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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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36176671 No.36176671 [Reply] [Original]

What makes Touhou such a beloved series for many, cherished and remembered for over 20 years, surviving and surpassing the era from which it was created and most popular? Other games have cute girls, large lore-filled worlds, and the same relaxed fanwork policies, but Touhou is the only one that tends to stick with people.
Why is that?

>> No.36176718

>Other games have cute girls, large lore-filled worlds, and the same relaxed fanwork policies, but Touhou is the only one that tends to stick with people.
The fandom has more talented people (mostly due to it being Japanese fans) than other fandom, they keep creating so much quality OC they have sustained Touhou for 2 decades.

>> No.36177464

You didn't answer OP question at all.
Why Touhou of all franchises was the one to get all those people? Why did all those people became attracted to Touhou rather than franchise X or franchise Y?

>> No.36177716
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luck, and that's not a knock against it. luck is the main thing you need to succeed in any field. there's no real reason, it just happened to be the one and inertia did the rest.

>> No.36177811

it's cause it's loaded with soul, it's a sacred product.

>> No.36178260
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It's got a little something for everyone. Hentai doujins, CGDCT, difficult video games, amazing music, great character designs, and a lore that allows for a lot of different stories and interpretations: from edgesokyo to slice of life to comedy to character driven drama to horror to action to mystery. The inherent mysteries in the setting also let's lore nerds to theorize about the specifics as much as they want.

Stuff like love live, idol master, girls und panzer, azur lane, etc. are more cohesive, but that's not a good thing in this case.

>> No.36179501

Wtf is that webm

>> No.36179828

I had thought about that question and can say that the real main reason is being continuous, probably.
There are lotta good indie games, but Touhou is an only series that releases a game every year. The popularity was way lower two decades ago but has been growing slowly. Plus the variety of characters and musics.

>> No.36181245

There was nothing like it at the time, so it clicked with some people that happened to be talented, they made OC that got tons of attention and it snowballed from there.

>> No.36181306

>Stuff like love live, idol master, girls und panzer, azur lane, etc. are more cohesive, but that's not a good thing in this case.
Also this, ZUN leaves just enough crumbs to define every character and their relationship but not too much like normal animus/idols/mangas, so fans have fun extrapolating from there.

>> No.36189096
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bloody hell man, wtf is even happening there. They're playing UFO, one is wearing milsurp, and it's on vice, but at least they're playing on normal

>> No.36190233

It has something that a corporate spawn will never have.
A soul.

>> No.36190414

Along with the stuff mentioned already, there's ZUN's lax approach on derivative work which definitely helped the series and it's popularity

>> No.36190931

its the music

touhou is but a vehicle for ZUN's music

>> No.36191007
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It's dead. Let it go.

>> No.36191468

touhou has kept a more or less consistent fanbase for over 20 years, like I said
gacha impact is a soon to be fad that hasn't even past one

>> No.36192659

They are backed by the CCP. They won't allow it to fail with their infinite money supply. Stop the futile cope.

>> No.36192804

This wasn't true in 2012 and isn't correct now.

>> No.36192807

You know that you can like things that are not super popular, right?

You don't belong here

>> No.36193363
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i quess it's the music. didn't play or listen for 7 or 9 years but oh boy here we go again.

>> No.36193500
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>touhou is reclining

>> No.36194624

You can personally keep liking it alone but your interest will inevitably fade too when what's left of the already small and dying community surrounding it vanishes.

>> No.36194889

Honourably /jp/ stands. Founded by the lols. Devoted service for eternity. Since early 2000's, Touhou hijacks and shitposts. We follow in the interest of all Gensokyo. Unending fealty and loyalty to Touhou. The untainted magic will live forever.

>> No.36194925

If only. If only Touhou was really as niche as you claim it is. Unfortunately for you and me, it's not the case.

>> No.36195696

My heart belongs to Touhou, I'll love it long after the universe ends.

>> No.36210862

consistent content
consistent GOOD content
there you have it. pretty much everything else fails at the second part.

>> No.36222315

Now wait 25 years and see how it turns out.

>> No.36227414
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>> No.36227664

This this this

Anons in this thread take note. Touhou would not be as popular as it is if it weren't for the music.

>> No.36227997

> it's popularity
It is?

>> No.36228543
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Yes, it's surviving, use the same google trends but only for touhou, the searches are consistent until 2017, 2017 had a huge boom probably thanks to fumo and more english speaking shitposting, then it declines slightly but still bigger than pre 2018 searches and is growing again probably thanks to lost word and danmaku kagura, stop cherrypicking data and comparing with huge chinese gacha with tons of marketing, compare with something equal, even len'en is more comparable

>> No.36228608

that looks more like google changed their data collection methodology than a real change. there's even a note on the bottom of the chart about it.

>> No.36228640

it has way more charm than almost anything else, its made by one guy as a work of passion in an age where the overwhelming majority of games (and media in general) is mass produced to make as much money as possible

>> No.36228789

Oh yeah forgot about the specific term methodology used years ago, but still, if you consider that the number is consistent so it still breathing without major changes

>> No.36228886


>> No.36229875

Early adoption
Continued game releases with new content for 20+ years
Open-ended characters means there can be a variety of opinionated stories
Freedom of creation means almost no barriers to creating content
I think the music is the core to Touhou though, both the original ZUN works and thousands upon thousands of remixes, derivatives, and original tunes

>> No.36229977

touhou would not be as popular if you took any of its aspects out

>> No.36230021

But especially the music

>> No.36237499

Why are some of the Mokous unhappy?

>> No.36249926

Mokou is either unhappy, okay, or in a good mood. One of the three.
I doubt she'd be happy to be doing chores, so maybe that's it.

>> No.36249990

But some of the Mokous are happy.

>> No.36250027

I remember reading somewhere ZUN say that he wanted his series to be something that can be enjoyed even after you exit the game, and for that he had to create a world with characters and stories.

There's obviously a huge amount of doujin music made for Touhou but there's also way more people doing artworks, referencing the characters, etc.

So while music is the reason why ZUN made Touhou I don't think it's the number 1 reason why it's so popular.

>> No.36271094

Maybe they're thinking of something that makes them happy.

>> No.36271138

Like what?

>> No.36282592

I don't know. What would make Mokou crack a smile?

>> No.36283822

roasted sweet potato

>> No.36283881

It arrived as a STG on PC just when people were starting to become restless about bullet hells being largely arcade only. ZUN's choices regarding lore, music, characters, releases, etc. all helped, but the thing that got Touhou critical mass was being one of the first solid entries in its genre on its platform.

>> No.36284038

Genshin is just another gatcha that will serve it's purpose and then die off.

>> No.36286432

Yet somehow gi gets less art than 2hu, managing to surpass it only on big updates.

>> No.36288390

>go to Gelbooru
>type Touhou
>see the amount of results
Simple as

>> No.36296272

A mix of fortune, good content, longevity, and the "free" nature of it
Because the base content is good (and easily accessible), there's a solid through-line to get in
It's been going on for such a long time that even the most obscure aspects are a never-ending rabbit hole
And ZUN being so carefree makes it stand out from the corporate IPs who get anal about the slightest copyright infringement

>> No.36304553

That's the case for many things for some reason.

>> No.36304840

There are only like 500 pages available without having an account. There are 42 images on every page, which means there are 20,000 images. The oldest of those images is from... March of 2021.

20,000 images in less than 6 months.

>> No.36321677

The catchy themes and meme subculture it spawned in the 2000s. Its inhumanly massive amount of derivative works and overwhelmingly large community kinda ensures it's never going to go away at this point since it's not a fad of the season like most anime/games are.

>> No.36322033


>> No.36322137
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 9cdef44e464d5af591d70723a6d783f5a4ec0811v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if Zun dies from overdrinking, will touhou die with him?

>> No.36322231

What the hell was that major drop around 2018?

I wonder this sometimes. There’ll be a massive boom in the short term since I imagine his will will let it go public domain at that point. I worry less about the fandom dying out, since that will be slow and gradual and maintain itself somewhat, though the lack of central ‘canon’ will be a massive blow.

I worry more about a bunch of soulless companies immediately using the IP and the big funded stuff being all that people talk about.

>> No.36337700

I hope not

>> No.36337714

protect zun

>> No.36337786

Maybe his sons will carry on the series

>> No.36338471

>luck is the main thing you need to succeed in any field
There are still variables hiding behind the manifestation of results you call "lucky"
Maybe something hitting just right parts of the brains for just the right people, activating the brain-centered (hormones, gut, other systems of the body would play a role as well as they are in a two-way relationship with the brain) subprocesses indirectly responsible for the survival and reproduction of their ancestors

>> No.36340561
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>> No.36343801
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Totally does not remind me of anything

>> No.36354532

Anyone can be successful if you know what to do. The problem doesn't lie there. It lies in the resources in getting it done. Opportunity is available to those with the means to grow.

>> No.36354754

>Other games have cute girls, large lore-filled worlds, and the same relaxed fanwork policies
I can't really name anything I got into with as large of a lore and fan following back then. Only touhou comes to mind.
I like the universe. Yukari controlling the border and keeping the outside world out sounds comfy.
There are also many characters to relate to or just simply enjoy and the games are actually fun.

>> No.36354907

What sets touhou apart from other "cute girl" series are the games mainly honestly.
When your other options primary content consists of passive activities like mindlessly watching or auto grinding it just isn't very interesting to me.
The music, girls, universe, and fan works are all icing on the cake. It's nice to have those to fall back on when you're not playing. I doubt I'd ever gotten interested in 2hu beyond a superficial level like porn if the games didn't exist, unlike other series.

>> No.36369506

I don't remember much of Frontline. It was CSGO tier to me. Prevalent but not something that shows up a lot.

>> No.36369736
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It just werks.

>> No.36381482 [DELETED] 
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remember when they sad kancolle was gonna kill Touhou?

>> No.36382263

Because ZUN is a fucking genius Japanese beer fairy

>> No.36386120


>> No.36391183

Dedicated fanbase, few franchises have fans like Touhou.

>> No.36400240

A few of the new characters don't have a hat present. What does this mean for them?

>> No.36400647

They're living on borrowed time.
