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File: 34 KB, 175x175, Kouma_mugshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3535501 No.3535501 [Reply] [Original]

Kouma is the strongest character in melty blood.

For one, He utterly destroys Nanaya. This by itself puts him above most of the human cast in MB.

Secondly, Nasu has stated he can fight evenly with a servant. The only other characters I can see pulling that off are Arc and MAYBE the dead apostles and Ryougi.

Thirdly, he has awesome hair. Seriously. You wouldn't fuck with a guy who had hair like that.

>> No.3535513

He's also the manliest character in the Nasuverse.

>> No.3535606 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 186x300, tabs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the strongest character in Melty blood is no other than Roa(the original) he is the supreme leader of everything, he is way more powerfull than Arc, Kouma, Aoko or any other character, counting out 100% Arc of course

>> No.3535618
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Warachia is the kattoest character in melty blood.

>> No.3535620

Rin is the manliest.

>> No.3535621

F-Miyako is top tier, what are you faggots talking about?

>> No.3535622
File: 454 KB, 600x826, 1253588717630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your points are hax, power level, and looks, huh?

Here's a Melty Blood character that trumps yours in all three.

>> No.3535644

Roa would kick Shiki's ass.

>> No.3535668

Don't forget he has exploding fire punches.

You don't fuck with somebody who can punch explosions. Not like, he can punch an explosion, but rather that his punches are at the same time literally explosions.

That's pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.3535671

Why is Kouma just an uglier Roa?

>> No.3535679

Because Takeuchi.

>> No.3535703

Just nitpicking, but he can fight evenly against an AVERAGE servant. Of course we have no idea how strong an average servant is due to never seeing one.

>> No.3535712

I was under the impression that Archer, UBW aside, was pretty average.

>> No.3535721

You guys are forgetting the strongest of all, Neco-Arc. Nasu himself said that thing is three times as strong as Arc.
..Well, Neco Arc Chaos would be even stronger, but he just wants to watch anime in HD.

>> No.3535754

I flip the fuck out whenever this game puts me against that fucking cat.

That grip, punch, take out a sixth of your health thing is so goddamn annoying.

>> No.3535791

>I was under the impression that Archer, UBW aside, was pretty average.
He had average stats, his skills and abillities were nothing normal.

>> No.3535802

Statwise I'd say D rank or so across the board would be average.
Archer isn't average in the slightest due to keeping up with the likes of Cu Chulainn and Herakles in single combat.

>> No.3535808

Well, he only keeps up with Berserker due to UBW. you make a point with Lancer though.

>> No.3535809

Now with MBAA Crimson moon is the "strongest" character in Melty Blood.
But if we disregard her then Arc is stronger than Kouma without doubt and he probably doesn't stand a chance against Ryougi either.
But nasu have said that most dead Apostles could fight against average servants.

>> No.3535812

>he only keeps up with Berserker due to UBW.
We have no idea what happened in that fight besides the fact that Berserker died ~6 times and Archer died. Nothing more.

>> No.3535842

>Well, he only keeps up with Berserker due to UBW
Perhaps but we can't know that now can we?
The story never covered that part and it is even a chance that he didn't use UBW at all.
But if we go after the anime
Oh god no, not the anime, it was worse than a certain other none-existant anime that I might have heard something about.
Then UBW only took 2 lives away from berserker and he did most of the other stuff with various Broken Phantasms.

>you make a point with Lancer though.
Well... isn't it so that his strengthening magic actually "increases" his stats ranks a bit? And then his projections have certain abillities as well like how Kanshou and Bakuya increases the wielder's magic resistance when both are equipped.
And his burial robe like coat or whatever it was is supposed to gice him some kind of magic protection as well.
Now magic protection probably doesn't help much against foes like CuChulainn and Herakles but he does have the strengthening spells.
And he also have the Mind's Eye (True) abillity which is kind of something he uses in order to compensate for the fact that his instincts and reflexes are far below that of average servants.

Now I don't really know how "strong" that makes him compared to servants in general but it does show that he while supposedly having average stats can still use his skills and abillities in order to compensate for that.

>> No.3535972
File: 163 KB, 512x512, 4188d293871a527ef6f238a3a7cd7f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that /jp/ haven't played MB:AA that much.

>> No.3535974

I can't get over how perfect she is.

>> No.3535979

I can't get over how they ruined her hair.
Speak for yourself.

>> No.3536147

You people over rate Ryougi. Nasu's stated she's only about as good at sword fighting as Taiga (Keep in mind Taiga was a prodigy, though), and far from what a servant can do. The only thing she has going for her is her eyes, and depending on what servant she's fighting those might get punked too.

>> No.3536194

Shiki has no moral restrictions, though. She fights to kill, not to simply beat her opponent.

>> No.3536222

and, say, Berserker or Nrvnqsr fight just to beat somebody?

>> No.3536273

Rin is best.

>> No.3536286

What's the story on this Manly motherfucker?

>> No.3536294


Murdered the Nanaya clan under orders from the Tohno clan. Shiki Tohno of Tsukihime was spared only so that Akiha's father could try to find some use for him as he did Kouma.

>> No.3536297

Kouma even more so destorys Ciel. It's hilarious.

>> No.3536298

>For one, He utterly destroys Nanaya. This by itself puts him above most of the human cast in MB
Sauce please, i want to see this

>> No.3536301

So, the offspring of Akiha and Kouma will be a epic hax level demon hybrid?

>> No.3536304


Read Kagetsu Tohya and the Tsukihime: Plus Disk.

>> No.3536312


Kouma would kill her before any such thing would happen. He scares the fuck out of the Tohno clan as well and was kept under extreme supervision because of his immense strength, agility and nearly God-Hand like body.

>> No.3536313

Well he doesn't fight Nanaya per se as just rips his head off as Nanaya can not see him. Also Kouma's power level in KT might be a bit off as to Shiki he represents death so he might have been increased power wise.

>> No.3536317
File: 199 KB, 500x708, ebab5dfcd7f529c54c99de8a70e22209042e3c05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiki would absolutely destroy Kouma if they ever fought.

>> No.3536319


Normal Shiki would have her head ripped off.

Void Shiki is Void Shiki.

>> No.3536322
File: 43 KB, 480x854, atai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the strongest

>> No.3536358

Enjoy your crispy Shiki

>> No.3536370
File: 82 KB, 704x480, snapshot20091012220724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your 1000 piece Kouma jigsaw.

>> No.3536374
File: 22 KB, 494x701, 1198104253522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me. I'm just being immortal and the strongest character ever.

>> No.3536382

Ciel can defeat ORT.

>> No.3536383


Both Shikis are capable of killing you, try again.

>> No.3536393
File: 241 KB, 640x480, 1254254333617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3536396


1. Ciel is brought back by the world
2. ORT can destroy the world
3. Ergo, ORT can destroy Ciel.

>> No.3536400
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Both Shikis are way too slow to hit Ciel with their toothpicks or dodge her keys.

>> No.3536404

is dis some power levels thread?

>> No.3536413
File: 37 KB, 450x450, ORT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciel can defeat ORT.

>> No.3536415


Void Shiki would annihilate her.


No, she cannot.

>> No.3536418
File: 145 KB, 540x372, curryrage2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciel can defeat ORT.

>> No.3536421
File: 15 KB, 327x368, ciel_ssj4f_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Sayan Ciel would annihilate Void Shiki.

>> No.3536422



>> No.3536423

Oh yes.

>> No.3536425

Ciel can defeat erections.

>> No.3536426


Nuh uh.

>> No.3536430
File: 4 KB, 126x122, 1244415112563s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yuh huh

>> No.3536431


>> No.3536434

But you're not even immortal anymore, remember?

>> No.3536443
File: 136 KB, 750x1061, 588f576ff615ba23f43ad96903221a16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luvia can wrestle ORT.

>> No.3536446

Can't remember something that has never been said or written before.

>> No.3536466

Nasu said so.

>> No.3536476

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.3536481

Luvia wrestled servants and won

>> No.3536533

Any route where Roa's soul goes 'poof' results to that, ya know?

>> No.3536537

But only on April first.

>> No.3536538
File: 18 KB, 411x294, moe 67614 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3536544

SUGOI hair

>> No.3536559

void shiki? i could kick her ass with both hands tied behind my back while hopping on one leg.

void shiki is a wimp compared to my manlyness

>> No.3536566
File: 62 KB, 250x188, 250px-Scrapped_Princess_s01e08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Steyr, not the gun, the character.

>> No.3536571

Thank god there is no such thing as manlyness.

>> No.3536575

How can you remember such minor character names?

>> No.3536587
File: 270 KB, 1600x1200, Scrapped_Princess_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was one of the main antagonists, not hard to remember. Besides, I thought she was kind of hot even though a bit (way) too dyke-ish for me.

Most of my favorite characters are side-characters anyway, so I guess I remember minor characters pretty well.

>> No.3536599

I just realized her and arc almost have the same type of top on too. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3536614

If Kouma is so great, why is he just a combination of Sagat and Fei Long?

Wait, I think I answered my own question.

>> No.3536684

Kouma is fucking awesome. No, R. Shikifags, he's better. Why? Because he sets shit on fire. And he's faster than her.

>> No.3536690

>Fei Long
Oh god damn

>> No.3536700

If Shiki can kill servants, and Kouma can trash Shiki, can Kouma kill Servants?

>> No.3536726

Ability to kill=!fight
And x>y, y>z thus x>z does not apply.

The answer is ,he can fight them while Shiki cannot.

>> No.3536737

Way to barely win Nanaya

Most likely

If Kouma can beat Aoko, then without a doubt,
I think he's simply the greatest.

>> No.3536742

It's actually a double take down.
Which makes it just more awesome.

>> No.3536747

>Implying anyone is SUGOI enough to beat SUGOI SUGOI
inb4 Witch on the Holy Night.

>> No.3536761

Heck, i'm reading all of this manly and awesome stories about Kouma, i'm the only Kouma Main in my town and i'd like to know sauce please

>> No.3536767

It's doubtful whether Kouma's abilities possess the conceptual backing to even hurt servants.

>> No.3536770

Oni Mix is enough.

>> No.3536778

Reinforced fists can do the trick, so why not?

>> No.3536781

I don't know if i should try and summon kouma as a Assasin Servant or a Berserker Servant

>> No.3536790
File: 134 KB, 512x512, Kouma-lastarc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I don't even think Kouma's trying real hard for any of his killings, except for maybe Kiri.

Something tells me this motherfucker is alot more powerpacted than what he gives.
The more I think about, the more it blows me away.

>> No.3536803

well, he hasn't fighted in full oni red hair demon mode .

>> No.3536809

Doesn't really seem like he can try much harder without inverting.

>> No.3536814

>>3536778 Reinforced fists can do the trick, so why not?

Seeing as Souchirou received his from a mage that is capable of casting spells that could harm the gods, I find it hard to believe that just any mage could create a temporary conceptual weapon.

>> No.3536818

demons can kill servants? i remember Caster's Skeletons hurting servants, Oni mix should be enough

>> No.3536837

Rin kicks Caster's ass.
As long as you are SLIGHTLY magical, the rest depends on the Servants Natural capabilities and resistances.

The only one who is truly a problem for 'concept Rank' is Berserker.

>> No.3536867


Rin caught Caster off guard and prevented her from using her magic. Rin can not kill Caster.

>> No.3536870

Does it matter is it's off guard?
And she could just rip her head off.

>> No.3536873


Let me pose another question. If Kouma were to go after Aoko, who would win?

>> No.3536875

A general advice is to give lasers an advantage.

>> No.3536878

I Think Kouma, i'm not sure about Aoko's spells piercing the godhand skin

>> No.3536879

Kaleido-Ruby can.

>> No.3536906
File: 43 KB, 641x1023, CielWaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3536908


What part of Rin being unable to physically damage Caster with her own version of a reinforced body are you not getting. Her only reason for attacking Caster was to buy Saber and Shirou time to finish Souichioru.


Let's not bring up alternate universe characters in this power level thread.

>> No.3536912

So, Kouma gets to fuck anyone in the Tsukihime world?
i remember seeing a pic of Ciel feedling him with Curry a long time ago

>> No.3536914
File: 279 KB, 712x1000, Sugoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin + Ciel > Caster.

>> No.3536929

Kaleido-Ruby is canon. And unbeatable.

>> No.3536931

...Did you even read UBW?

>> No.3536933
File: 41 KB, 281x324, enlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rin + Ciel

>> No.3536934

Oh god, Kouma x Ciel is my otp now

>> No.3538628

Kouma doesn't have godhand, he just has very hard skin. Nothing more,nothing less.
