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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.76 MB, 982x1310, oh_I_made_it_worse2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35821941 No.35821941 [Reply] [Original]

Degenerate edition.

Previous threads

beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER (LDJ-2021071200): https://nyaa.si/view/1410406
SOUND VOLTEX 6 EXCEED GEAR (KFC-2021061600): https://nyaa.si/view/1397956
pop'n music 26 Kaimei Riddles (M39-2021042600): https://nyaa.si/view/1393887
nostalgia Op.3 (PAN-2020111600): https://nyaa.si/view/1412527

beatmania IIDX 27 Heroic Verse (LDJ-2020092900): https://nyaa.si/view/1300227
SOUND VOLTEX V VIVID WAVE (KFC-2020122200): https://nyaa.si/view/1411122

>> No.35822350

To relpy to the other dude from last thread:
The owner of EK hernandez has bought Asian DDR and SDVX cabs plus one or two dance rush cabs. This is based in hawaii and konami did had office space here before.

Konami will sell cabs but in large quantities to those they know they can profit off of.
Those who don't know who EK Hernandez are, they're an amusement LLC with subsidiary names like Fun Factory. My exgf is actually their liaison to deal with konami and their sales pitch.

>> No.35823393

Did you know that you can post scores in discord without posting over 20 images at once each time? This may be shocking to you, but it is very annoying! I will never have the courage to actually tell you this.

>> No.35823521

Tell me more about OP image before this thread descends into shit. That is a female right?

>> No.35823745

Where the fuck is the A20 ost

>> No.35824167

Yes, it's Mimi from pop'n music.

>> No.35825729
File: 13 KB, 208x47, hahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are like little baby, watch this
got it on like +2.5

I remember that in heroic verse the 120Hz patch fucked up the off-set, as in it put the "real" 0 at like +2.0. I'd assume on bistrover it still does, since I use around +3.0 with the patch, while on TDJ with no patch I would use a much lower (but still positive) offset.
So basically, don't be affraid to crank it, and go beyond 2.0 since right now you are actually using a negative offset. If you really can't stand using that high of an offset, try fixing other shit in your setup like green number, white number, or start considering to use lift+sud.

>> No.35825804

obviously i meant to quote >>35818000 the first time but whatever. Also nice trips. Also fuck the new captcha

>> No.35826220

Green number is 300 with ~200 LIFT and COVER - I don't have to worry about overly fine tuning because I don't have super ambitious goals, just play lol.
I've been dicking around with dualshock for about 3 weeks now (im bored), hardest charts ive beaten so far are MAX300 and Turn A , but anything with a lot of chords are really tough; current goal is Super Highway Another bc its my favorite song in the series

>> No.35826816

That's exactly it. Konami doesn't want to take risks and produce x amount of kits/cabs, ship them over, only for 5 to actually be sold. No distributor wants to take this risk either. DJHACKERS x GAME SARU LLC DELUXE NETWORK PACKAGE wasn't a joke, nobody in their right mind spends upwards of 15 grand on a cabinet limited to 2 year old data on piracy networks. Thank Konami for allowing them to run this service.

>> No.35827006

play etterna

>> No.35827444

>What if we mix the bubble-design from Sunny Park with the current Peace design?
Wonderland was a mistake

>> No.35827740

play bms

>> No.35828177

There are people out there who think Soapy Bubble SP Expert is a bad chart.

>> No.35828502

welcome to rhythm games, leave as soon as you can

>> No.35828507

its mimi, it says mimi right there shes literally one of the two mascots

>> No.35829092

maybe I should? most of the community is honestly trash. I enjoy scoreposting though. how else am I supposed to feel validated? shit!

>> No.35830525

how the fuck did you get 120hz on bistrover reeeeeeeeeeeeee

and apparently you can use android with spicetools to function as a TDJ second screen? please tell me how?

>> No.35830568

There's not even a community, just a bunch of splinters. But none of the splinters are good either, so...

>> No.35830583


>> No.35830644
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>> No.35830785 [DELETED] 

you really need to be careful how you talk about me on here, i dont appreciate it. tone down the disrespect, i dont know where you're from but where i am from, we dont tolerate that. dont even reply to this, just keep your mouth shut. consider yourself warned

>> No.35830827
File: 35 KB, 214x302, popn_nn_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some dude put BR fixes up before, BUT heres a general spoonfeed:

if you have a hex editor, you can lookup SURROUNDING hex values for PRIOR fixes on the bemanipatcher github, then lookup the values on the bistrover dll to change the value. considering most bemani games are just the same game, you shouldn't have a problem :^)

>> No.35831263 [DELETED] 

who are you?? calm down

>> No.35832118

Where’s the peace ost

>> No.35832589


spice companion does the second screen thing but i dont use that so i dont know about it

>> No.35833165

You're here on 4chings /jp/
Get the fuck out and stick to your local community group

>> No.35833889

>find the local circle jerk and talk shit about everyone instead of actually caring about uniting the community at large

>> No.35834336

Unfriendly reminder that music games are single player games and literally nothing about the "community" matters.

>> No.35834390

Speedruns have a community, they're full of autists and trannies too, but at least they mostly get along better and have big events and stuff. I don't know why a game has to be multiplayer to have a community, or whatever idiotic bullshit you are insinuating

>> No.35834398

Pinball was huge when it was around, that was a single player game.. Plenty of sports are about single person achievements and comparing results.. Like I just keep thinking of examples that prove your rude statement false

>> No.35834452

nothing matters at all
just kill yourself bro lol

>> No.35834492

can we not encourage more suicides at the same time?

>> No.35836959

God i fucking hate gaynami and every single shitty fucking game those fucking greedy cocksucking faggots shit out. Especially the fucking abomination called beatmania because every fucking person ever is a fucking insufferable miserable faggot ass shit eating pile of shit and i hate everyone ever who has ever even gazed one of those assfucking eyeraping fucking machines and that includes me too obviously

I also hate every single shitty fucking song they put on that so you can suffer while dying internally and externally because thats the effect that game disguised as physical manifestation of cancer and aids and all imaginable diseases ever imaginable has on you. I hope that fucking shitty ass company gets burned down and nuked and i hope every single person ever who even remotely thinks they enjoy that fucking shitassfaggotcancerfest gets fucking violently killed and their rotting bodies raped

>> No.35837015

I forgot to clear up one thing there but that doesnt fucking matter nothing fucking matters fuck you all get fucking killed

>> No.35837247

The force 120 hz patch in spicetools works just fine for me.

>> No.35837905
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use social media to lurk the foolish ones for shits and giggles, but don't get involved. share scores/get encouragement with friends in discords. don't waste life concerning yourself with clout and unwarranted self importance, trying to impress strangers. just enjoy rhythm games and in the meantime, find other fun, productive and enriching activities to fill your time, rather than wasting your life with social drama based around...video games.

>> No.35838959

as a female, did you know that some of us get turned on by guys playing iidx? the fingers. it's attractive. we will never admit it. but its true. happy sunday

>> No.35839172

guys who aren't turbovirgins can also use their finger skills in the bedroom for optimum results

do you mainly play Wacca and Sound Voltex? that's all I want to know

>> No.35839196

how does patching work? When I look at patches, it says none are available

go to mental hospital

>> No.35839411

Posting online doesn't immediately make you a clout slave

>> No.35839492

But it begs the question, why post online at all if not for validation? It means your looking for friends you can't find irl

>> No.35839527

>go to mental hospital

>> No.35839556

All you've proven is that "communities at large" have existed, not that they actually contribute to your enjoyment with or progression in your game of choice more than a "local circle jerk" or even just watching ranker gameplay videos would.

>> No.35839648

smells like projecting or overthinking to me

>> No.35839719

this is why knowing who your friends are and just sticking with them is important. if you are active in social media and are not either just lurking or sharing stuff with friends, then you must be seeking validation. there's no other point in using social media

>> No.35839738

first time i saw someone play iidx my first thought was "boy what else those hands do?" and then i fucked him.

because we are unfortunately human

>> No.35839831

you are deranged anecdotal projecting but thanks for the opinions i guess

>> No.35839847

we don't have carbon copy brains that's simply what (((they))) have conditioned you to believe

>> No.35839884

y u mad tho

>> No.35839893

it's not worth the time or effort to reply and you have a very dense ego field

>> No.35839904

if it's not worth the time then why reply at all? you're the one with ego issues

>> No.35840051

some of you fuckers scare me, but only because there used to be a hint of self-awareness to dumbposts like this

>> No.35840157

for real, i know lurkers go to my arcade and it makes me scared to go because i dont know which ones are the scary (You)s

>> No.35840311

>they mostly get along better

>I don't know why a game has to be multiplayer to have a community
It doesn't, but single player games don't NEED communities, much less monolithic, unified, global communities full of people you would probably find intolerable. There's nothing wrong with fragmented micro-communities.

>Pinball was huge when it was around
And communities for it only still exist because otherwise there wouldn't be the collective knowledge required for them to repair their expensive marble boxes that they don't even use anymore.

>> No.35840547

>be part of local ddr scene in late 2000s
>scene implodes from drama due to one guy fucking a 15 year old in the scene
And that's when I only played rhythm games on my own

>> No.35840979

>because otherwise there wouldn't be the collective knowledge required for them to repair their expensive marble boxes that they don't even use anymore.
this is a foolish thing to post, some people are actually good at playing pinball so they have contests, same as like.. everyone else on earth

>> No.35841193
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screw you guys i'm out i'm joining the pinball community bye forever cya

>> No.35841324 [DELETED] 

>some people
And the other 99.9% of the "pinball community" are shitters or literal nonplayer collectors. If I cared about pinball, I would get more out of associating with those 10 people than the entirety of the community that spends its time organizing conventions, potlucks, and parking lot meetups.

Similarly, my energy is better spent playing music games and scoreposting among a small group of similarly skilled friends instead of focusing on policing the opinions and sexual histories of nobodies on 4chan, Twitter, and Facebook. I highly recommend it.

>> No.35841415

>some people
And the other 99.9% of the "pinball community" are shitters or literal nonplayer collectors. If I cared about pinball, I would get more out of associating with those 10 people than the entirety of the community that spends its time organizing conventions, potlucks, and parking lot meetups.

Similarly, my energy is better spent playing music games and scoreposting among a small group of similarly skilled friends instead of focusing on policing the opinions and sexual histories of nobodies on 4chan, Twitter, and Facebook in the interest of creating a unified community. I highly recommend it.

>> No.35841421

>There's nothing wrong with fragmented micro-communities.
I mean groups of friends are one thing, it's different when it becomes a clique or a walled community just because someone in the group becomes a leader with no empathy and/or they all ego up each other without really considering the broader scope.

>It doesn't, but single player games don't NEED communities, much less monolithic, unified, global communities full of people you would probably find intolerable.
Like this is what I'm getting at, is it simply just that hard for (You) to tolerate people? You don't have to be friendly with everyone. You can still have your friend group. You can still shit talk(because we all know you will), it would only help preserve the longevity of the games to have a centralized online place to chat or scorepost or whatever.

>> No.35841434

>focusing on policing the opinions and sexual histories of nobodies on 4chan, Twitter, and Facebook in the interest of creating a unified community.

It really doesn't have to be this way. I feel like it's going to be up to me to learn all this shit on my own and create the socialist utopia rhythm games deserve

>> No.35841538

help the rhythm game community is poleecing my secksual history

>> No.35841579

itt: people who don't play rhythm games

>> No.35841803

big if true

>> No.35841850

I love rhythm games but I never post in these threads because every time I look at it you niggers are just arguing with each other or calling each other trannies or complaining about people on discord or something. these threads seem like the most miserable place on the whole internet

>> No.35841953

Some people genuinely do not experience empathy. Some people genuinely do not enjoy things. It is ok to not like things. You can not like things, talk about it, and still be a happy loving person. It kind of comes with the nature of the game, though. Nerdy types who don't have Love programmed in their brains, or got abused at some point and are abusing in response, or have unresolved/petty chips on their shoulders. These are but a few commonalities that come to mind. We should be building each other up as a whole, not just at the games themselves.
Peace and Love Peace and Love!!!!!!!

>> No.35842058

okay. so post about rhythm games.

>> No.35842176

this isn't a rhythm game thread anymore it's a tech support thread for degens

>> No.35842315

I wish this thread was just people asking for tech support

>> No.35842380
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I love pop'n music

>> No.35842468

emotional support thread for those trapped in the web of soul exhausting entanglement

>> No.35842485
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/jp/ is now the official centralized online place to chat and scorepost or whatever. Post scores!

>> No.35842502
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>> No.35842533
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>> No.35842598
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>> No.35842612
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Finally A on Xenon

>> No.35842644
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One of my first 35's!!

>> No.35842667
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>> No.35842677
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>> No.35842688
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>> No.35842736
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Honestly proud of this one

>> No.35842821

yes, excellent this is what ive been waiting for.

>> No.35842833
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Finally passed max 300. With a b, but still...

>> No.35842839
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>> No.35842844
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>> No.35842857
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ZETA is just too hard ;w;

>> No.35842872
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>> No.35842918
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>> No.35842950

I'm not going to have access to a game center for a few months, what's the best game to play on PC without a dedicated controller? SDVX is my favorite but it seems retarded to play without actual knobs

>> No.35842955


>> No.35842961
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>> No.35843051

>Kino Street

>> No.35843684

im not degen i just have nowhere else to ask

>> No.35843690

play etterna

>> No.35843702

A) Think on posts and reply thoughtfully
B) Petulant tantrum

>> No.35843763

Do any servers are support bistrover right now or is it all offline?

>> No.35843772

if you have nowhere else to ask other than here, that implies that you are a degen

>> No.35843840

https://lifeconnection.fun does

>> No.35843866


cheers m8y

>> No.35843910
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>be me, literal child, new millenium just happened
>spend every quarter i find on top skater
>one day bootleg 3rd mix comes to arcade
>wtf is this.jpg
>play everyday, meet kids from school who play, have fun
>meet the older players
>scary burnouts.jpg, constantly going for the badtouch
>go on irc to get dwi files
>everyone here is insane too
>quit games entirely, go outside
>decades later, round 1 opens near my house
>mfw get back into it and everything is still the same

>> No.35843911

It’s literally the opposite. Dedicating any significant amount of time to a rhythm game “community” is degenerate.

>> No.35843955

calm down kitty cat or i will pat you on the head

>> No.35844275

>Subject38's fork of bemaniutils

>> No.35844285 [DELETED] 
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>> No.35844291

Is it the origin of OP N-0 leaks from Mermaid Girls Japanese network?

>> No.35844413 [DELETED] 
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>> No.35844437

mute pls go

>> No.35844444 [DELETED] 
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>> No.35844537


>> No.35844580

no im just extremely introverted

>> No.35844587

just wrapped up code bootcamp im ready to make some high quality PRs

>> No.35844789

hes literally a good boy

>> No.35844891
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>ywn experience the good old days

>> No.35845984

can't believe we've been graced by the presence of a manlet boomer itg stepartist

>> No.35845985
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super high level plays right here

>> No.35846642

this guy gets it

>> No.35847178


Press like F11 or F12 or something; it swaps the subscreen with the mainscreen.

>> No.35847600

The death of public DDR is here

This is a korean buying a cab to play on official eamuse. If the americans were trying to hide it, other places are now just saying it publicly.

>> No.35847612
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>> No.35847649

mega dweebs buying their own cabs does not equate to the death of public arcade gaming

>> No.35847693

>less than $3k for a cab
I wish I lived in asia

>> No.35850127
File: 10 KB, 466x70, tards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only retards play ITG

>> No.35851196

Why bother censoring public posts.


>> No.35852128

i dont think that person knows what dog whistle means

>> No.35852622

this is like bottom 5 worst people in my discord, so yeah he probably doesn't

>> No.35853878 [DELETED] 

long live HoloEN

>> No.35854326 [DELETED] 


>> No.35854892

Is the 判定調整 in WACCA visual or audio. Watching a couple random videos, both +2 and -9 look like you have to hit the notes some 5 frames before they reach the target line, so I'm inclined to believe it's audio only. I already wasn't very interested in the game to begin with, but if that's the case, it can remain on my shitlist of unplayable garbage.

>> No.35855856

>both +2 and -9 look like you have to hit the notes some 5 frames before they reach the target line
ur a fucking idiot dude the cabinet is huge

>> No.35856922

not really, and the game is easy to read+play which is why the casual anime normies play it

>> No.35857461

im one of the largest people in any room and maybe you stand far away but i can almost never see the entire screen without reaching into peripheral vision territory, i just don't think that post really accounts for the unique nature of reading notes in a tube

>> No.35857740

What does the shape or size of the playfield have to do with the game being visually synced poorly and forcing players to hit notes 80+ milliseconds early.

>> No.35859780

all rhythm games have different timing windows. just adjust accordingly and stop overthinking it, or play something else

>> No.35859851
File: 60 KB, 265x209, unpleasant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and stop overthinking it

>> No.35860310

tracking milliseconds and frames and offsets is about as unpleasant and autistic as it gets

>> No.35860418

>tracking milliseconds and frames and offsets is about as [...] autistic as it gets
>tracking milliseconds and frames and offsets is about as unpleasant [...] as it gets
Different strokes different folks.
I'm just wired in a way that makes me very sensitive to it.

>> No.35861342

Why are music gamers such paranoid fear driven autists? Did we really all get abused as children? And how are you all still so scared of covid?

>> No.35861405

adam lanza

>> No.35861454

He's dead bro

>> No.35861653

It's the result of either trauma or being extremely sheltered. With rhythm gamers you usually get one or the other

>> No.35861942

I'd take the trauma flavor over the sheltered gooks with unchecked egos

>> No.35862036

Shouldn't that also make it easier for you to adapt? Or are you the "cater to me" variety of sensitive?

>> No.35862336

covid is fake.

>> No.35863150

It's less about catering to any individual and more about not having games that are objectively and measurably wrong with no recourse. Consistent arcade hardware is one of the few opportunities developers have to get these kinds of things right, and they almost never do.

>> No.35863657

Why are you so autistic? Adapt. Music is not an exact science. Just because it's a video game it doesn't mean it has to be timed the exact same as all other games like it. It's a literal non-issue, you are just being seriously control freak autism about it

>> No.35864415

>more about not having games that are objectively and measurably wrong with no recourse
if you're in here typing paragraphs about wacca because your anemic nerd arms cant reach up a few feet but you play a konami game and you post this you're a massive hypocrite and loser

>> No.35864428

music can be done any number of ways but time signature is about as objective a measure as you're going to find

>> No.35864644
File: 24 KB, 444x331, 130743440_3988245107853759_1920577322485552985_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here play osu !!!!!!!!

>> No.35864958

on paper...

>> No.35865184

>Why are you so autistic?
Maybe because I actually have autism? It's not even an insult, just a fact.
If you got a cure for it I'm all ears.

>> No.35865215
File: 356 KB, 400x500, wacca.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. I've already been adapting for nearly 20 years.

>CS timing was always way easier, and AC is just really strict now. It's a literal non-issue. Adapt.
Then GOLD fixed the IO issue plaguing 9th~DistorteD, making AC more like CS and the old Twinkle styles, and everyone was happy.

>Cabinets have different IO boards and monitors, and rankers tend to have favorite machines, but you should just be more flexible. It's a literal non-issue. Adapt.
Then tricoro added user configurable visual offset options, allowing players to have a more consistent experience when playing on different cabinets, and everyone was happy.

>It audio latency sounds perfect to me. This isn't DDR. It's a literal non-issue. Adapt.
Then CANNON BALLERS greatly reduced the audio latency to be closer to the Twinkle and PS2 releases, and everyone was happy.

>Rounding errors? Magic and cursed BPMs? Stop looking at the individual note distances and just play the game. It's a literal non-issue. Adapt.
Then the lightning model cabinets doubled the framerate, reducing the note placement error variance by 75%, further reducing both audio and visual latency, and launching world records across the board to unseen heights, and everyone was happy.

Most bemani games are shit too. pop'n music's COOL window changes both size and alignment with every note, and DDR's visual sync is almost as bad as WACCA's while not even giving you audio offset.

>> No.35865509

so you can't even read

>> No.35865536

i play etterna

>> No.35865944

I'm not meaning it as an insult. It explains your thought patterns and post style. I'm telling you it's impossible to expect every game to have the same timing feel. It's a very subjective thing. It's even more difficult to pin down in actual practice. No offense, just.. you're reaching into the autism void on that one man, I wish there was a cure too

>> No.35865970

>'m telling you it's impossible to expect every game to have the same timing feel
I know, which is why I pick and choose the ones which work for me.
Guess we agree.

>> No.35866150
File: 203 KB, 2048x1536, dldj4bk39zd61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros what is the best sound voltex tv / monitor for wall mounting

>> No.35867853

goat's definitely playing on official eamuse from his own house. changed up his camera angles and cutting off results screens. i guess usa has to 1up the KAC in scandals as well.

>> No.35868753 [DELETED] 

good luck

>> No.35868807


There is just a patched bemanipatcher included in the leak, just use that. Enable TDJ mode in spicetools options, enable lightning shim in the patcher, and bind a key to monitor switch in spicetools and you're g2g.

When you press the monitor switch button the subscreen will just pop up on your main screen and you can click whatever you need.

>> No.35869035
File: 27 KB, 194x254, 重なる瞬間にタッチ‼.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's impossible to expect every game to have the same timing feel
2~3 frames early is common and somewhat tolerable. Why shouldn't I continue to expect things to not be even worse than that. It's not the first time these expectations were not met. As far as implementation goes, it's actually very easy to not have this problem, given it takes only minutes to glance at a video and observe the correct amount of latency mitigation to use. I sure hope Marvelous Inc. is checking /jp/ right now!

>It's a very subjective thing.
It's well known that most people prefer playing a little early, but there's nothing subjective about a machine supposedly expecting user input when a scrolling note overlaps a line. It's a shame that the outer third of the screen is rendered useless. The Marvelous window ends before notes even get there thanks to the scroll perspective really stretching out those 5 frames.

>> No.35869983
File: 64 KB, 994x201, infday2021_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for everyone to get mad at the CNs all over again.

>> No.35873027


It's time to watch your vtuber

>> No.35873234


I still don't get how people FC this shit.

>> No.35873303

>male vtuber

>> No.35873320

Wacca is trash game for babies, stop caring so much

>> No.35874581 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 883x1280, 1603393218112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mistake on the Lake 3 requires proof of vaccination
>tfw I have to buy a fake vaccination card just to play DDR against some faggots
>going to try and get covid before the event and poz the whole event
fuck ohio michigan is where it's at

>> No.35874610

i hope u die painfully

>> No.35874632
File: 876 KB, 1014x1883, 1627374406317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are gonna get the coof and you are gonna like it ohioians

>> No.35874790

no handcam wtf

we will find you and we will name you anon

>> No.35874970 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 1280x960, 1598822497414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fully expect to be found out when i am deliberately coughing around the cab and not wearing a mask

>> No.35875411

ok aubrey

>> No.35875598

whats wrong with you it's just the american rhythm game community if you log out none of them will ever speak to you again

>> No.35876514
File: 714 KB, 1280x720, LR2 2021-07-22 20-36-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35876530
File: 730 KB, 1280x720, LR2 2021-06-27 14-25-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.35876548
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>> No.35877495

>the most miserable place on the whole internet
That would be /shmupg/

>> No.35877838

that guy better have to go to the mental hospital for 4 days too

>> No.35878500
File: 512 KB, 1280x720, 20210728_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it really count if it's a genocide CLEAR :^)

>> No.35878735

I can't tell if this is one dude trolling or if everyone in this thread is just terrible at rhythm games.

Cool C on a level 8 bro.

>> No.35878763

you were that bad once too

>> No.35879046
File: 752 KB, 1280x720, meme shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want some of whatever drug konami employers were passing each other while making this chart, must have been some good shit

you shouldn't be playing on difficulties on which you get such awful scores. It means you don't have any sort of fundamentals, and that you should go back to playing idk level 5-6 and get As.
>you were that bad once too
sure, but I knew my place and didn't post such embarassing shit.
I'm assuming you are the guy that's playing on a dualshock. Why in the fuck are you playing iidx instead of any other rhythm game that you could be playing much more confortably on a DS? dj max isn't that bad for some casual fun.

>> No.35879187

Stop bullying people. He can play however he wants and post whatever scores he wants. Go back to discord if you want to be an ass.

>> No.35879398

I've given him advice. If he literally hit half of the notes in the chart early then it means that's not the difficulty he should be playing regularly on, but should instead get a better feeling of the game's timing on lower difficulties, and aim for B+/A clears. Pushing on difficulties above your skill level can be fun sometimes when you're bored, but shouldn't be a regular short term goal. Maybe I did sound rude, but what I did definitely wasn't bullying.
>Go back to discord if you want to be an ass
in the servers I'm in everyone is nice af in the scorefeeds channels. Why would you expect someone to act more rude on discord, where everything you say is tied to a personality, than on 4chan, where you have almost perfect anonymity?

>> No.35879570 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 883x1280, 1627489231781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mistake on the Lake 3 requires proof of vaccination
>tfw I have to buy a fake vaccination card just to play DDR against some faggots
>going to try and get covid before the event and poz the whole event
fuck ohio michigan is where it's at

>> No.35879575 [DELETED] 

this thread is infested with literal children drama queens from the BMS discord server
first it was the plife mongs, then it was the sows mongs, then sherl0k talking about himself nonstop, now BMS teens

>> No.35879851 [DELETED] 

which way to the bms discord my man

>> No.35880161 [DELETED] 

ask sehun

>> No.35880718 [DELETED] 

mom says its my turn on the bms

>> No.35880798 [DELETED] 

nevermind every korean is mentally ill

>> No.35880853 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 600x600, 1621545287746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey it's sehun from the past what's going on

>> No.35881924 [DELETED] 


anon someone here literally threatened to shoot up raj
you gotta be more edgy than that

>> No.35882092 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 232x135, 20210503_090715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mistake on the Lake 3 requires proof of vaccination
>tfw I have to buy a fake vaccination card just to play DDR against some faggots
>going to try and get covid before the event and poz the whole event
fuck ohio michigan is where it's at

>> No.35882594

imagine being a child conceived at "mistake on the lake 3"

>> No.35886138

> I knew my place and didn't post such embarassing shit

> A on an 11

go home

>> No.35887409

how good of a pc do i need to play data without any lag?
i tried on my toaster and its completely unplayable.

>> No.35888017

literally anything made in the last 10 years? wtf do you have, an emachine?

>> No.35890151

>Para siempre
Still better than how Robeats do holds

>> No.35890336

>not ultimately embarrassing
give it 5 years

>> No.35890572

I'm not in to chronicling my PBs, I don't see any reason to score post unless it's a WR

>> No.35890643

im currently on a thinkpad t440p. i dont know much about modern computer parts. ill take your response to mean i can cheap out on parts.

>> No.35891156


Pretty much this, unless it's max- at least what's the point?

>> No.35891264

The only rhthym game discord i'm in has a rule against this

>> No.35891595

you can upgrade the gfx card to the best you can slot in the motherboard, and you also might have to change the power supply.. and cut out vents.. or just buy some cheapo laptop with a better gfx card in it. I had a T440p too and it was worse than the random hp laptop from the walmart

>> No.35893228

Curious if you're down to answer, what's your attractiveness tiers for players of the various rhythm games? I'm rather surprised girls dig IIDX guys so much, since they're often unpleasantly autistic personality-wise. Would've expected SDVX or pop'n guys to be most attractive; even Gitadora or DDR players I would've guessed have the advantage of being in a certain level of fitness. Thanks.

>> No.35893240

>mentioning /shmupg/ when /pol/ literally exists

>> No.35893261

LMFAO I know what you mean about the latter, but the latter can usually be reasoned with, while the former is oftentimes literally insane

>> No.35893385

Asia is a significantly different situation. Wouldn't be surprised if xenophobia from the boomer Konami execs who grew up in axis-era japan was the real reason Westerners aren't allowed to connect privately to eAmuse.

>> No.35895187
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>> No.35895571
File: 16 KB, 260x282, 1330220044088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>july 30
>faucetwo still hasnt shipped

>> No.35898133
File: 683 KB, 676x676, Himiko_MXM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had a better relationship with my parents, I feel I would have better relationships with people. Rhythm games are a wonderful escape! But I wish to fix myself.

>> No.35898310

I predict she is ugly

>> No.35898612

i play tjaplayer3

>> No.35899313
File: 180 KB, 1200x675, E7idCTeVUAACfQ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New character for fat genderblobs to not shut up about just dropped

>> No.35899343

More likely just a trap for fetishes sake

>> No.35899821

I guess SDVX counts too, same with piano players and guitarists. Finger dexterity. A lot of guys don't know what to do with their hands and its boring, rhythm gamers get in there and pretend to play Camellia.

DDR players are jocks they get mad bussy

sniffs your hand owo

>> No.35903583 [DELETED] 


>> No.35906387 [DELETED] 


>> No.35908867
File: 38 KB, 256x285, Mimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it all lead to

>> No.35912512 [DELETED] 

Fungah is still innocent and Sara Egzi Akgul is an absolute pathological liar and genuinely a horrible human being.


>> No.35913382 [DELETED] 

oh, so he only abused one woman? Yes, I will quickly apologize.

>> No.35914793


>> No.35915188

Why are you eating at your PC?

>> No.35915310

Not him, but that has to be one of my most disgusting habits. For me, it's because I have no other dedicated table in my apartment apart from my computer desk, and while eating I usually watch a Youtube video or such.

>> No.35916211

Anyone else have worse timing on lightning than the old ones? I can't get used to the bigger screen, framerate, or button feel (which i think is a lot worse)

>> No.35916375

it's also coded to give you extra bad/poor

>> No.35916745


>> No.35917643

>underestimating the fujo fanbase

>> No.35918339

far less cringe than trans eggs with male voices and beautiful vtuber avatars

>> No.35919697

all vtubers are cringe simp factories profiting off of lonely incel allowance money

>> No.35919900


>> No.35919905


>> No.35919909


>> No.35919915


>> No.35919923

>still not a single Air AAA

>> No.35919933

let's see yours, tough guy

>> No.35920493

i will take a fat shit on the ddr cab at mistake on the lake 3

>> No.35920493,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

why not the GuitarFreaks cab?

>> No.35923924
File: 1.33 MB, 3392x2592, IMG_20210801_081318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of social media, including discord, and want nothing to do with it anymore. Even continuing to be in this thread is just a way to kill time.

Anyways, prove you don't suck by beating my SPN sightread here and posting it. It's just a 5, anons, let's see those max- scores!

>> No.35928184

ive never had a max- score and i dont care to

>> No.35928401

welp, now I know everyone in this thread sucks!

>> No.35929675


don't be rude

>> No.35929925 [DELETED] 

keep reading my tweets even though you blocked me, lmao
closet pedo

>> No.35929950

whyd you delete your paragraph that i posted, sangchan? sorry someone is trolling your discord sanctuary :)

>> No.35930628
File: 160 KB, 933x933, 7f6260bc-537c-4392-a573-a758518a3b2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shiki is dead
>camellia is still alive
worst timeline

>> No.35930904

camellia dying won't bring back good rhythm game music

>> No.35931091
File: 4 KB, 535x53, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo you can't pirate n-0 games we haven't earned enough money yet

>> No.35931136

>hack corporate servers of arcade game companies
>pretend to "audit" their security by doing contract work for them
greg cotton moment

>> No.35932172

Do any other songs in DDR have the Breakdown spin step (L-D-R L-D-R)? Preferably something slower to practice on.

>> No.35932433

unironically just double step these patterns.

>> No.35932515

do footwork exercises like a football player or shadow it at home wearing yr ddr shoes

>> No.35934309

imagine a world without Canadians and Future Bass.

>> No.35936702

i mean i can post my arcaea lapis score that has a 573 in it, pretty spooky stuff bro

>> No.35936709

canadians have always been smug gook shitters, but future bass is a decent genre in the right hands

>> No.35937551

The problem isn't the step itself, but it takes me a moment to refocus on the screen afterward and I miss the next couple of notes.

>> No.35938834

actually literally find a way to work out your neck, it might be bad at swiveling your head around in a stable manner

>> No.35939964

Just cleared bof for the first time after three years of playing sdvx and 2.5 years of being sl10

>> No.35940733
File: 102 KB, 190x294, 1608235359433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing bistrover in the arcade
>struggle with a lot of level 5 songs, mostly having difficulty reading the chart
>never tried turning up the speed before
>set it to 2.5 for giggles
>immediately get a full combo on a song i was struggling with
that's it, i'm buying a controller right the fuck now
are the FPS/FP7 good or should i spring for the phoenixwan?

>> No.35940886

someone's mad they didn't get paid to do this

>> No.35941411

Get the phoenixwan, don’t listen to any of the cringelords who tell you otherwise. Do it now quickly before you change your mind

>> No.35941474
File: 53 KB, 990x582, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the deed is done, thank you anon

>> No.35941749

Anyone know where to get musedash ost?
Nobody on soulseek has the whole thing.

>> No.35941922


>> No.35942104
File: 192 KB, 787x783, 4639292132_82bfbb3d3e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35942907

stay mad ranlet

>> No.35942914
File: 1003 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20210802-225626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind shes all yours

>> No.35943060


she looks fine here..? she has good taste in outfits too. dont be a hater.

>> No.35943106

ok ill just stop being repulsed by deformed skull, wow now im no longer a hater, thanks!

>> No.35943147

she is just wearing a tank top

>> No.35943232

call me when she plays a game that isnt dead

>> No.35943305


>> No.35944438

i want them both to be alive

>> No.35945760

this is the sane answer

>> No.35946196

anyone hating on this chick is a turbovirgin degenerate incel no questions asked

>> No.35946299

I think you mean anyone in this thread period

>> No.35947526

sux for u im a sexually active trad 1holer

>> No.35949637

hey I'm just here to party

>> No.35950406

Who says incels can’t party?

>> No.35950527

I'm going nuts trying to get 120hz working, should I just go bemanitools, or does anyone know of a force method in Spice? I really really like Spice but the companion is buggy and 120hz doesn't work for me

>> No.35950546

I'm pretty sure I've spent more time trying to get 120 to work than play IIDX at this point. I bought a P1 for this. Feel so dumb. If anyone knows, pls lemme know ;_;

>> No.35950762

Wish I could help you guys all I did was patch the dll in bemanipatcher with the force 120 hz patch and it worked. Using spice v-2021-04-27 with ldj2021042600.

>> No.35952126

maybe ill just redownload it. I was trying to figure out how to make it work on top of omni too but I'm computer stupid

>> No.35952372

The Big Deal 4gotten

>> No.35952859

raj of the garaj 6T9: minors welcome edition

>> No.35953530

aren't they already?...

>> No.35958055


Enable 120hz in the dll, enabled tdj mode in spice tools, make sure you're running a 120hz monitor, set the sound options to 16bit 41000000000000 khz or enabled shared audio mode in the dll.

Now you can play 120hz

>> No.35958177

tbd will never happen again because the guy who runs it is a germaphobe all hope is lost

>> No.35958379

I have ordered my faucetwo back in 02/06, yes, June, and it still hasn't shipped. I have no clue what the fuck is happening, I have no previous experience with gamo2 I just know that everyone deems it trustworthy.

>> No.35958737


any random day there now is as busy as their event was so whats the point. desu i hope they dont do it

>> No.35959122

what graphics card are you using? I'm starting to think it's nvidia being stupid or something. I set the FPS for Spice.exe at 120 and vsync on but it still checks at 60, haven't tried redownloading yet, but I've tried a dozen things, maybe it's just a quirky personal environment bug :)

>> No.35959226
File: 4 KB, 734x77, spicecfg_oik4RdY8ci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could be, it's all kinds of picky but I'm willing to bet there is a setting missing. I'm using a 1070 and a 770 on my setups.

In the included bemanipatcher in the folder "patcher" make sure your dll has the "lightning shim" enabled, and the shared audio setting disabled, right click your volume icon in windows go to properties -> default sound device, advanced, and set the bitrate to 16 bit , 41000 khz, then in spicetools go into the and make sure "enabled TDJ mode is on"

I had to do exactly that or else it wouldn't boot at all, make sure you don't have any other options accidentally enabled. just try to get it to boot first then add things ontop of it. You'll be able to tell if TDJ mode is working because it will try to launch 2 windows, you can just bind a key to window swap in spicetools so you can enter your pin on the login screen.

I hope you can get it to work because it's a night and day difference.

>> No.35959297


Also, I don't know if everybody experienced this, but on first boot I got locked into the initalization process because I couldn't pick screen definition type. I just rebooted and everything has worked as intended since.

>> No.35962097

thanks for the rundown, I was originally working with bistrover and I must have patched the dll a dozen times so who knows what I might have fucked up. just grabbing a fresh heroic verse and seeing what will happen this time

>> No.35965626

still catching at 60, but i got spice companion working to its fullest at least. no idea why but i can cope with it. Not like I'm a top ranker anyways. I just really want those pretty frames..

>> No.35965829


>> No.35966132

How do you have a 144 h monitor but it checks at 60? That has to mean you haven't patched the DLL to run in 120 hz. I have a rtx 3070 and it works fine.

>> No.35966139

Bro, pay attention to their twitter. They recently had a flood going on which is probably delaying everything.

>> No.35967241

TBD3 was the most packed that arcade has ever been. Either you weren't there or you have brain damage.

>> No.35971088

gamo2 restocked some US storehouse stuff recently. not sure how recently but i only noticed today.

>> No.35972332

I have a 240 laptop with a 2070 "ThinQ", I thought maybe because its a laptop version is why. I really don't know. I've checked and unchecked options a dozen times. I swear it looks like it wants to go higher too. Mine sits at 20-40 for a sec before jumping to 60 too, but maybe thats normal?

>> No.35972695


That's normal for LDJ mode, but if you're on TDJ it's something else, yeah. I recommend anybody trying to run 120hz not try to force it to 120hz with the hacks; it has timing issues allegedly. Just try to get TDJ mode working instead since it has native 120hz support. Even if you're not that great at the game it makes a big difference imo.

>> No.35973078

i grabbed a fresh dll, turned off autopatching, only turned on lightning mode, still checking at 60, it also says LDJ, should it say TDJ in the top left?

>> No.35973255

i mean im guessing the LDJ thing doesn't matter since its definitely in lightning mode (have touch screen) I just don't know why the frames will not bow to me and I want my doubled timing windows

>> No.35973300


Yeah, that code is always LDJ on boot. For me on monitor check, it's always hung at like 30-40 fps but then shoots up to 119.whatever. If you have the touchscreen LDJ mode is working. I'd check your monitor settings? Things like Gsync/freesync might be causing issues.

>> No.35973717


forgot your vpn "bro" :^)


not even close

>> No.35974343

I tracked down what I believe to be all the adaptive sync options and turned them off. Still 60. Though when I hit F12 it shoots up to some high number before dropping back to 60. It's never done that before. Am I getting close? I'm about to try a different laptop but it might have 3 layers of adaptive sync on too

>> No.35976721

Believe or not. Rumors about 29 loctest start spreading. Mid September.

>> No.35977249

play etterna

>> No.35977486

Has anyone found out which country that white cab is VPN'd into yet.

>> No.35977556


>> No.35982473

who cares iidx is dead af

>> No.35983828

Blog Update: I got the forced patcher to work but lightning mode is being really weird now and checking at 68 FPS. I also can't make a new profile on Aspyhxia anymore for some reason. If anyone has a fresh IIDX plugin plz share because the spicelords are being cagey with it. I just want to play 27 and save my sccores. I guess I could try going the Arcana route but honestly I really don't want to

>> No.35984750

>get paid a lot of money to bring truckloads of barely working cabs to anime cons
snow pheonix moment

>> No.35984783
File: 235 KB, 1700x2200, 1613077578289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gitadora-chad is getting serious

>> No.35984840

>2nd best earning rhythm game is "dead"

delusional, cope, retard etc etc

>> No.35984885

leak by Biavo#0039 employee of r1 scm
heard him and goilup dump n-0 shit all the time from there

>> No.35985558

idk bout any nefarious image ripping going on at SCM but the management is pretty rude and I get weird vibes there, however this letter apparently worked, my fellow lurkers

>> No.35985975
File: 192 KB, 1170x780, 35983759875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally only boomers care about iidx. chunithm and maimai are way more popular now.

>> No.35986017


yeah it's the 2/3rd most earning that's what i fucking already said retard
so you're either a chunithm or maimai player or a seething sdvx/ddr faggot
either way stfu

>> No.35986053

What happened with copula and Cannon Ballers?

>> No.35986128

odd numbered styles are bad. hv probably didn't lose many players because of lightning

>> No.35986285

Spada was good, actually

>> No.35986614

this just goes to show how stupid it is to be a tryhard about dan ranks. literally nobody cares

>> No.35986621

spada was definitely riding on tricoro's coat tails

>> No.35989180
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, 1628152663630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I play iidx idk what's up with all the keys they're so heavy and weird so I ask the guys at the arcade to change the setup to whatever is the lightest thing they've got, scratching is really hard too i think i should just use my wrist

>> No.35989375
File: 360 KB, 1448x2048, E7q_gWZVkAYR81I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play mare nectaris on hard 420 times

>> No.35993616

what did they mean by this

>> No.35994759

i was wondering the same thing

you're LITERALLY ABUSING CHILDREN by looking at 2d child porn - i am saying that you are very likely to be a threat to children as a result,

>> No.35995139

enoch kim thinks im a loser maybe i really should kill myself

>> No.35995733

will jump rope make me better at DDR?

havent played in like a year but the last time i did, my legs would give out when i'd try to beat MAX 300, but ive been getting into jump rope, if i do this shit for a few months/a year think it will make me better when i return to D D R?

>> No.35996281

I have never had a positive experience with Enoch once in my life.

>> No.35996385

please stop hitting me with fucking air hockey pucks da-don

>> No.35996400

definitely will help with cardio and stamina and just a generally good way to exercise

>> No.35998065
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, zima is a pedophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35998091

you need to go back

>> No.35998222

go back to where you come from...
go back to where you belong..
im waiting..

>> No.35998368

of course you get weird vibes interacting with normies in public, you post on /jp/

>> No.35998407

ok and?

>> No.35998450

we must not forget who we are namaste

>> No.35999402
File: 43 KB, 679x232, Screenshot_20210807-153311~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been depersonalized since i was 12 i dont really know what or who i am

play 14k High

>> No.36000137

this letter wasn't even private, the guy posted it in the scm discord for everyone to read

>> No.36000656

guys, giving money to konami is bad, someone should figure out how to pirate their games

>> No.36000753

its hard to be a desensitized gamer and have discussions about sensitive issues

>> No.36006546

I love and hate all of you
