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35901221 No.35901221 [Reply] [Original]

I love Fujibayashi Kyou.

>> No.35901250

sadly, her route was the most boring in the vn

>> No.35901274

You're thinking of Tomoyo.
Clannad was Kyou's route.

>> No.35901342
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I love Key, but I still haven't gotten around to playing the Clannad VN. So far, I've played Little Busters, Planetarian, and Summer Pockets. I'll probably also play that recent fan translation of Angel Beats, even though I know the game will never actually be finished.

Also, I love Rin.

>> No.35901410
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I love Nao, so much. Her show was amongst one of the less greater Key works, but to me her personality stood out incredibly much. And I think her character was written pretty damn well, unlike her show. For me she's hands down the best that came from Charlotte.
I've recently started reading 1st beat myself. What did you think of Summer Pockets? For me it was one of the better Key works.

>> No.35901607

I liked the part of Rin2 where she and Riki lived together for a while, felt really comfy and nostalgic for some reason despite them not really being able to live by themselves yet.

>> No.35901906
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>I've recently started reading 1st beat myself. What did you think of Summer Pockets? For me it was one of the better Key works.
I absolutely loved it. It was one of those addicting visual novels for me where I ended up playing it nonstop during my college vacation time. The minigames were all hilarious and more interactive than something like say, the fighting game in Little Busters. All the loli jokes with Umi and Umi's pantsu cracked me up so much like when you're able to catch Ryouichi and Tenzen with her panties in the Islamon minigame. Usually when it comes to visual novels, there's always at least one girl I find boring to read for their route, such as Saigusa in Little Busters, but I thoroughly enjoyed everyone in Summer Pockets; Kamome being my favorite and Tsumugi being my least. The visual quality of the game was pretty up there, especially with the world map, however, I don't know if it was my computer or not, but whenever those particle effects happened, my computer lagged to shit until they went away. There were also some font problems, though it seemed everyone was having that issue.
Did you play REFLECTION BLUE or the base game? I really wanted a Miki route, but I've only played the base game because I don't know nip well enough yet.

>I love Nao
I know everyone is inclined to diss on Jun Maeda's originals, reasonably so in retrospect, but maybe it's something with his writing that scratches some guilty pleasure in my head because I've enjoyed all of his works a lot despite their flaws. Since you mentioned Charlotte, I remember there being two things that were weird in that show. It's been a long time, so bare with me as I try to remember. One, there was some sickly brother who they were able to treat successfully, but eventually in the story they had to go back in time, but a time before they saved/treated him. Yet that was never brought back up again. Two, there was a scene where those girls bullied and beat up Nao outside the school, but the reason for that was never explained nor did that subplot develop into anything.

When I first played Little Busters, I had a quick look at the characters and their bios before playing. I was essentially just deciding which character I wanted to try and aim for first, but I was still going to play blind. I was going to go with "sasasassasami!", (I originally didn't know you couldn't get her right away.) but, Rin kind of caught my attention super quick.

>> No.35902159
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Tsumugi was among my favourites actually, but the top for me was still Ao's route. I didn't really play the mini-game yet, but I'll probably do that when I play through it again. The jokes were solid and I laughed a lot at them too.
>Did you play REFLECTION BLUE or the base game?
Played the base game, as my Nip isn't that good enough yet either. I'm mostly interested in Shiki myself, she seems like a interesting girl.

> there was some sickly brother
>Yet that was never brought back up again
Ah yeah, Nao's brother. Actually there's a short scene in the last episode where he's seen smiling while holding a signed ZHIEND cd as well as a music player next to him. So he at least recovered in both those two time lines. I still think it's a shame they didn't show more about this. I really would have loved to have seen Nao seeing her recovered brother again for the first time. Nobody seems to care about her brother, I don't think she even has any fanart with him.
>there was a scene where those girls bullied
Yeah, it was never explained but I know Nao well enough by now that I can make at least a good assumption from what I gathered from the extra audio contents. Basically, it was some revenge type of thing. One of Nao's flaws is that she very quickly to jumps to violence, likely due to her massive distrust in people. So my assumption is that she has acted violent against these girls, or friends of these girls and that they came to seek revenge. She has said that she's disliked/unpopular with the girls as well. But she really just all brushes it off as it being no big deal. I think it goes to show that, despite everything that happened to her she remained strong. I really admire that about her. It's one of the things that makes her such an amazing girl to me.

>> No.35902212

>whenever those particle effects happened, my computer lagged to shit until they went away. There were also some font problems
Same. I bought it on steam though, dunno if this doesn't happen on pirated versions.

>> No.35902699
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I see, so I guess it's better to view that bully scene as more of a representation of her character rather than some missing subplot, despite the vibe I got from it.

I loved Ayumi in that show. Wanted to hug her and eat her dumb pizza sauce the whole time, which ultimately made me cry like a bitch when she died. She had a cool power though.

Not sure either since I played the Steam version as well on release. When it was happening, I kind of just assumed it was something stupid like me running Windows 7 instead of 10.

>> No.35902812

>I guess it's better to view that bully scene as more of a representation of her character rather than some missing subplot
Basically, yeah. It's suppose to add something to her character. There's also Takajou who a few episodes later mentioned that when they first met, she almost send him to the hospital. Funny to think that this was during secondary school, before they both went to high school.

Ayumi was adorable, yeah. It's kinda stupid how all of that became nullified because of muh random time travel plot

>> No.35904751

naa man, Kyou was cheap mexican soup opera

>> No.35905695

I really think you're mixing her up with Tomoyo. Kyou is one of the purple haired girls.

>> No.35906214

> It's kinda stupid how all of that became nullified because of muh random time travel plot
Maeda's solution to every problem.
Nagisa died? Time travel.
Ushio died? Time travel.
Little Busters died? Time travel.
Saya died? __________ oops.
Ayumi died? Time travel.

>> No.35906232

everything after clannad sucked

>> No.35906613
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don't post photo of my waifu w/o permission

>> No.35906685
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That's Ryou in disguise, Kyou is my wife.

>> No.35912948

that's all Key scenarios

>> No.35913897

>posting lewds of your own waifu

>> No.35916920

Me too.

>> No.35918956

