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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 274 KB, 701x1000, inganock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3541906 No.3541906 [Reply] [Original]


What do you plan on voting for?

>> No.3541909

get out moelicious devs

>> No.3541922

Baldr again of course, but I'm not gonna bother asking my normalfag friends to help this time. I'm still convinced this shits rigged.

>> No.3541927

swan song I think

>> No.3541932

>>has received an "excellent 8/10" or higher ranking from me (all my scores are listed here)

>>9/10 Chaos;Head
>>9/10 Fate/Stay Night
>>7/10 Shuffle!

W-what?! These aren't Universal Media Scale rankings!

>> No.3541934

it wasnt rigged, but just allowed ixrec a lot of leeway in deciding when the end the poll. If you bothered to read the tl;dr list of rules you would have seen it coming.

He was always going to pick the game he liked most in a tie breaker.

>> No.3541936

I can't imagine anything other than G-Senjou winning, it's already partially translated and all and the Neko translated project is completely halted.

>> No.3541944

>translation project*

>> No.3541948

I see he reviewed muvluv as average, that's what happens when you don't play alternative. Because really extra/unlimited ARE average, but alternative....christ I wish he'd just play the god damn game then I know he'd re-consider translating it.

>> No.3541956

He's planning on playing it, but says he's not going to translate an average game like Muv-Luv just so he can translate an excellent game like Alternative.

>> No.3541958


That's so dumb.

>> No.3541959

yeah. Since he tlced most of it anyways might as well just finish it.

>> No.3541961

If Muv-Luv really is important to translate before doing Alternative, I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to either.

>> No.3541962

>Implying I plan on voting for anything

>> No.3541963

get a shitty translator to tl the first two then.

Oh wait this is /jp/. bitch away

>> No.3541966

oh I didn't know this was /v/

>> No.3541972

>not going to translate an average game

>> No.3541974

bitch didnt know better back then

>> No.3541975


Not this shit again, although I do agree with you.

>> No.3541996

Anyone else ready for a huge shitstorm caused by this fag again?
I know I'm not.

>> No.3542018

but what else will you do with your time

>> No.3542025

Watch paint dry.

You should try it.

>> No.3542040

A really fast translator pops up, and you people still manage to bitch. This place....thisplaceThisPlaceTHISCHAIRTHISCHAIRTHISCHAIR

>> No.3542042

Wow, Ixrec is only 18?

I was thinking he was 20-21 like everyone else here judging from his likes/dislikes.

>> No.3542050

Obviously put this time into smething better used. e.g. attempting to learn japanese to not have to put up with this shit.

>> No.3542053

Even your idol Aescai considers F/SN a pretty top-tier game.

>> No.3542075


Cut the shit anon, you and I both know you aren't going to learn jap. Your too busy after all, the NEET life is full of trials and tribulations. Keep up the good work partner, I expect to hear great tales after your journey is finished.

>> No.3542085

Like most of /jp/, I'm not a NEET

>> No.3542103


I know that.

And I miss Asceai. He died a few months ago during some crazy weeklong eroge marathon.

>> No.3542110

At least he took out downvoting. That was just an excuse to squabble over taste and vote multiple times.

>> No.3542117
File: 36 KB, 500x400, Your and You're.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3542122
File: 50 KB, 385x385, 13d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>--4) A rule has been added stating that if I play a game and consider it to be "flawless 10/10" I will skip polls entirely and tl it no matter what.

>> No.3542124

Once you go furry, you can never go back.

>> No.3542126

>I am going to play Alternative at some point, I expect to love it considering what everyone else has said about it, and I have no reason not to allow its nomination, so state away.
Hmm, interesting

>> No.3542133


Just another reason I nominated Alternative.

>> No.3542134
File: 102 KB, 432x576, furdance2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's yiff.

>> No.3542137

Anyone see that CSI where someone shot a guy in a furry suit cause he thought it was a wolf getting ready to attack his cattle? Good stuff

>> No.3542146

Ixrec is going to play Yu-No soon. Poll's closed, everyone go home.

>> No.3542153

I'd nominate GSS, but based on his review score he probably won't do it even if it wins. Probably going to vote for Flyable Hearts, this time.

>> No.3542160

It's been disqualified, you can't nominate it at all.

>> No.3542171
File: 41 KB, 720x480, 138034073484017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part of GSS is Gore and the H-scenes, but Gore is barely in itReally, I'm not making this shit up.

>> No.3542175

Swan Song again.

>> No.3542183

Are people really going to give up the only chance of G-Senjou ever being finished?

>> No.3542219

>only chance
I very much doubt that.

>> No.3542268


>> No.3542301

sup samefag - and yeah, I'll do it especially to spite you

>> No.3542312

It's not samefagging if you're not pretending to be different people. I'm just really surprised that people don't want it more. Not that I care though since I've already read it.

>> No.3542319


I just looked it up, it looks interesting no doubt. But I'd still rather Alternative or Baldr won, that's just how it is.

>> No.3542368

How did you manage to miss all of the threads about it? Go play the partial translation patch.

>> No.3542918

I'll be voting for Reika Bitch Training

>> No.3542977

u shut ur whore mouth up

>> No.3543596


Guy behind SnI here - we're going to be backing BS this time, so it probably won't be necessary. You should still do it to be safe though.

>> No.3543616

Remember11 and Symphonic rain are worked on, so that's out.

I'd say having him finish G-Senjou no Maou is not a bad idea, since about half is done already IIRC.

>> No.3543619

No point in Alt being translated if Muv-Luv isn't first, mind, unless you care not for story and just want to play Alt for lol mecha battles and tentacle rape.

>> No.3543623

People who think Muv-Luv is an average game either missed the point entirely or wouldn't like Alternative to begin with. Better off if Ixrec doesn't translate it.

>> No.3543631

What do you mean by that? Even on EGS, Muv-Luv's score is similar to Ixrec's. No one seems to consider the first Muv-Luv anything special.

>> No.3543650

I won't be voting for Swan Song. Herp derp.

>> No.3543654
File: 12 KB, 195x257, rance sheming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about more Rance?

>> No.3543661

I found Extra average, but really liked Unlimited. Bittersweet and a somewhat deux ex end, but that's understandable.

>> No.3543663

3 is Dated, most would not like it much.
So either Kichikuou or 6.
Dunno what Ixrec's stance is on Gameplay focus.

>> No.3543670
File: 37 KB, 500x500, putina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vote Putin!

>> No.3543672

Ixrec isn't much into gameplay at all. See his Baldr Sky review.

>> No.3543676

Rance is out than.

>> No.3543677


>> No.3543685

>shitty rigged troll poll

>> No.3543687

Reported for rigging. Brace for deletion.

And real deal fags. you better vote for either BALDR SKY or SWAN SONG, nothing in between or we will have to cancer another disney incident

>> No.3543691

There's no point in voting in a troll poll.

>> No.3543695

You heard it here first: The next translation project will be either Forest or Sharnoth. Even if someone votespams Baldr Sky, Ixrec will just play either of those two and give it a 10. He seems to be such a rabid Liarsoft fanboy that I really can't see this not happening.

>> No.3543696

That's because people don't play Muv-Luv Alt if they didn't enjoy Muv-Luv.

See, Muv-Luv was originally planned to be released as a three part game - Extra, Unlimited and Alternative, with the three essentially played in sequence as such. Just like Unlimited doesn't make a great deal of sense with Extra, Alternative doesn't make a great deal of sense without Unlimited and Extra.

You could still play one and not the others, sure (and you might very well enjoy it), just as you can play Baldr Sky Dive2 when it comes out in November without having played Baldr Sky Dive1. Nobody's going to stop you, but it would be silly.

>> No.3543699

Forest wouldn't be too bad, since it's better than both Baldr Sky and Swan Song. Be a bit of a bitch to translate though (not that Baldr Sky wouldn't be, fucking shimmering vertical text)

Sharnoth was a pretty ordinary game. Bit of a disappointment from the Inganock writer. Hopefully Hikari no Valusia will be as good as Inganock was.

>> No.3543703


>> No.3543708 [DELETED] 

What is going on guys? I am too lazy to visit their site.
I thought the furry devs are doing Ingacock? How come there is anyone poll now? Is he really that fast? He finished Ingacock already?

>> No.3543712


He expects to be done with it within a month or so.

>> No.3543714

What is going on guys? I am too lazy to visit their site.
I thought the furry devs are doing Ingacock? How come there is another poll now? Is he really that fast? He finished Ingacock already?

>> No.3543717

I guess it's time to pull out the Saihate no Ima votes again.

I wonder how much it costs to rent one of those russian botnets.

>> No.3543722

>furry devs
Stop ruining /jp/, damn kids. Stop using >implying and reaction images as well.

>> No.3543728

'furry' is actually a pretty good word to filter with that plugin. I don't think I've ever seen it used on /jp/ in a non-trolling context.

>> No.3543732

Ixrec isn't going to be able to translate it, I'd put money on it.

>> No.3543738

But you just did use it in a non-trolling context.

>> No.3543740

>furry devs

What wrong with you? Can't take a joke?
I mean I respect that guy for doing Cross Channel but can't we joke around sometimes?

>> No.3543742

I thought so, but then again, I didn't expect him to be able to translate CC either and he did a much better job than I thought so maybe.

>> No.3543750

>joke around
Like /b/? There's a limit. If you're going to joke around, try not to be retarded about it.

>> No.3543753

Anyone noticed that the 'main'/most common piece of background music in Saihate no Ima is very similar to the most common piece of background music in Cross Channel?

I think pretty much everyone on the project except Tanaka Romeo thought they were working on a Cross Channel 2. Must have come as a shock to them once they realized it really wasn't.

>> No.3543762

Well, pretty much any post ending in "dev" is a joke. Except for when it involves KS.

>> No.3543764

How is giving them the "furry devs" nickname retarded?
It is like calling your close friend faggot or fucker.

>> No.3543766

Shut the fuck up disney, nobody cares. Now leave like the wind.

>> No.3543768

U mad?

>> No.3543770

Who started this 'disney' shit and what does it mean anyway?

>> No.3543772

You have Mickey and a plot element in Ingagnoc were people are infected and turn in humanoid beasts/animals.

>> No.3543777

fuck off furry dev

>> No.3543791

First you tell people to not act like they're on /b/ and then you post >>3543768?

Go away, troll.

>> No.3543798

When the hell did I post >>3543768?

The U mad guy is one of you faggots.

>> No.3543805

Trolls trolling (ry

>> No.3543809

Sure, you say that NOW.

>> No.3543810
File: 50 KB, 800x600, evat39aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope 町ぐるみの罠~白濁にまみれた肢体~ wins.

>> No.3543818

Isn't that CG actually from the FD? I don't recall there being a scene in the original where there was only one girl stuck in there.

Anyway, Machigurumi no Wana was pretty horrible, but it had something in it that kept me playing long enough to clear it. I still think it's horrible though

>> No.3543819

This or President game.
Baldr can eat shit.

>> No.3543820

Any game that has a scene like that is enough to keep me playing. For some reason it's my fetish, the fact that the girl can't see what's happening really does it for me.

>> No.3543821

It is from the HCgs I downloaded somewhere.

I am a huge fan of rape so I want to have a nice rape game translated.

>> No.3543824
File: 94 KB, 800x600, 1411394312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all the endings in Baldr Sky as crappy as this one?

>> No.3543832

The bad and normal ends are better than the good ends. Rain's normal end especially is great.

>> No.3543833

Is Ixrec really going to translate 122 rape scenes, though? That's got to be pretty soul-killing.

>> No.3543835

It's the worst ending in the game.
Get Rain normal end next.

>> No.3543840

The others are a bit better, but Rain Normal is the only really good one.

>> No.3543851

No, only females are voiced.

No, none of Dark Translations' games are worth playing because they're all by Lilith.

>> No.3543856
File: 54 KB, 800x600, evyu01hc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More importantly. Does ATLAS do a good job on it? And are the rape scenes fully voiced?

Bonus questions: Is any of Dark Translations rape games wort playing?

>> No.3543862

That's a lot. Are any of them any good?

>> No.3543867

Why is every single black guy in Vns a rapist?

Me being a black guy am very pleased by that fact.

>> No.3543869

Fapped to HCGs about 50 times now.
Never have played any of them because of runes.

>> No.3543877

If you like rape, you'll love Machigurumi no Wana. The H scenes are fairly lengthy for the number of them there are.

If you don't like rape, you won't even be playing the game in the first place.

Not EVERY black guy in a VN is a rapist. I admit I can only think of two exceptions at the moment, but they exist!

>> No.3543880

Foreigners of any kind are almost always rapists.

>> No.3543885

Unless they're girls, in which case they're blond-haired (or white-haired) and awesome.

>> No.3543887

Dou you really need a translation project for "No please stop it! stop iiiit! Oh wait this feels so good!"

>> No.3543888

Nanoha's bad end is better

>> No.3543895
File: 308 KB, 600x600, chara-window-michael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael in Hime nochi Honey is a funny exception, yeah.

>> No.3543901
File: 148 KB, 802x604, lilith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamibou please! I want to see daily powerlevel shitstorms.

>> No.3543960

Because he've already played one of their VNs, right?

And, uh, when did GSS got disqualified? And why? Simply because he didn't like it?

>> No.3543980

>Simply because he didn't like it?
What the hell, do you expect him to translate a game he doesn't like? And he said it was good but not great enough to translate, isn't that fair? Pretty much everyone who has played GSS agrees with him on that.

>> No.3543985

Read the rules of the poll.

>> No.3543998

But disney is, amirite?

>> No.3544000

lol at rigged polls, amaterasu is shit and ixrec is a gigantic faggot. fucking furry

>> No.3544002

I know you guys are just joking around, or "trolling" or whatever, but it's really not funny

>> No.3544011

Sorry if we hurt your feelings furry dev. Opps sorry, I mean amaterasu devs.

We still love you guys for translation Cross Channel.

>> No.3544013

Wasn't Cross Channel not REAL DEAL enough?

>> No.3544015

Princess Witches owns all those shitty eroges.

>> No.3544023

>I still love you guys for translation Cross Channel.
Don't associate me with those REAL DEAL FAGS.

>> No.3544031


Perhaps this is not the place for you, if you dislike casual insults so much?

>> No.3544041

>Perhaps this is not the place for you
Maybe not. Happen to have a time machine handy to go back to when /jp/ wasn't full of /a/ and /v/ posters?

>> No.3544045 [DELETED] 

stop spammin ur crappy boerd on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v& u monkey's

>> No.3544049


I'm afraid a time machine would not fix such an issue.

>> No.3544053

Protip. I believed casual insults have always been the norm in /jp/. Check the archive.

We usually just treat it as a joke and move on. Perhaps it is you that are new if you feel offended by it.

>> No.3544074

>We usually just treat it as a joke and move on
That's what I usually do, but it's getting pretty annoying now with all the DISNEY, REAL DEAL, FURRY, reaction images, and >implying shit. It's really making /jp/ a shit place in general. It's getting hard to distinguish between this place and any other place on 4chan. Didn't we pride ourselves on being better than the other boards?

Of course, now I'm making it shittier by replying to it

>> No.3544109

Nobody is joking here fagget. Time to get rid of useless posters like you. I wish we had some skilled janitors ;_;

>> No.3544113

hahaha owow sure is birdy in here

>> No.3544194

>reaction images, and >implying shit.
Well I do hate these but seriously I don't see anything wrong with Disney or x devs shit.
Like some anon said earlier, Ingacock does fit the Disney storyline. I bet it even has a happy fairy tale ending.

>> No.3544206

>I don't see anything wrong with Disney or x devs shit.
They're the same brand of "lol im being funny" when really you're just making the board a terrible place. Especially the "devs" shit.

>> No.3544234

For your information Real Devs do lurk at /jp/.

Why else you think those shitkaku devs went and register shitkakucomplex.com and of course furry devs are probably laughing at /jp/ in their irc channel during the baldr sky/ignacock shitstorm.

>> No.3544256


>> No.3544262

machigurumi no wana

>> No.3544284

Hmm, I'd love it if FOREST was translated, but I imagine backlash would be huge if something from Liar-Soft was done again, instead of Baldr Sky. Also, it doesn't really have much of a chance winning the poll.
Unless something excellent comes up, I'll be voting(and getting some of my friends too) for Baldr Sky.

>> No.3544310

Can we finally have AIR translated already? I mean, come on, it's going so slow, it's better off learning Japanese than waiting for the TL effort to finish.

Though I'm all for Baldr Sky and Swan Song getting translated too.

>> No.3544313

saged, reported, hidden, "moelicious" added to filter, called the cops, activated the bat signal.

Making a 100+ post shitfest out of such a drop-to-page-10 advertisement/spam thread? You disappoint me, /jp/, You were supposed to be better than this.

>> No.3544331

What are the /jp/ approved games in the current nominee list?

Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory"
Swan Song
Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a shooting star-
Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu
Saihate no Ima
Narcissu Side 2nd & Narcissu 3rd Die Dritte Welt
G-Senjou no Maou (the untranslated portion)
Parfait ~Second Brew~
Shikkoku no Sharnoth ~what a beautiful tomorrow~
Gunjou no Sora wo Koete
Reika Mesuinu Choukyou
Supreme Candy ~Oudou niwa Oudoutaru Riyuu ga Arun desu~
Kusarihime ~Euthanasia~
Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo Dokidoki Full Throttle!
Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo ~Sanshimaitono Dokidoki Kyoudou Seikatsu~
Killer Queen
Kichikuou Rance
Clover Hearts
Tapestry -you will meet yourself-
Sekai de Ichiban dame na koi
幼なじみは大統領 My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT
MinDead Blood
Princess Hunting Dungeon Meister
Eden* They Were Only Two, On The Planet
Bullet Butlers
Chrono Belt

..Fuck it, I'm not pasting more of these. Anyway, which are good?

>> No.3544334

>advertisement/spam thread

>> No.3544391


>> No.3544518
File: 126 KB, 1000x450, muvluv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, for all the MuvLuv fans, it's okay if Ixrec doesn't pick it to translate:


The official website for Muv-Luv, the sequel to the Akane Maniax romance adventure game and anime franchise, posted an announcement on Monday stating plans for an adaption is to be animated for release in 2010. The animation will take place in two parts, Extra and Unlimited, following the format of the original adventure game released in 2003. The Extra storyline revolves around 3rd year student Shirogane Takeru and his relationships with his eccentric classmates, while the Unlimited storyline takes place in an alternate universe from Extra, in which aliens have invaded the planet and mankind struggles to fight back.

Tetsuya Watanabe (Evangelion, Rumbling Hearts, Code Geass) will direct off scripts that Katsuhiko Takayama (ef - a tale of melodies., Ga-Rei -Zero-, Rumbling Hearts) will oversee. The animation studio Studio Fantasia will produce the project.

Source: Moon Phase

© 2009 âge/Muv-Luv Production Committee

>> No.3544536
File: 81 KB, 292x302, yudodis..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I was like FUCK YEAH!
But then ;_;

>> No.3544545

...Thanks Anon. This made my day.

>> No.3544548

That's not very nice, anon.

>> No.3544566

Lyrical Lisp is the only VN worthy of translation.

>> No.3544565 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 806x644, EX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was too good to be true. Fuck you. Reinstalling and replaying EX.

>> No.3544573

I rather learn japanese and play the eroge than watch that piece of shit adaptation.

>> No.3544575

>I knew it was too good to be true.
This. Plus someone else would have ended up making a thread about it if it was true.

>> No.3544577

Why do we never talk about pajama soft or lilian anyways?

>> No.3544580
File: 135 KB, 806x644, EX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was too good to be true. But I wanted to believe.
I knew that I had to disbelieve after it mentioned "sequel of Akane Maniax". But I wanted to believe.
I knew that without Alternative it's rather pointless. But I wanted to believe.
I knew that I can't trust something without a real source. But I wanted to believe.

Fuck you.

Reinstalling and replaying EX.

>> No.3544589


>> No.3544599

All the art in that style always makes me HNNNGGGGG.

>> No.3544605
File: 55 KB, 400x300, c666076sample4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll vote for 'another Liar-Soft title'

2nd poll will follow.

>> No.3544636
File: 599 KB, 1600x1200, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the right one. The slut is up for grabs.

>> No.3544659

used goods

>> No.3544662

I just got Rain Normal.

Holy shit. Fuck.

>> No.3544672

liar soft fags and furry devs, fuck off.

>> No.3544673

That seems to be considered the best end I think. All of the bad/normal ends are pretty great though, I especially like Nanoha's bad end because it's so WHAT THE FUCK. I seem to be the only one though.

>> No.3544699

Every end in dive 1 is a bad end. That's how baldr works.

>> No.3544759 [DELETED] 

Everyone not voting for Reika Bitch Training is gay.

>> No.3544759,1 [INTERNAL] 

So why are some of you comparing Inganock to Disney? From what I've heard, Inganock takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where the sun is always covered and there's child labor with deaths left and right. Which Disney movies are like this? The closest I can come up with is the Anne Frank movie.

>> No.3544759,2 [INTERNAL] 

Because the trollin' is strong ITT, son.

>> No.3545225


Eh, I thought Nanoha's normal end was pretty heavy. You think everything is fine and then it smacks you across the face.

>> No.3545295 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 1088x768, 0701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I aint touching something that has been tainted by BETA

>> No.3545309

Everyone in this thread who is stating Extra/Unlimited are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY has never played any of them. Plus there is practically nothing difficult stated in extra at all, and only a bit here and there in unlimited. AGTH would be fine for these mediocre games.

Alternative however it would be a poor choice to use AGTH.

>> No.3545325

Unlimited is necessary though.

>> No.3545337

You guys might be interested in knowing that /u/ is rallying too. They seem to be interested in making Katahane or Sapphism no Gensou win.

>> No.3545381

Himawari nominated.I'll vote for it again for the final poll and enjoy my Baldr Sky.

>> No.3545383

Extra is for brick shitting and basic information. Like Yuuko grabbing you and making you copy extensive research papers for no apparent reason. At the end, nearly everything that happened for apparently no reason has an explanation.

It's kinda watching Matrix revolutions without the first 2 movies (or LotR, or any saga). You CAN do it, but you won't enjoy it as much.

>> No.3545384

What the flying fuck. No.

>> No.3545389

Himawari was denominated because Moogy and TNA are going to do it after they're done with Sharin.

>> No.3545393


>> No.3545401

Searching a bit, I found this: http://www.solelo.com/katahane/
Similar to that one yuri game(Akai Ito), the game text has been directly translated to a web-page. It's pretty much insertion ready, unless you want more polish and would like to edit the text more.
...What the fuck is with yuri and these translations. They attract them like honey does flies.

Katahane is pretty excellent, though. Anybody wanna start a project to make a patch for it?

>> No.3545476

Extra is important because it sets up the characters, particularly Sumika and Meiya. Without having played Extra, Sumika would seem really out of place in Alternative. Yes, yes, you have the flashbacks, but the aren't really meant to take the place of the entire Sumika route.

Unlimited is important because it provides a foundation for the setting and gives us Takeru's initial motivation and state of mind.

Don't get me wrong, neither one is nearly as good as Alternative is, but they do contribute significantly to the overall story. They're not ABSOLUTELY necessary, but Alternative would be a lot less memorable without them.

>> No.3545477

What. That's not insertion ready, it's not even a translation of the game. It's rough summaries of some of the scenes and translations of some random dialog.

>> No.3545495

Fuck. I'm an idiot, nevermind.

>> No.3545501
File: 110 KB, 800x600, カタハネ(08年04月02日 14時46分34秒).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sapphism no Gensou
Fuck no, convince them not to be fucking retarded and vote for
Fuck yes, it's an excellent game. Although I'm sure some people on /u/ are probably scared of it because it has stuff like heterosexual couples and an actual story that doesn't revolve around girls fucking each other.

>> No.3545515

It was a nice dream while it lasted.

>> No.3546025

if it's /m/, I'd vote for it.

>> No.3546031

Get the Narcissu series translated already!

>> No.3546037

Narcissu 2-3
Blue Blaster
My Girlfriend is the President

>> No.3546067

I wonder. I'm tempted to nominate My Girlfriend is the President as well. But I'm a child of /m/.

>> No.3546106

Fuck yeah, Lilith.

>> No.3546125

I'll vote for something that doesn't have action, gameplay or mecha.

>> No.3546166

Do you fucking read the rules? Only one person needs to name a title in order to nominate it.

>> No.3546398

>Reika's Bitch Training.

Fuck this would be hilarious if it won.

>> No.3546476

Alright, it's gonna be showdown! Let's see who can vote rally/stuff the best lol vote rallying for rigged polls

>> No.3546496

Come on Ixrec. Swan Song or Baldr Sky. That's all I really want.

>> No.3546503

Does anyone remember the title of that Lamia game that's meant to come out soon?

>> No.3546505

The chances of Swan Song winning seems to be slim to nill.

>> No.3546510

Baldr Sky will never be translated by Amatroll Translations.

>> No.3546513
File: 259 KB, 1088x1536, 0422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poll will mean nothing when he starts to read Altern >I'll prolly take about a week off anyway just to marathon more of YUNO (since I'll start reading that soon)

God damnit

>> No.3546517

It was 4th place in the last poll and two of the games ahead of it won't be in the next one.

>> No.3546525

Atleast spoilertag that image, bro.

>> No.3546531


I'm not one for spout out newfag but...if you haven't seen that image, you haven't been here for very long. And even if I did spoiler that, you were gonna see it tomorrow or the day after anyways

>> No.3546536 [DELETED] 

Actually it might have won last time if it wasn't for all the rampant downvoting - which is removed this time.

>> No.3546537

I've seen it countless times, but for those who haven't it tends to lose much of its impact when you see it as a thumbnail.

>> No.3546545

Bragging about jp spoils that image constantly is not a good thing

>> No.3546556

Yeah, that and I think it was actually the game with the most upvotes in the prelim round, so it's definitely not out of the running.

>> No.3546581 [DELETED] 

Oh, we're voting again?

I voted for Saihate no IMA last time, so I guess I'll vote for it again this time as their hasn't been anything else I'd prefer in the meantime.

>> No.3546584

Oh, we're voting again?

I voted for Saihate no IMA last time, so I guess I'll vote for it again this time as there hasn't been anything else I'd prefer in the meantime.

>> No.3546614

If possible I wanted to do either Katahane or Sakura Musubi after finishing Hatsukoi (not till next year though).
Never played both, but I hear they're good.

>> No.3546734


>> No.3546772


Not yet, just nominating stuff. If you see something you'd like translated, don't be an dumbass and repost it.

>> No.3546924

Wouldn't have known it was a spoiler if you could keep your damn mouth shut.

>> No.3547326

I'm not going to bother voting on their shit "poll" again. I do look forward to the post-poll trolling on /jp/ though.
