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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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35654856 No.35654856 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

New Onahole guide:

New doll guide:

new plush doll guide:

Here are links to the more informative pastebins that are hosted on controlc

aural stim:
lube alchemy:

For here's the wiki for those of you who don't like using controlC

Pastebin nuked old guides so we have new links (keeping pastebin links here below just in case)
The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

previous thread: >>35598504

>> No.35654868


>> No.35655484

Where can I find more "onahole" bot related stuff?
Only other similar thing I found was some robot catgirl in a Taiwanese game called Erophone

>> No.35655740

Any recommendation for hard holes that "lock" you in?
Im a big fan of womb chambers that clamp up on you, but those tend to be on softer onaholes, at least in my experience.
I want a "fighter" hole that wont let me go with its suction once im there.

>> No.35656502
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You don't suppose...

>> No.35657256

Check the plush doll guide in the op and look under the anime doll section.

>> No.35657616

Probably the wrong place to ask but the doll general on trash is gone. I know most people order custom made dolls, but I just ordered some custom Animal Crossing plush that are not lewd in nature but I plan on modifying them.

Any guides for that?

>> No.35657948

I think there are Japanese infographics on this, but in the end it comes down to learning how to sew.
Make an incision, turn it into a flap, make a cylinder out of satin or similar fabric, remove stuffing and insert cylinder, sew cylinder onto flap.

>> No.35657971
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Pic related.

>> No.35657997

/vp/ probably know more

>> No.35658530

That's what I figured, already know how to sew. For the cylinder do you just mean just cloth or do I need to fashion some kind of sturdy material into a cylinder and cover it with the fabric?

>> No.35658595

If you're in EU you have to be prepared to the possibility of having to pay VAT as well.

>> No.35658615

The buyfag guide also said Nippon-Yassan was bad but I ordered from them fine.
I'm having difficulty trusting such warnings now. I mean, how do I know it isn't literally just one person's anecdote who happens to exxagerate his misfortune?
I almost feel like it's a 'hit', to smear the site because it's competion. It'd seem too easy to do that.
I also live in the Asia region so I feel like any shipping issue would be less of an issue.

Post scriptum:
Otona-sekai seems completely dead, it's still in the guide though.

>> No.35658675
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I was answering his question
the chino is a dollter aotume 135cm slim made of TPE, not a plush doll

>> No.35659068

Go ask /a/ what they think about NY and they'll tell you the same shit. If the guide didn't have that warning you'd have people complaining in the thread constantly like they do with Otana

>> No.35659251

Daisuke Hold (ToysHeart)
Lolinco Virgio Premium Hard (MagicEyes)
Umi no Ana #2/Tutor Azuza (DNA Japan)
Milking Hole series (DNA Japan)
Alchemist Atelier & Vacuum Witch (ToysHeart)

>> No.35659863

Typically it's just soft cloth without structural backing I think.
The onahole is kept in place through friction, but heavy onas may require an entrance hole that can be tightened with a string.
You can look for examples by searching ぬいぐるみオナホ作り.
There's a guy selling a guide on how to do this on Booth, but of course it's in Japanese: https://booth.pm/ja/items/1218652

>> No.35659884

>but heavy onas may require an entrance hole that can be tightened with a string.
Like on the Nui doll?

>> No.35660420


im still available if you want to get me one

>> No.35660544


Why the fuck is the shipping cost on this ona-oriented hug pillow so high? It's more than the pillow itself, and the pillow isn't even that heavy! Does it just come in a huge box? Also the
> Packaging Shows what's inside and can’t be hidden.
part is more than a little concerning. Shipping aside, I'm also curious in the variety of appropriately-sized covers available. From what I can tell the Tamatoys equivalent (which seems nicer since it's made of memory foam: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Insert-Pillow-Memory-Foam/dp/B08VSHJLLD)) has a whole bunch available by all sorts of different porn/doujinshi artists while the Kiteru Kiteru one doesn't seem to have quite as big of a selection.

>> No.35660699
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Yes. Don't have one so I don't know how it works.
I've seen it on other stuff like this cute dolphin: https://daimaoh.co.jp/item6682.html

>> No.35660704

I meant the buyfag guide from /a/, for figures and such. They warned me about Nippon-Yassan but I saw a good deal (which was apparently too good because after I bought it they raised the price) so tried it out and everything was pretty normal.
I guess the delivery time /was/ a little bit longer but it wasn't too long, maybe because I am in the Asia region.

>> No.35660763

So that's what that Tomax Dolphin series is for.

The warnings are just that, warnings. You're still free to try and if it works then cool, just keep it in mind as a potential risk. It's like the notes in the guide about issues with double-layer holes or specific products, I have a Lolinco and a Mouth of Truth that seem fine despite the warnings regarding possible manufacturing issues but I have read about other people having problems with similar (like that one guy who had some Fuwatoro breasts that weren't properly gel-filled in a previous thread, I looked into it and it seems to be an issue, even the OP guide mentions that there are sometimes quality-control issues with such breast toys too).

>> No.35660777

(Though I will say the teeth in my Mouth of Truth aren't quite aligned right but they aren't exactly realistic teeth to begin with so whatever, and I'm sure they'll get misaligned over time anyway with repeated use.)

>> No.35661131

shipping costs are pretty fucked atm, even for amazon (beyond the smallest of packages).

>> No.35661255

Is any water-based lube ok for holes? There's no need for super speshul lube from Japan, right?

>> No.35661274

Amazon said they had not received any report to provide further information and to ask dhl about what was needed so they could cooperate.
Dhl just ignored me and said the issue still was with amazon. I think I will just let the package be returned by customs, I should get my money back, right?

>> No.35661326

It'll work, but some lubes feel better than others.

>> No.35661498

I can get Magic Eyes Meiki lotion locally, any anons have experience with it?

>> No.35663173

Meiki bliss is like top 3 lubes

>> No.35663579

what type of ona is best for curing death grip? soft holes?
anything but my hand just does not feel as good.

>> No.35663591
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>> No.35663605
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I am trying to find a pair like this to no success

>> No.35663841
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unironically the best especially with an ona warmer which make onas exponentially better

>> No.35663863

durex is pretty good but way too expensive

>> No.35663995

How thick is this? I got a nip warming lube and I'm pretty sure its just extra thick to cause more friction and heat up. It's fucking awful

>> No.35664405


I think pretty much all Onaholes will cure your DG, it will just take some time is all. I would maybe recommend something with around a medium-firmness, or maybe slightly soft. It took around 4 - 6 weeks of daily onahole usage to cure my DGS, and I was using all sorts of Onaholes. Virgin Eternity, Arune Sad Love, Mouth of Truth, Upper Swing, etc. I also recommend using certain lubes like Meiki Bliss or Onatsuyu. Some lubes will fuck with your experience.

Meiki Bliss is TD brand, which is different from the Magic Eyes stuff.

>> No.35664772

Ive been removing skin from my dick for the last two hours. I got a few horizontal cuts which kinda suck when my dick is fully extended.

>> No.35664810

Have any of you guys tried affixinging a onahole to a cabbage patch kid doll or any of the new style childrens dolls? Like inside the cloth material?

>> No.35664979

Any onahole recommendations for helping cure Death Grip? I'm abstaining weekly, but when I eventually jerk it I want to use a lubricated toy as opposed to my hand since everyone says that helps with DGS. Preferably something as realistic stimulation-wise as well, cumming from penetration-alone isn't happening for me and I want to fix that.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location
7, 5, nothing retarded, USA.

>> No.35665143

Elsa Babe Doll


>> No.35665290

Tomax finally back, if I can only pick one, should I go for Real, Uterus or Clone? I have experience with onaholes but not with Tomax. I'm buying just one cuz I want to spend less on these damn things.

>> No.35665410

now post a vid of it getting fucked

>> No.35665505

Real is "realistic" which means it's pretty low stimulation. Uterus doesn't feel like you're stabbing a uterus and is more for a slightly stronger but still weak vacuum effect. Clone is the best one to be honest, it's like Real but with a more exaggerated g-spot for extra stimulation

>> No.35665566

Reminder that Amazon JP MIGHT be able to remove boxes for your onaholes. I said this in a few threads back but I ordered a shit ton of onaholes from Amazon JP, reached out to customer service and asked if they could remove my onahole boxes.

The agent said she would notate my account, and when my stuff arrived they were all removed from their original packaging. They were put into individual envelopes, which was then all placed in a big box and shipped to me. Pretty fucking rad.

However this is a "do at your own risk" because I can't guarantee this might work for everyone, but this could help out any canadians or anyone else who wants to buy loliholes but are too afraid to.

>> No.35665690

Someone will when it comes in on dollsforum. He is also going to review.

>> No.35665705

But I like boxes. I buy many onaholes primarily for the box. What a silly thing you typed up.

>> No.35665757

Yeah, but even something heavy like https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B06Y2B61JV that weighs over 10kg is still less to ship. And the DHL surcharge from Japan to the US due to COVID is only $0.09 a pound so it's actually not that big of an increase over normal.

>> No.35665806

Is the Magic Eyes a cheapo/lower quality kinda lube?

>> No.35665848


>> No.35665863

Link to a non jew site. Not going to register to watch a fucking video.

>> No.35665885


Hey look, you can play video games on a condom (kind of a weirdly-shaped one, though, looks more like a dick sheath than a condom that will let you feel through it)!

That's intended for Canadanons and other people worried about the box art getting them in trouble.

Beyond the consistency I have a hard time telling the difference between lubes. Magic Eyes has some neat ones like the sweet saliva lotion and a couple different scented ones, though. I've been mainly pairing lubes with the onas they come with, so for Toy'sHeart products I use Onatsuyu, EXE/Puni Ana stuff I use the Puni Ana lotion as I can't seem to find their Excellent Lotion as a separate product, etc. I do have some J-Lube too to play around with

> Wah wah wah I can't watch an age-restricted video without figuring out how to bypass Youtube's account requirement
Grow up.

>> No.35665946

Unfortunately, Commie places like the UK and Canada arrest their citizens for naked cartoon children so it's not very "silly" since Amazon in 99% of situations gets you the best value.

>> No.35665965

Guy hunting for lube here again, is Pepee or Onatsuyu lube thicker?

>> No.35665996

From my experience they're both around medium thickness, at least for the basic Pepee.

>> No.35666028
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I present you... the lolinco torso.

>> No.35666041

That would be kinda neat, but I don't want a visit from the cops in my police state

>> No.35666045

Is that https://magiceyes.jp/products/item/pure-bride-1.php? Looks a bit odd in real life, not sure if it's the nipple colors or proportions or what.

>> No.35666059

Even in that Canada anecdote in the OP guide the person said it wasn't the COCOLO itself that got them in trouble but the boxart. ToyDemon sells both the COCOLO and Puni Ana SPDX out-of-box as well.

>> No.35666076

yeah but they're also almost 100 dollars more expensive getting it from toydemon than amazon japan, even with shipping costs

>> No.35666087

And thus I direct you to >>35665566.

>> No.35666095
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Isn't she so adorable?

>> No.35666186 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.35666274

Getting into onaholes and maturbators, looking for the most realistic one I can get for around ~60USD. Heard this one was good https://www.toydemon.com/masturbators/onaholes/meiki-no-syoumei-05-zhang-xiao-yu but want more opinions.

>> No.35666278
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Fucking gross. Dolls and robots are degenerate scum tier

>> No.35666312

>the most realistic one I can get for around ~60USD.
Venus Real.

>> No.35666380

Also heard the Loma candle was good and popular in korea. Anyone have any experience

Should add im 7in
What texture do you recc?

>> No.35666382 [SPOILER] 
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What BJ ona has the most attractive lips? Tunnel and quality is important as well but I was interested in getting a BJ ona, and the appealing factor that makes them stand out for me is the lips.

>> No.35666392

Just start with the regular and go from there to figure out what you like best.

>> No.35666455

Two years ago around this time I made the biggest mistake of my onaholes life. I tried to simulate anal sex, so I took some chocolate, heated it up and poured it into the anus of my Puni Ana SPDX.

I wasn't thinking straight and not only did it burn my dick because I didn't let it cool off (no, I didn't have to go to the hospital, thank fuck it didn't do any real damage) and I couldn't fap for a week after my penis was injured, but the chocolate melted / molded inside the anus of the Puni Ana and it was no longer really useable.

Anyway... fellow reminder not to make the mistake I did...

>> No.35666458

Should i get the Puni Ana Miracle DX or the Real Body 3D - Super Pai Kanon Kitaoji ?

>> No.35666532
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Anyone else having a really fucking hard time solving the captcha?

Anyways is there a way to dye an onahole?

>> No.35666566

one question at a time.

which question do you want answered?

>> No.35666706
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hell nah

>> No.35666752

Thanks bud, realized it's cheap enough I can try both

>> No.35666768

I was curious about this too, I wanted to put tanlines and maybe artifical pubic hair on my hip.

>> No.35666910

> Anyone else having a really fucking hard time solving the captcha?
Not really. The slider one is annoying but otherwise they're pretty easy to solve and they load quick, unlike those nasty picture captchas that take forever to load (especially for the ones where you have to keep selecting images until none of the things to select are there anymore, those were a real pain, especially as my current keyboard doesn't have a numpad). Interestingly I found you don't have to hold shift or caps lock for the new captcha despite the capital letters, the entry textbos converts to upper case automatically, which simplifies things too.

> Anyways is there a way to dye an onahole?
TPE is actually really easy to stain, even just some dark clothing can leave marks if left on the ona for long enough because the dye seeps into the skin. Artificial pubes might be difficult because you'd have to melt them in or something and they'd make cleaning more difficult, but just adding some color should be perfectly doable with a little fabric dye.

>> No.35667186

I have the Goku Tama Virgin, and so far it has been leaps and bounds better than any previous holes I have had. Granted I am still new to this. It has been fairly sturdy I would just warn against using warmers.

>> No.35667646

Many places now are really hot and there is a trick I have discovered that can help you feel cooler when you are masturbating during these hot months.

I assume many of you masturbate on your bed with your holes. Strip your bed twice a year and wash it with hand soap and water or laundry detergent (same as you use for clothing). Once it dries, alot of the smudge, shit, oils and semen will be gone and it will breath more and feel cooler. All those threads get clogged with grease and will make you feel hot. I wouldn't clean it more than twice or so a year or else the threadding will break down and for god sakes don't use a dryer. All that lint and stuff on the screen is your sheets being broken down. Good luck!

>> No.35667695

>Strip your bed twice a year
My bed is a memory foam mattress, it's naturally hot. I do have liners that I use to protect the mattress itself, though, and most of the dirt and stuff goes there. When I masturbate I either do it clothed or on a towel anyway.

>> No.35667760
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>Don't put your matress in the drier

>> No.35667961

this is literally perfect

>> No.35667971

Aww, I should have said sheets. Yeah, clean the sheets not mattress.

>> No.35667979

> Only washing your sheets twice a year
That's even worse. No wonder your bed is so dirty.

>> No.35668548

I would say any kind of soft onahole, maybe a Tomax Venus Real in soft or regular material. They are available right now in TD but you wanna buy it asap.

>> No.35668758

I ordered the original R-20 but I'm starting to worry I'll get mogged by it lmao

>> No.35668773

Just buy mini onas and never get mogged again.

>> No.35669251

Always the Chinese artists...

>> No.35669331

are the ona hole heaters worth it? thinking about buying for the first time but it seems kinda like a waste of money.

>> No.35669337

Based on what I've read, no.

>> No.35669609


So how would one go about making a proper case/holder for those? They look super soft and even in the video/images you can see a bit of deformation as there's no form-fitting package to maintain their shape (and shipping in particular would be an issue if they get turned upside down and the like).

>> No.35669846

I think they just removed the top part of the blister package to show the product.
I can't imagine them shipping it like that.

>> No.35669858

What are onahole bags usually made of? Would generic nylon or cloth bags work for storage?

>> No.35669981
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Fuck fuck fuck bros.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'm a new ona user and I cleaned it, then dried with paper towels like you guys said but I have two cats and somehow their hair is just finding it's way and sticking to the silicon. My brand new sleeves already look like a quarter machine stretchy slime hand.

Do I use a lint roller, and is it even sanitary even after I thoroughly clean it??

>> No.35670012
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I have no idea what gets peopled banned on here so I will avoid posting an image.

Anyone have those little silicon or TPe ohnahole dolls like the ones made by Elsa babe or other manufacturers.

How is the sex

Also anyone have experience with 60CM-80cm dolls like Aiko dolls or the small anime doll house dolls?

>> No.35670034
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Calm down. Use corn starch. It will clean the outside of the onahole.

After washing the onahole leave a clean rag in it and wrap it in a towel this will protect it and wick moisture out of it.

>> No.35670068
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I love you anon.
If this works, I promise, I'll find a way to repay you in another life.

>> No.35670129
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You guys have anything on the way?

>> No.35670167

Thing is, based on the reviews I've seen, they do. https://www.toydemon.com/masturbators/torso/scaled-replicas/rune-s-pharmacy-rene-tits-2#reviews

>> No.35670202

The type of fabric probably doesn't matter too much as long as they are breathable. A moisture wicking material would be pretty useful too, now that I think about it, but I've just been including some toy bags (https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B08412FRPW, https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B001MBU7L8)) when I place Amazon JP orders. If you can find similar bags (material or size) for cheaper prices in your area you should be good.

I quite like the look of the doll but I don't like how the breasts don't seem as bouncy as on the illustrations. The face doesn't seem as expressive either, which is annoying. And it's probably nitpicky to complain about the wig but oh well.

>> No.35670212

I actually have that same Unicorn ona on the way, along with a bunch of other stuff. And I've already started putting stuff together for my next order, though that won't be for a while because I've used up my ona budget for the next few months.

>> No.35670500

any thoughts on tantaly torsos?


was maybe thinking of getting the jennifer

>> No.35670585

Never ordered from them. Those are some beefy torsos, though.

>> No.35670967

Those accessories are overpriced.
The premiums on sex products in general are ridiculous.

>> No.35671256

Anyone buy either of the Taiminan Face Holes yet?
Another blowjob hole would be nice, but it just looks so small and impractical.

>> No.35671290

No, unless you live in an icebox.
The heat dissipates a few seconds after using it, and in most cases it takes too long for the thing to heat up.
Also most of them break only after a few dozen uses.

>> No.35671442

The box art is nice, though.

>> No.35671777

Didn't someone say there were sleeves like rubber sheets who are an inch or less that work well?

>> No.35671849

You mean something to insulate your ona and keep it warm?

>> No.35671871

No, like there were these sheets that are ribbed that you can use to masturbate. They are really good for guys that are an inch or less.

>> No.35671932

No I bought a lot of stuff over the past 2 months.

I personally think the ONDO NUPU has the best looking lip. I don't know if it's good or not since I haven't bought it yet. I also heard the dye on the lips wears away somewhat quickly.

I like the looks of the tunnon on the Real Body more

The only thing I recall seeing are these textured sheets from Magic Eyes,
but I believe they're discontinued as I haven't seen them in any storefront in years.
At that point you might just be better off getting a vibrator, bud.

>> No.35672012

>They are really good for guys that are an inch or less.
Anon that's not even a microdick, what the fuck. Or do you mean girth? Because there are plenty of tight onas that work for that. And if you do mean length you could always get Tenga eggs or these G Project ones (https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/product/B073X1DZN1)) and all sorts of other cup-style/small onas. There's tons on Amazon JP.

Daimaoh has those two as well as two more in stock, it seems.


>> No.35672171


I thought Tamatoys was the company that did parody onas, what's Tomax doing ripping off Lucky Star?

>> No.35672188

Yeah, I think those were the sheets. 1inch or so is all you need.

>> No.35672235
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This thing is so freaking amazing

>> No.35672282

If only you could find one the size of a real kid.

>> No.35672287

Did you buy it?
Why not just buy an aotume doll at that point?

>> No.35672289

Do I have to run a bath every time I want to clean it?
How much cornflour will that thing eat?

>> No.35672322

At that size you probably just clean it like you would a doll, with wet microfiber rags and then follow that up with a dry stick, so you don't have to wash and repowder the entire body every time.

>> No.35672386

>some people literally put cornstarch/powder on the holes.


>> No.35672422
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>Some disgusting retard anons have dirty decaying holes

>> No.35672425

are there any good storage bags on amazon US? I don't wanna put my credit card into some onahole website.

>> No.35672445

If I didn't powder my doll she would be both ungropeable and pick up all the dust and lint in the house and carry it around.

>> No.35672497

Many ona manufacturers recommend it. Hell, most of them come powdered from the factory (I noticed this particularly for the hip I bought recently, that thing was caked in powder). Makes me wonder if that's also why latex gloves are powdered.

They aren't going to decay if you don't powder them, they'll just get sticky and grimy and covered in pet hair and you'll have to wash them before use rather than pulling them out of storage and using them right away.

> are there any good storage bags on amazon US?
Probably, just look for bags in the size you want that are breathable.

> I don't wanna put my credit card into some onahole website.
Your credit card company isn't going to know specifically what you're buying, and I'm pretty sure they're used to people buying dildos and shit anyway so they aren't going to put you on a list for making a ToyDemon/etc. account. If you're worried about some shady onahole site stealing your credit card info you can always use one of those services that provide you with a one-time-use/one-website-only number too. And of course there's always Amazon JP.

>> No.35672581

Like drawstring bags made of microfiber cloth?
>amazon JP
Some anon said he had to email customs and give them vague descriptions of what he was ordering. I don't know if it's a usual thing, but It sounds tedious so I've been avoiding it.

>> No.35672598

Those would probably work fine, yeah. Doesn't even need to be microfiber, basic cotton bags would work too.

>> No.35672603

There are proxys that will literally go down to the sex shop and doujinshi marts and buy things you want and send you reccomendations. Then hold for you and ship in a big box.

>> No.35672637
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Sounds like an ecchi sketchy wonton tai chi

>> No.35673355
File: 100 KB, 540x952, 44268417_491606631875471_6371846968186417531_n.mp4_snapshot_00.04.138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torsos are perfect if you are into guro stuff.

>> No.35673589

I have the magic face 2. Its a nice hole of a decent size so you can really facefuck it. The only issue I have with it is the cleaning process since its a pain to get into the sink due to its size

>> No.35673631

>some people think it's bad to powder their onahole
What the fuck?
I wish there were a way to make the onahole grip the same way it does from day 1, after awhile powdering helps but not enough.

>> No.35673665

I haven't been here in some years.
Is the R20 still the only onahole for big dicks? I've been repurchasing it almost exclusively for the past 4 years of my life and I think I'm beginning to get bored of it.
Or maybe that's just age starting to make me less horny in general. I miss the days when I could edge and cum 3-4 times in a day, now I'm lucky if I can do 3 times a week during a week that I am horny.

>> No.35673818

Nah, they're plenty now.
At Ichigo and Maid Service by the same company (ToysHeart)
Long Size HIDA and Uterus by Solvemen
There's generally thick/weighty onaholes that blend the line between ona and hp, such as the Puni Virgin 1000g series by G Project and Proportion by Aizam Japan.
Lolinco Virgo now also comes in a soft and hard variant
Upper Swing and Full Swing by Maccos Japan
These are just ones that come off the top of my head. I'm sure there are more out there but they still are greatly outnumbered by the ones for dicklets, for obvious reasons.

>> No.35673932

Thanks, that should give me plenty to look over and try to see if any particularly tickle my fancy.

>> No.35674295

>now I'm lucky if I can do 3 times a week during a week that I am horny.
Is that because of age or is that because you're just busy? I'm early 30s and can still masturbate 3 times a day if I want to but I usually only do it once every day or two just because of being busy with life.

>> No.35674364

Perhaps a mix of both? I have free time when the weekend rolls around, and when I took a vacation last month I was hoping to masturbate a bunch, but the feelings just weren't there. I can't recall the last time I nutted twice in one day.

>> No.35674817

>but the feelings just weren't there
I know the feeling. I miss eagerly rushing home from lectures in college to have a big fap session, being in the mood wasn't even a question. Nowadays I use drugs if I must to force a session

>> No.35675004

First time buyer and I'm afraid to pull the trigger. I'm on the smaller side 4-5 inches tops but average girth. I've heard great things about these tomax holes but for 60 dollars its really hard to pick one and just hope for the best. I can't afford to buy a bunch to find something that works for me perfectly. I think I would want something on the firmer side because I don't like the idea of it flopping around but I also need to fix my deathgrip so I just don't really know how to go. Should I maybe get a couple of cheaper ones instead, any advice on what the safest choice might be for me?

>> No.35675074

Kind of off-topic, but does anyone know if Pepee is safe for anal use?

>> No.35675330

It's water based so it probably is, but you'll find that the anus isn't self lubricating so you really do need lube, it's why silicone lube is preferable for anal

>> No.35675468

Thanks for the reply. I'll try on my skin first to be safe.
Don't like silicone lube because it's runny and it stains.

>> No.35675740

Just tried it, I actually had no problems reaching the end of the tunnel but 19cm of rubber is extremely unwieldy, it's fun to watch it swallow my dick whole but I'd rather go for something easier to hold next time

>> No.35675984

On that note I wish anal play wasn't such a hassle. It's a nice bonus but not nice enough to justify the extra work.

Do vibrators without penetration compare?

>> No.35676145

just use Coconut Oil for anal play

You gotta think about buying onaholes in this way:
>would it have been better for me to spend the money on something else?
This can become an expensive hobby if you're not careful. Some people buy one, then only in a few years end up with 30+. Or graduate to hips, or dolls (in which the latter can cost thousands easily).
With cheaper products, in many cases "you get what you pay for" But this doesn't mean if you drop 800 on something that it will be the best experience ever. Everyone has preferences and what one person may find great, another may find shit.
I'd personally get to a point where being out of 60 dollars would affect you much, but with how Tomax is, they go out of stock often and take a while to restock.
But if you want something "cheap", I'd look towards G Project brand. Most of their products are single layer and <40 so they tend to last quite a bit and feel good too.

>> No.35676480

Box art doesn't justify a purchase if the product is questionable.

>> No.35676646

>end up with 30+
Just buy a few and stop chasing the dragon.

>> No.35677012

dude I used a silicone pot holder with lube to wank, it has texture to grip the pots and felt ok, but I wouldn't wanna keep using it since I also need it to get stuff out of the oven

>> No.35677090
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>guys that are an inch or less.

>> No.35677104

4 to 5 inches is huge.

>> No.35677129

Well, I have asbestos oven mitts and they don't have rubber on the outside, but I like them because they are thin and I don't feel the heat no matter what compared with other modern ones.

>> No.35677177

I beat off today after the healing yesterday from the callus/skin removal all over my dick. Decided to use lube and one of my older holes without any stuff in it.

It was pretty good. Definitely worth removing built up skin from abrassion etc. At the end I was really grabbing it and I was afraid it was starting to open up all the horizontal cuts but it just so happened that that slight pain was just beginning right when I was going to cum and only added to the experience.

>> No.35677565

>rushing home from lectures in college to have a big fap session, being in the mood wasn't even a question.
Yep, I miss that so much.
What drugs do you use to force that mood? Ive never used drugs before but I wish I had something I could use to reliably to get that back.

>> No.35677701

Not him but MDMA is fun.

>> No.35678410

Doesn't it give you depression when effects wear off?

>> No.35678777

doesn't everything else?

>> No.35679113

I missed it, they're all sold out. How often do they come back? Should I get Hard if my goal is realism or wait?

>> No.35679206

No lol

>> No.35679212

The post-nut blues is real

>> No.35679781

>Ive never used drugs before but I wish I had something I could use to reliably to get that back.
Drugs can help with this, but they'll take everything else.

>> No.35680805

YMMV but I found that ching chan zhing zhang onahole to be shit. It's very awkward to hold and the canal is kind of awkward. It was okay upside down but the layers ended up separating/tearing pretty quick, I'm only ~6.5''

>> No.35680826

This. Taking drugs to masturbate is a slippery slope. Leads to really bad usage habits and makes controlling it that much harder. Not to mention your brain is already lit up like a christmas tree when fapping(which is why it's so good to mix with drugs but also why it's so dangerous).

Tread lightly.

>> No.35681009

Daisuki hold is sort of what I want, yeah (but I already have it) that and harder stuff.
Lolinco (original) never really had any suction for me and Vacuum witch is anything but hard, the material is so nice I've always considered it a comfy experience.

>Umi no Ana #2
I've had my eye on this but does it actually have any suction? The gimmick sounded like it's an anti rape onahole like virgin age hard, just larger.

>> No.35681152

I would add ride Japan to the list. Some of their holes are fantastic for their low price point- definitely check out the tenka ikketsu and the Virgin loop darrin seven. Both definitely perform above their class for sure.

>> No.35681560

>face unexpressive
You don't say.

>> No.35681570

I meant in comparison to the illustration.

>> No.35681581
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>> No.35681910

how often does tomex reals get restocked?

>> No.35682032

Did something happen with Amazon JP shipping? My estimated shipping times are now in the >2-week range even for items that are fully available when before it'd be more like 10 days at most, and a recent order I placed is taking a lot longer in the preparation phase than ones from June did. Did the Japanese government put more restrictions on things recently due to a new state of emergency? I remember reading that one hit the Olympics recently.

>> No.35682755

About as often as you attend your ESL lessons.

>> No.35683835

kinda wish there was a revision of the R20 that keeps the 165mm tunnel but has a more compact exterior, maybe it would compromise the durability too much though

>> No.35685960

Too big for your storage space?

>> No.35686327
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>> No.35686394

shut up Nico

>> No.35687824

Can you guys recommend a soft hole from Toysheart? I was eyeing the 17 Bordeaux Soft, but the uterus part at the end seems like a pain to clean, and the reviews seem quite mixed.
Dick 13cm. Would rather the tunnel be a bit longer than shorter, if necessary.

>> No.35687875

If you want a basic/cheap starter hole with those features I think http://www.toysheart.com/product/nft-shitanamesuzume-.php is pretty nice. Not super soft but still soft, it won't try to squeeze you out, it's relatively easy to clean, and it's got a 13cm tunnel. There are others in that series if you don't like that specific one such as http://www.toysheart.com/product/nft-gokkunnhoushi-.php, but I don't know if that's harder or softer.

>> No.35687972

I might get the Suzume one, but both of those seem to lean towards the more stimulating side according the their diagram thingy.
Would be nice if you could actually search their site by that criteria.

>> No.35688243

So you want ones specifically labeled as まったり? There's http://www.toysheart.com/product/cowgirl.php but it's on the shorter side (12cm) and the reviews I've seen are mediocre. Also that's not necessarily a measure of softness, the Alchemist ona is also close to the mattari side but isn't particularly soft. There's also http://www.toysheart.com/product/lusty_love.php (12cm) and for a super long one http://www.toysheart.com/product/maid_service.php (168mm).

>> No.35688407

Damn, I'd never think that maid one is low stimulation from the internal structure.

>> No.35689011

Toysheart doesn't typically do soft holes well.
17 Bordeaux Soft is one of their only soft holes that actually reviewed well.
Onahodouga has a pretty reliable rating for stimulation at the bottom of each review.
The stimulation score is shown with squares like so ■■■■□, where more filled equals more stimulating and typically harder, and the review score is shown in stars.

>> No.35689150

where can i purchase this cock midget?

>> No.35689256

Because of this I'm heavily considering a full body suit for my dolls, are there any that are skin colored, thin and tight? Similar to the BJD anti stain bodysuits but human sized

>> No.35689567

>Toysheart doesn't typically do soft holes well.
Well damn. How do shipping costs from Amazon work when buying from different sellers? They seem to vary wildly even for similar weight/size products.

>> No.35690053

I feel like most of Toysheart are not great starter holes. They're more novelty holes where they're inexpensive enough to buy a handful and try some different things knowing none of them will be great for long, but not so cheap that they're just shitty wastes of money.

I'd just go with something a bit higher end.

>> No.35690085

not everyone wants to spend their life savings on fucktoys

>> No.35690432

>spending a measly $70 once instead of $25 5x is spending your life savings
poor people are so stupid

>> No.35690533

know anything like the Tenga geo but affordable, or anything that doesn't look like a fuck hole and it easy to clean?

>> No.35690550

The lube prices on omochadreams are fucking scandalous.

>> No.35690832

Any good lube recommendations that are similar to the kyo lube and maybe cheaper?

>> No.35690873

I was looking to buy Onatsuyu, but I don't feel like paying 2K shipping for a 600 Yen bottle of lotion is a good deal, so I thought I might as well buy a hole from them.

Also wanted to see if the package will be checked at customs and will they make me pay tax, because if that's the case then buying Tomax from Daimaoh through proxy will probably end up almost the same cost as just buying from Omochakikes directly.

>> No.35691035
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the link in the OP doesn't work anymore

I have been browsing for onaholes for the past two days but I can't find a single one that would be my size
penis is like ~7cm (extremely small)
I want one that I can reach the end

any recommendations?

>> No.35691050


>> No.35691068

not him but are eggs actually decent, can they be reused or do they fall apart after 3 uses>

>> No.35691079

As long as you wash and dry them as thoroughly as your other onaholes, they'll last you a long time. The whole "disposable" gimmick is for gross, lazy people with lots of money to burn on buying new eggs.

>> No.35691129

They will deform (stretch, get blisters) if you use them roughly, though, so be careful. If you want something with more anime packaging there's https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B073X1DZN1 too, and probably tons of others.

>> No.35691424

>I've had my eye on this but does it actually have any suction?
Not much suction, but the material holds onto you.

>> No.35691529
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>> No.35693905

Might as well get those textured sheets made out of TPE.

>> No.35694053

Yo, if you’ve got issues with finances, this hobby isn’t for you.

>> No.35694066

Loli cq roll is the shortest one I have in my collection, might be worth a look.

>> No.35694763

Has anyone used AmazonGlobal International Shipping (Priority) from amazon jp? how does it compare to standard?

>> No.35695232

Tons of short holes, just look at tunnel lengths on the packaging.

>> No.35696118

I'd guess that the seller only uses Amazon as a marketplace, which means they pack and ship the products themselves.
In that case you wouldn't be able to consolidate your products into a single shipment either, so you'll end up paying more.
Most onaholes seem to be sold by Amazon itself, so unless you're looking for something very specific you'll be fine.

>> No.35696191

Note that sometimes ones sold by different sellers still are distributed by Amazon, which allows consolidation too. That's why they list "ships from" and "sold by" as separate things.

>> No.35696192

Pepee is also odorless and thick like Kyo/Tyo.
You can import a bottle of 360ml from Amazon JP for almost exactly the same price as buying Tyo directly, but that's only because you're paying a lot on shipment up front.
If you buy multiple bottles of Pepee at once, you can easily save >50% of the price compared to an equivalent purchase of Tyo.

>> No.35696348

Received 108cm loli doll, holy shit it's so weird that humans can be this small, I hope FBI will not find out.

>> No.35696379

You're more likely to get in trouble from your local state regulations, there aren't any federal laws I'm aware of banning mini sex dolls.

>> No.35696472

Effective penetratable distance on Virgin Age Admission is probably ~7cm.

>> No.35697644

I'd like to see you bring that up when someone asks you about your hobbies.

>> No.35697865

Not all hobbies require the same monetary investment.

>> No.35700393

I just received my first hole. For first time use do I just rinse with warm water, add lube and go to town?

>> No.35700418

>penis is like ~7cm (extremely small)
>I want one that I can reach the end
anyways check out
(the short variants obviously). The company is called Solveman and the products are called short size HIDA and Uterus

you can buy them off Amazon JP


>> No.35700677

I thought NLS doesn't do outside shipping anymore? Or are you just telling him to browse it?

>> No.35700702

NLS was just used so he can have a set of pictures to look at since Amazon censors "adult" products.

>> No.35701104

Wow, you sure showed me

>> No.35701561
File: 311 KB, 970x1333, IMG_20210715_141303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously why is this thing so big??
can barely enter the textured area
why can't they normalize non-gigantic sized ones?
I want a size for the red colored cylinder

>> No.35701664

There are plenty out there in the <100mm range. Just look for mini onas, like https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Instant-Crotch-Sightseeing-Pocket-Asakusa/dp/B0896DQSLW (listed as 75mm tunnel on Hotpowers: https://www.hotpowers.jp/ec/products/detail.php?product_id=5334).).

>> No.35701943

Are there any femboy dolls? All the male dolls are too toned and hairy for my taste and the penis insert for female dolls looks bad.

>> No.35701995

i remember seeing a hole/hip that you could fill up with water. think it was made in the west. dont remember the name. anyone know what im talking about?

>> No.35702003

I don't know about dolls but there are hips. https://daimaoh.co.jp/item9293.html

>> No.35702020

There's the Ondo Puku but that's Japanese and out of stock pretty much everywhere.

>> No.35702065

I've read some reviews complaining that his testicles are hard

>> No.35702100
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Aren't they supposed to be hard?

>> No.35702242

its ~7.4cm minus the little space at the end, also 600g so its not small flimsy, sculpted nice and durable and kind easy to clean. measurement is my own using a pen from the very tip of the entrance.

>> No.35702248


>> No.35702280

Not rock hard. You can squeeze them and they'll give a little. Kind of painful if you squeeze too much, though.

>> No.35702445

that's it. seems to be discontinued.

i'll have a look for it

>> No.35702470

They're balls of flesh hanging in a bag of skin, unless they're shrinking back into your body cos it's cold they hang and are kinda soft.

>> No.35702515
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My girth reaches 15 cm at the base. Should I give up on onaholes and just go for prostitutes. I'm looking around and nothing out there seems made for me

>> No.35702531

you might wanna check electronic fleshlights, the ones with rotating interior, they often never have a depth longer than 10cm

>> No.35702579

that's like 4.8cm wide, just go for soft onaholes, they handle girth really well, i have a L=7in D=2in dick and never had a problem with fleshlights out there, mostly because i bought from amazon and the ones there are mostly soft ones

>> No.35702960

Cone penis.
At least you can pretend you're Beedrill in the bedroom.

>> No.35703004

Those american made dolls have very manly faces of you are into that.

>> No.35703139
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Get a tenga spiral or something like that. I just measured one I happened to have sitting right here, and the hold is over 4cm wide and it stretches well. I am pretty girthy and have never really had any issues with any holes other than a few of the smaller super tight ones that will pop right off if I let go.

>> No.35703252

I see a couple fleshlights that could accommodate but man why can't nips make a one off anomaly onahole just for us freaks.
If i'm paying I might as well add insect play on the menu
thx anon i'll check that out. I'm still holding out hope there's a monster size ona in some corner of a dusty shop.

>> No.35703319

>use little lube and to go slow
>think this is kinda weak and I have to use my hand to get close to an orgasm, otherwise I could be going for hours
>add more lube so my member can slide around easily
>start vigorously fucking it and cum within minutes
I feel like a genius

>> No.35703518

One of the big plus of having a hip, torso or a doll is slapping its ass. I fucking love it.

>> No.35703565

> Some products advertised as producing negative ions are literally radioactive because they contain thorium dust
Well now I'm worried about all those onas that say they have ions and stuff.

>> No.35703644

ordered a venus real. never had one before. haven't used a hole for a long time so looking forward to it. i was considering onatsuyu too. is it worth the price?

>> No.35703695

Why is the Roa+Rina pair more expensive on Amazon JP than getting individual Roa and Rina together? It's only by a couple hundred yen but it's still weird.


>is it worth the price?
Depends on where you're getting it from. I just got mine off Amazon JP because I was able to fit it in as part of a larger order to the shipping cost got spread out and ultimately resulted in it being cheaper than getting it off something like ToyDemon but depending on your local import fees/etc. it might be cheaper to just get it locally.

>> No.35703735

I have the Kuchipako hole, it's not actually that interesting to be honest since the W shaped hole isn't hard enough for it to be particularly interesting. LV0 is my workhorse though and what I use everyday, it's soft but stimulating and easy to clean

>> No.35703761
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>onahole in transit
>nonstop horny
>onahole arrives
>not horny

>> No.35703789

Have you tried out the other holes in the Ponkotsu Guardian series? Daimaoh doesn't seem to have many others listed and it's hard to get a feel of the looks off the Amazon JP descriptions, and I don't know if Kiteru Kiteru has a website with their product listings like Magic Eyes does. HotPowers seems to have a better listing but it'd still be nice to get info directly from the manufacturer. Also, regarding stuff like the Kuchipako but connecting to Kiteru Kiteru, what are your thoughts on ones like https://daimaoh.co.jp/item9533.html? Supposedly the spikes are quite stimulating on that one.

That's what anticipation does to you. Once you stop anticipating the pressure fades.

>> No.35703800

I order locally because the wait would kill me

>> No.35703827

Is the convenience really worth the markup, though?

>> No.35703863

I have LV999 which is also great since it's a lot harder and the nubs feel unique on your dick. It's a bitch to clean though which makes it less appealing for using too often. The hole you linked is probably gonna feel great too, it's one of those holes where they have lots of ribs all along the hole that's also very hard so it's very stimulating, if you've not tried it before it'll be fun. Another name for them is multi cervix which is a bit misleading but it's the same sorta design. Feeling them grate against your dick is nice, but again cos of all the ridges they're a bit annoying to clean and dry properly

>> No.35704046

Huh, this Yumeno Shiori character is apparently a Vtuber. Looks like there are multiple Vtubers that have onahole collabs these days, I've seen one called Deep Web something-or-other too?

>> No.35704055

DWB or whatever her name was already retired I think

>> No.35704089

Fuckable pog face

>> No.35704510

Does Amazon (US) no longer sell Onatsuyu?

Also, any recommendations for onaholes similar to the original Kunoichi that have been released in the past 2-3 years?

>> No.35704640

Just buy in bulk or a couple with a decent size or big order from amazon jp. The shipping costs is fucked is you're just buying one bottle.

>> No.35704835
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Does anyone have this? Is that picture with her exposed DFC on the back of the box, or is that just on the site? It shouldn't be an issue, but I prefer to be extra cautious.

>> No.35705064


Completely forgot about her existence.

>> No.35705079

It's a clear plastic sleeve on the outside with the clothes, and the box itself is the nude art. Kinda neat

>> No.35705097

Her whole gimmick was being lewd as fuck so no surprise she didn't gain any long term traction with that gimmick and retired after a year or two. Most of the old vtubers from the old generation have stagnated, even the "Queen" Kizuna Ai has been overtaken

>> No.35705109

Oh, so like that one To-Love-Ru artbook. Cool.

>> No.35705419

anyone ever tried this?

>> No.35705432

Just seems like a bog standard mini-hip with a standing pose. Doesn't seem like a good pose for a hip but what do I know.

>> No.35705863

I've got the other one
It's mega cheap compared to other hips, like 3k yen and it's really stimulating whilst being a decent weight and the pose of the leg nubs means it does feel pretty realistic.

>> No.35706152

Any electric holes with a music sync option? Price doesn't matter

>> No.35706270

My Venus Real came in today and god damn it's fucking massive compared to the Lilith I had.

>> No.35706349

Post banana for scale.

>> No.35706831

Tomax holes are generally massive or heavy, the weight is great

>> No.35707007

i haven't bought bananas in forever, interestingly enough
yeah, i was just a bit surprised at it being so much larger than the lilith. thought it'd be the same size. i understand now why it was more expensive than the lilith.

>> No.35707030

The Lilith lines have more interesting tunnels but they have way less material. The new series is similarly thick but their designs are a lot more expeirmental and just not that good

>> No.35707502

I like to hold the base of an electric toothbrush against my balls when the ice cream truck rolls by- might be similar

>> No.35708353 [SPOILER] 
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When will they make exotic dolls that don't look horrifying

>> No.35708428

Just type 'gen' right before 'youtube' in the url and search, it'll show on a similar site without signing in.

>> No.35708670

i wanna pet it

>> No.35708850

me too

>> No.35709332
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bought from toydemon a couple weeks ago

>> No.35709378

I wanna fuck it

>> No.35709444

>Depends on where you're getting it from

i can get it from otona on sale for 6.60aud. it's usually 12. i think ill get a few bottles. toy demon was going to be 18 usd for one bottle so i didnt get it.

anyone know if twin tales got discontinued? they were my favorite

>> No.35709659

As soon as they can make rubber with fur/scales/etc on it that doesn't break in two weeks. Maybe they should use real skin of animals.

>> No.35709763

me too

>> No.35709831
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Found some other angles
I have a mighty need

>> No.35709835
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>> No.35709863

this is weird
bring back the normal dolls

>> No.35710250
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have any anons tried Kakurenbo : Hidden Love? Is it worth the money if I am looking for a realisitic cunny torso? I've also been looking at puni ana SPDX, but I have heard issues about it tearing.

>> No.35710290

>order a bunch of lube and some onas from amazon jp
Nooo why. Take my money please I want the discounts noooo.

>> No.35710329

Had an Onahole I thought might be moldy, so I stuck my finger in and checked it. It came out clean, but had an odor. It was a Magic Eyes Onahole, and had the same strong chemical scent my Mouth of Truth had so I figured it wasn't a moldy smell. Anyways, I should be okay right? Mold has a distinct smell different than tpe chemicals, and it would've been visible on my finger right?

>> No.35710520
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>tfw paid for all of this by selling yugioh cards that I just had laying around
If anyone is to blame, it's /dng/ for not talking me out of this.

>> No.35710739

>those elf holes
I hope you're ready for disappointment anon

>> No.35710766
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ehh, I bought this in the past and was looking to replace the old and broken holes from it. I'm not expecting much from it considering how in-expensive it is.

>> No.35711244

anyone else live for the post nut tingle from finishing in a hole?

>> No.35711561

any recommendations for a cheap cleaner? i found these but they dont list what's in them.



>> No.35711877

I started with using the "Limpiar" spray when queencat still existed and now I've been using this for a little while now and it seems to be pretty good.

>> No.35711904
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>already bought asagi’s and don’t feel like wasting another 40 bucks on a hole
God damn it, I knew I should’ve waited.

>> No.35712113

You know you could have just picked up some corn starch from your local grocery store.

>> No.35712207

I've just been using a little basic liquid hand soap for the "makes it easier to wash out your seed" properties and then rinsing out the ona good with clean water. Is it really worth the extra money to pay for a specific toy cleaner to use? Most of those toy cleaners seem to be made for dildos and stuff.

Is the selection you get from that gacha box any good? I saw one guy say they got the same ona from the Puni Ana box three times.

>> No.35712496

I think I'm allergic to something in the Tenga lube, every time I use it I feel like I have sinusitis in the right side of my crotch but it clears up within a day or two, doesn't happen to me with Onatsuyu

>> No.35712562

For the most part no most onas are fine with just water or soap if you want to really clean it. The "cleaners" are mostly for larger items such as hips, torsos, or dolls as to not have to lug them around to the sink or bathroom to clean them every time they are used or in the case of anons who sleep with their torsos/dolls when they need to be just cleaned from sharing the same bed with their owner.

>> No.35712586

They do all have that generic "stop using if your experience a bad reaction" message, after all.

Oh yeah, that makes sense. Probably would work well for breast toys too.

>> No.35712922

Getting conflicting info here.

>> No.35715211

If customs does decide an ona is 'obscene', assuming it's not loli, what usually happens?
I know with cigarettes, they just destroy those.

>> No.35715260

send it back.
small chance they'll use it as "evidence" to arrest you if you're already on a list for shady shit prior.

>> No.35716267

Usually returned or confiscated, but that depends where you live.

>> No.35716519

>Is the selection you get from that gacha box any good?
Can't say. They were the first onaholes I ever got so I couldn't have figured out which ones they were.

>> No.35718035

imagine getting arrested for plastic. the state of this world.

>> No.35719908

>wants $18 per bottle of onatsuyu
More like SCAMdemon.

>> No.35719915

Then don't buy it from them and just go the Amazon JP route.

>> No.35719967

anyone in the EU here tried this? how much of a nuisance is dealing with customs?

>> No.35720018

That'll depend on VAT/import fees/etc. for you, but you'll get hit by the same ordering from ToyDemon so you'd be better off comparing with local retailers. There are some mentioned in the OP guide but I don't know if those are the only options for Europe.

>> No.35720039

is there still a digital sales tax on amazon jp?

>> No.35720138

it's 5aud for me on otonajp but the shipping is fucked. will have to order more to make it worth it.

>> No.35720186

Anyone know a good electic onahole with a remote, preferably with the ability to slot in your own hole?

>> No.35720429

I prefer the one with the bigger boobs, wonder how much it costs tho

>> No.35720477

Currently 21525 yen on Amazon JP. Not bad for the size. https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07W6MLZNQ

>> No.35720581

That seems quite expensive but I think it might be worth it. I gotta start saving.

>> No.35720647

For additional comparison the Puni Ana Miracle DX is a bigger (10kg versus 5.8kg) torso with two holes (versus the Pure Bride's one) and it's only 50k yen more: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B079Z5NCMH.. Both have an internal skeleton but the Miracle DX one seems more detailed. It might be more fragile than the Pure Bride, though, I've seen some reviews mentioning that as an issue for both the holes and the nipples.

>> No.35720659

Only 5k more, rather.

>> No.35720718

So..um..there's not really a delicate way to ask this so here goes

Below what penis length does the Chichifueta Rocket become 1) unusable or 2) unenjoyable where it'd be a waste to get one even if you are obsessed with paizuri

a-asking for a friend

>> No.35720767

how bigger are tweezers compared to your dick?

>> No.35720773

There are none, sadly.

about <6cm

>> No.35720795

Yeah I considered that one some time ago, but while the price of the actual product is only 5k more, the shipping increases almost double for what I would pay for the Pure Bride for whatever reason. I would be more comfortable paying for the Pure Bride desu. I already have a hip with two holes and sometimes is just a pain because I can't heat the both at the same time, or if I do and by the time decide to switch it is just cold again.
Plus I have a soft spot for Lolinco holes, it is the only one I have bought twice because I liked it so much. Had the original for quite a while and then bought the bigger version once the old one had to retire.

>> No.35720802
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At least you can get the Rocket...

The best I can get myself is the chichiyakieta
but the chichifueta is way more appealing shape-wise to me

>> No.35720834

The Rocket has a good size but the shape is just a bit too out there for me so I bought the Succuel DX instead. It should arrive some time next week, I'll comment on it when it arrives. Still want to get the Ai-chan eventually for comparison, though. Also possibly the Rune's Pharmacy as that seems to be be even softer but the fact it doesn't come with a proper blister pack for storage is a huge downside.

>> No.35720870

Like, just standard ones your find in a bathroom? it's longer than them, by maybe half an inch or so
sorry to prod more, but approximately what is that number a reference to? as in, like, that's how much the curve of the boobs deviates at the cleavage part? idk even how to describe it..sorry. Just curious
I've found myself in a lucky opportunity, you could say
Thanks for your insight, anon, maybe I'll try to contain my impulsiveness until I hear about that one, though my heart is really aflutter thinking about actually having the Rocket, finally.

>> No.35720908

>but approximately what is that number a reference to?
the length of your penis before using it becomes more trouble than its worth

>> No.35720921

>the shipping increases almost double for what I would pay for the Pure Bride for whatever reason
Well it is almost 4kg heavier and comes in a bigger box, that's going to boost the shipping significantly (and not just based off of the stated weight, it uses the heavier of both actual weight and volumetric weight). That being said there's something weird because even the volumetric weight just puts it at 14kg and that should only come out to around 10,300 yen for the shipping cost based on https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=202003370, and even with DHL's COVID surcharge it shouldn't add on the 5k yen I'm seeing. Not sure where the additional cost is coming from.

>> No.35720935

right....i know. sorry, I worded it wrong - what is that number *based on*?

>> No.35720947

(Though the other hand the Pure Bride is also about 3k yen more for shipping than the calculated cost should be, I'm not really sure what's up with that.)

>> No.35720992

Who knows, for me it is 7k shipping for Pure Bride, and around 15k for the Puni. I am not from the US so your cost and mine most likely will differ.

>> No.35721005

That's similar, 8.5k for Pure Bride and 15.5k for the Miracle DX.

>> No.35721058

based on the base that the boobs are attached on. It's 6cm.

>> No.35721061

Yeah Imma go for the Pure Bride desu, I guess once I pay my CC Imma get in debt again lmao

>> No.35721081

The base is also much thicker and shaped differently than bases on more traditionally-shaped breast toys, which may make a difference.

Don't put yourself in debt over sex toys, and especially not credit card debt. Wait until you've saved up enough money that you can pay off the credit card the same month you placed the order.

>> No.35721101
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How is my purchase, lads?

>> No.35721120

No clue about the onas aside from the Moshiyan, I've heard that's decent (though mostly just super tight). Where'd you order from, though? I wasn't able to find it on Amazon JP.

> That bottom thing

>> No.35721124

The Macco hip is gonna be pretty weird, and what's with the shitty underwear

>> No.35721165

Ordered the same qutoys hip but is still stuck at customs, tell me if it is nice or not when you get it

>> No.35721168

You can put the onahole in the pants with ur Johnson in it without dropping it

>> No.35721182

Where did you order to? I am at the states

>> No.35721185

Worry not my friend, I only said that in a manner of speaking. I am never that careless with my finances. Most likely will save up half so I can pay the other half during that same month. Gotta pay bills and food first after all.

>> No.35721187

But for what purpose? It wouldn't be useful for thrusting because it'll still be attached to you, so the only use is if you want to stand up and walk around with the ona still attached. Which seems kind of niche.

>> No.35721213

It’s obviously an Amazon jp order

I found them by looking at the manufacturer website and copy and paste the Japanese name of the toy to Amazon jp

You are not gonna find much or the most things you want by English translation/listing name

>> No.35721217


>> No.35721220

I want to feel the onahole when I’m working/studying UwU

>> No.35721236

I don’t know Mexican customs is based

>> No.35721260

That's a pretty terrible idea, try attaching a 500ml water bottle to your underwear and see how long your underwear stays up

>> No.35721463

I hadn't had any problems in the past, but there's also that other anon that has had like 4 packages returned by customs

>> No.35721535

I did try with the Japanese name but I didn't find a listing a couple of weeks ago. Good to know it's there now, maybe I just used the wrong part of the name? Still can't find http://www.toysheart.com/product/nyannyan.php or http://www.toysheart.com/product/jinkoukakusei.php on Amazon JP, though, I've only seen the former on KanojoToys and Hotpowers and the latter just on KanojoToys.

>> No.35721874

not seeing any holes?

>> No.35721915
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How soft is too soft

>> No.35721936

That depends on you.

>> No.35721959

i wanna cum in the pudding

>> No.35721967

too soft for me is jell-o with too much water

>> No.35722114
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>> No.35722208

I just did the search and they weren’t there probably they are not popular enough for the manufacturers to put them on Amazon

>> No.35722271

When it needs an outer shell just to hold together.
There was this one onahole by Hotpowers(?) that was basically slime in a can.

>> No.35722564

smoking phantom

>> No.35722607

The handy, no support for spinning/rotating though if you were looking for that.

>> No.35722822

I wanted to buy My Erotic Maid Servant as my first onahole, but its out of stock, went for lolinco instead

>> No.35723139

I fucked my 6kg hip in bed while wearing an occulus go and watching vr porn for about a half hour today
the best part about it was the 15 seconds of full monkie brain activation right before climax where it actually felt like real intercourse and the nut was so good I was convulsing
this never happens with ona holes, only with hip toy
I want to go full retard and buy a big titty doll for maximum immersion, but am held back by lack of storage and lack of money
anyways, the hip I have is hobomeko and was about $220

>> No.35723176
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> You can get tattoo stickers to put on your hips/torsos

>> No.35723182

Ive done this. It doesnt really stay just so you know

>> No.35723548
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>Not vinyl printing a womb tat stencil and then airbrushing alcohol ink so its permanent
Too much hassle tho

>> No.35723718
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I fucking hate kagura games. Any more art with kagura featuring guro I can hatejerk off to?

>> No.35723751


>> No.35724282

If it’s anything like the post nut tingle in a real girl’s pussy, then yes, god yes.

I cum in my fiancee’s pussy, but I pull out of my onaholes because it makes cleaning easier.

>> No.35724300

I'm one of those guys whose dick goes mega sensitive after I cum so it's actually pretty painful if I get any sort of stimulation

>> No.35724301

I went the Amazon.jp route and never looked back.

Buy in bulk, throw a cool little onahole, and tada, you’ve saved more than having to deal with those scammy fucks

>> No.35724502

I have this, it's too soft. You literally need both hands just to use it.

>> No.35725028
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Is there any sort of database that lists onaholes by their manufacturer-designated simulation, tightness, and softness levels?

This shit seems super useful, at least for comparing holes among one manufacturer. But review sites like Onahodouga don't even show them when they're on the packaging, and of course the manufacturer's sites don't have this functionality (Hotpowers's only lets you sort by softness).

>> No.35725093

The Toy'sHeart one can be a bit misleading, at that. For example, http://www.toysheart.com/product/atelier_onahole.php is on the border of Mattari but it's actually a pretty stiff ona.

>> No.35725093,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why not an auxfun affordable sex machine that allows you to experience automatic hands-free pleasure.
