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3529231 No.3529231 [Reply] [Original]

dat mouse

>> No.3529249

I'm certain the arrow there is pointing at dat cheese, not dat mouse.

>> No.3529252
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>> No.3529271
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Origin of the worst memes since Cirno?

>> No.3529266

The common perception that mice like cheese is actually false. Being that most mammals, mice included, are not accustomed to dairy products, it can actually induce nausea and vomiting. The average mouse would prefer to subsist on berries and breadcrumbs.

>> No.3529275


If you want to catch mice, you should put butter on the trap spring, rather than cheese.

>> No.3529280

It's a reference to that flash where pointer moves cheese moves Nazrin's eyes.

>> No.3529285

I'd trap her in a Tupperware container, if you know what I mean...

>> No.3529287

The German proverb (which is the equivalent of the English "you need a sprat to catch a mackerel.") is "mit Speck fängt man Mäuse", Speck = bacon and Mäuse = mice.
Now, I haven't tried that.

>> No.3529294

dogs are mammals and they love the fuck out of cheese

just because you can get sick on too much of something doesn't mean you can't enjoy it more than anything as a treat

>> No.3529298


What part of most is so difficult to understand?

>> No.3529303
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Nazgul prefers meat.

>> No.3529332

FUCK i was just about to post that

>> No.3529341

I'd give her my meat, if you know what i mean.

>> No.3529363

Maybe humans should eat mice?

>> No.3529368

want to buy cirno cigarettes

>> No.3529380

I put raisins in mine. Fuckers go for it like mad mice.

>> No.3529419

Peanut Butter works damn well too

>> No.3529455

Lots of anonymous with rodent infestations in this thread. I guess I've seen my parents use traps before, but I don't know what was on them.

>> No.3529473
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I captured a mouse once. It was running around in the kitchen, it made a wrong turn on the stove and I trapped it under a clear bowl. I took it outside, walked pretty far, and let it go.

>> No.3529479
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>> No.3529511

I approve of this anonymous.

>> No.3529541

That's nice. My dad killed a mouse one time with his shoe when it was running through the living room. That made me sad.

>> No.3529559

My nekomimi points at mouse I put it in a bag and then daddy kills it.

Me and nekomimi go crying.

>> No.3529577
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That is sad. I can't kill things like that. I try to do the same with bugs and spiders, capture and take them outside. I imagine things like that are already really frightened if they are caught by a human.

>> No.3529627

>>3529559 My nekomimi points at mouse

You have cat ears, and they point at mice?

Speaking of mouse stories, we found a mouse once in the house. Granted, it was after my father had stepped on it not knowing it was there and it lay twitching to death, bleeding on the carpet. Poor little guy ;_;

>> No.3529644

>implying that bugs and spider experience fear in the same way that humans understand it.

>> No.3529668

There was a field mouse eating some cereal that I forgot to throw away on my porch before. It looked cute. Then it noticed me and bolted out before I could get a chance to do something. (The cereal was somewhat stale, was going to throw it outside for the birds or something.)

>> No.3529699

Hmm, I do kill most bugs, like mosquitos, although I usually catch and set spiders free. When I kill them I feel a little bad, like "You didn't do anything wrong, yet I killed you and for what? Just because *I* am afraid of you." But a mosquito is just a pest, so it feels alright to kill them.

>> No.3529705

Field mice are so fucking tiny.

>> No.3529716

They're really cute. One time when I was rounding up garbage from a shed, a little mouse popped out from under a plank and all these tiny baby mice were dangling from its tail as it ran away. It was cute.

>> No.3529717

Mosquitos, wasps, horseflies, flies and red ants are exterminated without mercy or pity.

Everything else is tolerated; many a time I've been reading or on a computer and a spider will come down onto my chair/the desk/the bed.

>> No.3529746

If I won't get charged with animal cruelty or homicide, I kill everything stupid enough to come into my house. No exceptions.

>> No.3529749

I've stepped on mice a couple of times, feels bad man.

>> No.3529783
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I've wanted pet mice for a decade but I've yet to live where I can have pets.

>> No.3529801

I used to get a dormouse coming into my home every autumn, they were so cute, but so incredibly timid, which as we all know only raises their cuteness level.

They stopped coming after I got my dog, alas.

>> No.3529804

is it wrong that that nazrin + cheese flash gave me a boner?

>> No.3529805
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>> No.3529808
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>> No.3529966

It made me go "Eat it! EAT IT!! EAT IT ALREADY!!"

>> No.3529991 [DELETED] 

I wish Nazrin cleaned the cheese on my glans penis.

>> No.3529997

I wish Nazrin would clean the cheese on my glans penis.

>> No.3530030



>> No.3530084
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> Dormouse

>> No.3530399
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I hate mices to pieces.

>> No.3530437
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>> No.3530451
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>> No.3530456

I lol'd.

>> No.3530466 [DELETED] 

stop spaming ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's ur ip's lulz enjoy ur v&

>> No.3530474


>> No.3530477
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>> No.3530482
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