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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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35374424 No.35374424 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments.
The discussion does not have to be limited to FPS streams, as long as what you post centers around the vtubers involved (Vspo etc.)
Due to extensive overlap with non-v, sometimes non-v will be posted about here, but please use your own discretion (i.e. Tonakaito can be on-topic but Shiv is definitely not).
If you're not sure about whether or not your post belongs here, just give it a try.

NEWS (All times posted are in JST):
Vtuber Saikyou S3
Streams start at 8/22 18:00

VISC Apex Tournament 2021 Summer
Hosted by だめでちょーず and Shirasu Uni, an illustrator that makes great APEX fanart.
https://twitter.com/UniDON1500en/status/1400754201139900417 18 team tournament with some "special guests"
Scrims: 6/17-6/18 21:00
Main event: 6/19 18:00
Hinano, Kamito, Yufuna, Virtual Gorilla, Inui, Yoru Yoichi, and other people you may know are participating.

Congratulations to YCM (Chihiro, Matsuri, and Yukio) for 1st place!

LVG gets a win at VCC PUBG custom!
Please watch Nazuna's frag movie

Apex Legends Vtuber Cup#2
Main event: 6/19
This is a different event from Vtuber Saikyou. It's mostly literal who's but you might find a new vtuber to follow here.

KAGAYAKI Cup is now back!
Scrims: 6/22 - 6/25 (20:00 - 22:00)
Main event: 6/26 (20:00 - 23:00)
1st place prize: 300 000 ¥
Intro of participants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXZeqFqcXE4

Apex Matsuri Gaiden (casual tournament)
Main event: 6/27 18:00

6th CR Cup is on 7/31
No other details yet.

CR Cup Valorant (Vol. 1) is over!
Congratulations to Naraka's team for the win!

>> No.35374450 [DELETED] 


>> No.35374476 [DELETED] 

You are ridiculous.

>> No.35374605

Nose, Ratna, Alelu - Shibuya Hal custom

Noah, Reid, Astel - Kagayaki cup scrims

>> No.35374625

fucking hate mildom ui

>> No.35374649

Huh, noah took out yukio - chalk that up as a win

>> No.35374684

I see we're back. Here's a clip of Sena mistakenly joining the VC as mentioned in the last thread.


>> No.35374691

Apparently Admin got burned recently for being a bad drunk, and dissing StylishNoob's fans.

>> No.35374703

yeah, the chat window somehow sucks more than youtube's - basically unusable too when it's flooded with "Userxxx has entered the room"

>> No.35374844 [DELETED] 

take that shit to /v/

>> No.35374849

if someone doesn't take out kinokogenji or yukio early on it's basically all over. good thing there's a kill point limit at least

>> No.35374873 [DELETED] 
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>> No.35374978

well at least this time there's still other strong pred

>> No.35375012 [DELETED] 
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I guess now that we've moved to /jp/, I guess I should explain why we belong here. There's bound to be some people who have read this thread for the first time.
To clarify, this thread is not about APEX the game or other FPS. This thread is about japanese streamers who play FPS a lot, and APEX just happens to be the most popular streaming FPS in japan.
Most of the posters here watch Vspo! primarily, which is a vtuber group. However, due to the nature of the scene and frequent outside collabs, calling this thread the Vspo thread wouldn't do it any justice.
Our discussion would be on-topic in the virtual youtuber thread, but it would sometimes be off-topic. This strange situation led to the creation of this thread.
This thread used to be on /vt/, but the slow pace of the thread wasn't enough to keep up with the board, especially when some superficial drama was happening that led to dozens of trash threads in a day.
Keeping the thread bumped in /vt/ is a challenge considering that to keep up with this thread you need to not be an EOP, and the board population of /vt/ is mostly EOPs (not that /jp/ is much of an improvement). On top of that, even with all the streamers that are part of this scene, there are only like a few things that happen in a day that are worth sharing with others, except when there's a tournament.

I'm sorry for bumping a touhou image-dump roleplay thread off the catalog, I hope you'll understand.

>> No.35375081 [DELETED] 

well, it's kinda the reaction i was expecting if we moved to /jp/ but i guess we'll see how it goes. it was surprisingly drama free on /vt/ but like you said, it kept dying

>> No.35375094 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 500x500, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.35375105 [DELETED] 

Ignore and report. 2hushits don't matter.

>> No.35375117 [DELETED] 

if hlg can stay i dont see why we can't

>> No.35375210 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 680x578, 1548168047174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sad state this board is in. So much for "trying to figure out what's best in the long run for both audiences".

>> No.35375225 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1131x693, E3rLqvHVcAMjbye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a touhoufag myself so I think they at least deserve an explanation. But due to the disdain I've grown for /jp/'s obnoxious EOP touhoufags over the years, I only have so much sympathy left.

>> No.35375302 [DELETED] 

Everyone hates you teenage retards, not just ''touhoufags''.

>> No.35375350 [DELETED] 


>> No.35375372 [DELETED] 

Toouhoutoddlers tears are delicious

>> No.35375392

Kinokogenji's team has been getting a lot of results in customs, but the concentration of the damage numbers tells me this won't convert to a win on Saturday.

>> No.35375427 [DELETED] 

Now this is the sort of quality post I expect from you vteens.

>> No.35375482 [DELETED] 

>This thread used to be on /vt/, but the slow pace of the thread wasn't enough to keep up with the board,
We've gone over this already.
Just because your thread doesn't survive on some other board doesn't mean you can just come here because people won't want you here. Find some other board. /v/ was split so it can go there just fine.

>> No.35375509 [DELETED] 

If only we had moderators that actually cared about the board they're supposed to be moderating.

>> No.35375563 [DELETED] 

nice try.
>Just because your thread doesn't survive on some other board doesn't mean you can just come here
It's okay, that's not the only reason for moving here! This thread is a perfect fit for /jp/. It's about as otaku culture as you can get.

>> No.35375565

I always wonder how much Nose gets paid to stream on mildom

>> No.35375595 [DELETED] 

>perfect fit
nobody wants you here.

>> No.35375607 [DELETED] 

Touhou teens derailing threads they don't like
Peak autism

>> No.35375631
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>> No.35375632 [DELETED] 

people showing that they don't like or want something here =/= derailing

>> No.35375711 [DELETED] 

>people showing that they don't like or want something
Touhou kids confirmed to be bratty spoiled teens confirmed by themselves kek

>> No.35375789 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 226x217, 1621490528611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part of the whole vtuber fad is that it's bringing FPS fans and other types who would have never shown interested in Otaku /Japanese culture. The types who use the word "Weeb" unironically while cooming it to hentai. The hypocrites who complain about "Normies" while trying to conform towards societal norms of said respective country you're from; all while not seeing the bitter irony.

All your vtube stars are just flavor of the season anime tropes personified who play COD, Halo or whatever shitty current FPS is on the market and popular at the time.

And now you have the nerve to move to /jp/ just because your own threads never get bumped on your own board because even v-tuber fans have no interest in the "Artists" you're posting here. All while expected to accumulate clout and popularity due to there being less competition here.

Posting here is the same equivalent of Pokemon fans posting Pokemon threads outside of /vp/ despite it technically can be considered an otaku subject of interest.

Please go to >>/vt/
Your thread literally doesn't belong here and should be moved or prunned.

>> No.35375820 [DELETED] 

That's not being bratty or spoiled. If it were someone else, they would say gatekeeping. Nobody wants you here the same way they don't want random /a/ threads here. Nobody wants you here and nobody is not limited to touhoufags as you want to continually push with a personal bias.
You keep shoveling your shit thinking someone cares when they don't. Nobody wants this thread, nobody wants this kind of shit here. It has been shown time and time again.

>> No.35375923 [DELETED] 

I understand where you're coming from but damn you sound really salty

>> No.35376233

Think Noah's team really need to decide who's gonna be doing the ordering as whenever they get into a bad position they just sort of dither around and get wiped

>> No.35376326

yea its tough with those 3

>> No.35376385

Feels like that time astel team decided to ditch instead of engaging, it is already instant lose cause the distance to the next cover is too far. Noah and reid could have engaged and astel was in the best position to flank and backstab them when the enemy team is distracted. They need someone to take the shotcaller role, so many confusion ended up in misplays.

>> No.35376476

I feel like astel would probably be the best shot caller but i can see it's tricky when he's taking bora's place and he's not overwhelmingly better than reid or noah

>> No.35376573 [DELETED] 
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I think you're lumping all vtuber fans into one big group based on what you see in holofags. I could get the exact same impression of touhou posters by looking at places other than /jp/. Touhou has annoying ironic weebs that are into it too.
You can have a problem with holofags, I do too. But lumping us together with them is the equivalent of lumping you together with secondaries and walfafags.

>The worst part of the whole vtuber fad is that it's bringing FPS fans and other types who would have never shown interested in Otaku /Japanese culture
You need to learn japanese to enjoy this hobby to the fullest. That's already a big step up when it comes to otaku hobbies, and far exceeds the standards of /jp/ touhoufags.
I remember when I tried to get discussion threads about the monthly free published manga in Touhou Garakuta for a while, but every time there's only like 2 or 3 other posters that come to discuss with me.
Meanwhile, posters on the nijisanji and virtual youtuber threads here can keep up when I post about untranslated content. That's because they were dedicated enough to otaku culture to actually learn japanese. That's far more than I can say for the /jp/ image dump poster.

>All your vtube stars are just flavor of the season anime tropes personified who play COD, Halo or whatever shitty current FPS is on the market and popular at the time.
I can just say "no" to this because of how blatantly wrong it is.

>> No.35376629

Why not just have Reid shotcall then? He did really well with the role last Vsaikyou.

>> No.35376753 [DELETED] 

You are not any different when you try to force your threads here, don't try to act like you are different "lump" when you are clearly not. You were given your own board for reason, use it.

>> No.35376886 [DELETED] 

i don't get why you guys are so salty about this thread when it's gonna be slow and hlg etc is infinitely more cancerous. it's not gonna bring in any more /vpol/ to /jp/ than that trash fire already did

>> No.35377005 [DELETED] 

I figured this would happen, let's go back to /vt/, this place smells like BO and virginity

>> No.35377082 [DELETED] 

You do realise that if we let you have 1 more thread then soon its 1 more and so on untill we are in same state as last winter, again you were given your own board for reason, use it.

Also this thread clearly have people in it who's only intention in /jp/ is to shitpost and they dont give fuck about /jp/ or /vt/

>> No.35377215 [DELETED] 

No point engaging, just let them have their fun. You don't see them sperging in the Niji or Holo threads.

>> No.35377339

Starting early, she's addicted

>> No.35377428

Sumire's streaming MC too, is this a sign

>> No.35377705

Astel rampaging with 13 kills champion

>> No.35377753

Certainly feels like they're trying out a minecraft arc - like half of vspo were on the server helping nose yesterday

>> No.35377762

Is Sumire on the same server as Nose?

>> No.35377790 [DELETED] 


>> No.35377875
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>> No.35378008
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Yeah, they have a vspo one. Not sure if it's the same one Noah was using last year for a couple of streams

>> No.35378267
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>> No.35378303
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Why must Hinano bully... Sena just wants company...

>> No.35378987

Nose fucking loves jari

>> No.35379002
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, apexmatsuridrafts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reid was talking about the balance of the draft picks for apex matsuri on his mildom stream.
>Why doesn't Sumire have the + mark?
>Setomiya is too strong to be in Group E
Also he's afraid because he doesn't know many people from the team leaders. There's a big chance he'll be with people he's never talked to. He even pondered how nerve wracking it would be if he got put in HIKAKIN's team...

>> No.35379429

Nyantako's been streaming for 17 hours now.
She just got off the phone with Met, and then played two of her covers while being a 限界オタク.
Now Reid is on.

>> No.35379647 [DELETED] 

Every fucking day we tell them to fuck off and kill themselves but they have janny/mod babysitters so it's pointless. So until you imbeciles suck the dick of a mod/janny on the 4chan IRC to sponsor your faggotry, please fuck off and kill yourselves, subhuman shitters.

>> No.35379732

there's so much TakoRei てぇてぇ here. I'm sad it won't get archived.

>> No.35380575

I don't really mind but I think viewers will drop off for Nose minecraft if she doesn't inject a bit more zatsudan into it

>> No.35380608

And then incline when vspo starts training for the real arc: minecraft speedruns

>> No.35380741

Qpi minecraft

>> No.35380929

It's Hendy now. Time for 30-year old singles てぇてぇ

>> No.35380989

Ren's here.

>> No.35380999 [DELETED] 

What a great thread! Now, instead of dying on any othet board, it will not only die, it will also shit up /jp/ and half of its replies are going to be hostile!
OP, your attempt at being civilized is noted, but the people you bring, along with yourself, should fuck off back to /vt/.

>> No.35381032 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 708x1000, Efperj3UYAAfFXb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this here? Why don't you use the main thread?

>> No.35381102 [DELETED] 

Stop reporting the twitter spam threads for a while and let them bump this one off.

>> No.35381134 [DELETED] 
File: 619 KB, 1630x2358, E4pKY7tUcAQN67A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- too much talk about non-v
- but non-v talk is unavoidable since collabs with non-v are the norm
- this thread will spam the main thread during tournaments
- main thread is a dumpster fire

>> No.35381335 [DELETED] 

This is so laughably typical at this point.
/vt/umors always argued that they should stay on /jp/ because /vt/ is, as you said, a dumpster fire. Time and time again, containment was not good enough for you people.
What if, and this is purely hypothetical, these places are trash because they are filled with people like you? And what makes you think changing boards and attracting these retards here is going to change anything other than the average attitude of your "new home board"'s regulars towards you?
This is incredibly idiotic.

>> No.35381636 [DELETED] 

If we're going to be in /jp/, I think we should abide by the /jp/ culture atleast when typing and posting. Properly capitalize your words, no misquote greentext, no reddit spacing, and no newfag spoonfeeding. I'm fine with retarded posting back in /vt/, but /jp/ is not that kind of board.

>> No.35381663 [DELETED] 
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Starting next thread I'll stop replying. Or when I think I've said enough, which ever comes first. After all it's just going to be the same arguments again and again, and they're gonna run out of steam just like they did with every other new thread on /jp/. Have some fanart in the meantime.

>What if, and this is purely hypothetical, these places are trash because they are filled with people like you?
Holofag EOPs make 99% of the posts on /vt/. They can't understand the main content, so they write fanfiction instead. There are many other reasons, but in a nutshell, this is what makes /vt/ a dumpster fire.
>And what makes you think changing boards and attracting these retards here is going to change anything other than the average attitude of your "new home board"'s regulars towards you?
I really don't give a crap if you don't like this thread being on /jp/. This thread belongs on this board and I'm posting it on this board. I'm fine even if that also means a couple of off-topic posts I can easily ignore (it's not so easy in the main thread, btw >>35381032)
I'm only replying to these posts to help you realize that you're either barking up the wrong tree or are too late to change things.

>> No.35381703 [DELETED] 

>too late to change things
Indeed, you have the leverage in form of spineless moderation here.
I won't comment on the rest, but you will never be welcome.

>> No.35381759 [DELETED] 

>but /jp/ is [head canon]
actual lol

>> No.35381851

Real South American hours in Qpi's chat
>Diego Sosa Brito ​こんにちは、コロンビアからのご挨拶バンダイナムコについて緊急に申し上げたいことがあります。バンダイナムコでは、自分が何に直面しているのかわからないというテーマのロッジで、送信の邪魔にならないように一度だけ言います。

>> No.35381854

会話ブロンズ部 + Sena
I don't follow their relationship that closely so I don't know when Uruca started speaking casually, meanwhile Ren is still using keigo.

>> No.35381902

This makes no sense.
Also, I found some filipino on nyantako's chat asking her what she was eating, in english. At least with Qpi I can figure out some idea of how they found her but how in the hell does one end up on a nyantako stream without knowing japanese?

>> No.35381956 [DELETED] 

If you are going to be contained in a slow thread like I've seen other posters claim, why not, make yourself at home (again). I'm just sick of holoshit's four daily threads+vtuber specific threads, those are the ones that need to get out of /jp/.

>> No.35381989

Who knows the mysteries of the algorithm. Pretty funny to hear Qpi increasingly angrily say, in English, "I don't speak Spanish" though

>> No.35382071 [DELETED] 

The most posters I saw in this thread when it was on /vt/ wasn't much more than 50 and it was pretty much drama free so I don't think it's going to be too much of an issue. I think the title / framing of the thread was perhaps a bit unfortunate as I can see how you might assume the worst. If it had been something like "Virtual eSports Project (and adjacent)" or something I don't think there would have been as strong a reaction as you have 774, Noripro etc already.

>> No.35382148

>Ren is still using keigo
seems to have stopped now

>> No.35383336 [DELETED] 

It will just go from "if you are slow thread you can come back to /jp/" to suddenly having 90% of the board beign hololive stuff again. And while /vt/ is dumpster fire maybe mod that keeps enabling this migration (and deleting threads that point it out) should go there to moderate it instead of being lazy bitch.

>> No.35383422

Sometimes YouTube just leads you down the strangest rabbit holes

>> No.35383438


>> No.35383616

I love APEX!!

>> No.35383623

are they sponsored by EA or something? dunno how a holo can just play apex every day

>> No.35383644
File: 134 KB, 762x1200, EupNmteUYAIpRzn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the Nose thread?

>> No.35383907

have not played a fps since casual CS source scrims 11 years ago, but after seeing Aqua and OreApo clips, i feel like i wanna try this one

>> No.35384126

they finally updated the vspo website and there's now an en translation

>> No.35384596
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Beware, watching only good players and collabs may set you up for disappointment when you realize the average random will hotdrop immediately and abandon you. Octane and Wraith players are notorious for disappearing and being caught out of position among other quirks of any multiplayer game.

I recommend watching a mix of strong and weak vtubers so you learn some strong tricks and can analyze more common scenarios.

>> No.35384810
File: 120 KB, 578x564, vspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know these are direct translations but they always sound so pretentious in English which is amusing.

>> No.35384861

When can we expect the leaders to be announced for vsaikyou 3?

>> No.35385433

Hold back on that, we're just about to begin the Minecraft arc.

>> No.35386028

playing apex gives you PUSSY

>> No.35386071
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Interesting hypothesis, BUT
why is Uruca "日韓一位" still a virgin that can't talk to girls one on one?

>> No.35386132
File: 75 KB, 1250x703, sena_pso2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's trying to remake Sena (absent) in PSO2. It's been 40 minutes and he's still in character creation.

>> No.35386529

Does Hiina count?

>> No.35386533

it's all minecraft now

>> No.35386619
File: 39 KB, 601x394, cr_cup_cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinano found the cakes Nose left her for helping out.
Also, who else is playing on the 芸人旅団 server that isn't originally part of the group? I only know Nose.

Dunno. This thread is more or less Vspo + Vspo's collab partners + frequent Shibuhal custom & CR cup participants + etc.
She could be in that etc. In the last thread there was an anon posting about his apexchuuba indies and a few of us checked her out.

>> No.35386703

I want some of those goods

Solid impersonations from Hinano

>> No.35386854

Nose loves Minecraft

>> No.35387425

"English speakers fucking love pronouns, right?"

>> No.35387523

Who's Nose filling in for, Astel?

>> No.35387925

Anyone have a good definition of 擦る used like this? Seen it on 5ch a bunch. Closest usage which kinda fits is "workshopping" as in working on material for a comedy sketch before performing it but that doesn't quite fit

>> No.35387983



>> No.35388034

When is Bora coming back bros...

>> No.35388105

Evening NazuNews

>> No.35388313

Alehendy kino

>> No.35388407

Met Arisaka It Takes Two

>> No.35389034

Chihiro on Mildom Miitan Cup with Alelu and Shomaru

>> No.35390723

Tuned in like half an hour ago.
It doesn't seem like Met has won any minigames against Aripi yet...

>> No.35393271

>Cheater are angry after being banned

>> No.35394236
File: 254 KB, 600x600, 1622781622630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so much

>> No.35394258

Yeah, one of the cheaters they were spectating got banned in realtime - feels good. You'd think the charge rifle hack would be easy to fix or at least easy to find cheaters as the sequence of inputs to get it to do that should stand out

>> No.35394655
File: 164 KB, 997x1951, E4u8Vq-UcAA12zB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinano got busted by her little brother.

>> No.35394875

what does it say?

>> No.35394981

Apex is a shit game and vtubers are gay

>> No.35395087

Not that anon, but essentially:
>Hey, are you a youtuber?
>There's someone whose voice sounds a lot like yours
>Is that so? Who is it?
Brother links to Hinano scrim
>It really sounds like you

Don't really follow Hinano but I guess her brother didn't know what she does.

>> No.35395320

It's not just one cheater. They hopped on to tokyo servers because the dude banning cheaters(Hideouts) was watching Alelu's stream. This shit went on for 1-2 hours and every lobby they got into always had multiple cheaters in it.

No wonder apex is declining in japan. I'd say if shit stays the same for 6+ months then most apex vtubers would be fucking off to a different game by then. It's already slowly happening actually

>> No.35395700 [DELETED] 

>another chubanigger thread protected by team4chan™
Hello mods and jannies, eat shit for all eternity and kill yourselves. And if you animals happen to be from old ADTRW clique, you are worthless subhumans that have accomplished nothing in near 2 decades, the world will be a better place when you off yourselves.

>> No.35395857

I simply don't get how there isn't more server side anti cheat stuff going on.
The game is already keeping track of so much player data each match, I refuse to believe that it's not possible to reliably identify and ban cheaters automatically.

>> No.35395955

Shouldn't this be in vt?

>> No.35395995

Bronze IV getting 20 kills a match? Nothing to worry about

>> No.35396820
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I know she probably has her own issues but it still hurts knowing nothing

>> No.35396876
File: 198 KB, 776x1200, Ecyy3f7UwAEUOEg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco is still streaming APEX. Might hit 20 hours at this rate.

>> No.35396963

Jesas... I really don't get Choco and I'm unwilling to put any effort into finding out because I find her voice / mannerisms repulsive

>> No.35397185


>> No.35397305

Das fine, at this point she may end up at Diamond but not really having the skill equivalent but it's nice that she's immersed herself.

>> No.35397362


>> No.35398492

they sure pumped and dumped valorant

>> No.35399698

I'm assuming the nearest Starbucks shut down so she had to travel across the country to get some coffee

>> No.35400486 [DELETED] 

No, because a mod wants it to be here, so it belongs here.

>> No.35401227

Who we all rooting for in Kagayaki?

>> No.35401955

damn, can we go back to /vt/? thread feels miles slower than usual and the drama kinda fizzled out already
Noah's because they're the only full chuuba team

>> No.35402026 [DELETED] 

More like a janny, chubashitter. Kill yourself btw.

>> No.35402160


translate onegai

>> No.35402408

Thinks it's just outlining the points system and the various deductions/additions towards the 24 point cap (eg females -2, language barriers -2)

Also seems to be a deduction if you post a summer delusion and a separate bounty system for Ras/Selly/etc

>> No.35402852

why does reid point become like that and i see some keep calling him 85point player or something

>> No.35402897
File: 2 KB, 141x36, E4xwOQDUcAIGhrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like last CR cup, you can get point deductions if you post something on social media.
This time, you can post about what you can imagine you'd do during the summer vacation if you were outgoing. 200 characters or more.
Getting a kill on the CR pros listed there means you get 2 more kill points on top of the normal kill point you get. Their skins will be fixed so you can identify them.

I think he's just permanently relegated to CR cup scrim's casting seat. Making him "85 points" or "??????" is just a funny way to say he's going to be doing the casting again.
I just hope he enjoys it as much as the viewers enjoy it. His casting clips get a lot of views.

>> No.35403049
File: 368 KB, 1536x2048, E0ty6dfVcAQFZ69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beni-sama magdumping for 50 damage! Always 10 damage off lethal!


She has a bad habit of using a lot of resources and then abandoning a fight instead of securing kills so she's heavily reliant on a team Loba to replenish everything.

>> No.35403129

Rooting for reid's team, other teams have predators, retired pros and cr streamers. Just hoping astel warm up earlier to get his engine running, he always peak about 2-3 hours in his stream going into frenzy mode.

>> No.35403159

Things I forgot:
- You can change genders in the writeup
- Points can be arbitrarily assigned to someone who is too strong
- +2 points toward the team limit if your team members have participated in previous CR cups before (lifted if you've been absent for two cups)
- Pros can only use Wraith, Octane, Pathfinder, Horizon, and Valkyrie in two matches.

>> No.35403331

Bora not participating in cr cup… feels bad man

>> No.35403796

I can see Toto's role now.

>> No.35403984
File: 300 KB, 1446x1999, E4VmC_zVUAEgYZv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In charge of actual seiso, proper attire, morals and airheadedness.

>> No.35404118
File: 571 KB, 1536x2048, E0olk-iVIAEREct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sena getting tag teamed by pros:

>> No.35404456
File: 24 KB, 675x1200, 0_tm_E4x8x80UcAQXT3O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bora's fleet if anyone's interested

>> No.35404482


>> No.35404624

what did she mean bro..

>> No.35404732

based on the timing pretty sure she's just saying she won't be in the cr cup

>> No.35405207

Do they get paid an appearance fee to join these tourneys every week? I can't imagine that that's not the case.

>> No.35405242

>damn, can we go back to /vt/? thread feels miles slower than
does seem that way and it's not like it was only fast due to shitposts / trolling when it was on /vt/. but there's pretty much only one guy willing to put in the effort to make threads so if it dies every ~12hrs on /vt/ then i don't know if that's any better really. see how it goes here for a bit, i guess?

>> No.35405262


774 apex if you're not watching Kagayaki for whatever reason.

>> No.35405271

some of the tournaments have prize money but the main draw is networking / exposure to new audiences to get a viewer boost. both nose and noah only really started inclining after doing well / viral clips resulting from tournaments. plus they enjoy it

>> No.35405694

nice hinano clutch

>> No.35405699

Hinano 1v1'd mondo for the champion!

>> No.35405746
File: 226 KB, 1200x1605, EgmFco5VgAEvIA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Necokami, Amahane and Sieg practicing for an upcoming tournament:

Necokami and Amahane are old buddies of Nazuna, Necokami tends to prefer rrrrrrat BR playstyle so she's heavily debuffed when playing with friends she can't abandon.

>> No.35405954

Noah... probably should've run as soon as you knew it was yukio

>> No.35406127

Yukio just got massive dislike bombed. Ruined epematsuri and nijipex by having an overrated team, don't come for custom practice now he just landed at noah's landmark on the second match real day. This guy is unlikeable one bit.

>> No.35406239

yeah, i realized after i posted that noah's team wouldn't be expecting it because he hadn't been in the scrims. watching gorilla getting his team out of a bad position i really feel the lack of a decisive leader for noah's team though

>> No.35406300

Times like this, you probably need a backup plan if somebody contest your drop area.

>> No.35407063

Dammit, everyone streaming on youtube that I want to watch has rewind turned off.

>> No.35407273

how can you live without the script?

>> No.35407306

Moving to /jp/ really killed this thread. 10x as many posts about the tourney in the holostars thread

>> No.35407512

Is it still possible for Reid's team to climb from 6th place like this?

>> No.35407529

Where do you run the code at? What's "document-start"? At chrome console? Sorry I'm retarded

>> No.35407556

It's a userscript you can install for tampermonkey (browser extension) and the like.

>> No.35407574

They still think that there's a chance so I'm gonna think there still is.
He pretty much knows where every squad is except for Toto's squad.

>> No.35407668
File: 617 KB, 3000x2000, E4ytFdZVoAYlILQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anymore, but that was a good rat.

>> No.35407860

Sounds like they got it!

>> No.35407920

If they mess up the totals again like in Vsaikyou 2 I'm gonna burn the Mildom offices.

>> No.35407948

Gotta be a little bittersweet for Bora

>> No.35408157
File: 576 KB, 1928x3801, E4uEC5sVgAYbGev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time they meet in V-Saikyou 3, they'll have to face each other as enemies. There's no way masters can team up together.

>> No.35408553
File: 291 KB, 359x390, Screenshot_56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASTEL you absolute MADLAD !!
You did it, SEAWEED i kneel !!!!

>> No.35408849

Nose's sub account:


Am I understanding this right? Her Dad was talking about her at work and Nose is pissed, explains what could happen to her and he finally gets it, mama is on her side?

>> No.35409081

Yes. It's important to note:
(1) This isn't the first time her dad talked about her at work.
(2) Her mom and dad have been separated for a long time. Her dad has a new wife now, though.

Seems like after their serious talk her dad now understands that he shouldn't be doing that anymore, so they're both "on her side"

>> No.35409225

Ah, okay, thanks for the info

>> No.35411962

Hinano seems to have inclined a lot recently, or have I just not been paying attention?

>> No.35412132

Hinano udon asmr

>> No.35412149

Oh look, it's another trashy split from the cancer infesting this board.

>> No.35412176

芸人旅団 + OreApo buff. That's what made me give her a try, at least.

>> No.35412359

This thread was moved to >>>/vt/5675005
