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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3530570 No.3530570 [Reply] [Original]

You people were kicked out /a/ for a reason. No one wants you here. No one wanted you anywhere else, either.

I will never understand why moot decided to give you your own shithole (and not ban you all the next week) rather than just getting rid of you when he could.

You are all terrible people. Masturbating five times a day to shitty, generic eroge does not prove your worth as a human being. None of you even speak Japanese, yet you surround yourself with Japanese games, music, and TV shows.

All of you are human trash. There is nothing to redeem you. You can't even make a shitty vocaloid music video without ripping off the Japanese and relying on shitty Google translations.

Pathetic. That's /jp/ in one word.

>> No.3530576

go back to /a/

>> No.3530575

Stopped reading there.

>> No.3530582

Would you happen to be the poor sap who just made a thread asking for porn of those three characters?
What's the matter, hurt because you didn't get your beloved 34 of a trio of poorly drawn nothings.

>> No.3530581

Reported, enjoy your ban.

>> No.3530577


The pot and the kettle.

>> No.3530578


>> No.3530587

fuck you OP

>> No.3530588

I'm 100% positive.

Ban! Ban! Ban!

>> No.3530589

>That's /jp/ in one word.
>one word.
> Word Count: 130

>> No.3530597

>implying people on /jp/ get publicly banned.

>> No.3530598

Fuck off go back to /a/

>> No.3530600


>> No.3530602

You are so hilariously butthurt that it's sad. /a/ is the third most popular board on 4chan. /jp/ is barely a blip, and a year after its creation (due to people spamming touhou, underwater ray romano, and other VN/game shit all over /a/ and /tg/) moot himself said it 'lacked focus and is full of pedophiles'. Great reputation you got there.

/jp/'s pedophilia and idiocy could be forgiven if they ever created anything worthwhile, but instead they feel better latching onto whatever shit meme was popular on 2ch or futaba three months ago, once the one guy who knows japanese and posts there gets around to explaining it to them. Meanwhile the other 99% of them are busily F5ing sankaku complex and e-brofisting each other over their latest 'discovery'. /a/ created KS, and /jp/ fumes, having never gotten past feeding futaba threads through google.

/jp/ is a pariah even amongst the dregs of 4chan. Pathetic, shit-posting, would-be hipsters perpetually late to the party and not even speaking the language. What a fucking joke.

>> No.3530605


i think he forgot to put "pathetic" in quotes.

board wars are for fags anyway.

old and sage.

>> No.3530607
File: 42 KB, 400x500, giantblackshemalecock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530615

You actually counted them?

>> No.3530620

This is why I left /a/

>> No.3530619

>durhur I ignite board war by posting copypasta and pretending im from /a/
It's not working. I can't speak for /a/, but /jp/ isn't that gullible. You've failed.

>> No.3530624

this thred is dum

>> No.3530626

weekend /jp/ sure is ...teh same as it is every weekend i see. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3530632

pasta in typan soft-o
push count buttan

>> No.3530635


>> No.3530640


>> No.3530641

you guys got owned

>> No.3530642

cry some more

>> No.3530653

Damn, OP bro no need to try so hard!

>> No.3530649

Can this thread be about shemales now?

>> No.3530654
File: 12 KB, 185x227, batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what sage is used for

>> No.3530657


>> No.3530668
File: 18 KB, 296x308, 1152250655296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, because the last time this idiot tried to spark a cross-board war, /jp/ was bragging about it's troll-proofness, meanwhile in this thread, /a/'s counterpart has a fourth of the posts that this one does.

>> No.3530679

>Measuring butthurt by postcount
I bet you don't even know what sage is used for.

>> No.3530684

your tears they feed me

>> No.3530694
File: 199 KB, 542x689, 1152197179411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sage-d response to a troll is still feeding the troll.

Bumping for no reason in particular

>> No.3530697

What tears?
I am smirking with one eyebrow raised, making the shape of the letter W with my arms, giving a sigh that seems to say "Kids will be kids."

>> No.3530699

Troll me to the moon
Let me sage among those stars

>> No.3530702

So how, exactly, DOES one measure "butthurt"?

>> No.3530703

Is there even any difference between /a/ and /jp?

>> No.3530713

The OP posted here many times, though

>> No.3530709

¯\(o_O)/¯ ?

>> No.3530708

/jp/ gets trolled 4 times as hard

>> No.3530716

DSPI=(ΣX*Y)*100 where X is the highest pain level and Y is the percentage of this pain level in the group. The DSPI is different from the simple numeric 0–10 scale in that it is measured for a group of patients with a specific diagnosis whereas the numeric 0–10 pain scale is administered individually.

>> No.3530766

what the fuck is going on in the /a/ thread I'm actually raging

>> No.3530783

Link please.
I need some laugh.

>> No.3530789


>> No.3530794 [DELETED] 

Hmm, another one?

>> No.3530791


>> No.3530797

I don't even know where the border between trolling and legit posts lies anymore.

>> No.3530799

Stop being bored to the point you have to feed obvious morons, /jp/.

>> No.3530805


It's 22:00, and I don't have any alcohol left.

>> No.3530823

Good job Aya Shameful and Suigin.
Way to go to cause some epic raid on /jp/. Can't you guys do it with lower profile and not associate it with /jp?

>> No.3530828

>implying that this wasn't someone from /v/

>> No.3530830


>> No.3530853

>legit posts
Don't exist anymore.
