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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 328 KB, 1200x1200, bea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35642158 No.35642158 [Reply] [Original]

This japanese indie vtuber just sang the second /jp/ theme on her latest karaoke stream. Please watch it, I love her.

>> No.35642192

I love Bea!

>> No.35642201

wrong board

>> No.35642204

She feels more like a /jp/ vtuber than a /vt/ vtuber desu

>> No.35642217

It's cute that she scuffed her way through the whole english part

>> No.35642221 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 330x330, 1625173564972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35642226

It's /jp/ theme, there is not a more relevant board ot post that.

>> No.35642240 [DELETED] 


>> No.35642242

She's a wild ride, but if you're barely interested in watching a vtumor that goes on tangents about Japanese culture and board culture, give her a try /jp/sies.

>> No.35642244 [DELETED] 


>> No.35642246

Wait what? Honorary /jp/sie.

>> No.35642254

But it's not /vt/'s theme

>> No.35642288
File: 3.20 MB, 5000x7500, beatani collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her origin story of sorts.

>> No.35642359

/jp/ theme song, posted on /jp/
seems the most relevant

>> No.35642407

You are trying to appeal to 2hutard spammers. They aren't /jp/. Never have been. Everyone hated them.
They are the reason everyone else to do with that song left.

>> No.35642416

/jp/ is dead

>> No.35642417

so i'll post an idol.

>> No.35642432

Why do they act like they are the sole owners of /jp/?

>> No.35642437

Because they won.

>> No.35642696

which 2hug would you idolize?

>> No.35646509
File: 113 KB, 512x384, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.35646635

it's all over

>> No.35647420
File: 196 KB, 600x500, 1617172573989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35647656

Cute bear daughter

>> No.35647726

Is this some cheap ass try to make vtubers fit in yet again?
No one here wants it, you should leave.

>> No.35647752

take your ewhore back to /vt/

>> No.35647824

Wow nice

>> No.35648034

Amazing. More exposition of this board to retards by some normalfag with an ugly avatar.

>> No.35648053

Stop pretending this shithole isn't already ruined

>> No.35648151

This board was ruined when touhoufags invaded and acted like they own the place.

>> No.35648167

This was literally made to be the touhou board.

>> No.35648230

No it wasn't. Fuck off, revisionist cunt.

>> No.35648307

If it makes you feel better, /vt/ has always been about vtubers since its inception! I'm sure you'll love it there, the posters are far more inline with you!

>> No.35648336

I can post on multiple boards. I've been doing it since 2004. I will continue to do it until the site dies. Die crying about it, tumblr reject spammer.
It is on-topic here until meido says otherwise.
You, meanwhile, should be on /v/ where you belong.

>> No.35648569

Real question here. If you claim to love /jp/ so much, then why do you hurt the board so much by spamming threads despite having an entire board dedicated to vtubers? Shouldn't you know that /jp/ enjoys having a slow pace?
And don't you dare delete this post, janitor, I'm trying to start a honest discussion.

>> No.35648642

It literally was. moot created this board because the amount of threads about Touhou, VNs, and other Japanese things that weren't anime was start to take way too much space on /a/.
>I can post on multiple boards.
See, that's the thing: 4chan was MADE so you use multiple boards to discuss multiple subjects, instead of doing everything in whichever board you find most comfortable. There's nothing stopping you from using /jp/ to talk about otaku things that aren't vtubers and /vt/ for things that are vtubers - so why do you refuse to do so? And don't give me that crap about "vtubers are otaku culture" because anime is also otaku culture but it's not discussed here because it has its own board, among other examples. Don't say anything about the moderation letting you do it because people have been angry at them for forcing that mentality ever since /vt/ was created.

>> No.35648650

You're trying to fit in too hard, newfag. Go make a picture of your cool post and get likes on Twitter for it. Just leave.

>> No.35648654
File: 1.15 MB, 760x1404, sup niggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying everyone is the same person? I think you are implying everyone is the same person.

>> No.35648734

If that's how you've misinterpreted that post, then please give it a honest answer instead of making retarded implications.

>> No.35648782

>It literally was. moot created this board because the amount of threads about Touhou, VNs, and other Japanese things that weren't anime was start to take way too much space on /a/.
It's funny how you conveniently missed out the other things. But okay, revisionist cunt.
>instead of doing everything in whichever board you find most comfortable.
So like how Touhou could go on /a/, /c/, /e/, /h/, /v/ and /mu/? Did I miss any?
You people keep trying to defend your spam but it never works because you attack others for the same shit YOU did here over the years.. Fuck off with that hypocrisy.
At least accept the fact you are spamming cunts that flooded the fuck out of this board.
By the way, I'm not defending the shitty vtuber spammers either, fuck them as well, they are just as bad as you cunts are. You just hate them because it isn't Touhou. The rest of us hate both of you.
That's all.

>> No.35648794

Which one of those boards has at least 30% touhou threads?

>> No.35648829


>> No.35648847

Why do you need more than one touhou thread

>> No.35648866

You implied OP is spamming vtuber threads. Seems pretty blatant, really. Pretty hard to read it any other way.
Because he REALLY needs to know whether Sanae is a slut and how poor Reimu is at the same time. He just needs to. It can't be helped.

>> No.35648958

It was. He was even willing to make separate boards for the shit on /jp/ at the time.

>> No.35648978
File: 111 KB, 250x250, toh3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're still waiting for that long-term solution that will benefit both audiences, mod-san.

>> No.35648984

For a reason. Use those few braincells you have left to figure out why.

>> No.35648996

This is the touhou board, it is expected for there to be multiple touhou threads here. It is not the vtuber board, so I do not expect multiple vtuber threads here.

How is this a confusing concept to understand?

>> No.35649043

He's shitposting and wants attention. Just leave him to rot.
He's just like the holotards.

>> No.35649050

It's not the touhou board, it's /jp/ not /2hu/.

>> No.35649068

>It's funny how you conveniently missed out the other things.
According to you, right? Because if you actually read the post you quoted you'd see that I mentioned those "other things" instead of insisting that /jp/ is only a Touhou board, which is has never been. The board has always had more Touhou threads than any of its other subjects because that's what people wanted to make threads about, because Touhou is a popular series which was one of the reasons why it was created, that's literally all.
Seriously what kind of retarded gaslighting are you trying to pull here. Are you that dishonest?
>You just hate them because it isn't Touhou.
Nice projection, by the way.
Oh, and that thing about Touhou going on multiple boards - good job missing the fact that Touhou threads in each of those boards focus on different things: the manga series on /a/, SFW image dumps on /c/, lewd image dumps on /e/ and /h/, game discussion on /v/, and music discussion on /mu/, all of which can also be done on /jp/, but they're made on those boards because Touhou happens to have multiple multimedia aspects - and yet, because this is the Touhou (+ other things) board, all of that can go here simply because it's Touhou.
Meanwhile, I want you to point to me a single difference between the Hololive general on /vt/ and the Hololive general on /jp/. Or between any vtuber thread on /vt/ and any vtuber thread on /jp/ as well.

>> No.35649073

Condense. Your threads.
How is this a confusing concept?

>> No.35649144
File: 61 KB, 700x700, exploding knees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can go in to either the Hololive threads and the Touhou threads and see the same level of cancer, actually. They are both terrible.
I don't see your argument. Not off to a good start there.
But I guess it's alright because "it's our cancer", right? Sorry, meido gave their cancer the greenlight as well, so you will have to deal with it.

>> No.35649161
File: 15 KB, 526x157, Screenshot_2021-07-11 Rules - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the Touhou board. And also the /other Japanese things/ board.

>> No.35649176

I suggest reading all the other words after Touhou Project

>> No.35649189

I wonder how mad the image spammers would be if the teafags made 20 tea threads for each flavor they liked
Or maybe the traintakus display their rawtism in full glory.

>> No.35649197

Of course you can't see any argument, you aren't making any argument besides pretending to not be on either side so you can keep baiting more arguments with more dishonest arguing. All I can say is that it's really pitiful how this entire bullshit that's been happening on /jp/ for the past half year was like this, it's like a bunch of teens are trying to be epic trolls or something as underaged as that. Then again, it would make sense given how all of this originated from /qa/.

>> No.35649201

i think a singing of the jaypee theme song is fine to be posted here

nobody is advocating for this vtuber to be a regular posting here

>> No.35649204

Yes, that's the "/other Japanese things/" part. Please consider reading posts entirely before replying to them.

>> No.35649212

Please consider not being a retard and reading the images you post

>> No.35649219

It could have been, in another timeline where people who pretend to like vtubers for the sake of spamming this board hadn't made 30 other vtuber threads which they keep constantly bumping every time they reach page 10. But sadly, we aren't in that timeline.

>> No.35649246

It is the touhou board. The only reason why you're having this argument is because a bunch of shit was forced here without a second thought.

>> No.35649247

I've been permanently mad since this boards creation and moots fucking laziness to ban stupid spammers, yes.
Every fucking time he gave up and let this site rot.
The same shit happened with the vtuber threads until the culmination in December with that little mod-war shitfit.
The /qa/tards will never be dealt with, not with the current moderation, nor would it have been fixed with moots moderation. It actually needed moderation to work.
Of course, gotta thank that fuckwit Shii for that. He helped create the anti-mod mentality here.

>> No.35649255

>It is the Touhou board. And also the /other Japanese things/ board.
This post does not, at any point, imply that /jp/ is only about Touhou, and neither do the rules.

>> No.35649291

It is not the touhou board. No amount of crying or denying will change that. It is the Otaku Culture board.

>> No.35649311

Why are you still trying to argue if you're ignoring every post that says you're wrong and you don't even seem to know know why this board is called /jp/ instead of /oc/?

>> No.35649318


>You people keep trying to defend your spam but it never works because you attack others for the same shit YOU did here over the years.
You're a genuine dumbass if you think the people here now are from the pre-08 /a/ days. Nobody here now fucking cares what happened on /a/ 12 years ago.
Posting Touhou on /jp/ is not spam. Spamming anime threads on /jp/ however, is.
>At least accept the fact you are spamming cunts that flooded the fuck out of this board.
Projecting. They didn't flood out the board. You could still find things to talk about if you weren't a newfag who decided to make a thread in greentext or crossboarder format.
>You just hate them because it isn't Touhou.
Not true in the slightest. If you want a solid reason why people hate them, you don't need to look any further than the e-celeb trend. Across the site, nobody wanted them here. They garner an obnoxious crowd and eventually, spam the catalog with twitter screencaps and youtube links that have either nothing to do with the board or have little to begin with to discuss.
This is not the place to discuss youtube videos back to back. This is not the second facet to whatever fucking discord the video creator has. They have the youtube comment section, their own community tab and usually either a reddit page or a fucking discord to pull from.

>> No.35649338

It is the Touhou board and has functioned as such since its inception.
The only reason it is disputed is because the board was made as a moat for all of the other shit as a lazy solution to a neverending problem.

>> No.35649343

Why are you still trying to argue if you're ignoring every post that says you're wrong and you don't even seem to know know why this board is called /jp/ instead of /2hu/?

>> No.35649401

Great job using the shitposting tactic of repeating a post and changing a few words, it makes it very clear that you're arguing for the sake of arguing because you're a shitposter.

>> No.35649418

Great job not being able to refute the argument retard

>> No.35649437

You use the same tactic /v/tards use of "it has always been this way, newfag" in regards to spamming off-topic shit that they do all the time.
Not saying he is any better, he's a tool too, but just saying.
The fact spam was accepted doesn't mean it was good, nor does it change the fact there has always been dislike to the fact. ALWAYS.
This argument isn't a new thing either.

>> No.35649444

Nice "no u" there.
/b/ is for trolling. I think you have the wrong board. Being such an absolute asshat of a crossie made you forget that.

>> No.35649454

Nah, I'm gonna stay here and make 50 bullet train threads to bump off all the 2hu shit

>> No.35649456

What point are you trying to make. If he's wrong, then prove it.
The only reason why it isn't exclusively named is because it was made as a catchall board. You can even see in the fucking archives that it was posted along all 13 years of the board's lifespan. It has functioned as such while harboring shit that would eventually get dumped here, or shitpost into oblivion.
If you really want to be autistic about board naming, then why is /b/ /b/ and not /random/ when that's the fucking board title.
Why is /g/ /g/ and not /tech/
Why is /o/ /o/ and not /auto/? Better yet, /a/? Oh, /a/ is already anime/manga. Speaking of which, /a/ has asked for a manga board time and time again. Who knows if it's a genuine point or shitposting. /ag/ as well to get rid of the general threads.
You can go down the list. The only "revisionist" here is the jackass trying to push his own train of thought as fact.
There was a time where you could be banned for posting 3D. There came a time where a bunch of 3DPD threads got spammed and stuck to this day.

>> No.35649484

You don't need to say that. I know you will. Asshole.

>> No.35649501

The fact you don't even know that is why you shouldn't be taking part in this discussion.
I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of those idiots that think /a/ was the first board.

>> No.35649518

It's hard to refute arguments when you aren't trying to make any.
That's not the case at all. It's not even fucking spam in first place, this IS the Touhou board, but it's also the board for many other things, so it doesn't matter how many threads you make about Touhou or other things because this is where they fucking go. HOWEVER, vtubers have their own board, so that's why people don't want them to make threads or spam threads here. That's literally all. Remember that one of the things said about /jp/ is that it's a catch-all board for Japanese things that don't have their own board - and guess what, vtubers have their own board!
By the way, have you ever noticed how despite Touhou being the vast majority of the board, before the incidents of last December, any thread about any subject could live for days without any bump? This means that your butthurt about Touhou threads is entirely unfounded since it never harmed the board at any point, unlike the current situation.

>> No.35649531

I can't believe we're still dealing with this bullshit 6 months after vtubers got a dedicated board just for them.
Right now, vtubers still take up over half of /jp/'s post activity.

>> No.35649555

>[16:02] <@nanashi_> jpsie, feel free to leave a feedback. https://www.4chan.org/feedback.php
>[16:05] <@nanashi_> The new board is not meant to be a containment board. Think of how Pokemon threads can still be made on /a/ or /v/, despite /vp/ existing.
>[16:05] <jpsie> Pokemon threads are not constantly the most active threads on those boards. If there was a pokemon general which had 10 posts per minute while the rest of the board has below 1 post per minute, then I'd think it would be moved to /vp/ as well.
>[16:06] <@nanashi_> The board is new and we're still trying to figure out what's best in the long run for both audiences.
>[16:06] <@nanashi_> Honest feedback by users will definitely be appreciated.
This was posted on IRC on January 29th.

>> No.35649564

I want back my easy time with /jp/-sies.

>> No.35649575

Go post your image dumps on /c/ then. It's dead as shit and is basically 15 people circle-jerking for the past 15 years.

>> No.35649580
File: 2.40 MB, 400x766, 1620439165072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70 posts talking about anything but this cute bear

>> No.35649587

What do you expect from off-topic spammers? They even try to come in here taking the high ground. The highest of keks. Holy shit.

>> No.35649591

I pretty much never post images.
Who are you quoting?

>> No.35649592

Wow it's almost as if people on /jp/ don't want to fucking talk about vtubers.

>> No.35649607

I don't think I need to point out the irony of this post saying "kek".

>> No.35649615

Who are you quoting? Your post is too green I didn't read.

>> No.35649626

>don't want to fucking talk about vtubers
I think the main issue about all this stuff is more like "don't want to fucking talk to people who like vtubers*".

>> No.35649627

It was Japan/General dipshit. It's a catchall.
Now what point are you trying to make.

>> No.35649629

The entirety of the thread prior to my post.

>> No.35649635

Yet they go in to threads they don't like and shit them up. That's against the rules.
Lurk more. A lot more. Seriously. Even just check the archives once. I dare you. I dare you motherfucker.

>> No.35649636

Probably everything above that post that your brain failed to understand.

>> No.35649639

That's not how this works, please do not abuse the quotation feature in the future! It might benefit you to lurk for a few months before posting next time!

No need to thank me for my advice, I'm happy to help!

>> No.35649647

>telling me how to use meme arrows

>> No.35649652
File: 3 KB, 410x76, Post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one said that. Now leave.

>> No.35649664
File: 1.54 MB, 1404x684, 1625091549456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this image, because it is a reality check for the vteens. It completely incapacitates them and they scramble to try and defend it

>> No.35649665

It still makes me laugh how "Who are you quoting" got memed so hard that some people seriously don't realize it is a meme.
This shithole abused quotes out the ass for years.
It still does now.

>> No.35649668

Everyone's free to like whatever they want, but talking about vtubers should go on the vtuber board (/vt/), not on /jp/, because this is the catchall board for Japanese shit that doesn't have its own board.
A thread that shouldn't be here, yes. Go cry to your pet mod, I bet he's going to love nuking the entire thread just like he loves doing every time people on /jp/ don't want to talk about vtubers. If you want to have a normal vtuber discussion, /vt/ is that way.
Good job defending the usage of crossboarder memes in the most xenophobic board in all of 4chan, by the way.

>> No.35649680

4 is cute though

>> No.35649688

Lurk more. Seriously. Actually don't, fuck off back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.35649689

Do anime characters also not have seiyuus? What's your point?

>> No.35649705

The anime character is independent from their seiyuu. The vtuber is just a costume for the person behind it, not a character. (The seiyuufags are absolutely pure cancer though, a terrible breed that are incapable of rational though and deserve to be put down.)

If you like 3dpd you do not belong on /jp/.

>> No.35649713

>because this is the catchall board for Japanese shit that doesn't have its own board.
I'm sure you will be able to show that rule on the rules page, right? It exists, right? That line?
I'll wait.

>> No.35649721

vtubers are characters though, they're just not in a self contained story

>> No.35649726

How about not being a newfag who arrived 6 months ago.

>> No.35649733

Now compare how often that word was said at first to how often it started being said after it was popularized, especially in the faster and most cancerous boards. And that's not to bring up how you don't see people going "XD" and such these days despite that being common in the early 4chan, you should be capable of understanding why that is.
You should be better than the kind of retard who links to the oldest time something was posted and insists that's proof of how the board has always said that. For shame, really.

>> No.35649736

You give him too much credit. I don't think he's THAT old.

>> No.35649752

Oh, so that's a no then? I seeeee.
I made one of the first 3rd party tools to post to this site. You probably never even heard of the site, if you even had internet, at that time.
You're in a thread of people defending image spam because "it has always been like this".
That's funny. Real funny.

>> No.35649766

>You're in a thread of people defending image spam because "it has always been like this".
Nice shift.

>> No.35649774

Facts are facts. Doesn't change anything.

>> No.35649775

If you're this much of an oldfag, why do you come off as someone who hasn't been here a fraction of the time this board has existed.
If I didn't know any better, I'd think I were arguing with an idiot, which I probably am.

>> No.35649778

Now tell me, "image spam" about what, exactly? Could it be about one of the board's subjects? And how much damage to the lifetime of threads did that image spam cause, before a certain fanbase about a fad that exploded decided to settle here?

>> No.35649780

Well, I'm glad we're free to leave feedback and be appreciated for doing so. Too bad they clearly don't give a shit and probably don't even read any of it, as proved by this thread here.

>> No.35649805

Yeah and you said what you said already and it was completely misplaced. You should instead answer to the guy you shifted goalposts from.
Cause this is just spam otherwise if it wasn't for the other comment.

>> No.35649808

I am so glad we have a Tuber who interacts with 4chan and introduces this great board to a wider audience.

>> No.35649821

I for one am really glad we had a Tuber who interacts with 2hu and introduces this great game and series to a wider audience.
Except not...

>> No.35649828

Because you dislike the truth. You dislike looking in to the mirror. You dislike the fact that you are being equated to the very thing you hate - the shitspamming Hololive fanbase from /v/.
You can deny it all you want, it will never change that fact. This is how it will always be.
Every other sub-group of this board has despised you spamming fucks for years.
Moot had to repeatedly tell you autists to stop spamming threads over the years until he gave up entirely.

>> No.35649829

>introduces this great board to a wider audience
This doesn't really happen because her audience is ~85% 4chan.

>> No.35649832

She played a touhou game though

>> No.35649843

I'm not because I'm from a time where hiding your powerlevel was the standard, but that's just my own autism. The damage has been done and everyone knows about 4chan by now.

>> No.35649850

>hiding your powerlevel was the standard,
So never? Why do you lie?
4chan had multiple convention panels.

>> No.35649854

I think it was quite ironic. Like the post below.

>> No.35649862

You still haven't addressed the fact that the Touhou "spam" never caused any problem in the board, because its low speed allowed anyone to make any thread about whatever /jp/ subject they wanted and that thread would last for days without a bump. The only thing you're saying is that you don't like Touhou and you wish nobody talked about it in the board dedicated to it, among other subjects.

>> No.35649875

>never caused any problem in the board,
Except all the times when it did, whenever some sperg was on a roll spamming. Don't play fucking innocent.
I don't hate Touhou in the slightest. I hate retards that spam. Simple as that.

>> No.35649885

I don't see any irony here, just how unfortunate it was for her to do this right when autism rates got so high that people decided to start spamming vtuber threads on /jp/.

>> No.35649913

And I'm talking about Touhou threads in general, I've always been. Of fucking course I didn't like that one time some retard spammed Patchouli threads all over the board either. The point is that your posts don't make it look like you know the difference between people spamming threads and people making Touhou threads because they want to talk about Touhou or have Touhou image dumps in the Touhou (+ other things) board.

>> No.35650014
File: 30 KB, 253x279, loell2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, all that super deep discussion... you know I'm not even going to look up the absolute trash that gets spammed regularly. let me find some garbage that is up now. Not to mention image dumps SHOULD BE ON /c/. (same goes for that shithole /a/, but who am I kidding, mods already gave up trying to enforce this 4 times because autists refuse to use the proper fucking boards, which is why this thread is a thing)
Worthless threads :
Actually because there are so many garbage /qa/ vtuber spam threads I gave up. Seems they are out-spamming you today with garbage threads. Gotta up those numbers.

>> No.35650054

I think you missed some arguments stated above again to try and enforce your own shit again. Please just read the thread again until you understand something so you can say something worthwhile.

>> No.35650099
File: 242 KB, 485x423, you&#039;re a good girl, Sanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of which can be defeated with
>Not to mention image dumps SHOULD BE ON /c/
Back in my day that was the way. Until you kids came around and shit it up.
If only I kept going, I found the rest of the shit threads.
I'm surprised, the Sanae thread isn't a slut thread today.
Duplicate Reimu threads as per usual. (1.. semi worth, still /c/ tier, and disclaimer, I posted in it, so I am a hypocrite as well)
Multiple fairies threads. (only 1 of worth)

>> No.35650107

/c/ isn't the only board where image dumps are allowed, dude. They're fine in any board about a topic where image dump threads make sense, and it's obvious that Touhou image dumps would be allowed in the Touhou (as well as other things) board.
As said plenty of times, the reason why people don't like the current spam of vtuber threads (which aren't image dumps either, just look at them and you'll see how they are literally about nothing, not even images, they're nothing but page 10 bumps over and over) is because /vt/ was finally made to free /jp/ from vtuber threads, but then a retarded mod said that it's okay to still have vtuber threads on /jp/ and fast forward 6 months until we got to this level.

>> No.35650141

To be fair, none of those threads are even related to vtubers. It's a group of shitposters that constantly spam them, and a few /v/tards on top that constantly do it just to piss off people here.
Everyone stays in the few main threads and /vt/. Nobody cares about shit character threads.
I've checked through them several times and it seems to be the same usual shitty quality posts, almost bot-like. They also seem to have surface-level knowledge at best.
I know more than them and I barely follow half the fuckers.
I think everyone would be happy if they were permanently banned from the site. But we all know how that will go. It won't.

>> No.35650161
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>> No.35650331

>vtubers are characters though
Didn't people get pissed off when they changed Kizuna's VA?

>> No.35650773

I don't remember much about it but I think it was mostly because it went to some chink shit

>> No.35651485

>Because you dislike the truth. ...
The truth of the matter is that nobody here now cares what happened over a decade ago. You're singling out a single fandom when they've been the one of the main purposes of the board being made while simultaneously being shoved under an umbrella term. If "every other sub-group" includes a everything on the board now, then no fucking shit. It's a dispute that's damn near as old as /jp/ itself. 3D isn't welcome, it never has been. And even they have their own problems to worry about.
It is not being a revisionist to state that posting Touhou to the board has never been a problem, because it never fucking has. You'll be happy once your flavor of shit coats the catalog when it literally will not be any different.
If you're going on about spam, let me remind you that there is little reason to single them out when literally anyone can do it. You faggots do it every other week whenever someone makes an OP with someone in the thread OP that you don't like.
It doesn't end there. It's intriguing how "despite everyone hating touhoufags" they're the ones that were preferred in contrast to the tubershit being posted. /djt/ is in disarray, the board incessantly complains about it, and everyone can see the janitor deleting posts and necrobumping shit threads and deleting sometimes any number of posts in the double digits telling them to go away.
You're complaining about something that has been standard for years under the guise of attempting to push the narrative that anyone arguing against the "spam" is a touhoufag or someone trying to revise the history of the board. All you're doing is supporting your own bias.
The board is slow because the moderation team attempted to fight off a wave of "shitposters" which by the end of it all, ended up with a vast majority of the board banned and others like ZUN!bar perma'd if they didn't find some other reason to leave.
You can "hide your powerlevel" all you want. It's not hard to not act like a flaming faggot spouting references to obscure shit and that one tripfag everyone thought was cancer back in 2010 every other post and trying to seem old in saying some people don't know third party sites like 4chan-x.net exists. All you're doing is playing a useless game of cat and mouse while trying to stroke your ego.
You faggots wouldn't be in this position, or arguing at all if you didn't spam the board to death and refuse to use the one board created to house them.
No, you are not arguing in favor of anything other than to see something you want gone. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You support destroying the board over whatever arbitrary reason you have, usually stemming from the shit from 2008. No, the people who spammed /a/ aren't all still here. A majority of them moved on. Out of everyone here, those posters probably make up 10% of the population at MAX. What you're doing is disturbing the peace of posters who can't care any less what happened back on /a/ or what led you to hold a grudge over literally nothing all because some faggot hijacked your thread over a decade ago.

>> No.35651533
File: 189 KB, 500x500, 1574552572026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ironic, isn't it? Only threads about popular topics gain any traction and don't immediately die on a board that was supposed to be for niche hobby discussions. Brilliant work, moot.

>> No.35651545

And you are demonising the entire population of vtuber posters here for a group of shitposters as well. The very people I pointed out.
You and I both know it is a group effort of shitposters from the shittest board on this site (/qa/), people who have been shitting this board up for years, as well as others.
Both should be banned. We both know it won't happen because there is ERPing to be done.
I offered help once. I was banned. Shows you how much help they want. They like the shit

>> No.35651564

>And you are demonising the entire population of vtuber posters here for a group of shitposters as well.
This shit has been going on for 3 years, only now has it blown up in people's faces.

>> No.35651585

It wasn't whined and shitposted about this much until literally last year when the /v/tards found it in spring.

>> No.35651689

and who was it that pinned a thread to blow it all out of proportion?
The two can exist separately as seen from 2chan. All you had to do was separate the two.

>> No.35652083

Consider this: a pack of wild vteens.

Worshipping, spamming vteens nearing your /jp/ mansion. Trampling your /jp/ garden. Breaking your bonsai.

And you can't do shit since they're janny-approved. The vteen leader reports your on-topic thread and has it removed.

The vteens finally dominate your board. They post inane generals and you are forced to be their slave.

Such is the downfall of /jp/.

>> No.35652105

The thing is that even though there definitely are a number of vtuber fans who are genuinely good people still on /jp/, because I'm not retarded enough to say that anyone who likes something I want out of here is a bad person, it still makes no sense for there to be vtuber generals left in this board (much less something between 5 and 10 of them) now that /vt/ is a thing. Simply because there's a board for them now and every constantly remade general should go in that board.
Early on I even agreed that threads about single vtubers, vtuber news or simple image dumps would be fine to still have in here (this Beatani thread for example), but then mods refused to do anything about the generals that never left, and now there's a group of shitposters abusing the fact that they can use vtubers to spam the board with pointless threads, so really, all of it should go. There's already a rule that says western VNs should go to /vg/, so well, add another rule that says all vtuber discussion should go to /vt/. Treat the split as an actual split and start enforcing it. That solves every problem with /jp/, and from then on you just start moderating /vt/ appropriately and you solve all of their problems too. Done.

>> No.35652161

if only it were that easy, if only.
But given I was banned even offering to help mod the mess they made, we know how they feel.

>> No.35652203

A 2hu trampled on your garden once so why can't vtubers do it as well, you hypocrite?

>> No.35652619

>This is the touhou board
never was

>> No.35652635

>1 thread about a song that is literally /jp/ themesong
good one

>> No.35652654

stop tunnel visioning.

>> No.35652673
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>> No.35652734

No, fuck you and kill yourself

>> No.35652835

>1 thread
And that's not counting the generals that never go away or any other thread I might have missed.
And yes, I know it most likely wasn't (You) who made this thread. But remember how "you" is the plural form as well and it can refer to a group of people.

>> No.35652856

yes? None of those threads is about /jp/'s theme

>> No.35652882
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no rebuttal.

>> No.35652887

And yet they're all about vtubers, just like this one.

>> No.35652896

>1 thread about a song that is /jp/'s theme
as I said
doesn't matter if you link 30 other random threads that have nothing to do with it

>> No.35652912

The person you replied to said nothing about vtubers, just about the song
(You) brought vtubers into this

>> No.35652918

Don't bother arguing with these tards.

>> No.35652928

Sung by a vtuber, the same topic that's been getting spammed by people like you over the past few weeks. Stop being autistic and pretending to not understand the point of a post from 7 hours ago even after it gets explained to you.
Great idea.

>> No.35652941

It's irrelevant. What matters for this thread is the song, not if it's a vtuber or not. Other threads weren't as relevant to /jp/
This one is
You're moving the goalpost

>> No.35652948

Actually, try reading the first four words of OP's post. Then read the rest of the sentence, where OP suggests watching her video because he likes her.
Yeah, this thread is totally about the song and not about a vtuber who sang it. I'm being ironic by the way.

>> No.35652952

Doesn't matter if the singer is a vtuber, a politican, a trashcan or my dead grandmother, the main focus of this thread is /jp/'s theme. Bringing vtubers into this is retarded, it wasn't the point of the thread.

>> No.35652964

>Bringing vtubers into this is retarded, it wasn't the point of the thread.
See >>35652948 as well.
Please don't go full retard to this level.

>> No.35652973

It's about /jp/'s theme, which is why it's relevant to /jp/ board and should be posted here. That is a fact.

>> No.35652997
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>> No.35653004

Don't bother using logic with them, they've a brain rotten by years of posting the same pics over and over and convincing themselves it's a touhou board somehow

>> No.35653006

Which was sung by a vtuber, meaning it's /vt/ material. You could begin to have an argument if OP didn't ask people to watch it because he loves said vtuber, but he's basically begging for views, meaning this thread is more about her than the theme itself.
Good to see you going for pedantic arguing by the way, it really shows what's the real nature of this thread.

>> No.35653012

And you stop samefagging and don't ignore >>35652673.

>> No.35653013

Sometimes I feel pity for them, at some point it's impossible to your common sense doing the same thing in loop for years, seeing them try to argue in this thread is just sad

>> No.35653019

This thread is about sme eceleb who sang the song on their last thread.
By your logic, if I pulled a bunch of videos of people referencing /jp/ directly or speaking about chan culture, then that would be allowed here as well.
Now note that is not the case and nobody likes this thread.
It has functioned as such since its inception. Now lurk two years before posting because you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about.

>> No.35653024

I don't remember it being this bad here tho, I guess it really went downhill since early 2021.

>> No.35653031

Yeah, 2020 oldfag here. Wish these 2hu spammers would get out, vtubers are objectively otaku culture.

>> No.35653033

It's incredible that they can't even get such a simple fact, I've rarely seen this level of retardation, and I've been to /ic/

>> No.35653041

This but unironically

>> No.35653075

/jp/... had a hard life.

>> No.35653094

It's true of every echo chamber unfortunately. Once you stay in your small tiny group of people agreeing with each other you start losing grip of reality and it ends like this.

>> No.35653096

>Wondering why the /yah/ spam has stopped
>/vt/ in a shit storm over vsinger stuff
>Thread is still shit but a god send compared to the other board
2hu fags are weak.

>> No.35653103

Kind of like what you're doing right now?

>> No.35653115

thats it fire up the bots

>> No.35653119
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I think there's a moot version of this.

>> No.35653220
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>> No.35653571

Based, fuck 2huggers

>> No.35654070
File: 27 KB, 600x450, 1589482352656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that 4chan was a whole is simply too big for a 2D/Random-esque board to work. If the mods had any interest in otaku culture beyond anime and whatever's currently trendy, they would have made some more, for a lack of a better word, "focused" otaku boards by now.

If you want to take it easy, finding a different imageboard is most likely the only option left.

>> No.35654628

>years of posting the same pics over and over
Funnily enough it only took vteens a couple of months to out-repost the entire 13-year old archive

>> No.35654749

Nobody is sageing...

>> No.35655464

A vteen doesn't know what that is because he's so new.

>> No.35655485

its even in the lyrics of the karaoke clip the OP linked so i feel like they should know even if they dont know anything about /jp/

>> No.35655797

Why would one sage a thread relevant to the board, if people saged it I might have missed it.

>> No.35655805

Bump ;^)

>> No.35655815
File: 117 KB, 540x540, 1653926473852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking adorable.

Her karaoke is cute but I'm not gonna get invested.
You crazy kids and your vtubers.

>> No.35655883

Not sure either, they're probably newfags who think anything _they_ don't like should be saged
Anyway cute singing.

>> No.35655907

And that's exactly why you don't know anything about /jp/.

>> No.35655911

Sage isn't a downvote, my dear totally-not-newfag.

>> No.35655915

But I've been here ever since Umineko was a thing. Fuck Italianon.

>> No.35655918

Exactly, but a bunch of 2hu seem to treat it like one, guess that should be expected from tourists acting like they've always been there.

>> No.35655920

And yet you don't know anything about why sage is used, meaning you have no familiarity with the board at all. Sorry, but you can't argue yourself out of this.

>> No.35655922

Don't reply to obvious bait, they cleary want to sage it because they're trigerred by some simple and nice singing.

>> No.35655930

Nice samefagging spaced exactly 1 minute apart.
You also somehow forgot how you were reminded that sage is not a downvote 4 minutes ago.

>> No.35655946

They do that every time they don't like a thread anyway
>sage guys, sage
>no it's totally not because I'm foaming at the mouth at the mere sight of a vtuber
It's like clockwork, they wish they could "downvote" the thread but can't, so they use the closest thing they can.

>> No.35655988

And then you greentext to make a projection while still ignoring the fact that you've been called out on how you don't know shit about why /jp/ uses sage so much. I guess I have to thank you for making it even more clear that you don't belong in here in these last few posts.

>> No.35655995

They're using sage as a downvote + announcing they do so, both of which are against the rules. Wish the jannies weren't so dead and got ride of those 2hu newfags.

>> No.35656015
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It figures that he would just keep repeating that act over and over again after being caught and realizing that he has no way out.

>> No.35656018

It's not the first time I see this. Basically they ask people to use sage as a downvote, then try to twiste it around when people call them out on it. Tho it's probably just one guy samefagging at this point.

>> No.35656159

I'll never watch groomer trash vtubers, sorry

>> No.35656248

bea a cute and everyone in this derailed thread who bothered responding that retarded brick wall's bleating are dummies

>> No.35656337

I'm derailed in the head so it's fine.

>> No.35656365

If you want more "bea a cute" replies next time then consider either using /vt/, or going back in time and stopping that one mod before he made /jp/ hate vtubers even more than the board already did before

>> No.35656492
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But could (You) consider just not replying? Chuubas are not against the rules here, so even by saging you instigate the discussion that keeps the thread on the 1st page.
If you hate them so much, just hide the threads, that's what i do with 2hos.
In your retardation here you only scare away legitimate chuubaposters, until only shitposters are left. This is the future you chose.

>> No.35656517

Yeah, I'm thinking that one guy couldn't stand being called out on his fallacy and decided to sit in the thread repeating his shit over and over. In the end he's still bumping the thread he hates and maybe will get a few more people to hear that nice singing, so it's all good really.

>> No.35656548
File: 47 KB, 175x251, 1203483520533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been there since a few days after the board creation, and while OP is a faggot, there is nothing wrong with this thread being here
The fact Touhou fags swarmed this board as doesn't mean they own it (and I say that as I post 2hu as well). It's literally just one thread, and can't be compared to some other random vtuber thread since this one is about the jp song, it's not like 20 vtubers are gonna start singing it tomorrow.
It's about /jp/ theme song and thus is relevant here, no matter how hard some people seeth. Good to see the jannies don't kneel to the probable dozens of reports and keep it around, since it's well within the rules and theme of this board.

>> No.35656558

Based, those 2hu autists never learned their place.

>> No.35657016

>using /vt/
not OP
when I have the power to travel in time I'll gladly put the retarded mods heads' on stakes, take a pic and post on /jp/

>> No.35657332

No. If you come to my house and shit all over the floor I'll get mad at you and try to get you to leave, because I'm the only one who can shit on my floor.

>> No.35657352

>I've been there since a few days after the board creation

>> No.35657408

Expect it's not "your" house, it's everyone's house as long as they respect the board's rules, which is the case here, so the comparaison doesn't work at all.

>> No.35657633
File: 455 KB, 1585x791, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones who set a board's actual rules are its users, not the moderation, especially in cases like this where they insist in forcing their way. People who genuinely care about /jp/ have said time after time that they don't want vtubers here, while the average person who wants them here is like >>35655797 who doesn't know about the whole culture behind sage, >>35656548 who claims to be old but uses newfag terms such as "kneel", or like a certain mod who likes to delete any comment that isn't sucking up to vtubers in spite of the amount of threads that have been spammed over the past few weeks.
You have an entire board where you can talk about vtubers with people just like you, and that board is /vt/. Not /jp/. You should feel glad for the fact that you got a board all for yourself, many people have been asking for similar boards and yet the moderation refuses to listen to them - but instead, it seems that you will never be satisfied until you have 2 entire boards all full of the exact same thing.
Now please shut the fuck up and die. Or go spam a few more vtuber threads since the moderation loves protecting shitposters these days, nobody can stop you after all.
Good night.

>> No.35657660

>he's still seething and samefagging

>> No.35657778

Sadly a lot of 2hu fags seem to have deluded themselves into thinking they have "conquered" the board and somehow now decide what goes on and what doesn't like this guy >>35657633

Of course they're the only ones thinking that and jannies thanksfully know how it really works, but still, it's just a pitiful sight.

>> No.35657794

Sleep tight anon. Don't think about this thread.

>> No.35658065

Exactly, you can't enforce your "rules", so all you do, while trying to do so, is shitting up the board further and providing (You)s to shitposters. (You) are the reason why the shitposters continue to shitpost here, you're giving them so much attention
>uses newfag terms such as "kneel"
What a retarded take, if you and your lexicon hasn't changed for the last 20 years, i'm sorry for you

>> No.35658612

I remember the last time children tried to pull the "we control the board" argument. They were told to fuck off. /b/day. 7chan was formed as a result. They are still crying over it today.
It's rather funny that you post that image yet you probably never even read it yourself, if you were even here when it was made.
In the future, take it easy, friend.
The one thing we can both agree with is we don't want spam here. However, both of our definitions of spam vary wildly. You won't like what I consider spam. Well, half of it. (it includes what you like to spam too, as well as what you are posting about, the vtuber spam threads)

>> No.35658661

Vteens can you please explain why you can't use the board made for you? It seems very simple, vtubers go on the vtuber board.

Though personally I would like to stress that donating your money to a 3dpd who doesn't know your name is very strange.

>> No.35658692

When you learn to read through those tears, I will care about your post.

>> No.35658696

Use your eyes anon. It's useful to read.

>> No.35658747

I just wanna post about my niche shit without the thread getting bumped off the board...

>> No.35658792

Spammers aren't the fanbase. Spammers on this board aren't a new thing. You think you'd know this by now.
This fucker has been a plague on this site for years.

>> No.35658861

Sorry, I just think it's very strange to donate and be crazy over a twitch whore. I imagine you probably felt the same too until they put on a avatar, then you decided to write essays about how it's OK to do it I mean, look at >>35649664.

A lot of people compare your kind to bronies, but I feel that's unfair. Not even bronies bent over backwards for real whores.

>> No.35658890
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Pic related was peak /jp/ honestly
I miss this time

>> No.35658917

I don't get it myself. I've never donated to a single one of them and never will. I see them as any other - casual entertainment. I find people buying obscenely expensive figures and merch just as weird, though. (even though they are inherently better since they are tangible goods at least
The ones that freak out over their real appearances are even funnier. Absolute idiots.

>> No.35658949

I've donated money to artists before, like street performers etc. I see it the same, the only I've watched were pretty talented, in singing or drawing or general creativity.

>> No.35658963

You have no idea how lucky we are that the train otakus are some of the best at taking it easy; those guys literally defined the word "otaku."

>> No.35658985

I donate to male as well, I see it as cultural patronage. Tho I understand some people are poor and can't afford supporting artists they like, it's fine too.

>> No.35659175

I made this post, and none of the later posts. Since there seems to be some confusion about the topic, let me clarify: sage should be used when your own post does not warrant bumping the thread. Generally, this means you should sage when your own reply is not on topic (that is, the thread's topic). For example, my post is a sage, not as a downvote, but because I am not discussing anything related to the opening post. (Bit of trivia for you newcomers: back when there was visible sage, for a while much of /jp/ would instead use nokosage, because due to some bug or what have you it would act as an invisible sage).

>> No.35659947

Calling vtubers artists is the most insulting thing to the arts anyone on this site has ever done.

>> No.35660063

Because apparently it is impossible for an artist to become a vtuber? Oh wait, that has happened several times, countless times in fact.
Many famous mangaka and anime artists at that.

>> No.35660123
File: 1.68 MB, 1000x750, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are even many established artists and indie artists than then turned vtuber, drawing their own model. And I'm not gonna stop supporting an artist because they decided to use an animated avatar either.
Accept that you chose to arbitrarily hate a whole concept just because a few fans annoyed you while you wanted to spam touhou until the end of time.

>> No.35660158

Don't forget all those musicians that decided to vtube for fun, or make content for them.
This guy must have had a fucking aneurysm when Redalice started making songs for vtubers.
Wonder if he deleted all his Touhou songs.
No? Get to it friend, get that folder deleted.

>> No.35660170

Right, it's just like if I started despising Touhou just because got some fans as retarded as some here, while I've always respected Zun works and enjoyed remixing some of his songs too.

>> No.35660197

I'm pretty certain people on /jp/ who hate Vtubers do so because they more specifically hate Hololive for increasing the catalog speed to retarded levels.

>> No.35660403

What's the tldr on this thread?

>> No.35660461

Vtuber singing /jp/ theme triggered some local autists

>> No.35660820

It became a meta thread on the nature of vtubers on this board

>> No.35660895

>people on /jp/ who hate Vtubers do so because they more specifically hate Hololive for increasing the catalog speed to retarded levels.

>> No.35660988

I'm just going to keep shitting on your floor

>> No.35661138

*farts* *takes a dump in the thread* heck ya I'm based

>> No.35661293

Imagine the smell

>> No.35661320
File: 6 KB, 194x260, 1592293700796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just according to keikaku.

>> No.35661349

I hate that faggot like you wouldn't believe

>> No.35661604

Given the level of the arguments on the vtuber side, I can only assume it's a /qa/ raid after all.

>> No.35661718

You are wrong. The OP was 100% from /vt/. He was whining in /yah/ how "evil /jp/sies no like my based bear thread".

>> No.35661761

>Noooooooo you can't just post japanese creators on /jp/

>> No.35661771

the thing is that there shouldn’t be any vtuber discussion on this board and any vtuber generals here are from stuck up whiny faggots who can’t accept change.
ironically this is the only vtuber relevant thread related to jp/ because it is jps theme.

>> No.35661779

Even if that was the case, the rest of the thread is filled with /qa/ncer arguing in circles and then ignoring any posts they can't argue with. You can even see them pseudo-wojakpost here: >>35661761

>> No.35661817

It is, partially. Just like all the spammed vtuber threads. This has always been true.
It takes seconds to bump one of his many shit threads on a new IP with bot-tier posts.
The fact they thought this new captcha, a shit-tier thing from the early 2000s, things that have been utterly annihilated by smart OCR, would defeat them, is hilarious.

>> No.35661832

If only we were in a timeline where instead of forcing vtuber content to stay here, this mod enforced the split and only allowed the occasional vtuber thread (like the Pokemon on /v/ example he loves so much). Sadly, that bridge was burned long ago.

>> No.35662226
File: 149 KB, 500x500, 57be2ff99274d9a6122e85eb787f091a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or even better, a timeline where the mods made /vt/ long before the EN shitshow, kept western vtubers on /trash/, and enforced the split while still allowing the occasional thread about some niche indie tuber or whatever. But the damage has already been done, and the mods are continuing on widening the gap between /jp/ and virtual youtuber posters.

>> No.35662320


>> No.35662384

all of those garbage vtuber threads get bumped around the same time. if this is not a proof of a raid then I don't know what is.

>> No.35662634

If only meido deleted them. NONE of us wanted this. The main vtuber threads were fine. The only people using those shit character threads are shitposters and raiders from /qa/.
That shit is held over from that little shitfest in December when moderation went off the rails before /vt/ was made and they never cared to deal with it afterwards.

>> No.35662682

>all of those garbage vtuber threads get bumped around the same time. if this is not a proof of a raid then I don't know what is.
Pretty sure someone wants a certain thread to fall off the board. I've seen it happen with the KanColle thread on the receiving end a number of times.

>> No.35662690

Still not sageing...

>> No.35663070

because the thread is still up,
this is a clip of just the jp theme

>> No.35663219

theyve made it apparent that they dont understand why to at all, and also dont understand why you are bringing it up. they seem to think you are saying to sage because you dont like the thread and while im not sure if thats your reason or not i think its stupid that they are twisting it to seem that way. sucks the thread is so aggressive in general, i was hoping itd be nice and comfy since the thread is based around the /jp/ themesong

>> No.35663458

bitch can't sing for shit

>> No.35663538

I'd say it depends on the song.

>> No.35663551

Strange... the thread doesn't smell any worse.

>> No.35663582

still awful

>> No.35663644

amazing how foids have figured out how to attract worshippers without even needing to be attractive or have literally any talent beyond being female I can almost respect their tenacity it was only a matter of time

>> No.35663664

Now this is off-topic.

>> No.35663680

The song is in Japanese

>> No.35663722

It is? Title says Beatani. Video is Beatani. Seems pretty clear to me.

>> No.35663752

how dare you disgrace there pure touhou board even though it has atleast ten other unrelated vtuber threads ?

>> No.35663756

How come? Weren't you going nuclear about it being strictly the only perfectly reasonable thread on /jp/ because she sang that theme?
You're backpedaling so hard. Just leave.

>> No.35663780

I was the one saying that, he's not me. We hold different opinions.

>> No.35663788

No, I'm just calling our your hypocrisy because you spend all day ;posting off-topic shit under the guise of on-topic posts because you attach an on-topic picture.

>> No.35663797

Yet you both destroy the board. Seems to me you're all cancer.

>> No.35663805

Are you gonna say all cancers look the same now? That's pretty racist

>> No.35663815

Okay /qa/ spammer. Try harder not to stand out so blatantly next time.

>> No.35663830

tried to take a shit but feeling a bit backed up might come back later

>> No.35663835

Take it easy bro. Don't force it. Do a little light jumping and massage, it'll help loosen it up a bit.

>> No.35663842

Is pretending someone is you really the way to insult someone?

>> No.35663854

itll pass just a bit worse now since ive been dealing with a hemorrhoid lately

>> No.35664171

Who actually goes to /qa/

>> No.35664178

>noooo you cant go just go on /qa/

>> No.35664464

>ten other unrelated vtuber threads
Pretty sure it's around 40 by now.

>> No.35665018

Everyone is a falseflagger

>> No.35665125

based on what?

>> No.35665483

sage goes in all fields

>> No.35665534

People that still whine about saging need to stop being retards that use the page view. Catalog has been around for how many years now?
You can literally change how the board is ordered.

>> No.35665637

Sage still helps with making worthless threads die faster because others get bumped and take its place more quickly. Not that complaining about how people aren't doing it has any point either, since this whole vtuber spam is clearly either a crossboard raid or a group of people dead set on bothering /jp/, so why would any of those care about respecting the board's traditions?

>> No.35665816

>Sage still helps with making worthless threads die faster
Well so much for "sage isn't a downvote" thing from earlier, at least someone admits openly that's how they actually use it.

>> No.35665838

Sage still helps with making worthless threads die faster, because it doesn't bump them. It still isn't a downvote because all it fucking does is not bump a thread. How the fuck did you even jump to that conclusion? You dishonest retard.

>> No.35665854

By the way, you just let two vtuber threads die by forgetting to bump them.

>> No.35665877

Does anyone outside of the shitposting club who made them unironically give a shit about the ``/jp/ themesong''s?

>> No.35666014

Because you're using it as a downvote you dumb retard lmao

>> No.35666043

sage in a field of wheat with a nice breeze blowing?

>> No.35666113

I don't know what other kind of reply I was expecting.
In any case it's funny seeing your kind of newfag still being autistic about sage.

>> No.35666284
File: 144 KB, 490x380, stheno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autist complains about people not saging threads he doesn't like
>calls other people autistic

>> No.35666332

based, that guy is cringe

>> No.35666440

>That shit is held over from that little shitfest in December when moderation went off the rails before /vt/ was made and they never cared to deal with it afterwards.
That only happened because there wasn't a consensus on making /vt/ so some cunt in charge decided to shit all over /jp/ just so he could prove a point to other mods/admins.
As to why is it happening again now, who the fuck knows anymore?
Is it assblasted 2hus trying to apply the same tactic and kick the rest of the vtuber threads out?
Is it faggots from /qa/ trying to stir shit up so they can boast about it in their "le 4chin habbening thread"?
Is it some /vt/ kiddies trying to 'own da weebz' because they're bored?
Is it some lunatic playing both sides just to see /jp/ burn?
Is it perhaps a combination of all of the above?

Either way, I really don't see a point in fighting each other when all of the current /jp/ problems stem from the moderation team being complete jackasses.

>> No.35666472

whore, you quoting?

>> No.35666478

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

>> No.35667031

/vt/ does apparently since they asked this vtuber to sing it.

>> No.35667548

Gonna go with lunatic watching /jp/ burn, there's a few single threads for specific idols right now. Mods are probably having gay sex in Hiros basement.

>> No.35667812

A lot of them came from here originally so not that weird

>> No.35667915
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 1584927049294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoo boy, so the swine cultists are going to take advantage of this as well now.

>> No.35668065

When I said seeing idolfags post outside of their thread, I meant seeing them post in other threads on rare occasion. Not making entire threads about whoever was playing the fotm game in the headlines.

>> No.35668332

tell me about these swine cultists

>> No.35668384

Is this a containment thread? I came in wondering why there was a cute and funny post on /jp/ but it looks like a wasteland.

>> No.35668415

no it’s just two faggots arguing for the purity of the board, carry on.

>> No.35668469

>two faggots
uhh haha

>> No.35668523

Watch this to instantly fall in love: https://youtu.be/Tan_o2gFvAE

>> No.35668571

so over 3?

>> No.35668671

Well, if I ever think /yah/ threads get really bad I can always just look back at whatever the fuck thread this was

>> No.35668689
File: 86 KB, 971x518, jaypee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.35668694

I'm pretty sure that 40 counts as more than a few.

>> No.35668708
File: 440 KB, 716x499, 1549319430040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it looks like someone's gonna get their ass doxx'd by the hacker known as 4chan.

>> No.35668722

I don't know how bad your generals are, but this thread was an enlightening experience that showed the true nature of the people who are spamming vtubers all over /jp/. It's a shame that the feedback form is useless, or else showing it to a decent mod surely would have helped with finally getting some order in here.

>> No.35668739
File: 76 KB, 600x400, 1383630094970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35668749

<span class="sjis">         ∧|∧
>>35666332 ( ´Д`) >cringe
>>35661761 ( ´Д`) >Noooooooo
>>35661293 ( ´Д`) >Imagine the smell
>>35661138 ( ´Д`) >based
>>35660461 ( ´Д`) >triggered
>>35656558 ( ´Д`) >Based
>>35656548 ( ´Д`) >kneel
>>35656248 ( ´Д`) >a cute
>>35653571 ( ´Д`) >Based
>>35653041 ( ´Д`) >This but unironically
          |     +
          |        lヽ +
          | ∧_∧ l 」+
.  ____     ∩ ( ´∀`)∥ Revere /jp, expel the niwaka
 (     )    \_       つ
 | | |      | | |~
 (__)_)      (__)_)[/spoiler]

>> No.35668761

All me.

>> No.35668763

It's like a crossboarder kebab.

>> No.35668791

They're literally just shitpost spammers, same as has been going on for over a decade now. They found a new vector in vtubers and now they're going to run this shit into the ground.
I don't know if they're the same steam group or not and it doesn't really matter, they're clearly playing both sides and think they're doing it ``for the lulz''. I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind most of the touhou and vtuber character threads created lately because they can't let go of something that happened in 2007.
"They" might even be generous because a real proper raid would've bumped off entire pages. It might just be one guy with a phone creating two threads every other hour or however the fuck the cooldown timer works now.

>> No.35668816

The worst thing is how someone from the moderation clearly has a hand in this or else they wouldn't be supporting it so hard.

>> No.35668840

You are retarded (or just new, your inconsistent ヽヽfaggot quotes〃 aren't fooling anyone) if you think the old spammers and the current vtube spammers are the same people.

>> No.35668841

They just deleted the idol threads, so that's more evidence showing that the mods are okay with spam if people spam things they personally like.

>> No.35668919

You have no power over me

>> No.35668920

Read what I wrote again and more carefully.

>> No.35668957

>Everyone's free to like whatever they want, but talking about vtubers should go on the vtuber board (/vt/), not on /jp/, because this is the catchall board for Japanese shit that doesn't have its own board.
Right, so 2hu should go on /v/ or /vg/ or any other putrid /v/ spinoff then, since it's a videogame and all. Got it.
You have to stop acting like this is 2011 jay. Moot has been gone for well over half a decade. Things have changed. This board is a shadow of what it used to be. It's been a dumping ground for anything tangentially Japan related for years, like /trash/ but for otaku interests. This is clearly the direction the owners of the site have set.

>> No.35668966

The old jay ran to the spinoffs, most of which are by now shit, but at least better than here.

>> No.35668976 [DELETED] 

Why are you still trying to things you don't understand, while still being completely wrong about them, in a thread that can't be bumped anymore.

>> No.35668984

When you blather some shit, somebody calls you out, have you ever thought to clarify yourself instead of just pointing to the dung pile you left? I suppose you're going to point to
>I don't know if they're the same steam group or not and it doesn't really matter
despite clearly referring to both groups as the same group for your entire post.

>> No.35668985

Why are you still trying to argue about things you don't understand, while still being completely wrong about them, in a thread that can't be bumped anymore.
Felt like fixing a post for once.

>> No.35668988

All me

>> No.35668995

We heard you the first time.

>> No.35668996

What do I not understand?

>> No.35668997

I don't think they can even tell the difference. As someone who hates Touhou and vtubers and doesn't follow either I can't tell the difference from the catalog between the 20 "I want to suck on Youmu's elbows" and the vtuber threads that follow the same format.
That's what you get when your moderation doesn't use or understand the board.

>> No.35669058

I think some of them, if there are actually more than one, might actually be from pre-split. I mean Sion is still here and posts occasionally.
I don't really believe that they're the same people who systematically raided /jp/ for four or five years. I don't even know if the "steam group" even really existed, and like I said I don't actually care. But this thread proves that there are people butthurt about what happened 15 years ago and dedicated to furthering their grudge in an independent manner. If you think that nobody could possibly be that autistic, even on /jp/, I have nothing to say to you but I will say for myself that I have seen it happen elsewhere.

>> No.35669119 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 700x533, 1626160993493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35669379 [DELETED] 

you have a couple more threads to go post this in on jp

>> No.35670057

I don't care about other vtuber threads, I just like this one because it's jp's theme.

>> No.35670090

I've been using based ever since I came here 10 years ago tho, pretty dumb to mix that in the bunch

>> No.35670151

Yeah, pretending like based was somehow never used on /jp/ is strange to say the least.

>> No.35670524

Wasn't it only invented in like 2013? I don't remember ever seeing it here then but then my memories of that time are hazy due to OH HAI YOU and "madoka a poop" and "wud u suk it"

>> No.35670759

It's from the same revisionists that like to pretend this place was used for serious discussion and not a shitposting hellhole of meme and whining about /a/ and telling weeaboos to fuck off.
The same types that say quote abuse never happened on the jay. Yeah bro, sure. Totally. Never happened at all.
People like >>35657633. I like to call it the anti-/jp/. The /jp/ that never was.

>> No.35671369

The entire board showing distaste does not limit the number of people who hate it to just two.

>> No.35671636

And like always, I'm sure you have proof of that, don't you /qa/-kun?

>> No.35672001

Take a moment to look at the deleted replies and threads since January, and more recently in some of the threads and some of the bans since then.

You're the only one spamming those shit threads, and the board obviously doesn't like it. No amount of denial will change that, deleting their posts only proves their point.

>> No.35672157

The spammers shit threads are being deleted, yes. We know this. That's hardly surprising, we just discussed this. Try to keep up, maybe then you won't be accused of being him for bringing it back up.

>> No.35672353

Let's talk about how cute Beatani is

>> No.35672379

If only. The only time I've seen deleted in the middle of this spam was >>35629965, which funnily got deleted right after its OP was exposed.

>> No.35672437

Oh nice, >>35597394 just got deleted too.

>> No.35672482

Thank the cutely dressed maid lords.

>> No.35672515

It's pretty suspicious that one of their threads got deleted right after the fact that hardly any of their threads ever get deleted, only a few minutes after it got bumped from page 10 as well.
Almost as if the moderation really was involved with this raid.

>> No.35672564

Here's another example of how artificial this raid is: >>35668937
It's the first time I've been thankful for the cunny filter.

>> No.35672672

real schizo hours

>> No.35673232


>> No.35673367

The first post you quoted has nothing to do with schizophrenia because I doubt any mod or janitor wouldn't know about the cunny on the OP thing.

>> No.35673390

You'd be surprised. Some janitors in the past were well known for their stupidity and were dropped for it. (particularly the ones announcing their role, with proof)

>> No.35673473

