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File: 425 KB, 1280x800, at3-live-splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3570844 No.3570844 [Reply] [Original]

Ar Tonelico 3 Official Website launched!


I am so preordering this game the very second it is available.

>> No.3570867

I wish I could read moon. And had a PS3.

>> No.3570883

I wish the first two games werent so shitty and boring.

>> No.3570898

I wish your trolling etc.

>> No.3570934

Finnel would look better if she actually had tits. That outfit of hers is just begging to show off some underboob. On the other hand, I like her mismatched thigh highs. Overall: I'd hit it.

Saki isn't really doing it for me. She looks like she'll be an uninteresting doormat. Overall: meh.

Aoto: he's a dude, so he is irrelevant. Overall: Senel, is that you? When did you start using swords?

>> No.3570948

>better if she actually had tits
What the fuck are you doing in my /jp/?

>> No.3570969


White hair just doesn't look right when it's short and spikey like that.

>> No.3570971

I disagree. I think it looks fucking awesome.

>> No.3570972

>Overall: Senel, is that you?

Glad I wasn't the only one.

>> No.3571046


>I am so preordering this game the very second it is available.

As am I good sir.

>> No.3571059

Awesome I can't wa-



>> No.3571102

Damn, I still need to finish 1 and get started on 2. Anyone know how many hours they take to clear? I'm still about three hours into 1 and had to kinda stop because of school.

>> No.3571104

>I am so preordering this game the very second it is available.
I have been following this since I learned of the magazine article on it a week or so ago, and I am with you 100% on this.

>> No.3571397

Since it normally takes NISA 6 months after starting a project to localize it, can we expect a NA/EU release in Summer 2010?

>> No.3571427

Can I pirate PS3 games yet?

>> No.3571433

Saki > Finnel

>> No.3571453

The third Reyvateil will be better than Saki and Finnel combined.

The same thing happened in both the other two games.

>> No.3571475

Eh...but Orica was the best one in AT and Luca was in AT2

>> No.3571485
File: 45 KB, 750x477, artonelico06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the characters already.

>> No.3571486

I chose Misha.
I regret nothing.

>> No.3571488


>> No.3571492

So the retard and the slut, huh? You are a faggot.

>> No.3571497

Man I can't wait for this to



>> No.3571508


>> No.3571510

Disappointed and slightly aroused, more like.

>> No.3571520
File: 329 KB, 825x1100, 6657748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3571524

But the game isn't even out yet.

>> No.3571528

There was Wolf Link on Midna porn before either one of them was officially announced.

No, really.

>> No.3571530
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 21d848e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah Saki

>> No.3571531
File: 358 KB, 572x900, 6715935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3571532

Silly technicalities like that never prevented pornographic material from being created. That's just the beginning. Within one month, there will be a dick in one of the new Reyvateils.

>> No.3571535

>one month


>> No.3571537
File: 53 KB, 430x607, 124986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Ar Tonelico 3 so shitty?

>> No.3571538

Definitely not because of the lack of you. Shut up Cloche, you're the worst character ever.

>> No.3571539


>> No.3571542

3rd Reyvateils are better ?
Ahahaha Shurelia is a clumsy retard and has no real cosmosphere, and Mir doesn't love you for real.
I'll keep my inferior Orica and Chloche then.

>> No.3571545

You just don't like her because she's clearly of western descent. Fag.

>> No.3571549

She's better than the prostitute.

>> No.3571550

>implying Aurica isn't a clumsy retard
i lol'd

>> No.3571554

I don't like her because she has enough sand in her vagina to piss out sand castles.

>> No.3571555

The player character is either a retard or a fag. All the arguments in this thread are invalid.

>> No.3571556

I cannot be the only one feeling betrayed here.
I mean they described us the third tower as some kind of feminazi's hell, I was expecting at least a tsundere.
Instead I see a carboncopy of Mir and Cocona, the third one better have some serious tsun.

>> No.3571558

Maybe its just me but the chars dont really seem as appealing as first two games.

>> No.3571559

In other words, you don't like being treated like a dog.


>> No.3571567
File: 253 KB, 1101x1000, moe 54975 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont mind me, just posting the best Ar Tonelico girl.

>> No.3571570

Retarded =/= Moe. Get over it already.

>> No.3571573

I never said she was moe.

>> No.3571581

So you're saying a character can be the best without being moe? I do not comprehend.

>> No.3571582


But she wasn't even the best in that game.
And her only good song was completely overshadowed by chronicle key.

>> No.3571584

But the filename says it.

>> No.3571588

Lyner ? He's been fighting for his place as warrior since young, against his father's will.
He's moved by an honor code most people ignore on the tower and fits perfectly the image of the gallant white knight.
He forgot about Misha's promise ? No shit, considering he was a kid, of course Misha recalls a promise about being saved from her prison, hope made her cling to that, otherwise she would've forgotten as well.
Croix is good as well, he went over his parents' death to try and aim to a paradise for everybody. He trained night and day to become the best, and even Legius the guards' captain noticed him and began to train him personally to make him his successor.
He's strong, reliable and not dumb over relationships.
But probably you've got shit tastes, I suppose a cool silent protagonist with long white hair and a katana is your ideal.

Please, Orica is clumsy only when it comes to coocking, and most of her thing are edible while looking aweful.
On the other side Shurelia is a mess and her clumsiness nearly destroyed the tower not once, but twice, and she keeps loosing vital functions of the tower due to hacking.
First from Mir, now from the Mother Matrix.
It's a wonder the tower hasn't fallen apart yet.

>> No.3571595

Your opinion on what does and does not constitute a retard will be valid when you stop spelling like one.

>> No.3571605
File: 28 KB, 269x330, bolt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only people that can't appreciate a cool, silent protagonist are fags.


>> No.3571607

ITT faggots calling faggots faggots

Topic is AT3, go

>> No.3571609
File: 1.16 MB, 1875x2500, 6695664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing, Pixiv?!

>> No.3571615

Oh you

>> No.3571622

Sorry, can't hear you. Too busy being awesome.

>> No.3571627

Because "moe" is overrated.

>> No.3571631


>> No.3571644

Ooh, that guy was awesome. Eats bolts and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.3571647

Let's hope they do a better job localizing the third game than they did the second game.

Have they release a fixed version in the US yet? I hesitate to play after hearing of those bugs.

>> No.3571657

They have expressed no such plans, although there is a fan project doing it for them.


>> No.3571664

That is probably the single most retarded post ever made. No, seriously. Not even "God spoke to me and told me to kill my Jewish neighbors" is more retarded than that.

>> No.3571671

u mad?

>> No.3571673

But moe is overrated.

>> No.3571682

Baffled, actually. It's along the lines of saying "Being cool was never cool."

>> No.3571685

Is the game finally not ugly?

>> No.3571688

I think I know what he meant with "moe being overrated." It's the new "kawaii" and every 12 year old for every anime / other character are like OMG SO MOEE!!!!

>> No.3571700

It's quite pretty. It does appear to properly use the PS3 graphics capabilities.

>> No.3571704

That's overused not overrated.

>> No.3571709

The Cel Shading is bad and the textures outside of party member's are really low res.
Seriously, it could run on a ps2.

>> No.3571710

Saki is moe

>> No.3571793


>> No.3571806

I only played Ar Tonelico 1, it was pretty meh. I liked the singing and the tower and Misha (the short girl with black hair). But the very immature dialogue in the bonding scenes, when you go into her mind/soul/whatver really killed it for me. "oh no my trauma is torturing me and is represented by this bunny on a clock spell."

what the?

>> No.3571861

I'll go freeze myself. Wake me up when the english version is up with japanese voice support.

>> No.3572203

The costumes are getting more and more ridiculous. Looks like we have clumsy girl and genki girl like in previous games, meh. Hope that the third reyvateil will be awesome.

>> No.3572247

The game looks ugly like hell. They should stick to 2D and PS2.

>> No.3572605

the first ones also had ugly 3d graphics .
all i want is that they kept 2D on the parts that "counts"

my best revs so far ( in that order )
-Misha ( because her songs aren't bad and because she can switch between loli and healty ...

-Mir ( because ..well since she appear in Chapter 2 of the second game everything is way more fun ... also her attacks are powerfull . Also the way she troll everyone is a huge plus )

- Cocona because if she had a cosmosphere she would be overpowered. i can't wait to see her in part 3 . also loli

special mention for shurelia ...but she doesn't seems that much intresting now that i've seen mir ..

>> No.3572653

can anyone rip out the full size character images please? much appreciated

>> No.3572661

Awesome. Though lack of tits bothers me, but so long as they keep the general battle system from AT2, I'm happy.

Wake me up when it's localized. I wonder what VA's they'll get for it?

>> No.3572698
File: 492 KB, 1280x800, at3-live-charasystem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken from http://www.nekosthinkbox.com/2009/10/19/ar-tonelico-3-official-website-launched/ ,

Aoto – 杉山紀彰 (Noriaki Sugiyama) (Sasuke and Shirou. This is gonna be hella interesting.[1] )
Saki – 後藤麻衣 (Mai Goto)
Finnel – 喜多村英梨 (Eri Kitamura)

-- besides, the image shows... your lolis can change their appearance. ...D:

>> No.3572710

>linking to blogs

I preferred the AT2 cast.

>> No.3572767

I preordered agnest, and i'll preorder this.

>> No.3572775

What about BlazBlue?

>> No.3572805
File: 34 KB, 572x809, 946224-vayne_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Vayne the main character?

>> No.3572832

There is a similarity, but while Vayne looks like a student (which is fitting, of course), this guy looks like a delinquent.

>> No.3572861

My problem with Croix wa sthat the way the choice between paths was orchestrated made no fucking sense, and it made him act like a total fucking doormat whichever way you went.

-Luka's path: Croix, buddy, you JUST finished telling her to go fuck herself. The actual choice of allies makes perfect sense, you just found out your shitty-ass job, your parents' and a lot of other people's deaths are all the fault of the government, so you're angry. Awesome. So in the course of you and Luka working for the same people, you could slowly iron out the problems and eventually patch things-What? Dude, I said SLOW-D... don't go crawling back under her skirt YET. HALF A SECOND, IT TOOK YOU HALF A FUCKING SECOND TO FUCKING FORGIVE HER!? DID YOU LEAVE YOUR TESTICLES IN YOUR OTHER SET OF PANTS OR WHAT!?

-Cloche: Okay, she's actually a very nice girl and as much a victim as everyone else. YOU DON'T KNOW THAT. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER THAT WELL TO ASSUME SHE'S LIKE THAT. The ENTIRE next acr is ABOUT finding out the stuff that would make this choice make sense, but you have no reason to actually feel anything but sheer hatred for these assholes NOW. THE FUCKING GUY IS OUTRIGHT ASKING YOU IF YOU'RE RETARDED! IT MAKES NO SENSE!

>> No.3572872

Is there anything wrong with being a doormat, anon?

>> No.3572876

I wonder how it feels to be Luka's doormat.

>> No.3572878

Regardless what you choose, you end up with Jacqli, so no worries.

>> No.3572880


>> No.3572884

Croix is better than Lyner anyday.

>> No.3572887

Nah, Lyner actually makes the interactions interesting.
Much better mindset for his bitches too.

>> No.3572892

I really need to play through the first two games before this comes out. I have them downloaded, but I've only played the first game up to where you get thrown in jail and then I stopped.

>> No.3572893

Lyner is ugly and somehow even less intelligent than Croix. Fuck him.

>> No.3572897

Croix is not stupid.
Just uninteresting.

>> No.3572901

More importantly, he can LV10 them all in one playthrough, unlike Croix. Harem end fuck yeah.

>> No.3572908

That was exactly my point.
As Shurelia said, he will be known the most legendary Diver ever.

>> No.3572913

Unless this new guy beats him.

We can hope, right?

>> No.3572916

Yeah, Croix is just... dull. It's probably why Jacqli route feels so different, I was like "Dude, you can actually emote?".

>> No.3572921

Hey, at least he looks attractive in his casual getup. ;_;

>> No.3572923

A tie alone will be great.

>> No.3572927
File: 139 KB, 540x753, glassesappeal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the glasses.
His haircut is just...bad.

>> No.3572949

First of all you must consider something about Croix's character devevolpment which, to be honest, was showed pretty badly by the plot.
In the first chapter Croix is someone who has lost sight of his dream. He had enrolled in the Gran Bell Knights to persue Metafalica, but he turned up to be just a soldier sent to subdue IPDs, getting people angst on himself.
He pretty much gave up on his dream, and concentrated on his family, Cocona and the woman who has been his support all this time, Luca.
That's why he's cold at first toward Cloche, the woman he sweared to protect, he stopped believing in knigthood principles and just took it as a job.
To this, add that Luca wasn't the only one that was surprised about the IPDs' lab revelations, he too took a big hit there as well.
The choices he makes are not simply siding with Luca or Cloche.

On Luca's side he pretty much decide to give up on his knigth's dream, the Gran Bell's Metafalica made from IPDs' suffering isn't what he was searching for.
Sure Luca pretty much vented on him, but he has known her for a life, he understands she was dealing with her sister's death and who better than him can sympatize with the despair that comes with losing the thing that has been driving you life till now ?

On Cloche's side he deals with IPDs' lab revelations by acting more mature, realizing that dreams have a price, even though he clearly stops believing about the Gran Bell propaganda.
Luca went away and he doesn't feel like following her, especially after their fight, plus he feel like there is more to Cloche than she lets out.
She probably feels as stranded and alone as he feels in that moment, and she's been feeling like that for who knows how many years, so he decides to become her support out of empathy, decidying to stick to his old promise to protect the maiden.

>> No.3572981

that's why is more awesome to choose one side, make that slut believe you care about her... and then in the end choose Jacqli.
You know Luka and Cloche sucks, and Mir is pure Win, not all the days you can fuck the final boss of other games.

>> No.3572988

>On Cloche's side he deals with IPDs' lab revelations by acting more mature, realizing that dreams have a price, even though he clearly stops believing about the Gran Bell propaganda.

They had just nearly turned Cocona into a lab rat and were responsible for the deaths of thousands, including his own parents. If you are asking me to believe Croix thought this was a price he felt he could afford, you are not doing much for getting me to like the guy.

>> No.3572991

I don't like Jacqli that much. Her character is awesome, but way too damned loli for my tastes.

>> No.3572993

You would hate a man simply for being able to make the necessary sacrifice?

>> No.3572994

If you're trying to troll, it's working. Very well.

>> No.3572995
File: 187 KB, 1164x875, 1233716851954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could hate you bald.

>> No.3573012

His sister, parents, the very same people he's supposedly fighting to protect, which is supposedly the whole damn point of everything, all for a plan he knows jack shit about and already looks shady?

Yeah, that's a 10 out of 10 on both the "asshole" and "fucking tool" scales.

>> No.3573015


Nope, not trying to troll. I legitimately hate loli, and most things loli-related. That doesn't mean I don't like the character, but I by no means am able to find her attractive or hot.

>> No.3573017

any gameplay vids?

>> No.3573021

So you suggest he goes with the "Let's stop these atrocities so everyone can definitely die tomorrow instead of some people dying today so I might be able to save everyone else!" decision?

>> No.3573024

>hate loli
Why? And why the fuck do you even browse /jp/?

>> No.3573029


>> No.3573030

Well, they still granted Cocona freedom, which probably was enough for Croix.
Also the Gran Bell didn't cause outbreaks directly, those were already happening by themselves, and Cloche's outbreak which resulted on Croix's parents death, was probably just an unlucky event as well.
When the Gran Bell started raising the number of IPDs using the Reika system, they ended up increasing the outbreaks as well, so they organized knights squadrons to deal with them.
But don't misunderstand, the Gran Bell as a whole isn't shit, most of those atrocities are Loudness' and Alfman's fault, many of its member are like Croix and Leglius and they even have IPD volounteers.

>> No.3573038

If that's what you think of so many /jp/ posters, again, why the fuck do you even post here?

>> No.3573041


Quite simple. I enjoy VNs, and occasionally play Melty Blood and sometimes Touhou.

>> No.3573044

You are not the majority. You just believe you are and are very vocal about it. The only one who needs to GTFO is your kind.

>> No.3573048


Well, I'm not that dude, but, quite frankly, I do think there should be more variety in /jp/ personalities than "Likes loli", "Likes loli more" and "Pedophile"

>> No.3573054

>You are not the majority.
I never said anything about "majority," but nice try. I think you should drink some coffee before trying to turn your troll on next time.

>> No.3573096

>I legitimately hate loli

Kindly GTFO.

>> No.3573106

Maybe your "opinion" will count when you don't define personality as sexual preference.

>> No.3573107


>> No.3573119


And, quite possibly, your sexual preference will matter once you get arrested for possession of child porn or for sexual assault of a minor.

Have fun in prison. Even rapists and murderers see that shit as despicable.

>> No.3573124

How much money do you have saved toward one? I'm sitting at $20.

>> No.3573125


>> No.3573127

Oh, man. You can't be this stupid.

>> No.3573129

>rapists and murderers see that shit as despicable
Which is precisely why anyone who thinks this should seriously reconsider their worldview. If you are agree wholeheartedly with the criminally insane, there is something wrong with you. Now stop derailing the thread with your newfag-level trolling.

>> No.3573131

Sitting at $0, though I always think I can gather the cash pretty easily. Let's see how it actually works out.

Besides, a friend of mine sells his brand new ps3 slim for about $250. Guess I can go ahead and get it. Once I have the cash. ;_;

>> No.3573134

holy shit is that some strawman argument?

>> No.3573137


/jp/, I am dissapoint.

>> No.3573138

I'm mostly depending on the chance that I might be able to convince someone to get me one as a gift, sadly.

>> No.3573139

The thing is that now I'm saving money for a PSP.
Also 3rd world country. I need to pay like 3 times more than in US.

>> No.3573143

Samefagging doesn't make you any more convincing (especially when your samefag posts contain obvious spelling errors) or annoying, kid. Honestly, have you ever trolled in your life?

>> No.3573144

I have more tha enough money for the PS3.
But paying for every game I like(rental selection is shit here), plus the reliance on Internet connection (Barely stable 2 mb/s) make it a hard choice.
I'll prolly wait till Chirstmas for the new offers.

>> No.3573154

If you'd sooner rent games than pirate them, you are seriously stupid. No money goes to the developers either way. It's basically the same as buying a pirated copy off a street corner, only you limit yourself so you have to return it after some period of time. Nonsense.

Of course, you can't pirate PS3 games (yet), but this still applies to the other consoles.

>> No.3573155

Hmm yeah, most games are way too expensive. I only have 3-4 games I'd like to play for now either. Disgaea 3, Cross Edge, FF 13 and - obviously - Ar Tonelico 3. Though the last game alone would have been enough to make me want a PS3 definitely.

>> No.3573166


Better to be a bad 'troll' or 'samefag' (cool McCarthy mindset, by the way) than to be a sick, morally depraved fuckwit.

>> No.3573167

Personally, I've wanted a PS3 just for Valkyria Chronicles for quite a while. The addition of AtIII just makes it worse.

>> No.3573170

I only rented when I could not pirate(finish a game in 3 days, done). I did not have proper Internet access till I was 18, and people who pirated games and distributed them for a small price had a fucking small selection.
Since the PS3 has not been cracked, I have to consider it.
A friend already lent me his PS3 for some time , where I played Valkyria Chronicles and Uncharted, and they were nice, but churning 50+ Euros each time is an issue.

>> No.3573171

Cause liking fictional drawings=EEEEEVIIIL

>> No.3573173

Not touching this one unless I hear of huge improvements to the core gameplay.

>> No.3573175

Are you going to keep responding to yourself indefinitely? Jesus, this is really sad.

>> No.3573180

That was prolly sarcastic?

>> No.3573188

>Ar Tonelico
I wish.

>> No.3573190

Yeah. I wasn't trying to accuse you or anything, just so you know. It just really annoys me when people would rather play a rental or a used copy than a pirated copy.

If you're not going to buy it new, there's really no sense in buying it at all, you know?

>> No.3573199


Honestly, the games would be better if they cut out the gameplay bullshit and made them VNs.

>> No.3573209

AT's gameplay is fine.
The problem is balance, Gust just plainly sucks at it.

>> No.3573212

Mana Khemia was here. Ar Tonelico is gay.

>> No.3573214

Mana Khemia 2, not so good.

>> No.3573224

Cross Edge was here. You're gay too.

>> No.3573231

Cross Edge.
A fanwank that takes characters, derives them from their small in-game growth, creates a weird mix plot for teh sake of involving them with less-than-stellar gameplay.

Leave Crossovers to SRW.

>> No.3573271

what? it was a lot better than the original.

>> No.3573277

You jest sir.
Mana Khemia 2 was bad, unlike the first gane the character's quest offered much less devevolpment, and the main plotline is lame.
They should've made two different games.

>> No.3573281

The alchemy system was much improved, though.

But then they had to use pretty much the worst menu confirmation sound effect ever.

>> No.3573489

Why does GUST suck at 3D? They should've gotten a hang of it after Rorona.

>> No.3573504

>CV: Eri Kitamura

Okay, I'm getting this game.

>> No.3573509

It wasn't just balance, AT2s battle system was completely flawed. Better timing = less damage basically translated into you taking little to no damage past the early game. With guard+, there was no excuse for not getting all perfect defences. Worse, great to perfect guards resulted in your magic getting stronger. Even the final boss went down in ~3 attack phases. It was just a bad (though admittedly interesting, at least for a while) idea.

Completely agreed. The only reason anyone keeps playing is the cosmosphere and item creation conversations. The combat portion of the games were bad and would have been better without. The only problem is that there is no real reason for the item creation without the combat.

>> No.3573556

I hope 3 is not as easy as the first game. Once you got Shurelia in your party you are pretty much invincible with the blast fill song.

All stats up + a million extra turns + health regen...and it lasted forever because it costs almost nothing to use

>> No.3573761

rorona 3d is good man.

kuudelia 3d model is HNGGGGGGGGHHGG

>> No.3573810

Real deal gaemans like myself prefer playing fucking DAEMON'S SOULS on their PS3

>> No.3573835

>Playing NA version of demon's souls
>real deal


>> No.3573881

What's wrong with you? umad? upuu?

>> No.3573945

They could directly tie in the item creation with the storyline and costumes and such. Maybe.

>> No.3573946

I've preordered that too the EU version.

>> No.3573997

It'd be interesting if a game used different battle systems throughout the plot. Like you're alone at first, Odin sphere style, you get a party - FF menus style, more people join - Disgaea style, then RTS, Total War, Civilization... Yeah, it'd be unplayable, but still.

>> No.3574010

And thank god you're not a game devevolper.
Isn't the world a better place knowing that ?

>> No.3574092

What the fuck is a devevolper?

His idea was kinda strange, but then again the vast majority of games nowadays are shitty and/or boring because no developers or publishers like to experiment or try something new. Everything nowadays is a rehash of a rehash.

>> No.3574383

Some people think mana khemia 2 was bad...?
I thought it was pretty good, I had plenty fun with it.

Pepperoni and Goto, hands down my favorite characters.

>> No.3575854

shit are you serious? I didn't bother with that, once you could install you just beefed up your elemental defense spells with further elemental damage/defense along with cost reduction and you're pretty much invincible since they heal you too

>> No.3575869

>it'd be unplayable
I'm not so sure about that.
It does sound interesting at least.

>> No.3575874

I'll buy it if they improve the shitty graphics and gameplay

>> No.3576714

Yeah, Rorona's 3D was good. But look at this game. They should've at least made it at par with Rorona.

>> No.3576759
File: 38 KB, 899x506, at8756234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'll buy it if they improve the shitty graphics

Looks fine to me.

>> No.3576797

Stop doing this to me...

>> No.3576803

I played the first game. It was nice, but kind of boring gameplay and a real tease sometimes. Good soundtrack, though.

>> No.3576827

go listen to the Ar Tonelico2 Hymmnos Concert Side 蒼 album

Jesus christ awesome

>> No.3577012

you better provide some torrent or ddl

>> No.3577072

Goddamn PS3. It's going to become the otaku gaming console just as the PS2 was.

I guess I'll have to buy one too, since besides AT3, the new Hatsune Miku game is going to be on PS3...

>> No.3577082

I thought the ps3 had no games.

>> No.3577114


It's just a meme spread by butthurt nintendofags unable to afford more than one console.

>> No.3577187


Sure you don't mean Xbros? Sonyfriends and Xbros might as well have a giant gay orgy with each other, all that sexual tension they have pent up.

>> No.3577216

Well, that's what happens after the many gaymen conventions across the country.

>> No.3577221


By the time I left /v/ for good, the Xbox crowd was never very vocal.

>> No.3577226

I don't care what console it is as long as I can play Nippon Ichi games and maybe this and a few others. So the PS3, I guess.

>> No.3578952


>> No.3579245

