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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[ERROR] No.35960794 [Reply] [Original]

Now that normalfags have infested the internet and “otaku” is just a word without a real meaning nowadays, should we have to go outside?
Yes, the real world, and I mean stuff like conventions and clubs like what the og otaku were in the 70s-80s.

>> No.35960975

You want to murder me? You're on of them? You are the one photographing my house? The one stalking me?

>> No.35961948


>> No.35963447


>> No.35963552

Of course I will go outside. I will need fair compensation, however. More images like the one you posted will do just fine

>> No.35963559
File: 260 KB, 479x460, 1627159923065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the og otaku were in the 70s-80s
You're on the right track, but IRL otaku events are hard to have outside of Japan
Japan is small but with a lot of people, so it's easy for some dudes to get on a train and go to whatever meetup
Such a thing is more difficult in the western world

I say we should retreat to less mainstream otaku fandoms
The classics that are not as well known or popular these days on social media
There are entire WORLDS of otaku content just waiting for us out there
Only consuming modern fandoms limits your otaku potential

/jp/ could be so much more than what it currently is...

>> No.35963845

>go outside
>conventions and clubs
For me, talking to people in the real world is way too difficult and stressful. I find typing to be a much better way of communication.

>> No.35963973

>Now that normalfags have infested the internet
Nothing's stopping you from making your own imageboard and gatekeeping who can post on it. Or posting on a better imageboard than this one, they're out there.
>“otaku” is just a word without a real meaning nowadays
That's why we use "NEET" instead

>> No.35964383
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>/jp/ could be so much more than what it currently is...
>Or posting on a better imageboard than this one
A bit off topic, but does anyone else have this feeling that everyone left when it became apparent that nothing was going to be done with the current situation?. It's just the same imagedumps and general threads day in, day out. /jp/ still has these shit threads before the board sped up, but there used to be interesting threads that sprung up now and then. And now there's absolutely nothing.

>> No.35964514
File: 71 KB, 607x686, 1561466262537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ could be so much more than what it currently is...
>Or posting on a better imageboard than this one
A bit off topic, but does anyone else have this feeling that everyone left when it became apparent that nothing was going to be done with the current situation? The board feels so devoid of life now that every single thread here is the same imagedumps and the same general circlejerks day in, day out. /jp/ still had these shit threads before the board sped up, but there used to be some quite interesting threads that sprung up every now and then. And now there's absolutely nothing left that is worth a damn

>> No.35964820

Personally, I refuse to make any thread at all until the mods do something about vtubers. Since it's extremely likely that they'll never do anything despite all the feedback people have sent and all the facts and reasoning why they should leave to their board that get posted in every meta-thread, I basically barely use /jp/ anymore.
I guess at this point I can only congratulate them on successfully killing /jp/ since that was their plan from the start. Can't wait until everyone else gives up as well and it really becomes /vt2/ as they intended.

>> No.35965280

>Japan is small but with a lot of people, so it's easy for some dudes to get on a train and go to whatever meetup
>Such a thing is more difficult in the western world
More specifically the New World. Plenty of areas of Europe are dense enough with enough people living close to public transportation that there's a practical choice between taking the train and taking a car/bus, for example.
People do meet up in a similar fashion in the West as well - plenty of people domestically/internationally flew into Anime conventions for example - but it's pricier and less convenient to book a flight, for example. After organizing a few trips in the states and to comiket with people who browse imageboards, I can safely say that their tendency to lack in sociability or willingness to step outside their comfort zone is actually the biggest inhibitor, rather than the logistics. It's not like personal meetups in JP are usually organized on 5ch.

I rarely make threads, but from my perspective the current outcome of my threads hasn't changed much from, say, 2016. Usually I get interesting replies with thought, almost always less than 30 in total, and the thread is archived. The only dumb posts I get half the time are someone telling me to use another board (not /vt/, don't follow them), because there is some degree of overlap in topic. Oddly enough they never elaborate on why it wouldn't be topical here. Thing is, I don't intentionally bump my threads more than once (and only if I have several sentences to reply to someone else). I find that unproductive to actual discussion, and this site is clearly not made with permanency in mind.

In the same way you've got people on [board] who genuinely have little original or creative to say but aren't breaking a rule, /jp/ in particular seems to have more than a few long-term posters that have nothing to contribute beyond reposting/few-word comments, but have a strong sense of dedication to making uninteresting, unoriginal OPs and habitually bumping them. Plenty of times I've tried to start original discussion in 2hu character threads and either get a vapid reply or none at all, when I'm literally asking the imagedumper for a topical take on things, for example. Can't get blood from a stone. And I feel like it is these posters who are the most vocal about another group coming and, at worst, intentionally miming their posting SOP. Or even worse, the metafags who feel like they own the board and are obligated to derail shit, but also seemingly don't consider using other imageboards/sites, or actually owning one by making one. They're just a black hole if you want to discuss something at face value. Which I do, rather than seeing every second original thread getting "get out of /jp/" or a picture of niggy or ebin niwaka SJIS poster.

Biggest thing I see is that those kinds of posters legitimately loathe or feel egged on by having to put in that much more effort keeping their threads up more than anything directly involving vtubers. Because unless they actually get mods to go in and specifically make a blacklist for more popular/inane/whatever types of otaku culture, there is no recourse for them in particular. And I know /jp/ is one of the most idiosyncratic boards on the site, but even so the subgroup of posters most affected by vtuber threads not getting exiled are also those which directly compete in terms of neutral/low-quality posts.

>> No.35965584

The biggest gripe in regards to vtuber threads is how there's a board entirely for them now, and they're such an immense topic at the moment that the amount of people they bring can easily make a board as slow as /jp/ (used to be) nearly unusable without heavy amounts of thread babysitting - look at how things used to be during last December/January and you should remember that. I feel like the original intention behind allowing them to stay here was more in regards to how /jp/ is kind of an image dump board these days, so mods assumed people should be free to continue making vtuber image dump threads occasionally), but then more than half of the generals stayed here taking permanent space in a board that's already oversaturated by generals, and some people took advantage of that lenience and started spamming the board with pointless vtuber threads just to annoy the group who wants them to leave. I believe that at this point the moderation should have realized that their original plans failed and started considering the board's feedback, but I guess that was too hopeful of me.

In any case, the interesting threads the board needs require some effort to be put into them, and that kind of effort requires threads to last for a long time as they used to, but that's kind of impossible these days due to how short-lived any threads without a babysitter have become thanks to all the people fighting each other by spamming threads (no matter on which side of the forced fanbase war they seem to be). Even the last thread I genuinely enjoyed, a doujin Touhou RPG thread back in December, was already affected by it and required a lot of empty bumps every few hours in an attempt to keep discussion going. I doubt this situation will ever improve until the board starts slowing down again, but that might never happen due to the amount of generals we have at the moment and the thread spam (which thankfully seems to have decreased in the past few days) - this place was made for discussion of niche topics after all, and that kind of thing requires a slower pace due to the nature of "niche" itself.

That said, I feel like I'm done worrying about this. Waiting until the bullies get tired and lose interest is more likely to have a result than trying to fight them off or to get the mods to do anything about it. Maybe once /jp/ gets completely forgotten again, people will feel more encouraged to make better threads. Sleeping until all your problems go away is the NEET's way to fix things anyway.

>> No.35968313

>Waiting until the bullies get tired and lose interest
Frankly, I feel like this will just never happen and that the landscape of /jp/ is simply irreversibly changed forever, but at the same time there really isn't much to do except sleep and take it easy.

>> No.35968442

Just like "gamer" lost its meaning when soccermoms playing farmville were considered to be "gamers".

Only matter of time when beign "neet" become new normie meme and it loses its meaning aswell.

If mods did they job this all would be salvageable, but nope. Meido is dead.

>> No.35968507

Mods could simply just ban vtuber threads.
Or take a softer approach and ban all non japanese vtuber threads and limit the vtuber threads to no more than 3.

There is no valid reason why hololive en girls should ever get their own threads on jp since this board is dedicated for discussion of things from japan.

>> No.35969805

There have been countless compromises suggested by anons that would solve the issue, but in the end it's pointless because the mods either don't care and think we're bickering over nothing because "it's all otaku culture", or are actively enjoying the vtuber threads and don't want our suggestions.
Complaining about what the mods do and don't do is pointless at this point, we have to just try to enjoy ourselves as well as possible in spite of their actions.

>> No.35969884
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“gamer” wasn’t even a fucking word 15-20-30 years ago, we used to say “playing games”
I still remember when we used to say “Doom-like” instead of FPS

>> No.35969914

It was "nerd with his videogames" at first, but around when facebook and farmville hit scene gamer was commonly used word, and around that time it also lost it meaning.

>> No.35969940
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>> No.35970427

Retreating to obscure otaku fanbases is pointless considering there's a whole group of underage normalfags who actively seek out obscure otaku media and circlejerk it to death acting like they understand anything about it. Right now otaku culture itself has become a trend for normalfags to latch onto and make their identity and ditching our interests in favor of more obscure otaku media can only work for so long when all of it will inevitably become something discovered and stolen by normalfags which is why we need to start reclaiming it as our own and gatekeep them away from it instead of constantly having to abandon or distance ourselves from the things we love.

>> No.35970914
File: 122 KB, 1000x850, 1625102691102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but at the same time there really isn't much to do except sleep and take it easy.
There are other imageboards out there...

>> No.35971027

Every other imageboard out there is just too slow, I'd rather not have to wait weeks or months for a reply.

>> No.35971181
File: 151 KB, 670x1000, 1504271185583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should post lolis to scare off the normalfags.

>> No.35971250

Just find a job you fags. You're in your late 20s you're too old for this cartoon porn shit. Grow up

>> No.35971398

if anything is choking the life out of /jp/ it's the 50-70 imagedump threads that are all literally exactly the same every time, not the ten threads you hate. it wasn't true when you were bitching about idols ten years ago and it's not true now.

also, otaku is not a status symbol. grow the fuck up.

>> No.35971428
File: 83 KB, 249x275, 1520106889639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to really motivate yourself anymore. I think we went past the point of no return months ago. Mods, mods, mods. It's been said to hell and back but that's ultimately what led us to this state of the board. There's so many newfags here now that they're practically in good company, tell them to fuck off, they won't because they see dozens of other low-quality posts and think they fit in. It's even at the stage where you have people who are clearly retarded acting like they've been here since day one and spreading their low-standard idiocy and buzzwords as though it's always been the norm.

Between Twitterfags swarming in by the dozens and stalking us for posts to steal, to mods that are disgustingly vtuber biased. Dunno what to say, really.

I will say the most insulting part of all is the lack of literally ANY kind of response from our moderation. I know moot incorporated the rule of not allowing them to post, but he's not around anymore and Hiro might as well not exist. The board was fundamentally changed without any user input, or any kind of official post by our mods and it's been downhill since. Who do we blame? What happened? Did one of the old mods quit in December or was there some kind of change of power? Nobody knows. And it's only going to get worse because we're being increasingly flooded with normalfags, crossboarders and places of other outside sources. I'd probably go so far as to say they outnumber genuine /jp/ posters at this point.

I miss when a thread could go for like a week without hitting page 10.

>> No.35971510

>they won't because they see dozens of other low-quality posts and think they fit in they won't because they see dozens of other low-quality posts and think they fit in
there has literally never been any point in time when /jp/ was not full of low-quality posts.

>The board was fundamentally changed without any user input
imagine thinking that allowing something on-topic to be posted in /jp/ is "fundamentally changing" the board. vtubers are trending japanese shit like all the other trending japanese shit before it going back all the way back to touhou when /jp/ began.

>> No.35971793

Do you even know where you are?

>> No.35971818

Don't feed the troll, ``kudasai".

>> No.35971883

Stop being melodramatic and make sealed-off/gatekept forums and imageboards.
>going outside
Miscellaneous mental illnesses don't make that easy.

>> No.35971965

>vtubers are trending japanese shit
Yes, there's nothing more otaku than an american woman reviewing reddit memes while using Live2D.

>> No.35971972

the vast majority of vtuber content is in japanese both in absolute proportion and as a percentage of discussion in /jp/

the existence of walfas does not suddenly mean touhou derivative work isn't japanese anymore

>> No.35972062

In reality the genesis of Otaku culture in the United States began in earnest in the 70s (Far earlier if you include Kaiju) and was marketed directly to the mainstream. The 70s and 80s brought /m/ (Macross, Gatchaman, Mazinger, Voltron Shogun Warrior comics, et al) and outliers (Yamato, Harlock etc). These played in timeslots directly before and after school. So it began as a very "normie" phenomenon. You also had Otaku and Anime clubs at places like MIT which led to the first hosting of such material on FTP servers which included at the time NASA servers hosting them. It is as it was. Was the internet a better place when just keeping a stable connection online required an immense amount of rocket surgery on a weekly basis? Sure, it was in my opinion but that era is not coming back unless there is some type of extended catastrophic failure in global communication and supply lines.

>> No.35972690

>Plenty of times I've tried to start original discussion in 2hu character threads and either get a vapid reply or none at all
I was thinking about the same yesterday, last thread i made was touhou chronology discussion about the first hakurei shrine maiden but although i got some interesting posts in the thread, it died fast thanks to retards doing the flood because "vtubers bad", the only one losing in the end is the niche thread, see the last serious tea thread around april and oc characters around march.

>> No.35972699

I'm really upset by the board speed. Do you think tons of the core /jp/ crowd have fled or are they still clinging onto threads like these and overall quiet?

>> No.35972905
File: 455 KB, 1585x791, 1609583430026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please remember for a moment that this board was never about "otaku culture" - that's nothing but a title people came up with because it was slightly less vague than Japan/General.

>> No.35972972
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I don't know about the others, but nowadays I mostly just lurk here on /jp/ and do my actual posting some other place.

>> No.35973141

Oh, I'm sorry. Before the board sped up, I could converse over just about anything obscure under the tyranny of meido. After the board sped up, I have to deal with people claiming you can still talk about obscure shit, all the while pushing threads to page 10 in 3 hours while I go take a shit and play a few games on the side with posts inbetween. Most times I just don't feel like replying at the time.

>> No.35973171

>if anything is choking the life out of /jp/ it's the 50-70 imagedump threads that are all literally exactly the same every time, not the ten threads you hate
Talking out of your ass.
The 10 threads you hate are the same threads that get necrobumped to hell, told to fuck off, and are riddled with [deleted]. The "50-70" image dump threads aren't a problem. The problem are the 10 threads that literally nobody gives a fuck about. Note, those same 10 threads are the threads that kill any chance of talking about board shit, because people are either being banned for telling those 10 threads to fuck off, or their topics are being slid off because someone made a thread about said topic that, again, literally nobody gives a fuck about.

>> No.35973185

>vtubers are trending japanese shit

e celebrity


>> No.35973321
File: 411 KB, 800x1200, ECFB60B1-60E1-4ADB-9442-2139168AE814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know posting Remi with boobers is a felony here but this is an exception

>> No.35973327

Bleed to death

>> No.35973339

For once, I commend you for your courage, phonefag.

>> No.35973479

>r their topics are being slid off because someone made a thread about said topic that, again, literally nobody gives a fuck about.
it's *literally* not possible for ten threads to slide off whatever the fuck you really want to talk about because there are 140 other spaces on the board that are free for you to talk about whatever you want to talk about.

if you weren't a newfag you would know that /jp/ literally was literally created as a containment board for trending japanese shit that isn't anime, which, when /jp/ was created, was touhou at the time, plus a bunch of other shit that was all trending at the time like vocaloid and IM@S but now is not.

>> No.35973512

>if you weren't a newfag you would know that /jp/ literally was literally created as a containment board for trending japanese shit that isn't anime, which, when /jp/ was created, was touhou at the time, plus a bunch of other shit that was all trending at the time like vocaloid and IM@S but now is not.
It was made as a catchall board because moot was too lazy to make dedicated boards at the time. /jp/ exists now because he forced all of the non anime shit off of /a/ and contained it to one board, mainly because of one specific group that derailed or hijacked threads.

>> No.35973538

>it's *literally* not possible for ten threads to slide off whatever the fuck you really want to talk about because there are 140 other spaces on the board that are free for you to talk about whatever you want to talk about.
Getting banned because you're telling the 10 threads to fuck off is no different. You get banned, you don't talk about your topic. Your topic dies. Simple. To add insult to injury, they spam said 10 threads nobody gives a fuck about, and the cycle continues. It is neglect and bias. Again, simple.
The other shit that has existed on the board just fine are not the problem. The problem is forcing shit here that nobody wants.
You're half the reason this board is slow or "dead" in your words.

>> No.35973593

>It was made as a catchall board
and what filled that catchall board? the trending japanese shit of the time, because that's what people wanted to post about. real shocker. you can argue about what it was ~technically~ for or what the rules said on paper but that was the actual content that filled up the board.

>Getting banned because you're telling the 10 threads to fuck off is no different.
consider not complaining about on-topic threads if you don't want to get banned.

>You get banned, you don't talk about your topic. Your topic dies.
everybody in this thread knows exactly how effective 4chan bans are, which is not at all. and if the lack of a single person (you) causes your thread to die it's because it's a thread that not enough people in /jp/ give a shit about.

>> No.35973777

>>>Getting banned because you're telling the 10 threads to fuck off is no different.
>consider not complaining about on-topic threads if you don't want to get banned.
There is a board for that shit. It isn't /jp/. Everyone said force the split. People still want the split to be forced, and they rely on others to speak up because you're trigger happy with your ban key.

>everybody in this thread knows exactly how effective 4chan bans are, which is not at all. and if the lack of a single person (you) causes your thread to die it's because it's a thread that not enough people in /jp/ give a shit about.
The more people you ban, the less there are to talk about a topic. I should have worded that better.
It is not one singular person that wants that thread gone, it is everyone. They complain about it, everyone on the fucking board complains about it. They have been for the past six months, and longer if you want to go back to the root of the issue. They don't want those 10 inane threads here. The fact that you ban everyone in the chain of posts explaining why it doesn't belong here and why nobody wants it, it not only kills off the overall population, but adds to the fact that you don't give a fuck about the board and want your singular topic to thrive there. I should note that it also leads to more people complaining about moderation. The more you know.

Niche shit, the shit that belongs here - not e celebrities, doesn't require you to use the board like a chat room, spamming it to death. What you're doing is passing off something that has always existed as a problem, when the problem are the 10 threads nobody is "allowed" to tell off.
Anime is otaku, there is a board for anime.
Videogames are otaku, there is a board for videogames.
There's a bunch of other shit, but it isn't discussed or wanted here.
E celebrities on the other hand do not have a grounding in otaku. They are a facade. They are nothing more than a mask for something that has nothing to do with otaku. The fact that you defend that shit disconnects you from the core userbase of this board. Not the imported faggots from a sticky in the middle of an election debacle.

>> No.35973921

Very nice. This is the sort of compensation I had in mind regarding going outside

>> No.35974005

needs more cowbell

>> No.35974100

>Or posting on a better imageboard
What's one that isn't full of a bunch of suicidal people?

>> No.35974220


>> No.35974238

>There is a board for that shit. It isn't /jp/. Everyone said force the split.
>It is not one singular person that wants that thread gone, it is everyone.
>They complain about it, everyone on the fucking board complains about it.
this notion that you speak for "everyone" is self-evidently retarded. it's true that a very loud and whiny subset of /jp/ whines about it - the mostly EOP self-appointed "core userbase" - but that isn't actually "everyone."

>People still want the split to be forced, and they rely on others to speak up because you're trigger happy with your ban key.
if i were a mod i'd simply rangeban your entire ISP instead of having this conversation, probably with applause from the admin (who also likes vtubers.)

>Videogames are otaku, there is a board for videogames.
and yet the board is still full of video games, like touhou project, including very much non-doujin touhou project games, and tons of other video games to boot.

>E celebrities on the other hand do not have a grounding in otaku.
the notion that japanese vtubers aren't related to otaku culture would get you laughed off the face of the earth by every japanese person on the internet.

>> No.35974243

>consider not complaining about on-topic threads if you don't want to get banned.
Not even that homo but they should consider fucking off to their respective board. First they said it was impossible to create one because [insert bullshit reason here], then they refuse to fuck off there even though nothing about their cancerous threads changes in comparison to what's going on in their board.
The only reason they're still here is thanks to lazy moderation and an obvious bias towards that shit. I've seen actual spam posts stay up longer without getting deleted than posts telling those cancerous faggots to fuck off.

>> No.35974290

DUFFER (Die and Suffer)

>> No.35974316

the reason their threads stay is that their threads are on-topic and the moderation staff feels no need to cater to the whims of a bunch of retarded self-appointed board police.

>> No.35974330

>this notion that you speak for "everyone" is self-evidently retarded. it's true that a very loud and whiny subset of /jp/ whines about it - the mostly EOP self-appointed "core userbase" - but that isn't actually "everyone."
Nobody outside of those threads cares about it, and those who actually take time to interact with them more than likely tell them to fuck off. You know the rest.
If people really wanted to talk about that shit, they would have done so prior to the sticky. However, from what I've read, this isn't the case. They either never cared in the first place, or wanted it gone in later months.

>> No.35974408

>Nobody outside of those threads cares about it
nobody talks about vocaloid outside the vocaloid thread anymore. retarded benchmark for assessing whether everyone supposedly hates something.

>and those who actually take time to interact with them more than likely tell them to fuck off.
yeah, because they're shitposters pretending they're board police.

>If people really wanted to talk about that shit, they would have done so prior to the sticky.
people have been talking about vtubers before the sticky, during the sticky, and after the sticky.

>> No.35974613

>nobody talks about vocaloid outside the vocaloid thread anymore. retarded benchmark for assessing whether everyone supposedly hates something.
You can easily see if people hate something based on the response in regards to a single one off thread or a series of them, and what they say in their own thread over time on the subject assuming it isn't all rampant shitposting (or if you know how to sift through shitposts).

>yeah, because they're shitposters pretending they're board police.
People who get worked up enough to respond are not automatically shitposters. Anyone who goes against it is not automatically a shitposter. All you accomplish in silencing the general opinion that that shit isn't wanted here is a show of obvious bias regardless of who it comes from in addition to pinning it on something that has existed since the boards inception as a scapegoat.

>people have been talking about vtubers before the sticky, during the sticky, and after the sticky.
And it was contained to one thread that few people cared about, with one of the common arguments being they they're fucking youtubers.
Breaching their containment because "the board is too slow" among any other arbitrary reason has done nothing but cause even more problems, most of which haven't been solved yet.

It is no coincidence that the board screams louder when there's more tubershit, or literally anything else that isn't wanted here in the catalog than anything else. Again, it isn't just a vocal minority showing distaste, even if you want to shrug it off and say it's nothing more than a vocal minority of whiny EOPs every time it is brought up. More people could show distaste and you'd still show bias in allowing tubershit here.

>> No.35974633

some, not most.

>> No.35974641

I really wouldn't bother anon, their entire argument is disingenuous and obviously in bad faith. They flat out just admitted to wanting to ban anyone who complains about vtubers "with applause from the admin". I wouldn't be surprised if you're actually talking to one of those people who necrobumps the empty individual holoshit threads. The only reason they even exist is to falseflag and make people mad, just like how anyone arguing that vtuber shit should stay here after they got their own board is only really interested in shit flinging.

>> No.35975002

>it's *literally* not possible for ten threads to slide off whatever the fuck you really want to talk about
It is, when they're extremely autistic generals where people spam new threads every time they reach the post cap because they really want to be the new OP, or when someone makes an OP with a specific character they dislike.
And yes I do realize that I'm talking about a different thing than that anon.

>> No.35975437

Kissu is pretty nice.

>> No.35975742

>You can easily see if people hate something based on the response in regards to a single one off thread or a series of them
really clever trick you did, shitposting every one off thread into oblivion and using it to prove that everybody hates the thing.

>People who get worked up enough to respond are not automatically shitposters
people who try to shitpost on-topic threads off the board are shitposters by definition. there is no "general opinion" that these threads aren't wanted, just an agreement by shitposters and morons who try to brigade everything they don't like off the board.

>pinning it on something that has existed since the boards inception as a scapegoat.
pretty much all self-appointed board policemen since 2012 have been retarded shitposters. honestly a lot of them before that were retarded shitposters too but at least you could find someone with a brain every now and then.

>Again, it isn't just a vocal minority showing distaste, even if you want to shrug it off and say it's nothing more than a vocal minority of whiny EOPs every time it is brought up.
it's literally exactly that. you've just deluded yourself into thinking everyone agrees with you because the kind of retard who loves to moan and bitch about the mods and /jp/ like to suck each other off in metathreads.

>More people could show distaste and you'd still show bias in allowing tubershit here.
the unbiased decision is to enforce the rules. japanese vtubers are on-topic, according to the rules. if you don't like the rules you can always fuck off out of /jp/.

>> No.35975776

>I really wouldn't bother anon, their entire argument is disingenuous and obviously in bad faith.
you people are so ludicrously full of shit you think it's literally impossible to anyone to think that japanese vtubers are otkau culture in good faith.

>They flat out just admitted to wanting to ban anyone who complains about vtubers "with applause from the admin".
these people are retarded shitposters who think they should be able to shitpost on-topic things they don't like off the board.

>It is, when they're extremely autistic generals where people spam new threads every time they reach the post cap
ten threads is ten threads no matter how many times you try to pretend they secretly take up more than half the board. your threads die because they're shit and nobody wants to post in them.

>> No.35975879

The only person ludicrously full of shit is the one trying to taint another board with their shitty obsession when they already have another one entirely dedicated to it. I'm also glad you said japanese vtubers in particular so I'm doubly sure that you're just pretending not to see all the western vtuber threads that get spammed here and then left up by the retarded moderation you suck off so much.

>> No.35975944

>your threads die because they're shit and nobody wants to post in them.
Sort by deleted in warosu, or go to any of the threads in the past month. They were necrobumped. Nobody wanted them.

>really clever trick you did, shitposting every one off thread into oblivion and using it to prove that everybody hates the thing.
Except I didn't. If you took a moment to actually read the shit that gets posted, you would know that it is as it reads. Nobody wants it here. They want that shit to go to /vt/.

>people who try to shitpost on-topic threads off the board are shitposters by definition. there is no "general opinion" that these threads aren't wanted, just an agreement by shitposters and morons who try to brigade everything they don't like off the board.
You're doing it again, and again I will reiterate the point. Being against does not automatically make them a shitposter. By your logic, the same shit I mentioned above would classify anyone who tells an /a/ fag to go back to /a/ as a shitposter regardless of the fact that they have been on /jp/ for years or main /jp/.

>it's literally exactly that. you've just deluded yourself into thinking everyone agrees with you because the kind of retard who loves to moan and bitch about the mods and /jp/ like to suck each other off in metathreads.
I have not deluded myself into thinking anything. The fact that the same argument is brought up in threads I ignore for a set period of time only proves that it isn't a vocal minority, especially when 90% of the thread disappears, along with most of the individual posters. It is not "a vocal minority" if a portion of the board agrees with the notion that that shit does not belong here.

>the unbiased decision is to enforce the rules. japanese vtubers are on-topic, according to the rules. if you don't like the rules you can always fuck off out of /jp/.
>the unbiased decision
>enforce the rules
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ban the main users of the board to accommodate people who haven't been on the board any longer than six months.
Nothing is done unless something is said.
If a bunch of worthless threads were made, it would stay up unless it was specifically against the rules.

No matter how many times you keep saying it's on topic, your behavior says otherwise. No matter how many times you say it is a vocal minority, the fact that the board still complains says otherwise. No matter how much you say use feedback, the inaction says otherwise.
No matter how many times you bring it up, you will be again reminded by the voice of the posters that the split was wanted, and they wanted it forced unilaterally.
No matter how much you whine about everyone complaining about moderation, it will continue as long as you continue to neglect the board by falseflagging, and attempting to pin the blame on others as a scapegoat.

>> No.35976050

>ten threads is ten threads no matter how many times you try to pretend they secretly take up more than half the board.
It was 50 last week. I guess they lost interest.

>> No.35976141

>The only person ludicrously full of shit is the one trying to taint another board with their shitty obsession when they already have another one entirely dedicated to it.
there's a board for video games. time for touhou to go away.

>I'm doubly sure that you're just pretending not to see all the western vtuber threads
how many are up right now? is it zero?

>By your logic, the same shit I mentioned above would classify anyone who tells an /a/ fag to go back to /a/ as a shitposter regardless of the fact that they have been on /jp/ for years or main /jp/.
is the thing they're trying to talk about on-topic? then telling them to go back to /a/ because you don't like them makes you a shitposter.

>It is not "a vocal minority" if a portion of the board agrees with the notion that that shit does not belong here.
it is in fact perfectly possible for a vocal minority to be that portion of the board that wants to kick something off the board.

>people who haven't been on the board any longer than six months.
vtubers have been on /jp/ for over three years. some of the people who post about vtubers have been on it for over ten.

>No matter how many times you keep saying it's on topic, your behavior says otherwise.
my personal behavior is literally incapable of changing whether something is on-topic on /jp/ one way or another no matter what i choose to do.

>No matter how many times you say it is a vocal minority, the fact that the board still complains says otherwise. No matter how much you say use feedback, the inaction says otherwise.
/jp/ has complained about the mods literally for as long as it's existed. most of their complaints were (correctly) ignored, because they were retarded. it's your turn to be next in line.

>> No.35976261

>is the thing they're trying to talk about on-topic? then telling them to go back to /a/ because you don't like them makes you a shitposter.
Random anime threads do not belong here. People telling /a/ shit to go back to /a/ does not make it shitposting. Forcing random anime threads does not mean they belong here. Making the argument that touhou does not belong here when it is in the rules does not hold up either. You're deflecting the argument that vtubers belong on /vt/ with Touhou being moved elsewhere when this board was quite literally made with it as a major offender in addition to a bunch of other shit that wasn't /a/ material. If you want Touhou off /jp/, make a fucking board for Touhou.

>it is in fact perfectly possible for a vocal minority to be that portion of the board that wants to kick something off the board.
You are arguing that it is possible for a vocal minority, I'm telling you it has been seen for months that it is as it appears that no matter how much you want to say it is a vocal minority, that /jp/ doesn't want it here.

>people who haven't been on the board any longer than six months.
vtubers have been on /jp/ for over three years. some of the people who post about vtubers have been on it for over ten.
So have the people arguing against them being here. There is a board for vtubers. It's called /vt/. There is a board for anime, it's called /a/.

>No matter how many times you say it is a vocal minority, the fact that the board still complains says otherwise. No matter how much you say use feedback, the inaction says otherwise.
/jp/ has complained about the mods literally for as long as it's existed. most of their complaints were (correctly) ignored, because they were retarded. it's your turn to be next in line.
There have been valid complaints that have gone ignored. Ignoring something because it happens to be a complaint about the moderation of the board is not blatant retardation. You are lumping people who want the board to be wall to wall shitposts with a situation where everyone agreed to force the split outside of a select few who forced it to be here, and have spammed threads about it.

This is a board for niche shit. Youtubers are not niche and never have been.

>> No.35976268

>is the thing they're trying to talk about on-topic? then telling them to go back to /a/ because you don't like them makes you a shitposter.
Random anime threads do not belong here. People telling /a/ shit to go back to /a/ does not make it shitposting. Forcing random anime threads does not mean they belong here. Making the argument that touhou does not belong here when it is in the rules does not hold up either. You're deflecting the argument that vtubers belong on /vt/ with Touhou being moved elsewhere when this board was quite literally made with it as a major offender in addition to a bunch of other shit that wasn't /a/ material. If you want Touhou off /jp/, make a fucking board for Touhou.

>it is in fact perfectly possible for a vocal minority to be that portion of the board that wants to kick something off the board.
You are arguing that it is possible for a vocal minority, I'm telling you it has been seen for months that it is as it appears that no matter how much you want to say it is a vocal minority, that /jp/ doesn't want it here.

>people who haven't been on the board any longer than six months.
vtubers have been on /jp/ for over three years. some of the people who post about vtubers have been on it for over ten.
So have the people arguing against them being here. There is a board for vtubers. It's called /vt/. There is a board for anime, it's called /a/.

>No matter how many times you say it is a vocal minority, the fact that the board still complains says otherwise. No matter how much you say use feedback, the inaction says otherwise.
/jp/ has complained about the mods literally for as long as it's existed. most of their complaints were (correctly) ignored, because they were retarded. it's your turn to be next in line.
There have been valid complaints that have gone ignored. Ignoring something because it happens to be a complaint about the moderation of the board is not blatant retardation. You are lumping people who want the board to be wall to wall shitposts with a situation where everyone agreed to force the split outside of a select few who forced it to be here, and have spammed threads about it.

This is a board for niche shit. Youtubers are not niche and never have been.

>> No.35976280

You could make that argument if there was a board for touhou specifically, but there isn't. There is literally no reason for there to be vtuber discussion outside of /vt/ and trying to argue otherwise is disingenuous. Also, touhou isn't only video games and has official manga and LNs too.
>is it zero?
Here's two for you, one's been up for days and the other for a month.
You can stop pretending now. And if your argument is going to be something as stupid as "only two?" don't even bother. You'd say the same shit and keep moving the goalpost if it were five or ten.

>> No.35976303

>Random anime threads do not belong here.
/jp/ was explicitly created for things that don't go in /a/. you'll notice that all sorts of video game and television threads are in /jp/ because they're japanese.

>I'm telling you it has been seen for months that it is as it appears that no matter how much you want to say it is a vocal minority, that /jp/ doesn't want it here.
you can say it for another thousand years but all the people i've seen crying about it are the same ignorant self-appointed board police shitheads who have been pointlessly moaning and bitching about how mods are the only things keeping /jp/ down for the better part of a decade instead of accepting that their own threads are shit.

>where everyone agreed to force the split
no, a consensus of you and your merry band of retards tried to force a permanent split, failed, and claim to speak for everyone.

>This is a board for niche shit. Youtubers are not niche and never have been.
way to remove the qualifier that makes them niche. video games are not niche. some video games are niche.

>> No.35976325

>official manga
guess we'd better shitpost these threads into /a/

>You can stop pretending now. And if your argument is going to be something as stupid as "only two?" don't even bother. You'd say the same shit and keep moving the goalpost if it were five or ten.
you're right insofar as i measure the harm of brainless imagedump threads by how many there are and so these retarded threads kept on life support should all be deleted.

>> No.35976406

>/jp/ was explicitly created for things that don't go in /a/. you'll notice that all sorts of video game and television threads are in /jp/ because they're japanese.
I already went over /jp/ being made as a catchall board.

>you can say it for another thousand years but all the people i've seen crying about it are the same ignorant self-appointed board police shitheads who have been pointlessly moaning and bitching about how mods are the only things keeping /jp/ down for the better part of a decade instead of accepting that their own threads are shit.
They wouldn't have a problem with other shit being made, the problem is that you faggots keep dumping shit here that nobody wants when /jp/ makes it clear that it doesn't want it. You come up with any odd excuse to say touhou is the problem when it isn't and posters point this out. The same posters that have their posts deleted because their post negative reception. It happens to everyone, not a select two or three posters.

>no, a consensus of you and your merry band of retards tried to force a permanent split, failed, and claim to speak for everyone.
>tried to force a permanent split
Even in the fucking tuber threads they admitted that you were too lazy to enforce a split. The warnings and bans on /jp/ and /vt/ proved that you had no intention of forcing a split despite everyone being up in arms about it January 29th.
>and claim to speak for everyone
I have said this time and time again, if you simply read the shit people said, you would know that some of my words bring up their complaints and arguments. Not everyone who argues these points is some shithead self appointed policeman.
You said use feedback. People did use feedback. You decided to pick and choose what you wanted to do for your own personal interest.

>way to remove the qualifier that makes them niche. video games are not niche. some video games are niche.
>remove the qualifier that makes them niche
You have video making, and then you have Youtubers, a genre. Youtube is nearly is as old as some of the shit still around today. It's old, but it's not 80s and 90s old. It's not something so obscure that people have never heard of it. It is not so niche that people don't know it exists. It has been a big part of the internet for many years, and when it was sold became even bigger as it had opportunity to expand as a business. The core userbase mainly centered around and consistent of content producers, youtubers, are not niche. Especially now when people and businesses making a living on there has become more common.
Streamers and streaming is an alternative to this. Again, not niche.

>> No.35976448
File: 238 KB, 300x360, battler calvo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop arguing with him dawg, he's some crazy mindbroken vtuber fan or some shit.

>> No.35976503

The harm is that they're off-topic, not how many of them there are. You admitted as much when you specified japanese vtubers, but now you're backpedaling because two off topic threads are fine as long as it's just two, right? Your first response is just you being purposefully thickheaded and snipping off the majority of my argument so you can only quote the part that you have le epic zinger reply to.

>> No.35976526

I also can't believe that there's such a devotion defending literal twitch/streamwhores like a normalfag and think that's fit for /jp/. There's nothing wrong with people devoting their lives to some girl making money with them for free making them zealots, but there's a board for that and /jp/ is not that place.

>> No.35976620

the guy you're trying to get to stop arguing is so incredibly fucking dumb he thinks he's talking to a member of staff (or else is doing some sort of entertaining bit where he's pretending to talk to a member of staff.) you wouldn't get anywhere trying to reason with him.

half this shit is once again you claiming "everyone" or "/jp/" wants something when it's literally an unfalsifiable claim either day.

>You said use feedback. People did use feedback. You decided to pick and choose what you wanted to do for your own personal interest.
guess what, retard: you're not the only one who sent feedback. i also sent in a feedback pointing out that japanese vtubers are on-topic in /jp/ and saying that most of the people complaining were retarded.

>Youtubers, a genre.
the argument you're making utterly fucking misses the point. nobody disputes that youtube as a whole is mainstream, just like how nobody disputes video games or television is mainstream. you know what's not mainstream? ~japanese~ television isn't mainstream, which is why we have had the japanese television thread in /jp/ for the better part of the decade.

>The harm is that they're off-topic, not how many of them there are.
english spinoffs of japanese franchises are a corner case that i think you could argue are on-topic or off-topic either way but are such a small fraction of anything anyone cares about they're basically irrelevant.

>but there's a board for that and /jp/ is not that place.
/jp/'s been the board for that ever since they made the first morning musume thread in 2008. the people trying to argue idols off the board were retarded then, too.

>> No.35976804

>guess what, retard: you're not the only one who sent feedback. i also sent in a feedback pointing out that japanese vtubers are on-topic in /jp/ and saying that most of the people complaining were retarded.
The complaint is valid. There is a board for that shit now.
The people arguing that it doesn't belong here aren't retarded for simply going against it. The only difference between them and idolfags is that they got their own board, and it still doesn't house all of them. You're arguing that it is on topic. So is a bunch of other shit, and they don't belong here. The same case is being made for tubershit.

>the argument you're making utterly fucking misses the point. nobody disputes that youtube as a whole is mainstream, just like how nobody disputes video games or television is mainstream.
There's no way this doesn't route back to the same talk about e celeb shit.
Youtubers are not niche. Tubershit is just another flavor of youtuber. They are not niche. They are a spin on otherwise common content. The only reason they're forced here is because of the avatar they dawn. Without that, it simply isn't on topic. Seeing how westernshit is still here, you could pull just any link to any channel and it would be fine. Except it isn't.

>> No.35976839

>There's no way this doesn't route back to the same talk about e celeb shit. Youtubers are not niche. Tubershit is just another flavor of youtuber.
television is not niche. japanese television is a flavor of television. touhou is a flavor of video game. this argument fails for literally every pretty much flavor of japanese thing in /jp/.

>So is a bunch of other shit, and they don't belong here. The same case is being made for tubershit.
so it's not just vtubers, you want to expel nearly half of /jp/ from /jp/. thanks for confirming you're a fundamentally unserious person.

>> No.35976933

I say let him go at it, the kind of retarded arguments this vtuberfag keeps making are pretty amusing.

>> No.35976960

there's a reason you guys have failed to convince literally any mods of your position, including some who have been around longer than /jp/, and that's because the things you say are insanely stupid on their face.

>> No.35977007
File: 14 KB, 508x141, the rules with a red line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no interest in arguing about this shit because sadly enough you people don't want to listen to anything, and you already made your case pretty clear on >>35974238 anyway.
All I'm going to say at this point is that I do agree with you that vtubers are on-topic for /jp/, simply by virtue of this being the catch-all board where everything goes because every single topic in this world can be considered part of "otaku culture". However, vtubers already have their own dedicated space now, so it should be common courtesy for people who want to talk about them to let /jp/ try to enjoy the 150 threads the board has to share among multiple topics, while they can enjoy the 150 threads they got all for themselves over there. Making exceptions in the rules for what's allowed in each board is nothing new to 4chan, after all. OELVNs are otaku culture too and look what happened to them.

>> No.35977039

>television is not niche. japanese television is a flavor of television. touhou is a flavor of video game. this argument fails for literally every pretty much flavor of japanese thing in /jp/.
It's simple and to the point. They aren't niche. The only thing keeping them here is a fucking facerig. Other than that, it wouldn't be on topic.
You take examples at face value and you overcomplicate simple points.

Tubershit isn't niche. Tubershit got its own board, it should go there. That's what people have been saying for the past six months.

>so it's not just vtubers, you want to expel nearly half of /jp/ from /jp/. thanks for confirming you're a fundamentally unserious person.
Explain where I said that.
You can argue that they are otaku, but that breaks down since there's a bunch of shit that falls into that category that either does not belong here, has its own board, or is something the board agreed to not have here. This entire situation is different for some reason in the long running history of the board with no input whatsoever.

>there's a reason you guys have failed to convince literally any mods of your position, including some who have been around longer than /jp/, and that's because the things you say are insanely stupid on their face.
Or they just ignore it, something that isn't inherently new.
If there's one that is willing to listen, then everyone would gladly bring their input if it wasn't constantly riddled with falseflagging in an attempt to remain on the board by copying the other shit they see in the catalog.

>> No.35977080

>It's simple and to the point. They aren't niche. The only thing keeping them here is a fucking facerig. Other than that, it wouldn't be on topic.
literally nobody cares enough enough to discuss japanese streamers of the regular variety but if they did, it would probably be on-topic, and in fact, even more of a "niche Japanese interest" than half the topics in /jp/.

>You take examples at face value and you overcomplicate simple points.
there's something very simple going on here: japanese-language versions of things that have other boards, like television and music, are generally on-topic in /jp/.

>You can argue that they are otaku, but that breaks down since there's a bunch of shit that falls into that category that either does not belong here
there is almost nothing that is otaku culture other than anime or manga that isn't on-topic in /jp/.

>However, vtubers already have their own dedicated space now, so it should be common courtesy for people who want to talk about them to let /jp/ try to enjoy the 150 threads the board has to share among multiple topics, while they can enjoy the 150 threads they got all for themselves over there. Making exceptions in the rules for what's allowed in each board is nothing new to 4chan, after all. OELVNs are otaku culture too and look what happened to them.
see, this actually makes sense. if you want a special exception for something that's *pretty obviously otaku culture* this is the kind of shit you should use feedback for, and if you don't get what you want out of the feedback you've sent, you put up with it and post in threads you don't like instead of moaning and bitching in every thread you don't like, making really fucking dumb arguments about how it's secretly not on-topic by the rules-as-written, or doing this absolutely fucking weird thing some people are doing in this thread where vtubers are supposedly to blame for everything bad in /jp/ from killing your threads to shooting your dog.

>> No.35978571

more like pissu lmao

>> No.35979681

You still miss the point.
Nobody wants it here, there is a board for that shit now. Just as there is a board for anime and it doesn't belong here, the case is the same.
Picking and choosing what you want to believe about what has happened on the board only shows that you either are oblivious to what happens on the board or are intentionally avoiding it as per >>35976280

>> No.35980244

The argument is pretty simple.
moot said, when he created /jp/, that /jp/ is a board for all the otaku culture topics that don't belong on /a/ that don't have its own board.
From that, we correctly judge that /jp/ is not a catch-all otaku culture board, but a board that exists for the otaku culture topics that do not have its own board.
/jp/ only exists as a compromise. If all the topics you can discuss on /jp/ had their own boards, that would take more effort in moderation and server upkeeps. So we have condensed all these topics into one board so people interested in these topics have a board where it is on-topic. If the 4chan staff actually created a board for each topic, /jp/ would lose its purpose and might as well be deleted (that is, if you wanted 30 different boards for 30 different niche aspects of Otaku Culture). It is called “Otaku Culture” because that is the most fitting name for a such board, not because it is THE main board where EVERY otaku culture topic is supposed to be discussed. If you want that, make a new board for it and I don't know call it Manga-Style Random or something like that.
This is the foundation of the argument against the inclusion of Vtuber topics on /jp/. With the existence of /vt/, you have an entire on-topic board where to discuss Vtubers on. It is not the situation it was before the creation of /vt/ where you could discuss it nowhere on. Allowing this on /jp/ misses the point of /jp/.
All our work in these meta threads is to point this out. To let the 4chan-staff know their error. We hope that the 4chan-staff comes to their senses, set their biases aside, and starts moderating /jp/ consistently again. We do not have to use arguments such as, “I made a piss-bottle thread on /jp/ 10 years ago, so I am the authority of the board!”, but use the circumstances of /jp/'s creation and the circumstances of today to endorse a moderation policy that is fair to everyone.
I personally do not particularly hate or care about Vtubers. To each their own. But I have to speak out when my interests are being infringed upon.

>> No.35982424

>You still miss the point. Nobody wants it here.
literally all of your posts that have the word "everybody" and "nobody" in them are retarded because it's a literally unfalsifiable claim you've invented out of thin air.

>moot said, when he created /jp/, that /jp/ is a board for all the otaku culture topics that don't belong on /a/ that don't have its own board.
moot didn't actually say this. you're a revisionist moron, and everything you have to say predicated on this idiotic false claim is dumb as shit.

>All our work in these meta threads is to point this out. To let the 4chan-staff know their error.
all your work in metathreads is a retarded waste of time and life, just like all the other thousand metathreads in /jp/ in the last thirteen years.

>use the circumstances of /jp/'s creation and the circumstances of today to endorse a moderation policy that is fair to everyone. I personally do not particularly hate or care about Vtubers. To each their own. But I have to speak out when my interests are being infringed upon.
"otaku culture topics go in /jp/ unless they're anime or manga" has been the moderation policy in /jp/ for almost a decade, it's fair to everyone, and the notion that your interests are somehow being "infringed" by it are dumb as shit.

>> No.35982547
File: 501 KB, 972x505, there it is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot didn't actually say this

>> No.35982638
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I just woke up and you two niggers are still at it.

>> No.35982806
File: 367 KB, 1462x483, 1627486484706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is for "general japanese things." the fact that touhou is in there means it actually doesn't matter if it could also go in some other board because touhou is on the list despite being a video game.

>> No.35982877

Sure, but you didn't disprove the fact that moot did in fact say /jp/ is a catch-all for things that don't have a board, and your post doesn't actually prove anything either because Touhou is still something that doesn't have a board. Sure it's a video game, but the reason why its fanbase is (or was) so big and why it got threads on /a/ (leading to the creation of /jp/) is because it's far more than a video game.
Basically, you tried so hard to make an excuse and got far enough to pull something out of your ass, but in the end it didn't even matter.
Don't bother replying back, I have better shit to do than wasting my time like this.

>> No.35983231

That faggot is trolling you for a whole day already. Give it a rest.

>> No.35983332

you have one flaw in your reasoning:
thinking the mods would do anything at fucking all outside of ego stroking

>> No.35983359

>Touhou is still something that doesn't have a board. Sure it's a video game
so it goes in the video game board. multimedia work doesn't magically make it not a video game. final fantasy has anime and manga and novels. still goes in the video game board.

>Don't bother replying back, I have better shit to do than wasting my time like this.
you've spent over a hundred hours of your life trying to argue something on-topic in /jp/ out of the board, having achieved absolutely nothing for it, just like all the other hundreds of thousands of hours people have spent arguing in metathreads. you have absolutely nothing better to be doing with your life.

the flaw is imagining that the mods give a shit what a cabal of retarded shitposters in /jp/ is demanding of them.

>> No.35983436

they should give a shit, its their single fucking job as moderators.
One who moderates.
Moderating a site.
Look at the catalog, disable your filters and try connecting the word "moderated" to what you see.

If it does form one in positive context then i am obliged to inform you that you suffer from severe hallucination and need to visit a qualified doctor, who will prescribe you medication. Then try again.

>> No.35983474

>they should give a shit, its their single fucking job as moderators.
the job of moderators is to enforce the rules, not cater to retarded shitposters.

>> No.35983492

Then why didn't moot move all the 2hu and VN shit from /a/ to /v/ back then instead of making /jp/? Checkmate motherfucker.
But now that I think about it, maybe the right thing to do is deleting /jp/. You keep saying 2hu should go only on /v/ and apparently it's the only thing in the board other than vtubers, who already have their own board, so it's the only logical choice.

>> No.35983502

>You keep saying 2hu should go only on /v/
i said that 2hu *can* go on /v/, just like any number of topics in /jp/ *could* go on other boards, but are also allowed in /jp/, because they are otaku culture related.

>But now that I think about it, maybe the right thing to do is deleting /jp/.
be sure to send a feedback about it

>> No.35983542

>not cater to retarded shitposters
Don't worry, they're not helping you.

>> No.35983554

>Don't worry, they're not helping you.
there's some dumbass above bitching about how he gets banned when he tries to spam on-topic threads off the board, so it appears they are.

>> No.35983563

In the era of covid, going outside and interacting with real people has become an obscure hipster thing to do. So yeah, we absolutely should go outside more.

>> No.35983573

I called you a retarded shitposter indirectly. Sorry your brain is not developed enough to understand it.
Being able to write a lot of trash doesn't make you smart. All that is in it is still trash.

>> No.35983589

>I called you a retarded shitposter indirectly. Sorry your brain is not developed enough to understand it.
i called you a retarded shitposter directly. do you give a shit? then why would i give a shit?

>Being able to write a lot of trash doesn't make you smart. All that is in it is still trash.
you people are the dumbest fucking people alive, the retarded bastard spawn of the /jp/'s autistic self-appointed board police shitposters of yesteryear and retarded EOPs who argue that vtubers aren't related to otaku culture with a straight face.

>> No.35983607

I give a shit. It hurt my internet feelings knowing more idiots like you exist than the former userbase of /jp/.

>> No.35983629

the "former userbase of /jp/" mostly left in 2013 after the whole board went to complete shit. people like you are just retards who moved into the ruins.

>> No.35983666

I'm very into archaeology so I rather awake the nice parts of the culture that still exists here, believe it or not newfag, rather than build a stage for ugly ass 3dpd sluts on top of it and let normalfags like your and the janny take over.

>> No.35983678
File: 76 KB, 700x1100, BCAAA1FE-F048-4464-8BD7-AC651B5E79F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Touhou doesn’t have it’s own board since 2008 and holochuds can have one in less than 1-2 years only shows that moot was wrong all along.
Even p0nees have their own board.

Fact: Touhou is bigger than those 2 fads combined.

>> No.35983710

>I'm very into archaeology so I rather awake the nice parts of the culture that still exists here
thanks for confirming you're a retarded newfag trying to build /jp/ into some idiotic fake version of what he imagines /jp/ to have been like in the past.

>rather than build a stage for ugly ass 3dpd sluts on top of it
i'm sure you're very proud to be in the inheritor to seven generations of shitposters who tried to have idols kicked off the board and failed every time. be sure to leave your regards the ones who come after you.

>> No.35983711

Moot may have been wrong and a big faggot, but he was my faggot and I miss him.

>> No.35983736

You should stop writing like some re**ittard and learn how to uppercase after "." and whatnot before calling people retarded. You didn't even sound smart in even one of your comments, newfag.
Keep donating your money to ugly sluts that will only ever look your way with disgust.

>> No.35983745
File: 86 KB, 640x950, 1439405771324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot understood most of 4chan at least (even though he did some retarded things here on the jay). Hiro doesn't do much more than show up randomly to say funny engrish things and then fuck off while the site continues to die a slow and painful death.
I miss that faggot so much as well.

>> No.35983755

i don't capitalize when i'm talking to retarded shitposters.

>You didn't even sound smart in even one of your comments, newfag.
i'm not trying to impress you. you're a self-admitted newfag and retard who spends all his time in metathreads getting high off his own farts.

>> No.35983763
File: 19 KB, 534x248, 1600570319756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35983778

>i don't capitalize when i'm talking to retarded shitposters
You just don't know how to and you're not actually expect me to believe you're talking to yourself.
>i'm not trying to impress you
You obviously do or you wouldn't talk to me in some absolutely pointless thread to you.
I am also very bored, I admit. But I never disable my brain like you do, even for something like this.

>> No.35983780

riddle me this, retard: you know those supposed glory days of /jp/ you have to do "archaeology" on because you weren't there for them? why do you think you're here arguing about how great it definitely was in the past instead of letting them speak for themselves?

>> No.35983794

>You just don't know how to
believe whatever you want, shit-for-brains.

>You obviously do or you wouldn't talk to me in some absolutely pointless thread to you.
i have argued with braindead shitposters in over a thousand /jp/ threads and not a single time did i give a shit whether those braindead shitposters thought i sounded smart.

>> No.35983827

First: your sentence is bad and doesn't make sence.
Second: I never said it was great in the past. In my opinion normalfags who like vtu*ers should all die and that includes brainlets like you. Those people who honestly like those 3dpd behind a mask and want a good discussion about them can do whatever they want on this board but that's by far the minority, which sadly and not by their fault, made this board a safe haven for idiots.
All everyone here ever wanted was have a rather slow board.

>> No.35983851

>i have argued with braindead shitposters in over a thousand /jp/ threads
Probably the only thing you ever did. I actually congratulate you. It sure rubbed off on you.

>> No.35983885

>what retards like you want is....
No, I said what I want together with everyone here is a slow board.
For someone who argues about people who have no reading comprehension, you sure are ignorant. Almost like.... someone who is too young to post here? Yeah.

>> No.35983906

>First: your sentence is bad and doesn't make sence.
you're a retarded ESL who is incompetent at both spelling and reading comprehension.

>In my opinion normalfags who like vtu*ers should all die and that includes brainlets like you.
the fact that you think vtubers are a normalfag phenomenon rather than being well-integrated into modern japanese otaku net culture indicates that you're a retarded EOP who's primarily into otaku culture for status reasons and don't know shit about actual japanese otaku culture.

>All everyone here ever wanted was have a rather slow board.
what retards like you want is the retarded "my friends are here" clubhouse that doesn't have anything to do with otaku culture and there are plenty of slow /jp/ spinoffs for you to post in if that's what you want.

>No, I said what I want together with everyone here is a slow board.
you were, of course, lying, just like generations of self-appointed board police shitposters before you.

>> No.35983935
File: 21 KB, 534x248, 1602744376497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's not healthy to insist only you know the truth about everyone and constantly project your feelings any time you reply to someone. Here, I'll increase your dosage.

>> No.35983942

>you were, of course, lying
My bad. I forgot you knew me, because you keep going to vt*ber threads you know everything about fake bitches.
>the fact that you think vtubers are a normalfag phenomenon rather than being well-integrated into modern japanese otaku net culture indicates that you're a retarded EOP who's primarily into otaku culture for status reasons and don't know shit about actual japanese otaku culture
I don't need to see the proper japanese people who are otaku about those 3dpd. I only see normalfags like you polluting this site.
And get your crossie lingo out of here.

>> No.35983944

Ok dude, but you can discuss about those bitches on a mask in

Pro tip: vshitters are not otaku culture and it will never be

>> No.35983965

>Anon, it's not healthy to insist only you know the truth about everyone and constantly project your feelings any time you reply to someone. Here, I'll increase your dosage.
he literally admitted he's doing "archaeology", which means he's a admitting that he's new to the board, and he's made all sorts of braindead and projecting claims about me which you don't give a shit about.

>I don't need to see the proper japanese people who are otaku about those 3dpd.
thanks for confirming you don't give a shit about actual otaku culture and are just a retard larping as one.

>And get your crossie lingo out of here.
holy fucking shit lmao what word are you even talking about

>Pro tip: vshitters are not otaku culture and it will never be
this is what somebody completely and entirely fucking ignorant about otaku culture would say

>> No.35983966

Actually here's another reading failure in your brain.
>>In my opinion normalfags who like vtu*ers
>you think vtubers are a normalfag phenomenon
I know of the sad quality of your replies but I want other anons to see too.

>> No.35983970
File: 5 KB, 600x600, E699E45B-F4E2-4178-A4AE-2D3459524703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35983976

Wow what a shit thread

>> No.35983995

>Actually here's another reading failure in your brain.
if that wasn't the implication you were making it would be entirely fucking braindead for you to bring up normalfags at all.

here's a fucking protip, dude: most people who care enough to learn japanese to consume vtuber content can only be considered "normalfags" rather than "otaku" if you're using it as a retarded tribal signifier.

>> No.35984003

I know a few others too such as
But I can't be bothered to look at more.

>> No.35984041

>most people who care enough to learn japanese to consume vtuber content
I don't see a single one of those in the poo that is in the catalog. Or do you think japanese is only katakana?
People who go to such lengths just don't shit up this board with spam. They actually want to talk about their 3dpd. If what I think a person should do.
Newfags like you however....

>> No.35984064

>I don't see a single one of those in the poo that is in the catalog.
around 90% of vtuber content and 99% of livestreams are not translated, which is what most general thread discussion is about. do you really think people are watching zatsudan where they can't understand a single fucking word?

>> No.35984100

>watching zatsudan where they can't understand a single fucking word
Yes. And to further break your silly delusion, they most of the time watch crappy western 3dpd that absolutely not belong here. Calling that borderline otaku culture or whatever your said is ridiculous. It's a big gateway for unpleasant things to flow on.

Wanna play a game instead of shitposting like that with me? I bet you would easily lose at anything.
A boy who only watches 3dpd try to find the right button to press to do an action and laugh at how stupid they are, can't ever be better.

>> No.35984118

you're *really* fucking dumb.

>And to further break your silly delusion, they most of the time watch crappy western 3dpd that absolutely not belong here.
the overwhelming majority of vtubers discussed in the general threads are japanese.

>Calling that borderline otaku culture or whatever your said is ridiculous.
it's not "borderline" otaku culture. pretty much every single otaku institution you can point to in japan has some sort of integration with vtubers these days, including all of nico's three great houses.

>Wanna play a game instead of shitposting like that with me? I bet you would easily lose at anything.
i honestly couldn't give less of a shit how good you are at video games but i'll take you on in hisoutensoku anytime.

>> No.35984142

>the overwhelming majority of vtubers discussed in the general threads are japanese
Thanks, you got me looking at this dumpster fire. I know japanese too if it was just english in disguise. What a moron you are.

>i'll take you on in hisoutensoku anytime
Now I'm actually intrigued by that. But you being over familiar like that is kimochi warui.

>> No.35984169

>I know japanese too if it was just english in disguise.
literally all of these posts are about japanese vtubers. what are you complaining about? that the posts themselves are in english? that the posts are shit? there's literally no shortage of shitty posts about anything in /jp/.

>Now I'm actually intrigued by that. But you being over familiar like that is kimochi warui.
holy shit man you're the one who extended the invitation. put up or shut up.

>> No.35984189

>there's literally no shortage of shitty posts about anything in /jp/.
Now you're just blaming everyone being as bad as you.
>holy shit man you're the one who extended the invitation. put up or shut up
I'm sorry. But the biggest challenge is definitely not beating up a scrub like you, but rather having to establish contact.

>> No.35984200

>watching zatsudan where they can't understand a single fucking word
I literally know people who do this lol

>> No.35984216

>Now you're just blaming everyone being as bad as you.
the point is that the "the overwhelming majority of vtubers discussed in the general threads are japanese" and you've done literally nothing to demonstrate that is not the case.

>I'm sorry. But the biggest challenge is definitely not beating up a scrub like you, but rather having to establish contact.
again, if you're going to extend an invitation, you should be the one to figure it out. people would literally just post their IPs back when /jp/ still had soku threads but you can use IRC or a burner email if you would prefer it that way, though i won't be able to play for a few hours.

i can't even begin to fathom why anyone would do this unless they just wanted background noise at work

>> No.35984234

they like when the anime girl makes funny sounds. their level of enjoyment of it is basically on the level of a toddler watching Blue's Clues

>> No.35984236

What do they even get out of it, I don't understand.

>> No.35984238

2hu nigs are malding

>> No.35984269

i can imagine someone who doesn't know any japanese watching a horror or AP*X stream just to hear girls scream but a regular talk stream is an entirely new level of autism

>> No.35984281

>the overwhelming majority of vtubers discussed in the general threads are japanese
Guess what, there is a separate board for that, which won't have to rely on killing the pace of the niche stuff on /jp/. The terrible low quality I presented is just absolutely unneeded spam.
>just wanted background noise at work
I don't know a single other good reason to ever use jewtube. Not to even just mind the work part. It's completely heartless entertainment that just melts your brain, you don't need to understand what a wanna-be 2d is saying to rot your head.

>> No.35984297

Not moving 2husharts /jp/ is our home

>> No.35984343

Be careful. By writing this you may miss what you butt buddies are spamming in the general.
I'm scared to think how afraid you must be of sleeping because whole 3 threads full of 1500 replies may get past you.

>> No.35984366

Why are you scared pussy?

>> No.35984371

>which won't have to rely on killing the pace of the niche stuff on /jp/. The terrible low quality I presented is just absolutely unneeded spam.
high speed inside the confines of a general thread doesn't substantially affect the speed of the board outside its thread. the maximum impact is the creation of a couple duplicate threads every few hours which barely impacts the long-term thread churn on the board. the primary reason niche shit dies in /jp/ is because nobody wants to talk about it.

>entertainment that just melts your brain
this is how it is for pretty much all types of entertainment in /jp/.

>> No.35984378

Afraid of your well being, my child.

>> No.35984400

>much all types of entertainment
Almost all. But yeah, the good kind of entertainment died a long time ago. And just being further trampled on by the tu*er epidemic.

>> No.35984493
File: 43 KB, 1639x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tubershit is just another flavor of youtuber. They are not niche.

>> No.35984506

Guess it's time to move to the board dedicated to those vt*be things if they're so popular.

>> No.35984514
File: 48 KB, 563x398, iUZ5SYd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't cherrypick your data next time

>> No.35984556
File: 32 KB, 1133x585, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hu wins regardless if I select Japan or Worldwide trends though?

>> No.35984577

Because it's better. It's in no way a point to keep the spam going. Move on into your crappy board.

>> No.35984612

are you incapable of reading graphs

>> No.35984626

vtubers are more popular in English-speaking territories which is the relevant datapoint for this discussion of where vtuber topics should go on this English imageboard

>> No.35984726

Really cool thread. I'm sure that throwing shit at each other and trying to split hairs will improve the board's quality!

>> No.35984779

lmao holochuds getting btfo
your faggot normalnigger simping hobby is too irrelevant even for having their own board
holofail is low tier camwhoring

>> No.35984792

You know what. I honestly stopped caring at all.
Nothing will ever improve and tomorrow with be another disappointment like today was.

>> No.35984813

dumbfuck I'm literally anti-vtumor in this discussion

>> No.35984833

This thread is just beautiful.

>> No.35984848
File: 42 KB, 510x680, 2D774330-602C-4E23-B20A-340FC9619FF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pick the side of shitting on the main /jp/ modniggers which I don’t know if Troid and Kami are still there.

>> No.35984924

It was for this fucking nigger >>35984366

>> No.35985019

Dumn autist kek
W for HoloCHADs

>> No.35985065

i bet your mother gave you birth through the anus you fucking ugly gay ass faggot cuck

>> No.35985078

>y-yo mama
Hold this L 2hutranny....

>> No.35985129

hey chudtranny how many inches your axewound can hold?

>> No.35985179

What exactly do you expect from conventions and clubs, an otaku event won't exactly get the same audience and content as it would have in the past.

>> No.35985369
File: 2.83 MB, 400x206, agamemnon_laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.35985415

To be able to talk about toddlercon in public.

>> No.35985443
File: 19 KB, 184x184, 1628038359578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic thread.
Just epic.

>> No.35985493

Keep that to yourself you perverse degenerate

>> No.35985550

>impying I'm a tranny
2hu is that all you got? by projecting yourself on me?
I will never be a woman or have kids
I dont want to be a woman

Now hold this another L 2hutranny

>> No.35985657
File: 29 KB, 300x640, 1606418536302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35985754

holoniggers out

>> No.35986261
File: 2.47 MB, 480x366, fuckthisshitimout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.35986276

The first thing I think of when I think of jaypee is Simpsons reaction images

>> No.35986386

>it's a literally unfalsifiable claim you've invented out of thin air.
Did you not read a single post from January forward? A majority of deleted posts don't want those threads. In some of the threads around then, people went on about there being a lack of competence from the moderation team to enforce the split.
There's a bunch of shit that classifies as otaku, but they do not belong here. That is because /jp/ decided they do not belong here. Not the moderation team.

>> No.35986403

>you didn't disprove the fact that moot did in fact say /jp/ is a catch-all for things that don't have a board
>create a moat ... called /jp/
It's a catchall for shit that doesn't belong on /a/. I wish I still had that image saved.

>> No.35986411

Yeah like that time /jp/ decided monstergirls don't belong here.

>> No.35986529

Why is jaypee so discriminatory

>> No.35986556

Boomer board.

>> No.35986695
File: 136 KB, 1024x682, are you shitting me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't capitalize when i'm talking to retarded shitposters.
Well, well done making yourself look like an idiot. >>35983906
>>First: your sentence is bad and doesn't make sence.
>you're a retarded ESL who is incompetent at both spelling and reading comprehension.
I was hoping from the start you weren't an idiot.

>> No.35986896

>I was hoping from the start you weren't an idiot.
and i was hoping you weren't a retarded ESL who can't even spell english words correctly but here we are

>> No.35986920

I'm not even the guy you responded to, retard-kun.

>> No.35986939

anyone whiteknighting retards trying to call people out on bad english when they can't spell words is also a retard

>> No.35986944

Pointing something out is not white knighting.
Agreeing with one point does not mean all points are agreed upon.

>> No.35986956

very cultured response, anon
my respects to you

>> No.35987031

Just looking at the reaction images in this thread and who they belong you can tell that vtubers don't belong here and the kind of poster that bring into the board

>> No.35987423

Reine in 10 minutes

>> No.35987452

>you're a retarded ESL
>you're a retarded EOP
Which one is it?

>> No.35987464


>> No.35987484

ITT: Old people crying about things changing.
That's just life, man. Times change. People die. Culture evolves. It was never going to stay the same forever.

>> No.35987569

both can be true presuming otaku media is not usually translated into your ooga booga first language, therefore you have to rely on "english only"

>> No.35987634

I just want quality shitpost songs like this to come back


>> No.35987637

Yeah, man. Very philosophical. Things are changing for sure, but I wouldn't say they're evolving.

>> No.35987655


>> No.35987703

What if we had a new board called 東方
would that solve everything

>> No.35987734

Probably not. /vt/ exists and that didn't really "solve" anything. If you made a touhou board you'd be mixing in a bunch of /jp/ posters with /v/ fags and probably /vg/ cancer without any of the fun /jp/ culture, and it'd turn into a wojak shithole in a day. That and I like other stuff on /jp/ besides touhou.

>> No.35987876

Gatekeeping just sadly needs to be done far in advance before shit hit's the fan, when most of unwanted people already are on wrong side of gates there is little reason to try to gatekeep.
Otherwise i agree with you but its just too late, i saw this coming long time ago when they made /vg/ threads and steam releases happened, but no one gave a shit, or just claimed that i just doomposted.

Now here we are, i guess people can just learn from this experience, its not first fanbase or hobby invaded like this and it not gonna be last.

>> No.35987945

Exactly, 4chan's culture changed to the point where it now has a dedicated vtuber board. Which a moderately large group of vtuber fans refuse to use because they'd rather bother some people who want nothing more than to enjoy a slow-paced board.

>> No.35987990

good idea on paper but then there will be all those unfunny reddit memes clogging up /jp/ just like everywhere else that allows posting lolis

>> No.35988039
File: 405 KB, 800x1131, 1606262996879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimately, aren't we just at the mercy of " higher ups " ? Is the solution not as simple as getting just one of our like minded people in their ranks and finally do this board justice? I don't really know, I don't wish to be a moderator.
Surely, if many are commited enough to speak of the shift in quality of this board in what could be described as a transitional state rather than a defininite, doomed one, one would also be just as commited to be the change they want to see, but i'm guessing things aren't that simple, or perhaps we've reached that aforementioned doomed point. I don't really know, I just try to take it easy.

>> No.35988223
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 1245667430821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did it all go?

>> No.35988298

fuck off holochud tranny, you probably sucks dick to refugees for free lmao

>> No.35988358

moot moved on, why the hell don't you. get a life

>> No.35988925

Says a person who's posting on /jp/.

>> No.35989254
File: 98 KB, 500x373, 1596253181006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who want nothing more than to enjoy a slow-paced board
if that was even a fucking ounce true you wouldn't be bound to 4chan of all places you goddamn shit-eater
Actually mad you try to act, or god even really believe, like the occurrences on the /jp/ would provide any closure or satisfaction in your life if every anon on this board actually acted as you wish they did

>> No.35989391

Where the fuck did your projection come out of? And really, how long have you been using this board if you don't know about how slow it used to be? Six months at most, right? Or maybe even less if you really can't understand that it is in fact possible to have slow discussions on 4chan. Don't click this if you don't want your mind to be blown: >>>/po/539494

>> No.35989688

The /v/ reaction image should've answered all those questions for you already

>> No.35989761
File: 406 KB, 500x500, tensh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i'm so sorry that an image I found in an RPGMaker thread years ago on this board is apparently nothing but /v/ because constanza is some sort of shibboleth to mark anonymous posters with specific demographics, rather than just displaying smug contempt in general. I HAVE to be pigeonholed into something to disqualify from your existence for actually using other imageboards to satisfy the desire for slower boards
while we're at it, have a /pol/ reaction image friend. surely if it were /jp/ people wouldn't just be using randomly for their own expression independent of your anonymous approval

>> No.35989802

surely you haven't been consistently making meta threads in vain week after week for years and years, before even kizuna ai first appeared, with the actual board culture simply shifting by idle hands in greater number than you just gradually using by its very unfixed and transient design
surely you'd realize there are other places which have more effective means to keep things in a cultural standard if you're willing to stick your neck out a bit more instead of acting like younger faggots having different tastes in relatively niche japanese interests ask a person on the street about vtubers, 4chan is already niche and you being exceptional fixed in space and time doesn't change that is a problem for the board or the site

>> No.35989860

It's a fucking costanza bat image, people have posted pepe and wojak shit here and that doesn't make it any less shit. No need to get mad and blow up at me just because you had no choice but to ignore the other guy's argument after getting owned dude.

I really hope you're not implying that vtubers are niche after they've been put into fucking western taco bell ads.

>> No.35989866

wojak was first brought to 4chan via /jp/

hatsune miku has been on dominos boxes and yet vocaloid is still on-topic in /jp/

>> No.35989901

>there are other places
When other boards won't stay in their boards, that's a problem with them, not with jaypees

If /v/ wants to discuss Sonic the Hedgehog virtual Youtuber, they have two boards for that. Not here, simply because they're not sure which of the two to post about it on.

>> No.35989902

I hope the taco bell ad was actually the moment when you changed your mind on that, instead of it just being the latest thing displaying a relative growth in popularity that inconsolables have been venting about since 2019
Most of the stuff you that was classic /jp/ either has gotten similar in Japan, or was not in a position to by so heavily capitalized upon (which is independent

Also, >>35989391 is basically "you are too new and therefore naive, and you cannot be older much older than that or must be otherwise mentally compromised to even possess you mentality."
How would YOU respond to that? I wouldn't.

>> No.35989910

>they have two boards for that
Actually they have around 10 on 4chan, give-or-take some boards with more fixed topics than the random boards.
People are free to not like it of course, but there's nothing actually stopping them from doing so. It's a site where other anons can't make you shut up if it is not breaking rules, go figure (and that would only slow down true /jp/sies).

>> No.35989979

Yeah and blogposting used to be allowed here too, now they're both deleted on sight. You could post wojak and claim that you saved it from an old /jp/ thread years ago, but it would still make you look like an election tourist. What's your point? I'm not about to argue with you about how on-topic vtubers are on /jp/ because I really don't care, you were trying to make it sound like they were niche as if they aren't some of the ones making the most revenue on youtube right now.

See above, they've been popular for a while before the ad. They've had their own anime, I'm pretty sure they sing OP/EDs for them too. If that still qualifies as niche then that word has no fucking meaning. My qualifier for something being "allowed" on /jp/ has nothing to do with how niche something is in the first place.

>> No.35990405
File: 95 KB, 556x815, 1604640821853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like going outside though. The sun hurts my eyes and makes me nauseous.

>> No.35990450
File: 55 KB, 1400x1000, Pure_Maiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work nights intentionally for that purpose.
Nothing like a three hour jog on a warm summer night through a one-horse town.
Except maybe a two-horse one.

>> No.35990608

>you were trying to make it sound like they were niche as if they aren't some of the ones making the most revenue on youtube right now
shark has 3 million subs which is the highest of all vtubers and is not even in the top 1000 of youtube channels

>> No.35992080

In terms of subscribers? Sure, but I specifically said revenue. Keep in mind that the top 5 are all part of the same company, so all that money is going to the same place. And that's only the top 5, plenty of others don't fall that far behind on the list.

>> No.35992361

Go to /vt/ if you want to discuss pointless mainstream bullshit.

>> No.35992445
File: 87 KB, 900x900, Enclave Comms officer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great another mess of a thread, hey janny can you clean up the mess or something?

>> No.35992449

You are braindead, I'm not even a vtuberfag. But sure, sorry to get in the way of all the other discussion that was going on in this very productive meta thread. Might as well have replied to everyone in here.

>> No.35992792

>I'm not even a vtuberfag
That much is obvious. I'm just saying you should make yourself an acc in youtube and state your butthurt to some depressing song.

>> No.35992928

And I'm just saying you're braindead. I think I'll keep having a normal discussion here instead.

>> No.35993005

>Yes, the real world, and I mean stuff like conventions and clubs like what the og otaku were in the 70s-80s.
We've evolved way past that.

>> No.35993133

bad news, conventions are full of turbo normies who even bring their kids along with them

>> No.35993145

You will maybe fit in if you lurk for 5 more years.

>> No.35993288

No deal. I'm a busy guy and I have lots of posting to do.

>> No.35994394
File: 61 KB, 674x646, 1549143911099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who was the faggot that made up this meme about the Scarlets having red nails and pointy ears. They are literally never shown like that in official art, yet this cancer has infected most artists who draw them. You can barely find non-shit art of the vampire ojous nowadays.

>> No.35994427


>> No.35994577

>Also, >>35989391is basically "you are too new and therefore naive, and you cannot be older much older than that or must be otherwise mentally compromised to even possess you mentality."
Actually, that post is an apt response to someone who claims the board (or all of 4chan) was always this fast. The implication that your experience here is 6 months old at most was made because that's exactly when /jp/ got this fast, given how even through all of 2020 when the Hololive general blew up, threads could still easily survive for a day without any bumps because the moderation kept them locked in their generals.
Your original post was entirely uncalled for, pointless, and full of meaningless projection.

>> No.35994612

several old mods did in fact quit 4chan together with moot.
many of the current moderators are unapologetic newfags.

>> No.35994718

>the job of moderators is to enforce the rules, not cater to retarded shitposters.
thats what i said, retard shitposter.

>> No.35994825

Me neither. I have a seven figures income and wont throw it away just to be circlejerking with retarded powertripping manchildren all day.
i have tried contacting hiro about buying 4chan, but he doesnt want to sell it.

>> No.35994865

It's impossible to go back to the good times just by avoiding normies because "real" otaku also changed for the worse

>> No.35994874

>he doesnt want to sell it.
I wouldn't either. He makes money off it and doesn't have to do a single thing. Doesn't even have to pay the staff.

>> No.35995499

>Is the solution not as simple as getting just one of our like minded people in their ranks and finally do this board justice?
It is, but it's not really as easy as it sounds. You'd have to be a janitor starting out, and that already entails sitting in an IRC all day on top of having anything you do be recorded and logged. Most people with /jp/'s best interests at heart are strictly anti-IRC and/or socially autistic so that already turns off a huge majority.

Assuming you even get that far, then you basically have to suck-up as a janitor and be the mods' pet, then it's just praying you get lucky and there's a vacant spot.

moot was a fag sometimes but he kept things mostly in line. Hiro's apparently just delegated the reigns to the moderators while he makes ad money, so the end result is we have a circle of mods who seemingly just do whatever and don't have to give a rhyme or reason for it. The fact that none of them ever post or talk about anything relating to the status of the site is just the icing on the cake, because it means when one of them fucks something up they don't have to take responsibility for it. They're free to do whatever and don't have to answer for the consequences. It's a sad state of affairs, but that's just how it is.

>> No.35995659

From what that sound like, moving into another site is the single only option left. I searched a lot and there was not a single site with people that act remotely the same as people did before on /jp/.
Thinking about being separated from the fags I know vaguely makes me sad.

>> No.35995729

Kuso thread

>> No.35995760

Says the vtube spammer

>> No.35995761

Well, it's not like it's the end of the world despite how much people complain. I'll give credit where it's due and say they at least still delete stupid shit like wojak and frogs.

People are just frustrated since we're at the whims of an entirely silent moderation who seem to just do whatever they want most of the time. The "we're listening to feedback, sit tight!" statement ended up being a flat-out lie too since half the board was bitching and being spammed for like 6 months after all the changes they forced on us. Even an official statement of "go fuck yourselves, we're not changing anything" would be be better than this ridiculous silence.

>> No.35995820

You guys are so fucking rude to each other it's disheartening to see that these are the people populating this cesspool board

>> No.35995830

>we're at the whims
You aren't. There are other places on the internet. If those don't satisfy you, make one. You have plenty of examples of failed sites to guide you by now too.

>> No.35995837
File: 116 KB, 564x428, 1623248271908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you!

>> No.35995859
File: 28 KB, 600x403, 0ADBCB35-D99F-4DBC-B959-B0A2DE178D43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35995897

Now try reading the post you quoted and the post it quoted as well.

>> No.35995898

If you want to keep normos out, just make /jp/ an orange board

>> No.35996033

this, most of the people who populated this board back then grew up and moved on
you can't be an epic hikkineet forever

>> No.35996064

My bad. Given how difficult it is to weed social climbers from principled people in an environment like this, there's not much choice. Being separated is a different issue; many have already left anyway, and if the site is good enough it will gain traction. No one's really tapped into that second bit, which is why I mentioned looking at other failed sites.

>> No.35996124

>grew up and moved on
Correction. Given up and died inside.

>> No.35996174

you can post on /jp/ and have a job + family you know.

>> No.35996238

no you can't

>> No.35996245
File: 1.37 MB, 511x436, tumblr_oubvuepEPp1rrftcdo1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ used to be the nice board (with occasional, but usually warranted, gatekeeping and elitism). Vtubers really changed this board's culture. There's not even a decent spinoff to go to. Tohruchan and shitaba get 1 post a month, uboachanners all moved to discord, english BBS-oh excuse me, I mean "txtboards", all got ruined by fignewts from 4/g/

>> No.35996631

job, yes
family, i really doubt it

>> No.35996919
File: 54 KB, 400x400, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, go choke on a dick and die in an explosion, faggot.

>> No.35996934

it's called appeal newfag summerfag

>> No.35997036
File: 57 KB, 505x494, A9854797-5989-49EF-B155-4B6953D42996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35997065


>> No.35997864
File: 38 KB, 300x312, a04fab115979ecec42c5aee895db69f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already mentioned it earlier, but I use Kissu. I don't know how many /jp/sies are there there, but I personally felt right at home the moment I started lurking.

>> No.35999171

pissu is temporary
ota is eternal

>> No.35999765

>just make /jp/ an orange board
orange eh?

>> No.36000006

i get what you and the other poster are saying about the imagedumping thing. there's generally a stiff correlation between the quality of a post depending on whether it has an image attached to it (could X post have existed without Y picture and still gotten the point across). the same goes for threads depending on the ratio of images. cause it gets to the point where you have a folder full of 1000 images relating to the subject matter, run the random number generator, and pull out that image. there's clearly a lot of interest in the subject, it's just that it isn't channeled and expressed into an interesting way. having a good sense of what you like about something, or want to talk about. even just opening a notepad file and typing what you liked about what you just read/watched is a practice a lot of people could stand to try out. at least that's what people can do on the individual level.
you can always give hiroshima's youtube channel a listen. he may never talk about the west but the guy posts hour long videos constantly
the amount of japanese to foreign language comments on most recent vocaloid stuff (i'm just using pinnochiop's new video as a reference) is probably a better indicator than pizza boxes
emphasis on long distance trains. plenty of places have trains but if you can't get to the next city over that kills everything.

>> No.36000089

All of this still seems like valuable information.

>> No.36000106

>there's clearly a lot of interest in the subject, it's just that it isn't channeled and expressed into an interesting way.
To be frank the former is of little relevance if the latter holds true. Like I said, sometimes I assume someone is just doing autopilot unintentionally and I'll reply to them with a question or interesting comment on the picture; most of the time that inspires nothing but a trite reply at best. Even if they are truly absorbed with the media, they themselves have no real expression in it beyond reposting.
I can just go to a booru to get that experience if I so wanted - especially considering how many people take from boorus to post here (unless they just repost directly from pixiv/twitter/etc.)
>having a good sense of what you like about something, or want to talk about. even just opening a notepad file and typing what you liked about what you just read/watched is a practice a lot of people could stand to try out.
I do this, and I generally only make threads if I've got at least a paragraph to comment on the topic, like >>35892892 .

>> No.36002405

>Sure, but I specifically said revenue.
sure, but whether something is niche depends on how many people like that thing, and not whether the few people who like that things are huge losers who spent a lot of money per capita.

>even through all of 2020 when the Hololive general blew up, threads could still easily survive for a day without any bumps because the moderation kept them locked in their generals.
a twelve hour rotation was fairly standard in /jp/ for nearly the first eight years of its existence.

>The fact that none of them ever post or talk about anything relating to the status of the site is just the icing on the cake, because it means when one of them fucks something up they don't have to take responsibility for it.
moot is the who originally instituted the "mods don't get to talk to users anymore" policy.

>> No.36006650

That's not a thing

>> No.36009122

this is redpilled

>> No.36017030
File: 34 KB, 570x456, il_570xN.2035869370_7p74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just so happens i came back to visit today hoping the hololive apocalypse was over. I used to make wacky threads that were so off topic i risked being banned but the mods are pretty good here and let me have my freedom. I will slowly come back home.

>> No.36018347
File: 329 KB, 736x960, 1619467448279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit thread lmao. 4chan is dead niggers

>> No.36018805

Get the fuck out of here janny.

>> No.36024879

You are that bad in ignoring retards?

>> No.36025636

>anon finds out jp has been slowly dying for years now

>> No.36025955

This. bunbunmaru is full of porn bots, kakeshi-nenpo is dead, desuchan is offline, ota-ch has some activity but is still slow.

>> No.36026114

You can, but I'd rather you don't.

>> No.36026222
File: 770 KB, 988x1000, 1624031433552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for mentioning it, it's so comfy there I love it!

>> No.36026308

vtubers and singers/whatevr trash idols. JAV and gravure stick to a single thread, but the singer followers feel compelled to make a thing for every single group.

>> No.36027075

ignoring retards attracts more retards.

>> No.36027421

>you can't be an epic hikkineet forever
watch me

>> No.36028288
File: 96 KB, 647x900, __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_kamukamu_ars__fe354b00ea96a38f445e46b78b8431f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with being an "otaku" and going to the gym 3x a week and developing social gains?

>> No.36028574

It's 2021. The summer is eternal.

>> No.36035542

People who want the good old days are the worst, don't even think of inviting them to Kissu

>> No.36036170

>but the singer followers feel compelled to make a thing for every single group
same thing with doujin faggots

>> No.36041565
File: 145 KB, 349x480, why don't you believe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 2021 move on, you will never get "otaku culture" back, because otaku media and gay wrestling isn't novel anymore, and shit like nico is dying.
vtubers are cancer yes, but this board has been literally nothing but picture dumping (>50% done by bots) since 2016 or so. its not vtubers, its the times changing. >>35996033

>> No.36041620


>> No.36047861

Winter is better.

>> No.36050878

