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3569563 No.3569563 [Reply] [Original]

Why Japanese armies are so weak compared to western military?

>> No.3569577
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Money maybe.

>> No.3569575

I dunno, maybe it has something to do with losing WWII.

>> No.3569579

Because the western military can re-use their pilots.

>> No.3569586

They didn't have konata-chan to hurricane kick baka gaijins with ^-^

>> No.3569591

Is it so? To my knowledge Japan conquered all of East Asia with nothing more sophisticated than tankettes and outdated planes. It took America to invent the atomic bomb to bring them to their feet, which says a lot about how desperate they could have been.

>> No.3569590
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>> No.3569589

because ineffective trolling technique. /jp/ doesn't give a fuck about Japan

Back to /b/ now. Come back when you can think of something that actually rages /jp/

>> No.3569588

Delete please.

>> No.3569597
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>> No.3569603


I remember you, you motherfucker. I though I shot you down in 19XX.

>> No.3569609

Is this from that shitty katana vs other swords thread?

>> No.3569610

When the rest of East Asia was still using spears, swords and bows as the main infantry weapon? Sure, a great victory.

>> No.3569612

>It took America to invent the atomic bomb to bring them to their feet
>bring them to their feet
>their feet


>> No.3569613
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>> No.3569614

Stupid leadership

>> No.3569617
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>shot down an SR-71
Shot down? Excuse me while I speed up and ascend, avoiding all threats. Let's just ignore the dozen or so that were..."lost."

>> No.3569621

Korea was using outdated weaponry.

China was in the middle of a civil war.

The rest of the countries don't really matter.

America was too lazy to do on shore invasion so they nuked Japan.

>> No.3569623

You must be new here.
These shitty Japanese vs West thread have been going on long before the shitty Katana vs Western sword threads.

>> No.3569624


Wow, you're so strong, America. Erecting a flag and all that shit, I'm impressed.

>> No.3569631

/jp/ doesn't give two fucks about Japan. Only touhoufriends and animu resides here :)

>> No.3569634

>China was in the middle of a civil war.
Except they formed the unified front against Japan

>> No.3569641


>outdated planes

Think you may want to remove that part. As late as 1942 the Zero was still better than any US fighter in service.
Of course it went downhill fast after that.


Viggen says hi.
Perhaps flying the same route every day is a bit tactically unsound.

>> No.3569642

like two years after they were done fucking with themselves.

Japan lost in the end in either case.

>> No.3569646
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>> No.3569650
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What's that? We're sinking the biggest battleship ever constructed?

>> No.3569652

>Civil War

Nothing new there

>> No.3569654


>> No.3569656
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Eat my drone.

>> No.3569661


That wouldn't happen to be containing any naked snakes, would it?

>> No.3569663
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>> No.3569664

Enjoy dumping all your money into the military to oppress other nations Amerifags.

>> No.3569670

So I heard Vietnam was a GREAT SUCCESS.

>> No.3569674

No, sadly nothing as cool. They were just used to photograph an area, eject the camera for retrieval, then self-destruct (successful missions - 0)

>> No.3569695

Feels good man

>> No.3569703

Japan annexed USA


>> No.3569721

What's more, the real kicker about the Manhattan Project was that their most outstanding contributors - Slizard, Einstein and Fermi - all hailed from Axis powers. American scientists must have been seriously shit at physics if they had to resort to bribing people into defecting enemy countries so soon into the game.

>> No.3569720
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Aw. Anyways, going to bed. Goodnight, /jp/. With the sweet lullaby often mistaken for the Katamari theme.

Naa-naa-naaah na-na-naa-na-na-naa-naa...

>> No.3569722

what's it like knowing japan wont produce anything worth shit in 20 years weeaboos?

>> No.3569728

Don't forget Operation Paperclip~

>> No.3569738


My TV is a Sony, my auto is a Mitsubishi, my professional camera is a Nikon. None of your faulty gaijin tech can even come close to their cutting-edge perfection.

>> No.3569742


You'd better start going to bed earlier if you want to get big and strong like Yuugi. I didn't start pushing up 200 on the bench press by depriving myself of sleep, you know. But I already went into detail about that in the Halloween thread, so off you go.

>> No.3569745


>> No.3569751
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But it's how Okuu was born.

>> No.3569753
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>> No.3569767

>>Why Japanese armies are so weak compared to western military?
remember that terms of surrender treaty they signed on the uss missouri? guess what that treaty said they can't do.

>> No.3569783

shit post is shit

filtered forever

>> No.3569801

Told off Arc.

>> No.3569825

who cares, US should've nuked away that piece of shit country

>> No.3569828

I don't like war.

It's senseless.

>> No.3569869


If Roosevelt had been of the same opinion, today half of Europe would have been speaking in German and the other half in Italian.


>> No.3569881


You obviously haven't met the French bro.

>> No.3570069

Dude, check the labels.


>> No.3570086

I think you mean all of it would speak russian

And so would the US

>> No.3570122

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution is a clause in the National Constitution of Japan that prohibits an act of war by the state. The Constitution came into effect on May 3, 1947, immediately following World War II. In its text, the state formally renounces war as a sovereign right and bans settlement of international disputes through the use of force. The article also states that, to accomplish these aims, armed forces with war potential will not be maintained.

>> No.3570154
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>Everyone speaking Russian


>> No.3570156

Those atomic bombs sure hit them hard.

>> No.3571699

You mean Switzerland?

>> No.3571708

/jp/ - Japan/War

>> No.3571725

1945-1947 "Immediately"

>> No.3571738


>> No.3571896


>> No.3571901

>>The rest of the countries don't really matter.
asian red necks and niggers got pwned hard.

>> No.3571972

>Why Japanese armies are so weak compared to western military?

Navy-wise they got trolled hard by the US. An American admiral named Alfred Thayer Mahan came up with this theory that naval battles are won through one single "decisive battle". Japan latched onto the idea and figured they need all these carriers and long lance torpedoes to weaken the American fleet then face them down with the biggest battleship in home waters for this decisive battle.

By WW2 the RN, KM and USN all abandoned this theory due to the obvious power of commerce war and aircraft carriers, but Japan refuse to change their game plan, even after Pearl Harbor. The US even had a War Plan Orange to fool Japan into thinking that decisive battle was still going to happen, so they ended up wasting all those resources building Yamato class.

>> No.3571997

I would like to see more of this sort of post on /jp/.

>> No.3572007

In other words, the Japanese are fucking stupid and can only spew out the shit they were fed by others.

>> No.3572034

Next time class meets, be able to fill in at least 5 other countries for Japan.

>> No.3572089

that thumnail looked like a dude bending over

>> No.3572094

This is the worst post in the history of /jp/

>> No.3572145

In a number of causes they were Germans or from German controlled territories who fled Nazi oppression. If you were an intellectual and could be even hinted at having some Jewish heritage you generally saw what was coming and got the fuck outta dodge.

>> No.3572179

Wait, so the Jews killed were the stupid Jews? Why are today's Jews not thanking the Germans for cleansing their race as well as giving them a get out of war crimes free card?

>> No.3572189

Russia is one.

>> No.3572239

It was more a case of the well educated and trained (rich) being able to use their prestige and connections to escape and the poor being shit on.

You might have noticed that the gassing was called the "Final Solution", that was because the Nazis tried a bunch of other methods to get rid of the Jews before resorting to mass slaughtering them. This included shipping them out on boats and trying to get other nations to accept them and trying to relocate them on mass. The only problem was that NO ONE would take them in (including America).

>> No.3572264

Gee I wonder if this has any parallels to current situations anywhere
