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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 511 KB, 800x600, aa46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3578159 No.3578159 [Reply] [Original]

Relax anon, and let Anna rub one out for you.

>> No.3578162

>yes please

>> No.3578163

Fuck neon eyes, what the shit.

>> No.3578167

hmm...can I switch to Perla?

>> No.3578173

You won't trick me Lunaria, get the fuck out of Anna's body.

>> No.3578175

They're amethyst actually.

>> No.3578178 [SPOILER] 
File: 580 KB, 800x600, aa16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should make more sense after you see this

>> No.3578193

Demonbane and jingai look like something I'm going to really enjoy but...

God damnit I wanna play this, it better be next.

>> No.3578207

Is there a yuri route in this? With Anna and Lunaria?

>> No.3578215

The protagonist is male, so it's hard to have a yuri "route". Still, Perla does love her onee-sama.

>> No.3578216

I think there's some yuri if you fuck up Anna's route and she loses against Lunaria in the cilinder.
But beside that, none that I know of.

>> No.3578217
File: 99 KB, 640x480, 005_yuhpon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perla as protagonist with Anna as the route where? ;_;

>> No.3578240
File: 509 KB, 800x600, os050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through my Gekkou cg folder, I can't help but notice Perla has almost no CG's. She has a few fighting ones but...that's it.

>> No.3578246

Perla is a shallow character, she has no emotions nor hobbies beside torturing her targets, the only time she show any kind of reaction it's when Ametista is involved.

>> No.3578253

What's your point?

>> No.3578255

There is a masturbating Perla scene
It's in the manga
There are no scans

>> No.3578257

>she has no emotions
She loves her onee-sama.

>> No.3578258


If you have to ask such a stupid question, then it's not worth answering.

>> No.3578264

You just answered.

>> No.3578267
File: 25 KB, 581x265, 1223350918842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no scans

>> No.3578271


Replied to you, didn't answer the question. Nice try

>> No.3578273

>didn't answer
I don't think you know what answer means.

>> No.3578275


Clearly you don't

>> No.3578281

answer: to speak or write in response

>> No.3578283


so much for relaxing, you have disappointed anna.

>> No.3578286

Thanks for ruining the thread, faggots.

>> No.3578294


It might be, apparently those two are gonna be done within the next half year.

When do they release info about future releases?

>> No.3578308

When the first sales begin, I guess. That way, they will see if that's worth all the trouble in the first place.

>> No.3578312
File: 584 KB, 800x600, os103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nor hobbies beside torturing her targets

So we share common interests.

>> No.3578314


Ahh right, they need to see how many sales they actually get compared to pirating with demonbane.

>> No.3578316

Yeah, if sales are bad there might not be anything after this. But if it's their best seller ever(I doubt it, YMK didn't do nearly as well as sex romps) you can count on more and faster releases.

>> No.3578320

Why is Perla so fucking moe?

I`m tempted to play the game with ATLAS.

>> No.3578321

>YMK didn't do nearly as well as sex romps

This is news to me, I'm not doubting it but damn. Rather surprising considering how many people seem to like it.

>> No.3578324
File: 82 KB, 504x600, japanese-bird-brushing-teet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese bird brushing teeth.

>> No.3578326

Wait, are we talking about the jastusa's official translation thing? I'm surprised that deal hasn't fallen through already.

>> No.3578327

/r/ original, I have a fetish for teeth brushing

>> No.3578328

That's because they didn't release any Nitroplus titles yet.

>> No.3578330
File: 504 KB, 800x600, os095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no you didn't, fucking bird get away from my Anna

>> No.3578331

Jast marketing scheme:
Buy shitty games if you want good games.

>> No.3578334
File: 660 KB, 800x600, aa01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3578341


Damn, thanks anyway. Now it looks like she's getting head from a nun.

>> No.3578351

>I have a fetish for teeth brushing

Never heard of this one before

>> No.3578362

Why is JAST USA forums so shitty? Stupid mod approval of postings.

>> No.3578366

I just started playing this.
Carmelo is pretty awesome so far. Drugged out psychopaths make the best villains.

>> No.3578368


You have to be approved to post? Never had any intentions on posting there to begin with but, now I'm positive I never will.

>> No.3578370


So you can't slander Max Payne or whatever his name is.

>> No.3578380


I just wanted to ask kindly about their retarded decision to translate jingai before Gekkou.

>> No.3578388

How many 4channers do you think bought it?

Anyway, Sumaga sold about 5000 copies and was considered a success for Nitroplus. I hope western market can do at least half of that.

>> No.3578396


>> No.3578397

Jingai Makyou is an older title, so I think Nitroplus was more eager to give on that.

>> No.3578401

I'm seriously curious to know how much this "license" costed them. 5 thousand? more? less?

>> No.3578404

>it looks like she's getting head from a nun.
Even better.

>> No.3578405


3 beers and a blowjob.

>> No.3578407
File: 663 KB, 800x600, os063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3578409


Gekkou no Carnevale

>> No.3578410

Gekkou is the only Nitro game I consider buying.

>> No.3578417


5000 is considered good? The VN target audience really is thin isn't it, people don't know what they are missing out on.

>> No.3578421

Hello, World where?

>> No.3578423

5000 copies sold. 50000 copies pirated.

>> No.3578426


>> No.3578427

I'm Italian, and here at Neaples Anna is a name so fucking common you hear it screamed on the streets pretty often.
I can't help but laugh anytime Romeo screams "Anna~!".

>> No.3578432

You know there is a little anon in everyone.

>> No.3578433

If I ever made a VN company(never gonna happen, just speaking theoretically here) I'd make it into something like Steam. Forcing everyone to log online to play half life 2 was a good idea, even if it was annoying.

>> No.3578434

Personally I'm amazed how Nitro+ can even keep going with that kind of profits. Sumaga is huge, developing it must've really cost.


>> No.3578435


I thought peachprincess already had something like that.

>> No.3578437


It's been awhile so I might be wrong but, I thought you only had to log on once to verify your cd-key and make a steam account?

Eh whatever, I get what your saying at least.

>> No.3578441

Servers maintenance is a bitch, also you need some kind of credibility to get people into this kind of DRM.
How can you assure them you won't fail and leave them with products they can't utilize ?

>> No.3578448

Audio/Drama CDs, booklets, mangas, artbooks, action figures, etc etc etc

>> No.3578459

I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to buy the English Nitro+ releases. Hell, maybe JAST will notice that story sells better than sex romps.

>> No.3578465


Well fortunately even if they don't break even in the first year, sales will still continue(along with pirating). And now they are going to get them in English, well hopefully more than two anyways. We'll see though

>> No.3578470

Are the JAST releases tangible products?

>> No.3578480

I'm guessing they just sold the rights to the companies for huge moneys and won't take %s on sales.
After all it doesn't look like they ever gave a shit about the western market, they won't start now.

>> No.3578486


I thought their last one Family project was done well, but alot of /jp/ seemed to bitch about it.

>> No.3578492

Someone is too new to remember the drama that ensued.

>> No.3578493


It saddens me to read this, I'll keep hoping that they do actually care and did this partnership for a multitude of reasons. Odds are though you're right

>> No.3578494


No, they exist only within the binary field.

>> No.3578498


>> No.3578504

That's what happens when you overhype mediocre products.
It really suffered from a story progressing too slowly and routes starting too late and being too short.
I mean, the game made fucking Wakamoto sound boring, that's how bad it is.

>binary field
You wish Mir made appareances in your eroges anon.

>> No.3578507

There was that JapaFiles partnership and everything, I think they actually do care about foreign audience.
Also, appearently somebody on company reads the west's impressions on the games. I dunno, ask Moogy.

>> No.3578509
File: 123 KB, 600x837, jakuri bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boy, do I ever.

>> No.3578513

Call me when their official partners starts shipping outside Moon.

>> No.3578535


Curious to know where they look to find out what we think of their VN's. Obviously /jp/ is not an option, I can only pray they don't check JAST's forums. Nothing but a bunch of morons pretending to be positive about everything over there.

>> No.3578560

I'd say Hongfire and/or Animesuki.
Also, considering they care about 2ch somewhat, they could be watching over /jp/ as well, at least once in a while.

>> No.3578566
File: 571 KB, 800x600, os098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this?

>> No.3578572



>> No.3578588

Iris, she's one of the dolls.
If I recall right she could put people in some kind of trance using a melody coming from her doll, also she uses "shurikens" and some kind of mirrors to hide herself.

>> No.3578603
File: 440 KB, 949x1400, perla manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai Monster!

>> No.3578611

Whats Perlas power? Just that awesome chain?

She is able to fight off angry taxi drivers after all.

>> No.3578619
File: 489 KB, 835x475, Taxi Driver pic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet she can't take down this taxi driver.

>> No.3578623
File: 605 KB, 800x600, la49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she is good Waifu material.

>> No.3578626
File: 527 KB, 800x600, la24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Time to switch to lunaria then

>> No.3578627

>Nothing but a bunch of morons pretending to be positive about everything over there.

Mod approved posts. It is hard to post anything negative over there.

>> No.3578632

Perla version where?
Better hide that scissors

>> No.3578638
File: 624 KB, 800x600, la15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3578640


According to >>3578434 production chart, it should only cost about ...hmm between 30,000-60,000yen to have them CG us a Perla version.

>> No.3578646


Probably less, all they have to do is switch the head.

>> No.3578650

Where can I send them money?

>> No.3578652
File: 26 KB, 150x149, 1254886852134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Straight to me, I'll handle everything. I'll even censor it for you free of charge

>> No.3578653


You have to send a check in a bloodsoaked box to get their attention.

>> No.3578710
File: 74 KB, 450x420, Rance teru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teru can kill Perla. Discuss.

>> No.3578738
File: 520 KB, 800x600, os104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You be dreamin anon

>> No.3578748

Perla attacks > Perla explodes

>> No.3578756

That doesn't really stop her.

>> No.3578763

Then how can you kill Perla?
There is clearly a CG of her breaking apart.

>> No.3578786

That is her breaking apart, but she gets back up. Kill her master, at which point she'll willingly go, "Welp, I'm done here, time to fight to the death." and discard her ability to restore time. It's been ages since I played Gekkou, so I can't remember exactly, but I guess maybe you could destroy her watch somehow too, since it gave her the ability or something.

>> No.3578797

She also has enuresis.

>> No.3578798
File: 383 KB, 730x1024, 1228267889378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perla vs Sakuya vs Dio

>> No.3578802

This shit would go on forever.

>> No.3578812

This shit would go on for about 1 second and we wouldn't notice anything until they all die.

>> No.3578820

And then Perla restores time for herself.

>> No.3578830 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 33x14, kaminaglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Perla could torture me to death then reverse time and torture me again?

>> No.3578834
File: 148 KB, 800x600, eva beatrice rapeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Perla could torture me to death then reverse time and torture me again?

>> No.3578840


The match probably goes to Dio.

Dude can fucking throw steamrollers then PUNCH THROUGH THEM LIKE A BLANKET.

>> No.3578854
File: 144 KB, 640x480, hanyuu rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak sauce!

>> No.3578857

How many routes are there in Gekkou?

>> No.3578860

Anna, Lunaria, no Perla, loli, old hag

>> No.3578878 [DELETED] 

Taht seems reasonable.

>> No.3578883

That seems reasonable.

>> No.3578904
File: 8 KB, 346x161, o_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Perla

>> No.3578912
File: 585 KB, 710x800, Carmelo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not write in some nice Carmelo X Perla romance?

>> No.3578964

The loli has the best route in the game by far though.

>> No.3579008

That'd imply that Perla can have romance with someone besides Anna.

>> No.3579038

Her fight with Carmelo in Noel's route was full of subtext.
Perfect couple.

>> No.3579096

Fanart where?

>> No.3579110

What Carmelo and Perla isn't romance-romance, it's more like they both have great respect for eachother's love of fighting. They're having a three-way with bloodlust.

>> No.3579117
File: 132 KB, 257x600, stアンナ_angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like they rape Anna together?

>> No.3579280

Hey, I have it. I can only give you some crappy photos, though.

>> No.3579328

Better than nothing, dude.

>> No.3579348

gtfo stop spammin ur shitty board on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's all ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v&'s

>> No.3579355

gtfo stop spammin ur shitty board on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's all ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v&'s

>> No.3579396

F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5

>> No.3579482
File: 1.91 MB, 1500x2000, DSCF6992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the wait, I had some Rosa torture scene to read.

>> No.3579499

Now this is some strong sisterly love.

>> No.3579546


>> No.3579547

gtfo stop spammin ur shitty board on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's all ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v&'s

>> No.3579554

So she is masturbating in the middle of the street?

Need better scans ;_;

>> No.3579571
File: 53 KB, 657x678, perla rapeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved for future Perla threads.

>> No.3579580

I want to lick her fingers.

>> No.3579591

I want to lick where her fingers had been.

>> No.3579595

I wish I was the fingers.

>> No.3579596

That's lewd.

>> No.3579597

Why does an automata have body fluids?

>> No.3579600


If you know what I mean

>> No.3579604

That makes sense.

>> No.3579615
File: 324 KB, 1200x2662, perla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on there has to be porn.

>> No.3579639

Automata could serve as prostitues/gigolos, as for the reason why Cagliostro and Giovanni gave vaginas to a serie of automatas meant for fighting... now that's a good question.
I have no idea personally, eventually he meant to backstab the inquisition and turn them into humans if they managed to devevolp a soul, so unless having sex gives souls to robots I don't see the link here.

>> No.3579643

gtfo stop spammin ur shitty board on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's all ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v&'s

>> No.3579662

If you can`t rape them it makes no sense to defeat them in the first place.

>> No.3579708
File: 116 KB, 256x600, stイルマ_normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this and why are there no HCGs?

>> No.3579720

That's actually La Specola.

I will try to get a better scan as soon as I get to the scanner. But I don't want to tear the book apart ;_;

>> No.3579739

What is La Specola?

>> No.3579759

That's basically the base of Luparia, the bunch of perverts which includes Perla.

>> No.3579761

Japanese birds favorite vacation location.

>> No.3579778


>> No.3579825
File: 2.53 MB, 1498x2138, SCAN0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, maybe next time. Have some moe-moe Perla instead.

>> No.3579840

whats the name of the previous doujin?

>> No.3579844

That's the official manga, it's called Gekkou no Carnevale (duh).

>> No.3580173

Meh, I read the first chaper, they took out everything that made the game good, like Romeo's sarcasm and tantrum (the man is shot in the head, and his main complain is that his loaned taxi interiors got stained)

Also, as one anon said, speaking italian and playing this game is fucking weird. I now understand what american/british must feel when they read engrish. .

>> No.3580251

They also left out most of Orma Rossa. Unforgivable.

At least it has decent art.

>> No.3580312

German guy here. I know how you feel...

>> No.3580343


Hold on... is that a tumbler from a music box?
