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3527615 No.3527615 [Reply] [Original]

How the shit am I supposed to beat these bitches? I've been beating at them for about four turns now, and they just won't fucking die....

>> No.3527630

>4 turns
Stop sucking so hard.

Reserve Suzume and any other ninjas to preventing diviner attacks, and get a tactician with the ability that lowers the opponent's battle rating.

>> No.3527631

This is the best army you have by turn 29?

>> No.3527640

This is my first time touching the game. Yes.

I only have Suzume and some shit ninja with about 70 troops I picked up ages ago. As for tacticians, the only one I had was the one I started with, and he was fucking useless so I fired him.

>> No.3527657

In that case you dont need to rush. Slowly take your time to build up. Make sure ramaru has the masamune sword, and you should be able to put the ryuugu sword on suzume as well.

Pump rance's stats up if necessary, use levies for stat books.

>> No.3527663


If you can beat them with your current army, sit back, go on the defensive for a bit, and build up your troops.

Rance and Ranmaru at less than 500 troops is kind of pathetic.

>> No.3527669



>> No.3527670

Use Suzume to assassinate the guy who guards in the front.
Use the other ninja instead of Fuuka to disrupt Natori if needed (may need some luck so teh back row guy does not guard).
Decimate the two frontlines, let Rizna assist.
With the troops I assume you have, it's the best plan.
Try to raise some stats, and raise Shibata's troop count only.

>> No.3527672

Where do I get those swords? I can see an option to find the Murasame, but I can't even get close to the right amount of search to get it

>> No.3527675

Not really.
Since it's early on, and the opponent does not have high numbers, it means they have the best stats modifiers(aka, they will perform much better). He doesn't have the money to give them 800 troops each and make it easy.

>> No.3527676

You can spread the searches out multiple times. You can get ryuugu in the kachikachi dungeon, in kyo.

AI never uses natori's miko storm 2, so you are safe for that...actually healing mist at that level is more annoying../.

>> No.3527677

You do NOT have to do it in one sitting.
It stacks up.
For the other sword, complete dungeon in Kyo, talk with Suzume, then redo-it.

>> No.3527706

OP, let the AI attack you then just kill as many of their troops as you can. Don't spend all of your money on healing troops, they autoheal each turn if you don't use them. Get some passive money earning abilities and spend your SAT bonuses on reinforcements. In return post the result please, I'm curious how you'll progress in the game

>> No.3527879

OP here. I just beat them on turn 37, after spending a while on getting the swords and letting them kill themselves by attacking me.

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.3527882
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>on turn 37

>> No.3527887

First playthrough, and he does not rely on Wiki.
He will figure out the shortcuts and mechanics.
It's not like you have to aim for a good score now.

>> No.3527901

I was in the same conditions, plus only 0.3 patch was released. It wasn't that hard. If he struggles so much with the basic enemies, he will never be prepared for the demon army.

>> No.3527908

Some get it faster than others.
I restarted two times after 30-40 turns before figuring out priorities properly. Now, I have accomplished everything the game asks you to.
The more you play, the better you get.
Plus, DA gets an auto-retreat, so you just need a single all-star team to finish them off.

>> No.3527928

use a ninja to attack natori while she prepares to use the miko wind

>> No.3527930

The first time i played the game i wasnt aggresive enough...i only had a single decent team that could take on a shimazu stack and win. Most of the eastern area was taken over by the demon army and i didnt have enough money...i restarted and it went much better.

>> No.3527935 [DELETED] 

stop spaming ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's

>> No.3528413

Demon Army almost defeats itself. Turn ~80 push back event if you're stalemating, then you have all the NP and time you want to get suitable for endgame.

>> No.3528503

5th gourd auto breaks on turn 90. I dont think the push back to south africa happens if you are losing...it didnt occur for me at least.

>> No.3528535

may not be a bad idea to recruit ikkyu, the three cheesy wins can come in handy for battles like this.

>> No.3528546

That's if he will be able to stall.

>> No.3528548

Turn 14 and so far I've conquered Ashikaga and Hara. Who should I attack now? Iga?

>> No.3528554

Don't touch iga at all. That's one gourd and they literally give you nothing. Try to conquer other small nations that don't have gourds right now. But don't go for Asai-Asakura as long as you can. Conquering them may lead to a war with a way more serious enemies.

>> No.3528643
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So, these guys...
They are fast, they can attack all my units at the same time, they can resist plenty of hits, they have a time killer that makes the battle shorter.
How do I win?

>> No.3528645

who should I use rance's love on?

>> No.3528663

If you still use Fuuka, you do something wrong.
Also, Murder either time killer first(before he does his skill) or the Shogun.

>> No.3528668

I mainly use Fuuka for Miko Storm
I'll try again, thanks for the help

>> No.3528675

You can Assassinate the shogun, if you are still having problems with the others do some battlefield construct event and win by battle rating. Seeing your army would also help to give tips

>> No.3528683

Use Natori instead of Fuuka, she has Miko Storm2 which damages 30%

>> No.3528685

He already has NAtori there, pay attention.

>> No.3528688

Okay okay, sorry

>> No.3528693

Target the mage monsters first. They do significant damage and they're easy to kill.
The Shoguns are usually Tacticians. They might use their actions to remove buffs on you instead of attacking, which is a good thing considering how many troops they have.
Depending on how many troops they replenish every turn it may take 2-3 tries.
I've found Baba Shouen to be a pretty damn good candidate. You can clear him by turn 7 or so, then he'll gain 3 or 4 Affection per turn and you can up his stats to 7/7/6/7, give him Cavalry Charge 2, and start adding +100 troops every *two* turns.
Daidouji Komatsu is a decent choice since she has lots of troops (but not the stats to use them, initially).
If you're willing to let it sit in your inventory for a while you can equip it to a super powerful character like Omachi once you gain access to their homeland.

>> No.3528700

I wonder if you can close the gate to Death Land during a monkey kill run... maybe they disabled it because you wouldn't be able to finish the game?
If they didn't and it still prevents you from finishing the game that'd be a huge bitch!

>> No.3528792


Rizna's A Cutter helped me a lot with those fights.

>> No.3528807

I haven't found her yet

>> No.3528815

There is apparently some trick to level Kentarou to 99? How?

>> No.3528817

Get all the foreign reinforcements asap next time.

>> No.3528820

First reinforcement from Zeth.
You need to power her up once to get her A. Cutter ability which might be too long if you're out of Affection items, but in any case you need to get her if you want Uruza (and Uruza is one of the very best characters in the game due to Accurate Shots and her ridiculously high damage in dungeon/boss fights).

>> No.3528823

I don't know such trick but he is easy to level if you let him fight Suzaku when he attacks you

>> No.3528824

Send Majin Kentarou against Gigai as often as it takes. It always ends in a draw but he gains levels every time.

>> No.3528826

You can't get reinforcements after the demon army appearance.

>> No.3528867

On a somewhat different note, do 0.9 patch save files work for the 1.00? I don't want to ruin my save files since I'm nearing the end of my first playthrough.

>> No.3528879

Really... that's interesting info, though people usually have all reinforcements by then so it probably doesn't come up that often.
The patch notes say that they do. If you're afraid of losing them, just back them up before applying the patch.

>> No.3528882


I restarted a few times before finally beating the game, too.

>> No.3528884

>>3527676 AI never uses natori's miko storm 2

Only if you've done a decent amount of damage to other troops. If you've just been focusing on 1 guy, She'll always use it.

As for OP, don't bring Rizna and Fuuka in as they're too slow and weak. Bring in Niga and the ninja you can recruit in Owari (or a better ninja if you've managed to capture one, Goemon is probably the best one you can get at this point in time).

If you can, assassinate the 2 foot soldiers, as this will allow your other back row to weaken the diviner while Rance and Ranmaru pummel the warriors in the front, which will keep Natori from using Miko Storm 2 and fucking you over via battle rating.

If you can only assassinate 1 foot soldier (and it's your first time to using assassinate), leave your other 2 back row guys to focus attacking the diviner until it's dead, then use them to get rid of the guard on the front foot soldier.

Also, keep this in 1 thread.

>> No.3528903

Actually, for everyone posting for help in this thread, why aren't you using Yamamoto? Aside from the % damage dealers of Natori and Seigan, she is probably the best single unit for a battle to have due to her Whirlwind Shot and Yamamoto Penetration Shot. Once you have those, you never need to boost her affection again unless you want end game points on her, as boosting stats is kinda silly for arhcers.

>> No.3528937


Someone you will use often who gets at least 3 actions (counting attacks that use multiple action fans) per battle that may not have the best stats.

As has been stated, Daidoji is a good candidate due to her having her own Popularity staff passive skill as well as low starting stats, which allows you to constantly be boosting stats up to 7 for no cost. Her downsides are that she is a warrior unit (much better warriors in the game that require less maintenance) and that she's constantly fucking you over in troop scaling.

Two other good choices are Senhime or Mouri Teru as they both need to get to 7 int as soon as possible to make them awesome footsoldiers, then can use their future affection levels to boost levels for dungeons (Senhime in particular if you get her one of those rare level 1 Action Textbooks) or +100 troops since increases in foot soldier units don't cause the enemy to scale their armies up.

To the person recommending Baba, I'd say it's a waste for him, as he can pretty much solo the early game if you've gotten him the Pain-Point Helm or Guts armor due to Fuurinzaken, which means every battle he is in gets him 1 affection point. Plus, cavalry contribute to scaling, so giving him too many troops can make the game harder than it needs to be (400 cavalry are godly for the first 30-40 turns just because of Fuurinzaken and -50/-100 Damage reduce items).

Omachi is a terrible choice for Rance's Love, as it'll take about 20ish turns at the least just to take one province of the Youkai kingdom, which allows you to talk to her to do affection boosts. Just throw the pop. wand until she gets 1000 troops, then the protective charm/strange quick bug and never worry about her again.

>> No.3528944

Actually, boosting stats or giving 100 Plus damage items to units with Penetrate attacks (like 56 or Magic) can be cool.

>> No.3528955


Archer classes do piss-poor damage compared to mages. They are almost on the level of ninjas, and at least ninjas have Assassinate 2 and speed on their side to make up for their poor damage.

The only reason to use Penetration shot is if you want to lower guard on either 2 foot soldiers who happen to be in the same spot in the front and back rows, or there happens to be a weakened enemy behind a foot soldier that lets you lower guard % while getting a lot of battle rating.

>> No.3528978

Yamamoto attacks 4 times, White Destruction Beam is used once.
Both can be very useful.
Though Yamamoto Whirlwinding two times may be better.
Also, Ninjas actually have decent modifiers for every stat, so the stronger Ninja units with their speed and lots of actions are especially useful even with normal attacks.
Gekkou is top tier, Koushikage follows, and Kikkou is pretty useful too.

>> No.3529024


>Yamamoto attacks 4 times

Good luck getting that 4th attack with her speed.

>White Destruction Beam is used once

What other technique do you know of that is capable of killing 1-2 enemy units at the beginning of a turn that ignores guard, weakens guard % and most enemies have poor defense against?

>Also, Ninjas actually have decent modifiers for every stat...Gekkou is top tier, Koushikage follows, and Kikkou is pretty useful too.

Um, in terms of stats, Kousaka is the best ninja in the game. If we're talking about Assassinate chances, Gekko is the best and only if you've paired him with Uruza and Kenshin.

I agree that they can be decent normal attackers, which is fine if you need some quick battle rating boosts from hitting softer enemies, preventing enemies from using prep. attacks, or simply lowering guard percentage for your other units. These reasons, along with Assassinate 1/2, are why all Ninjas > all Archers (exception being Yamamoto).

>> No.3529054

I actually attack 2 times and Whirlwind.
Also, while Yoshikage has better stats and Fuurinkazan, Gekkou has Assassination+, aka 100% Assasination for most units after they use up action flags (so you don't use Ass right away).
Kikku is 3d in stats, assassinating and dungeon levels.

As for WDB, it has ONE problem: Mages are slow and frail, there is a chance she gets hit before she unleashes the FULL glory.
Better Get an All-Guarder for caution.

>> No.3529075

Ninjas are often underestimated.
Their individual attacks might do only moderate damage at best, but considering how often they attack, they end up doing as much damage as other characters.
In addition, since there's only 25 actions in a fight, you can "fill" the action table with ninja actions, meaning you might get 15 actions and leave only 10 for the entire enemy group.
Assassination is an OK skill to use early if it allows you to breach through the enemy's defenses for your melee attackers, but it can also be used at the very end of a battle. Your ninja did solid damage during the fight, filled 3 of the 25 bars with your actions instead of the opponents', and then... bam. Even after doing all that, you can still take out an entire unit in a single action.

>> No.3529081


>I actually attack 2 times and Whirlwind.

Better to just instant-kill tacticians or foot soldiers to prevent them from screwing you over for the rest of the fight.

>Gekkou has Assassination+

Until you get Kenshin and Uruza with Accurate Shots, not as useful as Kousaka. Once you do, if you still field them both in the same army, you are doing something wrong.

>Kikku is 3d in stats, assassinating and dungeon levels.

Agree. If only Orime could operate in the back row in dungeons.

>As for WDB, it has ONE problem: Mages are slow and frail, there is a chance she gets hit before she unleashes the FULL glory.

There are several ways to protect her:

1) Put a foot solider in the back row (kind of wasteful)
2) Protective Charm (better yet, put this on a foot soldier with all-guard and great speed)
3) Strange Quick Bug (Attack before most other units)
4) Field with a tactician (random chance for speed boost)
5) Equip the field or castle stat boosting item to get poor man's Fuurinzaken for faster and more powerful WDB.

>> No.3529104


Ninjas take up turns that your more powerful units could be using. Granted, they also take up turns that the enemy units could have used against you so it's a double-edged sword.

>Assassinate can be used at the end of a battle

Only useful if you have to kill the last enemy to win the battle, in which case you'd probably have been better off just assassinating whatever it was that was preventing you from attacking their main attackers, or one of their main attackers, right from the get go to protect your own troops for the rest of the fight.

>> No.3529118

Actually, most enemy soldiers in the game have low action points (like 2-3), so He is very likely to hit it off.
I also prefer to give the Bug to a footsoldier.

Finally, I usually prefer to keep tacticians with units/teams that rely more on brute force.

If Rance has 9 attack And warrior attack 2, adding attack boost makes the damage ridiculous thanks to Chaos.

>> No.3529127

Ninjas are better used with middle tier units for these reasons, since the gimmicks of the top tier units do not need them.

>> No.3529166


>Actually, most enemy soldiers in the game have low action points (like 2-3), so He is very likely to hit it off.

Only at the end of the fight without Kenshin+Uruza w/ Accurate Shots. He is still weaker than Kousaka until he can get his guaranteed Assassinate.


>I also prefer to give the Bug to a footsoldier

I usually give my foot soldiers the following:

protective charm (all guard at 130% twice? Yes please)

Dragonfly cutter (Mouri Teru only)

Blue-Charm thing from subordinate Ieyasu (30% less damage taken from all attacks means longer lasting walls)

5000 troop item (with initial guard up and boosting speed after equipping the item back to 5 or 6, good luck killing him)

The bug can be useful for a foot soldier I guess but I'd rather stick it on Chinu (to speed up her damn prep. attack) or Magic (reasons already stated). Extremely damaged or dead enemies means I can have slower foot soldiers and still guard as effectively as a faster one that has to deal with stronger enemies.

Also, the speed boost is far more important than attack/int boost. All boosts are useful though.

>> No.3529168

Here is a failsave guide for normal modo:
Do whatever you want.

>> No.3529178


Sure, but having at least 15 points makes your next run so much easier (3rd war fan+battle permits, or 3rd war fan and an extra character such as Morita, Elina or Kurosaki)

>> No.3529212

Funny thing, Gekkou has 8 attack, though lower stats for the rest.
I usually gave him the Poison Dagger till I finally got the Takeda bonus.
The battles I use him at usually have him do Ass. in the middle, I guess I create the circumstances and choose battles to utilize it as such.

>> No.3529228


He probably does better when you field fewer troops than the enemy does so as to let them burn through their actions faster I guess. As for the dagger, I personally think Orime or Kikku is a better choice due to their higher starting troop sizes. Might not be a bad candidate for the awesome bunny mask.

>> No.3529366

Question about teasing Akechi: When you get his daughter, does she have the same troop size as him? I know she gets the +2 to all stats boost but it'd be pretty stupid to get her if she doesn't have the troop size as I'm currently using Akechi as my tactician battle permit user.

>> No.3529377

Far as I know the only thing that changes (besides the +2 to combat stats) is that she resets to Hate.

>> No.3529424


That's fine I guess. I just don't want to waste gold to get another tactician to 1000 for the permit.

>> No.3529439
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>> No.3529452

Will you recruit Kazemaru with Hibachi to Capture Negiku, then fire him?

>> No.3529456

I have Nogiku.
I fired Masamune, Orime, Noir, and shed a manly tear when I fired Omachi.

>> No.3529486

Oh, but now that I think about it, I wouldn't have, no. Gon is sitting in prison and all I'd have to do is get Ryouma, hire him and then fire Ryouma.
Maybe I should change the rules a little bit, as long as nothing but Ashigaru are actually used for anything...
Oh well, either way it's hilarious.

>> No.3529489


Gon will also leave if you fire Ryouma.

>> No.3529518

Oho. Interesting.
That's what's so great about this game. Even after playing for hundreds of hours it still manages to surprise you.

>> No.3529530

To clear the "Bought musket unit" event, do you have to keep the musketeer you received? I seem to recall firing her before and not getting the clear, though it's possible I reloaded to a point where I did not purchase her and conquered Tanegashima.

>> No.3529543

Someone would have to either fire her right away and risk not getting the clear, or carry her to the very end, save, fire her, finish the game and reload if it didn't clear.
I'm afraid I simply opted to carry her to the end and didn't try firing her...

>> No.3529596

This is an odd thing that I've noticed in my game right now.
Playing Isoroku route, and Suzaku challenged my army for the first time. However, after the event, I noticed that Ran is still alive in my prison. What the hell?

>> No.3529603


Damn, was hoping to pick up the other generic characters I missed in this run and currently trying to figure out who I'll fire. All but Shibata has been fired from the original crew, and he'll be fired when I pick up more troops. Probably fire Shizuka after I capture the generics. Yamagata can go too as I've already cleared him and he's not that great for Xavier. Yamamoto disappears but creates 2 new generics to store so that's a problem. Kanami and Natori could go as well since Kanami just sucks and I have other ninjas to use for the permit whereas for Natori I still need to character clear Seigan and Genri so I won't need her as much (plus she sucks for Xavier). Guess I'll fire Leila after I get her demon army h-scene. Maria could go as well.

>> No.3529609


The event is cleared once you buy it, regardless if you keep her or not.

>> No.3529632


I'm holding you to your word Anonymous, or I shall be very annoyed when I complete the route and have to re-purchase her in a later run.

>> No.3529642

Hah, wish I'd known that.
Since events are only updated when you finish the game there's no easy way to verify, so I had to carry her along with a *lot* of bad generics just to be certain... apparently for nothing.

>> No.3529674

Two-star difficulty
No saving
No bonuses
Kill monkey
Final destination.

>> No.3529687

No saving...
Power outage...

>> No.3529701

It autosaves every turn you know.

>> No.3529702

whenever i start a free for all game the game always freezes on me. anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.3529725

You fix that by untranslating certain commander and country names in strings.xml, and then by rebuilding the patch.

What OS and locale are you running it on? It was supposed to be working.

In any case, just keep trying and it should work eventually.

>> No.3529730


That's annoying but not impossible. Make it 5-star for a true challenge.

>> No.3529731

>It was supposed to be working.
Not him, but it doesn't work for the most part. Only like 1 out of 5 runs is successful. Still playable, so whatever.
XP and Jap locale here.

>> No.3529747

Okay, noted, thanks.

>> No.3529756


XP and Jap locale here

>> No.3529766

Yeah. Taka's found that it crashes on his computer about 1/5 times.

I think the program is xenophobic.

>> No.3529771

I know that none of the Mino Three are generics needed for clearing battle report. However, is the one commander that you can recruit via SAT bonus after getting all three of the Mino Three one of them?

>> No.3529772

Weeaboos on /jp/ = 4/5
TakaJun (Authentic Japanese!) = 1/5
Me = 0/5


>> No.3529785

It's pretty random. I think buffer overflows randomly occur sometimes when generating the random names for generic commanders. But just for the sake of completeness, what OS/Locale are you using?

>> No.3529791

XP with all regional and language options (Standards and Formats, Location, non-Unicode language, and any others I'm forgetting) set to Japanese.

>> No.3529793

Yeah, she is. Aburako Dousan.

>> No.3529796

Yep. Completely random.


>> No.3529799

Well... It could also have something to do with hardware. Maybe.

>> No.3529811

mmm i just recruited some units for rance since the enemy had more than my units, then suddenly i get on battle and the enemy now have 200+ every fucking character than what i recruited... how the enemy rises its army so fast?

>> No.3529817

Speaking of special generics, does Tenshii have any?

>> No.3529820


Have you bothered to read the thread? It's been stated several times that increasing troop size for any non-foot soldier unit causes enemy armies to scale upward.

>> No.3529985
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2nd playthrough, 2 star, I'm about to take over Uesugi in 2 turns, and planing on getting the +100 damage sword in next turn. And then I'm going to take over Hojo directly after Uesugi, and go for Ran route.
Is some important tip or anything important I need to know before I might screw up?

(In my first game I has to reload a lot of turns because of what happened to Sill and because I didn't take her to the Carnival until it was too late ;_;)

>> No.3530001

Yodo-kun Gosa and Honda Masanobu.
From personal observations (over forty tries to capture him and the fact that he's immune to Assassination+ and as such is considered an "important character"), I'd guess you can't capture Honda Masanobu from Tenshi, you have to wait until he's been rehired. I got him on my 2nd capture attempt after he'd been rehired.

>> No.3530016

If I remember correctly, Shimazu can steal your female commanders even if your countries aren't connected. So you'd have to beat either Tanegashima or Akashi and wait until they absorb Mouri until you can retaliate and steal Kuro.
I'm not 100% sure but if it does happen it could be bad.

>> No.3530024

where is this +100 sword at?

>> No.3530043

I was about to tell you, but then I noticed you use nigger grammar. Brush up on that first.

>> No.3530048 [DELETED] 

Damn... Then let's say I'd be able to blitz rush Tanegashima and Mouri in 10 turns, do you think I should do it before I conquer Houjou, or after?

I Kyo territory. The one with the big lake on the map.

>> No.3530054

Damn... Then let's say I'd be able to blitz rush Tanegashima and Mouri in 10 turns, do you think I should do it before I conquer Houjou, or after?

In Kyo territory. The one with the big lake on the map.

>> No.3530065


Complete the dungeon in Kyo, then talk to Suzume to prep for the event still at the dungeon. Requires you to have done Suzume's second h-scene.

>> No.3530066

oh sorry, where is this +100 sword located at?

>> No.3530069

>where ... at?
Try again, nigger.

>> No.3530074

Clearing Bukakke dungeon. KachiKachi, was it? Dragon Palace, maybe? I think it's in Kyo.

>> No.3530078

>before or after?
Anyone? ;_;

>> No.3530112

You can probably enter Ran's route as soon as you want without any trouble, but yeah, making a path to Shimazu is probably your priority if you want to be ready when Shimazu starts becoming active.

>> No.3530122

Alright, thanks. I'll take the gamble and do Ran first then.

>> No.3530141


Depemds. Do you want to character clear the Shimazu brothers? If no, just ignore them and blitz through all of the purple events related to Ran.

If you do, then reload back to before you go to war with Uesegi. You're going to need all the time you can get to deal with Mouri + Takuga and giving Xavier and easy-to-break gourd does not help you. Read up on the wiki as to how you clear the Shimazu brothers. One important thing to remember about them is this:

DO NOT RECRUIT RAN BEFORE RECRUITING AND CHARACTER CLEARING DAIDOJI. The reason why is that it becomes impossible to clear Daidoji so long as there are any diviners in your army, and Ran just so happens to be a diviner.

>> No.3530193

Thanks for the tips, I've decided to go ahead with Ran. Since clearing them isn't in my priority right now. I'm aiming for a fast run with lots of points.

>> No.3530223


Are you going for points based on turns+clears+end-game points, or are you trying for objectives as well?

>> No.3530225

Clearing = points, though, so...
But yes, if you do all the Ran events the Shimazu brothers events may not even end up happening, so I'd go for that. That's what I did in my points run. I also just straight up conquered their ass without stealing Kurohime.

Completely unrelated note: Where the fuck is Bikini Watch and how do I trigger it?

>> No.3530230 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3530232

Points. Need as many points as possible for my next game.

>> No.3530238

It's generally easiest to just save Shimazu for a Kill the Monkey route while you're unlocking the Takeda bonus. You're stuck sitting around for those bastards for probably at least 20+ turns anyway.

>> No.3530241

If you're wiping out your saves/CGs, then you can't enter the Ran route don't forget. You should still be able to end a vanilla run with around 20-30 points if you know what you're doing though.

>> No.3530245


Post a screen of your current commanders and include those you're going to try and get before finishing the Ran route.


If you don't have Kentarou, don't bother looking for it.

>> No.3530255

Goddamn Kentarou. He doesn't show up in Monkey Route does he. I just had to beat Orochi without him too. Why must you vex me with your lack of presence!

>> No.3530259


One of the funnier sec scenes. Nozomi's is better, as is Suzume's 3rd scene.

>> No.3530272
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>Post a screen of your current commanders and include those you're going to try and get before finishing the Ran route.
Here. I've conquered half of Uesugi around now>>3529985
I'm getting Kaname in 1 or 2 turns, and will get Maria and then Leila after that.

>> No.3530283


If you really want to get a lot of points, I'd advise restarting. You should have almost 20 commanders by that point, even if most of them are generics. You'd be surprised as to how strong some of them may be, as well as free high troop count units.

>> No.3530289


Ignore this, I miscounted and thought you had 12 commanders for some reason. You're fine right now but definitely look to getting some more commanders.

>> No.3530292

He's almost at his NP limit as is, though. He couldn't really be doing that much better. 3 more commanders tops.

>> No.3530294

what does the budda statue in free for all do?

>> No.3530307


I originally read it as 20/31, not 28/31.

>> No.3530309
File: 125 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goemon, and a delicious 900 troop Footsoldier is waiting for me in the prison. I'll get those once I made sure I have enough NP for Kenshin and Aoi.

>> No.3530324

Every 2 you put down gives you an item.

>> No.3530325

I have a question, what controls who gets a affection point after a battle?

>> No.3530330

I'm guessing the RNG, but I have no evidence to back that up.

>> No.3530331


>> No.3530332

Random in my experience.

>> No.3530335


After every certain amount is built, an option to find an item is given.

>> No.3530336


Not bad. If you get another chance, try and capture Ashikaga Yoshiteru, as he's one of the highest level generics you'll find without needing much prep for.

To solve your NP shortage, have you built up Miko Institute yet? You can easily get it up to 4 in one turn.

Also, for the objectives, the easiest one for you to get, based on not going for Shimazu brothers, is just the 30k troops. One-Eye house is going to be pretty difficult without massive battle permit spam, Seigan, and the Takeda generals. Ignore all of the other objectives.

>> No.3530340


Anyone care to explain what RNG is?

>> No.3530343

What is "RNG"?

(sorry for being stupid ;_;)

>> No.3530347

Random Number Generator.

>> No.3530348


Random Number Generator.

>> No.3530350


Much thanks.

>> No.3530355

Wow, you're right, the Miko country is cheap as heck to upgrade NP with. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.3530358

It's cheap because it starts at 1. Cost scales with the territory's NP.

>> No.3530363

>Ashikaga Yoshiteru
Do you know which country he starts with?

>> No.3530370

Uh. He starts with Ashikaga. He's that fat worthless miko unit.

>> No.3530371

Another nice NP boost is character clearing Asakura Yoshikaga. Gives 1 NP to every territory you own, so you should be looking at a 10-14 point boost to NP when you finally clear him. He's also nice if you need to give multiple people 1 affection, as he randomly gives them to anyone in your army when you talk to him after he's cleared.

>> No.3530373
File: 147 KB, 800x600, ashigaruonly37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...but seriously, it's a pain with only one battle permit dude. And absolutely no ranged attacks.
Plus, even if replenishing costs only 1g per troop, I'm still not managing to hire anywhere near everything I could while still retaining the 25k req for Asset Tech.

>> No.3530383


He starts as a warrior in Ashikaga's army. If you missed him, don't worry too much about trying to get him, but keep an eye out when fighting just because he's one of the few generics that starts off as good as mid-tier dungeon captain when compared to uniques. His biggest flaw is only 3 action points.

>> No.3530387

Are there any other characters with special bonuses like that aside from him and Natori?

>> No.3530388


Stop attacking for a turn or two and let that 1 battle permit foot soldier reclaim what gets stolen.

>> No.3530460

Oh, I'm playing on Normal difficulty so it's not *hard*, it's just a little tedious. When you're used to having five permit people taking over everything in sight and conquering one territory per turn, it's hard to go back.
I don't think I'm gonna do it again after this but I'm glad I tried. Put things into perspective and gives you an idea of how weak low scaling opponents are.

>> No.3530462


As far as interesting things, Asakura and Natori are probably the only two people really care for. Other commanders that have neat things with them are:

Kanami (can get 1 level by fighting monkeys who jizz in her hair in the Saitama province. Pretty useless since she's not that great of a unit)

Maria (let's you have sex with Kanami and character clear her. Also allows you to recruit a second Tulip user)

Magic (Rance's Love, +2 affection/turn item that cannot be unequipped)

Inukai (can give 1 free affection level boost to Suzume and Kanami. Required if you want to do the 6 Great Treasures)

Leila (has another h-scene if you let her get captured by the Demon Army. Useful if you're completionist and want all of the CGs)

Suzume (Need her 2nd h-scene to get the +100 damage sword that can be equipped by anyone after visiting the dungeon in Kyo a second time)

>> No.3530469


Gekko (apparently he can force Iga to become your territory by punishing Inukai, though you lose the chance to get Inukai if you do this. Also, he can kamikaze win a territory but you lose him permanently)

Ikyuu (can allow you to win a losing battle 3 times during the entire run. Only unit that can do this. If you choose not to get Ieyasu, he's required for the talk commands to convert Tokugawa from an allied nation to your own nation. Kind of dumb unless you want to complete the progress report)

Ieyasu (Has a prep attack in dungeon battles that pretty much turns him into a level 70 bushi, he can do it 5 times. Most useful character that you'll probably get for Sekime in the Ran route.)

Sakakibara Yasumasa (Must capture him and talk to him a few times before conquering Tokugawa if you want Ieyasu)

Ashikaga Choushin (Emperor Ring, +1 to all stats, can not be removed. Only reason to recruit him other than character clearing, not bad if you have the Takeda Generals as you throw this on Yamagata and bam, a commander that can hit both front a back row strong with all 9s that doesn't cost a single NP)

Baba (Can go to the carnival with him for an extra 3 points to your score. Good luck getting him without the house bonus though)

Nozomi (required to unlock the S&M dungeon and to get an item that, when equipped, prevents a commander from ever dying should their unit be defeated in battle)

>> No.3530503
File: 109 KB, 800x600, 1255159840068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon me, but could I get an answer to a question about the thirteen turn to 3rd fan strategy?

On the first turn, I can understand unlocking the prison, but why talk to Kou? You don't hire any of the officers she unlocks and it's not as if she has an affection meter.

>> No.3530511


I'm going to say because there's really not much else you can do.

>> No.3530512

>>3530469 a commander that can hit both front a back row strong with all 9s that doesn't cost a single NP TO RAISE STATS

Forgot that last part. Other things I forgot to mention are

Kanami is required for the Tora no Ana dungeon to show up. Nice because it gives 3 Hannou Scrolls as bonus loot when completed.

Maria is required to clear Tanegashima

To continue:

Souun (only unit that can kill Apostle Gigai, required for his character clear. Otherwise don't do this if you need a high level Kentarou)

Kentarou (Easiest unit to level due to his many +3 level events after obtaining him. Also has an item that fully restores health and action points that can be saved from use in the Apostle duel if you give him attack luck and/or an Action Textbook level 2. When he becomes a demon, can not die in battle, making him a great defense unit as you can dismiss his entire army, stick him in the front row, and watch as the enemy's front row can't do a damn thing.)

One-Eyed Masamune (required to get Omachi. Can not get her though if you've character cleared any of his wives you may have captured before conquering the youkai king)

>> No.3530515

>but why talk to Kou?
No particular reason.

>> No.3530516


Prevents you from wasting a start of turn event on talking to Kou.

>> No.3530521

In that case, I'm just going to raise the affection of Ranmaru. Thanks.

>> No.3530528

Hmmm, I'm taking this back>>3530515 after considering this>>3530516

Pretty sneaky.

>> No.3530532

Huh... I see the point. Even if events like Sill-Sex'periments' seem to take priority, eventually you'll have to deal with Kou instead of something more useful... Alright, I understand.

>> No.3530541


Yuzuhara (required to capture if you want to vassal Tanegashima. Only useful if you want to complete the progress report.)

Akashi Kazemaru (gains a +2 to all stats passive skill slightly before character clearing him, thus becoming a potentially powerful bushi. Downside is that he takes too much effort to get him to that point. His passive also acts as a permanent Orichi Fang, which would be awesome if he had a higher level cap for dungeon purposes. Still, not a bad unit to have for Sekimei but don't expect him to last long due to low health.)

Mouri sisters (character clear Kikku and Teru + Chinu's h-scene = foursome with the sisters for an extra 5 SAT)

Shibata (His character clear gives him +1000 troops)

Agrieda (To character clear her, she gets a few options in the Shimazu territory to boost her army by +1000 troops. Can get to 4k or 5k doing this)

>> No.3530560


Other captains may have nice things associated with them, such as unlocking dungeons (another plus to Kentarou is Bikini Watch, Senhime + Ranmaru are also required for finding and completing progress report related to Tokugawa Buried Treasure.) but either I'm blanking on them or I haven't cleared them yet.

>> No.3530561

Hey now... Yuzumi's instakill shot is pretty nice. Recruit her from prison, equip Working Bee, use two or three Drafting Papers from Kazusa 200... you've got a pretty nice unit with relatively little effort.

>> No.3530568


Mainly trying to list SAT or special skills not similar to other classes/units but yeah, Yuzumi is pretty much the only unit worth giving the Working Bee due to instant-kill shot. Pity she reloads so slow.

>> No.3530572

I'm the one who asked. I knew all that shit. I just meant the more hidden/minor repeatable stuff that you wouldn't normally see, like the Natori sex boost.

>> No.3530599

Kinda hard to define "hidden"... either you know about something or you don't. His list covered most characters' special abilities and the unique events they unlock.
It'd take forever to know *everything* about the game. Up until yesterday I didn't know about Hara Sanya.

>> No.3530623

if you clear yuzuhara, a captains battle opens up in akashi? that gives you a mask for ninjas

>> No.3530693

Oh yeah, that's one of the lesser known items... I think I actually never bothered getting it, since it's not available in the 2nd game bonus list and -50% damage isn't something that you'd put on a Ninja anyway.

>> No.3530734

if you kidnap kurohime you can bang her for 2 SAT a pop

>> No.3530744
File: 113 KB, 800x600, ashigaruvsninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, poor ninjas. I think they're particularly vulnerable to scaling issues... turn 42 and this is all they could hire.
Massacre ensues.

>> No.3530768

boring you cant distance fight!.

>> No.3530774

When you outnumber everyone ~10 times over, you don't need to.

>> No.3530779

How many turns is typical for a first clear of the game? I've been taking my time and trying to do as much as possible, but my score is now 0 since I'm past turn 60 and the demon army just showed up.

>> No.3530782


For me, I finished my first run at around turn 110. Trust me, no legitimate first run player will get beyond the 5 points they give you for simply beating it.

>> No.3530784


Correction. Most legitimate first run players won't get beyond maybe 10 or 15 points at the most.

>> No.3530788

I finished my first game in 91 turns. I managed to get a Score of 37, so with True route ended I had 42 points to spend on my first 2nd game.
It might not look like it, but past a certain point you clear a character, give a character Endgame Points, visit the Carnival, etc nearly every turn, so you actually gain more points than you lose.
Also, Endgame Points don't show in your Score. If you have a lot of characters with it you might have a positive Score and not even know it.

>> No.3530816

Hara who?

>> No.3530859
File: 108 KB, 806x644, RanceStatus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can direct your attention to the bottom. Where can I find these remaining three fuckers? Also, I have another question about the Yodokun specifically, but I'll need another image for that.

>> No.3530860

After recruiting the Takuga generals, will any of them throw a fit if I fire the ones I don't care about?

>> No.3530864
File: 775 KB, 806x644, RanceYodokun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same poster as >>3530859

I just ended the game with this little kid, but apparently this was not the right Yodokun. Is the problem the hyphen?

>> No.3530866

Hara Shouji's niece. She takes over his unit if you give Aki back to him and raise him to the next Affection level, at which point Rance realizes he's gone insane and kills him.
It doesn't really do anything, she's got the same stats as him. It's just a funny fact.

>> No.3530877


I want to say that Matsuo is with Houjou, as they're the only main house I'm not a war with yet and I've yet to see him pop up.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru is obviously a general of Ashikaga, that fat fish fuck.

No clue of Yodokun Gosai. Pity the wiki doesn't list where they are.

Would you mind telling me where Kamiizumi and Tsukahara are?

>> No.3530889

Nah. They don't care. I have no idea why you'd do that though (aside from points) since they're some of the best units in the game.

>> No.3530893


Figures that a screenshot not related to any of the new questions is key to answering one of them.

Matsuou is a ninja from Iga.

>> No.3530899

>Would you mind telling me where Kamiizumi and Tsukahara are?

I want to say Kamiizumi is with Akashi, but I'm not certain. He showed up with a little kid sprite when I was farming Shimazu at the end of the game for the Tenshi tanuki guy that I saw they'd hired.

Tsukahara I'm pretty sure was Ashikaga, but might have been Hara, as he was just a generic that I captured extremely early that happened to be useful, especially in dungeons (starting level at 50). I didn't realize he was special until after completing the game, and am so glad I didn't fire him for his high NP cost.

>> No.3530905


Trying to complete the progress report and I want to get as many of the generics completed as possible. Also no real point keeping all of the Takuga generals for this purpose since you can only clear 1-2 of them each run. Just got to do Mine and Gon, shut the gate, then done with them forever.

>> No.3530906


Have yet to see his niece. Anyone want to provide a pic?

>> No.3530913


Drats. What class is Tsukahara?

>> No.3530950
File: 785 KB, 806x644, RanceTsukahara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Footsoldier. Also, maybe that's the Miko Institute's colors. I can't remember, and I always conquer them quickly too...

>> No.3530951

Tsukahara Bokuden?
He's an Ashigaru from Houjou.
I'm pretty sure that's the right one. And yes, the dash is new from patch 0.90, it might be interfering with the clear... might want to warn the Yandere Translations dudes about it.
She's got a generic face, glasses. If you really wanna see her, just reload any save with him in the Prison, recruit him, use 7 Affection's worth of items on him, talk to him (choose to give him Aki back), use another 7 Affections' worth and talk to him one last time.
Takes less than two minutes of work total.

>> No.3530987

Houjou, goddamn my memory sucks. Sorry guys.

Also, I just repatched with the version 0.9 patch, loaded my save, reconquered South Africa, ended the game, and now she's cleared. Something definintely went fishy in the final release.

>> No.3530993

How do you guys end up with so many troops that early? I'm on turn 40 and my largest has only 800 and the rest are around 300.

>> No.3530998

Second game pluses probably.

>> No.3531017

Which poster(s) were you referring to?

If it was >>3530950 then that was my end-game team after 10 turns of stalling to character clear and add end-game points. While it was my best run yet it was riddled with mistakes.

And yes, 2nd game bonuses probably factored in quite heavily.

>> No.3531024

If you're using my Ashigaru-only screens as an example... they're not realistic numbers.
Usually I have anywhere between 600 and 1300 troops with most units when I finish the game.

>> No.3531028

Oh. I also spammed SAT bonus of +50 troops so I could hit an army of 30k too, now that I remember it.

>> No.3531037


Use Isoroku with WWshot + Suzume, reload until you win by luck.

>> No.3531045

I think the RNG on Assassinate depends on the turn...
In any case, he already won this morning.

>> No.3531062

I propose we refer to the "Kill the Monkey" route as the "Primate Murder" route from this point onward. Any objections?

>> No.3531070


Keep your TYPE-MOON out of Rance please

>> No.3531079

No it doesn't.

>> No.3531087

I dunno, I lolled good.

I think I'm done with Primate Murder routes for a while though, and need to do another True History for Agireda and Kentarou. Also for not sucking like on my first playthrough.

>> No.3531103

It isn't until you get used to the other routes that you learn how tedious True History is.

>> No.3531156
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anyone have a list of all the misc* scenes such as "stop kill dango", they're pretty hard to miss.

>> No.3531374

Was releasing prisoners when I noticed a generic with 9 attack and 5 action points. Too bad she has 0 for defense/int and 4 in speed. At least she has a decent level cap of 45 and is only a few dungeons/ogres away from it. If I still have room for more commanders by the end-game, I'll recruit her.

Unrelated to the previous rambling: Can the Demon King mini-route start in Yamamoto's route?

>> No.3531389

Can you give a screencap of name and portrait?

>> No.3531429
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>> No.3531435


Oh wow, just noticed she's on of the special generics I need. Guess I'll wait anyways to make sure I don't screw my self over as I did when trying to recruit the Aburako and run out of room in my commander list.

>> No.3531448 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 800x600, ALCG0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit just got grim. Spoilers for what happens if you wait too long to rescue Kenshin.

>> No.3531464

Why does he look so happy?

>> No.3531470

Because bitch deserved it for staying out of the bedroom.

>> No.3533019

Shotoku Taishi is a HE, not a she.
And it's a special generic, named after one of the legendary emperor of ancient Japan by the same name.

>> No.3533184

Do you know which country he initially belongs to?

>> No.3533193

Takuga by the looks of his commander sprite.
