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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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360214 No.360214 [Reply] [Original]

So, my taste in VNs has me favoring ones with a good share of action as well as romance. So far, my favorites are Utawarerumono and Tsukihime. I've played Fate. What else should I look into?

>> No.360231

Tsukihime is as best as your going to get

>> No.360321

What about Ever17?

>> No.360333



>> No.360340

Ever17 was meh

>> No.360351
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Hmm, what was this thread about again? Oh ya, Hisui and Kohaku.

>> No.360353
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>> No.360355
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>> No.360356
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>> No.360364
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>> No.360371
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>> No.360446


you lost me

>> No.360454

He meant Under Water Ray Romano.

>> No.360657

Utawarerumono, also known as "Songs of Legend".

Its a story about a guy with a mask and some hot not-quite-furry chicks that live with and around him.

I would say watch the anime first, then play the VN.

>> No.360741
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Utawarerumono = Hot blooded school comedy.

>> No.360750
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>> No.360774
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>> No.361535


lol, not really. Do one or the other, it's the exact same thing. I regret playing the game after I had already seen the anime since there's absolutely NOTHING new.

>> No.361539

the only VN's I've played are Nocturnal illusions and True Love.

What should I "play" next?

>> No.361542

Yuzuha scene was the best.

>> No.361562
File: 98 KB, 800x600, 1206951014182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gekkou no Carnevale. You play as Kyon who's working as an illegal werewolf taxidriver in Italy.

>> No.361574


English patch out now?

>> No.361583


lol, not quite yet

>> No.361615

Holy shit I'm a lazy ass and haven't done anything for like three weeks.

>> No.361627
File: 351 KB, 1087x1600, 1206951880815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it have lesbians or is this just a cocktease picture?

>> No.361649


It has Japan hates lesbians in that you fuck one of them in one of the paths.

>> No.361651
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That image is not a complete lie.

>> No.361710

nitro+ likes to pull that

>> No.361727
File: 99 KB, 640x480, 1206952883195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY DOES PERLA NOT GET ANY OF THAT ACTION? She's so in fucking love with her onee-sama it's painful.

>> No.361737

One of the bad ends has Rebecca raping delicious reversetrap.

>> No.361742

oh it's nitro+? does that mean I should expect tentacles and monster rape?

>> No.361749

that's just one of their games.

>> No.361751

Why do people keep saying this? They have like 12 games and 2 of them have anything close to tentacle rape.

>> No.361786
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>> No.361788

because people think every one of their games is like Saya for some reason.

>> No.361798
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>> No.361831

Are any of the Nitro+ games fully translated in English?

>> No.361871

Only >>361798

>> No.361903


Phantom of Inferno wasn't that good, though.

>> No.361917

Some claim it's Nitro+'s best.

Then again, some also claim Demonbane is...

>> No.361929
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jango and this one both had monster rape don't they?

>> No.362214


>> No.362230

planescape torment, you japanophile faggot

>> No.362242
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Which reminds me, anyone had the HCG rips of Jingai Majyo (or whatever it name was again)? I recently bought this figya out of the looks of her face alone (pure quality there), and I'd like to see her artworks in the VN.

>> No.362393

Goddamn that wedgy must be uncomfortable.

>> No.362468

Phantom of Inferno IS Nitro+ best game. Better than Saya, Demonbane, Gekkou or Kikokugai.

OP, go play Divi-Dead.

>> No.362503

Which is fine, but telling that to someone who didn't like it won't help anything.

>> No.363801

I share the same general opinion as the OP. Adding some action to these things makes them a lot more entertaining. It seems Type-Moon are the only translated makers of that kind of VN though, sadly.

>> No.363830

Everybody I ever talked to says Demonebane is their worst and quite bad. You must be hanging out with pedophiles.

>> No.363838

welcome to 4chan

>> No.363847


May be Nitro+'s worst but that still puts it relatively high up in the heirarchy.

>> No.363873

It has tentacles and lol powerlevels.
It can't be that bad

>> No.364259
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Did they ever come up with a better name for her, as "Kaze no ushiro wo ayumu mono"(Being who walks behind the wind) is quite a mouthful?

Also, how prominent is the mecha aspect in Demonbane? Everything else about it sounds cool aside from the crazy looking mechas.

>> No.364339

at some point they replace mechas with gods

>> No.364380

Doesn't it have Nyarlathotep piloting a mecha?

>> No.364401

why would a God ride a mech?

>> No.365083
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>> No.365100
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Well, it was good enough for Jesus.

>> No.365111

jesus yamato

I jusst cannot stop myself.
