza) and Iehisa being a tactician, only Kazuhisa and Agireda who attack for all their actions are a bother.

>> No.3621317


You can't win through sheer numbers against them unless every unit has all 9s for their stats. Use characters that damage battle rating (Tacticians, Cavalry, Ikyyu) , actions (Kenshin, Uruza), % damage (Natori, Seigan. Generic Miko units aren't that great), or have instant kill attacks (Ninjas with Ass2, Yamamoto's Whirlwind Shot, Yuzuhara's Snipe attack w/ Working Bee equipped).

>> No.3621333

I'd rather not have to start all over again because of them mercilessly raping me into oblivion.

>> No.3621401

Don't worry, if it's your first playthrough, the game will give you some countries back.

>> No.3621429

Yes, since you cant gain affection or do events

>> No.3621813

I'm amused at how I got +7 easy points on my 2 stars Ran route:
-I saved 6 affection bonuses
-when I got the final dungeon, I didn't clear it and hired some random units instead, with the higher troup count possible
-healed and pumped my units using all my money (around 100k), on the cheaper units first of course
-then used all the affection bonuses to "add 50 troups to all your units"

All of this took me three turns, and I got the 30000 troups +10 points bonus.

>> No.3621829

If you managed to clear the hired units too(or give them end game points) with 3 of these affection bonuses, even better.

>> No.3621833

Do demons count as youkai for the purposes of youkai ward?

>> No.3621859

How the fuck do you beat Omachi? She wiped out my whole army out with one attack!

>> No.3621871

1: Hope she is in the front line to kick her ass.
2: Uruza+Ninjas.
3: Maria
4: Attack others and hope she casts Guard SHikigami.

>> No.3621910

Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines. But still, That was just way too much.

>> No.3621941
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god damn, I'm having trouble catching these fucks now they are outside in other peoples armies. I got two of them located in different clans I'm at war with, Tenshi and Hojo, but the problem is whenever I barely beat their fortified positions all the shit troops come first in line to be caught.

So I can fight them a dozen times and kill or capture some fucktard. Makes me rage so hard.

>> No.3621952

What the hell is that small window which appears when you finish a route, and why do I get a black screen now that I clicked on it?

>> No.3621970


I think I cheap'd her something rotten with a huge Maria unit, among other things. Yuzuhara generally goes with that.

>> No.3621979

I killed her with Rance, Agireda and Komatsu.

All 3 have 9 at their stats due to careful management. Rance with 1700 troops, Agireda 4700, and Komatsu with 2900.

Komachi dies in 3 moves.

>> No.3621988

Maybe you should try using six units... and units that don't suck.

>> No.3622001

Assassinate2 is your friend.

>> No.3622053



>> No.3622078


That's the team I used to win the first battle of the rush. For catching them I'm using units like Omachi and Nitori because Baba's bullshit 3000 men doubles the size of Tenshi's shitty army at that point but damn hard to win the battle just killing him so shitty units I kill don't get captured instead.

Does Light Attack increase the chance of a specific character getting caught over others. I find the shitty units I defeat seem to come first in the order of who I kill/catch. It makes catching Baba a complete bitch.

>> No.3622095

You're remembering to clean out your prison, right?

>> No.3622097

What level am I supposed to be to beat Masamune? Level 56-60, right? I'm on 1 Star. Oh yeah, that 56-60 thing also needs a level what Sill?

>> No.3622107


Sure I... no wait, I better check that...

>> No.3622110

>that 56-60 thing also needs a level what Sill?

>> No.3622118

Isn't Sill's level always Rance - 3 or something?

>> No.3622124



26 prisoners. I've sure messed that one up. Thank's for pointing it out.

>> No.3622137


Sill is always 3 levels lower than Rance.

As for defeating Masamune, you can beat him at low 50s if you know his secret but too be safe, wait until you're in the mid 50s. If you don't have the secret, mid-50s is still doable but you're going to have to not get screwed by the turn order. Upper 50s, lower 60s is safe though.

>> No.3622152

I have the secret.

It is? I thought if I used purely items and did the +2 in level I thought Sill stays the level she is.

>> No.3622160


Yeah, got Baba first time now. God damn I can't tell you how much that got on my nerves.

>> No.3622167

Early 50s on a 1 star route is completely doable. My Rance was between levels 45 and 50 when he defeated Masamune.

>> No.3622184

Wait does Sill have that whole unlimited potential thing like Rance that lets him reach level 99 and such?

'cuz that's pretty cool.

>> No.3622220

Sill is level 97 when Rance is 99.
Which means nigh impossible to kill and good damage.
Of course, that means Rance can have 4 normal attack and 4 rance attacks at level 99 with no problems.

>> No.3622264

is FFA only for pleasure? Are there no scenes?

>> No.3622419
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I am enraged.
The reason I decided to get Sengoku Rance was because I saw Omochi. I had to see dem tits. And what happens? She doesn't have an H scene, or even a teasing CG of her naked. This. Is. Bullshit.

>> No.3622640

Bump limit reached. Someone make a new thread when needed, linking to this one, for archival purpose.

>> No.3622662

Haven't been here in a week, continuing working on the rest of the character chart.
Just finished Zeth.

>> No.3622843

New thread at >>3622834
