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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 138 KB, 329x500, spicewolf_1-where-is-horo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3544374 No.3544374 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys what is a light novel anyway?

>> No.3544383

Before that... where did you get your novel cover?

>> No.3544381 [DELETED] 

stop spammin ur crappy boerd on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v& u monkey's

>> No.3544388

cool shop'd cover bro

>> No.3544387
File: 64 KB, 371x574, grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this instead.

>> No.3544390

Speaking of light novels, some guy in /a/ bought the planetarian light novel and is looking for someone to translate it if he scans the pages.. It's 240 pages.

But crossboard linking, to my memory, is broken, so fuck.

>> No.3544393

Not OP, but here
Also, before you complain, it's just a cover, at least it's being translated.

>> No.3544394

Oh, hey, they fixed it.

Nah, it's real.

>> No.3544396

either no one feels this is rage worthy or no ones has heard the news.

>> No.3544399

Spice&Wolf? More like Spice&Beaver.

>> No.3544402
File: 308 KB, 374x578, 1255371974157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the real cover.
No fucking lie.

>> No.3544405

Ok. I hope the rest of the translation isn't as bad as this.

>> No.3544407

>what is a light novel
a novel that is light

>> No.3544409

>dump the charming cover illustrations
along with any of the illustrations in the original book.

>> No.3544426

read it, rage'd, then realize what a amazing business idea this is. Sure they will loose some whiny weaboo fans, but they have the chance to gain a bunch more of the fantasy genre readers.

>> No.3544433

>sex hungry US fantasy market:
Huh. Is he suggesting that the "true" Spice and Wolf fans aren't?

>> No.3544441

Any Twilight fanbitch I see reading my Spice & Wolf I will personally rip there eyeballs out so they can never read it or any other shitty vampire book again.

>> No.3544448

It's a novel that you can read at night because the letters glow in the dark.

>> No.3544455

Thanks man. Planetarianfag here, anybody feel like translating?

>> No.3544458

Even better than that:

Release the novels with Ho(r/l)o and all illustrations in a few months at a higher price point. Otaku will (re-)buy it for sure!

>> No.3544466

Ok wake me up when they rerelease it with the original cover.
I will buy it that time.

>> No.3544486

Utter bullshit.

Yen Press...burn in hell. And I already expect horrible translation.

>> No.3544488 [DELETED] 

A light novel is painstakingly transcribed the doodled upon by monks.

>> No.3544492

A light novel is painstakingly transcribed then doodled upon by monks.

>> No.3544495

I'm sure they'll buy it again. As would you.
But leave Horo's name out of it.

>> No.3544568

So THIS is why people hate this site. It's sad it took me this long to realize it.

Also, a light novel is pretty much a novel for anyone too mentally challenged for a full-length novel.

>> No.3544581

A novel that weighs less than 16g

>> No.3544753

It's worse what they did to Kino's journey cover than what they've done to Spice and Wolf's

>> No.3544783

While this actually does make me rage RAGE...I don't like this ;_; I can very well understand their reasoning, I myself being educated in these fields of marketing business.

I am actually happy that they took this approach I cry at the same time though ;_; You would probably be surprised of how much this will be able to affect the sales. By doing this the books can stand next to other fantasy books in bookstores and will look a lot more "serious" to the average reader. even though it is their fault for judging a book by it's cover, everyone does such things subconsciously to a certain degree anyway so I guess that you can't blame them
By doing this I (just like they seem to believe) think that Spice and Wolf will sell noticably better. If it does then it is very likely that this will "open up" the light novel market here in the west and increase the overall sales of all light novels.
When light novels are recognised as books the same way here in the west as they are in the east then stuff like this won't matter anymore and then the original covers will most be the ones who will be used.
And they seem to agree on this
>so that one day — hopefully! — we’ll be in a very different place where we can confidently and successfully utilize the original cover art for these books.

The original interior illustrations will still be there and it is still the same book. The story together with the interior illustrations will "soften up" people so that light novels will appear more appealing to them.

About the jacket with the original cover art though.
While I mut ay that it would be a lot more appealing with a limited edition "original cover print" I know that there are alot of factor that affect how possible would have been to carry out in reality, so I respect their choice of going with a book jacket.

>> No.3544788

So while I am in reality very upset about this cause I have very much so been looking forward to buying the books (with the original cover art) I do believe that underneath all of the rage and tears I am actually happy that they chose to follow this strategy. It will be a lot better for the whole series of the books and it will be a good thing for light novels in general.
I for one actually support this
even though my slightly more egoistic self RAGE quite a bit.

>> No.3544804

If it goes Wiki style translation, I'm sure people will help.

>> No.3544812

Explain more, please.

>> No.3544817

For example, what was done to Zero no Tsukaima:

>> No.3544841

>hey guys what is a light novel anyway?
A book that is easier to read than most other books.
Illustrations aren't neccessary but it is the trend and it's excpected.

Now, a book that is "easier" to read might sound a bit stupid here in the west but to them it is basically a book that isn't consisted of millions of kanji and other unreadable moon runes that even japanese people can have trouble understanding.

If you go to a Japanese book store then you will notice that the books are sorted after certain difficulty levels were they have books that
You should understand as long as you can read
Books that you should understand if you have the average high school education
And books that you probably wouldn't understand unless you are over thirty years old or above.

Now, the japanese language may actually be a good language in itself and there isn't really anything wrong with the spoken part and the written language actually does have certain qualities.
But no written language should take over 30 years to learn before you qualify to read and write stuff of the "higher level". The quality and flexibillity of the language when mastered doesn't really compensate for the fact that it takes too long to learn properly.
Dictionaries have always been a good thing though and the Japanese are quite good at using them, but one shouldn't have to.

>> No.3544847

And that is thirty years of the average Native japanese speaker.

>> No.3545069

I am upset as everyone else but seriously.
At least the cover is actually good.
Sure I wan't the original cpvers as well since nothing can beat them but still, this cover is still good if compared to that of other books.
I guess it shows that they at least are dedicated to the series.

>> No.3545204

How come /a/ so full of children?
I shouldn't even visit that place even when people link to it.

>> No.3545230

Children love 4chan.

For instance:

Or just browse any video game related forum. Every 12 year old kid there is shouting /v/ memes.

>> No.3545276

Let's just be happy that it gets an actual cover.
Lot's of book companies print plain covers.

>> No.3545280
File: 40 KB, 379x586, 1255548093414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather have this?

>> No.3545286

Come now, every board has its share of problems. Surely you aren't insinuating that /jp/ of all places is without them. Also, this is a bit unrelated, but may I ask why you aren't using the sage function when you're discussing something unrelated to the current topic?

>> No.3545296

/jp/'s only problem is that its been infested with normalfags from /r9k/, /a/, /v/ and /b/ as of late, who're butthurt to find out that their kind isn't welcome here. If we just had a mod to permaban anyone who admitted to being non-NEET, all the horrible things on this board (bawwson spam, anontalk spam, japanese bird spam, tripfag circlejerk, 3d pig disgusting idolfag circljerk) would be eliminated.

>> No.3545308

Problem is, /jp/ has been rather divided as to what the proper definition of NEET is as of late.

>> No.3545315

I'd rather have neither, thank you very much

>> No.3545338

fuck off. NEET is an acronym, it is not ambiguous.

>> No.3545341

>proper definition of NEET
You're kidding, right? It's right there in the name. Not in Employment, Education, or Training. There is nothing there to discuss.

>> No.3545349

Actually, it would be a better idea to permaban the people flaunting their NEET status, because one of the following is guaranteed:
1. They aren't actually NEET.
2. They are retards who believe being NEET is worth flaunting.
3. They are huge faggots.

>> No.3545350

Well I do believe that there are more children on /a/ than there is on /jp/.
And I didn't use the sage function partly because cause I wanted an answer and the thread would die if I didn't bumped it and then it was partly because of the fact that this thread linked to /a/ and I visited /a/ through that link and found a thread about this cover there as well.
But they seemed to be kind of retarded in that thread and while I understand that they are upset about this just like we are they don't seem to know anything about real life or marketing.
The average /jp/ NEET seems to be more educated than the average /a/non (I think that general life experience may be the cause of this) and they seemed to believe than anime and manga sales are better than that of non anime and manga books without doubt.
/jp/ can at least admit to being otakus and NEETs and perhaps even hikkies and admit to not being normal-fags but /a/ seem to believe that their interests are the norm and that it is not a niche market.
And sure one can think that without being a child or retarded but one should at least be able to have some good arguments.

>> No.3545371
File: 114 KB, 492x669, Umad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a butthurt normalfag

Lol u mad?

>> No.3545376

It's you know like a novel, but less complex and shorter.

>> No.3545388

NEET was not originally a Japanese term. I'm sure that changing it into a Japanese context suitable for /jp/ involves more than changing the L's to R's.

>> No.3545413

Being a NEET means going against Alaya, which consequently means you are the bane of humanity. While this may or may not be an admirable quality in whatever backwards rock you were spawned on, on the human dominated Earth, it is detestable. This means that as long as you reside on this world, being a NEET is, in fact, not something you ought to be flaunting.

>> No.3545458

Look at >>3544841

>> No.3545496


herp derp derp

>> No.3546290

Planetarian scanner, still looking for the translator that originally offered.

>> No.3546298

shut up, you gay homofag

>> No.3547343
File: 85 KB, 500x437, why_so_serious_cat-12947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

