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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 335 KB, 2192x1507, saber-football.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3547994 No.3547994 [Reply] [Original]

Which servant would make the best football player?

>> No.3547999

You mean soccer.
England is the best of the ones represented.

>> No.3548004

Well, Archer does sort of look like a short haired Ibrahimovic.

>> No.3548005

Sure is butthurt Amerifag around here.

>> No.3548008

Not really, no.

>> No.3548009

berserker. no goalie would survive if berserker kicked a ball at them.

>> No.3548011

And Shirou looks like a young Scholes?

>> No.3548013


it's called soccer you fool. america decides so since america is the largest. if everyone just called it soccer there wouldn't be any more misunderstanding.

>> No.3548016

Why are the British so fucking obsessed with football? They turn into barbarians over it.
go arsenal

>> No.3548020

Best football player huh, probably Berserker, he'd make a good linebacker.

By the way why'd you post a picture of Saber playing soccer in a football thread?

>> No.3548025

I guess we could talk about both.

Archer would probably make an awesome QB.

>> No.3548026

Nah, Berserker should be the goalie. No ball would survive if it was kicked at him.

>> No.3548027

Best handegg player, yeah, probably Berserker.

By the way, why did you confuse football and handegg?

>> No.3548030

It's not exclusive to them, let me assure you.

>> No.3548032

handegg, divegrass, to each his own :3

>> No.3548037

you are not catlike anonymous

you cannot pull a catsmirk

stop trying

>> No.3548038

you being able to recognize it is good enough for me :3 :3 :3

>> No.3548041

you do not have three heads either

really, just stop, it makes you look dumb

>> No.3548048

what the fuck, how does that even work

>> No.3548046

oh yeah forgot my :3 :3 :3


>> No.3548044

I was making the face with my hands too

>> No.3548059

I guess you could smirk regularly, then push up the middle of your lower lip with your finger. Or some sort of crazy hand contortions.

>> No.3548076
File: 111 KB, 600x600, c-r-b-diveball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These three would make great hooligans.

>> No.3548095


I want Bazett to foul me.

>> No.3548099

OP I'm confused you say football but you're image is of soccer?

>> No.3548103

Funny and original!!

>> No.3548108
File: 129 KB, 700x525, 1221381519808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foodball, Soccer, Handball, Eggball, whatever; Rider would be the best.

>> No.3548122

I would as well, but I think we're using different meanings of the word

>> No.3548132
File: 1.97 MB, 1200x1600, 1254663703395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ben rothlesberger is clutch/a rapist
"americas team" cowboys
picture of philip rivers laughing
>my face when
america vs europe threads
i saw porn video op she hot

>> No.3548138
File: 17 KB, 350x263, jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3548142

Japan calls it soccer.

>> No.3548149

Which is precisely why /jp/ should want nothing to do with it.

>> No.3548154

True Assassin.

>> No.3548164

Who cares, Luvia is the best athlete.

>> No.3548202


>> No.3548207

I don't even LIKE sports. I just hate America even more.

>> No.3548211


>> No.3548214

Just because you can't figure them out doesn't mean they're gay.

>> No.3548252

Fiscally wasteful, encourage unhealthy aimless competition and violence, etc.

>> No.3548259

shut the fuckup about My King

>> No.3548311

What kind of entertainment do you prefer, then? Teletubbies?

>> No.3548317

VNs and Touhous.

>> No.3548341

We hate the government, too.

>> No.3548343
File: 220 KB, 700x700, 64cb40f6b0f23282f78eb1edf494c483460cd1c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fiscally wasteful
>Encourage unhealthy aimless competition and violence

>> No.3548349

Well, yeah. I hate America, government in general, and sports for the same reasons. Mostly.



>> No.3548362

Where do you live, exactly?

>> No.3548370


>> No.3548381

Wha? Why aren't you rooting for AMERICA'S TEAM? Romo isn't that bad!

>I hate America, government in general
Also, grow up.

>> No.3548400

You can find that pretty much everywhere. It's human nature.

>> No.3548415

Hating something is immature, sure. I can see why he would hate government though.

>> No.3548450
File: 1.08 MB, 2400x2400, cd0eb86438c3d1e1b652678e00cb35e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Idolmaster would make the most delicious soccer player?

>> No.3548451

Hating aspects of it, maybe, but outright saying "I hate government" seems silly.

>> No.3548466

I hate humans, too. Why do you think I'm on /jp/?

>Hating something is immature
Really, now? I could have sworn it was a basic and necessary emotion shared by all organisms at or above the level of reptiles without which higher brain functions would be impossible.

>> No.3548475

>could have sworn it was a basic and necessary emotion
Just like jealousy. Or anger.

Doesn't mean they aren't petty and display a lack of control over one's self.

>> No.3548477
File: 27 KB, 161x139, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense such hate within you, young one.

Take it easy.

>> No.3548495

Go on.

>> No.3548516

The government is what keeps utility providers honest, their quality assured, and roving bands of vagabonds from pillaging the countryside. Maybe since he's a Texan he thinks he and his guns can provide him with all he needs, but an organization will win out over an individual any day of the week. Which is why subscribing to an organization called government is critical to survival.

>> No.3548539

I could see him as a forward. Maybe a center or a running back. I don't think defense would be his style. Not the best all-around.

>> No.3548555

>a lack of control over one's self
Sophistry. This could only ever make sense if you assumed the existence of a soul to control the body, which is disproven for all practical purposes. You are you, so you are always/never in control of yourself, depending on how you look at it.

>an organization will win out over an individual
Exactly. This is why willingly creating a national organization is basically asking to get raped, figuratively speaking.

>> No.3548595

>Exactly. This is why willingly creating a national organization is basically asking to get raped, figuratively speaking.
If you don't create an organization or join one, others will and they will come to rape you, all alone.

How is that so hard to understand?

>> No.3548603

You can create a group without creating an organization.

Eliminate hierarchy while maintaining social ties, reducing risk while allowing for protection.

>> No.3548618

Even if Saber is English, I don't think she'd be too good at football. Maybe Rider, she's fast+she's the kind you can't even tell she's there till she scores. Also Lancer could be a good football player, he's cool, fools with women and likes drinking, the definition of a typical football player

>> No.3548630

Saber'd probably be decent at it.
Lancer would probably be very good at it. Fast, for one.
Berserker would make a good goalie.

Archer... Eh. He might be okay at it.
Fake Assassin seems like he'd be okay at it, too.
Caster'd just rule breaker the opposing team's goalie.
Rider'd prolly be good at it.

Gilgamesh? Eh. He'd probably never play while muttering about mongrels. Except if playing would allow him to see Saber in shorts.
Truesassin would prolly suck at it. Though that huge ass arm of his would be good for catching balls as a goalie.

>> No.3548635

I agree, Saber is too all up in her chivalry to play effectively. I couldn't picture her slide-tackling.

>> No.3548651


>> No.3548872

Your idea is already put into practice. It's called countries. It leads to wars. On a smaller scale, think of gangs. Great huh? All of mankind falling under a single blanket would be unbelievably beneficial to society.

>> No.3548910

All we need to do is go to war with aliens, then the whole of Earth would unite in an unprecedented showing of patriotism.

>> No.3548910,2 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for sharing, Peter. Personally, I think Saber would be the best player.
