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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[ERROR] No.35975699 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.35975729
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>> No.35975730

epic op

>> No.35975740


>> No.35975745

how many times are you going to filter me lmfao noob

>> No.35975764


>> No.35975765
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>> No.35975769
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>> No.35975770
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>> No.35975782

drakes probably fluent by now

>> No.35975794

if every thread in the last 4 years has been independent reading time hes def fluent

>> No.35975834

good op

>> No.35975868

remember, always give yourself around 10 seconds to feel it out
still don’t know? ok get the dictionary

>> No.35975878

making a card to remember the 10s rule

>> No.35975887

apple will officially start scanning people’s iphones for child p*rn, it’s been confirmed. watch out lolicons

>> No.35975889

should i get a braille dictionary and feel that too

>> No.35975904

no silly. the feeling happens inside u

>> No.35975909

i'll give a feeling inside you *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.35975917

wasnt me
i dont know why my filters are off maybe something got reset while i was gone
anyway i already forgot why i filtered you last

>> No.35975963

i don't like anime

>> No.35975973

i like some anime

>> No.35975981

i love anime, period.

>> No.35976000

i wasnt even talking about you but lol

>> No.35976005

alright filtered again

>> No.35976009

filtering filtered

>> No.35976019

You can feel for longer actually. Sometimes, I feel for a minute or so!
Those are the moments when we really learn. When something clicks and the word comes to mind. That's what really solidifies things in your head.

Feel more bros. Feel good. Feel often. Feel better. We are all gonna 感潮 it

>> No.35976040

feeling myself out

>> No.35976043

feel and you'll be tanasinn

>> No.35976056
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>> No.35976061

直感 is what I meant, but see, I learned a new word.
No, I felt it.

>> No.35976085

dont dox yourself like this its not worth it

>> No.35976113

There's two kinds of people, people who read 塩水 as しおみず and people who are wrong.

>> No.35976147
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the absolute state of refard languages

>> No.35976150

... lol

>> No.35976157

why is the zoomer wearing an ancap bow tie

>> No.35976161

dont think you got youre japanese particles in order there

>> No.35976162

cuz mattos meme crew wanted to make the most low effort cringe awful thing ever

>> No.35976183

behold the power of outputting and ogs 実力

>> No.35976232

from observing the thread for awhile, i think i've concluded that jamal is like one of those tiny yappy dogs that startles bigger dogs all the time not because he poses an actual threat but because he seems to think he does going by his complete lack of appropriate fear and willingness to fight anything

>> No.35976239

didnt know ogre was still that bad

>> No.35976249

he never lost a debate what should he fear

>> No.35976278

tiny yappy dogs don't have a pack of dicksuckers that defend them to the death usually

>> No.35976298

jamal (pbuh) destroyed quiz during the stream saga theres nothing more he has to prove

>> No.35976308

Current thread: #2959

Previous threads:
>>35965207 #2958
>>35952817 #2957
>>35940992 #2956

>> No.35976312


>> No.35976330

its ok to hate jamal and quiz at the same time

>> No.35976342

jabum got btfo by moe on multiple occasions tho

>> No.35976343


>> No.35976361

wonder if anyone heres watched more anime than moe

>> No.35976370

Cuz ancaps are retarded.

>> No.35976377




>> No.35976387

Would the input method work for programming? (I.e. just reading a lot of other people’s code?)

>> No.35976401


>> No.35976509


Previous thread
>>35975699 #2959
>>35965207 #2958
>>35952817 #2957
>>35940992 #2956
>>35930339 #2955
>>35920140 #2954
>>35914406 #2953

>> No.35976510

It works for any human endeavour. Humans are really bad at doing "new things" we are really good however, at copying things. We have especialized "mirror" neurons that fire when we see someone doing something, or rather, when we try to understand how someone did something.
Its why visualization for instance, works. Our brain can't really distinguish whether "we" did something, or we read about it, or we imagined it. Imagining doing something or reading something, or thinking about how something was done, is ised by your brain in the same way as doing it yourself.

Point being, watching someone doing something you want to learn to do, gives you insights on how to do it. Now, there's limitations, you can perfectly understand the mechanics of a backflip, and lack the strenght to do one. Also, the input in our minds is incomplete, for instance, when you read sentences, you are reading someone's output, and it helps, but you still lack the part of the instructions about how they got there.

Which is why doing things is important, too. We need to test and find out what works and what doesn't, so our mental models become as accurate as possible to reality.

The tldr is that by reading code or looking at anything really, you are also reverse engineering how it was done.

>> No.35976529

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.35976575

can any1 tell me what this means >>35976056

>> No.35976582

translated to romanji, it says: anata wa gei

>> No.35976586

no not at all

>> No.35976590

sorry i cant understand that either

>> No.35976591

momentum is so important

>> No.35976604

stop writing these fucking essays

>> No.35976615

we all use momento

>> No.35976616
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He is trying to say blonde girls are better than other girls, but he is a retard and spewed out 屎
A lot, sorry. I see now why uppercasers arent welcome. Here have tits
I'll try, you can share the tits.
Sprry I type really fast!

>> No.35976617

so uh what actually is a 目録
even with pictures of it the meaning doesn't feel any closer to understanding

>> No.35976637

do you timebox? how do i become an anki chad like you?

>> No.35976648

lol im no anki "chad" i dont even like doing it that much

>> No.35976655
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>> No.35976706
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えええええ! 目録は格好いい!結婚した時に絶対を使った。

>> No.35976741

>tfw haven't done anki or any reading in 3 days
it's finally over

>> No.35976786

I don't know about you guys, but I need a change of pace, just the whole weeb scene and anime and jp and everything is starting to depress me

I'm taking 6 months off from Japanese and enrolling in Mandarin Chinese courses, I figure I have a bit of a head start with the kanji (although Mandarin uses the lame simplified characters now, but still).

>> No.35976798

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.35976807


>> No.35976809


>> No.35976816

>lame simplified characters
the simplified radicals are fucking sick its a shame about the rest

>> No.35976853

>Would the input method work for programming? (I.e. just reading a lot of other people’s code?)
yes but the whole point of programming is to generate output so eventually you'll have to write some yourself. reading lots of source code helps in 2 ways
>the skill of reading codebases is important because you'll probably have to learn and add on to an existing codebase at some point
>pattern recognition so when you try to write your own code you have ideas in your head of what to base it off of

>> No.35976872

i just lost all energy to do anything at all lol
looked at all the jp shit and i just said no

>> No.35976877

why is djt so depressed

>> No.35976883

maybe it's just the season. i just burnt out because i failed all of my goals for the month of july

>> No.35976893

i failed all my goals for my entire life

>> No.35976894


>> No.35976896

this but unironically for me

>> No.35976904

were not a monolith

>> No.35976915
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>> No.35976968
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We aren't!

>> No.35976981
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>> No.35976990

make that 3 of us

>> No.35977005

same but this time im gmi

>> No.35977006

ganbare on behalf of all of us

>> No.35977016
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You got this bro!

>> No.35977031

aight here i go dekinai bros
yosshaaaaa ganbaruzooooi

>> No.35977042

i've been studying kanji for three weeks and reading for 2 and i still haven't read a single grammar guide

>> No.35977052

>studying kanji
>reading for 2
wait a second
>still haven't read a single grammar guide

>> No.35977070
File: 118 KB, 1440x1440, tada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35977104

"they" better not shut the world down again (ò_óˇ)

>> No.35977118

Ran out of milk so can't make morning coffee. How am I supposed to do my daily morning reps without coffee, life is meaningless and full of suffering. Local shop isn't even open for another half hour.

>> No.35977124

u should be drinking sencha

>> No.35977125

my city has a ton of hot Japanese girls, but way more hot Chinese girls, so the incentive that way is just as strong either way for me, more languages that one can dabble in the better anyways, it impresses people if you can hold a very basic conversation in 6 languages, and Chinese especially

>> No.35977126

glad im not addicted to drugs

>> No.35977133

I said I would try but ehhhh.

>> No.35977135

you can know 2000 kanji and still be clueless in trying to read, the kanji isn't the hard part in understanding written Japanese, it is trying to put together actual meaning with the subtle difference in the seemingly random strings of hiragana that are between the kanji.... seriously Japanese grammar in native speak is fucked up to understand at times

>> No.35977141

do you have butter? buttered coffee is quite good and is an alternative to milk

>> No.35977144

I'm so desperate i'm going to try it. I will put my faith in your words.

>> No.35977146

try having sweets with black coffee
i hear it makes it better
or buy better coffee in the future lel

>> No.35977147

do you have anything like heavy cream of cool whip?

>> No.35977149

being a coomer is way more detrimental than coohii

>> No.35977151

google it even, gourmet coffee shops sell buttered coffee, you can put lots in too and it goes well together, I like it

>> No.35977152

Anon put coom in your coffee, its called cream for a reason

>> No.35977161


>> No.35977165

The hiragana follows patterns anon, you just have to... feel them.
Japanese is actually easier than english in that its very regular.

>> No.35977167

chink bitches have cuter feet

>> No.35977182

I hate the sound of Mandarin though, it is a turn off when a super hot Asian girl opens her mouth and Mandarin comes out, but I am still going to learn some, there are too many nice ones around here working at bubble tea stores and stuff so it is a fun conversation starter

>> No.35977188

let us know how it goes

>> No.35977190

you know, being a coomer is fine, you just have to recycle.
>he doesn't know about the ligma variant.

>> No.35977215


>> No.35977240

I'm not used to drinking butter so it feels like I put too much in, Maybe I mixed it wrong because it doesn't mask the taste of black coffee either. It's drinkable though.

>> No.35977250


>> No.35977256

you are giving your brain a chemical release that was meant, biologically, to happen after finding a partner to mate with
and leading up to that point the lack of that release was meant to act as fuel for your ambition and goals

>> No.35977257

it melts and kind of mixes ok but does sit on the top a bit but that works as you get it as you sip, it isn't the same as if you are used to filling half milk like a latte or something though

>> No.35977263

what that moron failed to tell you is you need a tool to emulsify it properly to make it creamy

>> No.35977264

Japanese people picking up ta-da and using it to the point that they even shortened it to じゃーん still makes me laugh

>> No.35977267

My brain wants to.cooooom tho

>> No.35977270

nah, biologically without social mores getting in the way we are fapping and ejaculating like crazy every day, you are mixing in societal moral pressures and stuff

I grew up on a farm with horses and young male horses that are kept away from females masturbate themselves like crazy all the time

biologically we need to be ejaculating daily

>> No.35977271

did that guy really fall for the butter meme

>> No.35977272

How do horses masturbate?
Be descriptive

>> No.35977273

rest in fucking piece lmao

>> No.35977279

it is good, people pay big money for them, google "buttered coffee" and they even show pics

>> No.35977285

you know how you can "flex" your muscles and make your dick jump up when hard, they do the same but repeatedly 'slap' it up onto their belly until they cum

>> No.35977286

a) social mores are hardwired into humans as we are highly social creatures susceptible to shame and tribal norms
b) masturbating doesnt exactly come naturally and its always been considered some sexual deviancy its like if in 50 years men shoving dildos up their ass becomes the norm and people suddenly pretend that men naturally seek out that behavior when left to their own devices

>> No.35977287


>> No.35977290

you should fall for the chemex meme instead of the butter meme
pour over coffee is actually pretty good imo, makes black coffee go down smooth and adding creamer basically removes any trace of bitterness

>> No.35977292

Holy shit. That sounds kinda metal. I don't think I can do that repeatedly hard enough.
Do they cum on each other?

>> No.35977296


>> No.35977298

Anon you got lost, pol is the next board over. The happening is on, its your favorite!

>> No.35977307

for fucks sake you cant say anything remotely "controversial" without some nigger screaming /pol/ get a fucking life you humorless troon

>> No.35977312

it is solo behaviour, when they are that horny and being deprived, males will sometimes jump on another male and a fight will happen

have you ever seen the artificial insemination collection, they basically have a big cushioned table and the extremely horny horse is half crazed and jumps on it and the guy or girl has to quickly put a collection tube on the dick to collect which is quite a load in a long plastic kind of condom

a horny stallion is actually a bit dangerous, they get crazed until they cum, depriving them gets a little crazy and they will knock you over in a frenzy to get to a mare

>> No.35977315

why else would i have a g spot in my ass

>> No.35977319


>> No.35977322

thats not a medical term
you are using a procedure to forcibly make yourself coom or something its not like it was meant to happen like that. you have have so much room in your body

would you say a dick to the bladder is how you make yourself piss?

>> No.35977324


>> No.35977327

those hands free orgasm videos over on /b/ are pretty extreme, I didn't know it was possible to cum from anal stimulation only until I saw it on /b/

>> No.35977332

yeah its almost like all this degen shit plays by vampire rules and you have to be converted to it

if you think everyone in wild untamed nature just faps all day it would end up with men and women avoiding each other and there goes the human race

>> No.35977333

shut the fuck up catholic

>> No.35977338

after you cum in the day your attitude changes and you can think of more productive things and we still have a desire to socialize and be with someone, it seems biology put in the refraction time after orgasm for that reason

>> No.35977340

just get 1 of those bamboo matcha whisk things lmfao

>> No.35977345

theres no need to reproduce anymore were overpopulated

>> No.35977351

There's a list of 漫画 that has all text with 振仮名?

>> No.35977352

dreaming of getting fucked by an 猪

>> No.35977353

low iq

>> No.35977355

I hope my future gf likes to coom all day.

>> No.35977358

good thing im jacking off to hdoujins in my room then eh

>> No.35977361

sounds exhausting

>> No.35977363

true it seems like Father Nature is trying to get rid of us lately

>> No.35977364

actually i thought of that really this is "high iq retard" because unlike you the actual people who shouldnt be breeding will be doing the "overpopulating"

>> No.35977367

I hope mine has a smaller dick than me

>> No.35977368

>it is trying to put together actual meaning with the subtle difference in the seemingly random strings of hiragana that are between the kanji....
yeah exactly once you can do that the kanji are no big deal just gotta look up words and it fits right in like a puzzle

>> No.35977373

youre gonna bear my hafu children one day

>> No.35977379

Just a figure of speech but you know what I mean.

>> No.35977381

id rip it out of myself, first

>> No.35977385

It gwts tiresome.
Girls either want to sex all the time or never. Wish there was an in between.
I know it'll sound weird but too much sex is exhausting.

>> No.35977394

raising kids is expensive these days and is also a massive pain in the ass if you want to raise them right cuz of the effort involved and by the time youre finally done youre too old to do anything

>> No.35977396

know where I can get my hands on 黒白のアヴェスター?

>> No.35977397

men dont know what they need
they just need a girl who accepts it but doesn't really enjoy or demand it
women arent men and you shouldnt want them to be

>> No.35977398

why do so many girls have a beastiality fetish

>> No.35977410

its literally never been cheaper to raise kids
for starters, clothing and nourishing food has historically been incredibly expensive until recently which severely limited how many kids you could care for at once. and there was no nanny state to step in and raise them for you or give you bennies to keep them alive

the only "expensive" part is stupid spoiled first world shit like their education and toys and other bullshit not critical to their care

>> No.35977423

why would any1 want a dead fish itd be cheaper to buy a doll lmfao i hear u can even warm up the manko these days

>> No.35977427

this is why people tell you to fuck off to pol, retard. people don't want to raise wageslaves of all things.

>The experience of parenthood can hardly be captured in dollars and cents. But the fact is, kids are expensive. In its Expenditures on Children by Families report, the USDA puts the cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 at $233,610 for a middle-income family (married with two kids) — around $12,980 per year

>> No.35977432

stuffing them through the higher education mill is the best way to ensure the end up as wagies with crippling inescapable debt

>> No.35977441

>stupid spoiled first world shit
doesn't even matter whether you like education or not, in the states it's literally a crime to keep kids out of school until they're an adult

>> No.35977443

Ok guys, what the fuck is a な adjective? Can someone explain it to me?

>> No.35977447

public school is fucking free and how the hell do you spend 10+k a year on someone who is eating dinner youd be cooking anyway

break down the monthly budget for me without it looking like an entitled firsty consoomer paradise

>> No.35977460

$1000 a month per kid lmao
yeah right

>> No.35977462

it's adjectives that don't end in い with a few exceptions: きれい, きらい, and さいわい
na adjectives just have a specific conjugation style
i don't feel like writing everything out so read this

>> No.35977466

its a noun u can use the rentaikei of da after

>> No.35977468

>the only "expensive" part is stupid spoiled first world shit like their education and toys and other bullshit not critical to their care
lmfao just going to assume youre trolling

>> No.35977473

exactly, I am going through that right now, my wife wants an orgasm or two every day, and women don't orgasm that easily or quickly, it takes a good half hour of hard work that is kind of tricky.... I'm much easier, and the other fact that men are visual creatures means I would often rather fap while looking at gravure videos than have sex for the 1000th time with the same person, keeping her satisfied is actually a lot of work

>> No.35977474

calling it now this guys a tradcath
>i will not allow my children to be raised near the devils influence
>we will live as god intended, like shit

>> No.35977478

not christian btw but the rest of your post is pretty true. living like shit builds character

>> No.35977480

just some friendly advice, you are at the beginner level of grammar, you should at least work through Genki 1, it isn't that hard and really does give you a good foundation of grammar. Getting on the "learn hundreds of kanji" kick from the start is doing yourself a disservice. Get the basics down first.

>> No.35977481

tell her if she wants 1 then shed better work for it

>> No.35977482

keep getting filtered by this

>> No.35977485

good thing youre never going to have kids

>> No.35977491

u should never "work through" anything just skim it and when ur ready for it to sink deeper into ur being u can google here and there

>> No.35977495

she is willing, I am sexed out, for one it is hard work to try to stay hard and hit the right angles and spots for long enough to make women cum daily, and (not bragging), I am large enough that that isn't the issue, women are just difficult, I'd seriously rather just cum in the first couple minutes and then finish her off with a vibrator and dildo (which will take usually at least 15 minutes to half an hour). Trying to go for half an hour, staying hard, and not cumming, but hitting the right spots, is way too much fucking work and exhausting

>> No.35977496

i wouldnt anyway
short of locking them away in a tower (looked down upon, apparently) there is no keeping them away from the wickedness of the modern world especially going forward even the amish cant keep it from creeping in

its not an issue of expense, though, which was my only point

>> No.35977497

his question though was like week 2 in any basic Japanese 100 course, he really should do some studying to get the basics down

>> No.35977502

>makes post on anonymouse imageboard 4chan
>gets called a newfag
i'll never survive the shame and humiliation, i should kill myself right now
regardless thank god the only way you're staying in the gene pool is if the condom breaks while you're fucking a meth'd up hooker, being your kid sounds like shite

>> No.35977508

you dont know this but many thing about you give away the fact you are new here. this general belongs in trash and normal 4chan etiquette doesnt apply to a small general full of the schizo whove been here for ages

>> No.35977516

dont mind the psuedo anon namefag he calls anyone that doesnt know who he is a newfag

>> No.35977521

honestly its a good sign this place is at this point its basically what i wanted it to be like when i got here
i just hope they finish off the last few trips

>> No.35977526

Today I will practice drawing mannequins in different positions.

>> No.35977531

>you are new
>normal 4chan etiquette doesnt apply
so who gives a shit lol
ahh that makes sense, so he's one of the schizos he's talking about

>> No.35977535

studying is a noob trap you cant fuckin just memorize a bunch of shit with nothin to relate to but some example sentences you cant even understand without the translation
the fundamental basics like here are some particles and this is how conjugations look like is enough to get you started
and you dont need to study anything for that you just quickly read through it and get the gist and now you got an idea of what you can google later when its holding you up
the worst thing is his question doesnt even fuckin matter but youd be wasting time on it if you were studying lol just like youd be wasting time on ichidan vs godan conjugation like thats going to help you read more

>> No.35977539

this place is a trip haven theres ideal nourishment the amount of free yous is insane

>> No.35977540

hey remember when you posted this haha
>i will accept any beating for breaking my vow not to ignore him starting after this post

>> No.35977547

oh dame i forgot that
ok whats my beating?

>> No.35977561

dont give her what she wants

>> No.35977584

All the trips reply to themselves so I don't think that counts.

>> No.35977591

women not getting enough orgasms get cranky and difficult to be around, women that get lots of orgasms are much nicer and pleasant to be around

if you know of a couple that fights a lot, guaranteed she is not getting enough orgasms, either he is too unskilled or too selfish

it's pretty simple but true

>> No.35977595

if you want your girl to cum just buy a hitachi magic wand and call it a day

>> No.35977604

荒 和

>> No.35977607

When I get a gf I want to buy lots of bondage gear.

>> No.35977611

bondage is hot but it seems like such a pain in the fucking ass to set up and/or clean up if you're using wax and shit

>> No.35977612

have one, and a few different dildos.

the "internal" orgasm is much better for girls than the clitoral "external" orgasm, hence the need for the dildo, the hitachi definitely helps get things close though and speeds the process

>> No.35977616

actually based
i guess i know what i'm buying if i ever learn to talk to women without being scared of commitment (ie: stop being an incel)

>> No.35977639

I do hope it helps, I wish I knew all this stuff when I was 18, took a lot of years of trial and error (a lot of error). I've been through a number of long term relationships and now I can look back and kind of see why things went the way they did along the way, and I am way better at being a boyfriend/husband now than I was back then

>> No.35977654

oh and don't be hard on yourself, I was extremely shy and awkward as a teenager, and first sexual experiences were really embarrassingly lame, we all go through it in various degrees

>> No.35977664

I don't think about all the work it would take with setting up, I just like looking at the how hot the doujin panels are.

>> No.35977668

plot heavy mind break is the best

>> No.35977679

I had a girlfriend that was extremely into bondage a bunch of years ago, she wanted to be restrained and always role played the "no, don't tie me" kind of fake resistance game, but she wanted it every time, so I got it down to a quick science...... Saran Wrap (do they have that in your country, basically plastic food wrap). It is super quick to put on and works great, around the legs, around the arms and body holding the arms in, then a ball gag, and blindfold and then basically roll her over and go at it. She was easy to please actually because she was happy with that scenario for the most part, and I actually enjoyed that too because I could flip on the TV on some porn or swimsuit stuff and get extra visual stimulation too because she was blindfolded and wouldn't be judging me for that, lol.

Anyways, the plastic wrap is my main point, so quick to put on and very effective restraint and not harmful like rope is in cutting off circulation to joints.

>> No.35977692
File: 70 KB, 600x600, 1596952209000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more you know

>> No.35977694

This is kind of fun reminiscing this old wisdom from past relationships many years gone by, meanwhile my wife is beside me about 5 feet away absorbed in her video game completely unaware of the stuff I am typing here, lol. I never ever talk about past relationships with her, which is awesome, she doesn't ask at all, and she was very inexperienced when we hooked up. I think it is a case where she doesn't want to know. Super cool actually.

>> No.35977699

didn't you see the Connor Trash Taste episode where he went to a host club and they got him shitfaced drunk and told him he was way less good looking than he thinks he is?

>> No.35977702
File: 49 KB, 397x208, 1571525934990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew matto was behind this

>> No.35977706


>> No.35977717

It's weird to see girls swoon over the idea of an effeminate male with a British accent when over here they are made fun of as posh twats.

>> No.35977724

how fast did you go through a roll of saran wrap lmfao

>> No.35977730

That girl wasn't as sex crazy as my current girl. Twice a week was fine for her. It doesn't take a whole lot to restrain, some wraps around the calves, some wraps around the thighs, wrap around the body/arms/boobs, and you are done. There was a dollar store close by and the stuff was cheap.

>> No.35977738

"anon, you sure do come here often! must be hard, having to cook so much"

>> No.35977746


i have added nyaa mirrors for all djters who can't access the main site.
hope this helps!

>> No.35977759
File: 52 KB, 490x368, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.35977774

are you going to mind break og?

>> No.35977779

I've decided to go on a bread diet. But instead of bread, toast with butter.

>> No.35977790

you are gonna get so fat
do you have any idea how much bread you can eat in day with nothing else to fill you up?

>> No.35977791

A few years ago I used to be much skinnier and all I would eat would be eight pieces of toast a day and drink coffee.

>> No.35977810

well yeah thats only like 1000 cals a day and im assuming you are normal man-sized

>> No.35977909


>> No.35977915

me on the right

>> No.35977924

they look ugly and gay

>> No.35977929

Girls like the gay look.

>> No.35977946

dame which is it this picture is stressing me out

>> No.35977999

especially Japanese girls, they like the kpop look, guys very groomed with a bit of makeup, the girls there like their guys to look pretty and young and on the feminine side as far as facial characteristics (the ideal guy there has the looks to be a trap if they want and pull off looking like a girl)

>> No.35978113
File: 237 KB, 435x247, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current mood after 10 anki cards

>> No.35978123


Here's today's official Japanese learning experience.

>> No.35978133

mostly right but
>the ideal guy there has the looks to be a trap if they want and pull off looking like a girl
thats a bit much, maybe a certain type of girl or fujo would like that

plenty of jp women prefer the mature middle-aged look too it just depends

>> No.35978142

i was watching that just now how did you know

>> No.35978151
File: 1.81 MB, 410x230, 1425955114743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current mood after 10 anime cards

>> No.35978391

gonna delete anki last year

>> No.35978398
File: 80 KB, 625x1024, E72FdQFVEAMflrd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you did seem like a loser

>> No.35978431
File: 198 KB, 991x616, tsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall need tscs in your life

>> No.35978469

no i dont need tscs in my life

>> No.35978559

thinking of a new card format that starts as a vocab card but switches into a sentence card once the review interval gets longer than 3 months

>> No.35978660

Where can I find jp subs for anime/drama if they aren't at kitsu or in any of the other archives on the site?

>> No.35978754
File: 532 KB, 776x776, picture_pc_50b7a29843a6ed2864552a8cddb2a7bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35978765


>> No.35978773

even an average looking japanese girl is cute just by her clothes alone

>> No.35978797

even the ugliest japanese girl is above the best looking whitoid out there

>> No.35978818

any good hololive vods

>> No.35978832

ight i dunno about that one bro

>> No.35978915

i wonder if the 4chan thumbnail problem i've had on firefox for months could be some disk cache issue

>> No.35978926

i use firefox got no issues

>> No.35978927

we know one thing no one here's watched more garbage than moe

>> No.35978937

hes dropped over 300 anime

>> No.35978951

uhh jamal
maybe even og

>> No.35978973
File: 109 KB, 1080x1346, 231451728_966664020573356_7045436999256643500_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35978988

why's she wearing stockings with a swimsuit

>> No.35979006


>> No.35979022


>> No.35979042

wow its the japanese kassemg

>> No.35979050

idk about that they dont have an animelist so its all guesses
her pussy is so puffy lol

>> No.35979056

og has seen like 10 animes lmao

>> No.35979058

doesnt turn me on looks too much like a loli

>> No.35979063

you don't?

>> No.35979098

doesnt turn me on doesnt look loli enough

>> No.35979112

doesn't look like a loli at all

>> No.35979118

no watching this instead

>> No.35979159

garlic phone is fun but ill wait for the clippers to cut together all the streams from everyone's viewpoint

>> No.35979244

clipper quality has gone so bad that i mostly rely on the vods or streams themselves for my hololive content now

>> No.35979260
File: 419 KB, 1080x1349, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you want to marry a japanese wife?

>> No.35979265

not a slut like that

>> No.35979282

how would i marry her if she's already a wife?

>> No.35979285

japanese loves ntr

>> No.35979286

iirc more porn use is associated with better sex life so this seems false. the relationship might not be causal but at the very least it does not show that people who use porn are people who have bad sex lives.

>> No.35979300

it's kinda crazy how anti-/pol/ers control like 99% of the internet yet they still can't just let you have a /pol/ safespace on 4chan of all places. they need total control and domination of your speech.

>> No.35979307

watch japanese clippers

>> No.35979313

holy moly if true lucky guy

>> No.35979324

to tscs work with furigana brackets though or do those brackets mess up the code you need on the cards

>> No.35979329

nvm reversed image searched not true

>> No.35979339

being politically edgy is something only kids and manchildren do imo kinda cringe i see a lot of of it on discord

>> No.35979357

good idea the jp subs are nice too

>> No.35979359

they should

miniyogas template has them by default but i dont use it

>> No.35979360

depends on what you mean by edgy but i generally agree. not because normal people are smart or correct about anything, but because well adjusted people are not typically invested in politics and they are conformists who want to live fulfilling conformist lives.

one of the reasons conservatives lose so badly is that they're less mentally ill and care less about politics than the left.

>> No.35979373

why even be politically engaged at all
just vote right what else are you gonna do protest against all the rich people?

>> No.35979437
File: 175 KB, 1080x1299, 199211893_3924293011002900_7183170630034783738_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polygamy isn't possible under law

>> No.35979491
File: 163 KB, 1200x1697, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living in a country under sharia law.

>> No.35979546

want to marry that japanese girl already T~T
i really hope she's waiting for me like i am for her...

>> No.35979555

pls what's the url to the pirate bay?
its blocked in my country so i cant find it on google

>> No.35979611
File: 2.96 MB, 1250x720, 1627170569745 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all suck for the non privileged, so of course not

>> No.35979708


>> No.35979728

gravure > jav

>> No.35979747

when do you cum tho

>> No.35979751

when she shows her asshole

>> No.35979774

can't get off without penetration and if there's no nakadashi i'm severely disappointed

>> No.35979799
File: 28 KB, 277x260, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your future Japanese wife.

>> No.35979801


>> No.35979805


>> No.35979817


>> No.35979908

i like hispanic girls more
japanese girls are hot but most of them are ugly af

>> No.35979946
File: 542 KB, 1536x2048, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, japanese media

>> No.35979973

We need to popularize the Hime cut in the west. It's the only way to save mankind.

>> No.35979993

i must shove my foot up your ass it's the only way to save mankind

>> No.35980018


>> No.35980034


>> No.35980038

only the lightskin latinas

>> No.35980085
File: 34 KB, 480x640, 5JJz4r1dw2rf2gs_yBzUE_74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35980088

is that nuke in the op? who's the other guy?

>> No.35980092

deep breaths

>> No.35980103

his son

>> No.35980112
File: 388 KB, 1280x678, 1628258022197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35980133

Is it too late to switch to be a Koreaboo. All my games and reading material are originated there.

>> No.35980141

what games and reading materials

>> No.35980150

inside her skirt

>> No.35980157

i want to fuck the two masked girls

>> No.35980169

yeah dude follow your heart

>> No.35980228
File: 932 KB, 525x607, eKSSjaY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

favorite anime and why?

>> No.35980242

if you know anime you know what i'm talking about

>> No.35980247

Weekly shonen garbage and p2w mobile games.

>> No.35980281

steins gate
idk it's cool

>> No.35980301

anki reviews are better than sex. ive only experienced 1 but im pretty sure im right

>> No.35980304

son of a bitch

>> No.35980330


>> No.35980381


>> No.35980414
File: 77 KB, 562x960, e3024c3ff5c57fec3325e3a2cf2dadac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to marry a qt seiyuu

>> No.35980431

nah sex is pretty awesome esp with someone you love it's the ultimate form of connection

>> No.35980445
File: 170 KB, 840x559, 1618672469920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that lewd shit needs to go

>> No.35980455

just found this word 尻軽女. does anyone have that picture of og's feet? i'm going to make a card out of it.

>> No.35980460


>> No.35980478

i did before

>> No.35980520

when apple starts scanning everyone’s phones for loli porn how many of you are fucked?

>> No.35980579

i dont live in the US so..

>> No.35980605

not me dont use itoddlers

>> No.35980651

it will become worldwide once governments get a hold of it

>> No.35980750

i only read milf and non loli femdom so i'm fine

>> No.35980766

i should have communicated that was an illusion?
it's that the illusion should follow the tale/legend?

>> No.35980780

post some good milf ones

>> No.35980794

already 伝えたはず

>> No.35980827

it's a vinnie but it's probably the best milf shit i ever read

>> No.35980828
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>> No.35980863
File: 24 KB, 240x306, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any idea what ショベー or ショベー野郎 here means

>> No.35980909

what's the guy look like?

>> No.35980962

you can only see torso and legs but very generic, not paticularly old, fat, young etc

>> No.35980966


>> No.35980983


>> No.35981022
File: 947 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the third kanji here? It looks like 八, but "Showa 83" doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.35981037

maybe '83 but tashikani that is strange

>> No.35981057
File: 131 KB, 1188x873, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masturbating doesnt exactly come naturally

>> No.35981105

Turns me on, right amount of loli

>> No.35981108

i remember a 15 year old explained to me how to masturbate when i was 11 tashikani i don't think i would have just been tugging at my dick unless i was told bucchake

>> No.35981126

still shocked uncut guys can masturbate without lube

>> No.35981133

you would've figured it out eventually

>> No.35981140

i'm cut but the doctor left enough loose foreskin that it healed in a way that i can grab and pull it as if if it were still intact it's the best of both worlds

>> No.35981145

it always shocks me that cut guys can't masturbate without lube

>> No.35981146

You have your safespace for schizos anon, its called pol.
Ever wonder why pol stupidity and racism is banned everywhere else in the site?
Cuz we cant fucking stand you. Even in pol there's mostly mutts. Hard r this, hard r that, gets old. I'm not even black.

>> No.35981154

>I'm not even black.
you say that like that's not one of the best predictors of anti-white hatred lol

>> No.35981164

I hope they discover show not tell soon

>> No.35981176

that'd be 2008

>> No.35981178

but why wouldn't they use heisei

>> No.35981186

dunno honestly that doesn't even look like 八 to me but i found this https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%98%AD%E5%92%8C%E5%85%AB%E5%8D%81%E4%B8%89%E5%B9%B4%E5%BA%A6!_%E3%81%B2%E3%81%A8%E3%82%8A%E7%B4%85%E7%99%BD%E6%AD%8C%E5%90%88%E6%88%A6

>> No.35981191

Same. Kept wondering what the lotion meme was/meant

>> No.35981207

LOL that did confuse me as a kid why americans kept showing boys with lotion dispensers in their rooms.

>> No.35981213

i have a lotion dispenser in my room but i never use it as lube cuz i don't like how lube feels

>> No.35981215

I can't stand racists, anon. I love white people. Hell, many would think I'm passing. Many also, however, think I do not. I have been discriminated against and treated worse than a dog irl by people who thought I wasn't white enough to be considered human.
It was ground into me that I had no human rights, and even atm, I'm suing over that.
So I don't find ironic racism funny, against anyone. I do know the edgy polposters are mostly joking, or at least, they used to be. But simply put, its wrong, and it gives cover for others who are not.
I long for the world where people are judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skins.

>> No.35981221

nah this is dumb racism is necessary to make the public vote for policies that aren't suicidal for their societies

>> No.35981252

Makes me angry to think about the working conditions my grandparents lived through and now through the fruits of their efforts i'm able to live a better life but then suddenly niggers are claiming i'm racist and they did all the work. Globalist politician race-traitors will hang in the streets. Only joking haha.

>> No.35981279

That sort of imbecile is what I meant.
Japan had a based response to idiocy like that pre ww2.
>We are not too proud to fight but we are too proud to accept a place of admitted inferiority
Eat shit. I am not going anywhere. None of us are.
You will scurry in the darkness like a cockroach, and eventually, be squished like one.
That doesn't mean white people, mind you. It means mentally ill racists of your sort.
This is good reading https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_Equality_Proposal

>> No.35981293

uhh race haha
i'm just chillin here
nice to be asian and be generally universally liked #blessed

>> No.35981306

It's from Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, and it was indeed broadcasted in 2008. Weird as fuck, but it does seem to be right. Thanks.

>> No.35981312

ah if it's zetsubou sensei it makes sense if it's quirky like that

>> No.35981316

Kill yourself vermin.

>> No.35981340
File: 85 KB, 1200x685, mentally ill leftism.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It means mentally ill racists of your sort.

>> No.35981377

>nooooo!!! why does everyone hate polbros!!!!1!?

its pretty self explanatory. at least they get purged sorta fast these days.

>> No.35981419

separate pronunciation cards, yes or no?
What's the /djt/ consensus?

>> No.35981430

but anti-pol is posting more about the topic meaning they're the ones contributing most to off topic discussion meaning you don't have a problem with off topic discussion but rather the specific views being expressed which is really dishonest of you

no idea

>> No.35981432

is shadowing the best way to practice pronunciation?

>> No.35981442


>> No.35981443

please talk to a doctor

>> No.35981453
File: 248 KB, 2348x1174, mentally ill.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35981466

pointless graph

>> No.35981471

being told something by a doctor requires that you believe in science and seek medical help in the first place

>> No.35981474

did you btfo it in your head with some baseless hypothetical

speaking of which lmfao

>> No.35981590

>baseless hypothetical
people can lie to doctors, there is a stigma around mental illness, the very liberal could have leaned into getting diagnosed since its cool in those circles

>> No.35981677

Funny thing is pol is full of admitted schizos, like the needs meds type, who regardless post that shit all day as if it owns anyone.
I also find it hilarious that the fucktards spew racust drivel while on a thread about learning a language of a people who weren't even considered human by their ilk not that long ago.
Great read.

>> No.35981730

is acceptance or belief in mental illnesses more accepted among liberal minorities than conservative minorities? if so, there's still no difference in mental health between liberal and conservative minorities.
this helps cast doubt on the claim that belief in/stigmas against mental illness significantly mediates being diagnosed with one. you're bringing up a baseless hypothetical. stereotype accuracy is a thing btw and this only validates people's general experiences with crazy leftists lol

>> No.35981745

Janny is a racist.

>> No.35981793

cleanin up these streets

>> No.35981837

racist against whites, yea. someone makes a claim with no evidence and they're fine. i make the same claim and provide actual good evidence and it's deleted. oh well,

>> No.35981867

