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36068821 No.36068821 [Reply] [Original]

No shitposting allowed.

>> No.36069221
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FUCK UFO!!!!!!!!
Why does it have to be hard AND shit at the same time? Why haven't ZUN just scrapped this godawful gimmick before release?

>> No.36072304
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What is it about alcohol that makes you play better
One night I fucking aced Hourai Jewel by dodging up and down in the middle

>> No.36072466

Yeah, this morning I managed Cirno's spell cards with ease even though I usually fuck em up. Her non-spell card attacks got me though.
Same for Meiling more or less.

>> No.36072551

Whenever I hit a wall in Osu! getting a bit tipsy does the trick to pass the hurdle. It seems to really help with getting rid of mental blocks.

>> No.36073510

Makes you more confident, stops you from overthinking and getting psyched out over stuff.

>> No.36074577

UFO is an excellent risk/reward game.

>> No.36074797
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More like all risk no reward. Game just fucks you in the ass for trying to play it. Summoned a UFO? Fuck you, here's the boss. Picked up loot from destroyed UFO? Fuck you, the next one doesn't have enough items to get filled up. Want to keep items on screen to feed next UFO? Fuck you, you can't see bullets now.
It's like the whole system is build around idea that no matter what you do, something MUST go wrong.

>> No.36075152

Learn to route and get UFOs when you really need them

>> No.36075166

The only constant in each of those scenarios is the player. Maybe that's the problem.

>> No.36075338

It's memotrash

>> No.36075368
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I finally completed MoF. I wasn't sure if going for LNB in this was a good idea at first but it didn't really take long at all (its the fastest LNB I have achieved) but it also made me appreciate the game a lot more, MariC is super fun to play with.
I may take another break as the neverending ISC and LoLK grinds go on.

>> No.36075383

The UFO gimmick does suck ass but the game itself is not that hard, I just wish ZUN had reverted the stupid change to the way continues worked earlier so one could run through the game with continues then practice the troublesome stages later instead of roadblocking the player by taking them to the beginning of the stage with two miserable lives.

>> No.36075393

how do I get out of my rut with SA extra? I'm so tired of the opening circle fairies and then sanae ends 9 of my 10 runs

>> No.36075471
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>try out solo youmu
>lose 2 lives on stage 1 and 2 while getting used to it
>still manage to 1cc on my first try
Jesus christ her damage is insane. She just completely demolishes bosses. Being able to get both human and youkai bonuses is really neat too.

>> No.36075883

>opening circle fairies
look up any decent route, it shouldn't be a big issue
to be fair she can be more unpredictable and annoying than koishi, even if the latter will still fuck you harder until you learn her gimmicks
if you can't deal with the second/third cards then just spam bombs though those and don't look back. you won't get the life pieces that way but if you're struggling that much then trying to capture those cards is probably not worth the trouble
alternatively you can use one of the shot types that can kill her instantly with a bomb. yes, it is bug abuse, but fuck sanae anyways. i still don't think it's entirely worth it though, because capturing the first spell is an easy life piece at least and also those shot types are overall weaker than reimu a

>> No.36076063

17.5 news today or tomorrow!

>> No.36076136
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>you won't get the life pieces that way

>> No.36076577

it's not hard
it's fucking boring
I haven't died because it's hard for weeks, I die because it's so boring that I try and shotgun the fairies and die

>> No.36077797

Why is one square in FDF2 darker than others?

>> No.36078434

How do i deal with the ghosts that come after Tsukasa on UM extra stage as Marisa with no cards?
Any tips for dragon eater and mine blast?

>> No.36078654
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Darker means the run was done in the most recent version of the game while lighter is base game. Same applies to EIoS.

>> No.36078732

You can kill them easier with the lasers, stream slowly below them and circle around them if necessary.
Mine can be done just like you do with Reimu, it just adds 1 extra wave.
Dragon is impossible.

>> No.36081032

What important realizations have you guys had that made you into a better player? One day I thought that instead of dodging the bullets as they appeared in my vicinity, I thought about paying attention to the bullets’ trajectory and moving to safe paths accordingly. I started getting 1ccs after that. Curious if there are any foundational strategies like this.

>> No.36081327

learning about streaming was the first time I actually felt like I was playing the game correctly and not just fucking around. I know it's obvious to people in this thread but to beginners it feels really counter-intuitive to move less in order to dodge more. I've talked to friends who don't play the games seriously and tap dodging had never naturally occured to any of them

>> No.36081330
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>3rd extra nmnb i lose at the very end of the last card in the span of two weeks
Holy fucking shit man why can't I finish my runs? How the fuck do you hold your nerve when you are about to get a successful run and just need to survive for just one more second?
I can't fucking do this anymore, shit like this kills my motivation to practice the game and it just keeps happening over and over again

>> No.36081394

I can definitely relate to this. There are times where I struggled with a pattern but then I thought to myself "why no stream it?" and it worked, but I don't think streaming is the answer to everything. IN for example, is it just me or do the stages in that game put more emphasis on destroying enemies and familiars as fast as possible to clear bullets as opposed to streaming?

>> No.36081443

The main thing that made me improve is learning to tell the difference between bullet patterns. Knowing which ones are fixed, aimed at you or random is the main factor in choosing how to deal with them. I learned what streaming was as a consequence. Also props to IN for being so full of criss-crosses that I could no longer avoid learning how to deal with them.

>> No.36082185
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>die to Sakuya
>die to Yuyuko
>die to Yuyuko
>die to Yuyuko
>die to Yuyuko
>die to Sakuya
>die to Remilia
>die to Patchoulle
>lose two lifes to Cirno
Fuck. Why do I play these games?

>> No.36082494

That's punishment for misusing the quoting function.

>> No.36084831

What are your opinions on no bomb runs that use game unique mechanics like UFOs and Manual Trance? Do you think they are unimpressive

>> No.36085158

With the exception of UFO which is the hardest LNB even with UFOs, the other games with mechanics are pretty low tier on the LNB difficulty scale but still above 1cc level and good for easing into it.
UM with cards is a joke though

>> No.36085336

why would you play 2hu when you can just jerk off to the porn? lmao

>> No.36086015

Try playing one game at a time
They are the best imho, since with most of them you aren't really "skipping content" like with bombs and some of them look gorgeous (PCB).
Still the NB enthusiasts will find something to complain about.

>> No.36086460
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No worries, I managed to beat Yuyuko now.

>> No.36086729

Congrats, care to share the rpy?

>> No.36086859

Staying still. Whenever I watch a Normal/Hard level player, they always have a habit of running into bullets when they would have been perfectly fine just sitting there twiddling their fingers.
Getting into a safer path is good, but sometimes you also gotta recognise that if a bullet isn't going to hit you then you don't need to worry about it.

>> No.36086943

The what now?

>> No.36086996

The replay file, it's in the game folder

>> No.36087004

I didn't save the replay.

>> No.36087150

Oh, then don't mind me. Good luck with EoSD!

>> No.36087167

Thank you, already got to Remilia without dying!

>> No.36088266

she's in!

>> No.36088772

Is anyone surprised that Marisa is in the game?

>> No.36088840

I'm surprised there's even a game by now so I'd say yes.

>> No.36088843

What do you think is the most op shot type in the series?

>> No.36088900

In a vacuum or in context of the game?
Cause for the latter, definitely HSiFS Reimu. She makes the other three look like a joke.

>> No.36088943

Just the best overall considering both range and damage

>> No.36088977

Is there a way to change your character for spell practice in IN or are you forced to play as team Wheelchair Assistance?

>> No.36089007

just press left/right arrows

>> No.36089074

Unlike later games it doesn't work there, that just flips you to the next page, but I found out it just uses you whichever character you chose last in the regular game so you have to change it there.

>> No.36089098

Obligatory MoF Marisa B

>> No.36089109

you have to press the keys before selecting a stage

>> No.36089122

Whoops, guess I'm just a retard then

>> No.36089964
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Marisa Autumn.

>> No.36090022
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UM Sanae is fucking busted. Better homing than Reimu ever had, good damage, bomb on par with EoSD Master Spark.
I also enjoyed Team Scarlet a lot. Sakuya floods the whole screen with bullets while Remilia's turret chews through bosses healthbars.

>> No.36090156

UFO SanaeA feels like one of the best when it comes to shot damage, and SanaeB has an amazing bomb

>> No.36090575

>good damage
she's the weakest in the game though
sure she outpaces Marisa by virtue of having homing but the she has laughably low damage

>> No.36090850

Who do I believe

>> No.36090901

If we don't count bugs, Marisa/Alice in IN because it breaks the gimmick of the game.

>> No.36091129

It's Reimu. There's tons of patterns in HSiFS that force the player into moving around frantically, which makes Marisa (and the other two) lose out on a lot of damage that Reimu gets for free with her homing. The game also has a fair few amount of stage sections that get pretty chaotic with enemies that continue to fire bullets until they're destroyed, so homing to clear them all out is a huge plus when coming to those sections. Not to mention those stage 5 enemies with revenge bullets that get uncomfortably close if you can't take them down in time.
The Extra stage, and how Reimu trivializes its main gimmick, is a huge example of much better Reimu is in that game compared to the rest.

>> No.36091853

Anything Lunatic is impressive, if anything I wish you could somehow turn off borders/animal spirits.
>With the exception of UFO which is the hardest LNB even with UFO
That would be LoLK. UFO is the hardest hard 1cc, lunatic 1cc and LNBN(insert mechanic)
Border Team.

>> No.36092332

Consistency with which Sanae actually delivers damage makes her feel like a DPS beast.

>> No.36092647

>That would be LoLK. UFO is the hardest hard 1cc, lunatic 1cc and LNBN(insert mechanic)
You can argue it as nearly equal but its definitely not a harder LNB. You can get 20 misses to work with on LoLK even with subpar routing. Meanwhile perfect routing on UFO nets you 14 (unlikely), and thats not even getting into the power loss problems which LoLK also doesn’t have. Only thing LoLK has over UFO is a harder stage 1 (just reset lol), slightly harder stage 2 and 3, and PDH, but the difficulty of the latter is much offset by the fact that you can continue to gather lives throughout Junko’s fight

>> No.36092925

I wasn't exclusively talking about Lunatic, I'm also taking Extra into account

>> No.36093070

UFO's danmaku isn't as hard as LoLK's, PDH lone can eat 4 of those misses and shit all over the extends you get on Junko. Just reset isn't an argument when most of the grind is purely mental, if anything it makes getting good runs devastating, which is probably the main reason for people to always place LoLK as the hardest LNB/LNN

>> No.36093804

>which is probably the main reason for people to always place LoLK as the hardest LNB/LNN
Literally never seen a single person do this, only LNN is LoLK considered hardest
This is probably the most authoritative difficulty ranking and its only tied

>> No.36095525

I'm going to make a very original post and say that eosd on normal is too difficult. help

>> No.36095622

Press shift to focus.

>> No.36095995

This is a bit of an obscure piece of knowledge but in addition to moving left and right you can also use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down.

>> No.36096130

Which extra spell card is the hardest to capture in the series?

>> No.36096701

I started playing eosd lately, for some reason I totally skipped it all this time. Not having the hitbox dot is horrible.

>> No.36096816
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you do have convenient design elements in the sprites that indicate the hitbox at all times though

>> No.36100015

Unsurprisingly UFO becomes so much easier once you understand how the UFO gimmick works.
Collecting red UFO'S grants you life pieces, green ones give spellcards. But what do blue and mixed UFO's drop?

>> No.36100080

blue UFOs just give you a higher score multiplier, so they are useful if you want to go for high scores
rainbow UFOs just drop one token when you fill them up, so they are useful if you want to get more UFOs in a stage

>> No.36100192

So farming red UFOs it is then.
I miss the old gimmick of gaining lifes by reaching a high score, but I understand that you'd want to switch up your formula if you released as many games as ZUN has.

>> No.36100647

>So farming red UFOs it is then.
Rainbow UFOs are a good way to turn RGBR into RRR without having to wait for another red token, so even if you're just trying to accumulate as many lives as possible, you shouldn't ignore rainbow UFOs.

>I miss the old gimmick of gaining lifes by reaching a high score
You mean the "gimmick" of EoSD and MoF where you'll get all the extends by doing nothing other than PoCing after boss spell cards most of the time?

>> No.36100833

at least for me i want to say lunatic impact because it's the only extra spell i haven't been able to capture even once, but it does look like you could do it consistently if you get really good at the route
if you're counting timeout phases as well then probably nue's last card, but in a normal run there's no reason to ever get there

>> No.36100848

Do you get lives on EoSD and MoF the same way as HSiFS? getting a set amount of score?

>> No.36100989

Yes, except the thresholds are so low that you're basically guaranteed to get all of them unless you're actively trying to avoid point items.

>> No.36101039

I remember always getting to max+1 lifes at least in stage 3 of PCB.
You can always choose to start with fewer lifes though.

>> No.36101140

I can remember two instances where I felt I was getting better. The first was when I captured Ran's "Ultimate Buddhist", I learned that I don't necesarily have to stay at the bottom of the screen 100% of the time, sometimes you have to travel trough the screen and make unconventional movement in order to capture a spell/survive a certain part of a stage.
The other was when I noticed I could travel a short distance quickly if I stop holding down shift for a moment. This one I felt it greatly improved my performance, don't know if it has a proper name but I was glad I could find it out on my own.

>> No.36101222

That and finally being able to stand still regardless of how much I'm panicking where the two main things for me; especially learning to stand still since 80% of my deaths were caused by me running into bullets.

>> No.36101592

Consider green UFOs unless you're doing a no bomb run, marginally more bombs and no power drop from dying

>> No.36101714

Maybe I'm just terrible at it but Mamizou's timeout is one of the hardest spellcards in the series to me in what is otherwise a rather simplistic and easy stage

>> No.36101729

>don't know if it has a proper name
I call this "focus-unfocus", but yeah, I don't think there's a universal name for it.

>> No.36101960

Kinda obvious in hindsight but for all patterns with overlapping walls or (literal) waves of bullets (stuff like QED, fairies and nonspells in SA extra, Murasa's nonspells, etc.), realizing that once you've penetrated it it is no longer a threat. The sooner you pass a wave, the fewer things you have to actively think about and the less likely it is that you will end up with a criss-cross pattern or get cornered into getting struck by a random stray bullet.

>> No.36102001

I can't do Koishi's timeout because by brain simply refuses to conceptualize how to move during the part with diagonal yellow bullets.

>> No.36102299

press x to not die

>> No.36102411
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I finally 1cc'd SA on normal
Please tell me UFO is easier

>> No.36102421

on normal mode, the next hard nut to crack will be LoLK
UFO will be similar in difficulity.

>> No.36102524

UFO is easier because you are not starved for resources and not punished as harshly for dying. Expect it to take a few runs though as you figure out ufo routing.

>> No.36102646
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Thoughts on IN's last words? I'm currently grinding out the unlock requirements because I'm a completionist and some of them are a pretty fun idea but I can't help but feel unlocking them is too little of a payoff for too much repetitious work.

>> No.36102914
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UFO is the hardest.
Stages are unroutable thanks to shitty UFO gimmick, visibility is sometimes even worse than WBaWC thanks to nonstop spam of point and power items, you have less resources than in other games because of only 2 bombs per life, power loss on death is almost as brutal as UM (but without cards to compensate for it).

>> No.36102980


>> No.36103064

>starved for resources
SA gives you 50 life pieces for free. Even if you die 10 times to boss patterns, that's still 8 extends, on top of the 2 lives you start the game with, nearly infinite replenishing bombs, and being able to autocollect items from anywhere on the screen.

>not punished as harshly for dying

>> No.36103737

I have been having trouble clearing UFO for a while, it's my first hard game.
Decided to try auto bomb to see how well can i clear and well...
Had my first perfect stage two ufo collection and had full lives at the end of stage 3. I entered stage 5 with fucking full lives and some bombs. overall first time playing stage 6 and cleared with 4 bombs remaining (lost 2 to final spell)
WHY CAN'T I HAVE THIS LUCK IN NORMAL RUNS like i died only twice while collecting ufos which doesn't happen normally

>> No.36103855
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Besides the visibility issue, I really don't get why people what wbwc so much. The gimmick is UFO's done right and it's not that hard of a game either.

>> No.36103862

>people what wbwc so much

>> No.36103877
File: 182 KB, 450x1340, all we can do now is pray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There there Anon, it means you're improving. Now turn auto-bomb off and bomb when you don't think you can make it. At this point you should know which spellcards/places you're dying at. Also be careful chasing UFOs

>> No.36103892

But I like WBaWC?

>> No.36104425

>The gimmick is UFO's done right
It's not as volatile as UFO and doesn't randomly turn your life pieces into bullets, but it's still a shitty annoying system that ends up contributing not that much.
Point/power fish spirits are literal trash.
Life/bomb fish spirits are just regular old life/bomb pieces with lots of extra steps.
Hyper management is diluted by beast cycling and fish junk.
And I just fucking hate chasing some little bouncing shit around the screen. Next time ZUN tries hypers or some other new mechanic he should do it with good old piles of small items, point of collection and grazing.

>> No.36104608

WTF is auto bomb

>> No.36104773

>Point/power fish spirits are literal trash.
they can extend your hypers though

>> No.36104839

Exactly what it sounds like, a hack that makes it so you automatically use a bomb whenever you'd get hit

>> No.36105654

What's next, a hack to make you automatically dodge when you'd get hit?

>> No.36106124

Is there any reason to play Marisa in UM?It feels like Reimu deals more damage than her

>> No.36106456
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Looks nicer on your chart
But in all seriousness, she's outclassed by every other character. Not even the centipede can save her damage

>> No.36106599

Should I cave in and try to finish my first touhou game (eosd) on normal instead of hard?
I was told years ago that you should only play hard as the easiest option but after a week or so of playing I wasn’t able to get past 70% or so and haven’t touched it since.
Been wanting to start playing touhou again and do some of the other games besides eosd.

>> No.36106668
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Why do computers have to destroy your eyes
This shit isn't funny

>> No.36106699

Normal is perfectly acceptable, don't listen to the snobs

>> No.36106718

Living is pain

>> No.36106723

>I was told years ago that you should only play hard as the easiest option
By a jester, apparently. Go ahead and play on Normal if you want to, or even try a different game first. That said, 6 has a relatively easy Hard mode, so it's a good one to start with when you do want to start doing Hard.

>> No.36111247

to make it harder

>> No.36111698

That person was probably joking, Normal is fine.

>> No.36112456

Shou automatically makes it the worst

>> No.36114900
File: 37 KB, 800x559, 1606170281701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that one anon is still working on that MoF LNN, I just want to say I wish you good luck and don't give up!

>> No.36117373

I already feel burnt out of my first Touhou experience when MoF is supposed to be the easiest Touhou. Stage 4 is brutal, and even if I lucked out I got stuck at Sanae although I managed to get to Kanako once.

>> No.36117564
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There's lots of streaming in stages 4-6. Once you realize it, it feel less like a clusterfuck that tries to kill you. Also make use of your "infinite" bombs.
Speaking of clusterfuck and burnout, FUCK UFO. I wish I wasn't too stubborn to just pretend that this shitty game doesn't exist.

>> No.36117830

My tip for people getting into touhou is to try out all the games and then pick the one you want to focus on. IN is easier than MOF for me.

>> No.36118868

Buying the hardcopy sounds like a pain, plus I have been thinking about buying DDC since I liked Seija and the plot a lot, but I'll consider.

>> No.36119128

I think it's universally agreed upon that it's okay to pirate the games that aren't on steam if you live outside of the west. Getting legit copies is a pain in the ass.

>> No.36119192

IN and PCB are both easier than MOF in my opinion. Both games lavish you with resources, with PCB giving you free lives/bombs even beyond the max with the border system. MOF bombs are strong if you know ahead of time where you can replenish P but can feel like a negative feedback loop to beginners

>> No.36119640

DDC difficulty may vary a lot depending on shot type. Sakuya A DDC was my easiest 1cc.

>> No.36120397

Didn’t want to make a new thread for this but I’m playing Touhou Puppet Dance Performance. Under the skills description, there’s a classification “Cla.” that is either BU, EN, or None. The manual doesn’t explain it. What the hell is it?

>> No.36120526

>MoF is supposed to be the easiest Touhou
It's not, chin up. Sounds like you're doing good but don't push yourself too hard.

>> No.36130449
File: 2.09 MB, 1278x957, rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ I finally captured this shit. So much trial and error until I figured it out. If I can pull this off in the actual stage that's a good 3 bombs saved.

>> No.36131682
File: 1.07 MB, 640x960, ds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent about 2 hours straight attempting Hijiri's last scene only to nail Nue's in 2 attempts. Talk about difficulty whiplash.
Funny enough, Hijiri's last scene took me more attempts than all of Kaguya and Eiki combined in StB.

>> No.36134066

How hard would you say Doremy compared to other Stage 5/6 bosses from other Touhou series?

>> No.36135531
File: 139 KB, 699x677, bossranking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but here's a good reference

>> No.36135595

>Sakuya that high
>Koishi that low
>Utsuho that low
I'm not gonna judge since everyone's diffrent but I want to know why

>> No.36135606

It's for Lunatic no miss/no bomb/etc. Koishi is gimmicky for lower level players, but she's incredibly consistent for higher level players.

>> No.36135626

Lunatic Koishi?

>> No.36135665

It's for Lunatic (where applicable) no miss/no bomb/etc.

>> No.36135804

Mostly this, it's a common distinction I don't think newer players are told often enough. That something taking a while to memorize doesn't equate to said thing being genuinely challenging (ie difficult to perform consistently).
Though it changes in other shmup series where many times the memorization requirements are so exacting that execution alone becomes a significant challenge. You can see that in Seihou even.

>> No.36135906

There's a perfect example ITT right here >>36130449
this spellcard feels impossible when you don't know what you're doing it but once you get the gimmick it's one of the most simple patterns in the series

>> No.36135936

what exactly makes suwako hang around those other extra bosses? her stage has to be one of the easiest extras in the series, and even if you are going for an exnn the only thing you have to worry about is the last survival which can still be captured with decent consistency once you find a good route.

>> No.36136308

So the more difficult Spellcards are the more RNG ones since you can't memorize it? I can see why Pristine Danmaku Hell is one of the hardest Spellcards then

>> No.36136512

As a rule of thumb, yes. RNG alone doesn't make a card hard, but combine it with fast speed (Mokou's last non-spell) or high density (Peerless Wind God) or getting attacked from multiple fronts at once (Ripples of 495 Years, although it's not quite as hard as the others), or sometimes even all of them combined to some extent (PDH) and you get some infamously difficult attacks.

>> No.36138581

Is it just me or is it normal for one to improve at playing after having taken a substantial break (several months at least)? I mean I would forget a lot of the routes and spell cards and my reflexes would be a bit rusty for a couple hours/days, but, in general, I would always play better than I've before.

>> No.36138790

I started getting my 1ccs after a few years break.

>> No.36139357

I often forget it's not a rhythm game and die a bunch of times because I've been timing my taps to the music without realizing it.

>> No.36141330

Huh I'm not the only one. Sometimes I move to the beat while focused and sometimes I die.

>> No.36143849

Why can I do sick dodges in PCB but not in EoSD? The game is easier but with more bullets somehow.

>> No.36144161

Do you play as Marisa in EoSD? Movement feels less precise in that game and its more noticeable as Mari because of her speed

>> No.36147361

PCB Marisa felt unplayable to me due to her insane speed at first but then I started noticing that quite often I manage to just outrun bullets. Or move along with bullets while trying to figure out a safe lane.

>> No.36149078

>tfw I just figured it out and now literally cannot fail it

>> No.36149259

Because the patterns in PCB are much simpler and require less side dodging, etc.

>> No.36149264

>less side dodging,
wait, no it doesn't.

>> No.36149563

I can't agree. Even after knowing the trick, I still struggle with the execution

>> No.36149749

>what exactly makes suwako hang around those other extra bosses?
She's easily impressionable and wants to be part of the "cool kids"

>> No.36152752
File: 9 KB, 180x250, UFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got drunk and cleared my first UFO 1CC.
Is this the secret behind getting good in 2hu? I always died to Byakuren's last spell before having this epiphany.

>> No.36153227

How long do you break in between 1CCs? I cleared Phantasm yesterday and I want to go back to SA Normal but I still don't feel motivated despite the fact that it's been a full day since my last 1CC

>> No.36155743

>Just got drunk
It's just the way ZUN intended. Nice job.

>> No.36156103

The more I play IN the more I am fucking baffled about everything that I keep hearing about this game, notably that its one of the easiest or that Marisa is easier than Reimu.

>> No.36156291

I can't, I fucking can't, I don't get it

>> No.36156949

The first few times I played IN I fucking hated it. The human/youkai gauge was overcomplicated, every other fairy resulted in bullet spam and like one third of all boss attacks were unimaginative stupid criss cross patterns where you have to instinctively find the 1 px gap to pass through.
I took a break for a few weeks and when I came back it clicked to me. Exploiting the human/youkai gague to reach the time bonus and getting last spells felt rewarding. Having the choice of trying to speed kill bosses vs prioritizing survival by killing slaves was fun. And those criss cross patterns weren't actually so bad once you learned how to read them.
IN is definitely on the easier side, though. Bombs are handed out like candies and Reisen is the easiest stage 5 boss in the series.
Reimu is definitely easier than Marisa though unless you're playing solo human.

>> No.36157030

>or that Marisa is easier than Reimu.
it's just a player thing
some people find it hard to react to fast bullets, some people find it hard to move through the tiny gaps of Marisa's patterns

>> No.36157958

I'm through half of the mainline games 1cc'd, IN included, Normalshittery. I thought IN, the so called easiest/easier games of the series would have clicked by now, but nope, honestly probably still the hardest game i've played. I don't know if its placebo because bombs don't kill shit unless deathbomb or whatever else.

>> No.36158209

What are you dying to and why? Are you killing boss slaves or are you holding shift and staying in youkai mode at all times?

>> No.36158640

Keine onwards will need some bombing, though not ALL of Keine. Maybe 2 spells. The final one, and the criss cross one.
Reimu is fine & mostly understood, Marisa isn't, whether it be non spells or spells alike.
Everything Reisen does is a choking hazard except maybe Spell 1. Tewi I just don't bother for now even if I somehow make it past 1 crisscross wave, non Scarlet Team usually need more dodging.
I can't cap anything much of either Final Bosses, non spells or spells.
The larger deathbomb window rarely helps me, I've got really bad reaction time. I remember doing these tests and getting like 350ms but even then it's supposed to be a 2nd or so. I can see the flash but I press in time like 25% of the time.
I try to practice some of that stuff but everything turns more or less a failure. I tried Reisen Spell 3 like 60 times, I found an approximative route that I have to do roughly 3 or 4 times for a kill but doing it consistently just doesnt work, I'm at 2/60-ish attempts

>> No.36159120

It's not just you, I think the brain rearranges its information when you don't use it for a while, even just a couple days of break helps.

>> No.36159151

IN deathbomb is a waste of resources, avoid this shit and bomb preemptively.

>> No.36159249

I think you're right. I'm not anon, but I started playing 3 days ago and have been having headache episodes after my daily sessions followed by mentally dodging bullet patterns in my bed while trying to sleep. Could be something else, but I'm fairly confident it's brain plasticity doing its thing to adapt to the new routine.

>> No.36159275

Yep, that's called tetris effect and it also easily happens with rhythm games

>> No.36159316

There's a point of no return in my sessions where my eyes look slightly below where I should be looking. If i'm bottom hugging, i'm practically looking at the space between the game & my keyboard.
Its weird and it feels harder to concentrate. Its not impossible but its noticeably harder.

>> No.36159718

>i'm practically looking at the space between the game & my keyboard
That's kinda weird.

>> No.36159995

not them but that's kinda what I do for some patterns, I find it easier to take in everything at once if it's in my peripheral rather than focusing on one thing and getting tunnel-vision

>> No.36160088

For me it's when I start being so immersed in the game that I unconsciously flinch whenever I get hit (and sometimes even feel a bit of pain).

>> No.36160386
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>> No.36160643

People also said Sanae is among the easiest stage 5 boss's but I kept getting walled by most of her spells/non spells except the last one. Funny how I can capture two/three of Kanako's Spellcards once I know the loophole

>> No.36160670

You're not alone on that one anon. I can't cap any of Sanae's spells for shit but I'm good at capping Kanako's last spell

>> No.36160727

>Kanako's last spell
god, fuck that thing

>> No.36160733

Only on Normal though

>> No.36161639

>Peerless Wind God
Why did ZUN gave her and Murasa a timeout spell again?

>> No.36162014

Is it cheating to watch replays?

>> No.36162255


>> No.36162547

I wouldn't be able to beat any of Kanako's Spellcards if it weren't for watching replays. Also if the way of a replay doesnt feel right for you I think you should watch more replays, since the first replay I watch for Kanako's second non spell is undoable for me, but the second replay does

>> No.36162653

Is there any way to gain life pieces in LoLK?
I don't get a single one by stage 3, at that point it was possible to have max health in PCB.

>> No.36162663

I'd say so. But then again I use practice tool so eh, might as well cheat if you feel like it. I'd rather find my own way though.

>> No.36162738
File: 137 KB, 600x847, 1619378426961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If chapter graze * %of enemies killed = 20000 then you get a life piece.

>> No.36162873

For every chapter? There are like a trillion chapters.
And how come and didn't manage it once?

>> No.36163074

I wish there were more than two PC-98 games that are fun to play.

>> No.36163250

Change your mind, faggot.

>> No.36163595

Make me

>> No.36163900

I can think of at least four.

>> No.36163990

Only by this website’s rules

>> No.36164360

because it's fun

>> No.36164361

Yes, 200+ graze every chapter depending on how much enemies you kill, although it's not always possible/feasible.
Also life pieces get added to your healthbar automatically, you don't need to collect them, so maybe you got some but didn't notice.
Thankfully, there's THREE of them!

>> No.36164403
File: 189 KB, 640x400, 6ad83b6b9aa59ca0d84fe5aafefc95a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Peerless Wind God is quick. Muhassa's survival is one big "fuck you" to make already obnoxious game even more frustrating.

>> No.36164432

Just move in a square

>> No.36164512

I havent play UFO yet but that Spellcard before Ghost Sinker already looks painful

>> No.36164633
File: 176 KB, 1078x1450, 1619627962392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do but this cunt always ends up teleporting a bit off from what I was expecting so I panic and die. And it's REALLY FUCKING LONG.

>> No.36166123

Murasa's survival spell is fun, I like the panic inducing end to her fight. It's not too difficult either, but maybe I only feel that way because I was prepared for it after grinding out all the camera games.

>> No.36167787
File: 359 KB, 462x461, 1627954495072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 100 deaths into hourai doll
>can last up until 50 seconds left if i'm lucky
It's like they tried to compensate for how easy most of her other cards are by making her last one complete bullshit.

>> No.36167850

you deserve it for calling her other spells easy

>> No.36167948

I just noticed that I've never actually heard sanae's or kanako's theme in-game lol. Kind of a shame, but I can't focus on playing while listening so there isn't much that I could've done.

>> No.36167985

Honest Man's Death and Fujiyama gave me the most trouble, with the former becoming piss-easy once you figure it out. The rest I can capture or get through with 1 bomb/last spell. Her non-spells do get kind of hard after the middle, I'll admit. Her last non is too fast for me to react to.

Hourai doll is actually dangerous and I can see that I won't be able to cheese it with bombs like I did for Yukari's last 2 cards.

>> No.36168055

Well I haven't seen anything past her second attack wave yet so I wouldn't know.

>> No.36168161
File: 28 KB, 350x225, 1612785628091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her last non-spell

>> No.36168777

her last spell should also become quite easy once you figure out your route. not quite honest man's death-tier trivial but still very doable with a really high capture rate, especially when compared to pretty much every other extra stage's last card
her last non-spell will always remain fucking impossible though

>> No.36169564

For the time being I'm trying to do clockwise circles around the borders of the area below Mokou and it works for the first 40 seconds but sooner or later my movement gets too restricted by all the shit on screen and I get killed. I noticed in my best extra run that she eventually walls off the top too so I should probably stick with my route and just get better at micro dodging.

>> No.36169666

Playing without music is cheating, anon

>> No.36169720

>around the borders of the area
it's best to stick as close to the centre as possible, the more you're moving around the more you're spreading the aimed bullets all over and the longer the spell will take which with this particular spellcard is incredibly dangerous

>> No.36170177
File: 100 KB, 513x486, 1453663862795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the longer the spell will take
God damn I'm a retard. I assumed this was a survival spell for some reason and didn't bother shooting much. Looks like I was just handicapping myself. In hindsight it would've been obvious if I only looked at the decreasing spell card bonus.

>> No.36170625
File: 1.80 MB, 1280x960, IN border team extra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's done, thanks for the advice anon. I didn't manage to unlock the last spell but oh well, maybe I can pull it off with other characters.

>> No.36172615

Made it to Ran's survival with 8 seconds left before eating shit
How do I handle ultimate buddhist? I lost two lives to that

>> No.36172813

Move around Ran when the red swastika appears

>> No.36172887

Once she starts the big windmill make circles around her while staying between the laser and bullets. It's a free spell capture once you get the positioning down.

>> No.36173200

I'll have to practice it on its own in thprac then, i suck ass at spinning spells like that. Just need to find a way to unflag thprac as a virus

>> No.36174783

1CC'd SA with MarisaC, why does everybody say this shot type is bad? I like her much better than ReimuC

>> No.36175577
File: 3.29 MB, 2480x3507, fc4ca76eeb57ebee01adc158b479fa3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After slacking on the games for so long I'm finally starting to make progress back into them all. Got a few 1CCs of the earlier games and even got Extra Stage in Imperishable Night.

Overall what you all say is the best method of practice? Should I climb up the difficulty ladder before jumping to the next game, go through the series on Normal and then return to the beginning on Hard?

>> No.36175626
File: 1.24 MB, 498x398, satori-komeiji-koishi-komeiji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally beat Touhou 11 on Normal after about 2 months of trying. Not as impressive as everyone's 1ccs and nmbn's, but I'm still proud of it.
For someone who used to think shmups/danmakus were "unfairly bad garbage that bores me", Touhou has been weird in that it's the first to really "grip" me. Making my way through every mainline game (I've finished 2-11 at this point).
Any not-beginner-but-not-experienced-yet tips? I'd like to be able to go back and 1cc a few games once I finish them all.

>> No.36175693

Watch other player's replays

>> No.36175719

The latter sounds better

>> No.36176281

dont touch the bullets, hope that helps

>> No.36176375

At your level mostly just this >>36175693
Also watch your own replays and look to see how you could’ve used your resources better.

>> No.36176560

My left key broke and if i so much as hover my finger over it, it moves Sakuya into oncoming bullets. Guess I won't be fighting Ran.

>> No.36176572

Thanks I beat every game on lunatic as well as every extra stage boss because of your helpful tip

>> No.36176627

use autohotkey and rebind the keys

>> No.36176697
File: 351 KB, 588x675, 1626127327644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the overall damage comparison between Reimu's Persuasion Needles to Marisa's Magic Missiles throughout the games?

>> No.36176699

I don't know how to code

>> No.36176717

ur welcome :)

>> No.36179315


>> No.36179464


>> No.36179504
File: 197 KB, 500x500, 1622971749109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is easymodo never presnt on those?
I want to brag too, but can't with this lacking template.

>> No.36179674

Easy modo is for school children and no one would brag about being one

>> No.36180097

A child can beat lunatic if it practises enough, so are you calling yourself a child?

>> No.36181031
File: 14 KB, 800x600, 1622401936808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to. It's just
>button::another button
Because it's tutorial difficulty. If you really wanted to brag about finishing tutorial you'd just edit the template yourself.

>> No.36181486

>tutorial difficulty
Meme opinion. If easymodo were a tutorial, it would be depicted as such in the game.

>> No.36181828

It is, tourist.
>Easy - A difficulty level to get you used to the controls. Advancement is basic for humans.
Not to mention
>Easy Mode - A difficulty level that makes you sleepier if you play it when you're sleepy. Do your best to not get made fun of.
>Easy Mode - For those bad at shooting games, and for rehabilitation.
And don't forget that Easy doesn't unlock Extra stages, often doesn't let you see good endings, and in one case doesn't even let you play the full game. There is no reason to consider beating it an accomplishment unless you're actually disabled in some way.

>> No.36181936
File: 77 KB, 580x263, DReaQdBBZ-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easymodo in ALL games is commonly considered to be for people who have zero experience with this particular genre or games in general. Even ingame description of difficulties often presents it as such. Easy difficulties exist because every game can be someone's first game.

>> No.36181953

where's the tutorial then

>> No.36182071
File: 48 KB, 596x447, x8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36182164
File: 36 KB, 600x430, 1622976361081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And don't forget that Easy doesn't unlock Extra stages
>often doesn't let you see good endings
It does in most cases, newfriend. But you'd first have to be able to beat the games on easymodo to figure that out.

>> No.36182213

The only one new here is you, shitposter. Go be a faggot somewhere else.

>> No.36182588

I've beaten you with facts, you could've just stopped the conversation there. Why did you have to retaliate and show everyone what a sore loser you are?

>> No.36183426

download ahk and put this in notepad and save it as something.ahk

j::x ;Shoot
i::z ;Bomb

>> No.36184951

This will sound very autistic but if the framerate drops for split second is that enough to give the player an unfair advantage?

>> No.36185023

From what I've heard from other anons your 1ccs count as long as you're below 5% slowdown, or something similar to that.

>> No.36185304

what's the general strategy for capturing lunatic Legendary Flying Saucer? the normal version was slow enough that i could just improvise a route and have some decent success, but that doesn't seem to work in lunatic and it's the one card i can't capture for shit

>> No.36185830

Depends on your shot. If you’re SanaeB, you shotgun in between each wave and it dies pretty quickly. Otherwise you have to misdirect. For ReimuA you misdirect the 7th wave to the left or right. I don’t know the timing for the other shots

>> No.36186069

playing UFO's extra stage?

>> No.36186294

I just captured Reimu's Last Word in IN. Took me 230 attempts. Never doing this shit again, easily the single worst timeout spell in the entire series.

>> No.36186556
File: 235 KB, 785x525, extra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely no idea how I beefed the survival this hard when I got to 8 seconds with 0 lives. I guess I got too cocky and died with too many bombs in stock. At least I know what to do for Ultimate Buddhist now.
I'd like your hand in marriage

>> No.36186593

look man, you had the patience to do it and the skills to cap it
you have my respect

>> No.36186750

finally got to capture it. i still don't really understand how it works but i can clear it which is good enough, thanks anon

>> No.36187270

>I'd like your hand in marriage
are you cute

>> No.36187414
File: 6 KB, 804x527, 1629283648168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have what it takes?

>> No.36187419

My mom says I am
I think I can do the survival if I press X more. Was playing Sakuya and died with 3 in stock the first time, then 4. Didn't react in time

>> No.36187460

I have to have raw sex with Ran to beat her? Sign me the fuck up

>> No.36187463

Let's face it, LoLK is too hard.

>> No.36187492

>fetish that can lead to permanent damage
who is taking the damage and does psychological damage count?

>> No.36188391

Not in the slightest, Reisen destroys every difficulty and Sanae is broken on the higher ones too

>> No.36188811

only if you're doing a LNN

>> No.36189158

The danmaku is too hard, but it gives you a shitton of resources to skip like half the game. Lame design if you ask me but if you just want a 1cc then it's not terribly hard

>> No.36189585

The touhou YouTuber I watched is a normal mode and Marisa player and even he cleared Hecatia.

>> No.36189590

He played UFO with Marisa too, thats what i call dedication to ones waifu

>> No.36189618

Princess Tenko is one of those spells I either get a free cap or one that eats my asshole out and spits my shit right back in.

>> No.36189666

She arguably has the some of the best dialogues in the game too, although I like Sanae's more for LolK

>> No.36189732

I'm partial to Cirno not being able to recognize Okina in the extra because she got out of her chair

>> No.36189941

Man it really sounds like ZUN really should have scraped the whole UFO mechanic.

>> No.36190083

Fuck no, even with Reisen LoLK is hard as fuck. Reisen's bombs are barely helpful when they only have a split second of invulnerability which makes it extremely easy to die with bombs in stock

>> No.36190224

>which makes it extremely easy to die with bombs in stock
just pre-emptively start mashing if you're not confident
if you let yourself get hit not just once, but twice without recognising you're in danger (provided you only have one barrier left) then there isn't a bomb in the world that can save you

>> No.36192846

Thprac is a false positive, right?

>> No.36192903


>> No.36193519

It's all about the timing. Don't worry too much about it. You'll get used to it soon.

>> No.36193827

Just downloaded TH8 and fighting Reimu sure is not fun

>> No.36196530

Marisa is honestly worse. The only reason I even choose her over Reimu is because I invested such an ungodly amount of time to get used to her and those fucking stars that it would honestly not be worth it to switch (there's also the fact that I'm worse with the other teams).

>> No.36197213

HRTP is hard.

>> No.36198306

I can't really judge their dificulty except their last Spellcards which I will give to Reimu, but Reimu moves around way too much

>> No.36198381

OK I made it to Shou with Max lives and then I lost all but 2 in a few minutes how do I make this not happen

>> No.36198496 [DELETED] 

I reccommend bombing

>> No.36198533

I recommend bombing

>> No.36199121

The controls feel awkward at first but once you get the hang of it you'll start making progress very quickly

>> No.36200119

I made it to Sariel for the first time after 11 tries
I have no idea how i'm gonna beat her, she looks hellish

>> No.36200246

She's probably the toughest boss in the game, yeah. I think it took me like 14 continues when I went against her on my first playthrough.
In case you didn't know, keep in mind that bombs do hurt bosses once you're left with no extra lives, so use them at the slightest sign of danger.

>> No.36200635

Just grind some spell card practice

oh wait

>> No.36200875

We like to think so, but it is a closed-source Chinese binary blob, so use at your own risk.

>> No.36200957

It's an obnoxious mechanic that forces you to interact with it unless you want to be starved for lives.
In a game where you're already trying to dodge a downpour of dicks raining down on you, the last thing you want is having to chase after those UFOs across the screen while making sure they're the right color.

>> No.36201346

woo cool fucking game my slide never registers and the projectile reflecting move never works
god what a dogshit game

>> No.36201723

It's a crusty old game, but if you actually want to get better instead of shitposting, try reading the manual.

>> No.36201860
File: 316 KB, 1282x796, 1629091114445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get better

>> No.36201948

The normal attack only reflects projectiles on the first swing, so only use it when there's few bullets coming

For the slide, it might be the emulator. If you're getting slowdowns try using neko project 21/W, which I've found to be better optimized than II

>> No.36202857

I say it depends on the difficulty and your play style. I used to think Marisa was harder when I played easy modo but now that I'm a normalfag Marisa is far easier than Reimu.

>> No.36204541

How difficult is pcb's extra stage? I've just 1cc'ed pcb (already having beaten eosd) on normal.

>> No.36204768

It's easy thanks to the constant cherry boarders you get

>> No.36204984

Easier than Flandre but it will require you to get comfortable moving around all sides of the screen and not just the bottom. ZUN considers it the "easy" extra and phantasm the true extra.

>> No.36205119

PCB is definitely one of the easier Extras. Not only because of resources, but most of the spell re easy to cap compared to Okina and Saki which also have lots of resources but have more difficult spell cards.
>ZUN considers it the "easy" extra and phantasm the true extra.
So does that mean challenge runs on PCB's Extra are like challenge runs on Normal and Hard?

>> No.36205462

Ran was my first extra and took me around 2 weeks with 100 attempts to beat. She can look really intimidating at first, but her gimmick is having spell cards that are much simpler than they look. Once you realise the trick behind each card she falls fairly quickly

>> No.36205674

Just tried it and the stage portion was a bit easier than I expected (kind of like the beginning of stage 4, just quicker and from more sides); chen's spell cards are really annoying though.
>her gimmick is having spell cards that are much simpler than they look
That's good to know. I was panicking quite a lot on her first card already lmao

>> No.36208937

>first card
just tap right once every time you hear bullets go off

>> No.36211458

thanks, it's kind of hilarious how fucking easy that spell got just by doing that.

>> No.36219167

I'm blazing through easy mode 1CCs right now, when should I go for a normal run?
Once I finished each game at least once with every character?

>> No.36219199

Just do them now. Once you no longer feel a particular difficulty provides any challenge you can move on to the next.

>> No.36219243

The problem is that I still feel some difficulty.
LoLK seems impossible even on easy, I died at least 100 times in pointdevice mode and didn't even finish the run.

>> No.36219835

LoLK, SA and UFO are all a difficulty higher than the other games imo. LoLK at normal is harder than PCB at hard for me.

>> No.36219860

>when should I go for a normal run?
I died ~2000 times on my successful PD Normal run.
200 times on easy.
You aren't supposed to feel "some difficulty".
You're supposed to perform at your absolute limit to conquer these games.

>> No.36225934

What's the common opinion on animal spirits?
I just finished my first 1CC first try because otter is so unbelievably OP.

>> No.36228524

fuck princess tenko

>> No.36229050

Wolf > Eagle > Otter > Youmu Eagle
Otter's for easy 1ccs, and they never felt fulfilling to me unless I was doing the extra because stronger bombs don't mean shit to Saki Kurakoma.
Wolf is great all around, Youmu Wolf fuckin destroys Mayumi

>> No.36229082

Adding onto that replay, Ran is very noise based. Her first spell can be cheesed by getting into rhythm with her bullets going off, Ultimate buddhist alerts you with a laser noise, and Princess Tenko's bullet noise happens before she fires her bubbles.

>> No.36229098

Most people I watched zig zagged through Kanako's second non spell except this one

>> No.36229304

Finally got a chance to play 18. Did I forgot how to play or the game is much harder than usual?

>> No.36229323

I think ZUN has intentionally made the more recent games with more difficult bullet patterns tp balance them around the flashy bullet cancellation gimmicks. EoSD has the easiest Hard mode in the entire series and that's because it doesn't have any gimmicks in it

>> No.36229376

Megumu is probably the hardest stage 5 boss if you use bombs to save yourself. Her lasers are basically impossible to recover from.

>> No.36229381

Dude just answer my question I'm legit worried about getting too old.

>> No.36229396

I DID answer your question. I gave you an explanation as to why the newer games are harder than the older ones

>> No.36229418

it's one of the easiest in my opinion, but the patterns are very difficult to understand at first
it felt like one of the hardest games at first to me but now understanding the gimmicks and all the cards it feels stupid easy

>> No.36229589

Just find a good card combo. Without cards I can't 1cc but with cards I nm nb'd with everyone but Marisa (who I nb'd with)
Beat it once with Sanae, beat it a second time after selecting the blank card before Chimata, kick Momoyo's ass to acquire centipede, do the rest of your runs with centipede + eirin + megumu
Or use the unlock code https://tcrf.net/Touhou_Kouryuudou:_Unconnected_Marketeers

>> No.36230617

I get it now; still an annoying card to deal with (the first time I actually wish there was a spell practice mode in this game)
> Ultimate buddhist alerts you with a laser noise
good to know

>> No.36232378

The cards give you a lot of tools to negate bullets or damage enemies faster. ZUN made a lot of tough, spin-y patterns to compensate. Practice practice practice.

>> No.36232428

Is there a consistent way to create a safespot for Descent of Izuna Gongen/BoLaD? Or are we just at the mercy of the RNG gods?

>> No.36232515

Shot types are basically difficulty levels of their own and the game is balanced around cards. If you pick Marisa with one unlocked starting card slot and don't even know which cards to buy then you're going to suffer. Then you figure out how to break the game and get possibly most free lunatic clears in the whole series.

>> No.36232567

Can't post images for whatever reason, but I got to Ran's final spell and ALMOST defeated her. Got 92% complete of the extra

>> No.36232630

I genuinely don't like them as a mechanic, animal spirits completely break the game.
You don't have to do a single boss spell since you are constantly in roaring mode.

>> No.36232986

Fuck, almost captured Ran's last spell card on my first try just to die due to not having any bombs and lives left. I'm going to have to take a break now.

>> No.36232999

*I'm going to take to take a break now

>> No.36233115

My favorite thing about these threads is how one person plays a certain game and then at least two other anons start playing the same one. It's cute

>> No.36233164

>most free lunatic clears in the whole series
That would be Medicine in PoFV

>> No.36234688

I always die due to not having any bombs and lives left as well, that sucks.

>> No.36236914

>Playing SoEW
>Die to Mima on her phase where her sprite changes
>Wonder how much more damage I needed on her for her to die.
>She dies 2 seconds later literally
Kinda seething
