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File: 34 KB, 300x224, ubw10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3534310 No.3534310 [Reply] [Original]

The definition of manliness.

>> No.3534322
File: 87 KB, 1024x768, DAT BOOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of bitchiness.

>> No.3534330

Emiya is now beginning to play...

>> No.3534341
File: 238 KB, 850x680, sample_a1eac0f0f7c1822e1009dd8e6c9a6b6c4ecefa44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of femineness

>> No.3534353

Yes, your majesty.

>> No.3534355
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>> No.3534386
File: 41 KB, 800x600, sluttiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of sluttiness.

>> No.3534389


What the shit is this heresy ?

>> No.3534395

Definitely my favorite version of Emiya. Too bad all crow'sclaw has done since their two TM albums is Touhou crap.

>> No.3534400


>> No.3534407



>> No.3534425


Slutness - when it is for everyone
Femineness - not

>> No.3534434
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And Sakura is just a girl when Raida is a mature woman

>> No.3534477
File: 49 KB, 1024x768, 1252593555823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UBW is coming up guys I nearly can't wait so I guess I'll just post Archer-sama's pic of manliness till then

>> No.3534507

Feminine is what a woman is.
All women are sluts.
Feminine = Slutty.

>> No.3534530
File: 23 KB, 955x587, sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That all women are sluts does not imply slut is equal to woman. Allow me to explain with this simple Venn diagram.

>> No.3534554


The difference is in a count

>> No.3534561


That's a lot of man/nongendered sluts!

>> No.3534566

Best ending or bestest ending

>> No.3534587
File: 192 KB, 560x685, whyisntthisreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of awesomeness.

>> No.3534610
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Femineness it is not count how much woman had sex.
It includes beauty, elegancy, grace, manners. Rider has all of this virtues. And when she in her glasses and black poloneck she looks ethereal beutiful.

>> No.3534634
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Luvia is a better example.

>> No.3534637


Second Tohsaka

>> No.3534644


>Feminine is what a woman is.
>All women are sluts.
>Feminine = Slutty.

>All B have A
>All B are C
>A = C

... B can have more than just C, you know.

>> No.3534662

I have a dog.
I have a cat.
Therefore dogs are cats.

>> No.3534673

Superior Tohsaka, you mean.

>> No.3534675
File: 95 KB, 595x813, 4f66722f552346358d544f1fc79a2f69f06ccead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does she has such things like emotions, vulnerability, the apparent helplessness, fragility, when you want to protect her? Rider does

>> No.3534695
File: 42 KB, 480x536, 111d29e4d617ca5d05dbdabc9c679b72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tohsaka - bitch
Superior Tohsaka - OH SHI~!

>> No.3534734

She is pure elegance and grace, and is the most kindhearted and charitable woman you could ever know.

>> No.3534741


Luvia is a blondie...

>> No.3534762

Her hair is glorious and golden, if that's what you mean.

>> No.3534768
File: 72 KB, 800x600, best_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of loveliness.

>> No.3534802

femineness you said? that should be Arcueid

>> No.3534808
File: 551 KB, 1681x2993, 6423672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of majesty.

>> No.3534812
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Too boyish

>> No.3534826
File: 245 KB, 640x448, bloodysion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of bloodiness.

>> No.3534850


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- I'd have paid thousands of bucks for that magazine

>> No.3534852
File: 734 KB, 1600x1200, a0643b95b885869ba9775f7dc503776f3f953d4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has the most perfect body of all the Type moon females, boyish you said?, i don't see anything boyish about her at all

>> No.3534858

Rin is not lovely, see >>3534322

>> No.3534863

I dunno, man. The Aozakis have pretty perfect bodies, too.

>> No.3534871


Boyish behaviour I mean

>> No.3534893


And are you are American?

>> No.3534899

i mean the most curvy body of the Type-moon females, i don't know about Touko but:

Height 160cm
Weight 50kg
B88, W56, H84

Height 167cm
Weight 52kg
B88, W55, H85
i guess the numbers don't lie

>> No.3534904
File: 53 KB, 540x800, a78f4f9997df7af410d9698a5adff30d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of curry and ass.

>> No.3534912

Wow, one centimeter difference is really noticeable.

>> No.3534924
File: 10 KB, 230x173, Banditkeith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is nobody who is more American than me, why do you ask?

>> No.3534934

well, it still counts

>> No.3534944


I'm not American.
I just cannot tell you why I consider Rider as the most feminine in Nasuverse. Our presentations about such thing very different. Sorry ;_;

>> No.3534967
File: 73 KB, 800x600, luviavsrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most curvy body

Sounds like Luvia to me.

>> No.3534970
File: 15 KB, 250x189, 1251483569544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't you tell me? and i am not saying you are the American, i said the American was "ME"

>> No.3534986


Not "tell". Explain.
Just in Russia feminine woman means more fargile creatures than in USA,

>> No.3534991

i seriously doubt that her waist could be smaller than Bazzet, Arc or Sion. Because those three are the ones with the smallest waist(55) Saber is 53 but she is too short

>> No.3535001

>fargile creatures
I laughed out loud. I don't intend to be mean though, sorry.

>> No.3535009

now i get it, but Rider is not fragile at all, quite strong, i think

>> No.3535011

Until she is given official measurements, we will never know.

>> No.3535018
File: 6 KB, 442x376, sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except women are the only ones to be feminine.
Unless you were to consider traps.
All of A (Feminity) is in B (women)
All of B(women) is in C (Sluts)
So all of A( Feminity) is in C (Sluts)

So anything A is necessary part of C

>> No.3535026


There nothing interesting yes

>> No.3535029

yes, it is a shame, she looks to have quite an awesome body, they even give the measurements of other characters who have less screentime

>> No.3535030


>> No.3535043
File: 18 KB, 640x480, Angrily glancing artilleryman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archer is a suicidal coward

Hardly 'Manliness' material

Now Lancer on the other hand, is Manliness personified

>> No.3535051

A+++ anon would agree with again.

>> No.3535054

Lancer killed his own son. That's hardly manly.

>> No.3535063
File: 75 KB, 394x518, 1236350712518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gil is manlier.
He do what he want and just wanna fuck one women

>> No.3535064

To be fair, he tried to kill Cu Chulainn and he didn't exactly know he was his son.

>> No.3535071


>Angrily glancing artilleryman.jpg

That alone has nullified the whole point of your argument.

>> No.3535072

He also cried like a bitch when his friend died and in his depression shirked all his duties.

>> No.3535073

How do you figure? A real man doesn't need such a thing to tie him down. Killing your children is the ultimate in manliness.

Unless you're a woman, and then you're just a mentally unstable slut.

>> No.3535075



>> No.3535078
File: 55 KB, 700x550, ha_gil5b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gil is the manliest. He realized, in order to become immortal, he needed to become the best king and be passed down in stories and song. He loved his people dearly.

>> No.3535079


Archer's not suicidal; he's merely tired of having to endlessly kill and kill and kill. If the only way out of it is paradoxical suicide, then he's going to give it his all to blow up space/time.


Gae Bolg is basically cursed to kill everyone Cuchulainn loves in addition to his enemies.

>> No.3535080

Yeah, he cried. He cried manly tears.

>> No.3535082

He asked the kid to tell him his name, the kid didn't tell him, so he killed him
Quite why his Son wouldn't JUST TELL HIS FATHER HIS GODDAMN NAME is beyond me

Although its probably because he was Irish, and thus not the sharpest lance in the shed

>> No.3535087


Where is he cried? In FHA?

>> No.3535092

1) That wouldn't allow him to get out of it. He just wants to kill himself over emo self-hatred.
2) If you want to kill yourself, you are suicidal. The details are irrelevant.

>> No.3535095

>He's not suicidal
>Wants erase his own existance

Sounds suicidal to me

>> No.3535116


>1) That wouldn't allow him to get out of it. He just wants to kill himself over emo self-hatred.

Actually, it might have. Only, it has a very low chance of succeeding. If you wanna go by Nasuverse craaaazy laws, thanks to Mind's Eye (True), it probably had about a 1/10 chance of working.
His anger at himself was something that built up over being cursed with such a fate. It was a method of release.

>2) If you want to kill yourself, you are suicidal. The details are irrelevant.

Suicide by necessity vs. Suicide by choice.

>> No.3535119


He doesn't want to DIE, though.

He just wants to STOP KILLING.

What you mix up is that the method of achieving the latter, means he wants the former. But he doesn't, he only wants the latter. The fact that the latter necessitates the former is of no consequence.

>> No.3535120

>Suicide by necessity vs. Suicide by choice.

It IS his choice

He could just man up and do his job, even if he hates it

>> No.3535127

Archer wanting to kill Shirou is the same thing as a slave wanting to kill his owner.
The fact that they're the same person is irrelevant.
Imagine if you were forced to do something you hate everyday by someone. Wouldn't you hate that person ?

>> No.3535130


No, his choice is to stop killing.

Again, you mix up the fact that you think he wants death, when he just wants to stop killing.

The method to stop killing involves him dying, but that's just a byproduct.

>> No.3535135

It's because he wanted to be manly just like is dad.

>> No.3535137

I choose to see what a world without humans would be.

By necessity, I kill all other humans on the planet.

I am innocent of homicide because it was NECESSARY bro! I swear!

No. Kill yourself.

>> No.3535140

It doesnt matter WHY he wants to do it, the fact is he wishes to kill himself

>> No.3535144


Except, he doesn't. You're not listening, are you?


No, it means your goal was not homicide nor were you homicidal. Homicide was a byproduct of your desires, not the core of them.

>> No.3535157

So it was ok for Lancer to kill his kid, but when Caster did it she was just being a crazy whore?

>> No.3535163

"My goal wasn't homicide and I wasn't homicidal. It just turned out that way."
I'll make sure I use that defense next time I'm being tried for murder.

>> No.3535166

He does, his reasoning for it does not change what he wants to do

>> No.3535170
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>> No.3535179


I'm not saying you wouldn't be guilty of homicide nor is Archer guilty of suicide.

I'm saying, that it was not the primary goal and not what drove your desires.


That doesn't mean he wants his own death. It's secondary to the goal of "stop killing".

>> No.3535182

His goal is to kill Shirou, regardless of whether it would free him or not. Says so himself before fighting Shirou.

>> No.3535186


>I'm not saying you wouldn't be guilty of homicide nor is Archer not guilty of suicide.

sorry forgot a key word

>> No.3535190


No, if you would care to re-read that scene, he says
"Besides, this is just a way to vent my aggression against an idiot who followed his ideals".

Not the goal of killing Shirou so he will die, but killing Shirou because he hates the fate he got served.

>> No.3535197

Then fuck you, she was being manly.

>> No.3535200

>It's secondary to the goal of "stop killing".
He still wants to do it, so he is still suicidal

>> No.3535205


But suicide isn't the main goal.

>> No.3535207

Doesnt matter

He wishes to kill himself, he is suicidal

>> No.3535208

That's like saying the guy who jumps on a grenade to save his buddies is suicidal.

>> No.3535212

If you want to kill yourself, you are suicidal. That is the definition of suicidal.

And Archer wants to kill himself out of self-hatred and "I CAN'T ESCAPE THIS TERRIBLE FATE SUICIDE IS MY ONLY OPTION ;_;", just like an(y other) emo faggot

>> No.3535218

Are you implying he's not?

>> No.3535358

Archer is already dead though.
To travel past in time and killing an older version of your self after you have lived your whole life + an eternity in order to stop killing people forever is something I wouldn't really call suicidal.
A bit crazy perhaps but you really do have to be alive to be suicidal.
Archer has no life, he is only stuck in a system that forces his recorded self to do things he don't want to do.

>> No.3535412
File: 72 KB, 400x400, rancer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Anyhow, in the end I did get to cause hell with Scathach and Ferdiad. After a one on one duel, I captured Aife alive.
But guess what? We started off as hated enemies, but once I caught her, I realized that she was my kind of woman.
So then I started getting seriously into her, but then Scathach found out. That earned me a stoning. Gae Bolg style."

Ha ha ha, he laughed like a mad man.
Ah, so the lord of the enemy was female. Hey, wait....

"Hold it. When you meant got serious, you meant that!?"
"Hell yes. If you like her, of course you'd make love with her right?"
-Ah, yeah. With great power comes great womanizing, meaning there were no chaste warriors back in old Ireland!

"Still, one of these days we had to part ways.
I split up with Aife. If she bore my child, I asked her to name him Connla and send him to Ulster. When he did come, he had to follow three vows.
To not answer his name when asked.
To not change course.
To not back down from a fight.
Yeah, the worst possible rules for my son.

>> No.3535440


Self-sacrifice is not suicide.

If the grenade did not exist, there is no danger to himself or those around him, and the soldier continues to do things excessively harmful to himself, then I would say the soldier is suicidal.

>> No.3535442

Archer is a man that lived his whole life trying to save everyone. He tried his best and in the end he had gotten himself superhuman powers and succeded at becoming a hero. Being superhuman and a hero wasn't enough to live up to his ideal though so in the end when the end was drawn near he made a pact with Gaia granting him even tremendous powers in order to carry out his ideal but in the end that wasn't enough either and he got killed by the people he tried to save.
The pact with Gaia gave him (rather forced him into) a way were he would keep on "saving" people.
And so Archer saved people for an etirnity, that means that he have basically saved an infinite ammount of people through his acts.
But it turned out that this wasn't what he had wanted after all as the pact made him save an infinite ammount of people it also made him slaughter an infinite ammount of people as well which he couldn't bear because it was never something he wanted to do.
And so Archer was stuck in an endless loop were he killed an infinite ammount of people forever and in the end he wanted to kill his old self in order to save an infinite ammount of people as well as get rid of the endless loop he had gotten himself into.

So Archer wanted to save everyone and was granted a path were he thought that he could save everyone but he was wrong. He couldn't save everyone event hough he could save an infinite ammount of people, because no matter how many he saved it didn't change the fact that he killed an infinite ammount of people forever as well and he wanted to end that loop by killing his old self, and since the existence of "Emiya Shirou" had already lived its whole life + an eternity it is really more of an act of stopping rolling down hill after falling over than it is suicide.

>> No.3535455

No, its still suicide

>> No.3535474
File: 195 KB, 452x1283, 1224757667720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scathach - top motherfucker of pagan Europe, uncontested title holder for 800 years.

>> No.3535500

No, you're still a faggot.

>> No.3535505

How so? He doesn't kill himself?
He only kills an older version of himself who probably will end up in the exact same spot as him in the future, in order to dissappear himself after he had already died.
He wants to dissappear in order to stop needless killing by own hands, he doesn't want to die and he doesn't really care either as he is already dead.
Now ordinary people usually aren't allowed to keep on existing like that after they die but he did anyway.
He didn't keep on living as it was more of keep on existing than keep on living.
The result he was hoping for was to stop the "extra unlimited" existence he had gotten himself.
Being dead for real is the natural thing, if one exists anyway when one shouldn't and finds a way to make things as it should be then i would call that more like "Correcting" things rather than suicide.

>> No.3535522

If shirou would kill archer, would he had committed suicide?
If not then why would archer comitt suicide by killing shirou?
If he dissapears because shirou would dissapear then it shouldn't change things that much either because he is as others have already stated, already dead.

>> No.3535534

Whose mother did he fuck?

>> No.3535550



Think you may have misread part that part of the legend.

>> No.3535558

He is dead.

He made a deal to keep on being a hero after death. Should have read the fine print.

>> No.3535583

He is man enough to say:
"FUCK YOU GAIA Im not doing this shit"
And the only "possible" way was killing Shirou.

>> No.3535585

>He is dead.
I know, I said that as well
>He made a deal to keep on being a hero after death. Should have read the fine print.
Yea yea my text was almost a kind of a cluster fuck but my point was that he kept on being a hero while not being alive.

>> No.3535628

You're forgetting that this is the same universe that made King Arthur a woman.

>> No.3535629

That was just selfishness.

He's man enough to admit how wrong he was and accept everything in the end.
