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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 318 KB, 1058x1264, 1543329660669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35863560 No.35863560 [Reply] [Original]

If you're a beginner, please read the guide first.
New guide: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
Old guide for those afraid of change: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>35853961

>> No.35863699
File: 598 KB, 753x1000, 81339671_p28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever seen a sound effect like 山キ山キ? What could it mean?

>> No.35863853

i can only cum while watching japanese ammo no misa

>> No.35863892

the tatsumoto guide links to isis propaganda, avoid if you dont wanna get vanned by glowies

>> No.35863906

>Too old for the real idol industry so she goes straight to youtube


>> No.35863943
File: 40 KB, 721x188, 1605343599719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.35863955

i guess you are just pretending to be retarded but just in case you aren't it's ドキドキ

>> No.35864062

on chon best girl

>> No.35864092

I was sincere but I feel like an idiot lol. Still, what a sloppy way to write ド. Thanks for the help.

>> No.35864099
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>> No.35864111
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>> No.35864320


>> No.35864348

agree to disagree
by doing that i'm reading japanese and seeing how the language is defined by means of itself.

>> No.35864359


>> No.35864370

wtf, "new guide" gave me trannyism.

>> No.35864371

what's going to happen is that you'll never actually reading the definitions
your time would be much better spent just reading/watching more japanese
bookmark this post

>> No.35864378


>> No.35864389

You will learn Japanese the Iraqi way and you will enjoy it

>> No.35864391

>what's going to happen is that you'll never actually reading the definitions
not true, i have some j-j cards and i do read them when i'm not sure if i got them right

>> No.35864412


>> No.35864440


>> No.35864446
File: 189 KB, 1080x1246, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finished my daily anki flashcards, i feel so good and wise

>> No.35864456

do not use the guide on the website called tatsumoto, it's being spammed by a guy who doesn't know japanese and is trying to advertise his patreon
not sure why mods haven't banned him yet

>> No.35864481


>> No.35864502

agreed fuck the op

>> No.35864507
File: 10 KB, 522x186, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've just learned something new. i only knew the meaning 3 of this word

>> No.35864562


>> No.35864570

i'm not learning japanese in a fixed order. i just learn what i see in the order that i see it

>> No.35864580

always mix up かげろう and しんきろう when outputting

>> No.35864589

weird that isnt meaning one tbqhwyf

>> No.35864595 [DELETED] 

i too have finished my daily anki flash card reps tm
so where do you get your illegal child porn fellow non fluorescent

>> No.35864602

you didn't have to btfo him this hard

>> No.35864632

>4 days ago
wtf is this shit

>> No.35864643
File: 547 KB, 645x363, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty sick no matter how many times they remake these games some things will never be fixed

>> No.35864650

the new art is trash ong

>> No.35864659


>> No.35864671

yea i cant believe putting square and enix together would just ruin video games forever

separate they both had epic dope games

what have they been doing for the last 20 years honestly

>> No.35864679

I hate this line of reasoning for disqualifying the second person. Statistics is a load of shite.

>> No.35864687
File: 198 KB, 800x600, bc70e98a65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35864700
File: 119 KB, 592x492, 1620124128699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. How does one find lyrics for Japanese songs? What would a google search for x song look like? Thank you in advance.

>> No.35864709

songname 歌詞

>> No.35864743

Thank you.

>> No.35864807

>can't stop translating the potiential form to english while reading
fucking click already

>> No.35864814

it's hard to enjoy single player games in your late teens onwards

>> No.35864821

Play Elder Lilies, it's fun.

>> No.35864822


>> No.35864826

samefaggu lmfao

>> No.35864828

picked the fuck up

>> No.35864839

that is until doom eternal came out and changed gayming forever

>> No.35864852

doom eternal looks like trash

>> No.35864853
File: 49 KB, 383x142, Screenshot 2021-07-27 224415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35864858

turn on your monitor

>> No.35864861

the guide is legit, go back to rеddit.

>> No.35864872


>> No.35864897

i've literally never samefagged in my life

>> No.35864899


>> No.35864910

define samefagging

>> No.35864922

they can van you wherever you are

>> No.35864925

Anybody happen to have good pictures of cute anime girls in frilly dresses saved. If not i'm going to start drawing random manga panels.

>> No.35864927

gaslighting innit

>> No.35864930


>> No.35864932

djt do be gaslightning doe

>> No.35864933 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 220x220, MilTanBestGirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35864934


>> No.35864949
File: 165 KB, 1058x956, 1627422865208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember somebody posted some J-J dictionaries for yomichan without all the J-E clutter, does anyone still have a link to those

>> No.35864957 [DELETED] 

read the op

>> No.35864972

i still remember when reading a j-j dictionary felt impossible

>> No.35864980

i got no such memories

>> No.35864988

just for you I went back and reread both
and didn't see anything about dictionaries with J-E entries removed

>> No.35864990

Look for info about keyloggers next

>> No.35864995 [DELETED] 

learn english
then read op

>> No.35865001





>> No.35865005

tatsumoto respects my freedom to disable javascript

>> No.35865017

very nice

>> No.35865032

>put a bitcoin miner for js users
>make site 100% functional without js

>> No.35865033

new friends dont fall for the samefagging

>> No.35865034
File: 151 KB, 685x114, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35865045

homo men are even hornier

>> No.35865069

i havent gotten around to playing doom eternal but i played the other 1 and i thought it was ok but it was gay also bc i didnt think the encounters were good i like a map crawling w. enemies not walk to an encounter like a wow dungeon

>> No.35865081

do you like half life 1

>> No.35865089
File: 1.89 MB, 1363x745, help me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should study and stop playing Genshin, why I always do this.

>> No.35865111

ofc i do

>> No.35865124

hentai too

>> No.35865128

i pulled ayaka and her sword but then i wanted to upgrade her shit and i have to do a bunch of quests to unlock the places to get the upgrade mats lol so i closed the game and havent opened it since and am not planning on opening it any time soon

>> No.35865141

eternal is a lot more complex and fast paced which is why its good but still mostly walking/platforming between encounters

>> No.35865142

nice bro

>> No.35865146
File: 70 KB, 392x519, 1626906691353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /djt/'s recommendation for reading immersion?

>> No.35865163

Just found out at least two /DJT/ members play genshin. Ugh.

>> No.35865171

*boots up multiplayer game*
yea this is it, too old for singleplayer

>> No.35865173

i like to bring up a manga and jack off to it then close it

>> No.35865177
File: 354 KB, 2167x3369, RDT_20210727_1220577396976905375331468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35865178

do japanese know the difference between a cold and the flu?

>> No.35865206

>no bulge
dont care

>> No.35865208

i woulda liked if they made the new dooms more multiplayer focused and made a good game that ppl would play
other games like diabotical die too quick despite being decent and quake champs is a piece of shit joke

i wanted to pull eula but i forgot

not that it matters theres no real incentive for me to pull anything in that game i have 3 teams strong enough to destroy all content effortlessly and that prolly wont change

>> No.35865219

>scamshin shitpact
this is /djt/ not /dct/

>> No.35865225

does she have an allergic reaction to the makeup?

>> No.35865236

its fucked up bc it has all the things u need to have a really nice game and they just intentionally cut its balls off by putting meaningless gacha into it

other gacha games u at least feel like ur account progresses over time as u can do more things and pull key units

genshin i was all set in a couple months

i mean sure i have all the good 5*s and several 5* weaps and every 4* character but thats besides the point

>> No.35865242

chinese girls are cute too

>> No.35865243


>> No.35865248

got a troyanus from that site

>> No.35865251

dont care about troy and his anus

>> No.35865269

140 iq humor

>> No.35865273

when i was 16 i already saw what mmos were all about, just soul sucking money farms
its a good thing i had no money to spend on it or id probably be reeled in

>> No.35865274 [SPOILER] 
File: 173 KB, 359x329, 1627425649640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35865277

It is possible to add definitions to cards in bulk automatically?

>> No.35865280

good thing you were too dumb to play them for free

>> No.35865290


>> No.35865292

that why it didnt feel bad to bot
i mainly played them to reck and to chat with people back when the internet was this crazy thing

>> No.35865293

of course i played them for free how do u think i came to that conclusion lol

>> No.35865300

>that why it didnt feel bad to bot
u should feel bad though

>> No.35865312

yeah, loved nothing more than to keep the bot going on while i was at school and reap the benefits when i got home

>> No.35865314

fap done
gonna watch misa sensei now

>> No.35865316

i usually do both of those things at the same time

>> No.35865320

gonna watch nihongo no mori and get my fap done

>> No.35865325


>> No.35865330

gonna watch cure dolly to get my "reps" done

>> No.35865337 [DELETED] 

a website called lolibooru
i love cunny just like my fellow cultured gaijins

>> No.35865338

how desperate can a nigga get?

>> No.35865358
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x1600, lolibooru 348846 blue_archive blue_swimsuit flat_chest hina_(blue_archive) one-piece_swimsuit purple_eyes school_swimsuit translation_request uprightblue white_hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolibooru rocks

>> No.35865365

loli's pretty fucking boring can't get my koufun on with that shit

>> No.35865368

gonna disagree on that one @5

>> No.35865377

this is my first day of dedicated chill posting
from now on ill either be chill or leave djt
no more イヤなムード

>> No.35865387


>> No.35865393

what are you kibouing for

>> No.35865402

this reminds me of quizler posting

>> No.35865406

we probably share a similar brand of autism

>> No.35865437

og is quizzler
its his grands revenge on jamal to make him fall in love with him

>> No.35865443


>> No.35865451

would be funny but unfortunately that doesnt seem to be the case

>> No.35865486
File: 76 KB, 525x913, RDT_20210728_0105595979385485558193881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take note jamal

>> No.35865498

im not that much of a wierdo honestly if im gonna engage w. another person im gonna b real abt it

>> No.35865532


wow hope he's able to monetize these awesome videos

>> No.35865534

beyond based

>> No.35865544

lmao i cant get over his goofy autistic lookin face next to some pretty boy azn

>> No.35865546

holy shit real matto is back

>> No.35865551


>> No.35865572

why is autism so visible bros

>> No.35865578

you wouldn't be able to tell i'm autistic

>> No.35865582

id be able to tell if youre a faget (yes)

>> No.35865585

survival of the fittest is a neat concept honestly

we as humans r really sensitive to ppl who look retarded

i can

>> No.35865609

autistic people are attracted to each other

>> No.35865614

well she sort of reminds me of the other autistic errrr i mean high iq kids i grew up around in elementary/middle school

>> No.35865616
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35865624

yeah *opens the trap door to hell beneath ur feet* off u go

>> No.35865647

i always wonder what determines if an autist is high functioning or not

>> No.35865650

if they can wipe their asshole

>> No.35865656

as an autist myself i would say high functioning is being able to do most things that only requires urself to do but anything that involves employing others is difficult

>> No.35865664

make sure to shave yourself every three days bros

>> No.35865676

ain't got time for that

>> No.35865707

acquired 太刀打ち

>> No.35865709

mitsudomoe pwns

>> No.35865730

yeah man group work was the worst

>> No.35865753

this is one of those you start hearing all the time when you learn it

>> No.35865916

>showed tons of autism including literally eating my homework and banging my head against walls in my spare time
>parents took me to a pdoc and was labeled as not autistic
i wonder if i'm not a sperg or it just wasn't something people diagnosed people with back then

probably subjective and if they are allowed in normal classes or not

when group work turns into office politics it becomes even shittier

>> No.35865927



>> No.35865935

you're unironically fucked og

>> No.35865939

who the fuck is og?

>> No.35865966

what are some djt approved redpilled geimu?

>> No.35865967

djts gf

>> No.35865978


>> No.35865980

assassins creed

>> No.35865986

imagine having a gf (gaming friend)

>> No.35865989

that feel when you order some authentic soba to change it up and it's not that good and has too much fishy shit in it but you make yourself eat all of it and enjoy it because you are trying to be japanese in mind body and soul

>> No.35865995

looks like shit
looks like shit

>> No.35865996
File: 3.40 MB, 1920x1080, [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_27.52_[2019.07.13_01.47.22].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just eat sushi like a normal whitoid

>> No.35866003

if you wanna be authentically japanese, you gotta eat hanbaagu and curry

>> No.35866008

usually i get katsu curry from this place

>> No.35866009

>looks like shit
*goes back to genocide and drug farming*

>> No.35866015


>> No.35866020

if i wanted to do that, i could just go to my nearest drug cartel and do that irl for money

>> No.35866030

drug cartels dont do genocide dumb dumb

>> No.35866059
File: 487 KB, 583x531, mori_no_naka_de_mizugi_no_sugata__yonnin_no_kemonoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a huge raging boner while reading this manga, so I rubbed it off to this panel.
They do torture and kill people en masse though.

>> No.35866070

my homework eating girlfriend

yah there were a couple kids in my high iq classes that ate paper

>> No.35866137
File: 85 KB, 755x1101, SoloL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell you what there's not much going on in a scene to draw in these made for mobile manhwa panels.

>> No.35866152

what's manhwa it sounds like an insult from the elder scrolls

>> No.35866165

Korean comic book, or Korean manga, whichever you prefer.

>> No.35866175

i prefer kcomics

>> No.35866180

I thought Cell Saga Dragon Ball was bad, but this shit doesn't even try pretending that there's something going on here.

>> No.35866218

Why not read epic fantasy harem LNs instead of low-quality Korean scrolls of images?

>> No.35866222

Low attention span.

>> No.35866226
File: 137 KB, 850x610, __emilia_hermit_kirishima_sakura_kisaragi_karen_and_kashiwagi_miharu_hundred_and_1_more_drawn_by_ookuma_nekosuke__sample-232a586850b035778c0122e544939455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's be honest. nobody reads harem lns for the "epic fantasy".

>> No.35866241

>reading lns
sure hope you guys don't do this

>> No.35866254

I think what happened here is that people assumed I meant JMDict or something when I said "J-E clutter" when what I really meant was the J-E clutter in 大辞林 version that I got from the OP links. that's why I included the screenshot.

anyway I got some better dictionaries from the moe guide. thanks for nothing losers

>> No.35866259

lennies are the best

>> No.35866265
File: 120 KB, 372x440, 1516263647911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a post about the site update.

>> No.35866309

russian glowie site

>> No.35866335 [DELETED] 

dont know whhy everyone hates tatumotos site its actually pretty good
post that and the 5 v-bucks will be yours

>> No.35866348

dont know whhy everyone hates tatumotos site its actually pretty good

>> No.35866358

its not good and he's a schizo freak

>> No.35866370

dont know whhy everyone hates tatumotos site its actually pretty good

>> No.35866375

ye checked it out and thought it was fine, we already got a lot of guides tho. and all of the guides basically work.. i thought moe's was pretty nice too

>> No.35866381

some guys here assume that a word is common everywhere because it's frequent in their favorite genre

>> No.35866386


>> No.35866388

kys miniyoga

>> No.35866391


>> No.35866401

it's acting as a suffix there so -doori

>> No.35866406
File: 10 KB, 436x121, Screenshot 2021-07-27 18.17.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like we know who the real schizos are
back to your pisscord, qm-troons

>> No.35866410

usually d

>> No.35866412

that's what i thought, thanks

>> No.35866418


>> No.35866425

wtf are you babbling about? kys

>> No.35866426


>> No.35866447


>> No.35866453

I'm up to three eggs a day, I hope I don't die.

>> No.35866466

Late I know but in response to someone telling me to use Textractor instead of Translation Aggregator with JParser (I already have Yomichan). Does Textractor let me highlight any words captured by OCR programs like JParser does? Furthermore, does Textractor work on emulators? The game I'm practicing on is on the PSP.

>> No.35866469


>> No.35866474


>> No.35866475

Don't know if I actually understand what I'm watching but at least I'm enjoying myself

>> No.35866477
File: 391 KB, 1360x768, 1620091896374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35866487

this is the people-who-don't-need-to-be-spoonfed-everything thread

>> No.35866489

Mmmmmmm looks delicious.

>> No.35866510

that is a nice op, i heard them sample some of that on a parapara mix before

>> No.35866515


>> No.35866522

cool just dont fall for the white noisew meme

>> No.35866524

yeah, creamy mami had the bops

>> No.35866544

How many new cards do you guys do per day? I have a queue of 1400 cards mined in my deck and I still have it set to 20. Seems kinda slow right?

>> No.35866560

dont overdo it, better to keep em pretty low and be patient instead of developing anki brain

>> No.35866566

do as much as you can everyday
some people can just do more

>> No.35866571

True. It is kinda nice that I have time to just read VNs instead of sitting in anki all day.

>> No.35866572

thats true.. feel it out

>> No.35866586

Yo hang on, if I do 1,000 a day it'll only take me 20 days to learn Nip. And the people here have been wasting years trying to speak Japanese LOL.

>> No.35866593
File: 387 KB, 379x608, sippo_simawazu_no_kon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read mangos, bruh.

>> No.35866598

i normally do 20 cards a day but sometimes i feel strong and do 100

>> No.35866605


>> No.35866611

i use load balancer as well
a must have for anki drones like me

>> No.35866618

Hehe, load.

>> No.35866621
File: 361 KB, 850x1208, 0040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35866626

kys miniyoga

>> No.35866627

reviews say it doesn't work with recent versions

>> No.35866655

how do i master the te form?

>> No.35866676

there was no forms

>> No.35866684

prime yourself with imabi

>> No.35866703

at the first level of japanese he saw te form
on the second level of japanese he saw there was no te form
on the third level of japanese he saw once again there was te form

>> No.35866727

there was no no

>> No.35866735



>> No.35866773


>> No.35866780


>> No.35866806

「Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do」

>> No.35866819


>> No.35866820

where do you guys go to to post about untranslated manga and lns?

>> No.35866821

not a fan of naruto personally

>> No.35866828

im a bleach guy

>> No.35866830


>> No.35866835


>> No.35866842

fuck off

>> No.35866844

uh those fucking water side merchants are starting up banks everywhere, they must be stopped

>> No.35866852

sorry, too poor to visit riben.
i would if i knew of better places to go to.

>> No.35866854

just post it here doesnt matter

>> No.35866866

haaaaa i wonder what she thinks about me

>> No.35866869

the guy who made telegram lives in dubai

>> No.35866875



>> No.35866879


>> No.35866880


>> No.35866882

Didn’t you guys get the memo? Soukou Akki Muramasa is getting translated. You all can stop learning Japanese now.

>> No.35866889

dont care about ur fanfiction rewrite

>> No.35866890

oh no not the heckin overrated literally me protag chuunige

>> No.35866896

stay away from everywhere that requires an account that could glow for the immediate future

>> No.35866902
File: 277 KB, 850x1208, 0074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late for me, bro.

>> No.35866906

pavel "telegram" durov is a literal pegasus project glowie

>> No.35866913
File: 44 KB, 622x489, Game got me looking like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel like I have to relearn Hiragana and Katakana every month

What the fuck is wrong with me? Do I just have early-onset dementia?

>> No.35866915

pleased i never gave into the telegram meme
not sure how people try and convince you that shit is safe while also needing your phone number to sign up like god people are morons

>> No.35866921

u know what i like the most

*squats over a cake*

>> No.35866925

Subahibi is better tho.

>> No.35866927
File: 45 KB, 1024x579, telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with giving your phone number out?

>> No.35866940

fuck subahuba

>> No.35866946

absolutely nothing

>> No.35866948

a little hint to filter out chug is if its title needs an abbreviation
you're welcome

>> No.35866970

if you dont use it you lose it. time yourself and try to write them out as fast as you can. do this a couple times a day until you get it down to about 30 seconds per grid if kana. then you have a grid in your head to instantly recall them

>> No.35866980

alright, filtering out nege evan

>> No.35866982

japan can abbreviate anything tho for example セフレ

>> No.35866984
File: 566 KB, 600x800, __little_red_riding_hood_and_gretel_sinoalice_drawn_by_teroru__b370cbe58e2e725c26815ee37444a106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I be able to find a pure Christian girlfriend from Eastern Europe who likes reading old public domain novels through Telegram? If not, then it's just as worthless as Discord, Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media system/app/platform.

>> No.35866996

filtering out セクハラ

>> No.35867002

is japanese just english now wtf....

>> No.35867009

if its a dedicated social chatroom only men and trannies use that shit
women use direct messengers and blog type social media only

>> No.35867018

i like to think they'll go through a traditional restoration phase where they'll phase out 和製英語

>> No.35867029

keep dreaming and seething lmao

>> No.35867036

fuck all of those ー on katakana words

>> No.35867040

why is it men like chatrooms so much i wonder

>> No.35867042
File: 74 KB, 498x498, abstinimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just Google'd "abstinimi" and found this picture. Not even Albania is safe from furfaggotry.
Well, there go the chances of me getting my ideal girlfriend through the Interwebz. I'mma go back to reading LNs and watching Dokus.

>> No.35867043


>> No.35867044


>> No.35867053

wait was that picture comparing thoughts that men and women have posted in this thread or the previous one?

>> No.35867060

just go on insta or a circle on twitter for fucks sake
why are you all so dense you literally can look up female interests and the places they congregate in like 5 five seconds

>> No.35867062

こんばんは~ 元気ですか?

>> No.35867078

Women on Twitter are all progressivist whores.

>> No.35867081

the way i see it it's either that or sinicization

>> No.35867088

not true.
plenty of women turn off everything but whatever artists or fandom they are following and arent following twitter drama

>> No.35867108

most of you would be able to get a gf in about 5 minutes if you could control your seething powerlevels in a fujobait fandom

>> No.35867124

not so fast Kaiba! I sacrifice Jamal to summon OG: The Whore Of Two Tongues!

>> No.35867127

not me i'm too obese to get a gf

>> No.35867137

that literally a type for some girls you just have to have male moe
stop sabotaging yourself

>> No.35867142

not desperate enough for a fujo gf

>> No.35867145

Having a girlfriend who's obsessed with bishounen and yaoi sounds awful.

>> No.35867149

then stop eating

>> No.35867154

thats fine as long as you all realize you are hypocrits with options and its no ones fault but your own

>> No.35867156

can't. same reason drug addicts can't quit drugs

>> No.35867168

yeah i mean what man wants a woman who is hyper-aroused by men

>> No.35867176

>male moe
There's no such thing in me. I probably just come off as sperg-y and somewhat whiny.

>> No.35867179

aroused by gay men

>> No.35867181

hm when you put it that way it sounds pretty nice cuz women are way less aroused than men (hell they can't even orgasm)

>> No.35867183

ok well at least you understand. just remember nothing changes if nothing changes, dont give up on yourself just yet unless youre ugly too then fuck it and just have fun

>> No.35867184

just fuck grabbing a pen and write them down until u can recall them all from memory

how hard is that?

>> No.35867188

have you not heard of the osomatsu fandom or?
you dont get bl
its not about "gay" its the same way two girls together are hot for guys. fujo dont want whores getting their grubby paws on their 2d men

>> No.35867191

please stop asking people to do retarded pointless things

>> No.35867194

any sites with jp subs other than kitsunekko? looking for Blend S

>> No.35867204

literally what i did and worked perfectly

>> No.35867210

how is that pointless? jesus christ, it's only a couple of symbols. you people are ludicrous

>> No.35867212

instead of pointless it's better described as unnecessary

>> No.35867213

>*Bland ASS
Literally the worst Kirara anime after Slow Start

>> No.35867218

lesbians don't exist, they're merely pretending to be retarded

>> No.35867219

or youre just an attention seeking contrary fag

>> No.35867221

physically writing anything is heresy in djt for some reason
i never figured out exactly why, maybe cause if it wasnt heresy it might end up that youd have to post it and open yourself up to ridicule or something idk

>> No.35867225

are you part of a cult where it's forbidden to use pen and paper? is that your religion? pick a pen go to hell

>> No.35867237

brotip: whatever you do, do it daily

>> No.35867238

non-sequitur had nothing to do with my point
the kind of homos fujo like dont exist either because they arent "two gay men" its "too normal (implied straight) men who happen to get romantically involved"

its a 2d exclusive fantasy 3d gays are beyond repulsive

>> No.35867240

i'm going to guess you're new and/or you're the only who asked the question and now you're just baiting for advice because you're too much of a dumb fuck to read the itazuraneko guide.

>> No.35867253

are you the asexual tranny?

>> No.35867255

Schizotip: write letters to yourself in Japanese as "your other self".

>> No.35867260

wait...og likes fujo? so she's not completely asexual after all wtf

>> No.35867267


>> No.35867277

we are talking about only a couple of symbols that you can memorize in a fucking day if you only get a fucking pen and write it down a couple of times from memory...

why would anyone act like that's crazy or something? this is ridiculous. it's like i'm talking to crazy people in here

>> No.35867279

no im not even a fujo lol
i just have intimate knowledge of how they think
oomukashi kara

>> No.35867290

like a year ago when og showed up there was another one doing some vocaroos, said they liked nip music

>> No.35867292


>> No.35867295

i guess i could be considered the kind of fujo that likes solo guys without the homo stuff and イケボ recordings

>> No.35867314

without homo stuff, but with イケボ recordings i meant

>> No.35867331

likes yaoi*
fujo is a title for someone who likes yaoi. so og is a fujo.

>> No.35867339

yea the japanese learning community as a whole will make you feel like youre taking crazy pills. just do what you do with english but they fight it for some reason

>> No.35867340

I used to read yaoi fanfiction and follow Tumblr pages that shared yaoi fanart back when I was 15 yo., but I didn't get hard-ons to them.

>> No.35867349

fujo are pretty normal and often cute girls irl
unlike men they partition that side of themselves off and dont like...live their fetish and steep in it in how they appear in the world unless they are autistic or something
fujo just means rotten
bl types are prominent but not exclusive
if you are a pervert for 2d men you are a fujo

>> No.35867351

what the FUCK are you retards talking about? stop feeding my brain this inane horseshit for the love of god

>> No.35867393


>> No.35867412


>> No.35867443

shut daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck up

>> No.35867455

all the nerd girls in my high school that were into anime were fat

>> No.35867456

I used to think LGBT themes were "deep" until I actually met some gay people and noticed they're just cockhungry retards.

>> No.35867466


>> No.35867509


>> No.35867511

i lived with a gay couple for a year and they were exactly like regular folk

>> No.35867512

u got it backwards girls r just awful all the time and thats why u perceive fujos as nothing different from usual

>> No.35867523


>> No.35867525

vocaroo >>35864378 or gtfo

>> No.35867530

that goes for anyone your biology is telling you that you want to fuck
its just base sexuality masquerading as something deeper

>> No.35867532


>> No.35867542

girls are only awful in relationships i guess
they seem pretty normal and pleasant in average interactions for the most part

>> No.35867545


>> No.35867550


>> No.35867577


>> No.35867588

another vocaroo war

>> No.35867592

yea i was just being overly girl hating for no reason

>> No.35867607

its your heart guiding you down the right path

>> No.35867617


>> No.35867652

we thugz in harmony now

>> No.35867654

back a meat eye Dana

>> No.35867661

love from kazakhstan

>> No.35867701

Love from Tamaulipas

>> No.35867750


>> No.35867772
File: 114 KB, 750x826, feel the love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35867793

サックマイディック lol

>> No.35867811

>õi õmai

>> No.35867859


>> No.35867867

woah uke is just 受け and seme is 攻め

>> No.35867868

wow i want to fuck him

>> No.35867883


>> No.35867904

Yaoi bad bara good

>> No.35867931


lol quiz got owned here

>> No.35867944

would trade one of these perras for a cute jap https://twitter.com/umiuminemui/status/1418781158876143617

>> No.35867978



>> No.35868000
File: 38 KB, 640x400, E7HAjKBVUAAaaYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these bitches look cg

>> No.35868005

Why are you watching Globohomolympics.

>> No.35868027

peak humans inspire me

>> No.35868097

i like sports, sue me

>> No.35868102

Athletes are just peak circus showmen.

>> No.35868108

lose weight

>> No.35868119

haha what are you doing thats so profound

>> No.35868121

not watching the olympics but if i were i'd hope to see globohomo america get btfo

>> No.35868127

Any darkies knelt yet?

>> No.35868131

only homo here is you

>> No.35868132


>> No.35868133

My current BMI is just slightly above 21.

>> No.35868148
File: 50 KB, 1317x608, FtqxKG0vte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan is killing it

>> No.35868174

hows alabama tonight?

>> No.35868176

start lifting, stickboi

>> No.35868184

We don't tolerate your racism here, this isn't the place for it.

>> No.35868192

thats my line

>> No.35868198

knee hone go wacky re mass an

>> No.35868208

Maybe you should adhere to it.

>> No.35868230
File: 429 KB, 1659x1353, bn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.35868236

alabama and nihon are friends
united by siscon

>> No.35868243

God bless Czech.

>> No.35868246

the american gymnast chimped out too

>> No.35868252

what happened exactly the news said she had like a mental breakdown

>> No.35868263

she should have learned nihongo

>> No.35868274

she should have learned nihanjo

>> No.35868309
File: 8 KB, 1514x64, OrTmxmZ8XW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35868325


>> No.35868362

it's a group event and she's meant to be the main player
she does her flips and fucks up the landing slightly, as seen in the first part of this vid
she throws a tantrum and starts pulling 'muh mental health', so a substitute girl has to tag in
she gave a bullshit inspiring and brave speech to the press after

basically she's a fragile pussy with no skill

>> No.35868399
File: 206 KB, 512x288, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35868463

No. They also think that getting slightly wet from fresh rainwater instantly makes you catch influenza.
>when i was 16
So..... last year?
Start reading

>> No.35868493
File: 281 KB, 1920x1080, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35868511

nice tits

>> No.35868521

hate this ugly bitch

>> No.35868584

>I have a queue of 1400 cards mined
how many cards are you guys mining on average per day?

>> No.35868607

刑法 -> KEihou
警報 -> keIHOU

>> No.35868616
File: 28 KB, 625x442, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35868641

what do you guys do when you feel sad?

>> No.35868652

500 in a month is less than 20 a day are these cards multiple months old?

>> No.35868668

Lift weights.

>> No.35868670

we pray to god

>> No.35868680

>she's a fragile pussy with no skill
could have just said a woman

>> No.35868683

feeling sad is self-inflicted. decide to be happy instead.

>> No.35868698

if youre feeling sad you havent been eating enough raw red meat

>> No.35868707

How nice is raw meat, is it comparable to a nice liquid raw egg?

>> No.35868715

yeah eat a stick of butter like that scandinavian guy
