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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 542 KB, 793x598, GuS42uE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35294981 No.35294981 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>35202628

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.35295807
File: 708 KB, 800x600, 2021-06-18 16_45_04-ToHeart2_-AnotherDays-_ver._1.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, why didn't I listen when they told me to skip AnotherDays?
Only 2, maybe 3 passable routes out of 8, ranging from really bad to mediocre to okayish.
>Yoshi's route was surprisingly good, albeit a little too simple
>Sylpha's route was the route we should've had in TH2 and it was okay
>Tamaki and Konomi's bonus scenario is good if you liked them in the previous game
And now for the bad
>Harumi's route is too boring and predictable, and she bothers you in every other route if you don't pick her
>Charu's route was literally just "m-muh misunderstanding", bonus points for the heroine getting punched in the face
>Maaryan's route was bonkers, and not in a good way, at least the scenes were hot
>Nanako's route was such a fucking routelet cop out I get angry just thinking about it
>Haruka's route was the same as Nanako's except for mommyfags
>Ikuno's route takes the cake for managing to make an interesting turn (female pov) just for the reader to get 4th dimensionally cucked, if I was a NTRcuck I'd probably be kneeling by now
Personally I only played the sequel so I could get ready to start Dungeon Travelers 1, but that only backfired and left me with a bitter taste so I don't I'll start that anytime soon.

>> No.35296985

>just for the reader to get 4th dimensionally cucked
Explain, I'm curious.

>> No.35303113

I'm looking forward to Sleepless coming out in a couple of days, but I hope it has as much content as Starless did.

>> No.35305526

You mean scat?

>> No.35305728 [SPOILER] 
File: 925 KB, 800x600, 1624133904729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, grab some popcorns cause this is a long one.

As soon as you start her scenario things already feel off, since the game asks you to input your own name, which you could do in TH2 (default name Takaaki Kouno) but was discarded in AD for all routes except for Ikuno's. This goes to show how Takaaki becomes an entity of its own in Ikuno's route, unlike the previous routes where he was the self-insert no one wanted to self-insert as (Hetare as fuck). This is further emphasized by the fact that Takaaki now is also voiced. So as you start and normally progress the route, you notice how somehow, only in this route Takaaki has gone from SSS-tier hetare to alpha chad. I'd like to ephasize "only this route" because it's the only one where you aren't supposed to self-insert and only now he becomes a sex crazed alpha male who pounds Ikuno's sister every night without a care to not make too much noise. Ikuno obviously notices and in between the background fucking and the school days, Ikuno starts getting all hot and bothered for Takaaki, and also jealous of her sister. Note that unlike the other routes this is told from Ikuno's POV, so you get to read exactly what she loves about him and how she wants to get fucked by him. One night Takaaki is drunk and crashes in Ikuno's room and starts fingering her only for her to stop him and somehow make him go back to pound her sister. This makes her all the more sexually frustrated. More shenanigans later she's shown chatting on an online forum with some people who had surgeries similar to her, and one guy named Baumkuchen who she feels the most trust in (because she's also worried about him having the surgery soon) so she asks him for love advice, and he tells her to just be honest with her own feelings. After even more shenanigans Ikuno finally takes action and decides to tie her hair up like her sister to trick a drunk Takaaki and straddles him. Now, based on the route choices you've made so far and how close you got to Takaaki, she either realizes she's just sexually frustrated and doesn't want to cheat on her sister, or she just rides his cock then and there. Not that the dates, sleep molesting, and thinkgen about cock all happens regardless of your choices, which only change whether you get the dick or not. If you get the D, the game soon ends, however if you didn't, that is where the ultimate cucking really begins. By this point you have probably forgotten how you had to input the name at the beginning which seem completely inconsequential, and that is where the sick tweest happens. In the scene after the close call-dicking, Ikuno chats some more and tell Baumkuchen to relax because she'll for his surgery to go well, then later she goes to hospital for an health checkup because she felt sick after the almost-dick and the nurse lets her know that one of the patients had her same illness and he just passed the surgery, and then, I shit you not, Ikuno looks at the nameplate and she sees your name in there. (You) look her in the eyes and tell her (You) were Baumkuchen all along, and successfully went though the surgery because of her support from the chat.

That's right, (You), (You) were giving love and sex advice to Ikuno so she could get fucked by what was once a self-insert for (You), now chad thunder cock who is also voiced now. This becomes even more hilarious once you realize that not only the route just ends as soon as (You) meet her, but also that if Ikuno got dicked she would most likely not join the cripple chat anymore and you'd die from lack of prayers and good luck.

Pic motherfucking related.

>> No.35307213

You are such a sad sap.

>> No.35307390

What the actual fuck

>> No.35307984

Oh god that shit is hilarious.
I guess they hint that they end up together at least going by that fucking post, still really fucking depressing.

>> No.35308144

I'm not much of a scat appreciator but it's cool in Starless as a symbol for how fucked and degenerate things get. I'm just hoping Sleepless has a similar set up to Starless with a lot of choices and branches, I remember the game suprising me with how much you could do in it.

>> No.35308149

I want more games like this.

>> No.35308319

>給与 1KBあたり1100円~2000円
So this is why writers pad their shit with wikipedia article

>> No.35308818

I'm glad I don't make poverty money like that.

>> No.35308818,1 [INTERNAL] 

futang ina niu and bobo niu. inju estilu

>> No.35311280

Picked up

>> No.35311972

Or repeat same vapid sex jokes

>> No.35312092

How good is noraneko?
From shit tier (yuzucrap) to kami tier (kinkoi, smee, aonatsu line)?
on the scale from 1 to 10

>> No.35312136

>kinkoi, smee

>> No.35312160

Yes, you've got any issues with actually good moege titles?

>> No.35312384

If you are a contract writer, you don't write a story. You write the text for a commercial work.

Projects that hire people like that do not intend to have anything else. Most gacha, moege and whatnot. If you actually want to enter the realms of trying to provide something more with your work, things will be a little different. You obviously still have requirements like a certain amount of text (not too little, not too much), a general setting /setup, but a creator needs some sort of freedom and leeway, or else it's not going to work.

It's pretty easy to feel what work is what. It's not even brand related. Usually amount of writers is a good indicator, but nothing that's always correct.

>> No.35312411
File: 2.23 MB, 939x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, uh, how was this game? I'll get to it eventually, but still seething from when I found out it was all ages.

>> No.35312609

Just play the episodic ones then

>> No.35312623

I have. Doesn't the new chapter have added content?

>> No.35312737

Just a short scene cleaning some loose ends and then just romantic afterstories with no h-scenes, fucking retarded.

>> No.35312750

That's what I was afraid of. How the hell is this going to be expanded into another 4 games?

>> No.35312758

What? There aren't any more games.

>> No.35312761

Oh. Should've called the series 5 -five- then.

>> No.35312766

Just read the games before assuming anything, idiot.

>> No.35312773

Lmao, good joke man.

>> No.35312834 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 530x200, ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート_2021-06-20_0216_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does DBD stand for? iirc Norato's "natural" resolution is 1280x720.

>> No.35312868

Funny at times but falls flat a lot of others, hot porn with a couple of threesomes.
Most disappointing thing about it is the sorry excuse for a route Eurasia got in the sequel.

>> No.35313029

Lukewarm like the entire series

>> No.35313049

I just finished all 4 routes in the first game and I say It's pretty good, definitely above average in terms of jokes and really good in terms of romance.
Hell, every single heroine is great and non of them is unlikeable, except maybe Kuroki but I did like her.
So yeah, the romance is great, art and music are amazing.
My only "complaint" is that after you start dating every route becomens nukige tier with a 70% H-scenes 30% story ratio.
Speaking of the scenes, most of them are really good by moege/charage strandard, so go play Honey* if you end up liking the art.
That sucks, I was looking forward to her route in 2.

>> No.35313247

Just read episodes separately and then read 5th game.
Thx guys, should give it a try, my main motivation is tons of my favorite VAs in it.

>> No.35313289

I hate kissing and blowjob noises. Some of the latter are so bad, it has the same effect on me as listening to someone else puke.

>> No.35313295

>it has the same effect on me as listening to someone else puke.
That's why it's hot.

>> No.35313474

>I hate kissing
What? Kissing is the best. I only read moege with kissing.

>> No.35313512

Stop playing cheap nukige with shit VA.

>> No.35313533

That's the sad part, it's completely unrelated to the genre or quality of the VA. I read moege with top VA that had absolutely disgusting blowjob scenes.

It's not that I hate the kissing, I just hate how it sounds.

>> No.35313558

Speaking of, what are some nukige with great blowjobs noises?
I already played the one with the blonde brown gyaru that had God-tier ones, also the exaggerated noises Matsuri's VA in Tenioha were also great.

>> No.35313818 [DELETED] 

Just finished Chiwa route and started Hiyori route in Sakura Moyu, but the timeline is confusing as fuck
>One of Sol's daughter's signature works is a painting on discontinued trains
>In the present, 2 years ago, an artist began painting on discontinued trains
>Nahat waited 55 years for Chiwa's return
>Chiwa's other father's name is 遠矢
>The friend Toya said farewell with in the present marries into a family of artists and has a son called 遠矢 in the future

>> No.35313828

It just ties up some loose ends and has afterstories for all 4 heroines
Don't expect too much if you've already finished all 4 episodes

>> No.35314827

VNs are in 99 out of 100 terrible at that. Curiously, hentai anime aren't as bad.

>> No.35315356

Seems to be more of a JAV thing, but hey, what can you expect from a writer with nothing else to reference from.

>> No.35316450

Are you homosexual? I understand not liking blowjob sounds when they go overboard and it sounds like some fucking alien vacuum cleaner or something. Otherwise, it's hot as fuck. So is kissing.

>> No.35316711

It's actually homosexuals who like blowjobs

>> No.35316951
File: 286 KB, 598x589, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who's gonna be the writer?

What if it's the Deep One guy?

>> No.35317552
File: 234 KB, 1024x600, meiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Meiya autism so much

>> No.35317594

>What if it's the Deep One guy
Wouldn't that be bad for them? Then again, I forgot if Deep One was panned for being shit or being episodic. Or both.

>> No.35317936

How about meiya from the adaptation?

>> No.35318434

Anon if you're talking about the upcoming anime, you're only going to make me angry.

>> No.35318438

we don't talk about abominations here

>> No.35318500

There is no adaptation.

>> No.35319027
File: 116 KB, 1024x600, walken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the music on this part
I'm dying over here.

>> No.35320389

This is a new and interesting level of NTR

>> No.35320985

Most kamige writers are pure commercial writers too.

>> No.35321041

Her brief scene in the Akane Maniax anime was great.

>> No.35321327

Small question that I figured this was the best board and thread to ask in:
How do japanese people type kanji fast? What's the input method? If someone was typing in a live chat quickly how would they be entering in things that aren't solely kana?

>> No.35321456


Wrong thread ->

>> No.35321505

anon why didn't you just google this shit

>> No.35321555

Japanese computers have huge keyboards with 2500 keys. If you want to type a kanji not on the keyboard you have to hit two keys at once to fuse the kanji

>> No.35322196
File: 121 KB, 1024x600, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides. Was this show popular in Japan?

>> No.35322824

Yes. There was even a Japanese remake called 24 Japan just last year

>> No.35322842

24 was actually shockingly popular in Japan for whatever reason. Fucking Umineko makes a 24 reference in the side material of all things.

>> No.35323892
File: 127 KB, 800x440, top_poli4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I download Polyphonica Plus and F? Only need those two because the others are available on PSP.

>> No.35323970

Is Tokyo Necro any good?

>> No.35324305


>> No.35324645

> yuri

>> No.35325362 [DELETED] 

sorry if I didn't do my reps for opinion but is any of the later key visual VNs good? the last and latest I played was Rewrite and the Festa one.

>> No.35326011

>shimokura vio

>> No.35326068


>> No.35326275

It's actually fun as fuck and the writing is suprisingly good, didn't think the writer could handle subtle differences between combie Souun and normal, emotionless Souun so well for example.

>> No.35327131

Really hope we will get a new Nitroplus eroge without Shimokura in future.

>> No.35327391

G-senjou is weird. Why did he write a protagonist who does nothing the whole time? Literally he is now shifting the pov to side characters to somehow move the plot forward. He can actually write dialogue, jokes, SoL, but his plot ideas don't work.

>> No.35327727

calm down moogy simp

>> No.35327826

who cares about that yuri shitter, lol, but Shimokura should stick to gacha shit from N+

>> No.35327851
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong about shimokura, you're just too low iq to appreciate his subtle humor

>> No.35327885

While we're on topic, give me your best vanilla yuri games.

>> No.35328215


>> No.35328849

tokyo necro is based because it has a scene where a father throws his gay daughter out the window

>> No.35328875

And the fact he was just projecting and she's basically an abomination and a crime against nature.

>> No.35328957

Picked up

>> No.35328974
File: 122 KB, 800x600, satisfaction_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit. Noel was such a fucking shit show.

Alright. Let me get this out of the way first. The story around Noel and Lily is good. Noel, your cold professional killing machine gets to be a bodyguard in some fancy school for rich girls, for Lily. At first she's not happy and even almost breaks down by the change of tone and atmosphere, but soon she's falling for Lily. Hard. Like super hard. So you have this relationship based around Noel trying to keep her job and everything a secret, while she also slowly dies (for story reasons), and struggles with the incoming fights, while Lily obviously realizes something is going on, but doesn't dare to ask. You know. The good stuff.
So. This is all nice and dandy. But this is an eroge. And there was apparently need for a LOT of uninteresting BS everywhere. You need to skip through a lot of uninteresting shit, as really, the only interesting thing is this one relationship. Maybe if the villains wouldn't have been introduced as the dumbest stereotypes ever, there could've been some fun. Maybe if there hadn't been a lot of completely random rape everywhere (no, not even really ero scenes, although the omake menu counts them). Something. But it just isn't. It felt like the vision of the writer and rest of the dev clashed hard, as it just doesn't harmonize at all. Or.. something like that.

Now. I'm not new to VNs, I know my ctrl. Still the point I get annoyed is if in the end the most important and pivotal part of this fucking relationship (Lily learning about Noel, including her impending death) is in a super predictable way interrupted, exchanged for dumb as fuck story shit, with what ultimately looked like some shitty asspull happy ending tacked on. I dunno. I held ctrl, as I was mad, but the CG made me think so.

The writer of this ended up continuing to write stuff like Toradora. Good choice. As much as I loved the interaction of Lily and Noel, god did this game end up fucking up whatever it possibly could. For no gain whatsoever. Now I know the reason, why nobody ever talks about this, even though it's one of the not so common yuri(?) games with a story.

>> No.35329088

Grow up

>> No.35329103

Ichika is, as a matter of fact, quite the aberration, genetically speaking.

>> No.35329107

There is no need to virtue signal in this place, my friend

>> No.35329125

I know there are multiple writers for games with routes and different heroines, but isn't the writer here in charge of the main plot? How does this happen?

>> No.35329136

>decent humans are just virtue signalling bro. They totally aren't being honest. They are secretly psychopaths just like me.

>> No.35329479

>"男女の相互理解"をテーマにしたHARUKAZEの新作『Monkeys!!』を特集! 男子校に通うヤンキー少年が母校を廃校の危機から救うため、女装してお嬢様たちが通う女子校へと潜入し――!?
I sleep

>> No.35329560

Why do they always resort to crossdressing?

>> No.35329695

Otaku are mostly tranners

>> No.35329761

No trannies so crossdressing is still top tier comedy, like it was in the US some years ago.

>> No.35330839

It's on AnimeBytes.

>> No.35331179

I will now read your VN

>> No.35331989
File: 64 KB, 583x144, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35332320
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, 世界一、受けたい虚○を。 -_Really,_Another_Imaginary._-_2021-06-21_17-23-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I was wondering the whole time by the textbox is made like this, so that each character always fits in the squares just like it's done for 作文, and there's actually a plot reason.

>> No.35333465
File: 709 KB, 804x604, ご指名です!魔将軍さん!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35333804

If you think trannies don't exist in Japan then you're mistaken.

>> No.35334859

My guess is: The writer wanted to make a yuri game. The director didn't. It's hilarious how the main plot is 100% yuri, which can't be denied (regardless of what random shit happens), yet the 2 yuri ero scenes are the only scenes you can actually skip with a choice given.. or at least I think so, because they are literally "MORE" vs "Nah, I've seen enough". All of the hetero rape and generally hetero stuff? Aside of most of it being hardly something you can call an ero scene, a few were and you could not skip it like that.

I can only think of creative differences. Not sure what happened though. Maybe someone thought this is the only way for yuri to work, given the age of the game.

>> No.35336666
File: 1.05 MB, 1366x768, 月の彼方で逢いましょう.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a bitch to start up, and now that I finally made it it's all blurry, no matter what graphic settings I change, any help?
I'm using RLSE Loader since AlpharomDie didn't work.

>> No.35336933
File: 1.06 MB, 960x540, 月の彼方で逢いましょう.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind I made it work with Alpharom, you HAVE to check the Siglus engine setting instead of unchecking it.
Fucking anti-gaijin engines folded over 1000 times.
Thank you anon >>21609897 from the past.

>> No.35337669

Yes, I was surprised by how much the quality spiked by Kiriya and Ilya's routes
I still think about the final fight in Ilya's route

>> No.35337686

But she literally is an abomination, did you not read the VN?

>> No.35339035

I don't read yurishit.

>> No.35339905
File: 310 KB, 1024x600, russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian anons, does jet fuel taste good?

>> No.35340196

Пошёл нахуй.

>> No.35340832

Now I'm looking forward to it even more, sounds great.

>> No.35342380

You are also literally an abomination.

>> No.35342700
File: 3.11 MB, 1842x1051, スタディ§ステディststeady (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moege heroine has no idea what sex is or how it works
>one h-scene later
>they're a cock-crazed succubus

>> No.35342997

What's the appeal of a fucking HS girl who has never watched porn and who doesn't know anything about sex because she apparently even missed her sex Ed classes?

>> No.35343021

I don't read moege.

>> No.35343042
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『天使は鼻をほじらない』hamidashi (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do you but you're missing out on some cute girls

>> No.35343108

Grooming is the appeal probably.
Personally I love when virgin heroines use their doujinshi knowledge or that they practiced sucking cocks with popsicles

>> No.35343246

Kawashima Rino hasn't voiced a single main heroine this year. Let that sink in. The era is over.

>> No.35343541

Kawashima Rino is a 40+ years old women. She shouldn't have voiced a main heroine for over 10 years now.

Yes. Her era for main heroines is long since over.

>> No.35343568

Meanwhile Asakawa Yuu voices all the heroines in a VN

>> No.35343587
File: 1.07 MB, 1082x748, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think 好評配信中 is a lie.

>> No.35343677

>2 seiyuu for 7 characters
lol wtf

>> No.35344386

anonfiles com/n8n5792eu8
should have the whole series

>> No.35344405

She's a main in girl in Magicami, a porn gacha with a limited cast of 12 girls that are constantly getting new h-scenes.

>> No.35344911

Her voice sucks

>> No.35345120
File: 410 KB, 500x500, 002_428f205f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they changed the artist.

>> No.35345150

She's in the new Watanabe game, twice.

>> No.35345190

Does melonbooks have drm?

>> No.35345281

No. It's a simple extraction without an installation.

>> No.35345338

I hope that dork girl gets a happy ending.

>> No.35345446

Dude, she's the ultimate spaghetti lord. One scene she stutters and fucks up words like no tomorrow and in the next she's an energetic and optimistic romantic who hates loan words like no one I've ever seen.
At first, I wasn't too fond of her, I must admit. But especially the last third where she's the MC made me actually root for her. I doubt I'll find another game which shows off unrequited love in this manner.

>> No.35346780

Is ホチキス any good?

>> No.35347405
File: 93 KB, 1140x853, 3_coms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they hired another one, because they are making Noratoto 3 too

>> No.35347570

Ilya route had that god tier insert song placement

>> No.35347753

There is no Illya route.

>> No.35349101

Can someone please upload the DLC for hajimete no kanojo if they've got it lying around? I'm curious what's in it and I can't find that shit anywhere.

>> No.35351788

Thanks for this, F Perfect Edition really has everything.

>> No.35353305
File: 192 KB, 1024x600, that_isnt_even_everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one powerful harem.

>> No.35353629
File: 403 KB, 565x630, Header01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played Kaleidoscope of Phantasm Prison? The only review of it I can find is some fag ranting how the girls act like girls is so unwoke.

>> No.35353681

i liked this until the shooting game against yuukos team and that shit at the end of it
that shit made me so mad i dropped it

>> No.35354296

Depends on what you're looking for. If you just want to watch cute girls die, go for it, but if you want a good story I wouldn't recommend it, the twists are completely retarded. The voice acting was great though.

>> No.35354768

Thanks, I appreciate this so much. Went crazy looking for this the other day but had no luck. Thank god I don't have to suffer through shitty PSP resolution/sound.

>> No.35355314

It really was great. Tokyo Necro wasn't the best VN for sure but that scene is amongst my most memorable moments across all my time reading.

>> No.35355475
File: 142 KB, 801x602, Pri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed some NPC that had voice in the PSP version are mute in PC but meh, it is a minor loss. PSP Prologue removed a CG and cropped Perse underwear scene (literal censorship in all-ages VN)

>> No.35355889

Do i need to install ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート ネコのお考え100連発!! on this https://vndb.org/r76443 version of noraneko?

>> No.35357084

Why don't you just try it out? I tried it out for you and no, you don't have to install it.
The anime adaption is pretty funny, btw.

>> No.35357131

Is that the one with a goat? Or is that WagaHigh? No idea what were there they thinking with either.

>> No.35357174

It has one episode that's just three minutes of goats with character voices, if that's what you mean.

>> No.35357218

>Why don't you just try it out?
Just tried out, but thanks anyway, lol

>> No.35357902

How the hell do I curb my autism so as to be able to skip through tedious scenes

>> No.35357922

Actually look's like you need to. Without patch you won't see these 100 short stories.

>> No.35357934

Learn how to read faster. You don't need to sound out every line in your head.

>> No.35358069

Get accustomed to skim-reading if it's really that much of a chore
I tend to take my time reading everything though

>> No.35358143

Haven't seen a noshoujo blogpost in a while. Anon must have given up. Not everyone can handle such a realistic lolige.

>> No.35358402

Not the original anon, but I'm still playing, currently on Maki's route. And holy shit, this just drags on forever, I expected better after Aoi's route.

>> No.35358553

Yeah, Aoi is the best. Sorry to say it.

>> No.35358786

What the fuck is noshoujo

>> No.35358924 [SPOILER] 
File: 916 KB, 1920x1080, 1624446578643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35359068

>that description
Picked the fuck up

>> No.35359069

But Kotori's route is close in quality and the closest to "true" route, considering the ending. Make sure to do her last.

>> No.35359381

can someone share this one?


>> No.35360000

I'm kinda wary of doing her route at all because I'm not really into preteens, but I'll probably read it anyway out of curiosity.

>> No.35360390
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, Anti-NEET bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad anon.

>> No.35360884

I feel the same, I'm actually taking a break playing titty game before reading hers

>> No.35361218

Or you can just read her mother's route, you know.

>> No.35362898


Just select only (同人ゲーム) 灯穂奇譚.rar out of all the files.

>> No.35362956
File: 12 KB, 970x67, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's gonna take a while.

>> No.35365121

At first, I thought god fucking dammit why does いますぐお兄ちゃんに妹だっていいたい have to be all-ages, since it has such a great insert song. Like absolutely amazing when I listen to it on galge song matome.
But then I saw it's NBR. And I am glad. Thank you 全年齢, for protecting me from evil.

>> No.35365298

Probably will be kidnapped by some psycho working as a banker or doctor, and then the NEET saves her.

>> No.35369516

im looking for something to edit エロゲ淫夢-style. Preferrably something recent though. Was gonna do Apeiria but gave up at the last minute.

>> No.35369669

>Was gonna do Apeiria but gave up at the last minute.
It's fun.

>> No.35369744


yeah, I kind of regret not doing it and instead just directly uploaded the entire playthrough where it picked off after the trial version.

>> No.35369824
File: 213 KB, 1024x600, shimai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, imagine seriously turning this down.

>> No.35370367


>> No.35370680

This was SERIOUSLY lacking where he goes back to his original body but is so much into cock he asks the trap to peg him.

>> No.35370904

Isn't it just overrated trash with SAO tier writing

>> No.35371230
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, kotonatu_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. It's okay, if you like the humor. At first at least. But the writing is really really weak. But if you like Sao meets really weird humor, it should be okay. It does have a pretty high end voice cast as well, but even that couldn't make me stay. Pic related was a lot better by the writer. So two routes were still pretty much whatever, but that's pretty normal I guess.

>> No.35371740

Anyone had similar problem with Ayakashibito? I use W7 with Locale Emulator.

>> No.35371749
File: 73 KB, 806x625, 232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35371771

Play it if you want an easy platinum.

>> No.35372494
File: 3.24 MB, 3840x2160, Clipboard437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based sub heroine is based

>> No.35372758


New liar-soft eroge with art from Ooshi Ryuuko!

>> No.35372985

looks kinda gay

>> No.35373119

Reminds me a bit of Leyline, but much more gothic (as expected from Liarsoft). Could be fun. The artstyle would definitely fit such a story concept.

>> No.35378029


Was 白昼夢の青写真 THAT successful?

>> No.35379049

Only at beginning until hard sci-fi part kicks in, battles of wits are amazing.

>> No.35379065


>> No.35379067

Artstyle looks like shit.

>> No.35379170

Only at the beginning right now, but holy shit the UI of this game is garbage.

>> No.35379297

What's wrong with it?

>> No.35379345

I thought it was pretty okay when I played?

>> No.35379398

Surprised it's not all ages.

>> No.35379681

Red looks cute, I wonder if she-

>> No.35379929

The big problem is that the font size is way too small. Overall i don't like the futeristic aesthetic, especially the save menu which looks really cheap. The icons of the UI in game at the start of the game are also way too small, but it changed to this blue/yellow one, which is alright (Started with Case 3).

>> No.35379983

It is the kamige of 2020 after all.

>> No.35380207

I'm just suprised they have taken KEY route after their first kamige

>> No.35382103

I really don't understand the economics of going all-ages, Key is undeniably less relevant ever since dropping R18 content, whether that be for other reasons or just part of the general industry decline, I can only see how you lose users from going R18 when you could've just made an all ages version. It's not like these types of games heavily feature sex to the point where it would alter the story significantly to remove the scenes. Perhaps the market these days for low sexual content games is so tiny that they might as well just remove it entirely but it still doesn't seem to yield much benefit.

>> No.35382183

You know you can change the font?

>> No.35382241

Not him, but the size was a larger issue than the typeface.

>> No.35382268

why not just go into the screen options and fiddle with resolution then

>> No.35382303

Seeing how well Summer Pockets sold, I think it's save to say, there's a market for all ages. The game was short, rushed, buggy and is one of Key's weakest, and that didn't stop it.

>> No.35382416

Isn't it moreso the question of whether the game not having explicit sex scenes enabled it to reach a broader audience. They undoubtedly could've sold more if they did what they added R18 scenes with Reflection Blue, I just don't see how the lack of scenes, when ultimately a significant draw of the story is about romancing different characters, is more profitable as a business model. In my head it always feels like they do it out of a sense of grand standing, "unlike the rest of the industry our work sells without sex and hence is better than yours", it's the same feeling I get from Type Moon but at least in their case there actually exists a clear way that removing sexual content is beneficial monetarily.

>> No.35382639

The only other option is fullscreen, which looks awful because the game isn't full HD. to be honest it's not really a big deal and i'm enjoying the game just fine regardless. Deshouga! is cute and Asakawa Yuu is putting on a great performance.

Summer pockets main selling point was that it was a mainline orginal Key title after a decently long drought. I don't think ero/no-ero mattered that much. Kinda curious if (b)loopers will have the same reception, personally found it a lot weaker and i haven't seen any discussion about it.
Just to be curious, where would you fit in the H-scenes in Summer pockets? With the exception of Shizuku's route, most routes are close to being finished when Hairi gets into a romantic relationship.

>> No.35382655

I know that t*xt h**king is a dirty word around here, but if you are legitimately struggling to read the text because it's too small I don't see any shame in using one to blow up the size a bit.

>> No.35382667

It wasn't hard to read. It was just ugly.

>> No.35383672

This reminds me the new version of hakuchuumu will actually be HD too. On another note, Sumomo's voice is a joy to listen to, and I'm sure gonna play the new version just to hear more deshougas from Azuki.

>> No.35383686

Forgot to mention that it seems they're writing extra scenes to make up for the h-scenes. They released them in novel form in their cien and all.

>> No.35383802

Are those scenes set after the true ending? Would ctrl through the game to see more of that, otherwise nope.

>> No.35384200

Well I guess I didn't make it to the shooting game, but I'm getting my ass kicked by the volleyball mingame right now. This shit sucks.

>> No.35384605

They would all be in the omake section replacing the extra sex scenes, I think.

>> No.35385372

>hard sci-fi
Dude please

>> No.35386049

Finished all routes of Oretsuba(6.5/10). All of them except for, maybe, imouto route, felt like they were hastily tacked on just to tick check boxes.
>miyako route(1/10)
I shouldn't have bothered with this pure cancer sub route. It didn't take me much time to go from "wow, a heroine with ex bf and you're helping her get over her ex? Interesting" to "Holy fucking shit what is this bullshit".
>Hayato(and Naru) route (6/10)
I would've enjoyed it a lot better if it didn't drag on for what felt like eternity with repetitive jokes, and a plot whose job is to doesn't go anywhere just to fuck with you.
I liked going on dates with naru exploring different spots and meeting familiar faces on the way like that noodles stand dude, crepe oneesan, platinum. My issue is how this gets thrown aside after some time for shitty ""plot"", and naru herself is pretty boring and shallow as a heroine, and her problem is just inane shit.
>kobato route (6/10)
All personalities merging together under one ego and youji struggling to pick best quality for a given situation, to make all the qualities of his new superpersonality to work in harmony. What he learned as hayato helping him in takashi or shuusuke situations, or vice versa. This demonstrated the themes of Oretsuba better than having a heroine like asuka preach its message in a scene near the end of the her route. with that said I didn't like the way MC confronts his past and how everything gets beautifully concluded by the end.
I probably would've enjoyed oretsuba a lot better if I played it as a newfag. Also, whatever the fuck happened to kakeru?? I thought he was going to be a major salient character in some way but he turned out to be just one of those annoying delusionally narcissistic chimp tangential to our lives. He was one of my least favorite side characters.

>> No.35386344

>All of them except for, maybe, imouto route, felt like they were hastily tacked on just to tick check boxes.
Even jackson agrees with this assessment

>a plot whose job is to doesn't go anywhere just to fuck with you.
>Also, whatever the fuck happened to kakeru??
I believe jackson wanted to do anti-story shit betraying all types of narrative expectations. He just wanted to show different characters living in their own bubbles, going through shit in their lives, and you're living in your own bubble. These bubbles might interact now and then, but they don't come together in an elegant way to weave plot. I am damn sure this was what jackson wanted to do with oretsuba. But unfortunately he's too incompetent for his ambitions.

>> No.35386798

>Kinda curious if (b)loopers will have the same reception
It'd only be comparable with other Key short works.
As a reader of other r07 works, it was a satisfying story to read. It was an over theatrical display later properly channeled. Witnessing r07 turning on Key's nakige switch was interesting. Only major complain I could make is the lack of character development for everybody except the main heroine. The character design and art style in general was also pretty.

>> No.35386846 [SPOILER] 
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, 1624605479589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Mai's route. That girl's really something else.

>> No.35387339

I did her route first out of pity, only to find her like that...

>> No.35389248

This brand is going all out with binaural "ASMR" eroge, hopefully they fix the audio because https://vndb.org/v30544 sounded like shit for what it's trying to do.

>> No.35396529

Anyone play Badge and Dagger?

>> No.35396616
File: 75 KB, 213x477, firefox_2021-06-25_21-08-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piracy is wro-

>> No.35396888

I don't play games with non-virgin MCs.

>> No.35397999

Collecting obscure eroge physically must be hell.

>> No.35398111

Reminds you that you're a loser who has never felt and never will feel the touch of a woman?

>> No.35398206

Yes, exactly.

>> No.35398238

Digination has a brand like that too

>> No.35398282

I ended up getting children songs when trying to look up a nukige song

>> No.35399067

Browser/Phone only though, Chaos is making normal eroge, which I imagine is precisely the problem since they're using KiriKiri with its trash audio codecs.
I played the trial for one of those audilove and at least the audio was actually good, but playing a game with vertical aspect ratio on your PC feels retarded.

>> No.35399089

>KiriKiri with its trash audio codecs
What audio codecs are you talking about? I can't remember the last time I've played an eroge that wasn't good quality vorbis

>> No.35399302

I haven't played VN's in a long time and tried to find one on nyaa but couldn't. Is there a new place all the cool kids download VN's?

>> No.35399448

Just drop the name anon

>> No.35399484

恋×シンアイ彼女, I vaguely remember there being like another version of nyaa where you could find untranslated games? I'd be willing to pay to play VN's too if that's way easier though to be honest.

>> No.35399513

You can buy download version from here

>> No.35399516

But that's on nyaa
Maybe you forgot to switch to sukebei?
It's also on Fanza if you want to buy it digitally

>> No.35399567

>switch to sukebei?
I think that might be it, but when I looked it up I only found 0 byte links?
I'll check it out thanks.

>> No.35399682

>only found 0 byte links?
Everything that was uploaded before nyaa switched from .se to .si says 0 bytes. It's just a bug, the torrents still work

>> No.35399732

oh sick, thanks for the help guys.

>> No.35399902

Is monobeno worth it if i'm not a lolicon or is it just a meme

>> No.35400696

What? Did you read it?

>> No.35400761

2 of the 3 main heroines are loli but there are plenty of scenes with non-loli characters too. So yes, read it.

>> No.35400899

>2 of the 3 main heroines are loli

>> No.35400998
File: 324 KB, 2192x1233, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35401007

> only 2-3

>> No.35401119

How's the animation in that?

>> No.35401450
File: 434 KB, 2192x1233, rpsisters_crack_ckWNUy0LGy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good but it takes way too long to get to them. you have to do like 8 fucking scenes of foreplay first

>> No.35401634
File: 460 KB, 1280x720, 64215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no little sister in this so who should I go for? The pink hair looks dumb and cute but the blondie is listed as a childhood friend. Childhood friends are sometimes good substitutes for little sisters.

>> No.35402893

>8 fucking scenes of foreplay first
I actually don't mind those

>> No.35403184

It is their only kamige, maitetsu is kusoge and Gothic Delusion was kinda unpolished. Great OST though.

>> No.35405041

Are there any high quality dating sims for the PS2, All I get is crap like amagami which suck ass(main problem being the mc being a huge loser)

>> No.35405060
File: 46 KB, 354x500, 51A4M34J21L._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35405246

Those are children.

>> No.35405397

Yeah, great huh?

>> No.35405420

But it's on PS2, so I guess you can't prpr them.

>> No.35405445

No, they are 12. They have hair and bleed.

>> No.35405485

This would be a lot more interesting if you actually play as Nobue.

>> No.35412527

They start so early.

>> No.35413341

Are there any games with good harem routes?

>> No.35413536

Harem Kingdom.

>> No.35413548

Harem Kingdom is very flawed with its route system, but it's probably the best we got in a long time.

>> No.35419606

Did people really hate the fandisk(s)?
I only played Sophia's and Charu's after routes, but I thought those were pretty cute and comfy.

>> No.35419671

Duel Savior Justice

>> No.35419954

We didn't say anything about the FDs, and they're very irrelevant when talking about harem routes.

>> No.35423067

Nukige. Outside of that, harems tend to have no resolution, or choose one girl in the end after all in case they wanna do romance. Nukige are about the ero, which is obviously a lot easier to do.

>> No.35423728

HaremKingdom is not really a nukige. I mean it has a lot of H-scenes, but it's not a nukige I'd say.

>> No.35424739

I haven't played it, but from how it sounded, the game is either part of "having no resolution" (or just making it into a joke), or actually focusing on one girl.

>> No.35425189

What resolution can a harem have?

>> No.35425311

girls peg mc together

>> No.35425984

>actually focusing on one girl
Partially. Each of the routes is a harem route with harem scenes. Plot scenes take turns between harem hijinks and chosen "main wife". For example I chose Charlone, and it wasn't like majority of the route was about her. MC and the harem moved into a pub to run it as a restaurant/bar as per Marrou's wish, and there was plenty of focus on all heroines.

>> No.35428598

can someone tell me where i can find sona-nyl?
the mega link on itazuraneko doesn't seem to work anymore.

>> No.35429791

Princess Witches is basically a harem game and it’s very good

>> No.35430066

Actually it does opposite by tricking your body to think it's hot and open pores to release extra heat thus making you lose warmth.

>> No.35431239
File: 236 KB, 1024x600, message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These messages after reaching the ending are cute. The best one is wakamoto of course though.

>> No.35432813

Why does ASaProject insist on making me feel bad for choosing a route in every game…
Like I know that the other girls would be sad in that situation, being dumped and all, but I who the fuck wants to see it, Jesus.
Koikari did this shit a ton with Tenma/Emi, and now Koirowa pulls the same dirty trick on me.

>> No.35433112
File: 320 KB, 1098x600, Heliodor_ErogameScape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kamige confirmed?

>> No.35434162

No, same issues as the last game but more pronounced because of the short length.

>> No.35434800

Is HajiLove the first moege since Kinkoi to have multiple anal scenes? Feels like I haven't seen so many in a while.

>> No.35435439

Only people who liked the original read the sequels.

>> No.35435466

It's better than original.

>> No.35435631

>Two short routes featuring shit heroines
>Not canon
It's shit

>> No.35435637
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 3i8juh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This transparent clothes patch stuff is great.

>> No.35435729

What a slut

>> No.35435853

Any good VN that is set in countryside or tropical era. For my next VN I want that comfy setting.

>> No.35435897


>> No.35436083


>> No.35436595


>> No.35436638

Owarinaki natsu was pretty chill but it's connected to the âge universe

>> No.35436697

Is it any good?

>> No.35436791


>> No.35436796

I liked the original and was very disappointed by badge and dagger. Looked forward to fuyumi route but finding out that it's short as fuck with that classic kinugasa finishing touch made me drop the game.

>> No.35436797
File: 72 KB, 390x441, 1568715833437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vn thread is back
you kept saying vtubers kept shitting up jp and you had to move but now you're here why didn't anyone tell me

>> No.35437095
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, 画像_2021-06-28_141315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Kinkoi.

Is Golden Time worth playing? I really liked Silvia and want to know more about Ayaka's anus.

>> No.35437240

Anal is shit
I ctrl skip through all anal scenes
Why would anyone want to cover their dick with shit stains
Might as well go full scat

>> No.35437606

If you liked anything about it, it's better to stay away. Ayaka makes for a bad heroine (basically the first half of her route is fine, but she's not working as a heroine once it comes to that), and it shits all over the main plot idea of the game as well.
Kinkoi is fine as it is. The fandisc was made for people who didn't like it, rather than for people who wanted just more.

>> No.35437709

Common route, Ayaka and Mina routes are good in fd, appends for other heroines are okay but way too short. FD true route is shit.
FD works for people who just wants more kinkoi, except for it's true route.

>> No.35438065

>it shits all over the main plot idea of the game as well.
That's a good thing

>> No.35438101

Kinkoi is overrated.

>> No.35438139

Its writing is no better than some shitty mediocre moege so I don't understand what's all the fuss about.

>> No.35439137


>> No.35439178
File: 41 KB, 640x480, gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
I really liked the game so maybe I will play it anyway.

>> No.35439409

Anyone who reads Kinkoi now is an EOP because it just came out for them, so you probably can't even read the FD.

>> No.35439480

Too bad we don't have any decent eroge archive outside shitty premium links, paid 2djgame ftp, baidu links on KF and AB.

>> No.35439618

Why do you think that. I know how to read japanese and i played this game in japanese. Im just new to eroges, thats why im reading it now.

>> No.35439712
File: 51 KB, 642x512, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting this, what am I in for? I love Ever 17

>> No.35439748

Don't reply to the resident thread schizo

>> No.35439827

t.jaded faggot

>> No.35440418

So I want to read the fabled "Muramasa".
This seems to be the correct title (the girl is similar) but I see no mechs in it?

>> No.35440431

You're probably looking for 装甲悪鬼村正.

>> No.35440470
File: 76 KB, 256x348, 32345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic.

>> No.35440558

Is it possible to read untranslated エロゲ if I've been in the army and retarded my Jap skills?
Recommend good military VN to refresh my mind.

>> No.35440595

Gunjou no Sora o Koete

>> No.35442075

The japanese use "wo" and, not "o".

>> No.35442487

Hey, this looks kind of good.

>> No.35443322

The japanese use を, everything else depends on the transcription. Just like へ should be "he" but is mostly written "e".

>> No.35443587

>everything else depends on the transcription
So is を seen as a type of kanji in their mind or is it still in kana?

>> No.35443807

Who the fuck cares about romanization

>> No.35443913

This. It doesn't fucking matter other than typing on your keyboard.

>> No.35444486

Nothing wrong with reading stuff already released in ENG if you're reading the JP version or even the released version through dual language options. I'm doing the former for Baldr Sky 2 and I'll get to enjoy Baldr Sky X afterwards unlike EOPs.

>> No.35444596

>Nothing wrong with reading stuff in ENG.

>> No.35444606

Who are you quoting?

>> No.35444626


>> No.35444748

Read closely since I know we can actually read unlike everyone else in /jp/

>> No.35444766

The moment a VN gets an english release it's tainted. How can you read something knowing that E*Ps are also enjoying it?

>> No.35444769

I've never read any VN's in English, mostly because I started reading them to improve my Japanese, but what's the big deal?

>> No.35444788

They really should stop with the nameable protagonist meme. It's actually ruining the immersion.

>> No.35444801

How do I get the patch working? I installed it but nothing changed.

>> No.35444809

I bet the guy doesn't even read eroge, Japanese or otherwise, "the big deal" is ebin shitposting and he's gonna keep stirring up that shit as long as you retards keep responding to him

>> No.35444816

I don't know why anyone would keep track of what's released in English or not in the first place

>> No.35444823

some people in this thread are autistic

>> No.35444880

I know it's retarded but I'm guilty of this, I often pass on VNs that have an english release.
That said, I started reading Noraneko yesterday.

>> No.35444888

Except a lot of vns are """"tainted""" by chinese translations, except you, retards, can't read fucking chinese so you can't even cry about how COPs ruining your kamiges.
Really pathetic, lol.

>> No.35445511
File: 1.08 MB, 1078x786, midsummer night's dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Empress put out a new VN, any of you nerds able to tell me what this story synopsis says?

>> No.35445778

It is a national cry against English speakers.
You should not read it.

>> No.35445821

>"the big deal" is ebin shitposting and he's gonna keep stirring up that shit as long as you retards keep responding to him
This. Don't ask how I know.

>> No.35447468
File: 182 KB, 762x312, 936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it flop so hard?

>> No.35447547
File: 773 KB, 1920x1080, WorldActorBD (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's seriously the best way for them to lead to a h-scene?
>i still owe you for that case, nothing sexual
>alright go on a date with me
>this date sucked but whatever
>no that's not good enough to payback the debt
>alright fine lets go drinking, your treat
>no that wasn't enough to pay back my debt to you
>what the fuck, fine lets take this back to an apartment
>i told you nothing sexual
>yeah you're right, we're over
>alright fine, we can have sex
>cool, i'll be gentle
I say this when the setups for the h-scenes in the previous game were also terrible

>> No.35447551

Maybe the different artist?
Taniyama might not be the best artist ever but his characters don't appear too generic.

>> No.35447649

What's a normal way to lead to a h-scene?

>> No.35447656

>I took this photo of you and your boyfriend holding hands behind the school
>Now, have sex with me, or else!

>> No.35447670

>you remember that one time you've been nice to me?

>> No.35447672

Bit more of a build up, heroine coming to terms with realising she has feelings for protagonist, maybe a confession and following sometime going into the h-scene
Also the "route" is like an hour long and ends after the 2nd h-scene

>> No.35447692

Angry hagfags.

>> No.35447964
File: 169 KB, 1024x600, sakakibara_chizuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35448383

Doesn’t seem that bad of a score especially for a Smee game

>> No.35448607

Yeah her route was absolute garbage. I was expecting them to at least solve another full case now that ruka earned her respect before they got into a relationship but no, she spreads her legs after solving a single case. Then you don't even get to see anything with the relationship like other character's reactions.

>> No.35448809

Yeah, same scores as other SMEE games but the two 20s are bringing the average down, and one of them is just a guy triggered at the little bit of occult stuff at the beginning.

>> No.35449089

Oh no, the cancer. Oh so I'd say, but it's actually fitting for this one.

>> No.35449104

Sounds cute.

>> No.35449110

>That said, I started reading Noraneko yesterday.
That's fine since EOPs didn't get the H-scenes, so they basically didn't get anything.

>> No.35449132

I think Himari has been part of Hamidashi promotional campaign since the beginning.
And she's based.

>> No.35449158

I don't think so

>> No.35449297
File: 156 KB, 640x480, 102527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get past DMM's DRM? I bought Ijitte Princess collection over the weekend
and none of them work. This is a growing list of games from before 2010 that DMM just doesn't give two fucks about with DRM that crash. I'm sick of this shit.

>> No.35449333
File: 77 KB, 546x453, drm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is as far as I get

>> No.35449394

>hear himari
>think ヒマリ
>turns out its just some vtube shit

>> No.35449438


>> No.35449794

Man I hate the scat in this otherwise vanilla series.

>> No.35449807

ヒマリ likes Himari though.

>> No.35449847

Not sure if it's the same version as yours but >>16925911 anon's advice worked on one of the games I purchased.
>New SD protected games (in case when denchiunwrap doesn't produce any file even though it says it's done, this is a bug clearly) can be easily unwrapped using a hex editor. Search for the exe header bytes (4D5A90 in this case, but the third byte can be different I think), go to the second occurrence and copy everything from that point until the end of the file to a new .exe file. This is an utterly idiotic protection scheme.

The one game I had to remove it from also had changed name for the game's executable so I had to rename that properly as well.

>> No.35450023

Because new ML is moenukige without smee humor. Routes are short and have 9 h scenes per route instead of usual 4, protag is bland faggot and not cringelord, humor just isn't here.
Blander and worse than hooksoft crap.

>> No.35450099

>9 h scenes
>full of anal
>no cringe humor
Sounds great

>> No.35450159

Yeah go gobble it up faggot, prolly made for moebutas in the nutshell like you, thank you for killing this industry.

>> No.35450193

>pass on vn because it has en translation
Why the fuck would you care? Seriously, I just don't understand and why you even keep up with EN translation scene?

>> No.35450202

Moebutas are the one who keep the industry alive.

>> No.35450243

With 98% of new releases being moeshit i would prefer industry to die tomorrow, just let people do into other mediums desu. I have years worth of backlog consists of actually good titles.

>> No.35450311

Why does it need to die? It's already dead to you if you're not interested in any of the releases, just ignore it.

>> No.35450323

To free VAs and writers and let them do something better and more creative and original like mobage instead.

>> No.35450454

Sadly it's happening already, fucking Akino Hana is in like every new crap DMM releases but can barely do like a couple main roles in eroge a year.

>> No.35450461

Good for her, no need to taint herself with pron for neckbearded incels

>> No.35450470

Well it's porn DMM gacha...

>> No.35450480


>> No.35450489
File: 690 KB, 800x600, comiket_tansai_1r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend is interested in this game https://vndb.org/v9965
Checked a lot of places but no dice, reviews said few copy's were made, out of stock on online stores, anyone have a copy or more info?

>> No.35450558


>> No.35450587

I am going to save this post for the future. I'm sure I'll run into it.

Thank you so much for the help.

>> No.35451496

Don't see anything wrong with that. Smee writers are bad at humor anyway. Pure wank material is better than when they try to fail at writing good moege.

>> No.35451510

His sprites are okay but his CGs are pure garbage

>> No.35451592

>moenukige without smee humor
Picked up. God I hate Smee humor

>> No.35451595

>Smee writers are bad at humor anyway
No, they aren't.
You're just jaded faggot.
If you want your shitty bland moege, other brands exists, no need to taint something with actual creativity like SMEE.

>> No.35451640

>good moege.
That is what we call a ``faux-pas''.

>> No.35451645

Creativity? Smee? Bro.. they make generic moege. Have you read ML, SS, fureraba?
>hahaha I watch reptile porn laugh at me
>hahaha farting is funny
This is smee humor

>> No.35451675

You don't even know how to type out quotation mark properly, faggot.
>Have you read ML, SS, fureraba?
Yes, way better and entertaining than completely bland moenukige with no humor at all.

>> No.35451684

He's right. She has been promoting it even before it was released. Don't you even remember that PV where she interviews that vtuber heroine?

>> No.35451726

What are some recent good moenukige that are actually erotic? The last one I fapped to was koinosu and it was good.

>> No.35451945

You are kinda gay.

>> No.35452129

In todays' times of 2021 this seems to be a bonus...

>> No.35452140

Everyone is gay to some extent.

>> No.35452143

>>hahaha farting is funny
Pic with the h-scene? Asking for a friend.

>> No.35452162

Only amongst the ロリ or just the 女子 in eroge. Not amongst the players themselves.

>> No.35452249

It helps with that game at least. The artist really loved focusing on the ass or dick of the guy.

>> No.35452267

Dicks unironically look better than gross vaginas.

>> No.35452342
File: 65 KB, 211x250, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is some high-level cringe

>> No.35452410
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>> No.35452412

He's not saying anything controversial lmao

>> No.35452449


>> No.35452478

Oh my gawd you changed my life
I should just live happily and all my and societal problems will be solved

>> No.35452512
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creativity? Smee? Bro.. they make generic moege. Have you read ML, SS, fureraba?
>>hahaha I watch reptile porn laugh at me
>>hahaha farting is funny
>This is smee humor
You're totally right bro, this is so un-funny! Time to drop score to 1

>> No.35452527

>an easy platinum
bought the switch version

>> No.35452533

Is sca-ji Jordon Peterson of VN medium?

>> No.35452586
File: 746 KB, 1114x1572, d1f80dd4e1b924915e8d0772f8a0a27e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35452634

Even that retard has more useful wisdom than scat-jizz

>> No.35452650
File: 887 KB, 795x593, 20160802024915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro 自殺 is all around us! people forget death!

>> No.35452659

Eroge don't satisfy me anymore.

>> No.35452687
File: 264 KB, 524x788, 15513700969400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much this. I gave an impropmptu speech today at school about this very matter. The sheep did not listen to me though...

>> No.35452702

>Oh my gawd you changed my life
Exactly my thoughts upon finishing 素晴らしき日々

>> No.35452705

If they actually made a scene like that then that would be funny

>> No.35452749

>Time to drop score to 1
you guys also have a written notebook record of what VN you have read and what the score is?

>> No.35452785
File: 939 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2021-06-16 21.48.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget WA2, this is Leaf's arcydzieło

>> No.35452848

I started watching Babylon. Some morons make a new town with separate laws to legalize death/suicide. It might be for you.
I hate the justice talk myself though. Who cares about rigging elections being some kind of justice or not, the law's idea is to keep order, and not let some lunatics do dumb shit because they think it's "just". Sad that nobody seemingly understands that simple concept, and instead trying the good old "oooh, what is justice!". [/rant]

Sorry, I had to. That said, I'm actually going to try hoshiori, with this remaster. Supposedly one of the longest and at the same time most boring VNs in existence. Some do like their games though. Let's see how long I last. If anyone has girl recommendations, I'm all ears.

>> No.35452877

You don't?

>> No.35452930

Hoshiori is unironically terribly written.

>> No.35453025
File: 2.14 MB, 1391x1043, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMEE humor >>>>>>> SCAJI humor

>> No.35453070

>stooping so low as to compare your favorite humor to sca-ji's """""humor""""" to make it seem good

>> No.35453099

Everything looks better when you've suffered through Scadick

>> No.35453119

That's the secret to living happily ;^)

>> No.35453328

SCA-Ji is unironically better at writing comedy

>> No.35453362
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>> No.35453626


>> No.35453820
File: 3.57 MB, 3840x2160, Satou Rina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never read Majikoi so this was the first time I've heard Railgun's eroge voice

>> No.35453857

It was uploaded on Share back in the day. I would ask on 2dkf request forum.

>> No.35454108


>> No.35454244

dunno if I'm the anon you're referring to. lost interest a bit, but finished aoi's route yesterday. it was decent, but nothing special. didn't enjoy it as much as any of the routes in onii-chan daisuki. I'm looking forward to playing Kotori's route next

>> No.35455087

Kotori's route is the only one I dropped after the bedroom scene. Maybe I'm not into loli enough but I just didn't feel it.
