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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 400x300, the_end_is_near.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3529887 No.3529887 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3529896 [DELETED] 

I enjoy listening to the .ogg sound clips of the chinese guys reading the character names and trying to sound extremely Japanese.

>> No.3529894
File: 5 KB, 200x150, zun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no words in Oni, Tengu or Japanese for this TREACHERY.

>> No.3529895

ZUN is gonna be disappoint

>> No.3529897



That should piss off a few touhoufags

>> No.3529906

Wow, this is just lame.

>> No.3529909

Good job, it's ridiculous that people aren't putting up this information just because the creator doesn't like it.

>> No.3529913

if you fap to that you will enjoy it more

>> No.3529914
File: 909 KB, 500x312, 1bb1da9e1c7f8bbd6ad1ae9cd63a27ab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3529915

Not even ZUN!bar is this evil.

>> No.3529921

you lost me.

why do we hate this?

>> No.3529925


I salute his courage.

>> No.3529928

Needs screenshots.

>> No.3529930

Yeah, so?

>> No.3529932

Now all you need to do is add screenshots from all of the endings and it'll be perfect.

>> No.3529936

Sorry, but why is this so wrong? It's not like the regular Touhou wiki doesn't also have these.

>> No.3529937

translate PC-98!

>> No.3529939

So, for those of us who know shit about touhou... what's the joke?

>> No.3529967


>> No.3529981

Oh please. "ZUN ending policy?"

What kind of stories does he think these have to warrant guarding the endings so highly.

>> No.3529982

Touhou fans don't want the endings to be know to the public, because then they can't feel elite anymore about having beat the game.

>> No.3529993


ZUN-sama told us not to post the endings. These kisama will suffer from the great kamikaze.

>> No.3529994

ZUN can suck my cock.

>> No.3530002

It's a request from the ZUN himself, actually.

>> No.3530007


Does your cock spew beer?

>> No.3530009

If ZUN is so touchy about spoilers then I wonder what's his reaction to dickgirl doujins and such. Or does he just go OH U FELLOW JAPS?

>> No.3530011

And you guys wonder why you get so much hate? I mean seriously? Hiding the endings?


>> No.3530013
File: 11 KB, 170x305, m_fe4682221aadf7dad4faa24b47b346a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sign thread?

>> No.3530017

Zun-Sama is a big gay faggot who takes huge american cocks in his ass everyday and then smears semen and shit all over his body.

Then he wipes it all up and eats it.

>> No.3530018
File: 29 KB, 300x230, UH OOOOOOOH!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530021

As if knowing the endings would spoil in any way the game experience, this is not a visual novel for christ sake. Wake up, ZUN.

>> No.3530028


>> No.3530036

MINNAAAA CHIRUNO NO SANSU i don't know the rest

>> No.3530038
File: 249 KB, 512x480, e08b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530049


>> No.3530051

What games?

>> No.3530056
File: 40 KB, 640x480, th12_manji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3530060

I never played the games, i am only here because of the fanart and the doujin. And i am sure i am not the only one.

>> No.3530061
File: 246 KB, 1279x858, hooray!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3530067

I don't see understand the reasoning behind keeping the endings quiet but it's actually surprising in this internet age that they've been kept so well for this long.
You'd think he'd be more concerned over his games being pirated all over the interwebs.

I've played the games but i play like a schoolgirl, simply cannot beat 'em I just wanna know the endings so i can put it out of my head heh.

>> No.3530071
File: 57 KB, 652x431, Clipboard30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some ending screen caps, but my fonts are terrible.

>> No.3530081
File: 50 KB, 640x480, reimu_th12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3530099

I did Marisa B Easy Mode in UFO.

Shit told me the story would be continued in Extra. The fuck?

I cried.

>> No.3530104

Zun also kept Kaguya and Mokou out of 12.3. He's a giant raging fucking hateful faggot. Fuck him. Post the endings. Post them ALL.

>> No.3530106

Like that'll do anything.

>> No.3530108
File: 103 KB, 380x380, 1253014613318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop acting like a man-child.

>> No.3530113
File: 1 KB, 53x44, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese hand shaped like japanese bird.

>> No.3530120

I don't really care either way.

I guess it's nice to be able to see the endings for the gimmick shottypes I can't be bothered learning.

>> No.3530142

ZUN doesn't care about piracy; he sell the games dirt cheap anyways (around $10-15). However, the ending policy was just a comment from many years ago and we don't even know if he still feels the same way, or if it was even intended to be a serious policy to begin with.

>> No.3530212

>just a comment from many years ago

> 7.テキストに付いて、エンディングに関わる物を転載する事は禁止
>   エンディングの内容を使用した二次創作は問題ありませんが、テ

guess what this says

>> No.3530226

Hah, asking /jp/ for a translation on something Japanese.
Surely you jest anon.

>> No.3530233

Japanese ZUN doesn't care about gaijin TH fanbases at all, so it's fine to post the endings translated in English.

>> No.3530243

Why the fuck does it matter if the endings are posted or not?

I don't think ZUN cares about us

>> No.3530296

Why the fuck does it matter if there's a shitty wiki for the endings when anyone could have (and has) just posted screenshots on here?

>> No.3530428

that's usually just the images, I've never seen the english translation of any endings posted here

>> No.3530441

Oh boy, the ZUNperor is going to be pissed.

Enjoy getting raped by Chaos.

>> No.3530461
File: 252 KB, 640x480, mokou SWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3530519
File: 653 KB, 835x900, 5506685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3530534

How could this NOT happen?

>> No.3530545

I think ZUN would be more pissed that you download his games and don't pay him.


>> No.3530550 [DELETED] 

stop spaming ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3530558

I'd give him some money if I knew I'd get better games, and/or better drawings, but I know it won't happen, so I'm keeping my money. I'll spend it on something more useful than beer, I feel no guilt.

>> No.3530585

Is this the part where we forget that Zun has never cared about the west and his proclamation against the endings being posted was directed specifically toward his actual market?

>> No.3530608
File: 181 KB, 640x1912, MarisaAgoodending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. add ending to English wiki
2. enrage ZUN and elitist faggots
3. ??????
4. profit

>> No.3530611

Someone make a troll thread here

>> No.3530614
File: 188 KB, 640x1912, MarisaBgoodending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530617

Leg amputee Sakuya do want.

>> No.3530618

You realize he only cares about the text getting out and not the actual images, right? Your attempt at rebellion has accomplished nothing.

>> No.3530625
File: 127 KB, 640x1936, ReimuAgoodending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

above are Marisa's EoSD engings...

now Reimu.

>> No.3530629
File: 162 KB, 640x1936, ReimuBgoodending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but the text is in the wiki, these are the images.

>> No.3530645
File: 394 KB, 1292x1878, tenshiend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been capping my own ending pictures... this is the only one I have so far. ;_;

>> No.3530647
File: 68 KB, 642x478, RemiliaEnding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I can see why ZUN doesn't want this to get out.

>> No.3530655

A bit off-topic perhaps, but is the ending you get for 1cc'ing the game random? I never really paid attention to that.

Also, which windows Touhou game ending was it that Reimu wears a silly hat? I've been 1cc'ing ReimuA/B for PCB and EoSD, but can't find it.

>> No.3530659

That's nice, it's not like I'd ever see them normally. ;_;

>> No.3530671

you dont even have to finish the game to see the endings anyway

use resource hacker

>> No.3530672

Fucking bitch, she didn't deserve it.

>> No.3530677

Those are kinda cute.

Also, anybody else getting "Updating index" rather than "Updating page" when posting and the post doesn't go through?

>> No.3530692

Whoever made that wiki is my hero.

He needs to put up the screens though.

>> No.3530728

It's funny that people think ZUN can actually do anything about people posting his endings.

>> No.3530737

stop spaming ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3530753

The purpose of keeping the endings secret is to force the "secondary fans" to actually play the games.

>> No.3530758


But that will never work.

>> No.3530764

Or you can use Brightmoon to unpack the .dat files and a few other tools for certain games, you can find them on the Tools Wiki:

I think the only thing there isn't a tool for is the .msg scripts in TH10-12. If you have Ruby you can run this in the same directory to decode the endings:

>> No.3531133

it's halfway through the windows games now

>> No.3531196

Reading through these, Reimu is a lot nicer to people in the good endings than she is in the in-game dialog.

>> No.3531226
File: 319 KB, 758x1000, reimu kills moriya shrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has to be a jerkass during the game for there to be reason to fight. Afterward it's all happy happy tea parties of love and joy and friendship~!

>> No.3531254

I contacted Wikia.

>> No.3531258

I don't think ZUN really cares that much. It's just western fans with asperger's freaking out whenever the endings are alluded to because of some one-off comment from before they had heard of the games.

>> No.3531263
File: 82 KB, 877x620, 5998334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note how Suwako isn't in the picture.

>> No.3531329

the games are still fun, even if you know the endings, heck touhou doesn't really have much of a plot.

TOUHOU CHARACTER1: Hey what are you doing on my lawn, you're not supposed to be on my lawn
PLAYER CHARACTER: I'm trying to save the world or some shit like that.

>> No.3531419

Byakuren is such a good girl... *sniff*

>> No.3531422
File: 743 KB, 450x1700, byakudan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3531445

Nazrin: Alright now, human. I've got some work to do, so ...
Marisa: You're not getting away! If I let you get away, something bad will happen!
Nazrin: I don't really want to fight you, but ... Oh, well.

>> No.3531461

Kanako's Sense Motive is godly. As expected of a saleswoman.

>> No.3531496

Where are my SA endings?

>> No.3531524

Is translation a troll or did some Malaysians/Filipinos do this?

>> No.3531581

I should hope Filipinos have better English than this.

>> No.3531590

They don't. I've been to their horrid land.

>> No.3531699

they're up

>> No.3531720

but she is

>> No.3532503


>> No.3533087

UPDATE: Windows games are DONE, PC-98 games will be added when someone gets around to giving a shit.

>> No.3533110

I reported you're Wikia

And this thread too.

>> No.3533146 [DELETED] 

stop spamen ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3533145

This is unnecessary.
Here are the endings:
TH1-12.3 endings: The protagonists drink tea with the final and stage 5 boss while ZUN tells us to take it easy.

>> No.3533160

So, non touhoufag here, by reading the thread I got the gist of why people don't want this to be out, but is unlocking this shit legitimately really that hard?

>> No.3533163

It takes some time and practice. For a regular man, about a month.

>> No.3533166

Not really, but you can imagine the time involved in unlocking every ending for shot types and etc.

>> No.3533174 [DELETED] 

stop spamen ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3533176

I see.

The reason as to why people would deliberately look for spoilers from a videogame still eludes me, though.

>> No.3533224

>no PC-98
fuck it i'm going to do this *cracks knuckles preparing for some youkai 0wning*

>> No.3533241

Do you know moon runes?
Because last time I heard, there are no english PC-98s.

>> No.3533255

Prepare for this *filters*

>> No.3533260

Knowing the endings doesn't spoil these games any. Touhou canon is also reeeally thin and shared across all the games so there's like a sense of being owed those tiny scraps of info at the end.

I use it as an excuse to beat them with every shot type & character though.

>> No.3533265

We'll eventually get someone to translate them

>> No.3533282

Nothing worthwhile to translate

>> No.3533300
File: 28 KB, 640x480, touhou end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

har har

>> No.3533307

TH01 was translated in English, at least: http://www.romhacking.net/trans/1131/

>> No.3533327 [DELETED] 

stop spamen ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3533340

I will be fucking damned, I beat LLS with Marisa A but the dialogs in the ending sequence moved faster than my screencapping speed, oh well

>> No.3533344

Fine, ignore my fake filter threat humph.

Looking for spoilers is kind of lame but guarding them, Touhou ones in particular, is a little silly.

>> No.3533346

I have you filtered, thats why I ignored it

>> No.3533359

By the way, here's the bad ending for TH01 on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTB6wxjzTwE&fmt=18#t=03m14s

I like the music.

>> No.3533410

And here is good end 2, with translation (warning: very weird): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj1YdMHIJ4c&fmt=18#t=04m09s

>> No.3533413

Did... the planet disappear or something?

>> No.3533420

Yes, I think that's what happened. The yin-yang orb exploded and destroyed the entire world. Some bad ending.

>> No.3533423


>> No.3533431

remember when Touhou was grimdark?

>> No.3533433

>people who can't get the good endings in touhou games


>> No.3533439

I can only find good end 1 without a translation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaeYfqthGyI&fmt=18#t=01m03

However, it seems obvious what Reimu plans to do...

>> No.3533451

1. email link to zun
2. wait for response
3. ????

>> No.3533457

Imagine if he gets totally butthurt and threatens to cancel the next Touhou game.

That would be so awesome.

>> No.3533485

good shit

needs more images

>> No.3533494
File: 16 KB, 420x310, nelson-muntz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3533501


>> No.3533826

PC98 games are up, still need translations. Images coming up next. If anyone has screenshots of the PC98 endings that would really help, the script files aren't clear about what images go with what text.

>> No.3533832

lemme try to do MS

>> No.3533842

i can only able to finish touhou games up to PoFV, beyond that, Im hopeless. I cant see the endings unless i use a trainer.

>> No.3533857

If you go on this site even after reading the URL you deserve to have them spoiled for you.

>> No.3533860

You make it sound like most people that go on the site don't want to be spoiled.

>> No.3533891

Anyone on /jp/ want to help write one? I don't want to use babelfish.

>> No.3533913

Shut up Meg

>> No.3533948
File: 9 KB, 374x250, ZUNart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jesus christ

>> No.3533981

also I will take a rest, I realized at level four I was playing in lunatic mode and somehow lost all of my courage and died

>> No.3534102
File: 58 KB, 640x480, OHWAIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I lol'd

>> No.3534226

Going to need someone to get the arrangement of the ending images in TH10-12 as well, the script decoder doesn't include image cues.

>> No.3534680
File: 184 KB, 640x480, TH09_end02c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is fanon Sakuya such a bitch?

>> No.3534711

That's good. There's no real reason to complain, especially since some of those aren't patched.

It's awfully amusing reading a thread full of hardcore touhou fans reassuring themselves that they don't need to see endings online.

>> No.3535188

Anyone have a working jp proxy?

>> No.3535314

That one is really bad. And did you see the fairy in the first good ending? Looked like something you'd find on Deviantart.

>> No.3535354

Oh, how much our little ZUN has grown! It brings me to tears.

>> No.3535368
File: 572 KB, 1600x1200, 1242751306738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last pic... I CAME!

>> No.3535372

No wonder that yuri is the most poriment form of doujin.

>> No.3535389
File: 101 KB, 450x600, eosd pose sakuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3535409
File: 156 KB, 978x876, 1243806055002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my little witch.

>> No.3535467
File: 4 KB, 256x224, 495439_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN said you shouldn't see the endings before beating the end because he's like Candlejack, if you see them early he'll s

>> No.3535537

Gee, I wonder why, with an ALL FEMALE CAST?

>> No.3535552

Rinnosuke, Genjii, Unzan, and Youki say hi.

>> No.3535587

What, the turtle?

>> No.3535589
File: 338 KB, 1000x516, 1253627271582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unzan is the best male Touhou!

>> No.3535595


He's about the size of a Cadillac. That's got to count for something.

>> No.3535609

For some reason, I think that ZUN is right. You like Touhou? Play the goddamn games.

>> No.3535611
File: 29 KB, 300x300, ywtsjuom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unzan is the best male Touhou!

>> No.3535636
File: 3 KB, 183x297, 1252223840964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't follow...

>> No.3535639

>A fucking turtle, a cloud with a face, some old fag who doesn't even appear and ZUN's avatar for his wet fantasies.
VS 100 girls

>> No.3535642
File: 15 KB, 126x157, 1248776815044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You like Touhou? Play the goddamn games.
Oh, yes! I like only the games.
Ok... fanarts, fanvideos are fine too but the games by ZUN are better!

>> No.3535656
File: 268 KB, 977x768, ae7728e5b3dc361195e6f944d59c915c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3535666
File: 113 KB, 640x480, b8a3585e2c5028ee2ea87123e9405dfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Touhou would have been better with Youki?

>> No.3535692

I don't see Rinnousuke appearing much either.

>> No.3535942

>ZUN's avatar for his wet fantasies

>> No.3535959

Makes sense. I can totally picture ZUN wishing he was Suika. I mean, he is the one closest to his heart.

>> No.3535982

We already have Unzan.

>> No.3535989

After I got the Marisa endings on EoSD I always wondered why there wasn't more Marisa x Sakuya art. I wonder that if these endings were spoiled earlier would this pairing be more popular? There's also not as much Reimu x Remilia I would expect even though Remilia straight out hugs Reimu in one of the endings.

>> No.3536156

I love girls hugging each other, especially if it's out of friendship rather than love.

And I think that hug was more of a "playful" hug. The one that is done to force yourself onto a person to annoy them a little.

>> No.3536181 [DELETED] 

Google for UFO hack. Unlimited deaths. :3

>> No.3536184 [DELETED] 

It's also called copping a feel. :3

>> No.3536215

I thought that was just touching someone in inappropriate places?

>> No.3536263



>> No.3536288

"playful" hug is almost always a subtle way/chance to touch someone naughtily. :3

>> No.3536343


>> No.3536782

Saved for dinner. Frog stew.

>> No.3538004
File: 529 KB, 1344x920, ef62d0c048274c78058bf20d067580c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure most Japanese fanartists know the endings. For some reason it never really caught on, though.

>> No.3538396

You are implying Japanese fanartists cannot be secondary fans... why? Just because they're Japanese?

>> No.3539561 [DELETED] 


>> No.3540329

Because the endings have always been in their language. There's a better chance that they'd at least hear what happens.

>> No.3541395


>> No.3542304

The games (and thus the endings) have been translated for God knows how long too, and yet people who played the games and finished them were such elitist losers they refused to tell people who can't complete them what happens in them. I doubt the Japs are any different.

>> No.3542313

>elitist losers
Going for Oxymoron of the Year?

>> No.3542327

Why would you drink hot tea if you are already overheated?

>> No.3542339

In the same way, why is Remilia in the second pic without an umbrella when in another she said sunlight would kill her?

Ah that last pic is so cute...

>> No.3542436

I like how people can pirate ZUN's games and turn around and claim this bullshit. The hypocrisy is staggering. Whoever made the wiki, keep on trucking.

>> No.3542494

And I think It's awfully amusing secondaries going all over this shit, it's like I made a thread telling the end of a movie and everybody jumped in because they are too lazy or stupid to watch the movie themselves.

>> No.3542579

>implying you need skill to watch all the way to the end of a movie

Just shut up.

>> No.3543085
File: 19 KB, 275x140, ZUN'swrath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3543093

I actually paid for my Touhou games. Then again, I'm not a humongous pretentious faggot, and am glad that the endings are there for all to see.

>> No.3543099


I agree with you, whole-heartedly.

ZUN's "don't spoil the endings" shit is really annoying, especially when I'll never be good enough to watch 3/4 of them.

>> No.3543106

All endings read and archived.

Now, where do I file a complaint so that they will take that shit down?

>> No.3543124

Okay, found it:

>For claims of copyright infringement, please contact our designated agent under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act:
>Michael Davis
>Wikia, Inc.
>200 2nd Ave. South #306
>St. Petersburg, FL 33701-4313

>You may email the designated agent via copyright@wikia.com. Please include "Claim of copyright infringement" in the subject of your email.

>> No.3543129


Lol butt­hurt. Enjoy wasting you're time.

>> No.3543139

You can't file a claim of copyright infringement if you don't hold the copyright, silly.

>> No.3543144


Nothing on the page is in violation of any international copyright laws.

Enjoy being fucking retarded.

>> No.3543165

Naive, aren't you?

>> No.3543173

You're wasting your time either way. I also saved everything and will put it all up again somewhere else, if OP wouldn't.

>> No.3543180
File: 3 KB, 174x249, 1230617070261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3543184

Oh, it hurt you that much? I'm so sorry.

>> No.3543188


You're not as clever as you think.

>> No.3543208



>> No.3543213

Face it, dude, the endings are out forever. Stop crying about it.

>> No.3543228

Huh who honestly cares

We posted endings on /jp/ all the time.

>> No.3543235

The endings were always out, silly. Stop crying that the wikia page is going down. Make yourself a copy; or you can simply, you know, play the games.

>> No.3543246
File: 205 KB, 228x160, 1222504277417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wikia page is going down

Keep telling yourself that, delusional primaryfag.

>> No.3543272

Haha, secondaries win once again.

>> No.3543347



>> No.3543360

That's what makes this thing so great, the supreme butthurt.

>> No.3543363

but you cant win at touhou hmmmsmug.jpg

>> No.3543374

But this will make more fanart (and even worse, fiction) of people who have never played the games appear, causing enormous amounts of rage from primaryfags. You guys have nothing to prove that you're different from secondaryfags anymore, hahaha.

>> No.3543390

you ain't making sense, son ransmirk.jpg

>> No.3543399

Don't be stupid. Anyone who's productive enough to actually create something worthwhile has seen the endings long ago.

The only people who care are lazy retards unable to not only play the games, but also search the net or simply ask someone to show them.

>> No.3543408

i've only finished PCB and Pofv, it's better to try and finish a game than watching the ending on the internet because you are fucking proud of you when you finish a touhou game

>> No.3543411

Yeah, I'm fucking proud of you too, son.


>> No.3543417

that wasn't nice, please don't be so rude

>> No.3543427


>> No.3543435

>Anyone who's productive enough to actually create something worthwhile has seen the endings long ago.
Yeah, just like anyone who'd make a video about /jp/ would visit this place. (¯3¯)

>> No.3543440

I said worthwhile.

>> No.3543442

And just like anyone writing fanfiction about Forks would actually take a trip there.

>> No.3543455

I didn't.

>> No.3543459

The endings are pretty irrelevant to writing fanfiction. No one cares about ZUN-use.

>> No.3543464

And that's why your analogy is bad.

>> No.3543490

It's not. Thanks for playing.

>> No.3543694


>> No.3543812

Someone write him a message, but be sure to do it in (non-babelfished) Japanese, so he doesn't trash it. I want to see his butthurt.

>> No.3543865

Let's troll ZUN guys!
It will be EPIC WIN i bet he will be really BUTTHURT if we show him a GAIJIN WIKI with all of his endings posted and translated! It will be EPIC LULZ for the WIN!

>> No.3543919

You can make anything sound stupid if you describe it in /b/-language.

>> No.3543924

Even quantum mechanics?

>> No.3543928

try it

>> No.3543932
File: 7 KB, 299x276, 1253953105886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like, Schrödinger's cat?

>> No.3543949

I wonder why the fuck you and ZUN are so butthurt. I mean, i am horrible at SA, and would never be able to finish the Normal mode, so this is the only way to know what would the ending be.

>> No.3544001

We don't know yet if ZUN is butthurt. He could've simply been trolling all you people who are too lousy to win the games.

>> No.3544005

I was trying to lure someone out who could.

>> No.3544010

I think you can still see the good endings on easy mode in SA and UFO.

>> No.3544032

Only requirement for good end in SA and UFO is to 1cc it. Any difficulty, unlike the earlier games.

>> No.3544162

This entire thread is written in /b/ language, if you didn't notice.

>> No.3544201

About fucking time. There is no good reason to hide the endings of 5+ year old games.

>> No.3544224

Sounds like someone is, dare I say it... butthurt?

>> No.3544239

My point exactly.

>> No.3546085

still need a proxy
