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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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35598495 No.35598495 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>35551410

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.35598715
File: 1.35 MB, 1272x721, 1619049834206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you decided to play Tsuushinbo, still knowing full well your JP is full of holes, and remember you have to get through the intro, so you sit on it forever, digesting each piece of textg like a grade A autist with turbo attention turned on because you want to improve.
I just have to do it. I just have to do it. I will do it. I'm doing it. There's qt anime girls on the other side of the door, there's qt anime girls on the other side of the door, I just have to do it, I just have to do it.

>> No.35598821

Why aren't there more お嬢様 games? I love role playing as a somewhat selfish guy that sneaks into a rich family via a naive and spoiled お嬢様

>> No.35598842

>>Tfw you decided to play Tsuushinbo, still knowing full well your JP is full of holes, and remember you have to get through the intro, so you sit on it forever, digesting each piece of textg like a grade A autist with turbo attention turned on because you want to improve.
who is saying this?

>> No.35598886

There is a whole brand for it, but their games suck

>> No.35598889

>a somewhat selfish guy that sneaks into a rich family via a naive and spoiled お嬢様
Funny you mention that when I just stumbled over this yesterday: https://vndb.org/v17082

>> No.35598916
File: 50 KB, 500x375, 1620013340343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character? It's 瀬田誠、the protagonist. He's a new countryside teacher after about four years of teaching at another school.

>> No.35599144

What brand is that?
That'd be almost ideal if it wasn't a low brow nukige

>> No.35599314

Anyone know where I can get 兄妹変身なう and/or the sequel? I checked all my usual sources and it seems to be unobtainium.

>> No.35599325

>The character?
Is it an epic meta game like S*bahibi? Why is he saying 4channel stuff like "Tfw"?

>> No.35599385

Looks like someone on vndb voted on it, maybe try asking him if he can upload it?

>> No.35599402
File: 302 KB, 593x593, 1612759686590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty straight-forward so far, though I am not proficient, so it's taking a while. He's just giving dialogue along the lines of "this sucks, it's the sticks, my dream is over", "no, keep going, maybe I can get out somehow", etc. I also just realized you were referring to me, maybe I'm autistic. I'm just an anon playing an erotic Japanese visual novel while trying to improve his foreign language skills.

>> No.35599420

Does anyone know where to get https://vndb.org/v7712 ? Been trying to get it for months now with no luck.

>> No.35599500

It's on animebytes, for example.

>> No.35599663
File: 251 KB, 1780x1008, 9996138684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally read Tsujidou fandisk. Got pretty much what I expected so I'm satisfied.

>> No.35599786

Didn't even think about that, but might be a last straw.

Nice art style.

>> No.35600324

Might as well tell me it's available on light's website. That PT is too much of hassle to get into.

>> No.35600454

>muh sekrit club
>you have to suck discord tranny cocks for invite and write a huge essay on the pleasure of getting cummed in your asshole to get in
Fuck off

>> No.35600493

It's in the master list.

>> No.35600658

Good job responding exactly like he wanted you to, retard

>> No.35601085

>What brand is that
Their games are exclusively about お嬢様
Except they suck

>> No.35601298

Oh yeah, you're right, they were so unremarkable I completely forgot about them.

>> No.35601538

>Except they suck
It's actually pathetic how much they actually suck, if anyone ever decides to do お嬢様 stuff right, they'll be right out of business. Reckon there's a nice hole in the market for it, though.

>> No.35601922

If by "right" you mean making the ojou-sama sadistic doms, then I agree.

>> No.35601935

Amazing how most of their games got an FD too
They probably have some kind of cult following

>> No.35602336
File: 197 KB, 1280x720, capture_001_08072021_145037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was used to bad writing, but this game is just terrible. I'd rather read MCs OpenGirl SDK book.n8dr

>> No.35603871


>> No.35604174

This scene seems great, though that would depend a lot on the voice acting part.

>> No.35604442

Finished case-1 of Yonagi and after letting it sink in for some time i found it to be a bit disappointing. At least for this case, I agree with the anon from the previous thread that said that there aren't really any highs in the game. The closest it get is the bathroom scene, but that still felt lacking. The execution of the scene doesn't really deliver any emotional punch, and immediately afterwards the story starts dragging on which further lowers the impact. The prose is decent, Asukawa Yuu's lispy voice is great and I liked Rin's balance off 魔性ness and pureness, but overall i can't say it delivered on the strong start. How do you guys rank the 3 cases?

>> No.35604562

2 > 3 > 1
2 is a bit cheesy but I enjoyed it the most

>> No.35605159
File: 1.80 MB, 1271x740, ヤミと祝祭のサ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you draw cute girls all your life and then your boss makes you draw a male character.

>> No.35605177

1 > 3 > 2 but honestly 3 and 1 can be swapped because their focus is vastly different.

>> No.35605306

I love how most games have males and females that don't even look like they belong into the same species.

>> No.35607091

Not sure if it's a newfag or just pretending, but the "who are you quoting guy" sure got his own ass handed to himself.

>> No.35607150
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>> No.35608102
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Better just make her your wife now.

>> No.35608126

Don't stick your dick in a retard anon

>> No.35608166

How is the game so far? Enjoying Kotone's route? She's the one I think I'd like to shoot for. Having started the other day with a noob's arsenal of fluency, progress has been excruciatingly, laughably slow, but I'm still playing after a break here and there.

>> No.35608283
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, future_slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm even technically in a route yet. At least I'm not rereading about MC's retarded problems anymore and he's actually talking to the heroines.

>> No.35608325

How long did it take you to get to that point? I just started talking to some athletic guy. Still very early in, surely have to endure more MC complaints for a while, but I finally got the first bit of voiced dialogue. That's all pretty rewarding for me alone. Starting to find a bit of comfort in the flow of it all now, even if I have to stop here and there.

>> No.35608386

I'm not sure. I feel like it took like 1-2 hours to for MC to finally stop being a bitchboy and then some extra time after that for the all the extra introductory bits to be over.

>> No.35608548

I see. I suppose I'll be at this all month, then, but I'm committed to it. The pay-off is surely going to be sweet. I'll have to look into some other games in a few weeks to balance against this one so it doesn't get rusty. This whole genre of lolige/moege looks generally pretty cozy for a novice like me, though I'm not very experienced with handling routes in VNs to avoid bad ends and such. Any advice so I don't screw this one up?

>> No.35608818

Why else do you think people like lolis? If she's retarded you can trick her into being your sex slave. She's too naive to know you're a desperate maladjusted retard who rapes children.

>> No.35608984

I don't think this has any bad ends in it.

>> No.35609008

I think you're right. VNDB says it has "unlockable routes", though. I'm guessing that is for stuff like harem endings?

>> No.35609758

Does Sakuuta not work on windows 10 ? When I try to run setup after mounting the disc I get a warning saying "This app can't run on your PC" , I tried installing it from the same files on windows 7 in the past and it worked so I'm guessing it's a windows 10 problem?

>> No.35609831

I played it on two different Win10 computers and had absolutely no issues. That's just my experience, though.

>> No.35610265

You already use JP locale, right? Look into disabling Smartscreen Filter and whatever else there is to restrict where software can be installed from in Windows. Install as Admin. Windows 10 has stuff like that and other casual user safeguards by default in some cases that you just need to disable to start taking control of your PC. Failing that, maybe just install it in Win 7 compatibility mode by going through the properties settings of the exe.

>> No.35610418

Amazon is the best way to import physical Eroge into the US right. Is the Windows-10対応版 the version the best version to get for Muramasa?

>> No.35610505

Unlike other games, for Muramasa it's not an upgraded version. Just comes with the latest patch pre-applied.

>> No.35610652

would the 通常版 be better then?

>> No.35610930

Not sure where to post this, but did exhentai get rid of the teisou gyakuten doujinshi by Amahara?

I thought we use to have doujinshi threads?

>> No.35610959

You should be posting that on /h/, there is a thread specifically for the site.

>> No.35611555
File: 1.17 MB, 1274x716, musumama4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, analfags?

>> No.35611976

Win 10 and VN's don't really go well together from my experience, especially the early 2000's ones. Win 7 is still best in that regard.

>> No.35611998

If the MC was a chad she'd give it up in a second

>> No.35612025
File: 618 KB, 1110x625, main_front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35612114

looking forward to it.

>> No.35612382

In my experience essentailly everything that will run on 7 also runs on 10. That anon is just technically challenged and can't figure out smartscreen.

>> No.35612783
File: 400 KB, 1200x630, ハッピーライヴ ショウアップ!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played Happy Live, Show Up? How does it compare to Favorite's other games?

>> No.35613654
File: 1002 KB, 816x638, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed Akina's route last night and now I'm replaying for Natsumi, but goddamn, Akina is making it really hard to cheat on her.

>> No.35614414

Is there no voice patch for FSN 2004?

>> No.35614485

I've done all routes save for the secret heroine so far, but unless that one is extraordinarily good, I'd say the game as a whole is pretty subpar. Didn't enjoy it nearly as much as Hoshimemo or even AstralAir. Most of the routes have no interesting conflict, they're also really short so it's hard to get invested in any one heroine. Sofia has a far longer route than the others and it has some good parts so I liked that one, Pechka's was also alright despite being a bit predictable/cheesy. Everything else was a slog, including the common route which gets bland pretty quickly and only recovers a bit towards the end. The production values are quite good, plenty of background images (though some are less good than others) and a good number of CGs, plus Shinobu's OST. But to me that's not enough to make up for the boring plot. If there were more attention given to the supernatural elements, perhaps it'd be more palatable, but magic was basically irrelevant in the routes I read so far. If you're fine with a fairly typical moege with Favorite production values, though, you might enjoy it without issue.

>> No.35614556

Apparently the secret heroine route is extremely short so I doubt it'll redeem the game

>> No.35614571

Yeah, I doubt that too. At least she's funny.

>> No.35614648

Just to add to what this guy's said: at least Sofia's my favorite eroge heroine of the year. It's also a light read overall, so while a good amount of the script is theoretically a slog, it flows like butter.
I can't say the game is dogshit as I enjoyed my time with it, but it does feel incomplete in most aspects when compared to Favorite's previous output (and also far less inspired). It's still worth a play since it's not particularly demanding or extra long regardless.

>> No.35614925

A voice patch that keeps the original Japanese text? To my knowledge, no such thing exists. Right now if you want voices + Japanese, your best bet is the Ultimate Edition with the Japanese language and the H patch. The problem with this is that the script of the non-H scenes is still the same text as Realta Nua (i.e. lines are censored/changed). I'm the anon from /tmg/ that is working on a patch for the ultimate edition that preserves the original Japanese text + voices/fancy shit from RN. I already scripted out all the differences from the original/realta text. Currently I'm in the process of copying the original lines to the new realta .ks files. That part has to be done manually and since there's a shitload of files to modify (over 600), it'll take me some time but it's easy. After that, it's just packing it to a new .xp3. I expect I'll be done sometime next week if you don't mind waiting.

>> No.35615039

>To my knowledge, no such thing exists.
This. I remember doing something like manually deleting the english translation patches from the .xp3 files to make it work.

>> No.35615614

Got one


>> No.35616670

Is there an all ages port that you think is better than the original?

>> No.35616858

Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~

>> No.35616907

Technically true because of the extra stuff but man Dies Irae has surprisingly good H. I still use the Rusalka ones.

>> No.35617001
File: 330 KB, 960x544, aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himawari port has new art, voice acting and the novels with a handful of CGs for them as well, even though the last are unvoiced and spireteless. And Tamura Yukari voices Aqua, the best girl! The only thing bad thing about it is that they didn't go all the way and decide to include Aqua After as well, because the devs are pussies.

>> No.35617070

Technically a lot of them, but only because they're "final versions" with added content, not necessarily because they're all ages.
If it's exactly the same game but with removed h-scenes though it will never be better than the original.

>> No.35617094

so i just read a scene in nukitashi 2 where someone validates a trans woman character for who she is without even realizing it because it’s normal to them
she smiled and said thank you
and i am like


i can’t believe this game is fucking real
it’s not even like a huge scene. it’s just there. but seeing her smile when she realized how she’s accepted she is makes me go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
holy shitttttttttttt nukitashi is a seriously blessing on eroge

>> No.35617173

Same bro. My heart swelled to the point of bursting when that scene happened. I am glad something like nukitashi exists. We need more leftist VNs.

>> No.35617184
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>> No.35617187

I don't think I'll ever reach a mindset where I think being trans is normal. Why do you want to be a woman if you don't know what being a woman is like in the first place? Why are people so particular about gender but the moment when someone wants to be a different race they get mad?

Also that part in Nukitashi 2 was real weird to me considering that eroge doesn't really have an obligation to be "woke". I guess the writers must've been trannies.

>> No.35617209

>that eroge doesn't really have an obligation to be "woke"
It was woke from the beginning.

>> No.35617233

gender is a social construct, bro.

>> No.35617236

Aren't all eroge incredibly misogynistic at their core? Women are constantly objectified and demeaned as prizes to be won

>> No.35617241

lick my balls kastelposter

>> No.35617285

Trans people aren't normal and they will never be. The irony in their endless quest for external validation is that they fail to realize this and ignore the one place where they'll be as valid as they want.
Seeking outside comfort and acknowledgement for your mental illness in an unkind world and just as unkind society is perhaps the most fucking retarded wild goose game you could ever play as an individual. You will never pass as a woman, much less will you be accepted as an equal by anyone, even those who pretend they do.
But that's okay. It's not like the autists who play eroge tend to have it any better. What these physically mutilated freaks ignore, in their cries for change and their desperate regurgitation of dogmas they vehemently push on others, is that they'll always be valid as long as they are themselves and embrace their own bodies and their minds for who they are. When they start accepting they're freaks and that's who they are, that's the most valid they'll ever be.
Ironically, said scene in Nukitashi 2 more or less tiptoes around the issue while saying this. If my memory serves me correctly, anyways...

>> No.35617323

I meant nukitashi 1 is also woke and it isn't just that part in nukitashi 2. Nothing really surprising that it tried to deal with trans issues considering what it did before.
But yeah eroge is normally anti-leftist. Nukitashi is a weird exception and It's a very popular exception at that.

>> No.35617350

If gender is a social construct then why can't race be? I seriously don't see any trannies talking about this but I consider it to be a legitimate point, especially when our world is so globalized now. Like I think an immigrant born in another country but living in America all their lives has a proper claim to call themselves "white" more so than anyone who just decides they want to be a woman.

>> No.35617378
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, concerned_teacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, one retarded bait post is all it takes to fuck up this thread.

>> No.35617394

Where's the bait? We're just talking about the themes brought up in Nukitashi 2.

>> No.35617483

They consider race to be a social construct too. Honestly just watch youtube debates between /pol/ and leftsits to understand their arguments(for example vaush debates with us 4channers too). No unironic leftie posts here to answer you. Also, This shit is off-topic.

>> No.35617485

>Also that part in Nukitashi 2 was real weird to me considering that eroge doesn't really have an obligation to be "woke". I guess the writers must've been trannies.
Muramasa utterly destroyed the themes brought up in Nukitashi.

>> No.35617512

Elaborate further.

>> No.35617564

Of course, I'd find weirdos like you here.

>> No.35617569

>Also that part in Nukitashi 2 was real weird to me considering that eroge doesn't really have an obligation to be "woke".
The whole game is about accepting whores for what they are and why that's a good thing.
Nukitashi was "woke" from its very conception. Variety is not a bad thing. A good amount of trannies develop their "gender dysphoria" from pornographic addiction.

>> No.35617595

The whores in Nukitashi 2 didn't really feel like whores since they acted like typical eroge heroines in their respective routes

>> No.35617596

>that spoiler
Doesn't the MC have AGP too in nukitashi

>> No.35617616

They don't even portray whores being whores.

>> No.35617686

Muramasa is like "You're just as bad if you kill a murderer. your justifications doesn't matter". How is that even remotely applicable here.

>> No.35617848

Your whole opinion about gender is a social construct but you're way too dumb to realize it.

>> No.35617872

People tend to want what they don't have. It's been like this since forever.

>> No.35617929
File: 558 KB, 1000x1000, Y0387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must you absolutely infest every corner of the internet with your revolting cancer

>> No.35617973

>Like I think an immigrant born in another country but living in America all their lives has a proper claim to call themselves "white"
Why is it a proper claim? It'll be more proper to consider him American, not white, for living in America for all these years. Or are you implicitly claiming America belongs to whites?
If there's any significant population claiming they want to change their race then we'll talk about this false equivalence. But we live in a world with gender dysphoria, not race dysphoria. Transitioning helps trannies so let them transition. Social transition is the very important part of transition. They physically transition beyond HRT mostly because they desperately want people around them to accept them as the gender they identity as. So why should we accept them as women? I mean why not? We can just tweak the definition of women to be inclusive of them too if that calms down their mental illnesses. These categories are all man-made anyway for our convenience. We should always be careful that we shouldn't project our models(of sorting out reality into things) onto reality itself.

>> No.35618013

What is this, a battle shounen VN?

>> No.35618049

Chuunishit is basically like that

>> No.35618088

Thanks for the thoughtful reply anon. I guess America is a bad example since America is like a mixing pot of a bunch of other cultures. Maybe if they lived in a country where most people all had the same skin color then I think they'd have a valid argument in calling themselves white or black. Like a white person living in India or Africa could probably be able to call themselves 'black' or 'brown', for instance.

>> No.35618259
File: 593 KB, 960x544, mai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's post some screencaps so we can try to salvage the thread

>> No.35618292

There are some cases of people race transitioning but inferiority complex about their race or exotic orientalism is associated with it. So no one wants to promote that shit. Tranny discourse is basically a way for leftists to decouple the primacy of biological component of gender. This is because they're very critical of social component of gender. This is just another step required to destabilize gender roles/restrictions/expectations. Yeah sure trannies kinda reinforce gender norms but leftists also get to change the terms of discourse where gender is less anchored to biology so that they can create other categories like non-binary. That's why most leftists have a lot of investment in this issue even though they don't identify as trans.

>> No.35618369

Blame nukitashi then

>> No.35618448
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>> No.35618465
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>> No.35618495
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>> No.35618549

I really should get Recolove one of these days, too bad the lolis aren't romanceable though.

>> No.35618560
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, capture_001_09072021_203909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muscle bunny-girl waitress with adorable voice
>doesn't even have a sprite
What the fuck? How do I find her seiyuu?

>> No.35618580
File: 96 KB, 960x544, ああああああ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too bad the lolis aren't romanceable though

>> No.35618609

Whoa what the hell, maybe I was confusing it with Photokano?

>> No.35618611

Blaming the symptom for the disease is counterproductive

>> No.35618620

Hello, tranny bro. How accurate was trans representation in nukitashi 2?

>> No.35618634

I've been ootl for a while now, are there any hyped upcoming VN's this year?

>> No.35618708
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>> No.35618740
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x695, chuuni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you read this? Be honest. I can't.

>> No.35618751

I'm not a tranny. I'm just involved in some leftist circles. I honestly don't care much about trans stuff.
>How accurate was trans representation in nukitashi 2?
I don't know. I couldn't even finish nukitashi 1 and my eyes were glazing over while reading it.

>> No.35618937

I get lost after 爾天神之命

>> No.35618948

Nukitashi was great, you're retarded. Not surprised that someone involved in politics is missing the attention span and intellect to enjoy it.

>> No.35618990

Not that guy but Nukitashi got old after the tenth misaki fat joke, the game really knew how to take a funny gag and run it to the ground

>> No.35619010

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.35619062

Not him but the comedy gets extremely repetitive and boring. MC is a massive faggot. Main heroines lack charm. Sluts are kinda tame. The drama is kinda retarded.

>> No.35619095

Can read the bottom one without problems.

>> No.35619469

Amazing how people keep taking bait

>> No.35619673

Wait until the credit rolls
But yeah sometimes even the "big" names voice random mobs these days
I remember Kitami Rikka mentioned she's in Hajirabu or something, but just as a mob.

>> No.35619875

I bought otoboku2 because Erogamescape told me that Chihaya is a very charismatic man and I love to suck Eroge MC's cock so why not but jesus christ these bitches just can't stop talking about foods.

>> No.35619929

Why do you type like a retard? Is it just part of your "gender expression"? Are you trying to signal that you're "not like those other anons"? If you hate this place enough to not want to fit in, why come here?

>> No.35619950

Good, keep take the bait anon, surely it will show them.

>> No.35619975

Food talk is the bread and butter of Japanese media anon, get used to it.

>> No.35620031

fucking kraut
i'm pretty sure it's some sort of machine translated german? the actual nip is from the kojiki

>> No.35620061

I'm pretty sure trolls are all but extinct nowadays. 80/20 odds that guy communicates in exactly this tone when he's talking to his discord tranny buddies, and he's only pretending to be an ironic shitposter so he can dump his mental diarrhea here with impunity and retreat behind "haha, you took the bait" when he's inevitably ridiculed.

>> No.35620147

>and he's only pretending to be an ironic shitposter so he can dump his mental diarrhea here
Exactly, and see how he dumped more of those when people responded to it, regardless of the tone of the response

>> No.35620174

No idea what the japanese reads, but the german is solid, except for the missing dots in Götter.

>> No.35620548
File: 67 KB, 600x621, manabi_why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand people who support these collab cafés. It's an insult to 2D.


>> No.35620564

You mean support cosplaying?
Collab cafes don't usually feature cosplayers
It's just selling food at ridiculous price with the characters associated as an image and usually give you some exclusive merch along with it, just like those happy meal toys.

>> No.35620864

lmao good bait

>> No.35621825

I like cosplayers. Wish I had a cute cosplayer gf.

>> No.35622357

Does Noel ever get good? It kind of feels like pseudo Yuri Twilight or something. I'm actually playing the "Satisfaction" version.

Also shit this captcha is taking me a lot of tries. I'm about to get filtered out of posting on 4chan.

>> No.35622875
File: 1.59 MB, 1275x1079, 1615184576586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still obscenely slow at reading, but I'm also learning a lot while playing my first raw VN, so I guess it's fine. Finally starting to speed up ever so gradually. I just left the school in the complaint-coated prologue, which I am working on completing...eventually. There are a few other people playing 通心ぼ in here, right? How are you all enjoying the game? I'm looking forward to seeing the MC's complaints end, and cute girls rolling in on my monitor sometime in the near future.

>> No.35622929

Fuck fake choices
Don't give options if you're just forcing only one of them

>> No.35623081

Thinking a normal Japanese learner should be able to read this is ridiculous.

In the real world old Japanese like that is a dead language preserved only in literary texts and learned through those texts, with the explicit intention of the learner simply looking up stuff. Yeah, the only proper way one learns about stuff like that sentence, is to simply look it up. There's a very limited amount of sentences in Kojiki after all.

For reference, when I took an exam in old Japanese (covering a range mostly from Heian onwards), we could use any tools we wanted, so I brought in a notebook and checked stuff online, as did everyone else. The actual test was being able to recognize where words start and end based on one's knowledge of obsolete grammar points and putting it all together. It was more of a puzzle than simple language test and it was very interesting.

Now, I'm not saying some autist won't go on to learn stuff like this by heart, but your question about "reading" it is ridiculous for normal learners. I might as well say I can read it, cause I got interested in it, looked it up, can now understand it when I hear it and can tell which kanji maps to what.

>> No.35623127

Btw I know I might have replied for a meme or bait or whatever.

Just wanted to post this for the benefit of people actually interested in old Japanese.

Grab yourself a grammar reference book and don't freak out about not being able to simply read. You're really not meant to.

>> No.35623141
File: 1.07 MB, 1124x888, ntrpromexican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿Te gusta netorare, cabrón?

>> No.35623263

Well, not even normal Japanese can read obscure stuff right off the bat
In Kiritani Hana's Chusingura interview she mentioned how she had a hard time reading the script at first because it uses lots of old terms

>> No.35623445

They don't use that script anymore nigga

>> No.35623619

That's Classical Chinese (漢語), not Classical Japanese (文語). Japanese people are nowadays taught to translate from it, not to read and write it.

>> No.35623934

It's 漢文

>> No.35624430
File: 1.80 MB, 1280x720, 【夜舟初穂 恋人3】ハジラブ (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cow, I can't believe they actually put drama and plot in a smee game.

>> No.35624625
File: 86 KB, 800x600, Ev01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuno route was pretty cute, would say reading Mashiro Iro Symphony for her was worth it but will probably do Ange and Miu routes too. Not Senri because I didn't like her that much.

Already dreading the girl that calls you kusomushi in Miu route, she is going to have a melty.

>> No.35624645 [SPOILER] 
File: 1007 KB, 1280x720, 1625901219105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is certainly a very misplaced h-scene. You guys ever fuck a girl the night her dad dies?

>> No.35624760
File: 69 KB, 490x424, unvirgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys ever fuck a girl

>> No.35624888

Is there even a single novel with a girl protag that was turned into a guy? I feel like this is unexplored territory.

>> No.35624909
File: 1.64 MB, 1267x712, Rin_omokage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Case-02 of Yonagi. I quite like the small "references" between cases. Like how Rin drops a cheeky いい子 when it's one of Olivia's main catchphrases, or pic related. The 'characters have the same dream' narrative reappearing in the cases themselves is also quite interesting. Izumo parts still suck. They don't have any value aside from teasing the player that there will be a payoff at the end. There is zero subtlety in it.
The case itself was alright. The structure is more 王道 than the first one at the cost of having a weaker premise. The main problem of the first case non big emotional highpoint during the climax) also apply to this one, but overall I preferred it over the first one in terms of narrative.

Good luck anon

>> No.35625028

>Btw I know I might have replied for a meme or bait or whatever.
Not really, I just wanted to know if it was normal to be able to read or not read text like this. And I must say I got a good answer.

>> No.35625045

No because gender switching is gay af. Same when it happens the other way around

>> No.35625048

Anon, the voice actors couldn't read it. There's several spots in the game where the VAs mispronounce the words they were supposed to be reading.

>> No.35625142

My idea as to how to improve the ending of Case-02. I'd simply merge the Prison scene and the final performance for the Queen. Story stays the same up until Olivia getting captured (the only thing i would emphasize more is Will's anger during the time that he's writing Hamlet since it's stated but not really shown).
Instead of the gang getting captured as well, Marlowe uses his influence to keep the rest out of prison knowing that they will bomb during the performance for the queen without Olivia, which will ruin Will's career (placing more value on it than Will's live, which he could also take since he knows Will is involved with the Catholics). Then when Olivia, without any practice, shows up during the final performance she still manages to nail the roll without needing the script. Instead of just describing the play, the final scene of the play is shown in full (just like the prison scene), which serves as the emotional climax of the route. Throw in a cheeky line that Will didn't write everything by himself this time, some Key shit about true love not needing a script and change the first CG of the last H-scene and you’re golden.

>> No.35625646

There are only 2 or 3 h-scenes that aren't completely out of place in the entire VN

>> No.35625657
File: 957 KB, 1266x746, 1618730512777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I just passed the prologue in the game a little bit ago. The amount of time it took was absurd, but I did it. Unsure if it's something I should continue with or not, taking my present skill level into mind. I know lolige are supposed to be relatively easy in general, but it's still tough for me, knowing so little vocabulary in the first place.

At least Emi was cute. It was a honestly a sweet reward just to see her after all that time and effort. I liked the expressive nuance in her voice actress' voice too.

>> No.35625721

Why not just read something easier first? I had a pretty noticeable leap in reading speed after the first few VNs myself.
I started with Hanahira, which was comparatively easy, and somewhat recently read Hatarakanai Honey Life, which isn't particularly good, but I practically breezed through it while still struggling a bit with most other novels.

>> No.35625949

I'm not sure what would be much more manageable than this as well as interesting to me personally. I don't think it's too verbose, rather, just that the obscene amount of time I spend obsessively digesting everything is tough to work with currently. I can't even begin to count how many words I've been learning over the past few days like this. We all have to start somewhere though, right? I just pray they stick so I can start to build some confidence in it all.

>> No.35626038

>I just pray they stick so I can start to build some confidence in it all.
Make yourself an Anki mining deck.

t. still hasn't made his own Anki mining deck

>> No.35627595

Make a post here as well once you're done

>> No.35627607

>You guys ever fuck a girl the night her dad dies?
You'd be amazed at how common this is, actually.

>> No.35627919

Having sex when you're down and depressed is pretty common.

>> No.35627938

Not for me

>> No.35628035

C'mon bro
I'm damn sure most people who post here aren't virgins because they fucked at least once in their life.

>> No.35628075

To women that's just like a long comfort fap after a rough day at work/NEET depression.

>> No.35631528

What's a VN that you'd recommend that you've never seen any discussion/mention of?

>> No.35632230
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, 39261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SherbetSoft's RESIGN. No one talked about it because it's an old game, but it does the revenge right: MC having understandable revenge motive, the revenge target isn't just pure evil bitches and actually feeling guilty having wronged MC in the past, MC's hypnotism power actually has drawbacks (with 1 girl outright immune to it) so he can't just abuse it like some other VNs with hypnotism and has to resort to some other tactics like blackmail or sweet talk to them, long ass intel gathering and planning, and you can choose to throw all that away for good ending. The drawback is, since MC has to go incognito and interact with his targets normally, there are lots of slice of life scenes in between the intel gatherings, and if the route is locked to good ending, the atmosphere quickly turned from revenge to shonenshit with pure evil mastermind and both MC and the revenge targets working together to take them down. I still like it just for the revenge part of the story and the 'bad' end where both the revenge target are not just 'broken' by the MC's cock, but by MC ruining their lives at the right moment to the public(which also ruins the evil mastermind's life too).

>> No.35632401

where would be the best places to search for untranslated versions of old unpopular but translated vns?

>> No.35632745

Hateao, Para-Sol, Yumemishi, Namima no Kuni no Faust, Nega0.

>> No.35632937

Fuck off, hadler.

>> No.35632967


>> No.35633111

Nega0 was nice but the structure of the routes and shitty gameplay made me drop it. I’ll probably check out StarTrain at some point since I like the writer though

>> No.35633136

Startrain is ok but I liked Sukimazakura better.

>> No.35633998
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, MGGW0174_CG10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lune said the page for this game changed, and then I saw it has PlayDRM,what's the deal with that?

Is it some always online bullshit? I was thinking of buying it after fapping to the anime countless times,since I've been getting better at Japanese.

>1804 year old virgin manko

>> No.35634295

>>1804 year old virgin manko
She's 180,004

>> No.35634332
File: 29 KB, 500x281, freem.ne.jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the heck is shigatsu youka
vndb has absolutely nothing on it and all i've gathered from cn forums tell me it's a 50-120h+ game with jumpscares.

>> No.35634524

The original game had DRM.

>> No.35635093

They probably just memed it to the top. It happens sometimes.

>> No.35635468

I hate this way of drawing nose
It looks so shit

>> No.35635474


>> No.35640759

That's Nol,the red haired loli elf. Blond big-tits Lucie is 1804 years old.

>> No.35640790

So whats the deal? Is it always online shit?

Or is it just the usual,if you dont have everything in your computer in Japanese it will glitch and inconvience you that eroge have been doing forever?

Almsot encourgaes me to make a low tier Japanese PC build.

>> No.35641241

Needs a code.
Probably had shit DRM given it was cracked very early into the release.

>> No.35645676
File: 3.11 MB, 1920x1080, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35645750

I love H-scenes at the most dramatic moment. It's even better in Haru's route.

>> No.35645826
File: 1.93 MB, 1366x768, 1605547060180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, Haru's route is literally perfect

>> No.35645928

I can't believe both of her scenes were in that shitty clock tower especially when they could've included a wedding dress scene at the end

>> No.35647154

which demonbane release is the best one?

>> No.35647297

What's the context for this scene?
弟 wants to become a girl so he can sex his gay お姉さ?

>> No.35647373

Probably the PC port of the ps2 version they released a couple of years ago or so. Some anon did do a voice patch for the original 18+ version if you want that though.

>> No.35647389

the latest win 10 release is the only offical pc version that has all the extra content from the console port, you need a patch for the original release. It doesn't have porn though. That probably bothers you, expect the sequel game just straight up has no porn either so you're fucked.

>> No.35647689

That's pretty much exactly it.

>> No.35648536

Can someone tell me which Tsuyokiss games are worth playing?

>> No.35649117

first and third

>> No.35650620

This game seems interesting, is it actually yuri or is it just a setup for the girls to get raped by men later? God I hope it's the former.

>> No.35650726

It's mostly the former but there's a bit of the latter as well. Mostly from a bad end/choice IIRC.

>> No.35652717

first and third and the NEXT generation

>> No.35652752
File: 1.86 MB, 1417x1194, 1601323337869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing my 3 weeks+ personal mission to do absolutely nothing every day but play VNs or occasionally read doujinshi. I wish it could be faster, but I want to spend time securing vocabulary into my head since I'm a noob who needs more experience. In a weird way, I've gotten into a somewhat masochistic, hyper-focused rhythm around it. It is all I'm thinking about right now. Though, I wonder if I should be going about it more casually instead of hyper-analyzing things as much as I do. On another note, this MC is never going to stop bitching, is he?
>Pic related, 瀬田 talking shit about others to himself AGAIN.
Any of you ever do something nutty like this? VNs are pretty cozy once you get used to them, aren't they?
I want to avoid turning this into /djt/, but do you have any recommendations for how it would be best to make my mining deck? I've been saving some sentences of note in a small txt file for use in making cards, but am unresolved in how I'd like them to be formatted for proper review. Trying to decide what is worth reviewing, too. I'm doing surprisingly well without reviews, but I could use some things reinforced here and there.

>> No.35652833

>I want to avoid turning this into /djt/
How about starting a blog instead of posting that faggy shit here like you just did, then

>> No.35652933
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1618046233672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just enjoying my introduction to playing visual novels, while paying mind to my struggle of learning the associated language at the same time. Perhaps my focus is on that instead of the story as a result. I did not intend to blogpost, and perhaps you are right that some of the contents of my post belong in another thread. I hope we can all have fun in the end.

>> No.35652998

>instead of the story
I dunno. It's basically just fucking lolis. I mean it's hot as fuck, but not sure I'd call it much of a story.

>> No.35653026

I'm still waiting on a single H scene myself. I'm reading quite slowly, so the most loli action I've gotten is getting pelted with 雪玉 and being called 最低。 I'm not sure how to feel about that feeling good.

>> No.35653700
File: 3.55 MB, 2493x1507, cometomyhouseandfuckmysister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this joke lives on even a decade later
god i love japan

>> No.35653742

Full Metal Jacket is over 30 years old, anon.

>> No.35653803

how do the more beginner level anons of you read? Do you look up every word you dont understand, or do you just skip over them and try to grasp the meaning of the conversation from everything you do understand?

>> No.35653858

so thats where its from, huh. my zoomer brain only knew it from the unfunny warface memes and the video posted above. anyways good dopamine boost in the struggle of learning.

>> No.35654177
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, sumaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing Sumaga and I just finished Mira's route. What should I do now to continue the rest of the game?

>> No.35654270

I suggest you make your own thread to blog about your experience with learning the language and improving your reading speed and stuff. This thread is for talking about the eroge's content in general, not how we play them. I'm a slow-as-fuck reader myself but I don't bring that up when I discuss games here.

>> No.35654360

I agree that it's not the place for it, and don't intend to press further about my language studies as I suggested. I'm going to keep reading like before. Actually, I just got to the part where I'm about to meet 深海、the second female main character. Like I've read others say, the notion that the protagonist in 通心ぼ absolutely lives to complain is 100% right. Experiencing the light scenes with these characters are quite refreshing after reading through him moping about in every line of inner dialogue elsewhere.

>> No.35655497

Ahhhh I fucking hate when MC replies to every single dialogue in his narration or just paraphrases it. What the fuck is this retardation.

>> No.35655530

Text padding

>> No.35655553

You fucking hate when MC replies to every single dialogue in his narration or just paraphrases it?

>> No.35655604


>> No.35655606

So when MC replies to every single dialogue in his narration or just paraphrases it, you think it's retardation?

>> No.35655644


>> No.35655684
File: 514 KB, 1920x1080, setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically like this.

>> No.35655919
File: 110 KB, 640x480, anija.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General' the average user

>> No.35656490
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>> No.35656598
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.35656974
File: 577 KB, 540x540, 1508886804477.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35656977


>> No.35657362

Was Itou Life right about the tiredness of the Japanese society leading to a bigger share of big tits compared to flatties? If you look at eroge now and say 10-15 years ago, the ratio of big to flat has clearly swung around.

>> No.35657695

I'm just tired of novels where the whole cast has the same bust size. Give me some variety.

>> No.35658145

I think they generally have different sizes, as written on the character sheets at least.
My problem is more that almost every artist draws tits with the same shape, just like they draw faces, which is probably why they gave impression that slightly different size of breasts look the same.
At best, they have 3 kinds : small, moderate and big where every variation in each range are just like they use transform tool to make slightly smaller/bigger tits.

>> No.35658352

You can easily tell these Japanese posts are written by burgers just from their burger tier phrasing and word order.

>> No.35658372


>> No.35658868

I didn't know there was trannyism in it. Guess I have to remove it from my backlog.

>> No.35660808

>tiredness of the Japanese society
boob pillow scenes are a rarity though

>> No.35663933

>Text padding
Biggest cancer that's holding the whole medium down more than most will ever realize.

>> No.35664449

It's pretty hard to not realize it with the amount of repetition that occurs in narration.

>> No.35664584

Can't be helped when writers get paid based on the size of the text

>> No.35664585

I'm a fast reader and I hate that shit, especially because I feel like I have to read everything. I end up dropping so many games because of it.

>> No.35664827
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, ogey

>> No.35664963

To be the contrarian here, I don't actually mind as long as the padding in question is actually interesting.

>> No.35665023

I actually don't mind padding if it's just SoL bullshit, as long as the characters are interesting.
Can't imagine something like SakuUta without the really bad sex jokes.

>> No.35665072

>if it's just SoL bullshit, as long as the characters are interesting
Sure, that's one scenario where it's fine. Another example for me would be if the author autistically describes some special attack/move or something. Did the narrative really need all of that? Probably not but who cares it's cool.

>> No.35668094

Just hire actual editors bro

>> No.35668270

Bible black. OK story, sei shoujo is the worst for it.

>> No.35668292

Just skim through non-dialogue text like all nips

>> No.35668293

How much do eroge artist usually make?

Like say they make 2 games a year? Or maybe just one a year? DO they really get 100k a job?

>> No.35668368

How are you going to immerse yourself if you don't passionately read narration and protagonist's lines out loud?

>> No.35668422

Just google it. Anything you're told in here is just going to be the result of that person googling it themselves. Cut out the middle man and do it yourself.

>> No.35668622

Maybe the eroge writer anons would jump in and reveal their incomes.

>> No.35668704

>I actually don't mind padding if it's just SoL bullshit
This is the problem with Sakura Moyu. It feels alright at the start because it's just setting stuff up the characters/setting and there's a lot of lighthearted SoL scenes so the padding doesn't feel as egregious. But when it gets into the routes and it goes 100% serious business, every scene feels like it goes on fucking forever.

>> No.35669107

Its immersion breaking using a 30 years old voice for a teenager.

>> No.35669130

That's literally how anime protagonists and game protagonists are voiced though? Should be actually pretty well working.

>> No.35669285

And the heroines are voiced by 30-45 years old women, what's the problem here?

>> No.35671746

What are some Christian VN?

>> No.35671912

Aoi Tori

>> No.35672063

> Flyable Heart
> Nakige 3.0
Is it true? Or vndb moetrannies spewing shit again?

>> No.35672779

I'd say it tries to be a nakige, but whether it succeeds or not depends on your tolerance for SoL and contrived melodrama. I suppose that much is true for most nakige, but this one is probably an even more egregious case. I thought that it still had a few good scenes, but nothing revolutionary, so it's difficult to say whether it's worth reading for those.

>> No.35672861


>> No.35673741

Is monobeno happy end hookable with textractor?

>> No.35673770


>> No.35674730


This is all I found, a reblog of 2 dead bog entries. It still doesnt answer my question though, how much do you think Someone like Skyhouse or Huracan got to work on the yearly Kyonyuu Saimin title for Lune?

>> No.35674761

The problem with Sakura Moyu is definitely the forced sentimentality that goes on and on once you get into the routes. Feels like at some point every other sentence you read is describing someone feeling so sad and lonely.

>> No.35674853

>searching in English

>> No.35674874

And that's sort of what I'm curious about,why did Lune replace Skyhouse with Huracan?

How much does Carnelian make when she works on a VN/eroge?

How much would it cost to get a VN with Ueda Metawo art?

>> No.35674929

>every other sentence you read is describing someone feeling so sad and lonely.
That's what called "theme", anon

>> No.35674981

I doubt western adult men can sound like teenagers.

>> No.35675019

Yet they get hired to voice them, and people still haven't revolted.

>> No.35675036

I want to know why Gentle Sasaki left.
I want more non-NTR/Gangrape art from him/her.

>> No.35675085

Wish I had the patience to do a deep analysis of Sakura Moyu’s intricate themes but reading 50+ hours of that trash would make me blow my brains out desu

>> No.35675275

Is secret agent a moege or a plotge? The art makes it look moe, but the description sounds like an actual serious plot.

>> No.35675784
File: 92 KB, 803x442, soretsuma2lick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want more non-NTR/Gangrape art from Gentle Sasaki

>> No.35675838

>A beautiful girl from the city transfers to the crazy school where the rape of her weak and lovely classmates is the norm.
sounds pretty based desu

>> No.35676019
File: 116 KB, 1280x1000, image00022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like a generic Guilty game.

>> No.35679277

