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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 238 KB, 1000x750, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.35596106 [Reply] [Original]


>>35584585 #2913
>>35575259 #2912
>>35567404 #2911
>>35561501 #2910
>>35549774 #2909
>>35540251 #2908
>>35528800 #2907
>>35522134 #2906
>>35510798 #2905
>>35505659 #2904
>>35484363 #2903
>>35469219 #2902
>>35460363 #2901
>>35448772 #2900
>>35437860 #2899

>> No.35596114

posting in the legitimate thread and not the holoshill spam thread.

>> No.35596123
File: 212 KB, 310x346, 時代劇.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anki reps going well lately

>> No.35596128

is this is the thread?

>> No.35596134
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x2378, 1624394187858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35596135

No. Real thread here

>> No.35596147

is this an outdated version, i don't remember

>> No.35596151
File: 732 KB, 1200x1600, dekinurse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35596178

i just remembered i haven't opened anki in like a week. i'll have at least like 10 reviews that have added up.

>> No.35596194

>welcome to NHK protagonist copes by seeing everything as a conspiracy
And there goes my ability to relate straight out the window

>> No.35596206
File: 105 KB, 700x437, mattondjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35596224
File: 635 KB, 1280x720, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35596239
File: 288 KB, 855x878, dnsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 reviews? sounds like you've learned almost everything already

>> No.35596252

i just know all the words

>> No.35596263

this is it

>> No.35596283
File: 220 KB, 1024x653, 万歳.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


万歳 (ばんざい) means 10000 years old, used to wish long life to the emperor

>> No.35596293

is it true that 10k is metaphorical for "forever" in japanese

>> No.35596317

using mnemonics to remember things is a good thing. Anyone arguing against mnemonic technics is retarded

>> No.35596331
File: 148 KB, 832x858, ajatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was at this moment I stopped taking any criticisms of matt seriously.

>> No.35596349
File: 88 KB, 766x700, face2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean you stopped taking matto seriously

>> No.35596369

does nuke-chan know matto is talking shit about his japanese ability?

>> No.35596374
File: 3.65 MB, 2000x2708, 5ch best anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they right?

>> No.35596375

i wish i could take the jcat again so i can dab on you guys

>> No.35596383

曲 of the day

>> No.35596384

yea i'm curious what quiz would score now.

>> No.35596394

real song of the day:
song of the year:

>> No.35596413

I'll suck your dick irl if you buy me some ebooks from Amazon Japan. Reply if interested

>> No.35596418

here you go

>> No.35596424

>buying things

>> No.35596426


>> No.35596435

probably lower than the last time

>> No.35596444


>> No.35596457

yea his gf's pussy juice probably fucked up his mind

>> No.35596465

its called the internet

>> No.35596471

Please keep making new threads. The DJT #2911 that has been up all week is maximum cosy.

>> No.35596479

why does he antagonize everyone

>> No.35596486

>>35567404 #2911 has been archived

>> No.35596493

he's a pretty arrogant and condescending guy and he's relatively open about it. but on second thought it's hard to tell if he's more arrogant than the average person or if just vocalizes his honest thoughts more. but what if he does the latter because he's the former. fuck idk dude.

>> No.35596508

That's #2912.
Note the earlier thread number on >>35567375.

>> No.35596510
File: 678 KB, 988x1062, 1583940976969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, based nippon

>> No.35596511
File: 94 KB, 688x516, face4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you link a fake spam thread?

>> No.35596530

Previous thread
>>35596106 #2914
>>35584585 #2913
>>35575259 #2912
>>35567404 #2911
>>35561501 #2910
>>35549774 #2909
>>35540251 #2908
>>35528800 #2907

>> No.35596531

90% of the posts in there are learning Japanese related. 71 unique posters, threads lasting days. It's a return to the golden age of /jp/djt/.

>> No.35596534
File: 119 KB, 492x367, 1613477187682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To any "just read" Chads in this thread, may I know how you feel about not using Anki/SRS at all, or otherwise using SRS tools very minimally in niche use cases? For me personally, min-maxing the stress:reward ratio is essential for maintaining long-term commitment. From my past experience, I don't think I can comfortably achieve that if I'm always grinding Anki like an autist, stressing over making and reviewing cards for every single thing I do not immediately comprehend. The idea of just knowing some 200 radicals (which I do) and comfortably gliding through text with a dictionary by my side is infinitely more appealing than time-draining mining decks, kanji nerd obsession, or Core masochism. How can I optimize "just reading" gains with adding only minimum workloads afterwards (if any)?

In the end, I want to really start digesting the language and leave behind "the classroom". I'm done with the idea of 'homework' knocking every day in between play. I have VNs and raws at my disposal as we speak, ready to go. I do not want to let my timid, easily-discouraged, Nega-kun mindset get in the way of my goals anymore.

>> No.35596535

Yeah sorry, unfortunately an autistic spammer has kept that thread alive, I really wish a mod would do something about it... oh well.

>> No.35596537

tari tari is fucking ass no way it's the second best anime of 2012

>> No.35596541
File: 99 KB, 312x317, 350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35596561
File: 49 KB, 688x516, face3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lasted days because it was solo bumped by the holocuckold every hour since nobody was talking in it until it was decided it should reach bump limit.

>> No.35596575

you don't have to do anki if you reread content a lot with a dictionary. then you're basically doing your own personal srs.

>> No.35596589

It has enough posts to be an official thread.
71 unique posters. It's incredibly rare to see numbers that high. It's clear that it's been embraced by the community of comfy thread loving learners.

>> No.35596610

just mine anything u feel like u cant naturally understand

>> No.35596615

>From my past experience, I don't think I can comfortably achieve that if I'm always grinding Anki like an autist, stressing over making and reviewing cards for every single thing I do not immediately comprehend.
You're only supposed to make cards of sentences that you either completely understandd, or understand everything except a single new word or a singe new grammar structure (like a new conjugation or something).
The point is that you use an SRS to burn in a new word or structure and you only do so in an i+1 fashion. Saving a sentence where you don't know half of the sentence in hopes that by using the SRS you'll be able to learn that unkown half isn't going to work.
The SRS isn't supposed to be used to learn new things it's used to review and reinforce things that you already completely understood out in the wild. If it's used to learn something new it should be the absolute minimum amount, i.e. an i+1 sentence.

>> No.35596626


>> No.35596644

what the actual fuck was that

>> No.35596661

how do you not know about tim

>> No.35596668
File: 567 KB, 703x687, djt-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning for 1 year, can't read katakana, can't pronounce japanese vowels or consonants. agf?

>> No.35596676


>> No.35596680



>> No.35596687

never heard one korean song so idk

>> No.35596688

Is there anything in particular you try to focus on when referring to content in a dictionary? Or, do you take it rather casually, trying to comfortably see each unknown term as a blurry whole? The most I have done in the past was just reading a full volume of seinen manga and casually referencing a dictionary as I did. I really should have just continued.
The issue is that, eventually, that will lead to a lot of reviews and time spent on just making cards. It's an extra workload that not only subtracts from the pleasure of the experience, but adds to the overall overhead stress. "If I don't review, they'll pile up, and I"ll be more stressed". "If I can't get at least xx% right, I'm fucking up". There's just this big exam scene to it all that leads to me being dejected every time. I need to fight that impulse through simplification, but not so much that it impacts my results negatively.
>The SRS isn't supposed to be used to learn new things it's used to review and reinforce things that you already completely understood out in the wild.
This is an interesting perspective. I do try my best to understand wild content fully, and would always do so before making cards in the past, but I don't think it paid off with regards to time spent. I can remember and detect content I've read in the past, when I just casually went through only knowing radicals and some 500 kanji and used a dictionary. I just have this underlying concern that it won't last, that maybe it's all a gimmick.

>> No.35596748

true true

>> No.35596763

go ahead and try no anki
someone posted some statistics and it was something like u come across the most 7000 common words at least 10 times in a year if you read a volume of manga each day, which is enough to memorize them

>> No.35596781

Thinking I'm gonna buy all of bakarina LNs on amazon and NOT share them with you all

>> No.35596791

The effectiveness of spaced repetition systems on long term memory isn't a gimmick. It also shouldn't really take that much time to make new cards as you make them as you're doing your reading anyway. As you read things when you see an i+1 sentence just copy and paste it into anki with a translation of the sentence on the back, you can use DeepL for the translation if you want it is good enough at this point. It takes about 6-10 seconds to make a new card. You are also only supposed to make like 15 new cards at most per day. If you make 15 new cards a day that's over 5000 new i+1 things (either words or grammar structures) in a year which is a lot.
In terms of time spent on reviews, that does take more time, but if you're sticking to not making any more than like 15 new cards per day it doesn't build up that fast, because the cards should be easy for you to pass anyway because you are only making them for things that you already understood easily.

If you don't feel like it was working for you then don't waste your time doing it. You don't actually need it, but it does work if you use it right.

>> No.35596804

do sentencefags really?

>> No.35596811

Is there any other way to understand grammar better outside of reading guides over and over again until things click?

>> No.35596819

only 10 times? holy fuck
how many words/characters are there in an average volume of manga?

>> No.35596842

reading actual material and reference grammer when necessary. also check out cure dolly videos even though she does some annoying clickbait.

>> No.35596848

no, at least 10 times
obviously the more common they are the more they will appear, but that was the cutoff point

>> No.35596851

the more you reinforce concepts you already know the easier it becomes to learn new concepts so yea basically keep reading text and then occasionally look up explanations for things you're not sure about and then keep repeating the process for a couple years

>> No.35596890

pls share

>> No.35596894


>> No.35596929


>> No.35596936
File: 917 KB, 1000x579, vinnie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this vinnie looks sick

>> No.35597044

>if you read a volume of manga each day
How much of a time commitment is that, realistically? I did read a full raw volume once before, comfortably over the course of maybe three days or so a long time ago. That was a highlight of my progress back then, and was so much more enjoyable. Not sure what it'd be like now though, and finding raws of content I actually want to dive into is increasingly troublesome these days (notably for newer/ongoing things). What I'd really like to try is visual novels, though I imagine they possess a tougher barrier to surpass than most manga too.
>the cards should be easy for you to pass anyway because you are only making them for things that you already understood easily.
This whole post has been an interesting take for me. I've always witnessed the perspective of "SRS what you just learned", as the default way for most miners. Perhaps that is why I struggled with Anki content so much, and still do. I may understand a term fairly well within an instance of initially receiving it, even spending minutes on individual stuff to "ensure I get it this time". Though, that adds to the workload significantly when you learn a lot at once.

I believe that was too much to bear with regards to stress. I'd be sitting on single cards reviewing daily for far too long, practically turning it into a blunt rote "I'm garbage, I don't remember, I'm garbage" memorization scheme. Several hours every day on Anki for the simplest of shit, and it'd kill my motivation to even use the language for entertainment to the point of avoiding associated mediums even in my native language. I recognize, and am not necessarily debating the benefit of spaced repetition (I was referring to just reading and remembering as the magical 'gimmick'). I believe there is surely some nuance in making it all work well that I don't think is conveyed well to or by most people. Though, you've proposed some simple points that I think make sense. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't petrified of dealing with the wave of "being a fuck-up" stress again, though.

This isn't a "pity me" post, I just wanted to voice my concerns and considerations. Thank you for your advice.

>> No.35597056

>How much of a time commitment is that, realistically? I did read a full raw volume once before, comfortably over the course of maybe three days or so a long time ago. That was a highlight of my progress back then, and was so much more enjoyable. Not sure what it'd be like now though, and finding raws of content I actually want to dive into is increasingly troublesome these days (notably for newer/ongoing things). What I'd really like to try is visual novels, though I imagine they possess a tougher barrier to surpass than most manga too.
just buy a real book 一石二鳥

>> No.35597062

just read vinnies, they are super effective for learning
they can be anywhere from an hour to 100 hours of content depending on the vinnie

>> No.35597118

ah yes, the way to learn a language is outdated

>> No.35597119
File: 109 KB, 1199x643, A63694CD-284E-46E3-A754-90BD565F37AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me after reading most of the shit in these dekinai threads

>> No.35597127

>english subs

>> No.35597148

man this movie devastated me when i first watched it 10 years ago but now it just pisses me off

>> No.35597155
File: 79 KB, 921x1035, 1600477116650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that is what I'd like to do. I've even amassed a list of 40+ titles on VNDB all kinds and sorts (pic related). Installed a handful, played only the intros of a couple, but stopped due to vocab obsession every time. How do you personally like to approach VNs, with regards to both enjoying them and learning effectively? Where is your personal balance?

>> No.35597163

i don't use any subs I found this online retard

what movie is it?
