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3558626 No.3558626 [Reply] [Original]

If they finally make a touhou anime, what games do you hope that it covers?

Do you hope it just throws out all the storyline from the games and makes a completely new story?

Would the story cater to the fans?

>> No.3558633

It would probably be a lot like the Maikaze anime, sort of slice-of-life with some fighting thrown in. But it's never going to happen, so the whole thing's moot.

>> No.3558639

There is no Touhou anime.
There should never be a Touhou anime.

>> No.3558641

I hope it'd be like Miyuki in Wonderland, where a young girl magically finds hwerself in Gensokyo, but has to do all she can to avoid getting raped by the lustful lesbian touhous.

>> No.3558651

If it were official, it would have a new story. ZUN has said he doesn't want to repeat plots in different formats. I have a feeling ZUN wouldn't get involved with an anime though.

>> No.3558663

The parts between games should be slice of life comedy, following lives of different people on Gensokyo. Alternatively, faeries.
The plots of game parts would be taken from doujin groups' retellings of the story. It'd start with FLIPFLOPs' PCB, next with MARCH's IN, and so on. Maybe Happy Flame Time's MoF? SDM part would be last, Tohonifun's Koumakyou.

>> No.3558670

Ultimate troll: Touhou anime is about Renko and Maribel.

>> No.3558672

I hope it covers Shoot the Bullet.

>> No.3558709

The only way I would accept a touhou anime is if

1.ZUN directs it himself.

2.He works in collaboration with the artists.

3.ZUN writes the story himself

4.Alstroemeria Records does the opening theme.

5.Ending theme is a drunk ZUN singing whatever lyrics pop into his head.

If it doesn't have these things then I don't want it.

>> No.3558717

>5.Ending theme is a drunk ZUN singing whatever lyrics pop into his head.


>> No.3558751

If it was about them riding trains in Japan, yeah. But shit I would love an anime about Renko and Maribel falling into Gensokyo and getting caught up in everything. It would also add an excuse for characters to verbally explain basic facts about the world.

>> No.3558765 [DELETED] 

gtfo stop spammin ur shitty board on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's all ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v&'s

>> No.3558777


With no anime we already have a horde of secondaryfags, with an anime...oh god, I don't want to even think about it.

Also, with a touhou anime I can only presume Moot will merge /a/ and /jp back again, if only to troll us.

>> No.3558790

The idea of a Touhou anime is retarded.

>> No.3558791

There is nothing that ZUN cannot retcon.

>> No.3558830
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I think it would be cool if there was a series of OVA episodes where each episode was done by a different studio.

Each studio could pick what characters to use and what their story would be about.

It would be kinda like that animated Dark Knight or Animatrix except with touhou and the studios would be like Deen, Beetrain, Production IG, etc.

>> No.3558873

None, I should hope.

>> No.3558953

>oh noez seCondAry FAnz What WIll i Do, CommIt SeppEku

lol what a fag

>> No.3558972

Back to /b/, please.

>> No.3559010

Yeah that would be cool. And then you wouldn't have anything pigeonholed as the "correct" look or voice actor or whatever.

>> No.3560546

Clearly, someone should make an anime that tells the story of ZUN

>> No.3560603

Boku no Beer

>> No.3560622


>> No.3560847

>Also, with a touhou anime I can only presume Moot will merge /a/ and /jp/ back again, if only to troll us.

Heh, no, I don't think so.

>> No.3560858

Have fun with your favorite minor characters getting ignored.

>> No.3560868

I don't really see that happening, since almost all characters are attached to a household or group and nobody cares about the others anyway.

>> No.3560891

>5.Ending theme is a drunk ZUN singing whatever lyrics pop into his head.


>> No.3560922

I would want it to be it's own anime with its' own plot.

Like young Reimu training and exterminating weak youkai or Marisa going around stealing from various people like some loli lupin.

Maybe magical girl style. Reimu in the human world becomes old enough to start working as a shrine maiden, so her relatives tell her about it and take her to gensyoko. The turtle is the anime sidekick, Sanae the rival type, Marisa the mysterious no-sided one, Mima is the generic badguy leader.

>> No.3560924

>nobody cares about the others

You're new to the fandom, I see.

>> No.3560928

>Maybe magical girl style. Reimu in the human world becomes old enough to start working as a shrine maiden, so her relatives tell her about it and take her to gensyoko. The turtle is the anime sidekick, Sanae the rival type, Marisa the mysterious no-sided one, Mima is the generic badguy leader.
Fuck, no.

>> No.3560941

ZUN's not going to make a reset again. Enjoy your adult bitch Reimu in a (three fairies/Rinnosuke/some new main character) anime.

>> No.3560967

Murder mystery by DEEN.

>> No.3560999

Reimu is a hitman. Yukarin is yakuza head. Badassery happens.

>> No.3561014
File: 397 KB, 715x1000, 5041765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one who would watch the shit out of this.

>> No.3561019

Of course you aren't.

>> No.3561032

I want a show about Captain Murasa and her merry crew sailing the seven skies in their magic flying boat. Although, Gensokyo is pretty small so they'd have to fly around outside to find anything, and the outside world is full of SAM sites and interceptor jets so maybe it wouldn't work out.


>> No.3561033


I love those Fairies.

>> No.3561036

If there's an anime, it will likely follow the exploits of a single group of characters (with cameos by everyone else in particular episodes) rather than be a general "about Gensokyo" anime.

Which means it'll be about the Three Fairies or Eientei.

And it will be awesome.

>> No.3561047

Makai is huge dude, they do trips there.

>> No.3561060



>> No.3561057

An anime will never be made, because ZUN knows with the sheer broadness and faggotry of his fans, no matter WHAT anime he makes, YOU FAGS WILL COMPLAIN ABOUT IT NONSTOP.

>> No.3561065


We already complain about things nonstop anyways, nothing would change.

>> No.3561081

That never stopped him from making games or writing stories and manga. Your theory is flawed.

>> No.3561089


This would be by far the best option for an anime.

Already exists as a manga, so the adaptation would be less painful than game -> anime.

Has a concept that basically generates limitless plots, rather than relying on a single storyline (e.g. SSIB).

It'd be much harder to screw up than most other options.

>> No.3561096

Episodic touhou anime is the way to go. Fuck waiting a year to resolve cliffhangers.

>> No.3561103


One manga chapter of SaBND -> One anime episode.

Fund it.

>> No.3561122

Variety skit show with multiple segments dedicated to various characters.

>> No.3561145

I would like an anime done in the style of Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth, but with all the characters. Could be done in a two 15-minute-clip-per-episode. A comedic, slice-of-life. It could gone on forever. Well, for a long time, at least.

>> No.3561176

It should be a mecha show.

>> No.3561180

I'll probably be killed for this, but if there were multiple touhou animes I'd like one to be a shounen show.

>> No.3561182

Maybe that would finally kill the fandom and /jp/ would stop being so shitty.

>> No.3561187

All Touhou is shounen, silly.

>> No.3561209

Rinnosuke isn't shounen.

>> No.3561212


Only if you're a faggot who reinterprets the entire series as a gigantic powerlevels wank.

Go back to the Nasuverse.

>> No.3561217
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>> No.3561230
File: 903 KB, 1200x1028, 6516385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mecha show.

>> No.3561265

SSiB ran in a shonen magazine Comic Rex.
Inaba runs in a shonen magazine 4-koma King's Palette
SaBND/OSP runs in a mixed-demographic magazine Comptiq.

So, you see...

>> No.3561261

Slice of life animu that caters to fans that fap to porn, and then ARE YOU BAD ENOUGH TO STOP THE FOUR HORSEMAN for people that like dark plot.

>> No.3561352


And this means that most Japanese Touhou fans are under 18 because...?

"Touhou is Shonen" *literally means* that Touhou's primary market is the under-18 male audience. But since most fans are 18-30, it would qualify as Seinen, not Shonen.

Plenty of Seinen ends up in Shonen magazines (example: Azumanga).

>> No.3563197

>The turtle is the anime sidekick, Sanae the rival type, Marisa the mysterious no-sided one, Mima is the generic badguy leader.

Makes me think of Sunred, which could even work, considering that both series are kind of whimsical.

>> No.3563199

>But since most fans are 18-30


>> No.3563211

Forget touhou anime they've just announced ffxiii OAV

>> No.3563221

Demographic terms like shounen and seinen only apply to manga though.

>> No.3563231

>An anime will never be made, because ZUN knows with the sheer broadness and faggotry of his fans, no matter WHAT anime he makes, YOU FAGS WILL NOT PLAY HIS GAMES.


>> No.3563254

I don't think I want a Touhou anime. Not because I'm afraid it would be done wrong, not at all, I would watch it. What I'm afraid of is that it would find it's way into /a/ and from then on all the weeaboo websites and then everybody would be playing Touhou saying things like "OMG REIMU IS KAWAII DESU NE ^^" and "RAN IS TOTALLY LIEK NARUTO O_o". Because if this happened I would end my life.

>> No.3563281

I'll accept any kind of Touhou anime as long as it still has ZUN's art style

>> No.3563295


But then...
How about totally crappy Touhou anime?

>> No.3563296

Sorry bro, but that is already happening.
It's called secondaryfans.

>> No.3563316

is that prog snake on the lower right corner?

>> No.3563322

And the Touhou fanbase isn't already largely shit?

>> No.3563330

I think it's a gap.

>> No.3563342

More like "HEY THEY STOLE FROM NARUTO!!!!!111 *uses rasengan, kills toho* "

>> No.3563349

You made me twitch.
Don't ever do that again.

>> No.3563373

So what? The retards are already out there, but I'm not letting some shitty fanbase ruin my enjoyment of anything.

>> No.3563380

