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File: 2.67 MB, 2000x753, ac65a3d2c0334c8f6addd0bf29ae066b4920c338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35840124 No.35840124 [Reply] [Original]

You wouldn't last a second in Gensokyo. Even the fairies would survive longer than you.

>> No.35840198

what kind of retarded resolution is 2000x753

>> No.35840227

Ask the artist.
What good is an image beyond 5k resolution on either axis?

>> No.35840553

You wouldn't last 5 minutes in the hood nigga

>> No.35840616
File: 174 KB, 634x887, E6z1pjFVgAAFzx8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the troubles of a premature ejaculator

>> No.35840674

Contrary to normie logic, there are benevolent youkai and humans in Gensokyou.

Hell, you could easily get along with Marisa, Yuuka, or even Reimu.

You wouldn't just appear anywhere, but in a position of spiritual importance.

More likely than not that's going to be a shrine or perhaps in the worst case a forest.

Better hope you find a village in Minecraft.

>> No.35840823

We don't like namefags here.

>> No.35840889

>Even the fairies would survive longer than you.
Yes, I can believe that immortal creatures would survive longer than me.

>> No.35842063

leave him be.

>> No.35842227

Marisa: Safe
Sakuya: not safe, she kills and cooks you for Remilia and Flan
Youmu: not safe, she kills and cooks you for Yuyuko
Reimu: Safe
Sanae: Not safe, Kanako rapes you to death when Sanae leaves you alone at the shrine

>> No.35842250

>Sakuya: not safe, she kills and cooks you for Remilia and Flan
>Youmu: not safe, she kills and cooks you for Yuyuko
Lies! Slander!

>> No.35842265

You'll be safe near Sakuya, just be an incredibly low quality ingredient. She is, above all else, elegant and she wouldn't dare serve her Mistresses a poor meal.

>> No.35842269

>Kanako rapes you to death
Not a bad way to go all things considered.

>> No.35842272

But I want Suwako to rape me to death.

>> No.35842299

What if you get tag-teamed by Kanako and her?

>> No.35842314

>Sakuya: not safe, she kills and cooks you for Remilia and Flan
Isn't Remi really selective about blood consumption though? I thought Remi (and by extension Flan) consume the least possible blood to get by and use a lottery system of human village inhabitants for ethical reasons.

I feel like Sakuya would question you why you're there then quietly tell you to leave, but there would be consequences if you didn't leave peacefully.

>> No.35842547

I think my safest bet would be to head to the Moriya Shrine and beg Kanako and Suwako to take me in as a follower/servant. While Kanako is a big schemer, I don't see her selling out her own followers. And being on the side of two goddesses is a huge benefit. The only risk here is actually reaching the shrine itself, and hoping no nosey journalist is on the path.

Asking Remi to let you become a maid in the mansion is also a decent alternative, but could be a bit more dicey depending on if you get a fun and friendly Flandre, or a truly vampiric man-eating Flandre.

Either way I think you absolutely are going to want to offer yourself as someone powerful's servant. Going Gensokyo alone is far too dangerous. Otherwise you'll either die, or consign yourself to being some minor person in the village and living a mundane 1800s Japanese life, while occasionally getting spooked by Kogasa.

>> No.35842670

How are you going to get up the youkai mountain and all the tengu that are guarding it? Come to think of it, it’s a pretty poor location to set up a shrine if you want to try and get human worshippers.

>> No.35842890

Sneak carefully. If you get caught, be honest and say you're heading to Moriya. If the tengu is still angry, try flattering her by saying how great she is. If that fails, hope they're as easy to trick as they are in the myths.

>> No.35842903

What sort of fanon is that? Remilia is just not physically capable of drinking that much blood. She's not in any way ethical and was called the scarlet devil because she'd waste more blood over herself than she drank, and is also the reason Gensokyo has a spellcard system due to her rampage when she first showed up. Even then, her first act under the system was to spread a fatally poisonous mist everywhere and blot out the sun.

>> No.35842917

Remi has mellowed out in recent years

>> No.35842927

Literally the only reason she did that was she saw the manhunt that happened to Seija when she tried to pull the exact same style of shit later on with DDC/ISC.

>> No.35843436

I think I'd be ok. I just want to live a quiet life amidst other humans, and study occult lore.

>> No.35845651

And it is a good thing.

>> No.35846190

I hate the common notion that in Gensokyo you'll have to camp out in a shrine, the village or die.
Gensokyo is the land of Fantasy. Why not be a bit more imaginative?
How about trading information for shelter with Rinnosuke in order to get a safe home OUTSIDE THE VILLAGE with frequent visits from important people like Yukari and Reimu.
First priority would be getting some sort of Danmaku in order to challenge Youkai to a duel under strict rules, instead of being attacked.
It doesn't have to be much, it just has to be magical and a projectile.
You could probably bribe the Kappa with cucumbers or coerce them into giving you favors like in mythology for something with decent firepower.
Spellcards are easier, i think, because they are just the name of an attack on paper and range from creating suns to punching something.
You can job in the village or at the shop for money and then go buy power-up drugs from Eirin, letting you work more and raising your physical capabilities.
Head to Kosuzu's Store and look through all the books on magic she has, practicing. Work during the day and buy yourself INT-Boosters from Eirin as needed, pray to several gods for more boni. Once you have a good footing in the arcane arts you can head to Marisa's Place and study the books she stole from Patchouli and Alice. What you want is a spell that eliminates the need for eating to become a Magician Youkai.
Congrats, you just levelled up in Gensokyo and can now somewhat freely traverse it, should have a decent connection to the big players and maybe even show up in a game!

Instead of becoming a Magician you can of course try an other method of becoming a Youkai, but those are 50/50 if the shrine maiden lets it pass, so make sure you are especially nice when she visits Korindo. Definitely don't do it in the Village like our fallen bro Fortune Teller.

>> No.35846472

Flattery can get you almost anywhere, and saying how loyal to their kind and dutiful they can be one possible means of stroking their ego. Saying their hats are cool can probably help a little too.
But how would you go about tricking them? Something tells me you won’t get away with it for too long.

>> No.35846665

Guess I’ll take one for the team

>> No.35847498

Hi-res banner art is the only thing I can guess.

>> No.35847531

Even better

>> No.35847560

You can just take the ropeway. Unless something happened to it that I wasn't aware of

>> No.35847565

You don't have to trick them for months. Just long enough to get to safety. Maybe something like "Wow, your newspaper is so well written and inspiring! You're an incredible and honest reporter and I'd long to intern at that newspaper! But, I'm curious, just how many older copies do you have aechived? Such a great newspaper can't afford to throw away it's production right?"

As she darts back home to fetch old copies run.

>> No.35847626

I wouldn't last even a second inside Aya.

>> No.35848686

Well in that case you should be okay then. But I’d imagine the chances of getting accosted during your walk would still be present. It is youkai mountain after all and some of them can fly.

That’s what I was generally thinking too with it being a short sort of thing. And since this is Aya with the newspaper thing you’d probably have a really narrow window to run once she leaves. Hope you don’t run in to any other tengu while you’re doing so.

>> No.35848710
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>Even the fairies would survive longer than you.
Well, obviously. They're fairies.

>> No.35848728

If you got vored by Aya yeah you wouldn’t

>> No.35848743

I want to headpat the fairies

>> No.35849011

If I meet a scary youkai I'll just say "Hi, do you know where the Hakurei shrine is? I'm supposed to meet with Yukari for tea."
No youkai would be stupid enough to mess with Yukari's guest, and since they couldn't know whether I was telling the truth or not, they'd opt to not risk it and let me go. Hopefully.

>> No.35849341

That sounds great until Ran hears some stray youkai talking about Yukari's tea guest she's never heard of, and passes the info to Yukari herself

>> No.35849486

Yukari wouldn't care and just go to sleep.

>> No.35851468

I think you'd have more problems if Ran decided to take matters into her own hands and find out who is claiming to be Yukari's tea guest than if she simply relays the news to Yukari.

>> No.35851881

>It doesn't have to be much, it just has to be magical and a projectile.
As a dumb outsider gaijin, you'd need months of training to do magic. Sumireko is an exception because she's an ESP.
>You could probably bribe the Kappa with cucumbers or coerce them into giving you favors like in mythology for something with decent firepower.
Assuming you somehow manage to find work and get enough money for a cucumber, how would you find the kappa base? What tells you the kappa won't just fist you to death the second they know you're an outside world human with no rights?
>then go buy power-up drugs from Eirin, letting you work more and raising your physical capabilities.
You'd get lost in the forest unless you stumble on Mokou who'd probably help you leave the forest and wouldn't guide you to her mortal enemy's place.

Magician youkai is the more realistic scenario you proposed, but it wouldn't be a matter of weeks. Months maybe years.

>> No.35852233

Unless I misunderstand, don't the spell card rules essentially prevent most Gensokyo inhabitants from even being able to touch you?

>> No.35852434
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There's no rules for outside world humans. They're basically free youkai meals unless they manage to get to a safe place.

>> No.35852451

I'm an outside world human, so danmaku rules don't apply to me, also I'm 6'3" 210lbs and most of the touhous are just a bunch of japanese children with shitty powers, I'll just kick the shit out of them and then rape

Do you think any named characters bother wandering aimlessly around the countryside looking for humans to kill like some shitty teen psychopath? Being afraid of going to Gensokyo because you're scared of, say, flan killing you would be like being afraid of going to Russia because you're afraid of having to fight nikolai valuev, only weak easy-to-rape cunts like Rumia do this.

>> No.35852466

too feminine for guys to play

>> No.35852472 [DELETED] 

>random unamed fairy creates optical illusion of road, making you fall down a cliff
hehn better luck next time muscleman, weren't that useful against a 50 feet drop were they?

>> No.35852486

Cope harder youkai incel

>> No.35852520
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>random unamed fairy creates optical illusion of road, making you fall down a cliff
Heh, better luck next time muscleman, weren't that useful against a 50 feet drop were they?

There's no post there anon, what are you replying to? An optical illusion perhaps?!

>> No.35852624
File: 296 KB, 1000x1055, biggest borger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell them to take it easy.

>> No.35853059

I want to die by their hands

>> No.35853111

But why though?

>> No.35853414
File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1431, 2560px-Lobster,_Crab,_and_a_Cucumber_-_1891P32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bribe the Kappa with cucumbers
Gensokyo was sealed in 1885. Mendel published his work on plant genetics in 1866, but it was mostly ignored until decades later. It would not have been widely known in Japan in 1885. Cucumber breeding is non-obvious. You have to seal the flowers in bags so they don't get pollinated wrong by wind or insects, and they are self-incompatible, so you can't pollinate between flowers on the same plant. Without knowledge of genetics, progress will be very slow, which means Gensokyo cumbers will be the inferior versions seen in old paintings.

Go to the human village. Find suspiciously short "humans" buying cucumbers. Offer the secret of modern cucumber breeding in exchange for their protection outside the village.

>> No.35853500

>Months maybe years
time is something you can afford, unless you suffer from gigacancer
>how would you find the kappa
they frequently run stands at festivals, where they obviously arent murdering humans by salt drain.

Mokou's job is bringing people into Eientei, please read the wiki before making a post.

>> No.35853667

>Mokou's job is bringing people into Eientei
I forgot about that, woops
>they frequently run stands at festivals, where they obviously arent murdering humans by salt drain.
True, but going up to a stand and going like "hey give me technology" is something that people at a stand can't accept, they do sell technology such as vacuums and other appliances (nothing to fight with) to a small bazaar comprised mainly of youkai. They also tend to fist random lost people to death (from Symposium) so assuming you can somehow manage to even get enough cucumbers to even get their interest (like >>35853414 pointed out, though selling the how could work) it remains to be seen if they'd even give out their secret fight technology to anyone but their own.
>time is something you can afford, unless you suffer from gigacancer
The real problem with time is that you won't even be able to get started right away, you first have to find someway to reliably survive in Gensokyo long enough to even start learning about magic. Maybe Rinno will lodge you for a while if you don't want to stay in the village but I doubt he'd want a "how do you make this electricity? I don't know" freeloader for more than a few months at best.
Your best be would be living in the village, but you have to 1: find a place to live (unknown how hard it is) 2: find a job (assuming you're the cucumber god you could be a farmer I guess, without any modern tools or land to your name, you'd first have to earn that) and once you can live on your own find someway to start learning about magic. Just praying isn't enough, I'm pretty sure no one in Gensokyo isn't religious, after FS I doubt Kosuzu is free to lend out her "demon books" without surveillance (would most likely put you on Reimu's list), so your only real bet would be Marisa, assuming you've made buddy buddy with Rinno, you perhaps could access her stolen books, but would you even understand them? Not only is Patchouli a great magician, Marisa isn't a beginner anymore and wouldn't bother stealing "Magician 101: How to drink Mana potions" but the more advanced books of things she doesn't know instead. I think your only real option would be having Marisa teach you magical fundamentals, but 1: would she even want to do that? 2: At this point, wouldn't you be considered a human villager and not an outsider anymore? Turning into a magician could now be deadly for you.

>> No.35853734

the person you used in your argument would probably die from falling down the stairs or a hernia induced by pure stupidity way before reaching gensokyo.

>> No.35853755

Well how would you contact the kappa/learn magic?

>> No.35853776

i'd copy this guy >>35846190

>> No.35853885

But I'm proposing
>How about trading information for shelter with Rinnosuke in order to get a safe home OUTSIDE THE VILLAGE with frequent visits from important people like Yukari and Reimu.
Possible for a few months, probably the best and only way for you to get any contact with important characters
>getting some sort of Danmaku
Unknown how hard it is, if it was readily available for all humans, everyone in Gensokyo would be open for duels and less scared of getting attacked by youkai (you could argue that youkai are naturally better at danmaku than random villagers, but for the human it wouldn't mean meeting youkai=extremely dangerous run, you still have a chance) I don't think we've heard of any village human practicing danmaku, you would need a stable life and a teacher to start training.
>bribe the Kappa with cucumbers [...] for something with decent firepower
Being extremely unlikely, you could teach the method to farm them I suppose, but I believe kappa have never shared their "dangerous" technology outside of kappas themselves and you're in danger just going near their hideout. You could get a word in with the kappas at a stand for a meeting or something, but again, highly doubtful kappas would share "dangerous" technology.
>You can job in the village or at the shop for money and then go buy power-up drugs from Eirin, letting you work more and raising your physical capabilities.
Possible, but you'd be just a faceless human villager and fullfill the conditions to become the next Fortune Teller.
>Head to Kosuzu's Store and look through all the books on magic she has
Unlikely the books are as available as they were pre-FS
>study the books she stole from Patchouli and Alice
Not possible for a complete novice to understand Patchouli/Alice books stolen by Marisa.

>> No.35853971

The humans are being kept ignorant on purpose.

Who knows how magic books work, some may just be normal books (that are understandable to me if written in latin, a language used for textes throughout most of history and most fantasy works) others may have a conscience themselves or disappear when you open them.

>> No.35854012

The gay danmaku shit is to protect the youkai from getting raped by me, not the other way around

>> No.35854137
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>see youkai ripe for raping
>remove all clothes and jump towards her screaming "ITADAKIMASU"
>suddenly your back is set on fire
Eeeeeeeh, anon what happened? (w)

>> No.35854163

Now I'm pissed, now I'm gonna rape AND beat her!

>> No.35855777 [DELETED] 
File: 1.75 MB, 1066x1491, __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_izayoi_sakuya_kochiya_sanae_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_hopepe__e93b6d9542b337727e911cf0c7e06ef0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya and Youmu are fairly safe as long as you don't end up trespassing the SDM/Hakugyokurou, or pissing them (or their mistresses) off and failing to apologize. Best bet to meet and even try to befriend them would be in the Human Village, although they only go there for business and don't seem the type to chit-chat with some random villager/outsider out of the blue, so godd luck with that.
Reimu, Marisa and Sanae seem to be more receptive to outsiders, although that doesn't mean much. Trying to meet them at their places carries the risk of getting killed by local wildlife or random small fry youkai (e.g. Rumia) on the way.

>> No.35855784

Good. At least it would be over fast.

>> No.35855806
File: 1.75 MB, 1066x1491, __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_izayoi_sakuya_kochiya_sanae_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_hopepe__e93b6d9542b337727e911cf0c7e06ef0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya and Youmu are fairly safe as long as you don't end up trespassing the SDM/Hakugyokurou, or provoking them (or their mistresses) and failing to apologize. Best bet to meet and even try to befriend them would be in the Human Village, although they only go there for business and don't seem the type to chit-chat with some random villager/outsider out of the blue, so good luck with that.
Reimu, Marisa and Sanae seem to be more receptive to outsiders, although that doesn't mean much and trying to meet them at their places carries the risk of getting killed by local wildlife or random small fry youkai (e.g. Rumia) on the way.

>> No.35856023

shame how good the image is yet the girls looks ugry

>> No.35856177

Makes me wish there was a survival-focused Era game somewhat similar to eratohoTW where you get dropped in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and your goal was to thrive in Gensokyo by any means available with characters being more or less hostile depending on circumstance. On the site note, what kind of stuff would you try to get away with in Gensokyo if you had the power to completely stop time for long periods?
I agree, Yukari strikes me as the kind of person that would find it humorous that you came with such a deception to avoid trouble and let you go easy, Ran on the other hand would be too much of a straight-minded person to see things like that.
They look fine, Yoshika is the only odd-looking one and that's because everyone looks their worst from that angle.

>> No.35856188

Get out of /jp/ niwaka

>> No.35856216
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>> No.35856288

Spellcard rules are kind of a mess, ZUN didn't want to explain how characters with tremendous reality-breaking powers could exist in the same universe and fight one another so he went "oh no those are just fireworks" even though things in the games happen and are written as if the characters were actually fighting for real.
Danmaku is supposedly non-lethal yet you blow up fairies and early stage bosses all the time.
Danmaku exists supposedly to balance power between the weakest and the strongest yet humans have virtually no access to it unless you're already strong enough that it barely matters.
Characters use their super strong signature attacks in danmaku even if in theory they should be lethal, this shit gets even more absurd and ridiculous in the fighting games.

>> No.35856313

damn man don't have to oversell Sanae like that

>> No.35856484

You just tell aya that you fuck her for exchange of newspaper subscribtion

>> No.35857469

>I hate the common notion that in Gensokyo you'll have to camp out in a shrine, the village or die.
That's quite literally the case. Reimu won't protect outsiders.

>> No.35857715

Reading comprehension

>> No.35857723

Offhand remark.
Maybe I should have added *shrug* at the end to hint at the joking tone.

>> No.35857851
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>> No.35858029

Where's Rumia on that list?

>> No.35858462

>and most of the touhous are just a bunch of japanese children with shitty powers
They aren't, a lot of them are Japanese demons with super-human strength, they just take the form of little girls to not get exterminated by the Shrine Maidens.

>> No.35858541

>Assuming you somehow manage to find work and get enough money for a cucumber, how would you find the kappa base?
The Kappa hideout is a semi-known place since they've held attractions at their river when it flooded. Also you don't have to buy a a cucumber outright since you can just grow them yourself if you buy the seeds. Even if you can afford to buy said seeds you can probably beg for some and its more than likely some farmer will take your pity.

>> No.35858551


>> No.35858635

Growing large quantities of cucumbers isn't as easy as you make it out to be. Also you lack a field to grow them in in the first place.

>> No.35858789

Yeah thats true, but you could probably find a semi-modern gardening magazine or guide at Suzunaan to rent so you could grow them even if you came into Gensokyo without farming knowledge and Gensokyo seems to have a lot of empty space so its more than likely you can find a place to till and grow. But this also assumes the Kappa are willing to take your cucumber offerings at all since they seem to have extremely modern farming methods and more than likely have more than enough cucumbers so you would most likely be relegated to just a normal farmer who just lives outside the human village.

>> No.35860119

You guys seem to forget that Gensokyo isn't some village in the middle ages, smartphones and rockets already exist by the time the games take place.

>> No.35860448

One issue would be the language barrier. Most of the inhabitants of Gensokyo won't know any language besides Japanese. Your best bet would be going to SDM if you don't speak Japanese yourself.

>> No.35860595

Youmu is just canonically unintelligent, so she'd go down some weird track of rationality and find a reason to hit you with her sword.
All you need to do is survive getting hit with a sword and you're golden.

>> No.35860709

MW2 lobby players when they come to Gensokyo and can't say slurs because they don't know Japanese or other asian language

>> No.35860786

This post was cringe and I apologize.

>> No.35860825


>> No.35863028

Crossies are not welcome here

>> No.35865863
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>> No.35865936

I have a posh British accent so if I ended up near the SDM I could chance trying to become a butler, other than that the best bet is to try and bolt for Moriya or the human village.

>> No.35868647 [DELETED] 


>> No.35871383

>hit with a sword
She'll hit you with the entire sheathe?

>> No.35876130

I could probably beat up easy mode fairies.

>> No.35876703

real life is not easy mode anon

>> No.35878560

I really don’t like how Marisa or Youmu are looking at me...
Now that I think of it which ones among them would be the most likely to show mercy to you?

>> No.35878606

Sakuya might not straight up kill you, so you have a chance to prove yourself useful or show promise or untapped potential.
Sanae's angry, so you have a guaranteed safe card at a huge penalty of being at her mercy in that moment.
Reimu doesn't care. Everyone sends their regards.
Marisa is up to no good, it's a coin flip.
Youmu is about to practice a new technique, so if you live, I hope you get by fine with one or two missing limbs without too much mental discomfort.

>> No.35878652

It’s not great but it’s not completely hopeless at least. I would try to hide behind Sanae or Marisa first before trying Sakuya and then Reimu, especially since trying to talk down or appeal to Youmu seems to be out of the question with how eager she is to use her sword.

>> No.35879246

no marisa i wont

>> No.35885043

Japanese is a clean language anyway. Most of what can be said is contextual.

>> No.35885134
File: 43 KB, 280x350, 1529189185835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but pic related is literally me. I can beat even the strongest of youkai topdog.

>> No.35887376

危 *grab attack*
hehhh what now shinobiTCH

>> No.35887477
File: 448 KB, 675x900, 36203488_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two can play this game.

>> No.35887727

Is that a succulent sausage or is anon just happy to see Rumia?

>> No.35889152

Thats a arm

>> No.35889516


>> No.35895791

Don't hug that youkai. She bites.

>> No.35902390

That's supposed to be a meme. You're an outsider.

>> No.35902545

That's okay. I will take it easy for them. Nothing, not even the threat of death, could stop me from taking it easy.

>> No.35902798
File: 40 KB, 800x650, 2A90E83E-52B4-4079-A2E1-9E7DD8A9A2C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a degree in biotech and I can make agar from lake and sea algae (most of them Rhodophyta), then I would try to isolate Bacillus anthracis from sheep wool on such agar (very hard but possible) and use it as bioweapon.

>> No.35903131

Are there even (non youkai-)Sheep in Gensokyo?
Also you probably would need a cleanroom and specialized equipment to properly synthesize and secure the agar and not kys in the process if some anthrax gets accidentally released. Your best bet in that regard would probably be to somehow establish a good relationship with the kappa since they are the most likely to have the technology to set ub a biological laboratory and good luck with that.

>> No.35904186

>trying to cause an incident as an outsider

>> No.35905133

I don't feel like you are very familiar with the games. Any Touhou being easy to rape is doujin-tier fantasy. Rumia would surround you with a sphere of darkness, before eating you. Her whole existence in Touhou 06 is that she's out prowling the eternal night, looking for food. I don't care who you are, Sakuya's knives to your face are definitely going to kill you. >>35854012
Danmaku is process by which the most powerful youkai, all of them female, engage each other in battle, with beautiful spiritual displays, but, in Buddhist tradition, without harming one another. A very peaceful transgression.

>> No.35908993

Cool. Too bad you can't control said bioweapon.

>> No.35909017
File: 721 KB, 800x1030, 1618312199873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Minorikos NEED RAPE, where do they fit in the scale?

>> No.35909544

i thought Yukari had an agreement with Remilia and she supplies the humans from the outside world for her to drink so the humans in the village don't have to deal with a vampire

>> No.35909578
File: 516 KB, 221x231, Reimu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to the Hakurei Shrine and tell Reimu to return you back to the outside world or if you want you can settle in the village, according to Akyuu people from the outside world are seen as rockstarts due to their knowleadge

>> No.35909775

But then it wouldn't be rape.

>> No.35914148

being heralded as a rockstart by peasants and maybe catching some glimpses of fairies...

>> No.35916063

>according to Akyuu people from the outside world are seen as rockstarts due to their knowleadge

>> No.35918805


>> No.35919940

She covered it in darkness.

>> No.35919989

The fuck you just say you little shit

>> No.35921212

oi Oi OI, I'm trying to walk here! I have you know I have the Yakumos on speed dial!

>> No.35922255

>However, there are also rare cases where outsiders settle into Gensokyo.Such outsiders are treasured, since they hold unique knowledge.
Perfect memento in strict sense on Spirited-away Human/Outsider.

>> No.35922290

hey I AM walking here

>> No.35922547
File: 293 KB, 1280x1791, EBCE5570-5995-44EB-9B60-1DD9032DD688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes actually.
On such agar I can grow strains of Aspergillus, Candida or Penicillum (also some species of Actinobacteria) that can synthetize beta-lactam antibiotics against most Gram+ including B. anthracis.

If that doesn’t work I can make AB serum against the Anthrax toxin from infected people by filtering the cell component of their blood, or by making hybridomas from their cells.

I can even target the bacteria using other methods such as UV-C therapy or by injecting bacteriophages.

The only bad thing about B. anthracis is its sporulation ability which is resistant to everything I just said.

>> No.35928294

Well, you partly answered it yourself.
You can't completely extinguish a bio weapon. You should already know that.

>> No.35928966

that reminds me of when i studied molds, giggled at the name Aspergillus Niger

>> No.35929610

0.7 seconds of fairy sex! A prize worth dying for!

>> No.35931435

>I have a posh British accent so if I ended up near the SDM I could chance trying to become a butler
If they even speak English, dude. They could all be french for all you know.

>> No.35932611
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Remilia definitely does. So your best bet is heading to the SDM and begging for mercy if you know no Japanese.
Either that or go to the Hakurei Shrine and hope Yukari is around.
If you somehow find Satorin you could have her read your mind and maybe skip the speaking part altogether.

>> No.35933314

how many touhous are confirmed to speak other languages? Id wager many of the imported gods know mandarin and Hecatia speaks greek, but what about the rest?

>> No.35933337

Alice, Letty and Patche are boongs so they also know English.

>> No.35933362

Alice is romanian.

>> No.35933382

>Murgatroyd (with variants including Murgatroid and Margatroid) is an English surname of Yorkshire origin and nobility.

>> No.35933411

play the games

>> No.35933438

British, Commonwealth or North American English?

>> No.35933634

Thanks to Lost Word, we do know that all a human needs to use spellcards and bullets are a "Bullet License" which was given to Akyuu by Yukari, granting her the ability to use Danmaku bullets after a short while of training. All you need is a tool that you're familiar to use, and use that as a spellcard. Like Akyuu uses chopsticks and a scroll sold to her by someone earlier.

So learning how to battle is easy, if you can get a license for that. The actual battle however is another story...

>> No.35933731

Lost word isn't cannon since its a fan game.

>> No.35940478
File: 158 KB, 700x700, kosuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it also be possible to simply go into the human village if you have access to it, look for Kosuzu and basically write her a note in english that you don't understand japanese and could use her help as a translator?

>> No.35940488

>Either that or go to the Hakurei Shrine and hope Yukari is around.
That's will almost never happen.

>> No.35941175

Actually rather likely, considering she's probably the sole reason why you would even end up in Gensokyo in the first place.

>> No.35941363

That's fine, I want to die. I'd ask whoever I meet to make it as quick and painless as possible.

>> No.35944938
File: 696 KB, 714x1000, 1624717055923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Kosuzu be willing to become a personal interpreter to some fat retard everyday? You would always need to have her around if you wanna talk to anyone.

>> No.35952679

She'd probably help you out and force you to learn the language.
