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File: 119 KB, 1024x823, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_massakasama__fd3e6c38fa73e0a603a3b88ab7b5d3c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.36001185 [Reply] [Original]

Which 2hu would you choose to wake up as?
I would want to be Aya

>> No.36001300

Good choice I'd choose Byakuren cause she's badass

>> No.36001332
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1400, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_ruu_tksymkw__3901203511167b342a1c0f0672ada331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I would want to be Aya too.

>> No.36001397


>> No.36001815

Goof thread

>> No.36002007

i'm not a goof

>> No.36002304

Wow! Woah! I can't believe Aya Shameimaru from Touhou Project made a thread on /jp/!

>> No.36002330
File: 223 KB, 399x595, low quality sinbag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya chan~ Get us some tea!

>> No.36002367
File: 191 KB, 878x1240, aya beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is better, so I'll get you that.

>> No.36002393
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Doremy. I'd just go back to sleep and enjoy the baku life.

>> No.36002424

Can fly, cool hair, tengu (cool), good fashion sense. Has a job.
Even in the real world I want to be confident businesswoman Aya in my next life!

>> No.36002426
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Daiyousei, I'd just fuck around in a flower field all day and prank people.

>> No.36002437

I would want to be Chimata because I would be very cool and stylish! Everyone would respect how cool of a goddess I was and love me, and they wouldn't bully me!

>> No.36003056

This sounds like a good choice

>> No.36003750
File: 115 KB, 900x772, 13-26-09-fcf9561efed219ddd2c3018bafb521be01dcb8c6_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kosuzu. Her life is really comfy and she don't need to die young like Hieda.

>> No.36003788

*doesn't. My bad...

>> No.36004098

The one with the biggest dick.

>> No.36007027

If I could get just a pervy DVD...

>> No.36009178


>> No.36009227

being suika would b great
- cute
- bury strong
- inifinite alcohol tolerance

>> No.36009244
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I want to be Sumireko. I think it would be nice to be Sumireko.

>> No.36009247

If you saw one of your fellow /jp/sies turn into a 2hu what would you do to them?

>> No.36009277

why would you want to be an annoying nerd

>> No.36012800

help them find a way back

>> No.36013270

Kourin. I get to stay a guy, wax lyrical about shit I dont actually understand but can speculate about, and experience both sides of Gensokyo. Also I know how to run a business. Especially one that isn't subject to laws and taxes and bureaucracy and shit. If I play my cards right I can probably get in good with and fuck any of the touhous. If we are going by wake up tomorrow as X touhou but you are still IRL, then I would pick Sakuya. Timestop is the most immediately useful power I could think of having that doesnt come with a shit ton of caveats and responsibilities and assuming that she really is just a regular human outside of having it then I wont have to worry about outliving everyone I know and love.

>> No.36013915

OK let's say theoretically you knew that there was no way to turn them back and that they'll be destined to stay as a 2hu forever what would you do then?

>> No.36017167
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Where are you getting at anon?

>> No.36020645

Probably befriending them and helping them adjusting. It will likely be hard for them to explain to the whole world that they just became a 2hu. Having a real life 2hu as a friend would be nice too

>> No.36020684

Seija. Use abilities on the barrier. See what happens (perhaps the barrier now keeps yokai out and humans in. Or alternatively the barrier surrounds our world now and Gensokyo is free from it.

>> No.36024081


>> No.36024308

run away

>> No.36024394

are you scared

>> No.36025962

yes, who knows what they would do with such power?

>> No.36029769

i trust them

>> No.36037105


>> No.36037355

i don't

>> No.36038471

Why wouldn't you want to be Aya?

>> No.36039177

Because Aya is annoying. I'd rather be someone cool and powerful, like Remilia-sama

>> No.36039180

But Aya is fast.

>> No.36039260

Marisa's pretty fast too, and she has magic.

>> No.36039263

Aya can drink more and hold her liquor better.

>> No.36039302

Part of the fun of drinking is going a little further than you should have.

>> No.36039336

Even Aya gets hammered on oni booze, so you can still do that even if you have insane tengu tolerance.

>> No.36039408

At that point, why not choose to be an oni? They would probably be the most fun to be. You lose the speed, but drinking doesn't pair well with speed for the most part anyway, and you seem to be a fan of drinking, to say the least.

>> No.36039506

Because oni don't get completely hammered even on oni booze. Being Suika would be cool, but Aya would be even better.

>> No.36039543

That's true I suppose. I'd still prefer to be Marisa over anyone. It seems like the most enjoyable lifestyle in my opinion.

>> No.36039567

That's fair. I feel like both Aya and Marisa are free spirits who do whatever they want, but in different ways.

>> No.36041240

I suppose onis can't lie, right?

And also imagine having horns when sleeping or essentially doing anything.

>> No.36041783
File: 3.10 MB, 1500x2427, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_tksand__3706d643c5161bac3ec17ecee2675aa0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Aya and getting drunk, I got drunk and considered being Aya again. I still want to be Aya, so I guess that means it's true to my soul.

>> No.36041794

What if you became Hatate instead?

>> No.36041802
File: 458 KB, 800x1100, __himekaidou_hatate_touhou_drawn_by_fusu_a95101221__af94725ce0e347a7d6cdc4cbb0c1610e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than nothing, I guess. Aya is better, though.

>> No.36041915

i want to be suika and have to use someone's chest as a pillow since i can't turn sideways while sleeping

>> No.36042060
File: 1.28 MB, 2392x3164, __yagokoro_eirin_touhou_drawn_by_kame_kamepan44231__684ff2692a9dde665910b2f3c996588f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eirin, always vibed with her aesthetic and role in Gensokyo.
